LAKE COUNT-Y INDEPENDENT, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL1. XVII. No. 28. PART TWO LBITVLE . 'rI i lîî EIGHT PAGES ~ .i 'UVA IN ADVANCE. REPUBLICAN VICT(IRY SWEEPS 111E TOWN VOLIVA TICKET MEETS WITD DEFEAT IN ZION WITU EXCEPTION 0F ONE SCftOOL TRUSTEE. ROBERTSON BEATEN Reauite of Yetterdoy's Election in Every Town in Lake County Change Personnel of Board of Supervisora and arc thse Surprise in thse Reauits. SUN Only Newspalper te, Buppiy People wth Either Waukegan Town or Otier Election Rasut by Tele- phone and Bulletin Uas Night. (Front Wednenay'x Sun. As was aitilîaied. the Wsiîkî'gsi towu eleî'iloc ye'sierdus resiîlied in a sweeplug iPIiîleilicsumvlctory. and h' aîirprislug hetiires oif the day were lpft t, ot 5cr îownm aiithii'îîîuu iy lu dpve oph lun Waiiki-gan tihi' fumlriîlii ticket weiii 10 siclor> wiih i igema joitiles lu eîac'iicaselieucu iwluuing for aassistait 8(iiei sir iîsir MN'fqod) lîy 223 votes, sud the iii' repîullcaîî Justices won oint. Iu Zion C'ity tlhe 'ioiia ticket s1pttodî'feat. as aîiriring result, as Volivs anticiîîsted victory alter a iard fought campiiioasd tise Inde- Pendents. wtille sanuinle, iardly ex- pected so mîmr'l of a kl]Iing. lu Highland Park, Deerlleld. Alex- ander Robertson was defeated for siapervisor. William C. Clarke, wlu- nlng over hM, but Fred Scbafer w&8 elected asessor and Diiffy colînctor. two Sood cholces. In Shielda, wislch comprises part or North Chiscago, Lake Blufsud Lake Forest, Bîgekier won for supervisor avaau~t Thomas Applleon and SpelI. main won for coliector. Analysis of Waukegan Vote. On lise r'ouîebt liiWaikegau town- ship> Deacou carred sal preclucta ex- cept tise irsi, where Melody liad tes majoriiy. Ward Ioct ail lireeluctua ex cept the' irsI. wherc e Ssci 22 nia jority. lu the ueblhiforJustilce' Shelircar iied the firet oniiy lis a pluuraliiy or h sud McKee carried tli,> fit h y the sainie piriîcty. Thse wiiug justices.aili repli lienr are as foliows lii tise urder lu whisih tisey rau. 1. Mîîrrle. 2. Baîz. 3. Botsford. 4. Runyard. 5.WeIss. The. Democrats Who Loat. 6 Herinan Scluwery. 7 J. G. McKee. The Waukegan Vote in Deta(l. Tise Wauke-gsu vote lu deisil ls as fllowa. For Supervisor. Edward Conrad. No opposition, to- tal vote 1350. Asistant Supervisor. t Henry Deacon, Rýep.. 155, 195, 152, 206, 109, 70. Total 887. Majority, 223. Williamn A. Meiody, Dem.-its, 178, 66, 110, 122, 33. Total 654. Town Clerk. George W. H-utchinson. No oppoci- tion. Total 1444. Assessor. R, J. Douglas. No oppositiou. To- tal, 1423. Collector. Robert E. Mutaw, Rep.-155, 270, M90 276, 127, 70. Tota 1088. Majo- rity of 490 Wilialm Ward, Demu-177, 152, 42. 56, 140, 31. Total 598. Justice& o! thse Peace. William F. Weiss, Rep-145, 199, 155, 211, 83, 59. Total 852. Rcujhen S. Botsford, Pep.-147, 232, 149, 220, 104, 46. Total 898. Julius Baiz, Pep.-150, 238, 155, 218, 97, 60. Total 908. James Murrie, ReP-163, 220, 160, 220, 117, 53. Total 932. E. M. Rursyard, RP-15l. 213, 156, 220, 102, 61. Total 893. J. G. McKee, Deni.122, 128, 56, 72, 123, 21. Total 502. Herman Schwory, Demi-167, 151, 45, 66, 114, 66. TPotal 589. Constables. No oppositions, f5v. to Se eected. AdMam Vogel. Total vote, 1389. A. C. Berry. Tiitai vote. ILl6. Clarence Hicks. Totalvtie, 1'-71 Williamn Casismore, Jr. Total votc,. 1269. Walter Witkowsky. 'Total Vole' Road Commîssioner. S. Kristlais. Total vole, niopoui Schooi Trustee. Dr. C. H. Aibrecht. No uîîpiîsî ii l'oral vole. 1321. Reauite in Avon. Sutiersisor, . G ' Ewards, 199<, aganst W. WNhili'. j-,4 ilarry Rirh for towil 1lerk, A W Hasrvey for assessor, lohn, Christlin for collecior, J. t),l-ucker for rnad i'ommlssioner, %W. Roslag for school lrustee, G. MI Fltch sud M. S. Mller ror justices against R. W. Chsurchsill, wiso poiled 104. A. A. McMIllieu sud Pillip Flauj for consabaile, ail wons Tise proposition 10 gravel tiseroail between Grayslalce sud Lakte Villa at au assesament of 25 cents per $100) carried 115 for sud 70 agalust. Recuits l lnShields. lu ShIseldis Samsuel BIlser defeatemi Thomas Appleton for supervîsor aud 8pelinnon won for eolîdctor, tse cie ta Blackler's favor being 397 againzt 35,8, a niajorlty Of 39 votes. Antiocis lu Autioci Frank Kennedy was eiected supervisor, 127 agalut Erne8t Suons' 4, tue Sîioni, name beiug wrtteu lu, W. Dmum, 130, assessor, Riclu, 130 dient, Diisble, 131, collector. Pullen. 129, hisghway Coeninssioner. Jarvis, Lake Villa Justice, 125; Web- ber AtlOch Justice, 124; Jamies, naine writtea lu. two; Seeland, Lake Villa Constable, 126; Cooper Antiocis, 132. Deerfleld. trii teerlleid Alexander Rohiertsion, onue of the heet pubiie men lu Lake coduîty, went dowu 10 dafeat hefore William Clarke b13 :0 votes, Fred Sisafer was elected assessor, sud Ja- nies lIufTy collector. Bitter Defeat for Voliva. lunlenton township as a whîîle, iu- cluding Zion C'ity, tise resulls were as follows - Hlirami Ferry wius for hupervisor oser Farley by 32 votes. Roulo river Mitchell for rlerk hy 43 sol es. F. M. Gallaut oser Chenowetti for asseasor. hy 26 votes. A. Taft for colleclor by 54 votes. .1. Darrow for highway Coniisioner oser Berelter hy 53 votes. A. T. Moe, the ouly mn t wiu ou tise Voliva ticket, for school trustee isy 88 votles. Justice. Withrop Harbor, John, Warulug hy 45 votes. Justice, Zion (lity, John Bash over MiII hy 47 votes. Constable, Wiuthrop Harbor, Hauks hy 51 votes. Constable Zion Cty, Jopp over Haudyside hy 42 votes. SUN Oniy Paper toOCt Reauitsi. Tise StIN sas tise oniy Waukegian uewspaper to get 5îly of tise results lu Waukegail townslilp or ta get any of I-he resulta elsewhere. Thse Iterest, whiu-h wag supposied to Se slow, pmoved tb be Intense lu the resuits and thse SUN ofilce sýas husy wIth catiasutil atter bsn lu tise eveuiiag, hreakiug ail records becausse it was thse ouiy newspaper lu tise ciîy that suppîied the people news whtle it wss news. Tisere sas a SUN maKt every pollng place sud every conteut ila every town lu tise county wagcoevered ast nîgbt Sefore tise SUN force jet Crowds gathered at tise two places where bulletins sere Iiosted aud a great deal of luteret s as MaLnifested, The SUN showed its mettle by "lc- vertng" a »aial but Important elec> lion as wvelIas a large and limrtal onue and la gettâug due credit for dolng Its duty to thse people. Glencoe. (I(lencî-s, li-hi- lorie iot,,or 11(5 i l dicd 'stela Y ou I ocace lii'fiiîcic-graiîld hy tire sillage bioardl t ir l- ihîîacîî& Milwauklee l'h-it1(ch i lii ((I ouparly. There mi i- e(5,o Ilikel,,ln the field foîr the village- offi(,cii lh(. lcoîles aity and tirhe I iidf i)(eiid(Iiii harty.'rhe former 5(i(it(d in candidatesi for liresldent. i lle(l(,r, street roimi s',onir. iur- chalair] lio ary<lres-lors, whilc roui- (liot of ti( e c iuniil (len were nani- ('il 11Y the lnd (eric1ifltii The mar- 'liai, I"rank T. Laje,sil; th(,onie who has galineil rne in autominihle arrests li that aubuh. Close Fight in Cuba. Cibila townshlipî had lille aspilirieil r'îiii st lni the eli n (if aii lcu Aigtiîst L l Daasdefealed lieniry Bc ger hY orie vol eThre otireisateti Tomn n tirrk EFil IF.Scsd ColI ecor Au guiît %I, lia ic Asseuicor- F. V ues I lighWa (i,îîîîssoîi lilaii 'l hil( ' iiiîisi FiiEranîk A .iui of t he ', ie liic I [iq irsAnd i"dsoii F liarnd,,i, (iit-.iul Johni Velh hsd .Johin Barrington Town Ghip, l[ri arrînglon Iowiihli liii wfoiios lit c ire îepti'i Sliijicrî lcr <' il -lau (ýi Ai -ueýso-John ICilagge, Colîccior Jamies W. liiir(.lîin 'O I lighs aY ('onrnilssloîîer 'Wlilîsiîî iiiru n lu s Justice Of the Peac F. Il Frîî' aud I. Bt Fox (oustables-Aulgurit Itou îîii'i r sud George 5M Wagner S, hool Trîîstee4- il .1 l,ýgi'sçlîiîi and F.F. Brandt. New Trier. New Trier townshli wenl dry hs a rote of nearly two Io nue )yeaerday, luuil as the Prohlbltionists predlcted, ontiIres and jublileeslu the north 'hore villages la(,,- ri ir hi' rompîletio[i or til 1 rilory fhomu Ioget,'.P gaîî ln the osib i-ast foi luîvillillilnýrî %vri c uast for alloîri Lihbertys c le Mileric eiîg holîl 4'olleetor hW. ' C' P. Fisher. deîîî h. tires, Johni ltigriîi-,r i iai ru cio taiîd I. iil i ' \\ i ghui C ollector Elect is I or j'Ibert \VIl ies111u11-vii" f bs eion liii y in 1i îur- liîiî aui . isIi at i ls ihome n ('hua towshipî. si iarrlngtciîi.13 i iiî-',halec ae(lecled it iiuhiway conîmis J cl ;Oner 1)i'Ypeltton, t he (office- hein g ihe Liii iiiie ~ I l'e I ii-li ci ~ here ah y JUDGE FROST. An able iawyer and judge. who bas pn-esided un thus circuit for th@a past sis years wltis credit to hinnsself and ho ôur four counities. He rose. by hie own efforts, ho .tke..4ionorable position he now occupiez and ta entisd to a renom i nation, 67-lt cîiu t wiciiicîred. Tle tilcket'i cr i1ciIî iflu(ciria1i (enticr letu .ecuthe Paejmc Aw P.h P<îaeîs, townsuhli ciii k. t'C, an îd Long lIsud sotind and thse F ~ ~ ~ ~ J W ii- s k cclurJI-n- isîh, iier ioinîai hou ndry and the Guif r. .'1i;S hules, hlghway commiiis roft Iecli l(uiIF h\'.lî 00k s snd Josep l i su. of thicii li' pence, and Ptareh Jr'îiîw lîî 1 . and V. L. l'utliain, JAPANESE TO VISIT NAVAL SCBOOL Associate4I Chambers of Commerce May Aiseo o oFort Sheridan VERY DISTINGUISHED GIJESIS Delegation of Forty Comlng Ffomn Flowery Klngdomn Next September WiII Tour Chicago District to In. rpect Industries anui Institutions and it la Llkely That Waukegan WiliIBcein Itinerary. iFi ont hVdiesday*s Sun. .lîanc.-e tiade sud Indutils ex- ili ri w yi îîoiîahl s s It thseUlit led Stires naval Irining saeool snd Fort Sheridan ' linSeflîleiher aud niay even couleii 10 (5au kegaii Spuokane, Wa.,Alîrîl 4.-Fltty ruen- hi,<c of the Assoclsted C'hamblers of ('oîîîiieîce of Japan. lncluding Ilf. tii trade expierts sud representa- luves of thse coîiîuîerclal organizations at Yokohama, Kobe, Tokio. Osaka sud Kyoto, wiil be giiesta of thse uhsmhersi of commîîerce of Spokane, T(xooma, Seattle and Portland eariy uîext Septeimher on a visit t0 ihese cîtles and an oceami to-oceail excur- sion on aspia train. The party Is to niake stopus ln practically every Easter Suits g& Top ot 'neii îîl-i>r(l-ahly ilI he thrOutls liii iî rlî r ie r o f atate s as fa t- as ý le Lu-t akes-.- said Frederick E. Lorcirî,li. îrrsdent of thse SIiekane (hiuiiber of commuerce lu miaklng thse formatl a unîmincecnient. "and after %isitiiîg lhiiago N ew York, Bouton uîuîîl oîbr cilles lulnise estern andi Ni su Fliglîîii States, the party w1l iiiîî ur iffsîIlldnorre. Philadeiplîs, issb ulî ii Itsurg and other c18' î'.gnîig 1heure llroîîgh thse south. cru'i suates sud zig-zagging bcb tiu gh 0liii. 'ichigan, Iudiana, Ne. briaska. ,la Uoltais sud Oregous Thi' trili is I0octîly froini sity tet îiuîeuî dfaym. depeudlug upon thse rungIs of the c.ay lunlise east.", Th, i' uîîîose oh the recehton at -eiaillIe. Toi'ouis, Spokane and Port- sund and tise transcontinental excur- 'ilon are tii make officiai recognitico if the nîauy courteales extended t. tise delegates from Washington, ~ Oregon at the irade rmnference ln ti chier cilles of lapan lsut bail, andt ilhow wlîaîtihe varions centers lu the~ United States Qffer lo Japan la a trade aay. also 10 estabili*"d mntain eloser commercial relatIo" heiweeu Ihig country aud theO I4ad of the ttisiug Sun. MRS. G. H. PRESCOTT Former Prominent Waukegan Lady Succumnbe at Washington; D. C. lira C.H. Prescott. foruiedy a;§ iioionent woman ln Walakem e> ciety aud ehurch circles. died Satxri'e Iday ai her home in WashIngtn, M C > Tise deatis was caused by cancer, 1%* husband sud two daugisters survluV.. The Prr-scott family lved la Wsji keguan about 14 yeara aMM, Mr. ptrw cott being employed et tise wlremIlgb. Mirs. Prescqttýwas Dromsiujaî. t flI Preshyterau churcis. Many fr1qv*b Our splendid fines of new greens, browns, tans, blues, grays, and bIacks. Ali the Hart Schaffner and Marx kinds. They self at $10 to $25. "We f it the ha rd to fIt: in clothes." Shoes and Oxfords Our Immense stock of new Shoes and Oxfords for men, women and children ...blecks, tans, and browns are appeal. ing to hundreds of the most particular people ln town. "We fit the hard to fit ln shoes." b1I~ -s The Great Clothes and Shoe Store 121-123 N. Genese. Street, . Waukîegau