LAKE COUNTY -INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1909 i t- You llaven't Tried The Best until gou have used Ardee Flour Makes More and Better Bread than Any (Mher Flour on the 'i Market.. A Trial WiII Convince You. J. ELI TRJGCiS GROCERY AN, D MARKET', ISpring is Ilere i And you need a good torîje. Tiiere is nothicîg better thaîî a tîp tif gooci tea or caffee. Anîd tii be sure of gettitig the Ieax'eetir berrnestr to aki"theut' caddie t ils. A few quu"- jttted llîereu: litet ,î-iîîî'ariu-t r , Iritg Tli ler lutitrd Good varic.ty l)oluriug 'ea, Ir-ruttîî [test citojue variety ('r' tn 'le-a Per Peund (lUi hest uncolereri Japau 'les pet Pound - Very fine uncroloreil Japsu Tes pet Pound Good uuclered Japse Tee, per pouned Fair unceiored Japso Tes, pet Pound Medium prade uusolored Japami Tes per Poued- Medium grade Tes per Pound - - [test Mocha and Java Coffec, per Pound Geod Mocha aud Java Coffee pet Pound - - - Flag blerded Mocha and Java Coffe. pet ponnd - Smith & Davis cheoie blended Coffee pe, Pound - - Smniths & Davis good blended Coffue per Pound- Smsiths & Davis choies mized Coffee per Pound Smuih & Davis fancy mized Coffee per Pound- Best Golden Rie Coffee, per Pound Good Golden Rie Coffee, per Pound Eje ('offee, per poind - 70, 550 40- 60C -60C 55e 50C 45e 45e 35e -33e 30e -280 25c -25C 23C -20C 20e lacS 15e Ceine in and gel pricte on fite and ten pound lois SALE STILI. COING ON lSmith & DavisI Libertyville, Ill. J GOOD TASTE ini form, fabric and* *. design la al our mecrhandise. Many * attractiveofferingsin* tlen's * * Furnishijîgs Some of the de- signa lu Neckwear are exclusively ours. Stiff-Bosom Shirts, Plaited Shlirts, Negligee Shirts *in handsome new modela, Scarfe, Four-in-.Hands of£ excellent siIks, at prices that will1 surprise you. ~ .B. MORSE & CO. Iianby Block, Libertyville PA Great Industry. --SOTADPROA LET I À ST Amoug tise greatemt American indue- SOT N1EROA tri@le tise roeegrcrwrugentabtiohment et RUN !VIERY 11OUR Tihe Dingoe & Conrad r3o., West Orove, Mr@. J. J. Davis wa. tir' e et fMrs. Pa.. the largest izgrirsof rose planc@ M A le the werld. Tirir annitia output Je W« . Protine severiri rlueo the çast Newi Schedule on thre Libertytflle- over oeemillo lnoalono owekit.. îttit udjcesfn RockefeflerBranch (Goes into odaé eotab)llshed in 1850 Ob>' Charte@ epriog and sominer w-ar ai NIrs. M. A. Dingee, who et the age etft84, id still hale PaoTîtoe's. aMd hearty. 'Twae be nho firet sent raILreCapailerfKnke, We teks great pleasure ie annoriclng growing rose tiants natal> b>' mail, and M.&aOr.Cag4IF fKnaeta nadatrArlltcr i h Dow their patrons rus fintercho hundreds are visitleg et thre bhometothtiri a nadactAri e asrst of t.heu@andg. It im jsidt ch.> have daugister, lire. Oeo. Koon .Libertyville aud Reekefeller frranch of euetomme injeererounty ef ever>' tate You are Invlted tu atterrit ry sîrrinie the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric rosd ln tise union, as well as ln ever>' clvilized mllineryopns, 0rtu3adFrd>,wiflb.o 'un every heur iustead foit every country'. Ther' baie made tiie village Aprilla us 2. Mft.. MA-PiROTINJ,. two heurs during thse middle ot the day of WestGfr-e tamirrs a. the gresct DrJTyoretu'tr-tttrm sca .ha@ been customar> tise pstitt wtter. rose tetwi tititinsiie tîtriet.Thterjrmil . J alr é-re fo ea cotmprises trioumrtide rît tettermdail rmaitdSprnege, M., WedseIiax r iriferi hoeThe uni>' exception totiersiiilefrw ilfis em ifirtinru eo-ýilal e'km, and a'ttitis onacceunt of th. e r'rrris 11t111-ioetbis the teln o'clock -car et rnîglît tahîrh aitif tuu rttac tiry lJoad nii tih tu a mucher. lie skipped. Tlhe hrrurfy oi'freritte rui Icsrload rot rîrurî daif v Titiy have the Mai Kobser, prori.rrtfrrn tire Fair mes t Il a. tii. , frrtar unr rf grrtwisg the ecririgeo§t, store, i Opeudlrg abig cul. ýf irankru Pt 'ee litet and tiri itrairauîrfloirises ru the stock. Ren-d i.îig atint irt nrIit on H.« B *-ger, president of the.i,'Lirerty- world. They -tii tire- rlants ony. fît anîrtier page vfille vilflage hoard; il L. Tripp, tire ftrwrrs. Tht-y risitcurry a cirtplete arn.Elsreuti-IrrtîInvr presjdet of the boardi at lRorckefeller, are fisc etarieleerospat,,leifriuiCrue , Tueoday evenitg, lrrrktrgemveh the parties whe deserrie creitliiiorch9s This office i. in receîpc et thier aunual rmproved In health b>'fls utci-r utri cat; happy thougist. Ls Satunday tire> catalogue tor 19)09, whih t. t.rmed Douch lauded climat.. went tue Highwood and interviewed the "tlixcy Yearo Among the tRose.," a Trire set baud concert if trire ieason manager et the rtrad ihir was ver>' magniicetitbrick cf 116 Pages, beauci- will h. gîces St thse tirroneh urr'h on reseonable at thei r demande sud fOlly gotten op and illustrated profusel>' nert Thureda>' eveniug, A.[rrtl J. Sente la natural colore in photographe, show- are now ou salie at Lent-ff'5 drug store. promlsed ctri c hie lins should have ing tise celebrated laigo roses saey.>Mtr, aud Mis. Walter ILie are the better service at once. Tii.>'were accore- actuall>' are. 'Tliisbook, we aetlpne yJF.CakothLkeouy 0olt tlsnm ever 810,000 and t. a work ofrgond prents et a eonu Irrn, Friday, pns yJ .Cake ieLk en> iart. Tise muet remarkabte part et it JeMarch 1~9. Ho le a, thrîr-îng youngster Telophone compan>'. that the>' oSer te send it fee, tu ail Whso but net yet old enoogh ti rend bis ewn Tise echedule thât ha. heen lu eftect tisa «Ir for it. W. urge tise reeder. ef hîrtii notice. paot wlner ha& been tise cause ot muci' tise INDCPENuENT tu take advantage etflien 0. Miller will open bis laie office inconvenleee and protanity and has chie epportunt' tteeure tsldeautifuiiilu tiserear of thie posteffr'i'alter APril lot irSen made doubl>'ose hecause thors bas rose book fre..Marre your homne and arrange lfo regular office heurd bord eniroundinge more attractive b>' plant-a@se ilIase sttending tir)tria practice lu heen enougir busineste justif>' btter lied soiesetftise.. gorgeons roses. Thie Waukegan. service. Msny peopte living ou tise bsook tells yen thie et vrreties tu select, Wisconsin Central nertis et RoctLefeller hew ce grotemt-andi isenite rare for Neat Tireeda>' laeletira day Tii. trier. I r ia complet. guide tu regular tewnshivi jeetrrrrlFi. unoe tise etectrlc lin. as a cenneciug finir fol rise cultureaund was wrtten for th. Lyntch ha@ withdrawn bu revoie ad a antd the tavriheur arrangement made It begunr. udfur a~ey eaî~ candiatefor justice oetite rareonut he almeet imprrssible, Mîîch patronage ru-siderandcforajierty @ai mui tir cas mlocratte ticket. re(jdeniq if ibetyvile nd iciitycnafioo coe@-efrîîm tons sortis et LibertlV- bsave roses lotutujg in tiseir yards and Itev. Geo. Pratt, asistranrtt-r trrr otfville ou ch. Chicago, Mlwaukee & St. Pltutfirg tii-tr t-jir porrein ubuedaur-e St Luke'm cîrurcis, Evarniori, lt uI 'rus.v titirt-fr>'adrlrgtrguitrire chrarri(i rije duet services anud prear-le tri t Jr, %Vo'rrnrt Paulfaii rnres tbers to date tise eleetrir' bornre, as avefi amr ardrrg tut tl.t- atrac liallt iextHoniday' aftrîrij,)rirtf thte iiWaukoegas aand ecier nrrr thore tir etim i'o rtf t-ecor-t uni ty rut farge. r 't faitk. Alfi crdialf>' ttritf1uit uri inin fo g tl- le Af ic-su netrortaltf Paroi triuay fuir ttt -csiar u uFîr rr r tiltr- I irin î ng etis u raiet î-irîfetrise catalrogue- tu Thtelii su, Ci.& olit 'i liai u l'ut Iia "t f n-, l'a. Iî t l a'îî1ry ru. '%.ourti paint lireveur dr-ui r 1tus Ili fua>' i i ave iteeugrcutfj' iu-oncenteuct-rib>' __________________ v a cu frotct ou nfinn fni-rerle ttirntg t nu tain houtr a. iedirle and have i eurci sg Bradiley & h irroýam n ,'tir uat. r-ti'- T Ai-nuiltooen nMeeting and Etectron, î c jietB.ait rt 11,rit. n- un nprt ute, iro liuTieh Nntin'elalmlt-ttre gît-eu ttiitrire l'grilf . L E.Backlle '-vtris it-t-o "rclnîcrpraio iaunrn t, h iotIen., ru-ideti t. rt(fîttre tr miv nehtt Irt -a s tif age laist M oniari aie,]f n nsol not ?.ii ufthtire uti-'lne, "Srtraf tariruru trnk - Lint bttof ill'rsc -tL.ake, rit &te- rfutarnd titr-s gathereriuttstir- brnerilorry'rre -ri, lurge unit-iPfrtiopotrtin. Illiîuia, cdrittrcii-ausual iuîa n,hirp e f r'lebrtatiou eftch. eet -ît A tiostt____________ tsg arîl efI-tin of officrs o ui ad peussut famil>' renuiris being cnînyed. Ntc fClrfrBlos town-ship iptl take place Tuesday trire Tut etrvince a stubhîirn mrar tisat gcod otte . (itir rie>' îtAprif prexturn, betsg tise fires paiut fa.te lougze@t eou îrene a bouse kIro 5 Tutedrar' ussuid]ruontb. îîaiuted five years ago %vitheOnrailey' & Aunouni-emeut rumfiereir>' made trhat Triei.eetirîn aili begin at tiselueur tif X'oouean Paint. Fu mendiera and tise cler. for theire iruar>' Ballets te ho 7 a m. sud cir.. a t 5 p. m. intr ireflai-es pure. Seld b>' F. B. brrr c.ii. Liberty'- uosd b>' tht- respetctive Parties at a designateda. tolo ws'Fisc preciuct rn tiffe, Ili. Primary Election ut teborsed ou chelacis trire Town Hall. Seceud precinutt <1A.ibilig day ot Aprit, A. D. 1909, iti the rouet>' F"R barber sisep. 0 . et i uldn ewbu fLake vîli be a. tolleavo: Flnge of este ho elect.d are: lire@ Ou West Park avenue ahicislmto eireh Rapublicanpar>,aii. celleccor, onecemmissioner et iirglaays. rent.wvien empleted. L. H. Whistney Pro .iinpr>,?sn have justIces oethtie pence, have coustables 11 aciebegin work ou a sce bouse in Dsociatpa^rt,yaî ie and oee cirool trustee.,tise near future. Dted tise 5th day et Marcis, A. D. 1909. Tise teavu meeting will open in tise Mitchele'@f iitar>' Bautd will give thior ALBEROT L. EgeOEE, Cont>' Clerk. 1 Tewn Hall at tise heur ef 2 p. m. and usî t dance aittise toien hall on Frida>'5- alter rhooolng a Moerator Wit procsed ovening, AprBl 16. * Thse band ho y ' te iear and cuinider report, ef ers, entertaiumencs are always weil att.nde te appropriat. moue>' te defra> tire sud this being the fi inlumaur>' eeke Foluys Houe>' sud Tarise a eateguard nme~sa> expeseofethtie townuship, and ailI te botter irban ez. against serions resait, frem eprlng te dliterate aud docide on sut-b measureo coidé, nisic infibule tise lune and se Mie> in pursuaece et laie coe btefore aTise choir eftch, M. E. chureti willlgive develop inte pneumenia. Aveld counter- tire meeting. an Eseter cantata artishe cirurh chie forte b>' nieitisîg uon having tise Given under my bsand this 26ftii day et Froda>' evening, April 2. Tise procýeeds gonulus Foiey's Heowy aud Tar, whicis Mar bh, A. 1. 1909. -111 go te augment tise choir fend. centaiuus ne harmlni druge. FPOÂ.x B. W. C. Tajees, Townrship Cierk - Thange ailI bo violine ad vocal soloe, a LoviL.. ___________ reading and tre main numlber wihcidisa______ cantata caiod uuEser Prause.- Scisoal Notes. Tisee 1 Cont>' Gravei Compasny nilI Dissolution Notice. Lest Tneeday morniog tise senior rimse po bykresume eperatlone tise cemlng To wien iT MAY tIONCSENq: eutertained the eong rCeesflsentlyuu konday alter hisg losed de wu durlng I have diseolved partoersuip witisWin. actincout the chorus, tise ainter menthle. At tise j ot time C. Hawnsofthtie Nencastie Hotel, et On Wednssday moraing Ethel Wheirtise.>'are anaiting is nen Z r nhlis ietvie I. udwi oreepu gave a piano solo for tise junior@ to be Inetalled. Preparistions are hing hie fer debtis ceutractsd b>' hlm hereatter. prxam ad oahpmoegavitii ear tissu Ruectfiily>, Dele Hart rend a selection entitlsd ever before. LERoy PnocToS. "Tise Quaranine Rivaisl" jor tise sopho- Whitie playing about the freigrt forore more eutertalsmient Thureda>' noruing. at tise eid dopot la@c5aturday atterneen Head the pai formula ou tise box cf Tise Fresmen sngtiseeong .11 the the uttle threg-yerued laughter et Pink Pai Tahiets. Tison a.k >'our Folke Doavu Heme Cesd mee e Now,' Agent J. G. Tutflee>orfe romi thre piatform docter If tiser. ie a botter oe. Pain Frida>' moruing niti a nomber of tire t tise floorhreakIeIW br oftam ietneeumeans eoeugseien, irieod pressure some. caesnnetantasand erald Wlliam@ tire elisown d tise nisir. The iîttie eue wher.. Dr.Sisoop's Pink Pain Tahiete in cotm Inging thse irisrcs. Tise r.ceivedi mmediate attention and Oche'ccheck lisaitpains, avemaul> pains, Pair talent in tht. >'oug resismair sioold ho inured member nl ho entrel>' hesded anyhr.Tyeu u el1 er2 cultâvated! Snithin a fer aveekem. 2eld b>' Rowena8u Ifnae, JuotineWir., Pearl itia e wek.odb Hughes aud Armitla Brome are back lu The man avio r.sds lise waer metere ALL DEALERS. scisool altier aul absence et a few days on ha. buen around tis wsek sud ire siruld accourit et siekuosi. but ahi, te give ch. public nome ides a. To Wirom Il May Concerti. tieorge ftedunsuir ack in che lxth te wisst aili bu tch. outromne cf the local grade ater a neeka8 iline@s. option vote at the @Pring electien. Tise Take notice chat tho name@et tise Mvrtle 5maI. tm eut u acount et more mon.>' that gués into tise village Eurmons tiercer Lomber Cio., ha. bei micknemse aater tond means chat moci less for the chunguiedtu Lihertyville Lumber Ce. Coutt> Sufrcritrtetnlent Simpi~soni visited] bretter, atnd distillens. Happy' tirmuglit. K 0 Esqt rieurs, President. tht- eturl fattri-t-k L. IftMtrse rclrated bis eigittv. 2il-3 M'mres ýllu'.iv sund tire. I'rte iited secontud lirtiduy riirresary raât Sutritay _________ tM- is.utn WIrlr m,d tai i â hi'aradtttt* r -11n'î joyed b>' trir rsole lt erdta e rade uemiurirera I)rstf hiei rn infimediste furiiî lrnttrhe- epritig eter> one- wotlrl ire tir anc ta t-ci Tire srii ccnrIrci if.,1u Monda>' bnnt tir - f cneit tlInbY talu mg Furie>' 's lp ny Tri, r-mru ur rirrs fravei vtieut lt.i- t li t r'r-fcruattn nu taas bord tire d vm (llin'(nt-rfi itfutrrriojh-e a ttetdid toie tri \air de ,' Ir u-tnngir c trire bt'falaiStrrute prevnuua liîr %fnrse carnies his ftunur thr- fuini altecr thetiextrastraîn of srrito m inut , n duuilrr eýi-r iiurlc. fl 3it' :li1. set- n t u c ar i rrr e though lire at--, a'itcr, anduilut turitircu tire iniînd lir En] nb 'tttrtl-i « oî tru l ) tri frtufn -hiooIf bt )ltt i en t rr age arrd i a ît', t rir-ds ttir - lrrilaturig tir,- kuiti't v rîtnd tauoagý lhrirte r ig at-'tia Iai t t ,'i-k. tajoî ir , irîrn unît r ne happy Iri ruîrr-! iunurtri rlt-rOirlittt thi tt r ltif ts irrru t Mi-r'o ,1,1'tir1rîtur t. lChurchîil were offt, aver s .-a F. '1.-t Kinfrru. fetr- rl n r nrrrte tut-ta' dot>vti rri).ru-'tat) a cek etnu a o-urtrue rt tntfr' nrf crgrur. lf'aîiu t tie u i tir. lluggr ý-i vt-cttid a rteponrtt rurui rlas rrt-unt rind te-rftînt iuildinît- f a fi-i; 1' rrr'ri rîun l b-ai-,lueu 0mn nitnr ttuoltittr ,i-i ras uni-,dsud ivhrfwrt uiIni Ba nd Ceonce rfProgram - ru t tire fîUnoir i fIf ivi. uotitriretvork alsrrctfcun)Mdii t-. rtorerorrîe, l'hru I %ý ntrg rir e îrcngratîu unf the cvoni tri trec mgît se l-rrl ftnigPi ft' b i rit pronnftutlias ii'îr it y lutuefdini'ur.eeo i r--rt ne ulu nhi11 In'1,ro c f i .hlîtfuiI a ginei n-uilturîl 'c n uidirhe tigh @Chiouif oc yet îururuî 'i This dli'teri t'irrrvnui't-reolUnr irnifrlio pi I i-iout tieu- ot nrf iff.ri miredited prrnîuoitrnu %ua-i tnieir upr ita ii d c-t-crc- ifrnfalunrc tli,,trit i-hounnrs W iti tir- faut t-laor thse 1 Shl'donl'Iitmrici fnr-ojle Woavisrer n n]r 'rîn - E-utttIniî retîr it adt i r uv-l e nîrruttîrol I'et aremeu'r n -uf rft ,r iu ildin.g but fa. lOnu r,'mut .... Inn.......fUutt. L une eIntur ft fri .-rnn îreeareerer îrufn achad ouna Masurer î'îrnt sol.tir. - .....rita... ur' urne it atueretf cftrnre r eit. ablfe leuac trire -uin bas ir&an lui-trt i, .u..utu trhet-dr n auiudo ntPd. T tI ý, e nne ot sueir a fbuIltl'Ilr. tmm n' iug irouid uttnitut intu"cllis ta large figett lr -ru t -c . . ..... ...... lIatnl1 lii ri'ttn o.r' jrrur ir eratr- rf lky and tchut criteMa.utie m r rrmer tu hanrîle tire ahiiin Du îl tt....... ...... èntii lydr'tcr-tîourt oetdhe blrînîîui t h Dn. irvestlur'ut saItfi- ýinroid reeriive utit act *.. -1' l agn nd1C. 'A. Biesaclu Stio ) lnf t iietustic ltcînttd-y iquid or a tair aitoilret f rrta'nt-st More n. s" a itîr-tuir in oltu .......n... . ..... Î iltchll tuilct fut c .rut - 1fr. Suunep*m fictklet toni they tait-f dur doîtinethe, building avif i'c Ovet-e c-E- ....o . . . '.... ......... ....Ban rheuîtiarrî ipluitîy ln (isud ttrustingfly fstpenem forctl,.c it-e heing. Tise .M..c.... -.....-....... .. Band e tells fust bowvdtire ( Ienm. Tellîf en"mt i hertyvifie iouler- nf Masons je a prous- .rtlf ian htlrruiuksd Mme. eiffera-r et this hbook, crrbotter stfl, lirooneansd tienît che>' aili eveucuaif>'F. Il. Lot eh t write Dic Slmoop, Rtacrne-, Wie., for th.ebud tiser, Js ourt tuie sightest doujter._________ hcmrk sud Ires taet namples. Bond ne Tise publie tnt-l hiînw chat the>' ai-tI urouriei. Just joien itis Dr. Siseep and certasel>' erect errrrrî'ling tirat aili ho a An>' lady rentder eftrchic papeail give moree.sîtferer a plea.aut, surprise. credit te ture vaîuge and ailI giadi> eneve01 . ctt ant-n N-Drip" ALL DEALERS. hsaen tise day ail tire>' posibly crin. CeS..e Stcaiuî-r Couorn privilege from L platei, ti-r>' prestt> '-i tivel>' revente al1r&ipping et tes or roSfe,. b'ht Dec mn r-îeiit t, aifilibis ne ire, iîeek rîi - - i It-itis Ctffee" siuuply tm,1CI iutrrnIticI' titis efever substitut. for real Ceffue îti, froop's Heaitlî Ceffee Wus r gaifiit cogri-rt pepularitv irecau@e (et: r Firat. ifs -errftatag ate anti iavr r Rtonrtrii t 1-a rl-nrrt.rî altitfuftitss; tiid, ici ecurîrn nr>' j, ifn2;c; tourtis, it8 mu iiitN-, 'n t-rtiui 211tii 3uîtttîi,,- Ita-t bimliittc -- ltin ta Cminte', S. Fn Dr. Shottp TrYit at your grocars8, for a pfeiitrtu r ct -rcjut. CORLETT & PREDERICKS. c i. j! ABOUT YOUR MONEY HATTERS. EARNING, ACCUMULATING and MANAGINi. tarir meuney jr wi-rtîty yoor nareful thougst sud ht-st effot-ts foie ilth. ver>' betsfa-asd btfore it fa fce fate. Tht- frnîfi, r r't unmoue>' and moi-ev toatiers je Our buaiuessa. We rau hefp y'er m -hatuthe aur- iuvesi aurmmc oneey iu thec oest profitable, urînrr-u t rntrrcj u td SAF1ESTwaaf. lItery bfoy stnd girtshold have o savtrrgs acutt t. Ecer - utîri anrd ai'ttan ut-tdri tht- help sud advnceof a seum t irui riccahir bauuk. \te'cinvtte your busines sud yurnaccout THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LIBERTYVLLE Open Safurday Nghta Seat ceai tsOh. Patt OS Une Thousands of Years Aga Merchants foond the Shortest way to Suffls was e> Giving the Public Good Valuesý' There are merchants today who art trying to get around this, Tnjth, established 2,000 years B. C. We have bulIt up our business on the principle of One Pnicè and Square Deal. Before you make your purchaBffl se@ what We have to off er in Seasonable Goods. Our lins le Complets in- Wash Goods Batistes Ginghams Dimities' Percales Waistings India Linens Lawns, Etc. WOOL-SUUTINGS ýg le mu 'r PROMPT Sf Rvice UBIRAL TR uiATm!T ABSOLUTE SATyv tüeftf-li NatioialBan3 I IUBERTWILLILL TO OUR CUSTOMERS: We are adopting TH-E M'CASKEY ONE-WRITINC SYSTEM for keeping aur accounta. White thiss ystem la n.w to us, ih has been in successful operation for a numnber of years among leading merchants of the country, seho are unanimous In their endorsement of same. With this Syatemn we are *nabied te give you an itemuzed bill with each purchase, which, you wlI readily see, prectudes the possibitity of any difference between you and us, as te the condition of your account at aur store, for we have ne record of which you have flot an exact copy, inasmuch as ail charges wilI be made in duplicate. In erder te secure yeur hearty co-operation we wll furniah you eritha sales-slip holde te hold our sales-slips. We thank you for past favors, and hope by careful attention te your niants and a strict adherence to honorable business methods, te merit a cenftcuarrce of your trade. WM. WALROND Oeytuy us . i. LUCE - -Ad-judicatio-n Noti-ce. - - Bu Il. MILLER. Attorney Publtric N oti,c ri, ýrtYir'eratriait the sicAdjudication Notice. rtber Ad trrr.ra irrar, oftthe e.ate ofWilliaint Pubie oNotice s herebftr cho titat tiesBats- i Folle', cal, ; IO, ritt'tr't1tihe Coiinty Crt acriberAdrlnntrapir Oft heestaietuargar.j> at the t rîir- uta tin threot tIn afie hantlue'OIe receset. reilattend thre Oounty ots ttler-te tiorre rt Waîkgan trcoad o f tLakre l2ooty. et a terni tiieratrInte ie bo" ithe',-r atie Jonc' e7t-, 11155. whOii t the VCust Houa. In Waukegan, in sald C(outRR. sud ,,,C .1ai tr ain" C ItlCui aeton the finitblond&), ot Jon nstert. balahs Said estatu' a re' oti rie!t and rerruested u aPres"nt and where ait P.r"on. hantag etlasa aa the 8ruta sid Coua rt rritfoi adjuicatonri an.ld Fate are irotliled sud reqused Inurs. (ARriLIN\ FI Fi' iLER, Adrarlirlutrluthtie .,r o, Rel ut forir jli'cationsur. Waurieiran, aerli zt 19. .74 EM IL J.>lit88. AdakinlatQr LESLIEI P. IIANNA. Attoney for Esevutrks. BEN M. MILLER, At&..»y. Adjudication Notice. Adjudication Notice. Pubtie Notice tgiier.tç tcTsien tuaitrie Suri Prrli,Pttî i"ue lahemErety nth" aStbeIrsll curber. Ear-r'tr'te la @et Wtitanti Testa ici-tri-r Aqltiuiitator w" SWiflrex nrt of Sabrîra Otto, teýeasedit i attendUsitthie Itre estto rrt Soti lievkasur. do c.oîty Corrtf ' t hicoulir. t àter, ireeot latearxt he C 111-1 CoraLoStakeist at ro be holderii t th, court Bouse In Waukeizao nii-t-ut u hturne st ire ooanr àqâzr ri Ralid criti, rourtheStitMonday of Juse iest.le in hga nlesaid Umsae tr" xome.iep 19" a heu aind wiier.1ait tOrsosu tiaingaoSitt.f tJarre nOrl t'blwala laîst raid entai- are sotltotand reîîitittctut iîinxc lint arraiurt sali Estats are 'nu-nit the r'rre tooald -Court for adjudicairt sirt mrenrueaei tro presteusthe sans. t? 8saiS f p [O F: N (iE Stl'riLYCUITIStl i friCaftit r Cri r i.'.LBERiat'ASTtoLZ, Eerre jci EMAIRIXÀ he INDEPENDIENT and Daily Tribune or E)cean, one year for $ 3.50. ýz 1 A fine up-to-the-minute line of Ladies' dnd Children's Shoes, Srippers end Oxfords, in black, brown and grey suede and tan.