CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNT-Y INDEPENDENT, AND WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN VO.X VIl. -YNO. 27 PART TWO LlBU"Y'JLI: lAl'- oi'>IN'l', ILLINOisIS, ~ ,At>IIL 2 EIGHT PAGE WASIIOUT 0F POLITICAL FENCE AT III6fWOOD 81Ig Chiot Hogan, in Saddle, Sweeps Horizon of DomainI Finds Fonce Gone Political Machine, Toc, Creaks DismaIIy with Only Twenty . One ,Cogs" Working Mogan Forces Hold Rally and Maniage te Eke Out Ticket i Meeting Last NîgirI. Decent Majorlty Masses This Evening at Odd Fellows' Hall to Complet. its Own Ticket, Vic- tory For lt Predicted, (Prom Wedr.eaday's Sut-) T at whonie Semrions cf trruit ii fens'lIng hati lxuu's'tres ariarr iy tirs ."wate,"' lnle-etd oto lghoor]af- faireb>' tire du-c(-Itttuajurrîry was (isu cov;erer] iy 'laî u ot- arr 'If tirat '1h iast n iglu t w irirui-- rad fis pIrn3rail ed logetflur'tfor a ilira onuI a! ,( liruglirt rliere suCl- us lu r-rut,' îir'a.t rand lire Ilugan ruriurueir a k "r]and groune'llit fuif3 untepururut ruu W ,? E. f 'ruuurrirîulj a l d Pr]tu) ur 'P1i r ider] agalitrrt iru l and suiiogau node tln-'(,nilsru. 'rlu rfît1trtw ert nIc, trtus'i ir tl a ur 1,ls-rtus 'luuluil her-anà,,-oruthile ti -urn f r ia s'rurrrr kr and tliirinlleguI dfltiutusc il ts asaliuitîrai )t 4 tur I ) rrflil iititclu ms w(rr.-Irnvain ra thiu r'sofe tire Hoegun part> Werru' ufraid<of tire prts lilr-lai netiai- lt herespeHo Irrrt i lcit>is d t th irsseech 'Ho-r gan prrur-i-lali'u "admlti-ed" alt cirkrg- et rmade againott fil and hie adtnln- latration, stating tiratIt was a fore- 90le conclusion thar the mrile and an eigirti law woluld bu' followed by blid Pigs au long as thelre was a soitier at Fort Sheridanr andur]'xtlaining how bIl-' liard rouoms wr-ru' lirensed for $300, It lo alieged. Hlogan hilnBueif lo salidt tubave asud Oiit ruf the chance to sun for miayor and Jilm Rlley was nominated. Jito 1-ICIMrY wili ie the candidate for city treasurer, P. %Matthews fo. edty cierir, Hl 1, Burkue, alderman fronvthe tir:,t. Il. Swansofu, second, and John Lang thIrd, white W. E. ('onloinngu lm ih- cholce for police miagistrate and thu'rî lm no choire for ýClty attorney. it lm sald that matuy or the "u'andiliat(.sa wero. absent. Tl'ie ulatfornu r-ommnlttu'e, gi v ir.v mlinutes [o draft. a lalatform, iruriuuu ssii thre adminlel ration of liogan and t oi ed to retrenchin a rity affaira. Tire "dor'ent nmajority- rueota ihi, er'ering tu ferrilati',tiriket eaIcid Feiiows' Hall. NOT BODY 0F GEORGE FELDI (Prome Wedor'ay's tira) Hj irelort tirat a bod y ireilecu'd lu ire, 0htf (ieu',,igFeid har] beunfourid lu lh.- lllruauik.'u ris or y"trdra> fulu, IlrlOnt tu, h,'au abffolu te"fa ke,- as the oitlr'v-s ofthe ýNIiiiwauke,' rhi-f llf .Ai CC and toron,', deilare thlat tuo hodiei -u are futid > cteida), and iunu- ei ail]mince Thtrudr a),stl Thib bod.v ruas rue-n by A H (ampl bl-Il. iurotho'r lu,, ilioun. uin Niulrçaul,.ee .-aturdar rrand ru not tiraI r Fr-Id,'lih, tuai r ju-lot hu-ul wuti auj kiligtnaa ýgirtriiýlts> andtf lue ls lhrlma et nu l- e il ,l, Genuine Quartered Oak, H[ighly Polished. $28.50 reduced to ...... $24.00 $2275 reduced to ....... $18.75 $22.50 reduced to ...... $18.50 $2400 reduced Vo ..... $19.50 $18.00 reduced to ...... $15.00 $16.00 reduced Vo .......$12.0Ô $3250 Birds Eye Maple ..... $27.00 $3250 Circaaaian Walnut ..... $27.50 $21.50 Birds Eye Kaple ........$18.00 $16.00 Birds Eye Maple ..... $12.00 MoriseOhalrs An Elegaiit Lino Must Be Reduced. $22-00 Genuine Spanish Leather Pillow Cushions, roduced Vo ......$75 $16.00 Genuine Quartered Oak $13 $15.00 Genuine Quartered* Oak $12.OO $12.00 Genuine Quartered Oak $750 Chlffeners $2875 reduced Vo ........... $24.00 $26.00 reduced Vo-------, ..$22.56 $21.00 reduced to .......... $18.00 $20.00 reducod Vo .... ...$.5 $18.00 reduced Vo ........... $13.75 China GaieeUs Elegantly Finlshed, Genuine Quartered Oak. $2600 Corner Cabinet ........ $19.50 $24.00 Cabinet.......... $19.00 $22.00 Cabinet......... . . $17.50 $16.00 Cabinet. ................. $18.0 CARS COLLIDE AT EDISON Mlu Washington Street Main Line Car C rTogether Crash of Impact is Heard Several Hundred Feet By People trucksanmd nearty off thre r-ar ones, I tanding completeiy off thre street car lracks. A SUN reporter was the first on CT. th & sceme amortg the newspaper rien and later the SUN automobile arr'uvedi .C 0 n the spot ta tender te aid if any NCTIO wereneeded. Motorman Mead was reniai-rd [o Or. Knlght's office where he is row Car and being taken cars of. At four-flfteen the traclus had been ore cieared on thre WaL'kegan lune andth liited, cars 401 and 400, cntraued ils trip. for LARGEST DELINQUENT LIST City Speciai Assesaement ta Ras Be- hibd Mtoch. t Fron Vit-u ru lay's S 1i1I,'lire ci-y will trave Ifsa ' iri Tus atternoon near four un a colti- lirrîunetut lust this ear, tir" r"j u1 son between thre eatt bonrnd Washing- iig aborut forty pagea loiig' r ton street car and one of tire Chicago- rurtal Tirer-e are eo turr' c -r a Mlwauk'ee cars at tire junctuon of thre ifrlt ihr reort wili ie alui'in-i" two lunes ai asigtnstreet and arl rIre gr3wiIru Edr'on cour-itthe Washington street_________ car- was forced çf thre track and many rrassesger-s acre panic striciren.- CASHMORE FOR CONSTABLE The tao cars met wrtir an impact Fr eiFd sSr that ýas hear] for several hundr-ed <rmWdrsa' ui feet iunseuehborung hmuses and crowdS fiocked ta the spot at once ta take care of the rrjured. Tire avalend car colljded witi thre front end cof tire liruted and tire plat- for-m of tire former was completety iunocked off, carryrng Motorman C. Mentd aithir t utto tierer-et. Me es- caper] arti bruirnes aend cuts, rrotably about thre face. Hus nose was badî>' lace rated. Othier passengers on botir cars were u)xtri tirs rus-a shairen up and suffered minor injuries. Lirut, Becaruse the wct end car was comung east and hart not corne a great dis- Intutuon, îct ance, it drd flot have many passen- "What iecame of th irer oncle of gers. The west end car was number yotrro'" Tire lrmited train had iwo cars, tire "I thlok be derid. but 1 dont car tirat figured In tire collision beung know.-, number 401. **' How did ire lost ailbis The weit endi car waa off ita 'front ononey '-Cleveland Leader. ONE wEE Orf acteu r anres ptaced runr:lu ,r .j ;t tliryhitir bu' diawn fraurur by ar r,, I-j or th tuu lrrn i'o imiltsis, 'IlilIulu z ruiu u sarrutire ost o.-ofW. ra-rul,,,, \ trrlugaru ruai, it.- Ilu s ru, if. luir ,riruraun for tire nomination fuiru-,i nu'» hillig tire placé on tIhu- ru-I ilýiii ti kr-troinde vacant bytu'u'111 il fi-i rtr' Ilergi. 1, *Br-ownr TOWN TAX TOTAL NOW IN Oser- Six Thousiand Doltars Dcl usquent un Waukegan Town. <Prom Wednesday's Sas.') Thre 'r"anluegan town tax ruilai., are nowIr'laTirey are: Total to bu collected $ - 28676.21 ('ollecîed--------------------.22011.78 tDelitteot .... .. .... 6664.43 - M@EE Sade $4250 2-inch post Brassa..... $34.50 $30-00 %-inch post Brau ..... $22.50 $24.00 2-inch post Brau ...... $18.60 $23-00 2-inch post Brus ......$17-50 $24.00 Iron Bed, brusa trinuned $2000 $2400 Tubing Bed ..... $20.0 $22.00 Tubing Bed ......$1650O $19.00 Tubing Bed ......$1450 $12.00 Iron Beds ...... $9.00 $8.50 Iron Beds ....... $5.75 Dining Tablies $42M 0reduced Vo---------------..$31-50 $37.50 reduced Vo . ......... $30.00 $35.00 reduced to ......... $28.00 $1850 reduced Vo ...... $14.50 Buffets Genuine Quartered Oak. $4200 reduced to , . .......... $32.00 $28.00 reduced Vo .....' ..... $2250 $ 19.50 reduced Vo ........ $1450 Parier Siis, 3 Plumes $800 Gen. Quartered Oak, Leather $60.00 $75.00 Gen. Mahogany, Plush ...$5200 $55-00 -Gen. Mahogany, Plush ...$4250 $22.00 Im. Mahogany, Plush ... $15.00 3 Piepoe B30dIRoom.98ifa Genuine Mahogany Dresser, Bed and Dressing Table. $b8.00 reduced Vo ..................... $43.00 II 1I ii1 Uhief W lV ri s w thn ,rI'ed m anv pluace brr Ziors Rs luanuniarir earrest Sanson for SCARE FOLLOWERS il r,,' frîh tfin ' anv riu3' 'sr'on li i galarritori ety whben - - - ,,I ar ' a l I i îî O hio w lth hiR aiies'ed Old Man, Reincarnation of king! Solomon Who NId Million Wives, is Wild WOMEN FIEE HIS COLONY G'aired Notorrety Firsi When H-e Waiked From Ohio ta ZVon City Wrth Alteged Affinity, Amanda Stlock, and Later Wiren He Twic. Suftered Arrest for Alleged Pros Love Doctrines. Ii"ruruî 'drresuiay's Sur.) fIl' unr-,rrur r Zion ity'autc(0 tire rf-u- t (liâat i 'arfu", iuSasonlire alieged 111 r- e lui, ' n alte. irrt auostie of irir., lirg rrr i iiiand>reliiurCar-ton il Kinrg S'iuilurrirr n rua 'iu.ud ru lilloi -rrr r il, iel i iî- r,u' ai uu'i luS shad- bii '-l fi l l - rri, auiulrrrrY bf, tak,-n i iru ir - n -ror lait-r- L, t ii, i la hi'i-'it mat Saný - ' I f ý l t -e nl i't'usbl ,, te rue I r l rri ii-iir'r'tu n g, r ling vilder ui rrrr urtitil u'î,'n tire taitirful. ri urus ru ýflee, rand ail of tire II.- llugur tre' louve'celotrisis ara lInii u îd ofr101 and ]are leas'lng i- i rtl a ,iukinr samp. It le bo"loi]] Iater , iru-andli liri. -rsur ' r j'Il s, e, - for ies lie fîri'fiIr id Mienl w Ire h-waz la mn ire Pe rîcLîr i haltirh,' walle of 1fie 'r iiItu' irill 'arvell orrîrard arfuir, 51 t lili' '01ror P11111i1r1la rt O rr tci rr'lî'iu', i i1Wru I rî Jrrrl efore r-e leaseri hi' "'riIrai hu' ar,, oîr mu Wii to ir r o'Z lir Ile' ru , rIv . M'uli- and %Ifr-' S. T i"oot,î- rrîul urrr tire' or f rr, r tlrIie yiir, Itra 'ut ay i"iurt r',t, Wil il l ruj1 \VIei, - otir cf liihall lry. [IlI \'uirr-ai:r- nttr trrrrr, 'uarlir Il, fin ut i- la if't" of tire l pil' ari r, T',r' ile,' au ur rîrir an ' I rollr' il t' wrr ofteet Ai-na 1,1' uiol'fi ri,lîr'i i sreru hi r, rrî iv lr'rla cu ofrrîr Tirey Ilîrr onr' Irîr r 'ain il i 'lire ail Lie ut irrîrrîr- ,tfI'- fi I h-'t a( it-- Aid fril 13 irad r ico'rrflî u,rt, and i n l ii rrb :î~, ap N llur,t ail min t'rrila 1fr,-, rq( fer, 1)l'u Il 'r 'f ini rt rr h;r: ar criret irrrt nl] alIlnle i 'r lr'f arrî r i e hile, ir(]ririoi'[",ir 'etrI.*rasa iroi lfierîr' MliI'irahoui tir,'rraîth uiri ofruI ie -'hflrir'.1i r-rn n îrf uirîr arr-i orra ccrrd r I lrurr - ire werrt goor]. IS VOLIVA APOSILE PETER? (Fr riraVrra"dysLt. la hl'a 5,i1 rr-errr errr,lar ai-lad'- lurg Vofîra wildIv Ex EIder John Taylr f i tZlontr '13'hinîs rfarkly that Xoliva b'iee irmseif to i, the tr Ap<rtellv' Pelr' r lrrned lu o earth sain andriwirhe,, le foundr a citorci beued On the principles of the Catho- lie hierarchyr' He tellsr of Volisa conferences on the mnalter of a declaration laftter tir,- Dcwie patlern on tire EliJair" question and Otherrr and Ihen leaves tire Inter- Ance tirai-Voiiva irellevea Iitseif thre treaven sent r oindrrorf ru new cirarcir andi a Ti',, r, ra rctrg cirr GRAFIER "WORKED" MINIST'R <Prom Vuedileadlay's Sun.) SIre ta r' rf rera unrootir grafter r rulirttPtI r Varr 1, garr mitu fr lo'ien- r-r Vulrrrrrg rýarlirg andrr il 0013' bal> rer] 'dlai-t 'lhrur'rray and lrlday. Theu mrarr raruru' ru tuwn, ased for 'r ud, wu-r refrrr'r rua tuortir Ride lýilratrcrrd ws girr'r rkur enougir ta geut lu ii rol ruf i-rWrr 'f r'tr wll lin Job rus a leverire rs'r't l rtheu'nlnitrerwho resides rur in'dewçn ross dratrici-, and a kr d hrnr tri go recurii-y for bIs board. T1rW rriri'ter dld, bot balked when rhl,- ntan tmeucler] unr for fifty cehti Tir,'nrr rpîut upr ai-a local ibote, lte luxnrrirrîtr'Ir- usll)r-weiI, and decaorlpc'r mr rrritreW',ihorl a Word, ut la 'aioarrhe 'minîster must netirýsar SATURqDAY JFREE IL C. BAINGP@lM2 Witih every 9ac (&I of K.C.wuîwli gi e eue «f withgrocry oder niy. PEAUR, a lar'ge size can, irpe-ial per 8 PEACHES, a gool foi- lpies, PINEAPPLE, sliedor grated, eeois. TURKISH FIGS a spicu- îlid grade, pet .5c boux, eaeh... ASPARAGUS, ain extra 9100(1 gi-tde of' 7 Swedish Brown Bains Eng i Deliclous fo r Baking, Tw« 2 lbs. for poul CRACKER JACK, regu lai. -)( si/t -pkg. 3 "s îuc sîl foiî . . . PEAS, iarsplteî îlud grade anitx- ~3f ..f-' 20c CORN, a gruuul grade of spevialI1 ... 20c TOMATOES, a niv-e gruAde of, Vi lîfrui tt, 9flt grade KIPPERED HERRING, ini iîmustaird sauee, 17c per f ati . . . . . HERRING, sinoked, large box, about 20c 100 is i. . . . . 8SAL MO0N, a splendid grad (of stand(ar d13 paek, spevial... c CHOCOLATE, liîkei- s oî' L laOWI ",\ 'I-, 1) ('Uti ]/.,-I")î. ake..17c COFFEE, 1,'«'(lti'us s)l'f ll 30et gratde, tins' 49c GROUND COFFER140 cd, specWa lb.. OLIVES, ini quart Maac*i jar, speeial for tis sale ...*..m SWIFT'S NAPTIRà 1 SOAP, speelal %. this sale,AO0 bars.»C OLD DUTCH CLEANB. ER, during this sale, speeial at .. SATINET LATJNRY SOAP, special at.2c this sale, 1,2 bars. J Pure Naple Suger In cakes of about 20 ounces, i per ounce, . . - SARDINES, a gouîd graeluî of doniestî- t-dul 1O c ii ii, 3 ciis. . . SMOKED HALIBUT sliCC(l 4 tsi 6 Ipor- MACARONI OR SPAG- HETTI, l?îtl(Cross,'Q CATSUP, a isit idid grade, taile st/e ..6c bottled ut ... MUSTARD, put up in l)iit milk liottie, wvithi glass top ...9 CURERARTS, put i-tp in pound pkgs., -pe- ejal pet- pkg... o 'LYE OR POTASH, spe- eial this sale per25 eau 9c,utr 3 tor.. 5 MATCHES, utIlaif a Pectk" put up buose specjal per box...-9 THE SA IL E Y MERCA N TIL E CLEA RANCE SALE Our lastiNdsaeuaedt<le bail rolUmg nlcely. We have deciled Io ulve thie pubic <lhe berne- nti ol Ibeme rductions mai11 Satprday, Aprit 101h. You cannot belp gewung your inoueys wOU4h. Corne lun--- Look Around. Alil Rockers Reduced 15 per cent. Alil Parlor Tables 20 per cent. Our $18.00 Eiastic Feit Mattress $14.00, The $15.00 lKlnd for $12.00, The $12.00 Ones for $10.00, The $10.00 Ones $6.75. EIGHT PAGES ý 1 ý -k( ) 11 Il, I? Y F'l . ý 1 ý> 1 N A 1 ) V A N ( 1 1.1 . jý

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