CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 11

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t-j 0* id s .. 57f 7.. di istlu W, 91 10, Tlttet-ore #6 a R ib'itathl. e atot- anti l- v thiim s t.Coumit> a e-é ~tioui1ru,7:î PlGbuSfpt a xton iga l nonatsuh id ilal electiotta, 4hah libe isei at tise santm» a Mie enerai elotimu. 1itRuaO MM,<Iattihe iunt>' Clark teo litn~ S-i o! Illinoit, d.,Oltýr- Berf udUat tepreoent&llvee. anW sucil Cossai>' Clqksita pr ti s matte, Io thie 'respeci#ive Borso! Supet-vIsoma lu order t bat te iIf te>' see fit, take imllat- altou enb>'thiIs Board. Vqt4ous rarrie si.rn SuerisrGratani movesi that vo Xotion carrieti ansi Seadt-si .dooiad,- Officiai Repqrt QIf 4 î Mla %airch Meet- ing fl14lw #»Urt House FIRST DAY. Plielo, ClOw. Conrad, Daytont, Esi- Waukegau, Iios, Lake Coisnty. vards, hi'rley, Ficke. Grahami. Horen- Mat-h oitt, X 1D. 190. It.iZer, Johsnson, Lame>'. Millet-, Mur- Board of Setpet-visors of Lakte Collin YQiLntn, Raymond, 3tobrt-rae t>' met puruant tW adjounet0 1n~tt.I~4 9. flecembier lti, &XtD. 1908. , Aoe su *gisrr Prtor. 1. Mensberlprissent, Supervisors CIov !,' aitt.peedn et ueing Conrttad, Dayton, Edwards, Ficite itO4,.4)nd IAopÇ ±o fBprio Oraisatn... Horeniterger, Johsnson, L M#isr appro- 0 me', iMeyer, Quentin, Raymontd, Ro- Stipèrvrsor Rîyîýh Presentesi the besttson, gl=mo, 8uthet-iand. 1following jttioo whielh waa t-ced andi Mibient. Sispertrlsors Appleton, par- relerred ko (Jomnittee on UÀcens;e. l«e.Ptlot-. To. tie Honorable Board, of Siupervis. "M1e foliowlt>g petition us areasul , Oof 9thUe Count>' of LoeeantiState t» ÇWllek and teterred to s Ç<qnip94e O!f liitOts. on fticense, to-wIî, The tntierslgnod leigal votera t-ca -pectfuliy petition 5'anr-hoaobie) body To the Boat-d of Supet-visorts of Lo«k« IL grant a liCense ta Matt Salirt'o, Cont>, seil! pirlitous and malt ilqîurs IIIth ie W« .be tUndersignctl legai v9tetts 01Village 0f VolIili11111,01,for onue yeat- t#,Town of Vet-non la. sad ýiÀe from March M,. 1909 tntil Marcb 25, C79otty, State or Illinois, epetui4ry 1910 upon paylng the stîm Or. ise peffli ottyas tagrant a dram ilbopjX, hundresi dollars mb ite t'îitty 0tensetWlll4m .J. Zimmer * B» rOU-. Lois <Grove ansd aiso to gr*i kAta eigned by lHent-y iiasald and 165 BLLP iceaiiettoWilliam 90140'ýr of 0t155i. hiot , 'l i4 dTawu 4q voi 'MTie foiiawlng comimunication ws's The. t-eerk, rM. a, 9 Tie Honorable Board of Slict-visot-a. péeticn, estimate and affslkâvt, Lake Courut>', li1. Potm to thte Count>'Be ~Gentlemen, Appro»rtaIun te aid LIilBl' a rit 10 Our tindertanding tai. under Bridge. . foimai actiomi, tise Board] of Sîtitervii. To tise COuntt Boardiof us.. Oâàny O»oul sne lime ago, declded tai t isi of Lakte ln the State of Illlmts(. muet b.e asieti for oni ail kindss o! Thse undersigned, Oomnunlsoner, of vont, prt-nting, sationetY, etc., not ta Hlighways ofth ie tow o f Newpiort lie eXCeI)ted. WVe lest-n tbat consiger. and Warren It said i Coutity. would able vork bas been giveilaoît b>' yaut respectfuily rapresent that a bridge purchaing or prlntittg commiîtee needa to be buiLL over thse Des Plaines »Inice te lant meeting and wevo last River vitere the sarine ln crossed b>' ipon our right as one or thse at-geai the blsigway leasing froni M. Doyles pt-lntlng Pstablastments lnithte counfy, te Mcdarthyâ lu saisi tavu it whicis 10 bave a chance to bld upoit tiis said vor thtie tovns or Newport and wot-k. WP bave not been given that Warran andi lu equal partsi reapons- tisance ,attd frontvisat ve at-e able to ffle. tisat tbe ou of building, cutr Oof otitezs equaliy inier-,oted lit saiid bridge viii bo 1900000. viicit getting cbances10 bld utt tiis wot-k, sum vi]l be more than twenty oeiltis e>' alo have not beei giventh ie aot tise itunreti dollar» oun te Ilaatt cianc* to bld on Ibis vont. aut4sment roi] of saiti olo»ansd tat Ma> we sasithtat titis natter lbe the levy of the toei antd bridge ta.x gîven sorne attention fi> your honort- for te ivo pree.odlng years lnt sais able body,' touns vas uI eachL yes.r for tisefull Ver>' Ttuly, amautnt of f tr> cents on eacit one Thse Gazelle Pîblshilng Co. hundrtesi dollars aliowes b>'lis, frt-W. J. Smith,. Edîtor. t4e commistlonruin elt-ise. tihe major Supervisor Meyer moyesi ta refer part of whicls ln needesi for tise or.coemmuniicationtî 10Purçhasing Coin- dinar>' retir of t-asti and bridges. mfttee. Wberefore these id comml4onstuMotiotn cat-riesi. of hlgliwsys isrebY petitil you for 'lupervisor Johson movesi ta te- aid, andi for an appropriationl frm »tse consider L>ipervlsot- Meyers motion cousty treary r>'o a suns uWiplnt lo andi that tbe sanie be taken up for meet one lhait of tite expense of tise I'Oflldtra1ion tomorrov mot-ning ai sald bridge. feu oclocit. Dated ait Wadswot.tis itiIli day Motion cat-tiesi.f of Febnîtary, A. D. 1909, Bupervlsar Appley suismîttietitise fol- James At-mout-. loing report viticit vas reasi by tise John Straissit.tlet-k andi refet-red ta Canmttee on John Pli. Wells, Paroi Audltlng. Johtn Elcoifingr, Report of C. A.. Appie>', Buperin- H. A. Taylol', tendent of Laite Cotint>' Poor Fat-m. C. T. MoCuflough. bryilI. Comnniioaers of Higisways.Lbttvle i Fot-mt<f Egimate a&td Aillkvltit y AouiRseivsd. Comtmissl5siers of Higitways. 10 State ot Illinuois, Lakte Contl.Tovuts Blat,,,,e ()nitond trom tacnt rc,ort $17730 1,0 OA Rilly. l'or yvung coIf 30l of Newport andi Warren as. Board bi-, 2. J W Millet-, folIscu ,k .- 1000 o! Coamtiaeioners 0f HIghv»ays.~1901. Wo tise undersigneil cammîssionersJans3t A 11111. for yoosg c-if. _ 3650 Jan 23 l'Ose ii.tKtsg. forHsîr of itighwayts of tise tlwus of Newpott Dussni,,.ry m Buard. _ . ... 9010< anîd Warrent ieneby %totletisat we FeS 10.J, W. Miller, fr thrre have made a careful estimate of tise F t. ..J....W.. tr -or..six ...., probable catt of thse eriction of a -weugOt t 50 lb . . 630 bridge sucrons titre Des Plaines River Mat- . Paul macauffi,,. cusite ansi ve dot estimaste that tise probable ihY tOm for A. Rowliers board t t cot-fte saniue vil! ise $3500.00. (ounty Fat-m. . 100.0. Wtness aur tsans.s tis lth day of-t,,o m_ Il-cis, 548 toits>>'. 1909. "1050 am,onlt paisiou .... 136.90 James At-mou,', t du--lncsls,' taise l .......... 40.90 John Strahan, JohnP. WllsAmsunt PatO Oui. Johi niteinget-rIs, 0T-amp', f.-t- cmcuag. Hf. A. Taylor, witi o,',frt.72a G. T_ MeCullosigi. Dec. 21FreiglisI'uni soiitîg Po Co misine s t iilh ay 1(er .1.. .. . . 1 ... .. 2 Coînssonnsofi-îg 9a le, 21Fr, sgtI ,,, w ovt-op... 70 Siate of Illinois, Lakte Coînty. Townts1 - .'-t1 E. Rtddie for tr,,înt of NewpîoottansiWarren, ls. ..... -l..... 42310 liuntes At-itouit-.John Bt-tian atnd SirJ. hm wt> ii ,ude. a.0 FWel:s. comssioners of thse tovi 1909. r of Newport andi John Elcisinget-, G. T Jan R 0 tl,t ,,lîg and meding McCn.llugh ansi ILt.A. Taylor. corn' ittis irls'. __ ..66 n)À"nets ofthetow of *àrenJ an . Fred Palmoýr>fî- Sot-se6 bieng eacb dul>' svPorn, 'on oatit say. ian. il.P. M e Ily for -,tlf.yln.g that filic cotttruction of a bridge men- to osId Doses rpenmf,,îi pai,,îrs... 5.0 tlonesi in lise estimate to, which tiis Jan. 20 . S M-x eekit-, .s.L 24 ilifdavit la attacised aensa tiseDes maCs <If Iv . . 00 Plaines River ln saisli town 18le es-Jan. lie EEltis. , houiIg 15 Ilouiit sary. andi tiai tise satue viilot be of tee. ..._ . . .. 760 maealr- epnietani pddJo1,20iJ . Bond for booi0g 9 mod htoe 'xetsle hai nedti lîosin - le.......... ..4.60 fat- fi,letit-tasedesiresi. Jin. 29. GNelson,. for basting 112 James At-maut, tis.d. of tee.................... 1.00 JohnStraat, ... 1.Freight an btxintyr ..... .26 .lhnStalanJan, 21.H.Fsgteberry for colting John P. Wella, 56 tends of toc..... .. .....I John ElchInget-, Jai, 21. E.Risdile. for 66 loasis of J tc frîîm Keoe'. Lake......1 1.20 H. A. Taylor. ian. M.Freight un tabacco...... G. T. McCulougb. Jian.-23. Freigbt on suar sud toc .77 dýommilsqiaster of kiigitwaya of the Jarn. 26. Frptalit onucoifee.. .26. Tovua s ofNewport and Warren. Feit. 19. F.Toung.,repalrl ng >,tily 1.0 Subsct-ibittands aoru ta beto,'e 1nieMat-, 1. t'ont mad(luf -r col fuis luth 01ev of Febntar.y. A..1), 1909. -tiaA. R,,wer'm hourd or- a Thomarl Stt-ang, deredIly s-,,mInttee.. .......... .25.0o Notory Public. Tatal smý,unt pnid out........... 35'90 Suitsctsisor Millet- mavei tisat tbe gbêvsrMle umte petition be accepteil snd tise Chait-r Otrio ile-simteilite fol- a appoint a Commttee of tht-e frt-m foig teolutlon and, moved ils eAd- thie B oard ta 'ct vkt6 tise'commis- oeton. Q situiera of- Htgivays ot saisi Tovits Rsolution. l ansitise Çaunty tinsar hait- uot the Wlsereas. lt la Ptovded b>' the Con- t exPenies ot saisi bnitige. stlutfon of tise State of liniotls tistB Motion cat-tie& tise election fat- Jisges e<t the 8111>ht Thse Chair appoiittedl as sncb coin relie Cout-t. wbo isoitiOffoM for Iie d ltee SuPervisors Millet-, Qraâami andi >ears saoli tie helti on the1ets Suthserlansi. day ln June af tise year la wlslceh Report tromt.tise IlItlils Nortitern lt-rni expit-es, andi il la ualt Hiospital fot- the Insane ait XItn vas ln tise Constituition tb*t* rçit dog1't i tresentei ali! orffèred ilet. Jusiges shah Si ' ne irM I Cettiff cd CÔP.y of Resô.ütÎoI.;paaoediMouday lu Jutte In .W191111, tbltt t0l yi tise County Beari of blitaiie Coin- ex pires. ansi t>' vas t-ed andi -pon m,6ftois tof Sup- Wiseteas, Under 'b exlaJJ4g l.WS m ervisor Grahbam placeti on II.It ta necessat-y te liold->primariea Lft- bis ileti vitis the Clerk lie refters. W aTise expeupe ýprcirW ta tise alîproprîsto comrnltlea vîit- su ;im -naniea and'eieof MnièfomiàI outessllg.ta abaÇn $2500.00 fbr AOC], - 1 Pli Mi,?tlott crrt-ed, OtZthé -prfntltsg ot- balità,."l4cJ -exm -Stsïuefvlor Lansey moveà tisat ,we PeXt,,eenm utnnecossar>', auff, b à~ nbW &daioîtn until tomorrow mort-)W. reas. Otiter Judicial eloctions se Inikoat 9.2 0 Oaclocit. are bselli at tise saine tim ii vtls gen- o loion cat't-ed andi Board Il ong ad. eaxai lt ~Pa n" A- N and Slu r~eJutiges 5isoullei td SECOND DAY. a ts1 lsrtanIL ~~e~ ~, Tuesday. Mat-ciiInsi. A. D. u1-." v st eya DlIodIW Boàt'uraet pansosut to ajirueitèfèiEs ahev1Ih' vils tChoiiniaitQuentin li thSie-hair. rib0n e orts y3i Minutes of precedlng meeting resut anS upon motion tif Supe-viso- Mut-' t-ay approvei. Communication ft-oms Gazette Pb lisiutng 0o. vus aghiu taou up ati ter or onulierabie discusstion vaq up- mit motion ut- Supervisor Rôtlsup laid ovot- untlllte next meeti»tg 0 IhB Bosard. EPuperviso- Graham ,moves ii tÈà1 lart- aite recess o! Oive minutes ini honor of the itnauguration ut Presi- dont TafI Motion est-tled. ,Supervîso- Fieke. Citait-ma» of 7onsmiUiee on Judiclary suismitte thtie 'tillnlg report, lIste of tIllinois. Laite Counàty,. a. 'Barl o! Supervisea. Mat-ch Tonsb. mae4th. A, tD. 1909. bit. dsairutai . nsiGentlemen 0f tise Board of Bupet-visars. Tise coitittto on ,1utija,ry eaim,% w6ulti beg leave to report iat lush> seTe iexaüilne4 ali Vregqented Pelote tin, 04dnsi feti i..he iia>' mnt 4o!fte k!oilg, aud tise Clerit be dlWc-te t Issie ut-dent for the tZfraf amantt lthe severai Jaim- ta-wt. For îvhr F.,Aniunt. J , iI lti n,755 ..itlrtt.......... .......i 22.90 abr.r:...............19300 Ctltablt tees .......... 2.0 F . 3~~~2.0 tit Century ('sh Astre. Pftn nd i fnd litsreport <lyort or MJuntloetee. 0.l'thlng l 1.- g25 leaving a ballance due thse Csyo Jpatot-sq«.......2.10 F"IoLue &.3............Lake Pour Hut'dred Thlrly andi 90-100mat chu Ris r'tic, ge1,aark Bro.Dlas ç isbiiee S . ..... 12.00 Ftt<Or . ...... 120 IX) Ail of which la ràP, su buft- A.Mi e,-ry. Corttt & kcreerit-ke. rTout.jlq Coniabi t-cs6.10 (iroterlem e eted. A. Aý Waikfr. M, .1 BColbv A *J.. Raymond, Chairman. beg tern Canstatge tees .....5.00) Dv, 9-d-s7.3 r. C.'W. Meyer. examined 8.Bti&ts!t. nl AFleke. tisem af Contt.ft .4.S0O ry gonds.... 79 R J. . LmotdD,(I) Bfotlerfletd Afupervisor Grahsainmo that r, the f0li0 i'onsable ees 00 teehlery féees.' pr b detdand admltc,-t driec-ted ----r- Nerî, tOhrerale &'O 1521.<1 li. . .,,40 Motion orre.e-a m F. B. ,lSapervisor Robertson mofved, thaf t-Wit, Ail of vhich l le eî ilsîbtisit Drugn .... tos 4" we do now a4jouru nuntilt otnorrOw «s,. teMax 17 !,Rînr norniing at 9." oclock. Ensil A. Fleke. <'ilsrmen. j. Met-ni ........ Mation carrled andi Boardl 1,fidu. îtni ,711 'rrhgs Supervisor HoIenbergeî nînvesi that Cro.'rtes ...1...înei ncng terpr e*ciélR' OPd, L)2untsvr. -oa 519,toCDi74 tFIFTi.iDAY. Notth tOit r ~ sl9P B4ymond, Chairman oif ffe ir,.Plfty, Marei fti, A. D. 1909. Li.oke (n. 8 loii4wtg repot. T. H. it,er. wl ths Ciait-matsQuentin lnthe b~Chair.Srt Igh 8t f Laike Couîtîs. Ese. GWCk.cerles tnt, 9q Menerspt-eeest. Superv ADots1Ap 1, selarilk re15 44 pleton. Conrad, T.>â>'8p. ldwat-ds. Pat-- t-Ieep -4Wd ÇQelieti of tise U Eger.ley, eFlcàe, Grab& ý Horetbet-ger ' H5edwîie .. .c 5 Johnson, Lanney, Meyer, Miller-.Mur Cmi 'four 1 .Otf a-iiN<A4i IttOl Ils t-il ? ., r4y, Quentin, Rarmbts, lRobetston, Si- .l1.eIïf Clam isve e 0rellor1 Ihat U .Boce.qMEi, Btutherlanud. 18. rIe the bae eann.14 al dîrtn p-e-Corcetles.. vs Absent . tiperviaors Clow andi Prior. W FOI sentesi beforE them landi t-eonmcnd J.,B Mgre& 2. M. H8vues thse paytnent Of thse folowiîîg, aîîd that Clilthig 17t7 Minutes of preacd.(lng meeting read Commit àe Cerkbe, Jreted o IsihorfersSundrY PartI-s p io tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~z Cir edrce l nîo i-ista SrIe.iali ly wmrroont 21,>4,j wtandi upoat motion of Sttprervi -JOhn- M Hl"t sorv(-onjmit lor file severai ainountg i h,-. n'oraI 4 son approvesi. M. TLa OIIlaa t tfwlt,. e.Sdypartie" Nu11 aid ...... 470.0011" Buprvtsor Edwat-ds hairmati Of Cmmît exole 0nereprtofC.Coiliflttee on Claimsa submltted the Pur sser. Amoount W, aI eamt-d Oet-pot ! . olomug report. Blaeksmnithi»Sg>,j -- - 1 2946 A. ADspley Superfntendent of CýOlnt>' State of Illinois. Lakte Cotxy- .s. h5, A. D. 1,09. 4rrm an d Gonm e5 cf t»~ <OMUMlft0mesc1aime Wbuld reO ta report that tlmey hâve Bd aillaixIts Prented before Od reA«IMÇS 4he.paymnent et OwIng, aDd that the ertk tipe 1tO Issue ortie,',for te e y- tunts to the several clainmnts For what, Ant. Amt. Ad g Citned. AiioWed. s dlg ma- Co- . paire. S 7.87 $ 7.87 aAddlngT a r f.lectrlc Co., and heat.... 9.7 951.07 T'LephneCo_ 1- ser .. . 5.25 5. s5 ors (al V mni ppllms....1z .9ü2&1.b# m»e SfervI W.076 90.76 [llter, tee vtnrk and rý ' - - 95.50 98.60 Klier, sas poor Mmter 650 63.60 tee work ..._ 0g.20 80.30 berger. lte work ....34 411 34.40 3berger lte w.rk ... 41.00 41.00 ite work .... 5.30 5.20 TiIRD DAY. Wednesday, Mat-ch à, A- tD. 1909. H oard met pOmartsntte adjoumnmeis witis tisaItmail Qumtin lu -e Citait-. Memîeu's prescut. Supervisant Ap- pleton, Conrtad,. Dayton, Esivards. Far- son, l.uey, Meyer, Mille-, Murray, Quentin, Raytmond, Robertson, Sini- uns. Suthe-landi. 18. Attiten, FtI)Puvleon Piio- and Ciow., Mitiutei4 of preceding meeting re"s ttid tpon motion of Supet-vîsor John- 7son approved, IUnder tise hesd. of unfinlaliesibud- nsatise coummunIcation t-mm tise Ga- zeite Puilshing do. vas &gain reuîl. Supervisor Suthserlandi novesi ta de- fer actlaa until tisis at-ternoon. Motion rarriesi. Suppt-viso- tare>' mave th iat an ap- proprlatilon of- $3.00 pet- vesitbe nmati for tihe benelt ot Mr. Rogers, A bllnd snd dependent persan rettidlng at Zion City'. sotIoL ats ried4. Communication t-tom. Dr. Watte-eon regat-dina lte Laite County Tubete-c loi tlnstltute vas reail sud upon mo- tioni tf Superviser- Lamey fiiesi. Supe-viso- situons,disait-tian ao- commlttee oui Hilpston submitted thllovlng repor-t. Staie 0f Ilinois. Laitedounty. as. Bouard of Supervisoýrs, Mat-ch Tertu, Met-ch 3t-d. 1909. .Mr, Citait-maisand Ge"..etnen of te Bat-s of Superrisors. 6 Yaîît Comin*ttee on Education voulut lieg leave to rt-sport tisaItite>' have xaminei th isdaim of T. A. limpe<ti, Couuty Supenlntendent, andi recoin' inendth ie payStt of tis aule. andt ltaitishe Clent be directeS tu Issue an ot-der on tise Count>'Tt-eauror tu T. A. Sdmpson for 167.80 for stas, e. e îttese anti other offie exPenses. Ail tifwvicIoi lrtespectfully suismit ted, E.I.lios A. Robertsont, 0. W. Fat-iey. enpervlsor Raymond moved i tis tise t-eport ho accepteti andi ador4eti. Motioni carrieli. Supe-viso Grahtam, disait-ian af Comin&Ue on UAcetise suismIttedth ie f ollowlag report. St.ate of minois. Laike daunts'. as. Hart-ort Supervisons, Mot-ch Se1s- elon. Mat-ch 3t-i, 190. Mr. disait-ian andi Gentlemen tif tise Ba-siof Supet-visos Yout- Commlttee on I.Ucense tu wisom« was t-efert-ed thse petitios tf MaOU liauer, Wi1lama J. Zimm,-r & Bt-o. andi Williaým Schnler. woitît report taI we have examilned ssiu petitiorta andi finsi that esuli contains lte rîequi-es numiten af signatures, ansi wouid rt- commensi that a license lie grantesi .Mati Baiser ta keep a St-M81110P at Valo lit Wauzcanda Tovnsutp, tisai a lcense b. granted V.suJ. Zintuer & Bmo. to keep a sifali alIP t Long Grove ln Vernon To)wualsl. a", tisaI a Ilcense be gri4ed William "eler to keop a dram sltap st lIait Psy ln Vernon TawMbp. uPon thoe Pafissnt b>' eacis of tise licenae tee 0f $»Q0.00. Ail tif viicis uta espoctInl>' sumIt ted. Tis. E. a1554. fHenr>'C. Udwrds. Thos. Ap<oetoi. Snietvlsor Grahsam movesi tu accelil sud adopt tise report. Motion 47artle(i. Communication t-rom itCazette Pub lisising Campany>' as gain tatou uit andi upois motion of Superviaor Day- ton action vas defenreti until tonton t-uv at 9.30 A. M. Supe-visar lRobertson itovedti iai vo do nov adjau-isuntil bomao-a mornlng ait 9.310 ocilocit. Motion carriei ansi boardsi Wood<lad- jout-neti. FOURTH DAY. Tueoda>', Mat-ch 4ci, 1909. Btiat-d met pursuant to atijounumient viitt Cisairnian Quentin hiutise Chair. biembena prosent. Bupervisors Ap- pleton, dont-ad, Dayton, MW&a.ti, Par. le>'. Ficite, Grahamn. Horeab*rgtýr, Jalinsoit, Lame>'. Meyer, M[ill«, àMur.ý ra>', Quentin, Rtaymondi. Robotton. Simions. Suthet-landi. 18. A.beent. Siîpervleurs Clow sud PtJo, 1Senator Oison, Of Wfflstock nu au intervis-w li Rockfo,'d Republilofo Mat-ch 4: I '.1 (isi), opinion that Juilge Frost andslNfr. Whitney arc certain vinsers atîti liat tise couteat 1a betveen the tttOisr tva candidates. Ouritc-o issu fou' Aluil 121h tragisout tise ecore distrilct Is Frost ansi Whitney." Pnom Har-yard Indepandant, Mercisl1,. 1909." No teason has been or tan b. gveri vi> set->' Republican voter lu Mclieîîr>'Caunt>' situlti not ou ýrt-marY da>' give une of-bis tht-e votes for Circuit Jîîdge ta lion. Chatles Whistney tif Watîkegaoi" "Lot tise lavremog ansi poittîclans t-cnontter tbat tis eups-le -sîilîl itis ansi fhat ve stili hase a primat-y iaw." Promn Spt-tng Grave Journal* 'Vote fot- ('hat-les sWhlt ns-v . Froni Pecatenica New, ,Mt-ch 42, 1909 'A 'vots. tor Mrt. Whiltney dome itot Injure Jtîdge Froste chances. Let uts ait get ontton Apri l tit and gIve Jutige Frost ansi Sur, Wistne$.'ée ba voie. Lot ulias ttft-irt-atoLakte doit tutd Ht-. Whtney a, Lii.'.stu a 0Wlnnebago (',,îîîîîv antd otint-sdidat-." Prom Rockford Repuhlil of Mat-ch 4,1909: 'Mm 'uVWhittney' la tunnIng for tise bencis iecause L.ake Caunt>', wihIs t big vtiuîme tof leg al business, 044Iç reltles.tatlan on tise iencis. AUi bis supportet-s li Laite t'Ounty are worlilng zealoitsy aisô fat- Jtîdge FlW~t, ead Laite Co unt> belleves lisat litla oui!> eqult- able tisat Winuebagn Count> votera cast anc oftif fir volesfat- Laite Couwsy's candidate, 74r. Whitney, viso lea gentleman splendidts, eqUippeti tor service ipoli !sho encit. ,J ,' ."Mr',Witncy'n tiendu n luWnuasitago Couitt> declane tiat Lake Citumit> isas tac long beeti witott a tesldo<tt Judge; taI tIhe iî,îîîr sitoniibc passedt partleniar ftneusafor lime silgulfiesi position 10 visicis le nov sw s .reog nizeti b>' vet-yone visa tnavs hlm." Pt-om Richtmond Gazette, Mural, 18, 9gB: 'Tise McHent-y ,ladoeeor0 asat veokinluspeaklng o!, Mn. Witey's candidase>, eeys.:-,hle stioietQ Lske.dountylas daim te a 'CIrcuit Juîdgoshlp seisstaua b& glaiirogs out tise enlire dist rict, snd Honorable Charles Whitney -oft aukegsî, und liS fmlends, lbave s et->' t-aseut to believe tisat Me. Wliilnéy wiii lisone o! tise next.'dit-cult Josiges.' Prom IIcI-enry Plinftugiet, Match 11,1909M: 1CIONDITiONS NO#MINATE WHITNEY. JUSTrICE 0F LAKE COUNTYS CLAIMS ARE ADMITTRO. VO1rEfS WtLt. SUE THAT. RIONT PREVAILgi. ..1iffljs Lakte Couuty £rt-StIl lav business anti second lI pdpntu, net, one rsaan cu. ite'given vis>'evet->'RdéêùÀslcan voter It Mcedury (ftty shoulti net on prinisr> day Ulve one tf if h iree votes for Circuit Jusige lb Hon. Chailes Whitntey tif Watitegan. 'Thei votqy1s if tise district can be tt-ustad 1n sec ta it tisat Justice la doue L.ake Coîtnty y hoelintomînaifflui of Hon. Chat-tes Whiltey of Woukegsn t-or CircultrJîttge. Prom Rokford. Star. Marc!, 17, 19SB: "Chsarles Wbitney lu urglng bit frîends to give Juda, Frost sot-seat support. Thsis bof ialttc. ,Winbelieg Cotînt>' aiotîlsi teclpcatestit-est Ht-. Witney fait-!>. 'Mr. Whittney eleeryes veli o!fltse people. Ne lsa àman of matketi aSb*, l>', tise leader o!tishe bat- olai count>'. a plin. o!-!asbloned, r-tgugetuy het ian.i "titisgooti tut-n Seserve n aoiir-' . ý 1. round; titat a ludgiphiP shattîi uav be given tu Lakte County, visicl ranka W hT itney Strong A il O ver t i v'er>' close tu Wlttnebago Count>'. Witis thas endi ln itveviniait volera liste 1are nov supporting Mr. Wiitney's cazdidacy, ansi, vitis tise big vote wbicli Juciiciai ID istrict. Mur. Whitney le certain of lu Laite ansiMcHenry coutes, victoai'fetet _____________Lakte mn apffitiVe. - '~Mrt. Witney la a man o! vast legs! expenience andi matunesi Judgmeuil. Wnst the. Papers Have f0 .Say lRegards, Ne Id a recognized leadier among tise Iav>ers lu tise StatesRoundi, joit anti M r. *W hitney's Candlduacy. ahie, and If ise la elocttS to tise iencisvillii ut-efy b. a notable acquisition to ______________tise judlary'ot the state. "Hmm..Mr. Whitney on April 1lti.' Wuukeg&n Delly (Gazettee. Mat-ch 27: "On Febt-tat-y 20th, al. a meeting lu Mclfenry couctir~, Judges Donneli>' and Wt-ight advlsed tiroir frleutis ta Prom Woodstock Republican, Match Sih: ,Mr. Wbltney's appearance andi (ast onui& olsFW I-i' tbrec aId judsges. ansi ai a meeting in Bourre casmt> on heanlng at-o lnthie favor. Ho appeais tuauans apossessed of tise jueilal nilmt. Mat-c 20, judesflotittell>' atud WrlgbtL again ativisresitiseit fiendsste0vote A iav>'er of t-ipe experience andi a sucosseful busipeis man, lie embodtles these ftir tise tht-se 0>1 jqftes. ansi statesi tiet a vote t-at Whitney vas a vote agaitiet tva attributes Bu seldom comisined, greet leas!and oxecutIve aliI-. D)onueiy anti Wrgt. lu short, Jusiges Donnelî>' andi Wright at-e ni 011Y "t-.Whitney isas ian>' ft-lefds la McHent-y douuty and. Utey are active asMng a vo"e for thoselvesi, but at-e advisiug libeit- frientis tu vote againat îin his bohaîf, viticitptesages a iseav>' vote for him isere." Laite CoS3tv'*>oaUsldate. aîîd thierî-by sitat out Lake Count>' trom represen- ration on thse bncit From Harvard Independent, Mat-ph 4, 109: 1"Mr. Witney la making a 'Thse peuple af Laite Couitts sie Mr. B-. Wtney's ciection ansi should ldean, digiiesi campaign, and lae<elvlng encouragement viseraver lie gnes. terefore consi4ert- bis actiont or.lîisges Donuel>' andtiWnghtt visonthe> Ho ct-eates a goodsIimpression aid-tse ranit andIllie o! tise votera ilk& islam cat their b*l "Tiese>ay, 'He ote like a Jusge,' visicit la true,.as Mr. Whitnesy la a iffl et excellent pisysique, of diglifiesi bearipg anti p!eaing peroua.liy.Hisal McHenry Pleaind et-, Mat-ch 25:-~Whtitney- yul bc nominatesi Will asea lavyer, ansi the tact that be bas bis cauntys eli suppot ,,Jst l teeive a heavy vole ln eahoiseeotf titet-aur caunâties antd la lîkel>' tu lesd Iimportant tactor la poltica-tisat lie bas mnauy friends iioiu th q If 4 ail othet' candidats. It la apparent to sUL mpgrtial observenst ta Hu. tici-ali tend tovards the soces of Mt-. Wbltneys campalgu for thse JutieWa Cliatles Whtny o! Waukegau vili i flominateti b>'an avet-wieiming nomination aitishe primat-le 'Puaetis, Apai 111." Aîiaority.', Pt-os Antioch News: "Not ince lise deys ol Jutige Biodgett, vsiam r' Prom Rockford Star ut Mat-ch 219t: *'T'he attemt otf Chatles Wiituey's vice on thse Ioderai bencis vas alinnuft an epoà~ in Western Jurisprudence, bies apponrents ta lit-oent hlm enterîng tise race fot- t'f r-cit Jusige, sud tise l Lakte Count>' been itreparedtct offer a judilcial candIdate wîtis mare catina- effotst nov afoot ta drive hlm otth ie race e bt-have actoil as a boom-sut-suce taiese viii, if olecteti, fil1 the bUIlal luFrty patticilar.'1 et-ang. Tise unvise effofis ta divide tise nîctubers tif tise bar af bis ovu court- ty againat hlm has raSliedth ie peuple arounsi hlm nut ouIlitl Lakte 'ount>' From Woodatock Repubiican, Fb. 2S,.-1909: "Mt-. Whitneytoyl makling a but lu tiseailier counties. * dlean. dlgniiled campalgit. HeetcaIestise Issue fait-!> anti vitis snimaus ta "As a rcunit tif tise. liiadissusimavemeuts. 'Ct-. Wbituey's friensi i noue. He bas tise unitesi support of bis ceunI>', ansi his candidacy la beine overth ie district at-e vorking harder titanr evt-in lu ie boisait-. enthusiasticai>' nocelvesi tist-ughout tise district." 'Tise American people believe ln fait-pis>' ansi a square deal. Tn seekk ladiclai hsonores la an honorable ambition. One duoua not bave to seoit distino. rom Waukegan Delly' Sun: "The Sun notes vitis distinct pleasure tisat lon from lise t-e, but trom tise many. luit. Whitney la seoting tise isogr - Attor-ney Chat-es Wiitney ot Waultegan la a candidate for Judg. et thse Cli'. t-mus Ibhe people, and lite Indications arc titat tise people viii confer titi cuit Conttln tise Seveuteentis Judicial District. Mr. Wliltue> la,«n " t a. bonor upon hlm. He la tise peer of Su>' isvycn ln tise district, a plain. o1 one of tise deana 0of bis profession. Like evet-> lawyer vio seap'to laid, fmshloued citizen. ant ail '%t-and hionorablîe man'" tu ambition la tise bencis. andi bis >'eant before tise bar, hie ueem. bbtaBi g ln tise comnunnit>', ansitise tact that Lake Coumit>' las not lihm a fige la Prom Rocttord Star, Mat-ch 12th -Thee are appraximatel>' 23, thse Circuîit for ivelve yc.ars, shouiti ail entitie hlm to a fait- berlu.g-auda saters lu titis district, andi iot moret-ctian 100 lavycra. Therefore, t. vîctut->', effortiot- tise l1)1) te ied tise 23,000 la suggestive afttie titree taitorretof Tooiey Street, vhspt-or lauîutes therneelves, 'Tire People oif Englaus.' From Woodelock Rapublcan, Mat-ch 191h!: Tiere la no gainasytug tise foot ltt'rtarles hitney of Waukegan la a stmong candidate for Circmml Richsmond Gaeztie, Marc!, 25: 'Tthe notminîation of Iion Chtas. Whitney Jusige. Tise cieau, titomugit campalgit hie la conducîing, bis couuty'seaîMnte tif INaukegan forot-ne of ur tht-rs Ciriitilt Coutî litges seema to hoprrt- tise office. isis ahilit>' as a iavyer, bissrecard as ILarlni ansd tise tagtIth"ai lt Ilcali>' oonceded bv cver'yone."cotil>' la solil>' for hlm. ail at-o factontvithlc atrengtenu it-. Whitaeff" "'Warukegan Onu>' News, Mat-ch 27:'"As the Judictailunrimaries appt-ascit, positioin.iMr.Whittney's frienda arc confident a! his nomination at lthe pii. hiteresI-' me-ases tit tieseelectlîîîîof lhitftree Jutiges for titis district, maries Aplnl tIt." Asla weil ttndevotid, uSer-e are four candidates, tise i-on. disarÇea \Vltitne>' of itis rit>' belug the ane canîdidate lu adisition to tise tusuee presOnt Prgm Zion Cit>' News: "Mr. Whitney ls a ls.v>en of mut-ted asSIt>,. anti à 'numbenta, nil ofrviton are seeklng t-eeýLecion. Tise ottet- tht-es counitieis, mnuvitse Integrt-tt> la abave question,.lun ur opinion, bis election woitlt romprislng ibis district. Wlnnebago, Braite ans i Itenry, Rechs baye & J us t e a splendid tising for Laite County andsitise entit-e judicial district"2 lhIMn ieaviug Lakte Count>', onutof lte irgot counties inte dIstrict anti ie Prom Batringlon Revlcw: '"t-. Whitney Ilahelise eaio tise Lte Caunty une tisat isas b2 ter tise greateiK voltutte ut- îgai business out in tis a ed. Bat-, ansi ote tif thte abitrot lavyere Inthtie district. He Wtii eertsanlli reeelvê, "'his carinot ajpeai to tise sems. of fait-tics of thse voienat tirougith ie tise unîteti suppotantof Lake Count>' Ropublicans. andi hie nia-ny rîsolu ln tJ» district. Lakte count>'la ontiiedti tansd sitouiti have one e!tishe Cit-oqit district.,visicit ahauld assure bis nomination." Jiuges. Esîtsciali>' la titis truc viesaise lîts torts as a eauditiat Bo able a Prom Wauoonda Leader: 'We itoîe Mr. Whsitney' ma>' le electetil is lawyer as Mr. Wiiitte>. e *. 5. Ail tncsv tisaI ho iecapable, feariess 01111fic ot - vicis ho is especially veil sîtet, bath b>' naturt-l quailiSestlon aund honeat. Tuho viii have a strong ftilowiitg tbt-ausaout tisedistrici; la autdib>' legal iearnlng." nupcereds. Lot set-y Laite 4dtiitl>'vote-r as veli as otiters se tiret tise X la Voceri before Mm. Wiitne>'s naine oui thse-ballot, andi tîus secure ta titis Prom North Chicago Times: '"t-. Whitney' neetia no introdue#it$i'lathse '.iopuous couritNý vitlit is entilleu ta,-cite tifrlteCir-cumit Judgea in tise peoplie of L.akteCouni>', lavlng heen bot-n anti ralseiti iere, fsud baingapee lit--oon Cf Mr .Iittby. is Urne as a lavyer litacf lciug befone aur bar. fils sterlin4g 0aU6%tteêMd hm,

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