8.*-*.* - 7 -.. Ah t' Tii ason's ilBosstylstin ~ro.Wsq spocializo Suits ut ýfre. k ut$ are tJNE of the great factors that makes this store so great a fashion center is that we sovstrongly adhere to unusual excellence in women's- outer garments. It would be ' u asynot-zto1 be -'so particular about fabrics, patterns, color --- and fot bother about tifit and fall'of the garment. We would get a lower price that way, but would get, a *'ebeap Sui.Li,-We are led to .say this because the suits which we place on sale to- moroare almost without exception the famous "Printzess" garments. ri lbb.a, yard, 19c à AfewPiefOfbest rade ofÇ Tultfrolt 4-inehb to 6 luthl wideivalutms 3;;e19c WsMen's Fancy Rffose Suppffters, 10c P*~ torg, tiev t'orne in Mat k. w1ieand colora bue lggqîst 2 oIr ever saw iUJ.fs' $4 5h..,, $245 %àhia Y alrokèeù Une Of sizes, lulduVarions lahr a~fi nd $4.00 valles, pot 'OcSuamed.Sheets, 45c ?kt lua spleid gtquaiiti- of IMAmzed aslaetüs, ful size 81x9o vaje@; .45c $175e, 5& Haadâerch'fs for 25C Uanderehefgthat. have ]),-(a 0sflgt]Y' xaused in bandliîr- but heuve 1)(-ea 1'"launderd(, ~vaIueé; upto 41.002 ~.d ery Silk l en Brdmrd and Arrnstrong's every One kiüows tiat fliat la = fOof the beslt, mlightly IIIt.F ie!n handling, SQc Iliack Lisle Gloies Our xýtuIar 50e grade, on -fli mizesuad 6 we are ovei' Bt0Cvloed, here's a chance foi. thoge with a smal hiand, 50e values .. 35 EMbro êdered Turnover COne nti'e t half price Oneent'relot cednsisting (J inany, beautifulti-rus, V rlue& at,5e, 15c, ,5c and 35c, gimDes Shields, lOC pair Here yon are, genuineoAil drem s hields, go(mi l rad101 spieiid value, ........loc 20c Dristie fland Drush for 10c . S ize 1 slu , .i îmls l al lire 1pl0iliouf liv flîndo llieug Mlle vuale W . ... o Room size Rois, $6.98 Sphuelî h'hl fo-eI ini 0-ible(ir .l ) se ee Glass Tumblersat 2c eacb For saturd .a ad until se 'Mt. irejilAp on msa m i duii guas4Immi'iloI(.' at eaeh............ 2c lomper Play Suits, 25c M aIlef i . lJsi gra 11 e q f ( Ilalblt lora tt Iîe t î i i fiîe $10 Dnner lets, $6.95 F11 104) IIl l>il 100 f -4e o ýYIO 6.195 Curtain Ends. each 15c Of i-h>0oàîs ig , lo live liiî 1 'i 'fi ii E iiis.lf vdm N 2 i i. oo, aîihl alilal ......15c 15C Extension DowI birainers, 9c a...........9C 15c and* 12%4c Silkoilhe, special, yard. 8c oi2 ,ev ffnr iklr' iloaî t r V regî ii l 21 . a i I ....... .....r . 8 c Loni imonas at 75é Lleslong fiannelette Ki- the ma4,bco('ors ai-%-nixed amd Ienijan design, .'..... ......75c Iiandkerchiefs at j15cý Olie lot uof Ipurg linen 'hanid- kerclu j efs chat soidj at 1 9c,.25e) 35,were slighbti.v lmnn lIt reiaundlerei, i-ai-l............... 15C Sho"rIlmonas, 45c Ine-iudeýd ina <is lut are crepe, Lawn andIera, sorne are iooi'oî. axind el-id 5 woith a peplumn 10e CarpetsDeaters, 5e '11-ar- e nmade of the beot t hefin ioKn -it thé. t imeiwheu P)vî t'.i................5 $150 fl»us.Dreis ai,98 Ifo-ro- os a mlieiudidl cjîjsrtuis- ily 140,bu ' v icre- nf tildse daliy jone dessesnt a 98 100 Carpes Tacks 1or le li'.tgrade of nti-l t'i-km, ily 41 é;', 4, , M >or 12 cx. i I'î l tii5s ali, l04) foi ... ..l ,., .I 6) e 50c Cups and Saucers,23c Oine lot cf itald i cupsandI saucerg, BiaglidAlu ~stian ad JapanesCh 1112',23 about 10 styles .... 3 Se Chales at 5%~c yard This is the verv lw"t qualitiv, sella regulariy at 84-,xw spring pattorai, 1 this mâle at vard ...5i Glaghau Petticoats, 39C exinghain petticoatm, niade of a good quality niaterial, spe- cial during tbis 9 saleat ..........» 55e Mop, Complet., 39C Here la the bea4t nop înîde, includlex a good h ind k5C for,..............39 50C ClothesLie, 35c seventy five feet of tihe t4 grade cf wat.er Pr-oof elot(e line, 50e values, Mai sale at .... 5 6ýk Galvanbz.d Tubs, 39c Tomorrow wve placeý on sale a limitai] number of Gai vanized Wahh Tubs,39 35c Jap SURk, yard 19c WhitÀ- Japanese 811k, 2111-11- wIde, regular 3,7W grade, si(. cel during this 19 sale at .......... ....19 Danui al1, yard, 50e Lexurp S5l1k, yard, 25C -Ne- w asootrent of spring <'<b- lors anda patterns just receiv- ail. 65c Tatteta 3111k, 49C A splemdid grade, twenty-six luchex wide, a regular 67)c quaiity, spiiial for tlis éwi............. 4 9 St. CGul Batiste, 15C An extra fine sheer wuslu fat,- rie-on sale here exclumively. S« our Grocery AdverUmse ent, page 1, parn il 01 titi Issue.' tI M . The New Gàbson" (IlI srI e o te ih. MIls a ve o o"-o lw 0aitfui a- sifit 'vain" ta e e Koig irb a Plrtzo'eK garin a oe-lolr' v 81091-effect poduceA bl h e i t o n tnch and aqatr ig4 faelf nia. eoriais In th l'ontan sekianis. iight gored sitte flect o ront cos. - Ilfg. TheGesu tsaa i]Boni l no V.uolinraterial inalo h no-w ahades -$2f * "StrictUy Tailored" Yolui'liner know 4hv fullnianing or Illat word qitil YOUto n cu eofIhèm'e uI H ere' i an oxamjj e- Note the otriking s n I i iy of uts dë. sigu the' scarneoroo ofr a icuL; 'md peciall> renark s fit aber>you ire t on1 Made Of pure wooli materlalais u desirabe olorsa ik triumred. ihIs la a self evid.eiit value <6 StYles of Tailored and Lingerie Waists $1.50 values at 98c BieLttfill Tailo ed am s ,full mii ked fronts, uITlaxi <oliar<trimnaieil Iwih EBelet enabroidlex y, souie muade w îti a plain full front axi haÀk, mitil a ùfiiur stitcotai itclu poeket, otliers are trimiiied Nwîth revotai styles. of Aliovi-r faney Eiilroiifryh. 'Iliese wNvimt are, a sIx-cial lot pirehIaffi ol retail Hp 98 o. $1.50, fdr Saturday and ifhl e they hIit Voulr eioiceof iiiy one1. Let us present " Billie- Burke" Iled iiho rmadlamagazines knî w alout Che "Billie BqirkeP" ---thîu renoivnfld garmient tha iai' setout he seaqon cont style. Ilere 14 y'oir opportunîbty to ni-et it andi know' for yourself hom- vey-y styliAh it isu-we have the exclusive i'ighte on this garaient la Waukegan. WVe are showing tl3is nodel in a variety cf suits and cats, aIl nmmdk up ia the beat p4re %vool materiala, tailored uni v as al "Printzeffl" garmnientsapae taiiîored. TItre-- splendid mcat sleelalm ut Vi ~$IÇT5 $5 $18 iAUL ALTUIATIONS FR1EE .7. Y; 'f.j.~~f 4 .. . *8 f..-. j,, mmàiààmý