CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 1

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LAKE C OIJNTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEKY SUN VOL. XVII. NO 27. T wo Partm LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 19O9-]i; Pagea Part $1-50 PER VEAR IN ADVANC-E. DR. BUCKLIEY OGDEN fed antd sbc- bre evc-ry evIdence MIGMWOOD MAS HOT 1 UNDER ARRESI Owatehil hitt have feit as conng. MAROLITY CONTEST The two fîîrrr.hed tht-Jr dinner bc-forc- - Developmente in the Buckley Ogden the offIcerli took Ùieir prîsoner andt Hogen Elemrent antd 'Decent Major- Came. thre buaband îrroceeded to the attrr ity" 10 Put Opposing Ticket&sin neyes office te. summon hlm. Field andi Bath. for Supremacy- 1-Coroner'. jury et inquest returna Finding of the Jury. Opposition a Surprime te Hogan-J. verdict recommending the worman On the estlmony of Dr. F. C' W. Garrity le Nomninated for Mayor physicien b. heId te grand jury on Kingit and Dr. J. C. Foiey, thre cor- o oa ikt charge of mnurder. oner's jury recommended hat Dr. Jels- o oa ikt 2-Dr*. *uckley Ogdsn'a dinner ln. aie Buckley *Ogden he held'to tihe The ots aoat ihinLk t terrupted by Chie Tyreli and Hifcks grand jury on the charge of murder. otel mroabyraitlht l at g-ei with i WTs t. The verdict toun.d the death to have countywl rbhyb iata ih $,=Dr. Sucklmy 09den came continu- beeu cauxied Il gesieral blood poison- wood where Weduesda-y two meetiffl md until April third nt ten ln the nia-nf- lng foîawîng au lUegai opera-Elon. were field, one by tii. Hom element,p ln wltii the womsan physician under The luquetsite held nt el.rveu auid witl thetir g chilefV iîmmaîf ine i bonds, of .10,000, and two local mon was A pontpmenm from Weduesdaysadde, aud tire other by the "decent f as ouretlies. attirns. Thé report of Dr. eh-majrity"' Tbe 1ilaerof r. mai BUk47ýrem'&@CIdqM pec ' Ghr- Reports tram Highwaod are that 1~m.allite a!1k.Jeste IICIP asa &eChiagoepeiiit vW"rfi- ew attended the Ritan ralyDfot 0gdb,'O fte U9tVVIY' '*110111ooivd but vas flot rend at the Inquest (tiTf Vt',uIloo ?75000" Àmi&tRL me iib. hld for later evidence. 'omtha tventy, and tere ver. moA Chiot lf polion MickR arreated bar- 'Pround 0tlent Paralyred. fewln the ha-l that Hogua id ad ta the. charge of mauir sa the. )Ut t heti<st4imony of the two physiclasmhiave Arisan sd lfe luindiagust et au develaposnt tu lie cCODr rC111e.0- via xlrceliy the sonne. It Wam aw early lbeur. 'n,. mspolfc charge W» ti± heÊe bdbenclin oth oe in J. W. GarrIty was nominated forw woram bout d8 ii wi mt zitâcea uda.D.OdnWspeeta~Mayor and no other places on th tick- d aforet.heoà hOlMat àveman lu the thre time and wag lu a higirlY nervous e eeflldhhimeighrakn pea-ce of thie people by the une fl an condition, Dr. lioley ataied. The ex- upca-ny I insitrument or lînumeatz." mntocovcelhmta n At tireBaa-me Urne over ln tire achool th ArreetwueDreatlc. oileraî Ion haid ee pedforme. Dr. houa-e was held a packed meeting at hi Thre errentvras dramatUc lu the Ogrien &tated tirat se hiad attenfdird whicb. wltii Secretary Quayle of the ti extreuls. the patient for tbre. weeks for rheu - Ia ' oiuty La-w and Order League, m lE tooli plaoe Just after the coronersa matilmwiich had affc-ctc-d er icart a" d i'astor Walker of the Hlgtrwood li jury ha.d returued a verdict recom- This was shoa-n by the ç-xamnatlon ic irrclr, reeent, vows were made to wS mendlng tirat trlDuckley Ogdr-n b.- or th. autrolsy later. detear lioganes candidate and a coin-i)t b.ld for orurder. The ;tbyeicla-n,4 foul i îr-ri4-f(r rt-týir, enalstlng of John ('arirtenanu m ('hicf of Poliic-T, rMlt Eirk irutandIl7l ti!~hna-- ,i -i-ihi-rr r 1. d Si,(-ruEoii. Ntck W'liiams. Julius rl stiur-I a a-rrrrir blii-rf -ti'- ri- tir fi. r rrrj Tr- r-.rr.r i ;- ,-. andi lue Sci-ron Na a p- :r f tii-- 'ii amir ttrr ..iir i. ~ bi e- r t th-r i't- r ¼r r. i ilrr rr a Ina fçrtir i (ii li l-ttalt CI liif 'A Cripti rti,,r n1. r ý-jr r n !.d - r -- - . t' tA it I logalii tf Cana-ny SorinnFia-t c-ai and ijr-r ilitii tj i i ti, i r)i-t,- 1rirtidi ri -rattI rijit rt uît .rnd cii-ar anid tir,' ralie otf ditnh,-a-ciriri ir elcard. lireoi-ief oe!poicie oiitiecltht- door and cntared ater a- knock, As be did aDo Mr. Ogden. hiusband En Dr. Ogdeu. arase trom tire table lu tire dInlng room, whicii la lu tire rea-r of te lit, wpiug i mouth wth a na-pkin. a-rd Iuvlted tire officers ta corneIlu Tell of GOinErrand. "Sit down, If you car, ta, sa-id tire voman pirysiclan. Her ta-ce leas colorles. She was sitting at tire dinug table, Impertur- ably eatlng ber dinner. As tire offic-r-s toob 5-ata ah.- irfted a tes cut Inlu brr ha-nd. a-bItb did net ebabe, anrd drairk frr n t-, -si Thon sirc- uirec---aIa rt-o-nf lrr-id arîrlnorrclnala-trtiy air- îr Tire ehIlcît t-tord ti-r riiti --rr;rîrtl tir arres r, li- in a - Ct rirat -bair-,, theire rst ser-tnrra crititîai citai-gi' Husirand TriedtcE Cheer Her. 'V'i'aaid thi- bnsonad. t-I rrzi pose I s-li t, iA te votttfor turce moutîs. W ber, wila-hi n .r -te go. offiers?' 'To tb. cit jait' - aid Chie! Tyreii. "To tire city jali' Wiliisire have a e.orforta-bie aid? 1ýttt sire b. treated well?", Sh, s-ii be t.Iken tire for tb. eheerIng enty. -replieti the chie!t'. have a- ic, room uptaîresud It le a-l igt there fer a wemau Afttr- wardA, If shc- canuot supply bond, Dea-E l.a-ior-ed Operatron. 1-t t î-4tliii- deaI -il hn r,-iriaa-1n iai erîrratren an irdtaLt il- ir iation hall trot bc-n recesaa-rýir) pcset i 'r ber Ilte.Tiereiclt ws-mrade ru al- @ corda-ni-e wlti tire testiri - rie etier 7-wiEnc-ssesr belng calied. leRefumedt taTestity. ,fDr. Ogden ws a aketi by (hie! of a Police Thomai Tyrrel If ah.- wa-a -lu- olng tir testify ail'repll.& that on tbe- adice o! her coun&el aire decllued te do so. Tire verdict vas reacired lu about 20 minutes.. Two Men on Bonds. Mien on tir, bond are 1V. B. Smith sunI John A. Sutherland, Dr. Ogden returned te ber fiat at once, a-rcent- îranic-d by ber husba-ud. Tir ebca-i-ng. s-battc-ne ws-t, ett nias unaccemnried by tire usuat nioewd and ca-ne se suddeuiî tir.îLbat -ýý rn--ues ot it, Wili Make no Statement. 'di- ha-abas-o va-ira-ityde- jr i-ddis a- te, stIli refusesteotia-k.- 1 talc-utc-rn ani lci-ns tath flua-r- a-ii beuta-de. "Tire.ha-a beeni c-ugb uewspa-per ntrnet', rie," h.caaid. 'Youureport- e-ns du oI e a big hiradlile aid a ae-c- saation, but s-- ar- nit goiîîg te belpi y~ou EnIl.' lioti tirewsema-n don Ler a-nd ber iroatarrdareasarrg-ine!ora-n era-y acqutittai from tire cloud that itauga over tire eue anti daIm that thet- a-lii spar. ne effurts te clear h. tengled maiss City li Idina t shedii g t Eb cunt ,a-lt.-- The citt geuera-tiy la-idigna-ntai sit'vl'h go 1trete s-e1 sa-d Dr. tire wboie affaîr anti isa-ing aides Oc-ten, 'or thet suir e soi-ny fer Lt. Pire smfled as a-be apoke. Tire tirIli o! the canai-y arose airove a-l as tires-orna-n doctor put on ber s-rapB. locbed ide door by spri-t log tire catch, shonli banda- wthber- irufdaira-tiwio sticks s-th bc-i de- Aouedly, sud accompauled tireoi- cerstetahie police station. Once elie left tire ohicers toi- a mo- ment ta enter anotirer roorn aloue, but resturued Immaediately anti pro- eeededslt tem. 'Tie arrest wsg Bn quietly ma-de that no one lunt.e buling kmes- tE Proceedinge Are Short. A fus- moments aftervardmSates Attorney Dady ws -a aummaued. At- toruey A. V. Ongti aptreared for tihe ilefeus., pendin the. arrival o! an- otirer attoruey s-ho s-ilire engaged, anti the final cliapter of tire day wsa lu full swing. Tire proceertlnga- befone justice Weis s ere a-irt, The Sta-tea- attor- ney sud NMr. Smith agreeti on a- bond for tbe defendaut. $14),000, tiiere s-a-s a scurry titi-bottrîrmen s-ho s-c-ne fia- ally feanri. aund trie piysîclan proceed- cd once mîore 1ttc- tkrltt. te a St-k Woma-n. Dr.'nuen h munirtt-frein a- grippe cotît a-ie sat-Inn.a-rnI strot at ail s-c-l. Prepameti for Arrest. The s-orna-n pirysîcian. wircn tire o!- f1ccr8 ca-led, ws-aa-ele-antty os-ned lu bla-ck. Her hia-r w-a-a delicatc-I coI- stnongly againa- th. semant pht-tt, Joseph A. Cotnor deciaret Fridai moning that ire wllia-sst awii -ch utcana hur hi..power ln rire pr'-.a--i-ttot of Dr. Jesa-le Bucbic-y Oc-ti-tu.acctraedl o! ha-viîrc- îrifrmed an ic-c-atopera-- ien. Broken bearnc-d by tire hereax c-ent tira-tiraacorne te hlm, Mr. Conuer, s-ire ias tire sympaty of tire entîre Cty, cealti hardiy talb above a- wblap- cr and ta on tiie verge of a- collapse as a- resulttof hit trouble. He let t for Elgin Plda-y aternoon &fer ticcarIng tirat ire ould la-d lo the prosecuthon of te s-orn-epin- ai-Ian. Dr. Bucblc-y Ogden irashec-n a- ie- aident of Waubega-e for aiteen years, cortnlng itere trom Streator, Ill. Sires-as hec. uniteti lu ma-n-la-cete an eastern man, Mi-. Oc-ten, but atilt netaluedth ie na-me "Bucley" lunlier malden tltat la the cego- men under s-hich a-eb ad s-orbe-I up a pi-a-iLce. Thuta-for anme yc-a-s the fuIl raîteitlic-eu ý Dr. .tcssle Brrcley Oc-ten. Ni-. lP. G. Vr iLtH ti i t Nt , N y'n. xi-tcs. 'ljInng ini ia rin-tIr lîîuî llttt-d byrct a-i ntiur a-iiui ,Laxatiti-, andtd hink it la- t In Irifrnî- forii rousti patiOnua-nI j--tittin--Foieu-a' Orme Laxative.nir t i-n--tifor Ai-tmeur anld c'ildrc-nas it a- nrid. Ijniasat and eecIve. a-n-I la-a spleunlid i nitcmedi- Cine, as lE clean@es the Pvteutattd ciears tire complexion.' FRANK- B. LeiELL. --- t t ii 1lorganir ildi irtt ajrin-- h, j i 1 nn ir L i Iý ýt-- :i Mrijttil rir P - jr uc-t] Vtic-' t lrj t - iI d i rot liri wiAr lj,- -t-iij titi in.i- litant r îi a---At 1 titr.Ai jr EX-SMERIW! GEORGE Ml. BROWN DEAD Knuidiy Olti Timner Pasteti Awsy Mon,- day After Long Siege cf Iiness. Noteti fer Gentieneas, Faithfulness to Duty andé Fine Qualilies cf Char- acter H.iplayed ln Lite, Sirertty alter leur o'clock Mou day stEemnoon telegramas-en, speed- lng oic-ntire couutry. telllng relatives et a- Viaikegan uta-nrire soas hem lu L.a-ke' cOrrut, long irefone the finaL NNies lbac] heenr 3tretched, of hil dcat at four 'cleck. George H. lin , Anin orrî f \aukegan's nîea-t r.-- -pc i ,ý iriil ittirira-dlid at ishornte air, tr it iilirtra-roetabout rigirt motha- a i.naborr at iWarre rin Naricb 2i. 1ili tiakiig hitr65 tears urd last i r i ti folki. ha-d conme from New- J oniktri Chica.go bt boa-t anrd thc-î or rnla-r iffl tir Xani-eu il is eariy lite wsra-lent rîr 'Vaukegati and h.ebten nnrrxed tu FtA -n totE vre he llxed for 2. t eara- uc- a--t xcd Lxii t ca-si-alathe 17tbIliii- nots a v-ary i-dngî-the Civil s-ar sud felios metnrbera- o! the Gý A. R. wili arr a-s bis ral bearera at tii. funeral. lc- ba-d tîxed in Waukc-gan a nuur- ber e! ears a-ad iad served Ethe last six a-, cunstable. A riarketftere- a-lici ita -h b.h is beid la hie noumi- rýatrîrit as a- iit;i.a.rt tire last Re- IIîrnincann îriutarîea- aheur he sas at homeri-l]iiHe a-c-i-ed eilit yeasaas aheire n id drinti Hi- sas a utc-rn ber ot tht- lAa-itri- ca-irI. 'Mtodern tiic- t- arrîIred hi-bia-s-utc- forn- eriy Mis-s Neitie Ayneatc-y of Free- nient, bis niethen. "Aunt Ciloe Brioswn, anrI tire.- chiltiren, Mrs. Ida- Cra-po anti Chairtes e! Waubega-n anti A. Brown e! Libertyvîlle. Tire, brothemsa are Fred, of South Chica-go, Chartes et Guru.. anti Fra-nb o!Cali- turtila MORIE BLIND PIGS AT IIIGIWOOD Gamiriing anti Simd Pigging Ncw R.- portedti o ExIst In Varlous Places anti Street Taik ls to Effect Tirat Three More Blind Pige WiI Open Doons Next Week. Harti FighE for Hogan. There isutaounnd et cra-sblnc aalis lit IIitîîrtori as t'erarpal-n apc-cria ont nita-rn' ray by niAiand the sc-caIled dei-eînf nrr trtritntts tIra-t t la warg- tt- iatii.-rota a-t trt Mr.-it Iti-tietnr tint r IriI rt-A tr tftgr M-iiooir- Ilt - rixttttnrtahârli or cituf tf lirtnijtr - t-na- i lnedtiand -itl ce ltAt .JOm nttnl ý!!IPos-iionth th ie elùi-r- roai. t rt-d r the i-gainte aurd ixllnig Le quit Monda-t tht- it- etcts a-ci-c-fil- vc-nshlil a-heu a- cambing Joint' wa-- aîdeti by tire police under Hogan If ri-trurtsa- re tuo ir e ba ri a irl ut tIlle saine tfime it la a-t- 1 ia t rrris lhave bec-n teaued that ig,-r-nilirrd ju s igr ust close te kerîr r r rr (,rrrsuri day. Some profesa to rîa-agijn- ýIlogan tartics lu ail tia. Threc More Biind Prgs? It le rellairly mta-ted Ebat tbreec more blind pige are to, apen next wec-h. one lu the oid Welch Place, lrackc-d by a man outaide ot Hiliv1Ood, aud two at Eh, nortir endi of the. lty, the nid Bud- weiber snd Ehe former Colege Inn. lGambling lae aid ta exlat ln va-nous places about the. city. Tire ao-cajied decent majorlîy le favorlng Jo. Sevêr-on for mayor. Draft beerla141a iureported on maie freeiy. IrttofneYe C0619440Wpm Sa-tiPope wiîî Defend éiius Doctor. A4toruys COOké. Pope and Pope ouil defend Dr. b@e B ulkley og- den kt ler heartEa at Uaturday and et her tri&l lu the *cnit court. They ha-vs besn lntigreae lunthe. case , ram, lie Elme the tiut va" ca-lied but bave not been Identieti publicly un- til today wden'kttarnsy Pope, when rsked If tire llrm wauid deteird ber, stated ta-t lit wouid. Atturtrey Pope -as Ili a-tbihborne ait the intre of Eh. irelimlnary hea-ng, a-t wiui Attor- r-.3 A. V.Smithi relresentc-j tir.Og- jit - anrd whlch waa corri t-iir untril t- .,etiturdaimi r r r hi-id eehalf i . r- r -tt t1- l- - - lirî kley (igd r-i r , - 1- 1tr 1 1-- j t to i ti, ele w tal t r- - 'P ,( i o jh esan d îîîrjr - l,;,ýi T, lii--rr-ged s th iir it-- Ut, ir t- or, c- n tc- caas,- ,r i- t r oJr- d- r )t mmm AiraLis ri trted NithLii Atitt Tlit i ati- telieves EbaLt iblaitir. -toa-gc-t tposs-ible cas, a-ca-tira-t tc- a-Curaitl itasIcian and the cutrbrned terces efthtie coronersa office, tire ro- lice leirartnient a-nd tise state'a atter- neyas offic, have irralblthtie matter te s-ber, it stands to4agr. Witue tire penaltteieqve severe tire peoprle seem ho take aides aga-ust tire ihysîclan tirus ta-r anti are backlng tir, Prosecution if reporta are to be creti lied. Ma-ut are îruzzied by the tact tirat bail bond s-as aiiowed at ail conaider- ic- the severit3 o-f tir, charge and a- a-crt tira-t Li-y tberrgbt the charge a-a-s unrbail abiî. Tireatate ij.r i--niiig onu the i.ucyN la-gc-nowx cast inn Chicago flot ling agi as -istsr r point. TireChucagco i rît n dovte i on ira-E lme GROUND TO PIECES UNDER FREIGIIT TRAIN Wantiener Rititng Beneath Cars Seea Comnpanion Fail ho Oeath Whie Napping, Sutit .Unabie Eu Stîn Eu Aid Hlmn anti Watches Lite Orourit O ut. Coroner Conradi Founti on Later St. Pauli Train. Ont at Rerndontt W'ednesday uic-bt s-heu thc- shec-la- eta- St. Paul fneighl gnound te a- jarrnc stop, a 'hobo' a-ighied frointhtie brnmpera etonue et tire ica-siretchexI is s-eerylmbrr and rau a-bea-d tri the bnakemau. "You rai er tnt frleuti ten miles- bai-k.«' hpsa-ml -"anti 1 guesa be's desd.-- The starîlrîrg n.fmn iatien couic- cd bt the a-tnouinci-neut pa-alyzeti tire brakcutsîn for a interent anti thea ortiers wcre gixen Lo back tire train te nea-r W'arreuîtonn whene tire ticad bodiy et the unbrunr s-was founti. 'Botir et us werc- ridiug ou tire liummters, expliledti h. firet tramp'" anti my tniend fel et!.I1guesa ire sa nappiug. Of sas impossi- ble for me te tea-ve Lb.eirumpers wîtir- out gettiug kîlleti se I wsapowerless a-ndlha t Enamt s-ber, I vas until tire iraI stops-lieu 1 gave tire s-aring. No more rides lîbe tira-t for ime. I shah always lica-rry frend'a dea-t cry. t wa-s terrible."- Airuiher featune tras Injected luto h. case s-heu Dctntty Coroner Cour rad, ounbts wat'honnir from tire Mundtt inquest a-t Fox Laý,, s-a-s Incated on a SE. Parti trairn'fhrrsda-y momnlng and told o! thc- liii tint. He lmpsuctl led a jury at Ro)nd, tt andthie inqiopsE s-as bett at tbrec FnitrIa-y aitirat place, Fergot tir- Gaiein,. W'ednesuîa-î-Tl i tWiltton et An- tint t orgot ftirat !J tnad a-gleve on ifsla- anni a-inli h'blenena-bcd lu grirotine. anîd a- a t rn-it s-en be lit bis iipe the- c-ov'i-trght fine aise a-nd lhei-e was qute a conflagration. Mr. Witon's hume a-t' not evere but paint ut. CLAIM TUBERCIJLAR TEST KILLS COWS Kiling of One Cow at Gui-cee Necea- ary Ctarm la. Investigation Matie Today Found Gurnee Farmer Who Hati Heard Statemnents But Hacl Not Seen Any of Ehe Afflicted Cox-.. - ores and Drying Up Aiso Chargeti. That the, tuberculin tesit that ls b.- lug applled E ti, cowa of La-k. coun- Ey, foliowlng tire passage of theCi- ca-go ordinance tira-Ea-il cows from which mliii le hipped Eo Chicago sIgould ire tested, causes the, animale' earm and iroofs tu rot and drap off anrd caumeil mwellnga and mres ou the face, thociders and legs are tetart- iing charges that were made. hoa Waukegan attornuey Manday hY farmren ram thie county. Already a number o! cows have b}eu affected, the. farmera tated, and f erm a&» entertaed for t.ea-ety of all to vhlch the test vas applieil. Var- mers near Guru.. a-nd Miburn have been especially effected tirey report- ed. Investigation a-t Milîhuru. over te telepiioue dîi ont produce a-ny infor- matlon on the. matter beyontionue cow heing slck Tire tarmners themeelves ceuld flot h. cea-i-bd. At Curneeon. fa-mAc-r atated that bta- nia-n bad airtriiood th t ast a--.r a-nil ttat ne rlireffects h brin foliowi-ri bulititrtlît tbrît hi-,nrrt boardt a tii ,... ber htliti j r un- anti tîat tli'i ra, -m1rr 1tint ioLt o ttig i it-.ttti m, r bad tf 1,,, ttd ir j tIr.- j' tititîtrîr rit - t t I 1 r t nd 1htr ,tir i rî iri tiuit-rtniii trj.j--t ritrnd jr-g'. 1 l'a-i -- tiCi r- roftf l.- rrt- bat lm-ijr-i-,rlk Tir.- fitîýr i ivti it.liikng lIcy unr iriamttroithEe Liliiutw Ec-ntest-- The exact chargea are that aftrer tb. tuirercullîr la lnjected tIr h. cow., v- erî lîia-g la well for a Urne but later lumnpa ferm ou)tire face, ueck, eboulti- ers and legs and sdrecorne Then te earsanad'boots rot anedFnally drop off. Tira-t tirecuws pr-dep les mllk andi even dry up altogoeer ln aiso claimed. Tii. testasbai-e bec-n applied ail oic-r tiie ceuni y but wiietirer tire evil et- tc-cta; have been seen beyonti Guru,. andtNlilliburn was flot stat-d iry he lamirerasixho toade tbc- atatenrenta Eu thîr attorney teitterday- LAKE BLUEF SETTLES WITM TEAMSTERS n Language ofthtie Doctor lu the Three Teins the City Fathers of thre North Shore Village Are Said ta Have Suffened an Attack of Se- vere Cojd Feetître. Cjatms They WritWitlrdra-w. In the laîrguage et the douter et the - Tirc-c-Ta-lia-" ceupani. La-be Bluff ritla-ce latheras ere vu-tInta et a- se- uc-ecc ase et 'cord teetîtîs' ibis moru- irg a- uc-mtirc-scttied wîtir Represen- tatre A. K. Stearnîs the fight bets-eeu .t ilArge and utaval traiuing station f-tea-it n.andi gavi-cnlron erery point. 11winirjtntitou îrcer-ci-r iga. ata-rterî rî th Lb-i rcuit ceai-t, sere asbed wirh- dia-a-i. lnut a-c-ru- ueftîacd antithe a-Id- Srîrni rouxbrr hil% h a-a-c-g over their h eari- Loa ac-Cri- t hc-ltîiig ut to tire a-cru utienti Agreements Give Ai. Four provia-titsa-c-ie a-ci-ed ne by Eu- i illAige tatticra- t -To sitirrsaw a-il cia-ira that Northr a-renue la a boulevard. 2--To elten h. avenue to tire labe. t Te altos a-Il sa-ad to b. ta-ben trom tire irore fr-ee for a-ny purpose insitie tire village. 4-Tu wltbdra-w a-lt ca-aes a-gaina-t tire tc-a-iit-rs ton using Northr avenue ta ha-ui aanti on. Tire provision setttes evc-ry com- plaint tire tea-mters bai anti setties a-Il lu tieli ta-vor. Tire village of Lake Bluff altows evenythlng sud 105es Its revernue ot 25 cents a- loat wilit wa- a sseaaiug before the trouble sta-rL d. Dechare Village Bankrupt. Tire tt w-îrîtasa reached at a nictîurg iîrtwecnt-L hie village boa-rd aird lt-rui-n iîlativ tpScai-us, -ho rep- nenrta-tit rthe Le il nwAas matie prt iiy tlitinnitr h ire liiigeqaofethlie t îlrre i--'ti, n ira-r iii bei-auge ina-Pt ri i t' t i-ntit iOL -ctin- lainuign-h fnrit inn- ttit.eif asardeni te utt t -rAi , Lo t athe vt- illage nos oi ci 2 irn f-- gan-alone a-tnt Ii a-orne tirrî a-piýi itil t s sari. Tea-mters Get Ail Demandes. They ai-etic%% fi-ce te use North a-re- ntre s-ith Ehi- wagons a-amucclia-s they piesse aird aIse te get tire sa-nil ain grai r ionitiih'. lalie firîrre freerCl of I IIG W('I(IflSI FI TI ra 1j re-. r-Ar t r-r Il t i r -. ak'-rr iout " r f 1f lii-r i]rîgr-Thr--i arrVISIT VAI.K!(.>N \,rrho Ai itil -t tAri, ua-îrîg ti-e i-Carl____ ifIr1- ii-rirrii-nhail bee-i.ra-ced Two Men Go To Waukegan Suntiay, on iiiai arart1caile erectccl a-r rbe States Reliabie Source, 50 Look ln- tror) rît thri- bluff arc- Jo bc- dlacharged to Openi Saloons anti Start Muck- alnd ailion irgairîrt thei rîrrleîped. raiting ho Appease Blind i Pggerm Injunction Stîli in Court. Who Are Sor. ah Vichary of $thea 'Thbe troubltritarted wiien tiie barri- Attorney Oudy. cade- waa rlaced onu theroad and tire teamastcra arrerted, An Injunction l-lgirwood thînks lEIr as lE on" Wau- stupplng tire village front aelllng tbe kegan. sand. trom stoîiping tire teameiters us- Two alieutire" are sa-id to ira-ve tng Northr avenue a-nd frontrleclarlng gone tere Suniday from HW.hwaod Northr avenue a boulevard was aaked sE h, Instance of t.e mmd pig keep. lu circuit court by Representatîve ers, aud, rlgged ont lu gum ahbc«, Stearns for the teamaters. tale, whiskenis and eloucir hatz. "miade ln tire settlement, lE was asked tirat Eh, rounds," to borrow thellr owu Iaik- this Injunction ire dropped tram te guage, wIth et4rtiing resuiha. court recordes iry Repreetative Tii. flAmes ofthtei Pick <artevm Btearme srefused, statlng tiraE ie wouid caulil cot h. baisai but thé.ami ,Puâ.irlEfl thre village did nE live up cornes ù) h. SUN ftûm fflËveed tir th, agreelueuts a-nd tramt a man In Wadkeglâ"*M the Men appraache aakingo ue-- ON TI! D CKETor t$tion, 50 It le regarded -se gestty11 111E CRCUIT COURT The, two aa-ked Eh. Waiskegmnftss ta show tirem everything lu Waukeffl Fighi for Dviding Money Switched tat wae wrong, and ire $s sd ta have to Division of Cash. Final Settle- given tbem asucli Information as ho ment lmposinig Affair With Piles of cudmsewe hyaewdt Legai Documents. Settleti On. Case have un ted up open saloons, allegeil During Progres0f lts Trial an gairlersa and gambling joints, anti Court Adjourneti for the Day. otiier plessant tirings about "aur cbarmlng lîttie City. The% . wert awav deciarlng that tirey Theiritii alw -of flic- torenraîr ot a ad urlrîîca-rthicl uti-n rrnning a gamne ir. h l t% riai cai Terir a-gir biarri tri- r- - irlii e.l-atid -o )ee of the ill %r1riling tur-rdrll ront. srt rof a for- ,Il Jl ofý i lirî r rt n rt trt -. i-r i ti il (litiI o i r Ar -- arr! rrr unre runr- ber. il IllgJIli o i f;ýo o ( I rrA \o o Var j i ii -an -r thc-v are J'l1in iff ,ii a, th' \.1 1 j (hr f nir' î- rltegeri ilind plg- irt f tri L, rttIl r in th .I-- r fr-t irt ittrr, .rr il, rr ( II)s and ljrc-cîrîar-ift is bellev- An lti 01/f\- 1 i rit t iiti oi grila 'naAVdeailu ,kl. ,1w u[ý ýas jý1l fr.11 t jr--- 1 r- ir-tr, t arrtj-i liîît ig a-ar. lu otir- lav aftertotirntill -rrighmoAtiirhea In get torriigwhi r1 letIeihrn-t tuc-na 5,at Il e ei eerdct.The trin aeentc-d soreat at State'a Tire caseAxa-s lirrnt trietl tw e tcara Attorniey Dadi xvhom tiiey are sa-id ta igo. Armotrrauhiug for a bill of $98 bave bandted without glovealunteir laimed dire tront the defenda-nE. Tbe ledtak lurv brot rht Innavleged ta-lb.- i Jury brouihi lna-verdcutofu$41 but lusteatio! wrlttug lE ln favor o! tire pla-Intif assIgned lE En Ut, deteudant. A nev trial vas ImrnediatelY appieti for and grantei. Tire reault was tir, ra-ising ofthtie verdict En $65 andtihie elimînation of tire mîstake. Attorney E. V. Orvîs rePresentei Armour and Cormpany. Settieti Case During Trial. Tbursday thre case of G. Justin ver- airs tire Cern Producta Relinlng Com- riany m'as ca-lied andtihie jury sîvern lit Bicfore tire avitnatia-tai-t o! thre triai the aiLeron-i s for both hail aet- tol threita-ttc-r atrd tii, case ixa- stricketi off tue dot-hi-t anti cetrt ad- jirnti-t îîtr tiiLiTr-rray Gioilng. Tir. su-it ixai for $2.000iibat tire a-ctticnîc-nt tAIa- net saated, End ot Appel[ Case Mayire. Wjtlr a tile ut legat docunmentansd ira-ters tirat woutd MI a boy's express wagon, the fa-mous Appeli caae,xxblcb bas traveled from tir, circuit court Io Eh.e tatL supreme court and back a-gain Tirursday o-ccupled tii. attention of Jutige Donnetly lu tire jutiges i-ha- ber whiie Judge Frost was on the bc-ncb ln the court.Tire Appeti farma has beeti aold and. a-bile before Eh. tegat figbt Axas oi-r the rdistribution ut the itroîtcrtt i t la- îot' rrmcrLthi- dir'irlng ut theuroîte. Jutige, Papers, Lawyerm. Thre argumenta Tburstay wc-re oic-r fittal settieurent anrd the caroie ixbe- ijer c- te be drawxxng uc-ar I lEsi-use ai- tborîgbno oatba on tii. efth E.belle! can iresecurei Pc-aIdes tire legal pa-pers andi Judge Poenrcl-r, elgrE attorneys were lntc-resEed lu Eh. ca-se ioday. licfore sta-rtlrtg the case, Jutige Don- tieity a-lloweti Alexander Robertson to resigu ai recelver for the North Shiore Fuel anti Suppiy Companuy. An- otirer rc-celt-,r wIll ire appointei taler. Frank Biddiecam Dead. Fi-a-nbBitilecent. s-eaiuby mlning ma-n o! Oura-y. Cetora-do, anti bretirer to J. C. aud M. P. Bhdtiiccouî ef. Wa- bec-a-n dien a-t ils Saturday evetning ut pnurnionla onithLie c--.fethtirsa-me da- onu awhitliulitsiaic-ce Nissa Miriam rlidltdecour ot Watirega-n starteti for bis hed sîde. ira-ing ic-arn-d liraE le maa Ili. S'ii startint Saiurday mon- 1'1( In-arr tiltiddiecont ws-a he tri Watii -gr-tii ttaftep aun edacaEloi fitth il rnt-t J A iraiseft for coitegeý iI, nii - i r ii fi-eutDartmoîuf h Muni a-r tii' tattiaîn ufffor lire ýtn' wît., t-lin- as bec-n c-rtr su ci- Flt rua-ri t iil, lnterested lt ruiiunes ani rffititir at On-a-y anti other poinfs Inn the a-trtlt. leaves the fs-o brotirera ler. a-ad a siaterNîrs Frunl, P. Ea-ce!fChica-go. ComPlaint la Thah Lîmiteti Serice Cutu Out Gr-eat Many Important Places Along Frost Lino, Necesel- tates Traveling to Other Town@ ho Make Connections Wihh the Faut Trains. itic-s aird arîbnrbsalaong the forth sinon.- be-îîîcc-îîMilwaukee a-nd Chic- a-go are cunrîria-nilug o ettiremiheil trrrin a-en Ire tirey a-ne receivlug ire- tns-ceut Ex a-naton arîd MIls--anb.-e on Eh. Chii-a-go and Mils-a,,eeîectric tinte Tiere oad, in order te ma-be tire faust runnîng tinme of two irours and fliteen minutes iretween Second street sud Grand avenue Milwauakee, a-nd tiie Nortirwesteru elevateil sta- tion a-t Evautaton, iras ireen having traies Stop euly at Highrlandi Park. Lake Forest, Wauliegan, Kenoeha and Racine. Otirer tawns of Imm- lîurtance atong thiresne. luidng Witntettc-. Winnetka-. Giencoe and Higha-ed. ira-v'.resentiet tis fan- c ei lcilght oui Ebein Importance anti hravec-been trylng hy varionus meaus 10 atop tire trains at thier stations Severai o! the tes-us are nov fen- foi-rcgtheln rdîna-uces, viriclicoin- pet tire moterman ta stop tireir trains at lesst once vititut.e villae limite. 'iViere tEis h een dons the lnrlted train cornes to a stand, but Eh. conductor does nat open tire ,lons. Tire motarman at once turna ou the Pow-er and tire cars vblsk a-way. Nos tire Wililmette, Winnehka and Glencoe passeugers for Mlvainke. muse go ta -ilghland Park befare they can get auto the through trains. mhe management o! the, Un, objecta to maklng adititonal stops because tire achetinle on s-hiei tire trains ruts ls a swift onue under tetes-est posal- mle Interruptions. lE le pointeti ont tiraE there are oniy four Ebrougli trains eacir way, on elgbtIrnlual, aut ot some alxty s-hi-h leave Evanston a-nd Mli- wa-irke dîurlng tire dey. Has Tied 400 Knois. V%'i en Jutice E. V. Orvis unhhcd lia-tint Olile10Liii-'itMa-tîIn. ClIlca-- gor Nlonrda-y ho cclehrated tiefour hun- .jrettrria-ge et bis terni aajurstice, mngic aboeut fs-o liaitredi ieartS leat a-s eue pr-r ycsr. or 100 couples ira-ttpy. lt. h. a- candidate for clty atI.- tomle y anti irat for neeîectlon as ju-, tii-e. ience hie marryîng tini, la bSot. a-ad hirlabelng deluged i -It kIar-,14 111 uity ts inaignant. 1,1

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