TRIING VILLAGE tost Sanguine Can See in De- vUoipnenfts in' and About Wa.,ke- qan Thst City Has Most Brlliant 2 Futere of Any In the Saie and Wil aro* Apace Byond Vision of the 4 oOptimmilci. That Waukagan bas the mnot sen-d gWueo propct and possiblitas of0 eity i n dia nortbarn part of tha je m aily sean aven hy thea man d -M@doms not makea apractica Of se-t lasthe. doghnut insteail Of the ho c Ne« deveioPmOflCB that coma evary1 UW e" IUnvitably ta the concusion $tl&& -yoq canlt ieep Waukogaa dovn" -t" . atot iMprovementi for dia 0 i ftyMdSfor the North Shoreatunpromf- ~jot S di coinsup before the. city .cmun ofthe mo calod "Douglas" or Sr the. "Gtov" roed n the.mpring. New Route fer ROMd. Tu&athu. the.roa" vUllcorne up vidi a brunS f-W right Of vmy tuai YM inctemlso taimportance to dia ctt t larg, it in probable, vhla ai ~th mm mre not endangaring Uit ai «U M ,anu ntrarban Une. Tbiie no route, ai fear a <an ha )mend b>' bInti, viilba ta the Cty Iluttsen theo laie shore tram Ken- mile, aset fixai plannad. Op IDawaY av- oue t the City limite ta North ave- 4pq by vhatevar streats ara most con- veuient, and dovn North avenue In- 10 dthe et>'alang the aid famillar toute. :ir OrPOLICE TYRELL CELEBRATES Fifty-third Vear of Lite and Twenty- slxth yesr of Public Service Ara ti Celebrated on the San Day. PO- k lice Chief Begýn Career Under Cap- n tain Slodgctt, Mayor Twenty-slxa Yeara Ago Yesterday. ('bief nf Police Thomas Tyrraîl Sun- I la>' oelabrated bis fifty-third blrth- Uay and the twenty-sixtb annivarrç of his police carear.t For twenty-six yaars anding Sun- s Uay ha bas bean on the polUce farce ofi the cit>' of Waukegan, 14 years as a police officar, tan yeari as assistenti chiaf ai police and tva yaars as chief, a position diat Ih Uas inceraly hopdad ha wiii retain for many yeara ta coma.1 The chiers celebraton of dia day wui cbaracteristic. Ail day ho vank- aS et tha police station and about the cUty ai usuel, attonding ta bis detes, and Un the avenUng, miter voriing un-i tii about eight, be vent vlsitlng. The visit vaiubtheonly celebratUon ho baS atier about faurtean hours' vonk for the day bandling police business. Befora ha became a police office&. Chiai Tyrrali salled on Lake Mich- Igan far years and latar varkeS ai the tanner>'. Ha firsi vent on dia farce vhen Captan A. Z. Bladgatt af Narth Sharidan Road vas mayor. To Chiaf ai Police Tyrrail Wauke- gan awas mare Caday dian anyane aise the excellant condition ai ordar that exista hare. Serions crimes are few and far baiween and tha petty crimes are not neani>' as many as la other chties of this size. A terrar ta adil doars oi ail kinda, Chief Tyrreil I led th 1 - utat6 it t ithe o - mon -bomriied their train wst D1Lahb and rode ' Br as Nelson, *bore they vero fore- ed ta discontinue tlieir train because Later the two men were sen by Asistant Supply Agent MIeike and Farmer, who ver. in t»e tower at Nelson when thie tva passedl on tbai; way tovard. the eaÎt. Later the mnie returned and started to walk tawards Sterling and tbey had reacbed the point where they met their death but a short time af- ter. Worked In WIre Mill. Dugan for a Urne *was an employa at the Grlswoid vire mili and llved with a family on Wallace etreet. WAUKEGAN BOY KILLED AT STERLING Sterling, Ill., April 3.-Speialta b the SUN.-Foy Dugan was instantiY b kilied by baing struck hy dha fast ii mail train on the N'orthwesterfl rond t at about ana o'ciock Chis morning. Ha was accompanled b>' a campa- nionLYmau Maguire of Morris, vhoa was alec instantiy kIled. ' Dugan's right arma and right iag were brokasi and death vw« caused by concussalç f ithe brain ai vas shovn b>' scalp vaund over the iigt eye. Identit>' vai established by a book vhieh. ho carried b is iepociiet me-1 questIng that Mmre John Dugan,. 338 sonth Wegt street Wankemn b. no- tIliad in case of deatb. iInquest vili be bolS tMe afternool. Loft Five Weekm Ago. Daugan lbit Waukesi *osl i ve voeks mga vltb MIdimol 7SUt. the son of a fleigbo. The. twovent ta Sterling andi ver. employeS In the. 'aire mille there. About à *eek sg90, the Dum fimily r"e dthoir bat loUter femRoyn c>. R t eed uhat ho haS been 111 and tbat the. physliln bad Ordered hlm ta top vorking st the mille, 1He baS done ne and hasi pro- babi>' fot vonked ince. -Ha vas about 28 years aid and vas nnmarriad. His fther and mothem are both living. Threa aitais are nt tha home and one brthr la living In Californla. The a ther la a homs Cramner. Dugan vas vary weii known In Wlaukegan. The body ni Roy Dugan, kiliid 1eariy Saturday morning by a train at the oblectional Madison straet trestia ________________________________ r d' pruposod dia lait tUre dia rond cama Af bazors te. cty Scuncil vidi a propa- the What Trenitle Was. er toot of Clyton street or thereabout c tep fi t»top ioi die Madison treet API N W I ~ a Un1 à" wvasto providean easy grade TMm fer VUgOStrafliz from g$1elake O miPA N N .de *dUsoMintreet ut,10addition. nat Ile teS, veon Ut ueS a ifranchise r. Igiere otid te bMIRdbtovn bridg bus tut posto vsc- he i.record of havlng eloend out Strling, suriveS n Waukefan Sun- oe bft - bthe Ue thlm at tii. Dou&- mUlof tha bad mon of Wauk.gan s Se. day n charge of dia fadier, James Isolne la> * br a tobe dropped. cade or tva mgo and bas been a lmelmh OnUy Thing. prbiinent figure lu thse capture and The inn.ral vas belS Monda>' alter- C Eka « fy te!d propose ordinanca promecttion 0of var> criminaIntdits noon at 3 otram diabrcb of die lm- di& a«i @raace'o thia rougi lin Wau- county for a quarter of a century. maculata Conceptian vith intermoent tise koma rein the nortil, vhlcb vili b. flount ai tbe daylighi, conacien- ai St. Marys camatar>'. ces unatieOC0f fct n tva or tires moudhs, Cous tadie aslat detail, a strenuons The Sterling Standard tatesof aiediasla Io cmi>' one tMature ai the davelop- varier vha neyer Cirevhen hra Us accident, n dia Satuirda>' lInau: 1 m»ote City' vîthin dia nexi fav anything ta sght ta S, a mai vho iRoy'Dugan, vhosa home Us In Wau- the >.r.carnies onC the onlama given hUm viCh kagan. and Lyman Magrun, of Morris, ont 1rollcwUýng le a liast of the possible fidelit>', and dia ana vho has mada vare Instanti>' kliaS b>' a Northvast- tict InuprvemeDta, ail, it Us rue, talked ai tha local police farce t thdi efficient arn train, supposedi>' No. 9, knavn as sai 'bltbut neyer as probable as nov: machina ai loy and ordar hat UtiU ta - the fast mail, Sua In Sterling a short n Chcago Ml Aour Nearer. day, Waukegan vishes Chiai ai PC- ime aiter midight, at a point Jus liai 1 The lactrification of &Il rail- lice Thamas Tyrrali al he bappineas, vest ai dia Nelson bridge and juat n- "It roada ot af Chicago as far as the prosparit>' and gond iuck diat is aide Witaslde count'. au- subgurbo vil incluSe dia poasidla lec- faithial service bas entftiad him ta, The bodies ai the twa men vare dis- col trillcaibon of th%. North Western as and citizens as a wbola loin in the covered b>' the anginear anS firman fer a Waukegan. vbile the proposaS vlsb that ha ha tendared b>' he ciiCy ai an easC bound iraigbt train hat al( loop subva>' systan af tha Illinois counils present and ta came a ie passad a few minutas aitar tha accU- ec: Cetral, combineS viit this lactrifi- tern ai is position as chiai, which dent occured and vare taien In tha se Cation ai the steam roasds and dia ha so richi>' daservas. va>' car ta Nelson vhere the>' vara th service of diaeFP-st and the future The SUN joins In congratulations latter transiarrad ta a vest bound su Orover Uine viii bring Waukegan hall and hast vishes. iraight train and brougbt ta Serling. an heur naarar ta Chicago. , Chiai Tyrreli sla lS n dia highest Ater the arrivai of he ramaUns ty Remdentlal Future, respect b>'<t>' officiais, he plain pao- n Sterling tbey vera takan ta O'Mal- l0 2. Tha converse Us rue. Chicago pie, is fellov officers sud dia Police laya undertaking roams vbare Cora- In yl cansidar itself hall hour nearer daparimanta ai niher cties, anS basnar Frjta will bld an nqusi Culs ai- 'a to Waukagan, and a large residantiai served longer continuously than an>' ternoon, allCr four oclock. n( future la pradictad for the nortb anS man in public office today. Assistant Was Intanil>' Klied, 'a vest aidas of this Ciy. ChiaI ai Police Hicks Us naxt lun point That bath men met hir Seath si Building of Weïi Sidae. of iength of service but bas not serv- instanti>' alter heing struck b>' the r' 3. The nieit ajiminlsration wiii aS coninuausly. train Us evidant frram dia bruises hg carry tua asuccassful anding dia ra- vhbca veraS hir bodies anSdiahe il vina sevar anSd is wtb Cha building THESE MAY WED. Position n whlch he>' la>' vhen dis- al of dia Wynn electrlc lina vhich ha- Matthav 1ratk Sutharland, 25; caveraS b>' the trainnan. It gins ta JuS>, viii mean the rasidan- Forence M. GraS>', 23. Both men baS hir right arma aI tual Sevelopnent ai the veat aida as Cornelius De Boo, Chicago, 26; iç,~ braien. Bath ha SeBvera vounda nover befare, anSdiaheihrowing open heina M. Mus, 2 about the bauS anS Magurn baS a of au Immense acrage batwaen haeaGeorge ScotCt, Mlwvaukee, 23; Mta braken leg anS a bad scalp vound enS Gurnea for iactory sites. as dia Schlifie, 23. whUch extendad davn ovar the nlgbt tu Wynn road vili carry fright and P. Glader, Highland Park, 39; Auna aya. D MaSs and viilcannect ih avary rail- tandler. 26. .Wero EaI>' ildentified. _!04d,ýu the country,'.basidea brlnglng W. 0. Christafferson, Antioch, 22; In the packats ai bath mon veto tec Waaikegan people f romt places as JanIe M. D&ia 17. paperis anS Identification carda shov- fur West ai Rociiord, a territory hat Par eouon, WinCrop Harbor; An- ng elearl>' vbo ibo> ver. mand viere i boa nover bom t apped bai are, aidiar na Svenon, 35^ hir homes vere anS vho ta notify 0 for ple&sm a meko or far people vho Soilus Rtasmussen, 33, Anna Hansen, n came of accident t vii bo mechmidie.27. The groom la the coecbman for In MaguWieapociets voie tound aa Chlcago's uter Port F. C. Gedgeanad the bride Us a iter numbar-ai laters vmtten ta hUm b! a 4. The oxtension of Chicago outar ta Chris Hansen ai h Waukegan Up- is mthar anS addrasaed Ca a num-b biarberyUl Ivary possibl>' carry vUdi Ut holsterig compan>'. bar of placas n the state, the latit thedi extension of Che drainage canai Roula Dama8, ZUan Cty, 24, Edih ana having been sent tramn Dixon Ca laterail to Wankegaui tram Uta Chica- Joues, 21. Rcel hr twzdliee.yn g osdan d Waukagani vili ha Chico- W, PAwardson, Zion Ciity, 21, Mary tarda>'. --ge's cter pot bacausa Ut can sava [bancs, 26. In a book which vas faund n hi CbUcago fralght Ut such a canai la Louîis Miartin Larseau, 20, Elanor packet vas the noma of hUa nouher1 buft for cargoas consigneS Ia the big Sareiasiin, '3. and he addr<-sa 728 BantouC streai cti», vater transportation being tiurcF I.nclwaod, Chicago, 50 and a telt'Ciiofe îîumbar 3122, whicb cheaper dian staam. î.ale î. i. -ii;n 4ý, 's lt ilp,Osid ichavpa been the number Influence of Tarif, aif the. itiani at the parants home. 5. The influence ofthe Payne tariff lp lîîno litis varea anumber blihlta In the main extreinel>' favor iuririg Cii le liair i-V i-ne woifil ii- uIbOf iialid iCut carda sud a note able ta Waukln auindustry and con batiefiCral I)v Ctaîria ly's Kýidua>' bou o r crni,,P in a hlcb the name meuan but one thing, if passed-tbe np- 'imiy t iurn"ihc a neýeddtanic tiiof i rs, Jame-s Diigoul, 338 Sa. Wast Ctii-kiducyssaCtr Ciii- extra @trainofii building ai dia city'e manufacturing wintar, aud it piirbiles Cthe blond bv treet, Waîlicgan, vas vrittan anS plant& Th. tariR tfavorabi>'affects stimulating tha kidni-ys anS caumiu'g a OlotCae Ca noif>' the lady should tb. leathar an.d tauinig, dis glucose thê o Ca alaute tha impurnies ran ht. an>' accident occam. muSdu iremalnulbnsnos amng oley'm Kidney RamaS>' imprti onew' CmmFo omb Md te W'e a"n&n usinss aonglite advigor. Ploasantotake. Fusa One rm ea «hm B., LoV=MLMemabers .aifaafreight crov ibat 10< The by se the fil optio hot, i visite »0 a They of "a roi* Mo mmyc 1optAi wiIl coun carr. Waukegan Boy, Now 25, Who Servd Torm in State Rfef.matory for AI- Laed Thon ft H orse Nine Ysars Ago, Now ln1 Toile for AIU.ged Crime Against Employer Emrly Lest Sun- day Mornlng. NI.. yaars aga arrested for runnirig awa wib horse belonging ta Alex. Strucis, Barney Lohfink of 144 Laurel avenue, 25, w"s Monda>' arrested for the second time for the samekind ai offensa, anS bas contesed ta Chiai ai Police Tyrrail that ha took dia gray mare belanging ta William Tonîgan Sunda>' mornlog and ian away widi Labink, vba la a teamster for Tan- Igan, denUed hat hb. mev anYthing about the borne ail day Sunda>' vben asked about It by die ovner. Hov- ever, Chiot cf Pouice Tyrroll ai once upected hUm and vhon Lohfink Otn- ieS bis vork vidi Tonigan Mon- day, near stz-gflftn the chiot placeS hlm under arrent- lohtink sworo anS protsttd, de- aying at firat tiiat ho inav nyding about the hos. or boy It dlaappomred. Later, n the buggy driving tovard the station vidi tha chiot, be made a complote confession, the. chIai amYS. Lohfink la aiS ta have admlttOd that ha entared is empioyarr'm barn ai one Sunday marnUng. htched the gray ta dia opan rnbber CraS buggy; and drivan uurth. JusC sauth ai the siate ina ha had a break davn, the horne boltad and Lohfink was thrown inCa the ditch. Letting the horsa mun, ha dld not cama vhara, and abaudoning tha bug- gy, Lohfink wvoued Ca the neareat point an the electric lina and raturn- cd ta Wankegan, so hai Sunday w henaked ha Sanied hat ha knew what became of the borse and appar- antiliehd an alibi. Chiai Tyrreil Monda>' night locatad dia horseaetthe reaidanca of a Hun- garian, Fargusan, near the state lina and hraught iha animal and dthug- gy' bock ta Waukagan. vhara Cha>' have been rastared Ca dia owuar. * Farguson pickad up tha horse on he road sanS put It n bis barn Ca avait tha ovner. Lotni mrveS a erm n tbe atate e oomtr for i allaged crUme r« nino years ago. Chiai af Police Tyr- itri got a reward oi $100 for hUa caP- Cu tre.. Then. ia a similar revard U " ua mo. but ihe priaona'sintent to steal muet lho provas. As t hla1ob- KIfini sayg diat ho imply toidihe le hors. out for a ride and baS bad c- Inci vitb Ch, break dovn. Tanîgaz ,d vas lun Ch.habit of letiing bis team- stars take bis borses oui Sundays it nu Ua claimeS. AL OPTION - 11N LAKE COUNTY i0 wet end dry msseslamnet demd iny mne»Un waukgmn. In fmct fght for anti ugninut count>' local cn and thi eaicli and imeirupe 1mw, ýhwould obviat blnd pige, la raod but la a oruppr*sood forra, ne on. ne loofl on t. lx aidsonum of the city cotncil ldAammd Ohio, a dry town, te a CýantoN iHughies pump Monda>'. ymsnt baàk Cc Mayor Uullock a el cgrd. It bore a pieturs of the rend station nt AahI.nd with case mnpilo. and empty whisksy bar- Sm hIgA n. tihe station eavon. lnday aight, this card Iylng on the. Vor's table., started a local option mrent. A Saloon Keeper Said: The passage of the couni>' local in 1>11 mane the doom cof theAie h- i rafficc ln this county. The farmer 1Malte Lake count>' dry." Another Alderman, A Regula- Mion Man, Suid: 'ocal option cannai carry ln Lake >'Y lnAn îy wmy. The>' meafi ta y the norti4shore. The>' can nev- do IV'" knd is just a year ago today ai town electlon that the local op- ntest wam applled and defoaiod e, aIhile only six monthes rmain thie elgAiten n.cesary before Ut mbe appliod again. With a local saoon Iceapar, vbo in mamber of the. eUt> council, on one Le. and anothor alderman,' vho la tUn the liquor businesa and- who ai>' touches Husinaihlimsffon the ber, s debate vau beld Un the.may- 'a ehambor, belore the meeting lus ,eilng, on the probable sucesson ce option Un WmniogaanS Lake isit>' Curiously, the saloon kooper argued at local option vai comtag vii l odier declared Ut vauld never nue >d. The dobate va.s pfrited anc ted for about fiteen minutes. The discussion vas startad 'whei le saloon keeper anounced that h, CticeSdiah bill for county local or n vas sure ai passage Un Che stal, eiata and that the iight vould ceute the bouse. "IfChat bill pasas, Ch sion business la doomed," ha saie It wiii ha ha passed in Laie cani id I believe ln a maj.ority at Ch Dunties ai the whole country'." Exception was takan hy the otbE derinan, "Local option cannot b ur-lad In Lake count>'," ha said.' ee Chat tbey Intand ta ir>' ta carr he narth shore. They viii nevi icceed." "Tbey willl" said the other. "Cou aY ption viii mean the end of thea on business until a try bas haE iode. But 1 bellava ibat ana elacti( wiii satîsi>' them and Chat whan ti next elactian ime comas local opti( will ha voted clown again. C'm ln t] saloon business and I believa If Chi rally waut Ca stopArlinlclng ibey w ave ta prohîhît the manufacture Iquor. That's the place ta strike f an long as It la made people viii drii t, whethar Che>' are Un dry tarrito ®r not." L'neleSam vii haiS an examnîatîaq for Uialway Mail Cianke iu the vu-mvni Lihartyvilia and throughout thb UniteS Statee on Mlay 15. Mon>' arnbitiaus Yuomwh o ug. 3I>' a verY ardinar>' s'bolecton, conbea readil>' posa. The gaverinmuý,tw vanta young:,en avi'r.18 vth coninon sensa. ta ck examina. thons for ralway mail cierkis and carriers and tha Govaroruant Positials Bureau, oU Roachester, N. y., with its peculiar knoovidge oU the raquiremants ' tisa ezomina&tion, econlSt any Yuung minj o short tima ta pas. A giivernmeiit pusition neane s3teady n-îîrk, giiod 1ps3, sud a yeariy vacatioîn.Tuera is rimea Ci p tpr o haeiPas 15 xamiiuatiiius,- sud o>rader.aithae. tNDEl'EN[iE'T cOi atniurmthan hw ow C 1raceed, Ires ai charge, b>' wr tUug The liovarîment Position Bureau, 1187 1-îiwerg, Rtochester, N. Y, vhoalaie prppara n ior examtiattis for postoffiSceirks, clark carriers sud rural free Slvery; carriers. - .28-2 Do this wiîh your chlldren. Plant Rosem. Scbooi cihidren, abaid ho f cd Plenti- in a macaut jeans v. calied attention to fOUy ad froquent>' an Quaker COta. the great rose gnrowlng induotry of CheNebakstIO )inge&Conrad Ca)., Weet Grave, ps., St snu"ke i.beut possibl rafs o and urgeS mn readere to semai for ibelr myone vbo iS Cc 'ork vida eitder braS euiini nea' book, vl&h tii.>'te-m or muscle. Ia sy>ta provo tli tu '$ix tL eara mongt li Boms-" StUs a fuow mai'. Increase the. diii> Compieguide to abo" eulroegro w- >0i ~ ngr foti.maerm.diu.olscae dnofQuaker Cata and el >f the bept vadle" for hm is lO', boy tu- an luct 4i eIt lprovemose inl mcov sien aSd ive. Prim 01 oU vO? r Md oneraof thome ho eut .lk udrSed difrent binais,a-M on theIrw0 ovn root& Ths book la a vork 01 art A.TP.rupmt01a£edae fQulV and will bhosent ire. upcn reqnet 1 ' .= ,lmPt. SO thi le mfautAi>'>i of our resders. 511in vehi ortb iaving, oms t25c; the famul>' packa<O viii Uor Ut shows Un a plain, u*dermtandaUe >J cci-3r manner bow ta beautl>'your home B locscfcon aer aseeYdY surroundUngs ;anS bave roeeegtaviflg EekBto ukrOt vr a and bloaaninl the yard and the Prise are @0 loy af ta plaeotiair goode vithin Tha olS leeýhioned va>' Oi Sosîng o Ch. easy rs'eofaiali, The> guarantaee eak stomnach, or stimulating the imort the saie arrn val ai ail goods anS someofa or kidtua>'ial al viag. Dr. Shoap Chair oSere are reall.vromarkabla. Writeiast pointaS out thisearar. Tbi.a hiwhy Ca-do>' Ca the Dingee & Conrad Ca., Waat bis prosi-nhipion-Dr. siîaap' hi-stoas Grave, Pa.., rafree caPY 0I tueUr 19094 tiva--is directed enCiraI>' ta the calisa ai cataloguec. thsea almenta îlo e- n-ciwide oiii-îî trailin rvas. I iItonC Sa Sjiliît, goys tiîiiuiitic liiilsoos are quickI>' anS Dr. Shîîmp, ta atreumgthi'n o vrai inrebydiivii îtoai diabinS viCb ir. stoinach.Uheurt or kidneys@, if onc gaos t Simiolia lllicuiliotie iemd>'-lbillid or it carreit>'. Eaiinhuide argon lias ita tabiat oiîn. lDr. shOap'5 bankiat an cuntralling or ineide nemi-e. Wiiai liasae rlauîitmmni pinlmy and intereetingl>' narres lau thalithose argan5 milit aNil>'l tille jusC Uîow ibis ia doue. Tell somne falter. Thase vital truths area inîg suiierer iii thio bo'ok, cor bettar sCiII, rugglsts avýrywaat ises n write Dr. Slm<ip, iacSne, WiA. ion the rcaommend Dr.Sh)oopa Ras-torative. book anS free Ce &le@. Son4 no Test UC o iew Soysa ndse! imprave- monev. Juet joUn vîti Dr. shonp andS1ment vilprOmPt>'andSaurai>' iollaw, glve some aniierer a pUboeit murPrim. SlSb' LL DIEALgft ALL DEALERS- DR. £W .SUII Proeusom Crs1eeaPractioe VETEE0.<ARY UGEoI.Z AimISTAi? TUMTEBÇAN. LUbortyvll..fltios. DE . J L TAYLOR, orPFF Ic J En j I. Tabac flLDG. aoua:-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta S P. M. lieeldenoe an Broadwva, opposte Park. Liberiy'rlll.,Illinois. DIL C. IL GALLOVAY, oriFOEOyza LOvÈÉLL's a aesoaa. souume-from i to a8ad a 10 8 P. M. Lhertyvil., IlliniZ. DENTIBT gours 810o12 bm-i to 5pi.. J. Eh Triffl Building vith Dr J. L. Taylor-Pbne 19 Bée.. Phone 1092 Ubr-tvihl. Illinois SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES 0P LIIiERTYVILLE, ILLMNIS cHuà,L S W arroy RALPit J. DÂD T WHITNEY L DADY LA W ERS 305 Wasbington Street Waukegan, Illinois PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ÂTTORFET AT LAW. Libertyvii, Ilftial puoxuBU DL E. ILSM[TH OTUR LAIE voumm V nAONAL A. nou-8 10 12 a . and i Cc a P.M.. PHYSICIAN ANtb SURGEON OffiCe in Kalet BIoe& over Tonne Lymea the. Eye, Far, Nome and Throat LBERTYvILLE -- lLIOIS, m""f - CigarE and Laundry ,. C r.Iru. ~ - e. Tobacco Office C".i4mI.5nbitiI.. PytKIWM.XW"-b; CLARENCE rLAGG d--t» TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ~i"ts~AS sai. OreaTaken for Razorm s f,.ufr ~. làmzne ad Put In Ordor P ..oI.alS Guaranteed Tools. for Surng Prairie CitySeeders Disk lérë*ws. Lever Ilarrows, Deere and Jaoeqvike Suikq, Gang and Wulki.g Plows There is going to be an advance of 10O per cent on Wagons. Better get in your orcler. IF r'sSchanck SC1IANCK'S Bros. IT'S CIOOD Libertyville, Illinois. mu - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Spring Time and flouse Cleaning Time * Do you know that this year\y papering and painting im wholly unnecesmkry if you USE ELECTRIC LIOJIT I ItUiqtha perlootly dean ight. ,Phono for our man and avoîd Chia labor and expene next year b> having your houa. vired NOW under our twby yeaa 0pSY plan.- NoRTIJ SIIRE &P.ELECTRJC Co. 'Phone Wankegan 2S85 23o North Genee St. W.AUKEGAN, ILLINOIS F RED jOCllllIM Telçphone No. 46 SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKERI and'CONFECTIONER : ao out of Town Orders Libert!JvilIe Illinois Shipin Trde HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TPWNS -~pêg.&p~p*pg*OeStO st$.B~0SS**0SS* Waukegan News mmwwmý YOUJNG MEN WANIED Unted Siaies Governmeni Rsîlwmy Mail flerI3. a$800n o 00a a S tà b