LÂK.EO Ç1.otbdmLslfi 011andi 'ttaed- eaytod cm. ,d-andIs te i sdtabie wInme ton be abfoud to 7p-dmu take IL - -olitlm&d W@ -0 C A. Lunk a»d lasnlly arex ga' tio0mcv, Intcthe a '"WWm eoson tobe vacaâted byN ý» ýj&Bute, who will rem Johna Alhreebt, olillencoe, Mdini. à Wviei with relative@ bore1 t"webing caliad by the de li-,mther, whoe home e *wIfislew. abm. . H. Licbtleld, o! Wau >tisleedrelatives ber. Sunday. ,Mrs. W. A. Shawe and cblidren tu ayand Sunday witb ber p trt=d m, Turabul at Waucon Ys's Stuckel a Rockefeller reside e*Wumb.01 years hm. gone toC i4aa ndefintelyv. Mà Cnudry sud bride are corni "Pt"Inebir aiw home. Weh »ma. reIdenta oouri 1.Ka nreporte wu_*V»M f IdssiEllen *» li u tse wedsntfo ird a~~ of b«R M *l glsLilan etzi. en )Êa nwff la&wtie.beom. VeethAan" wes een on lraetr , 0 em, Eveett" Me . o! fo ýMA lt ue day. ekwt ,moynr" Payned te aei Lb.tio w.O.O.F. relaeventg., ln. haneyStatnesg an mm. liere 00.Haells, of! Li = .t ned a stthuee withMre Tom Boe.rosingnddtheO cl the 1. .L0.kF, epnt a et u l Ur. andm Ge. G.E. Hofaibe L4lt 1tyvlle, sen atdy n,3 Mm.d Gwe . . ingmidtli aud te Mm. John Shepherd and F. M. E;ttended Lbe Lierai Saturday 1.Ulero Catalpa Ave., Wat Be easa ynngman of good and leaves a efsend tourchlldr wl!. wa !orrnerly Mise Jess8i Be( t.aught sebool et one ime atF ,enter. Notice. 1 bereby request ail partie.smde me to plee.se rail and tsettiea earimet couveniencA. T. H. Bî,YER, IVB Nlfrs. Rouie tranacted buei Wabga, Mo.dey and Tuesdi. lm ir.Wll Cooper i. un the sici Fred Tosener, Jr., beganw Oso. Ray, April lat. lirm H. Bartlett and Mrs.1 a4tnded tbe furneraI of GeorgeB Waabsgaaltswedneaday. Mir. Maxau we meefn on oui om day lait week. Ida««e Leroy Kane le on thef (Mrne gm(erbet uet Sunda' parents, Mr. and r. Gerber. Tb* Sonday sehool children panlng a Jâne Easter prograi - Éir n aday evening at 7:3 ~e"7Ouecordially invited to, s 1%« l..dies' Aid seul resetw etame, Apnil lStb. Ail men] 20ýqout to coame and bi Vorato Mir. and M re.(ironer, twla daugbters. Wili wîll le EYi~~Ii] IWAUCONDA D SWi. Bichna.. seent t0 Chicago on th business Mouday. M .MIA.Cm Augut Froehlick end !amily moved iEMA ANCea rott's mb thefiir own building lust londay. 1lmo0lelo lir. and lire. Henry S5cbaefer vielteti til heir deugbwer, Mmr. Norman Ladd eit Miss NettielMurray, ofChicgo, speit "ie Walter Wetti vîited friénde in the ity Our village. Pre- - a couple of daye lestseeek. lir. and lir. H. E. Maiman spent in its Cbarl.y Kueliker, of Grayaleke, seas e Sundav sitb lMr. andm Mre. H. Scbafler clef er ber. lest Sundey. at Mcfierry. The !olosing candidate. w,,ere nomi- Heî-ry Grantbam, Jr., went Lo Green- F netemi et the village prirnery leist Satur- wood, Mondey te speumi the seeek wltb day: Preeldent, F. P. Clark; trustees, relatives.P Henry Brendung, Hlenry Steil 'andm Emil Mis@emeec Ciougb, sebo le attendinq Frank; police magitrats, Emil A. Fichie. erbool et Wauikegau mipetSaturdlay andv Tiiere seas a big turnout et Lb. towu- Sunday eit ber home lu our village. S ship lection Tue8dey, the only'opposi- The many trins of oMri. and Mmre. Looei ion beinig for collector. Henry Blere vis. Geary wiii b. pieaeed to bser o! thelrG Heury Branding. lir. 8er.receivedl"2 returu from Springfield, Mo., lu.t Seitur- rnade and Bsnry Brending 100. day. IL 18 reported tbey have rentemi tb. istTbo. Geary!ferai about four miles frmnm fietDEERFIELD, our village sehere Lhey seiti mae their I in to Ed Therrien and femity @peut Sunday futur. home. nost ln Glencoe. Mie@ Celle Geary, o! Long Grove, spent od to The Ladies' lisisouary Socetv met Sturday and Sunder et home. n stedj Thuredey afternoon setb liu. L. C. At Lb. meeting of Lh. village boand fiole londey evening our manhal, Wm. lane Mie's Saie Gsfloseay is speuding a Lemphere tendered bis reslguatlon to couple o! seseke lu Bloomington, 111. tekse effect at once. The board accord- te Mies Farley, o! Newe York, le Lb.Ren ingly amcpted bi.reignation and ou t ýkTuesday, Pre. .Kent epntte .E 00iý fMm Eugene Endon. Hougbton, Jr., te serve unttiMliy uben L. 0. Bnockseey seusaeDeerfield mernese appontiment. for the yeen art mai Tueuday. HEL.&Maman ti'ansected busiess ln N m ies Lets Tounsend,1 O! Wankeganei, le a.lti Wedmoedy.E assi vlsîtlug tb. Hutchiâon ebidrea. du $Md The Dormae Socl.tj rsied about $24 vek" attber New England supper. C. C. Fabr, of G.nembo, le .pendntheLb[ Z ~ Z wesehi ere tuniug piano@.. rnLeo S"rb ueller a. the bouelins P. Koeneke, MU., D. Rtseutbale formerly oseneil by Fred Ott. lin. and and daugbter. Viola, see Libertyville ON lin. Ott seul male thair home lu Texas. visiton NMonday. lin. and lire. A. C. Richarde speuit nakmng TAYLOR GROVE. Sunday ulth tbein cousins, lir. &nd lirs.L lclccmb John Hutchîns, at Dlarnd Lake. lir. nad TeKigsDauigbteremet sitb Nien hi r scufui ol.hm solde lu Stella Shes, Wedueâdaey. Cs.ib a ama é¶la cnced ote.og Dell Lewiln @pont Wednesdey l in raudae oande. ohe ! l ., made Chicago. GadaKeee ohro h dim1 of Josie and Ruie Eddy visited tb. pestor, inle hI 30 e about again alter a Jet fBiddlecome scbool Tbursdey.tevere ettachi o! mueculanr reumatism. ueh o! ma cure h ude e Mri. and lin. G. H. Smith and !aînllyV of lim. Dete. Sb. e wagseventy-tbree n Sn er. M.an r .E 6ukegan, yeare old, sitebaid been sichi only e fes nélere days andbherdeath camnevery uuexpect.d: Miss Vary Ritzentbaler returned o berF msetBeelde. ber buebaum itse leeve. Lo mouru home eit Neperville Tuesday. 1 R pareent,ber lone tseo sous, four daugbters and e Dr. Tracy ha. moved bis famify into erd.ne number o! grendchildreu. The funerat the new barn recetiy erectemi on bis lot.c seasfo w beid Sacurdey et 10:30 et the St. tirs. Witi. SBLinclii8 visite,] lu Chicago Chiuag frPatricki churcli. tuterment et Miil severelmd"yso! lest seceli,. CiaofCthe c. Tii.rltivsbveL.eypLy Clarence Loomis atteuded Lb. fanera il o!rabi LbM. Cornty. s- netand tteo! H. Lippe o! Wbeefiugklonday. o"rthly - lir Cutismens erSnertei e ie b.Castt liagon, Chas. Herncbberger, V iîeatîl Mr.lng orns pae, ovrnSIda. B HSld frry Mitchell and Chai. Krueontoi L villge.lin Bed's plae, ebole II.lu Barnumn & Bailey's circns Studav 'd quite Tb.re uill b. an Eaeter progrem et night. se boped tb.Roscrans thurcb Suuday. Ail Lthe lire. Philin itzentheler, o! Neperville, i chllcrn are requesteil 30 b. prenant net we lghiaidesaturdayM a.tntult . b . the en brougut ber. for hurlaI lest seehi GSa.pracins.Tbureday. The !uuera whase bld! Irom M G*oJ Lamin aid faIlly and Chas. uttlr ls eU pont Badai at Drues.Lake. lit wurk uii Mr. Bruer seho le very si". M. lir. L A.Oshorcie alit Thursday st 'ids e0te Kr. Med lira, Chai. Caauors art LU IS iJ. novag latobo hir MWsehomne at Wade- mae.Thumday. T E S Km s. red Wlby aii*ended lin. narte fun"rai t Wanksgan, teillay. iome eit ueo. Holland saued seood for Mri Wendt one day lest sesek.1 M ACHIN~ a obool Mir. Kent la vistinir at John Wollo. John Duncan entertalued a fese friende ietyvîlle Weduesdey. Denle Beedon is cutting Lb. brusb on Lb. home of ber son, D.' titzenthaler.E lng her bie aide o! tb. road whseicmates quite 1'Service.sewere bel d lu Lb. Prairie Viese au improvernent. cbnrch by 1ev. Koeueke. lutteraient ett ney, o! Mies lvry Tompkins, n-obu a. been Long Grove. lire. ititceutheter badt me lest sp.nidng soretime et Richard Sheas many relatives and frieumsi n thus vieinity bia.s returnemi to ber borne in Chicago. seho mourn lber ftise. 'kefelier, The scbooi trustee iet et lir. Hoff-.lirs. Gi. F. Mitcelill and lather, W. elatives mens Monday. Rîouse, ivere Diamoumi Lake vistors lust Wo *are glati to hear thîît Ic. anîi rs. e Btidy eting of Gen. Hartley are gettinfg along nicelyin lBtenry iboltie i@ steadiy mupnîviag lu Puimroy. Iowa. feaitli and le abîle to Lie ott gain. t ebildren There wililie a Dutch napper et the tirs. Nit. W. Kuedler visîteif lier motumer rtyvilie, Itosecrans M. E. churcb, Frudey evening, et Higblied l'ark Monday w ho is very s. John Aprîl 16, pivert by the Kings@ Daugbters. stick. Everyouie cone aund bave a gond ime. Onfy a lîttie over a n-est aio tie idren, o!ftirs. T. t). Neseell spent Wedneetiay couuuîunity wa. griered to bear o! the Let eekand hurday ithber othr, Mi,.death o!flire. Elza4h Ti Tnlly wbicb Ie Seoek c luse mt irtelc. occurr.d et the honie o! ber dangliter, er. Shea.Mi-M. E. H. Mison. Mrs. Tuiiy leit many tinea o! We are eorry Lo her o! the death otf trieude lu thie vicinity. igbt ad iFrank Toremnan. Fanerai was beimi et Lfoyd Ritzeutimeier of Nortimweteru .mily. North lrarie, Monday. . Smith fInie and Blanche Eddy returned to Coliege, Naperville, n-ho lies benborne ý ofRoy eKal, Moday.tu attend his graudmothers lunterai andi ni Royn t eail iînd eehv sw ay. m nate a short visit witlifils parente, intean tanliersber bav eo-n teirbarfyMrturné u 8ehto eltlTuesday. ,habits aud icliat aud a few tiats. en. Hiem Tuer. w illbe au Kaster frîgram givenf t, h E E T aI" l t tiiPrairie ien- clurclîla~ster. The Fremou t L.-j services sl l e heid lu the eveuiug et Thomnas Keho.e peut Sanday wlLh 7:30Jp. m. Everyoue i-ordîeliy welciîme., Jolin Crolan. ________ The W. Ct>0 F. Court, No. -,7, wiifgive DeafI of Old Setler. ettemi to e grand EesLer bail eit St. Nlarys baIl, ut yllur Late Forest, Easter Mouidav. April 12. Mary liargeretha Rtenairse M asic by Bran', îri-estra. Grand imercb Jehi seusboruAngust 13,1832, lu Alsace, raube, et 9:30. Tickete $1 incfudiîig r.lr.sb- Gernîany. In 1841 secaneý witb ber mtenteé,prente te thie country and s.ttled uer E ] Mies Mae Lancaster le spending a fen- Lng G rove, Lake county, ' 111. lu 1850 dayes wiLliber aunit, irs. Steffis. &lee ses rnrried Lo Pbillip ienetbeier. This union n-es bieseed sitli il cbldr.n. ines unIu 1900 ber beloved busband diel and sy. Obituary. she moved te Napervilie,, 111, seb.r. aee k fiat. liargerethe Aibriglit suce Murdlm.iet lived until ber deeth. liother Rilsen- work for sees boru un Holstein, Gerrneny, liarch thaler sens couverted 30 God lu eerly 10, 1840, end sest t0lbsn etsrnal relt youtb and unlted setb the Evangelical L. Kaen lueLb.rnrin¶gol April 4tb, 1909. lu Assocation o! whicb church abs en aa BrownnluJanuurYlS64s emarffldtoCtluele. lthlut memberntif Lhe end. Sbe dled Aibrigbt. This union sens bleesesi sitb Mancb Stb, 1909, at tube aet 7!6 yeane ur8re8seven eilîdren, tbr.. nous ad four 7 moutheanad 17 dais. Hen bushand i1sreedeugbters. Berhusbendaidonedaugbý. and tour chldse. proceded ber ln dealh. ter preceded ber lu det. Therm remala Sbe levos La moura ber departure six sîchi limt, tu rnîurn ber departur. threenosu, tbre. sous,oune daugbter.twelve graudchldr.ii ,y ith bis daugbtes, tn-elve greindcbildren. oue relative. sud many frlendis. lay God brother, onue sister and other relative. grant to ail a happy reunlon lu beaven. iare - and friende. 'mtprew- iMut4ir Afbrigbt belleved inl God ai :30p * m ' ived a fiaeeble lite. Mf.y Be grant tu Card of Thanke. aten. I a hiappy reîîîion lu the home aiîîve. We sish Lq thank our meny friende wiLli lice andineigliloreand express ur beentfolt nbers an- iirilif. ui>firif on the biox o! epprecintion o! their Llougtful aid and ug Lluir hit Pai'Tat, te Tieneast .Your sympatliy giron us lu aur b.reavemelt. di tri l.,.usa better nue. Pain Iti'rzENTIIÀLER FAMILY. , A pril llu t,, t i- ,,idpesii e iie dci glî ~d~ lur, . -, .i lut Paiun ITalultg ~P4YIk &V~MIL ~, ~9O9 v EPAI~T1~ poadsmLanikgai* ENT TPh. villag canues beld at the village bal) lIt BSaturday and resulted la Lhb eleetion of the straigbt printed ballotî Orly 48 vote. were cast. The poIla pened atq P. m. and ciosed at 5p. m. The reeuit ws aa folioses: Présideut, R. C. Kent; clerk teo fil vecancy, Emil Dabms; trustes, R. Goldine, B. L. Grautbam, J. M. Fuller; police magletrate, Ueo. Prouty. 11ev. a. P. Woulfe; wae a Chicago vieltor Thunaday. Mm re.rn, o! Kenosha, Wis., les@pend- ing the week wlth-her sister, Mr@. Tho. Geary. The toseu élection Tuesdey proved rather exeltlng althougb there wa. npolinlo nyo b fietat of won y Lb suai magin ! 9votes. 165 ote wee cat ad te cmplete remîlté W»asa.ollows: Town clek, A. 8. Poseers, 128. Aseeseor, C. R. Wheelock. 129. Collector, John Blawch, 127. HlgwaY commleslonsr, district~ No. 8, tarin 8 ysare, Gso. Prouly, 77; Rd Daley, 86. -) etàof oth. eau.S, E. W. Brooks, 111; Jus. 8. H&884 110. Hough6loi6 . L8. Putnam, 99; P. Win. Thom, of! Ubetyvilie, vislted hie son, W. 0. Thom rmeatly. Ulir. lisa' Hughes, of Libertyvllle, vlmlted ber mother and ber son at Loon Lake lait Wedaday and Thursday. lir. and lins. Alfred iMeude, Bey. Safford and C. E.LIPsuman were Chicago visitore lait FnldAy. Mr@.. Roy Hughes, of Chicago, spent sevenal day.s wlth the home bIhleu st week. Meuser. Kerr and Rowliand, of! Lake Villa, uer. Mliburn vieitors Sunday. lirs. Warst Bain and deugbter, Irons, oif Racine, Wl@., spent Thursday and FrideY witb the former'. motmer, Mr. ltobt. Strang. Prayer meeting seul l e held at the church Wednesdey eveoing. Mis@ Annie licCredie, teeher of North Chicago schoqI @peut Friday andi Satur- day witb the borne foîkm. lire. Ida Douglas andi chiîdren, of Weukegen, spent aeverel da3sa witb ber vàreut., Mn. andMlre. A.MliCrodie. lMre. cOeieanolot 0uel eut present. C. E. soclety elected tb. followinx tfficere at thelr meeting for tb. nezt six monthi: Vivian Bonner prmsid«nt- Margaret White, vice pretident; Mabe Y EO,ýMAN EWING Y'E M'AN Bonner, se; J. S.Deuman treas Victor Strang returned to Betoit, WWq, tI~ wvek baving spenL hi@ week's vaca- tion et borne. A. K. Bain trausactemi busineme lu Chicago, Mooday. C. E. topie, Alîril il, "Riseln iviti. Christ;" Col 3: 14 Enter meeting. Bertha White, leader At the icMlibtiru Loigrogat louai clircli tbe morning services, ERster înormîmg will lie devoted t.> recitations andmýi ig- ing by the choir and lu the evening there1 will fie sîîng Fervi-c aîppropriate for the d ay. tirs. Mary luit. le spending the week seitb ber daughter, Mrs. Phillip Deit- Meyer. ROY Hughi., .o! Chilcago, visited bis grauidmottier, S'if r Rolit. bitrang last Sunday. lire. Marcuiî Iloffinan's mother, tirs. Delta died et Tlaylor Grove last Thurs- day. Mir. aril tirs. Ed lîruce and chilmireu, ifi ;raiýsiake, attended tiie fanerai Saturday. Iltrs. Sali ird and daughler, licleri, left Tueé«day for Llctî,Ii. miss Helen tii attend iolg and Mrs. Safford t,, visiit lier daiglitor, Mlrm. Ialpb Wheat.în. EIIALATINE M. L. Staîjies moved i@us auily lFîre and will oecuy the Place formerly owned by W. Commijrt. lire. Gosswiller isconfined to ber borne by sîchuesa et present. j Mri. Pierce le on the sick liet. Mise Elnora Arpa laspending ber vacation et ber home ber. lira. HuleLL, o! Chicago, $pont e fese days witb relatives ber. recently. 1 Mr@. Sawyer eutertainied bier son, Qele Mand bride Sundey. 1 Mise Jennie Lambert, o! Genna Junction, is vlsitIng relative. bers at present. àMisé Emilly Suidtr, o! Oaki Park, là speudingi ber vacation with friende in Palatine. Walter Stroker toohi cberge o! the peper route April Jet, weh le pur. cbaeed o! E. Batterman. B Mn@. Umdenstock entertained sixteen tfrleuds et a cincl erty receutty. lire. G . H1. Arp., tirs. SGertiellcbrooder and Mr@. Frolicli were Lb. lucky one to w-lu LIhe prizes. MONEY MATIEPS. sud M.X\ \,INNG your niîy is liL and buni efft, Do IL the vcry fo ate. Tii- lu iiiîlliîîg of nuouey aud \Ve caîi li.-11 mon s4ave, handie sud st profitafili., îiotilconvenieut sud av. s evuingms cooun. -Every nuan 'ice of a sourid anid serviccable batik. your accout. ,AN 0F LIBERTYVILE mnt I00cr t. the pflosi Ofl I.___ Leter toohi half tha chance.au b. b.d sgresd, sud bail one chance en- tuaI e nthe came of Util. Jo.. tb. boy. Wbeo ailwure rmdy th. o»nraof cbnncm began te tîrose. IL usa agreetithat Lester soulti opsa tb. gens. Havlug a numbar of cbancea.4 b. threu for ach chan.e, bim higheet bhrou b.lng ferty-five la s poaible gtty-four. The nexLtbrea enai bre tes. Ihan he. but the lest man te Ibrose bafore th. boy'@ chane cams to b. tented Ibre fnrty-se-vai "Came. Joe," snid thie cierk, "throse fer younself. There yon are. If yon. sein. your motber and you n-lB be free!" "Gentlemen," sali Lester. "I setl psy eacb man bere n-bat b. bas put ln for bis ebare if Ienu buy tbem ail. I propose to gîme tfhe moîber anti cbfid tbeln freedîîuu Al L te of tes ichances agreesI to self excefit(,tie man, a slave dealer, wbuî luimsted ciii holding bis dchance. "Very mm-ci," sald Lester, "I -itl psy Lb. otiierq for tLiu shares and pflay agaliîst yours. But I1seant hlm to have the luet throw" "I donit car. n-bon I thron-," salit tie slave dealer. "Very n-cIi. tbrow nose." Lester tossed the dice on the table. Lbe slave denier îîlcted tliem up, put1 thecm lunfte(fîbox and rolleil tbem ont.o Tiere were Lîvo sîxes andi a four. Hias second t11mw nas tire. sixes. His mastl n-as six. te, six. Ho bcd undoubteslly: n-on mILt h fty-oue beause 10 beati tînt tlîe boy woufd have to Iîrin- n-ifuli two ufthtue blghcst posmible numiepr Agnin 1Lester toolc up Lb. dico. ~'Vhat ilI yon ake for your ciuce?' he askem tiie slave deaIer. "tImm-ui't seli ut nuy fîrice.' "Weli, then, stucs I amn 50 mucb lu- terested i)luthe mater, 1t bînk I'I1 thron- for Joe." 'Thron- uway. t dont cane n-ho tirosi-." "I do. You're an expert tbron-er. t've been ou tbese boata for ton yeare. and 1 nover san- a man n-bn can roll out Lb. ilves and sies sas yn enu.' Lester eprenti bie arma on th. table. takIng tbe dice box ln bis rlght baud. Ou Lb. thîrd finger of bis lbit baud ho uoe an enormons seal ring. His firet throu n-a. three sixe., bis second tbrow smahre. alues..bis last tun euxes aud a live. mnking tenait fiftY- tbree pointe ant i lnnlug by ou. peint T7he slave seomnu faintedl, nhile Lb. others gave theniselves over 10 excite- mont. Wbeu Lester bok.td up lue ans over lie beatis ni tue men sltting &ronnd tie table Lie face oi a seoman. It sens not ouly beantiful Lt voce an expression of mcuy mlngled emotions combinlng Lo express eppreclation to Mn. tester for n-bat le ladt dons. She wsnstLe nittess ni the slaves. "Wliat remunkable luck!" sue sciti to tîMnassebe lnvited hlm to Lbe futiles' "ltL muent tuef." i. safd. tcklng off bis seal ring. "Tiore le e magnet tiee, inîd fthe dice were toadesi." Tiat wcs Lie lest occasion ou îvhteh he use-I the rnug or any otier sncb îde- vice. IL secs also a tunning pofnt lu bis life. H. marriesi Lie lady, ber former slave. atayedtisLh tuesu, and b. became a prospereus cotton luo»tr. GRÂCE JETHEL WEEKL À nqâdq oit. lCbpyrieht 1. Uby Anfirtoma Prm.. ase- etation. 1 Daniel Lester, profeesional gambler, uat on Lb. "guar;d" nf the Prairie Belle, plying between St. Louis and Newe Or, leans. Lester wosn tlred of hIe. Though but thlrty-t-wo years old, h. saws notb. lng attractive ln hi. past, present or future. Hie father, a Louisiane, plant- er, had dled lnsolveit. and is son bad been tbrosen upon the sennid. In thues days.-the iret balf of the lest century -gambllng sens not considered so de- baslng e profession as nose. and men of otherselse lirreproachable character engage-I ln It. Dan Lester feit ln wlth one of these gambiens, sebo toohi a fan- cy Lo hlm and taught hlm the art. . But "blood seil tell," and, tbough smothered la tb. boy, IL cropped out in the mean. He detested he calllng. Con- neqently If.e not ie.mitg to hlm to b. a payieg codition, hoew cos d ertng the question of ending It. "Aren't you golug te tek.e a chance ln tb. rafleléeAtterr aeked a peamen- gS. "Wbat rame" -00lor.d girl aid ber boy. Tb"y h.. long to a long lady hmMemphsoes be way te lNew Oreis1ane. l.s aort et money and unitte maIl lem. The click of -teboast ogfed te g l up a raffi. for 'au." Lester slowly roma from hie chair and usaI loto th. cablin.There b. foots! a young alaye seomanu ith ber boy, ton yeare old. A ble.k bill of sale lay on a table ready t6e b. SU.d out ln th. naine of Lhe sinner.  numb.r cf men had gathered round, Snms0f whoin were puttlng doun LbelrRae for chance. in the reinle. "AIl rlght" sald the clerk. "W.'Il tiret Lrow for tb. gai." Three dico seere throun titres imes. Wboever tbrew the hlghent number ln thiee throws sens to wln the woman., À utockman swon ber, and she began' Lo Leg hlm tb bny ber tIttie boy. H. tqld ber the boy would b. onune. Lo hlm. Hler pleadingesewere patbetic. "Corne. lets hav e the matter over wltb." sld the clerk. "l'ut down your names, gentlemen. for tbe boy. He'@ to bce raffiemi for $300 vatue--$.W a chance. H.eseoulmi bo rbesp et $W0." "If the sinner," ssld Lester. "WMf pat up the mother svth tbe boy, malt- teg a pool fer Lb. tun oi $1,000, Ilil tale laithLe chances." "Don.," snid Lb.he inner, uho wund make a profitable cash turu hy the traniaction. CAPPING THE WIGS. Officiai Vicit cf Londan's Lord Mayor to th. Lawe Courts. A curioua survient nf medlaevel cue- tom la seltuiesee-d in London on every lord mayor's day. This la anofficial vieil: of the lord mayor tb tb. lase courts. la oldti Lmes the aovereigu hinsmaif asealteil at Westminster tue coming of Lb. lord mayor lu a chariot of statu seitti word bearer mac. bold- or, chaplate and gorgeouuly lîveresi eoachmen and footmen. The f orme have beau change&. and the visât te »0w Pald te Lbe htgbcourt bot Lb. spirit of Lb. aet rssualnm, for Lb. lord mayor opens h*eram lu th. Mansioni RouieselLih a cerentoilai tevolvitg Lc ognition of Lb. mupreme authorfty of the crosen. Tb* Instrument us.d for «xpressing thls tradIional Ide& la au aId fan- ioaed cncked bat. Wheu th. lord may- oir In bis splendid robes nf office en. torIt te higli court setb bhis retînue lu costume lbe eolemnly lita hie cocked bat tbree tLmes fro i is bead sud na- lutes Lb. lord chiof justice sud the. justices. The Judge-. nlNvays mucar robes nitf wseim'l ien lu court.For fort! mayoers day tbe. lhai- alsa a tint bick cap, iibc ii 11I e fljiiîl i r tule i>î. o tbe %wlg. Tf- nlrd sotijîsic rl ici essoclaies retur-i i lic lord uitmylry sa- inte giiis ly .l'ut doi îot tiîke off their bfack capqs Ir thcy uîie bil>duthie, tbey w ou;d. pi ie Ifi'cri e o mi a i c c of e.-ualItý w fth ilii ntitif, 1p;1I.it Theo lord îinayor, witb lus8 retinue. tunvisite the jumiges lu other courte to Invite tbem to the Guldmhall ban- quet. Wben tb. rustlng noise of the procession le heard eecb jumige fumbie« In a draseer, pulls out a fIttle square ni black cloLb and crowns hie selg selth ItTbe flord mayor takes off bis three cornerei bat three Lies, and Lb. justice on the b.nch hows, but remaia covered.-NeseYork Tribune. More Oratory Wanted. The remark mamie on a proli Scotch counsel seben nome ne observe-i tiit lie sas "surely wasting a grest deal ni Lime" le among the selttiest nf bar an- ecdote.: 'Tlmef Ho bas long'exboust- emi time sud bas eum'rnached upiîn eter- nity 1" Itla seldnm, 10 do Lb. judges justice, Lbat Lbey encourage this falling lu counsel. But lu Cockburn's memoirs see are totd bose a duli and common- place advocate sens almoet fnlgbtened nuL of hie seits by an observation of Lord Meedosebanhi, seo thouglit bis style undIgnilfed: "l3eclaim, air. Wby don't you decfalm? Spenk to, me au If I seere a populan assembly."--St James' .Gette.._ The g"Dates are nearer to the aui- Mais than any race known to us te Eutrope. Tbey bave the lawlemnes, the ahandoument tb. naturel physical graee i form andi geatmre of anlimals. Only a stealthy andi wary somethlng la their eyes makres Lbem human.-Ar- thur Symons. When in rcced ef 1 IA RD WAREJ CafI on W.A. S'IW Successor 10 J. J. s POUI-N ROCKFELLER, ILLINOIS GIOieand 0on Bovel ie&esýa iteptinet. Bilut 51cm lu *atbu Alcohol A Stmog Tonle Wtbou! AIcobOl A êe lDilder WleboutAlcobOl A Blood'Purifier Vllhout AlcOhol A Gl'eat-Alteratlve Wlsbout Alcohpl A Doctor'. -Medlcine Vithout Alcobol Ayer's Sarsapalla Wtho,tAMro ed.d.This le wINy th.y are $0 Velu- abl. la 096OMAl.io, bdl1.ueuess dys- , mck-bedache. A" your âoctof r inom a bettelexazs vplll. - CURES FOR LOVE. Soen d Writer. Wituh Widdiy CO- farine Prmoolptl.ssu. 1 Absence te eue of th. meno:te 0 nr love. Tue thousânti ye..sgoOvyia ailviJhi£bisrendera ubo uteed te cuçre themslves of an uniocky attach. ment t0 fie. the capital, 10 Lnnvet, bunt or tilt the goil. "oe"seli Coleridige, "is alocal angulah. 1 am Ifty miles aseay sud not boit so miserabi,." But otuer men bave iound that eb- sene lucres»@ love. La Rocbeioucautt& pnobnbly bit upon Lb. trutb n-heu ha sali that 'absence destroys weak pas- sions, but lucrenses strong onea, as the w-tati xtlngulshes n candIe,,butL liows op a fire." If the love tsalait ancy and bas ltLle strengtu It rnay b. cureti bu pensonni &iutact seltb Lb. object. But thé nifer plan perbaps le Lo keep ont of the n-ny; beuce travel ta a good ex- pedilent. Busfinos. perbape la a better eue. Ovid snid, "If you desîre to endi your love eniplcy yoursetiasd you welîl conquer, for love fie.. hualneee." Stiti anotuen expedientla Isreffectiou upon the unhappine of married life. A Mau n te mrch of Ibis viasew n lsd it averyn-bere. Adidisoun MM ithaL "heauty soon grous iamillter tethe loyer, fadein te e ye andi pallm upoal th. mnie," and tislitt that, "thongh famtllnlty unay not breeti coatenipt, Il U" thlb.e ege- of ndmlatlu. Goathe mal, "With mont marifeaMI dosa ot take long far thiffl te »semm a very pîtem os. 0k" But W cf thues ams arrhidIapplly. Goldmultbseil. "May of theB. Eneb arry Ine aier to bave cas happy mouth In their Uvme»an"ad Colley Clbbar, "Oh. hou many toamente@l tenthe s$Mali circla of a ugddtng ring!" But usdoubtedly the boat unî 10 icI rid of one love la te bava another. "AiU love may b. expelteil by love as poisons are by otuer poisons»," **y% Dnyden. Hoeie ya: "The mo.t effec- tive antidote toeseoman tInseoman: lu gsc a case tue motileine la otten more noxions than Lhe malady, but Il la nt any rat, a cbange, ant Iin a diacouso- lat, love nfaîr a (-baug, lu the inamo- rata la nnquestfonnbfy tue best pollcy." IMACH INERY of ail Kinds REPA 1RE D wlth Thoroughness AND Dispatch Disc Ilarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCI< CO. Libertgvie. 10. Oppoalle St. Paul Frelght Depot f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTU RER or Marble and Granite MonumeAl s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence soiicited 126 Genesee St Wankegau Russelil Emnber Yard N 0w 15 TIE TIME TO BUýY Lumber, Cernent Coal Posts and MiIIworkc G.IVE ME A TRIAL F. S. HE2AD RUSSEL L Stop That CoId ion . ftg o .te di 11 "left c. ol.e t 7 & h@ a ov . a C fady O oiCur. Xo ula Pfm sIn"ae AodLn nz & 7oonalie. im --P- i ieri5eeq a -HCsrb FARM -il i -