CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 12

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Contlnued froni Page 3. A Roxcrtvsn. ose eair. ii ARoberîlt E. LSinio- Sers cc i. Servie gi la lI C, NV. Mes v. <SergeQi-ti. Comttec ssok Titomas. F. ran.m Cum 1ttîee ork H. CEdsvards 1. O. Brockssiii Attesdittg OSt 55 ta U Jonro retulir ýI t. P. rkn SiippliIio Fonnie W. C Pririn Hu & Baogeý sutpli-s The Fox Store, Supplies ,ord HOUltein. Mediisne B. J iopk in'. Ose urilIýý . H C W. Meyer. Tra..p.rtation A. 1. Miltimore, supplie' .C James, Osne iurti. 3 . Lîivell. Ant ito,îs W..hi ngttiti lîd.aîi dry. Thas, Higgin ItntsS 1abos- Wsukegan les C-, WaikegI Iltphiiiielng Co. R. T. Pernse Minerni wter BH W. ts & s Itî Supplies Holel XVaîhiiri J.1 I.Mur-Y. Pitor maler J.H.I io & ,i Repar Retiair 0. R.Lo Sle A, E.Brsa tisetOr at jail P L. Autin &Soîi. J, R. Dndy. Bunke Moraine HtlSals Ediard Ingulsý fis ery A. O.Wiibsr. Heuiing guekage Aditie R. Miler. Çlierk hire .XiTO. Iamffoo Services A. J.Raymond. Poor mater Tises. ApPietos, Trsneport.Otloi Tho.. APPI-tGn, Paremaster H.rry Totterdeli. services.... . W. H. Hodge. Suoplies; o. W. FsTey. ter O. W. Pariey. A. e~Otiton Commttea work.... Fred E. AmeS. Ex#ena5st, Springfield M. T. ancy. Ptrmster ..... <oreQuetin. ploor Imaster ..... 8u',00 110 7a 24 11 1i 1 40i 23 1 1t406 110,so 23 24O 1,50 S7 go Z6.75 15.00i 15.00 I1 0 on I 50 15 001 L.450 2 345 350 2000 800 Il 10 '124 i16 73 10 25 t 5 11 50 90." 1. 50 37.80 100.w5 là.75 10000 18.00 34.60 14.96 15.00 Ailof s#cb e r eapectfitlîY submnit- ted. Henry C. Edwardis, Chairman. ha cm the st& cid AN the Dr 1 Ja N, Ip Imm'l c- m roi -m 'RING QUIT SALE Greatest sale on Ladies' coats in the hlstory of the vloak ad suit business in Wargan N. 1o e sprinq coats. Seidqm if ever has such an offer bcs made on a garment su h as we are showîing. They corne ln a greet variety of desirable mixtures and k striped materials, haîîd- Coat Bargain No. 2-L-adi ies' taiiored 170310. " in length. handsome mater- jais iii black and tin. Most pleuc- ing gurnients,2. 8 S pe c a .. . Cohit Bargain No. 3-For $5,00 you cas buy during thîs sale a coat that ab. solutely cunnot bc dupli cated for Oess than $10.00 elsewhere. We are makrng tlîis coat one of our leaders, and have made a apecial, effort ta secure extra good values at this prive. Somne Wooltex garmonts are in- cluded In the lot. Yau wîll flnd this gar- ment in aur annex also Stunning ncw black and tan coats, 42-inch length, includlng same handsome Wo ltex modela; Chica- go prives $12.00 ta $1500, aur se :-P e 7098 Mail maga ficent ns of 52-lacil length couta n Wao tex and other UTA.oayApto . Suilerviaor Lme moVOd t60 cep famous manufacturera' productions, ha f-lned in fine guarantccd idadolthbe report motion arI.LJ.Satnand Taffeta, trmmed with luge jpervisor Farley. Clairxnsn of jet buttons. Ourig thIs greal 1 Mmlttae s nPoor Cim submtted pigOeigSl..................$1 s olowing railoJ aile of Eni. L l County. se.l_> Board o auperslsors. March Terni. Neclilt, A. D. 1909. 0 r. Obalnmâa" ndGentemen of the 1eL Boar ~Uor suevo. CD Splendid Sbwing'Highl Class Shirts j od o! el uperport a t Lveexaihed U llilm pr.3nte e Biggest Sklrt Sale in mony years. Through an unexpected deal we liei tenad recommend the pay- secUred a tremnendous lot o! degant Skirts et a fraction o! their value, enl ti h folowlng and fuit the 4' and are'now ln position to offer, bargains la thîs Une that wlll be long Lenvra murt o h eral rZrememWecd by ail ladies whovlit us durlng this sale. We. are shawing skirts ln fine Panamas, Tremendous lot of most desirable skirts amos. For what. Arnt Asot Clsied llOd ~ neatly tnîmmed, that have revcr becs ltilnn a hffon, Panamas, fincat Wilcga. .W secs before sn Waukegan Broadcloths, crlap Voiles, etc., iome >r. . V. Itaeman for lclas than $300. Dur- i~l srci alrd lesba O Medical servi0es ...42 0 7100 l for ..........1.9 tlfuily trimmed. Tremendous 5e4 r. A. Otdliff. Opening Sale priva..... M)r lsevie .160Special lt fskiffsn fancy materias Splendid ihawing of $10.00O irta higi TeiM E F. ..ass, 43 21 lu L.M includisg Panamas. ChiffonBroadc l ota as fareign and domeslic modlIs- )r. dîJ.cai series.anole.Chie _uding a fi of the not d r.MJIl wly. 6 4 ~ wîe hr at l Woalex garmentu, Mdcal services .hiSu 50 v la 7 se I curie. c l ai....... Special ... ..... ....$ Mei;aisi eice0,08 610.0 r W. H. Watesn la. McAlisîer Hospitli Mugnuseir 0,71 11 Opening Sale on Shoesl Grslesl107 00700 M, H Suav 1000 ~ 6 00e G100 5ILRE'SSHE, good substantial soiid leather A(îleiî 3 4 1 0- throughout, $1 .59 valu»,, Foffmaussi }riss, aI .. .............. ........................... ... FF.Irn ,174 129 !oie 1)epi t îts Merchanîdlo I. 7 6. Art.. Rynekzel F Coul anîd s.-eul 411, r,41On A W ES. Grocerire 77 Oi 3.7 (10 E P. Bîdingis 9&i', ShosI,. 4 1 0. R. L.yon Ou Sinsý f' 1 f Merchandies ,î4M . lien B.Warren. Orocries. _1.1ti, 17.lu0 Flnni.h Mersutils '- Gracerle, ... 19444 19 tii) 1) T. Webb Coal and oodi 244, 4f44 R- oni & Wall. Gorerleasi 1 7 I Groeeries.-iu M Eý SmIth u&.4 àracerls . ..... 6C4 1 ci . lie" 1a L. rinte. Gro Jres ...... - 11719 113710 A. Giascfson.Cîî flrocerles ....... 1 40 o Charles Cheller Groceri.............. 3358 i 3 l oui Ladies' silo.., latest sprlng styles, dulI $450 and $5.00 shoes, tops ail colore, 1191 F. Bairstowad iIkdltarhnwelCbs grdbllnudtroh ceal nd ;Wo.d 217,51) "17 10 anvilkdethrad o Cb, Go. en. Miltary and cammon sense grdeUthe .i 2e7oug 4154 4300 ......extra values00 out, ..itisfactory wcar guar Henty Weyer el xtavle l 8 ted, cleap.t ....ý 29 <roceries ..............45440 0 40 Sti .... .... ...... Alred Taylor, Fn3.50 it Sed hoe, l n gn 14144 ...... 19.0 844 $3.0nd 54.00 hesinpatent, vîci Otid Fnetualyudehessldsmn Uu.Tgr nd vîci kid lealilers, han dwecît, Cuban, stores for $600 and $7.00. Up-to-date Fn mot 21150 21.00 luabie shoc in ail styles, short short vamp, mnllltarf >3.98 double so4.e ...........B.o 14.000 14600 Oia lit, A h eel, a bargais el aur ipning m. topa .. 2.16 21G openin l e p c ., . ..... ....... Pt én21d11 4lavender; .~ .......... 2F060 9. ýAR POST OFFICE À SPI my and ! 12 an« Ia accoui ftq bc thi and ri ored Sui bar, Purý la chai WAUKEGANS GI On Saturday, April 3rd, the Gfente Lake Courity wlll commence at 61 great exhibition and sale will be 4 fashionable apparel, and ais. oni garments for Sprinq wear. stl styles exhlbited, ln which are si trimmlngs, the smartest of Street1 noon and evenlnqG (owns, Hats ail slery, Ornements for the hait, etc Corsets, House Dresses, Waists, sale for 10 days at tremendous rei this big sale. Delightfui music w handsome and useful souvenirs W ways, have somethinq above the supply lu ail fines of appare M N ILATEST FODEONà This Spring Opemnng s sure ta prove a tg* guaranlced satîsfactory. Strenucu e ffort' apparel ever steesin Ihîs city. Altoratio viQaitex Sut$, t 1950 ily. The graceblo the seas's gr"1 for 1660 season'a l ity of his product The styles are ad and împroved up Style Departmenl you $35.00 for la Spring Open EXCLUSIVE DIS PLAY 0F WAISTS Table No. 1. Big Speciailat of Ladies' Wajdas, Bomne e mbrýoldered la.os, same colored mate riaM for hous u se. S pecial .......25 Table No. 2. Large lot of iehitl aiei Waîcs. sm- broidered fronts, long siceves great Opeslng Sale prive .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Table No. 3. Fine imported Lawns, Lingerie and Tailored Waîsts. all seatiy made, bi g gest barguins of the'L'astOnr, orhs Opening Sale.." Table No. 4. Ladies' new fancy Waists, made up sn ne t, taffle e l Smu, batiste. bengatine and, aller ncew muleriais ; these nurobers selltIn the heiglE noth e seasos for $3'00 and $410; t11. greut Opening 19 Sale, Speciai . . .. . . . . . . . . . Big variely of beautifui Outch- neck Waitsiland- somnely cmbroidcred Lawns, cxceptlonai values aI 98ca $1.50, and ............ . . . . . . . . . . Grandest displuy of hlgh grade Waists. somoe val- uteau ashigh as $10.00; this grand Sprîng Opening salo VOMEN'3 50c ROSE AT 35c eklnd (ab>out 500 doz.), full, regular made; higi spllced leels ;bliak silk laise. witu lavender tipped tacs, heels hilkloes la tans, brases, gray, 119.1 bWeî Pink, rtsd r; leo fie lisîsa ln tan and blaCk, worth 50oc pair ....35c à W.k it , log tlme 1% prumised to ail iho attend Suring the opening days. Surprislngly .Watch our wlndows ...we wiii, a-, ai- yyour savinqs. Secure an abundaut rtuuity is yours at bargaiu pruces lING OFà Su'it',s ~OELS-PRICES CUT ILOW lItudy these items carefuily. Every garment is fA miSe tO-icth1e mail elaborate showisg of spi ng nii.s Special ices for misses and smaili et en. dele. of elegant iipiic- i finish makes thei di garment us gua tkis , sure ot f tt 0 ta muke titis gu. id madels oSi atesi esIgners of tihe V ile sanie tIraI Ihey yaur disposai dur ocialy rcdu cd pri The Murr;y Bluilng bPEaLAL ARGAINS IN OU« Seore buylsg yaurtaster Suit visit Our annex an mentsat $15. Vou would ordinarily puy $25.00 for thle same suit that we seil ta yau for....................... Silk Foulard and Pongee Dresses, fInest materlali, at ............................................. DELIGITIFUL MUSIC DURING (C [ore i@ se suite ara nteed th quaI- i run te e. tdesign Waoltex ycharge unrg our 19:50 EXCEPTIONAL SUIT f BARGAINS f L-dues' anîd Misses' siaits ,ii,de urin aIl mOis ma- eiais, biue, gray, receda green, etc. Satin lind Il roighaut; a genutne $1-100 suit as a spccial sprininapnng irtducerecnt 5-.98 We aie shawing scIa sprig suiut 5 10.00 that cannoI Se duplicaled eîsev,ltere for less than $18. We have an thîs lot sanie beaulîful taffeta licd garmesîs ancd you will Ou surprised iehen you sec the seonderful coîte1t tis Spring Opening. 10 s-C th0 e ondt!rful dsspiuy. Special sale prive, nase 10.00 Suit barguin No. 3. At $12-50 these suile wiii be the t aiS of the tasen. This lot iscludes a sumber of sample gurments la ail maascr of noe styles, tiS aiid salin iinings, fine materials of esceptionai - quality. Sprisg Opcning Suie prive SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR. ANNEX Chliffon Panlama and French Skirts, cON$5 cd and Lingerie Wuiste, Wae egail ave .... ... ... .... .... ... .... ..... . .... ...rasglng from $1.98 1 .,ME AND- USEFU L SOýUVEr IGenuise Heatherhîsom eti0ts ee hird and tucked flounce, estrahel roe1.39gnun IPetticoate of the popularnw s r lth neffectivs str pea O such as navy. gray, Ors ,Cpnagnadohe I *Spring ailades, deep ficuce 75cinl uf m trimmed, $1.25 values ... . .......7 5 SPECIALS---Note These Bargaîns Ladies short Kimonas, Srg S1.0 nd$2.00 white pettîcoats, Ail $1.W0 boîts, sp'ng 9 Opening sale 1C uth 18-in ch embroidered fictunce opening sale r....49 4 spevial ......... ....oLpenîog sale 'lrns pots ri i Gingham pettîccats, mel prîce bruCh al ie na e, a barguin .....vo s handsom e vurîety f w h t e Ladies long hîp corsets at . .. .5c uderukrrts ever shownî $3 and spotr tahd.. 9 Extra fine quality Glngham Pet $4 grade for aur spprtrsatu8e colmde up of 121 c Ging. Spring Opening Ladies' hundsome neckwear, __ l arirng Openlng 50C Laie'listegloves.Btr B.own..c.......,.25c umsi Ladies' full sîze night 2<' Ladies' guarante cd kid gloves Ocl aeanhseAlLais goes ccput ... . arybody kasies that Hein's 15v hase .....8c Ladies' night gawns mrade up in glovrs are "right" fine loft finish long cioth trto Spung Openin0 spc ai & C.Chîldren's creepers SO mcd with val. lace or embroid- qualîty, special aI 0.9 4. ery, long or short siceve, strict Ladies' Jvmpcr suits, large as- Lde'kthnar sfl i , y 1.00 values, 5 C Sanoteo nd endiess vurîety of Ladies k5ce pasfusz sPec al...............UC patterns .to select from. They spcil .. .15.....o Lies' ýhite pettîvouls, deep cornbe in lain Madrasciat h Ail Great shossingoaf iiS petti- fui, lource, g al he bagaincoua. They camnein black andi ape9c go........b4rga .n .1.40 alltheseuii e Ail 50c 14elts. speciai for spriog 8e 101 fa Lingerie dresses, npring shades .2 19 opening<> great bargasa <I98Q Edievs varicty of wash ~l sDle .....2c ai .2. b elts, nom go ut o CHARMING EASTER HATS 21 Extraordinary Values at $3.98, $4.98, Etc. Every effort has been made to place In ou-Ir assortment of Easter Hats at these prices .the very best values obtaînable. The finest materlls In makinq and trinmmlng have wa hnaeordinurîiy shaien îhu'. sasa,, Ta accamrnodate '4 tese atros vie have added an, extensive displuy of untrim- med hape toaur stock, and ai ocry îeasonabie prîces wiii 7siioher hpes ila atulî and n-tri q or ming musiner,. t4E sal 4-M IP IfW A m u D E S S A hast of curarming new Sprn pd[ ird n the $4.98 lise ws affer u large humblerofdres0 AION DIESES by aur trimmers la rotail taotO thI ý p creutions, fathioneci after exclusive Para modela;r Confinuman Dresses ever secs ln than other stores dient essnilt i Ighý materiais and trimmuegs of superiar qualy ul he trouble of making lhem . We grade maeruals deftiy as gaod as ynu xpecl t fuoda' ie noe 1903 desIgna that blond harmaniousîy; age sgo uyuepc ofn i ces are vcry low, 1.98 varlety ut aur low prlcc fr$.0o 1.0oi'dinarily,4.8t upward .. .. .. .. ..tilasale _ . . . . . . .. . . . .4 . 8 choc ............ ................. . NIRS T0 ALLlàAlslBlàà iàzàààsààa1àâtà Dr J. M. S Medlcv.. EmmnsM( Co'l aind sitii &1l, Merchand EsoilA. F, Sers icelq t Dr. E. E. Medicii F. B4.Love Harr- T.Fi Marchand] A. J. ilsyo Merchandi -Zion City 6 Merehid] Dr. A. E. B medical s Jane McAim Services. Johnson SmJ Coal ..... Zion Store«, Merchandi. Zion Stores. Mercrandii Walter West MilS .. O. W. Fale: Mitfley idý Dr. M. Halo, Medica e, Jas MAial Servies. Dr. S. V. H Medisel s, LaSe C. Hospital, Services G. . Blanch Coal ... Dr E. A. Wi Medica et Martis J. N .Smulance EA. Dosak Hýeha adi Dr. B. N Pa Mî.dîcai se, Dr. Joopa Medci nel D3r J-aeh I Dr. E. Fu Ail of wili 0.. J. Superolsoo and adopt t] motion ou Supervisor ommittels 0 submitted th itato of 1111 Board Of 1909. M r. Olsairma Boardl of! YourCoin seuments t Pettion of J fould repo exa.rnned si cois and &i pettioi set bat he ws 7acreis of1 bat he abot tho same, foi We theref be reftanded 7ounty tax. ing bodies r Town 30.27, and Sclool1 Ail of whi, e0. A. 'lt (OUM )SOME ANO ýUSEFUL -SOUVENIRS TO ALL 1110 Medli I lopitil \\,"tih & à < Costu es rndDresse t Hodpiai S îlot ad TOel rensesmd ut of ht elhorat shownq o!.h' < a Dressstica a14 r e aat o ie Nores Ve ilhey ann iSiSile Woo Is j m e el, t(. r O es w rh e ry card o f $10.00al ivsd prîesprvalîg o al los ! 4radyfo smoîhay ce y t sCs , evey rasnale Se thm Srhwss e~~~~~~~~~~~~~'. wiedvriyo asinbebfr urhsn îrias ses,~~~~~~~~~~ ,lvs inkrhes o T f~e Y T derie min 2 N .efets SUd T~. Dr W.l1_Af ic 1 qu'a-W

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