CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1909, p. 3

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KEOOTJNTYL fNDZPZNDENT, FRUY, APRIL Id,- 1909 FLumaICrd ook-Sm o the bst coal or wood range. By usin he "New Perfes- tion" Oil tov icthennoyuee of su overheated and stuff y Constructioni Of the WIc Dneflie 0on CookSlove afhuruutk ad a cool kitchas The "New Pa-fectionn b=oUzeCABINET TOP for wauingpsteaaad =p- Ing fod ba fer lefàcooked.Alao drop owbkhon t. oct anal coo&lng uteamde--atvy couvenece, eVen to bane iooholdng eh.& Madéin tbrese& .Can bchad efthuwlth or wftbdut Cilat Top. If ne t i your dealu'a, wrift e W an Ac<oc7. ~ Lamp sud v" hadecun. Gives powee fit d e kw'.lir bote withtme lllg. Poslabi, IL ,met iWkfu 7wbiir u c neaseat epoey o8?ANnAai OL COMPAI *PIANOS 1 have ati my home saveral styles of the I3ALEDWIN PIANOS 1Inmvie you to ccii and ee PRICES IN THE REACH 0F ALL GFORee E. STRANG, Undertakuand Li censesi Embakme ORtAYSLAKf, IWNOII SUPRENM!LY GOOD VALUES à0e Motdallion Pictrue 25e Enamel in ail (,olors ... Oc Ibfe sud icTooth Brue i1oc JBig valua, in Toilet Soap. - 3oe RIEGINALD B. GODVREY, GRAYSLAKE, ILL. OUR PRICE LIST M& k.pur quart2 Le, p"rpisit 3c. Cream - -Ore.per, " 1Ue 1 ~ haIf pint---------.. c quart----------4c. Cottageeaper quart.--...6c AU. GOODS DEUVERED Gooda obtainable a factory nt &D urnes. Special orders for Ice Cream filled n~48 b a notice. TulE d r AËC(EAMERY Te.Gaaee36. Ciroibslal. I. AI % lE EWIIRY 8OME Wddm0"tdieClc uiJwery Repa&W Ail Work Cnsanteed SPECIAL ORtDERS FOR JEWELRY Pnornplly Filled W. H. MOORE Crysiake Illinois SEED FOR SALE 3Pore, (Jean, Iligh Grade Maniuria Barluuy J Swedish Select O t s o0c busec 3 Wie onsiN,. 7 Ti-sîcîl Kiluin ed Corni bit. u i -I)warl Siscui înhU-p ni' poonîl L. C. ORVIS, SALEM,WIS. Our WANT A15S. are paytug others.1 EAre they paying YOU? RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT Aprileab I .J. DRIJCE. Editor Phone No. 11 and Thurl I Ordera Traken for Job Work Advertlatig Rates On Application tives bore * Mr. and ter LaVern Otto Waidman whiie dnivlnit a horne Mrs. Wm. 8pringe-rid the gue8t of Mr@. Mr@. E.1 and lin another bad flsi arm very Krueemark in Chicago. Sunday at badly w reliecled and will lie laid up à MII. Ed Wa«Der aniduauglîter, Besie, WiII Gell week or 80. atiended the ircus at Ililcago, Wedne«- ti0ginW. The M. W. o A .of Round Lake, will day. M r. E. give a dance on 8uturday vei ber bornei April 24th, to whichr the gi-er ertruduVe Lr-t.-r wue unable to lv invited atd a good tîule guarant@ tae n be ec orL i.n the tith &nd Baverali to ail. . eixth girades on au, imit )f î,iD~g si, programu Mise Rth D ioolttir .în.nt let wqek ,with tbe mumps. Mlr. Poe in î Lewin'a c M'alîkrîcau iMies Marcia Wl f~enrt Eamterr Te S.lou meetîig wil l lieheid uat the 1Sunday witb ber si-t.i i l iigo. crans Su eF1ho 1îoui luîatu trday e v..u iug, Ailril 17. Miss Gertrude- Silu \ iii. of Waukegau, ail the cbi The G raym1ialo- eoî..tý-ry Society wilwan ths gli-st of ;. I ina"i -ioi.1rofesm liiiet with M. rs ,lulî dci, Tlîursday, lat Satiirda.v. on frieudi April 22. \îeîtoréai-lu-ouie. Louje Oarwood 'ut et, e rai duym of The Mou C. 0. i4iugabuuigh rî-turuuud to hie art iast week at 1h i -iel'r. 'lie left wîtb Mr@. wî,rk i Uhitago lat Monday tîuviuîg Sunday to aecept li l u.itit)ii t Wauke- Doon, Apr benl '!ahi- boule Tuesduy of at weeik gin.Zoni ty the deatb of bis grandiuotber, ire. Mien MarilsDeit hîntu whouideemployed an C Mm Whitbea. byMis Ernîa liuuluut the Crystal Ames, El M"s Clara Plmer, of Waukegan, and Lake restaurant eiri-t Saturday and Minnie She bier friend, llarry Howe vlited SosesSund&Y Wtli er ilureuts bieres. Ee M Whtehead and otber reativee in be@ reporte that Mise tii-nai h las a ttourtsh- Mr.H Tueeday tht. week. ing business wbich ' are ail pieaffld to week with lire. Joiepb Plmer, of Waukegan,is h ear.WardE inding a fiw daya with Mi"sieis rCom tonan agrd Ctizen of Haines- cousins, Id hbltebsad, ueoo the latter', dater ,Mr@ ville, dledpat hi. boule there laet Siatur, Don't fi Wilson, of Zenda, Win. day evenlng. Funerai bid Monday et tbe Kin , Arnong tbose out of town who»~ o'etock et the bo [le. Mr. Compton hurh ;Fi' atteuided the funeral of Grairna White- weelkonhogîubkcut iih head fast Friday were bier cousinad llved to the ripe oid age of 90. have a gos JosephbPlmer, wife and daughter Clns ay Hihbard, of Chicago, lu now We areR of WaukeMgan;SMies al ..ime, ki s topplng at hie homne at Druces Lake. Wiiiby out Milleradduht, Miee Eniiy and Re ha e everal contracté; for painting Mre. B.A Etelle iller, o! Lake Bluff; lire. Emma and papering wbi"tî lie i., iooking alter. Fred Do Harvey and daugbter. Editb, of Waukte- Alin MILachian. of Chiclago, stopped berefst% gan; Mr,. Aiice Davis, of Libertyvhlle and at hie fatber's gumrlioine orer sun- The Zio Mrm. E.B. Sherman, o! Cicago and day and loir op a n i. hunelh o! ducks tbrougb o othero. Monday evening. number 0 Mdemors. Jor, Turner, Jr., Thom"a The Grayelake Cri-aiit ry id.niw taking their creau Meadep, Jr.. and R. B. Godtr-y attended in over 4,000 ponui m f uiîlk and pre- The Le the, Euamt,-r service. at lrai-e Episeopai paring to takirre- ami-solin as the ire the Rosec ,'hur, hicbago laot Sunday. cream season opens i-p) 21. Al Mu-s Walter tiodfuey dienteui t week Dr. Oso. F. Sehlatcrr, ilie-)itî-ian who preseut to witii ierdaugliter. Mrs.<irîu MacnNumaru bas charg» of the uiai dep1artiiient ut Miss We ut Iitieseil the Graysiake Phuriinna,, ce%-ny Yulnday, ni-n witlî it,,'t !.urgu-t the - îoetiioued EaHter id doing a large tuiutrii- .Il in need of Saturday. danre lit Round Lake Saturtday rcruîung. uny giasese it woulil iiaX xiii-to iii OuTtiere we X>îil 17 th. Silît.-r fit Kinîhali',. Mr@. Little visitd lfn-nA-im et Antiocli Mondav-i Scoo -t,îuomriienced Monlay. last week. (Aiv We L - Mr. and toEastsr w LOUIS J. YEOMAN Futn, o iEvanov THE JEWELER RoLt. B day and S Mmru.Jen 2 là pendiil Il Zion City. Obituary. Buganuah Plmer was boru lu Northi- amptouehirs, Engiand, Sept. 29, 1824, and seag mannied ta, Charles Whitehead lu bondon, England, Marcl 30, 1853. and ieA Apnil 6, 1909, ut ths homeofo hi-n daugliter. Susie Whit.ehead, in ay- laie, lfI, where hi-r bueband preceded bar lu Aath Sept. 15. 1904. Tbir union having beau hîeed by tiva children, vit; Mary Wilson, Sarah bongabaugh, Mdise Bula Whitehead, Ellan Kuebier sud Emma Eety sud aise by Baven grand- eidren ail ot vhani suçvive except Emma Esty who Aidai ber bomea near Guruee, III., Feb. 10, 1906. Diretlyattertbeir mannluge tbey allai tram bondon ta America maklng thoir home taraà short Urne st Uttle Fart now Waukeas, tram wbence they soon moved ta tbein fata ut rysiakawbere for more ibun a hall ceninzy thay lived, labored sud lovai anA where u MaucIt BOili, 1904, snrnounded by ail their de. voted children sud grande lidren,th exemplifiai tha leutitudes o! s :f century of a succeseful niarriesi lits la the observance o! ibeir golden waddiag. The bo@itality o!fii0randmuiu White- heaud as sue wae loviugly calied, ever iooking te the nseds and comtonis o! othere before har owu, gave ber a warm plais in tbc heurte of ail who inew ban hoih oiA anA yonug avsnywbere sud we might vel ecive te emulate bar blame- tee lits o! vintuei, lndustry. trugaltty sud kindnueee uIn Ai-dadi oui community iîuuee iio ne fi us luet plouc-m andaun ieuiiîiary neiglîbuni anA ber childreu auu, grîndu'huldmun are bereft of a neureet anAdAi-ui-ct lienA anA guidetontlnundma wi he a cuni, t iriîuinaraunyei ulwaye ueirrlicud'lusithlu uurcy anA eheerfiilly aimi ulhluuirulilnuir îlay and luicasuce ix ieu lut xii. iiru nite. Boau-A Meeting. 'ii ,,éi- xc au iiute a liitii c uitement at nt le. 1, in luu- tuuî Muuioday uight a tbe fruuîu ii- 'i-u'tion meiuî)n guin. Sereral n f the,' i ty fuclîrretuikeil cue quesstion oci iîut iuî, iiluutî maude anA thc qiwiP-tin w ia, dieuuised Auntu atter thi- 1%iliai-r u'iriion ni-st 'luieday whi-uia i1iiuhiuietuîg w il lue 4luidWedni-day rrveniuîuu 21.tiiiunb Cii-ni lundi-e, rilieriffiiiluanA R. 1). yV, yu.the pro- uuîol,-u-of tIi,'roA. wmnc luneentt aithie i ii e i ug. OFFICIAL BALLOT Folli ing is the officiai ballot of the Village of Fox Lake, Lake Co., Ill., to be voted Tuesday, April 20, 1909 GEo 'W. KokrîI,Village Clerk. Q Illdepellddlt Party Q Citiizeis' Party E For Presideut For President JOHN. G. BROWNU CHRISTQPH WEICHMANN E For Village Clerk For Village Clerk GEO. W. KOETH nJ AUSTIN E. BURNSIDE SFor Trusteea For Trustees ALFRED C. BORN JOHN BUSS JAMES IIAYEK FEUIX J. O'BOYLE DANIEL L. DEVINE -DANIEL L. UORETZ New Store at Round Laie. On Bturday. AÇpril 10, Chas. Brainard ohianeA bis usu *tore witb a genarailfins o! merchandime, meuts and gnoesnies. Mn. Bnaînard #%@ neeently huAdbisestore eneelied wblcb 1$nlage two tory brick buildingwib iazV roam40x70 be!ow sud office roones anA flats above. The building in fitted tlitonghoui wlib al modem Improvesuete anA the storei Raxtureseare 8s u beh.equal ta uhose foandn ucie, ceurai urne, langer tha" Round baie. Mrt. Braiuard bas ehowu bmis failhinl Rouad Labke as a comlng civy ly inveetiug hie momey ao liberally lu M ttlng up anA furnishing sucliau n un t ste tone anA w, jain bihie lnde lu wlehlng bim succee.. cathodei Chunch. The planesudndspecification of the new Catholleebundli wblclito la be built at Oraylie this eucuier arnow on exhibi- tiou at tls F. D. Bationutuail store. Ths dimensions o! thle heauluful structure a 88 ft 4 lu. wide ly 98 ft 4 in. lu lsngtb; tle distance f rein the nound to top o! steepla wiih be 90 li, The construction wiUl be o!f ced brick, preesed brick and atone wltiî e rs otf. It bas not bei-n Aefiuii-hy le led wbere it will be located as yst. Langer School Grounds. T4 qniicýtii. uloo!langer ci-hlu. i ili-nis fuir the Graymiaki- public schuuuîuis unw up betore bhs cititens and wil i duutiiecs be taken hi-hure the cty board tetihi- uext reiruîiir mteting. Mir~ît. Mw ,w li owuie thi- grouud surrounding the m iuiini busuer las lu-en inierviewed meni liai- mnda& nu-neopun the pruipeii humthi- srîhuio iii- - The scb.i.u gr. iii .-at turs-nt ii'liiiite d an- i vrrmwin i iie-l iof ni. mc ground. i/eid Dues Munh Bamnage. T[ii,- etitk r ind lastssi-k uî ni îi-glîb niucb Awnianîe -tbroughuuc tii.. -t aud siat.' îîi l ib is iuuiuate ,- iuuîib The 1latuinrui ut Roins wae iiis uii di-uio1is-iii n is te the thîî nitmnii,-thli a'inA lac li usn ibis hplac'e-toii nîru. Sevia mi11tnuîiir buildingseirur Ilt)îiii oser futune il.' ihoue polie aundl ýiur-i ua ni- tint ilii baiîlus pi. Noti-e la Contraclors. Siu-Ini fuir the compuhite îuuuutuiîî- thîtiof tIi,- uii-at uiolit chunc uld in11iug ut Gnuyeiaki-, DL., viiiLe-r-vii, d up toAprul it, 1909. Plane uni iquri'l ficatiouc ut F. D. Bitarehiailsteti' Grayoiakc. tiI. Addreeg alilhis ci REs.. A. H. LElliNo, Bacietelen, 111. Cai1 of Thitnke. Ws aleLi te thani the sîngers anA organist and etherfieude wbo en kindly offarsd Iheir aid sud tbiens of sympathy lu the lait Manesud hurlai o! oui beloved moiber a gmaudmother. Mua. mWueoNi, WIL t.SUELONOABAUuiE, liMa luiWHITEHEnAD, Ma. LELtN UEcKuxicuo, A' DOUÂ-ifCRLDREN. witb lu g ire. DE She andA sum ner1 r Mi. un to tai-pli tut ou L grippe. The tri hi-nco Dance Poafiponed. oftheehi Thli Eacter dance wbicb inas to be Det Gli gvnlatlioady eveuinit ai Amu.. tuilej Bs.hall, Round, Lakt,ha hieun poat- ued untitila oomng Baturday enen- n1L-e B( IýeApîtl o n Sc tuuiof the-svery Painting Q weutbs- kti uy vnlng. I re. i rAYLÔR GROVE. Rre "the fstreet froun ber son, Lyman, lu Binione addition and will huild a howem bripg the tiowers. omati bouse thise sumamer for ber own Mo11JA...h MUuAâ dinnie Sbea mpi-ut 'Wrdnesday convenisuce. ~R rI W I~ aday in Cbicugo. Neit Tuesday'sehu-tion will tell tbe I'Wc ahcC-.s .a.egoi j1 daude Lewin visitrîl aitb relu- story -Wîill Antiîurh lie wet or dry. E: eiast week Neis Nelsonî xc suffering a îth qunuy. [copyright lue. by Amlertean Pr« i Mr@. T. D. New,-i uni daugh- WEST FREMONT. ciatten.1i nsecalied on hunefoni Sunduy. . H. Me.vers tranmacted butine-ss ut "if 1 ewing for tI inlajour pie B. astings @pettuturîlai'and bis tai-tory lu Volo Satunday.wficrebno at oeete at ber home in 1 Wl oukbckoneagune.e ta lling epent SuturdluvN thii s-ela ugb Mantin,, oi Wuonula, was a get youn awn proper puntshmeUtY W.aUkegau. taller lu West Fremont rionduy. The word, were sPoken hy E 11.S. Fýulkner lii- irfýui-A to School elertion utthe Gou-d echo-ol Notun, a farmer boy. tane who . n Doniphan, MoSaturday nigtht, April 17. one l u eamree.D J rmhr teIý h atr Mr. and Mrs. Albert ituler uttrîd-d pitdhmota udrr faro lmsatulil ii, futerthe Easter services ut thet'athoii i hiiinî' while crossing a field. eaW a Manl ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Rusl u.V 'iuiii , auconda fat suuiluy. rying toward hlm. When bee csm eed was eutrtnî.iîil t d-o. Frank fjliriý-,, r- aaa il î,)kve'iiiDaiiId notIc-,d that be wa VeeY I! over Sonday. t 1cuIIir Sunduv nigbt. exu'ttpd li e aeked David b ,ho e ;witer prograin giui nt 1 u,)-- fdrs Brn' Tekanîpe ii-ut Wedreî,iay renili the - ienetr lurond statiM, daymornin)gvia-vaI-iattruIdlinLiiertvîi het oy aseinghmp ldren beiiîg tebo wsiel t h mrLeucb. id Riig,-iý P ark. iaiu-uîTîllir an(] fblIiruTekaini.e- $liiut i-im baudonîîfils ann Tien. drawt I bers Satuu-da , iuîîdîî ut hime. sheath kulfe, hi- iotd avid th4 unt [test C-VV a~ ~, it i- i. NIlu,îweli uîd !amily mov-A to Iwouîd rive it te hlm for bis ia*M a.i-Ill Lew i in ei-aIî ut Wn XiîîoîmbuVîisthîs weu-k. Their niant' tion. After that hb- darted Inwal h ai.tfr,uîtl are curry to ceel them i-ave. Mr. diretothby aPin& pril14.Quoiitou, of Pi-un Grove, will tuke Mr. ecliaithu bo uattpoinesi ýty caller, tii-,a'ek uni-uc Mr- Mei)iî,, ,4fI,, in luth- West Freunont lats ot feWil h G. A. Osou-iîi-, MesuLaui,, H. C. furtory. vid was rutttng wheat. eome hl Meyerii, leu,. Le-win and Mise E. H. Meneri waf3 a Chicago eahIer oui- su men and boys, auuong thein th* lOi. day thia week. who biait gven hlm the kuhie5'I' ary Crow and son&scpi-ut hast Whli Alitoier bai-led Wm. Mi'Doweil's burrytng arrosa the fields. th ber parents, R. E. Eddy. fornîture to Round Lake %s eduesday. vanced istraight towardD'r, Btarha, been visiting hi@ USELwbeu ihey reached i hm their Malbel and Wilii Lewin. RSE .asked the oue who had grtW orget lthe Dutch super glu-en hy The Easter Social we.c niris weii kuife: F'. Da.g "la te Roseeruans attended and quite a nie littie sum was "I ie the ane?" .Au, =vnig Apnil 16t. Thers uetted. "Yensea w hlm dnaw a knulh' a ilion prograsu. Corna and The Eaetsr programn was very fine but the~ bodly aud corne ln thies direeC* rood urne. the audience wae emali. . "Bloos on bi hie ehaleever E*M glad to eeMr. and Mr@. Fred There le a great deai of! elekuses ia Ibised one t with us agaîn. comniunity. "And heres the kulfe' Criaidi A. Shea lealrnproving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Siver sest Easter en. drawlng the trite frouu Dý oolittia muaeis tripthrougb lu Keniosha. okt iweek.' Ruhy and Robert Ni-hie were Wauke- 1Âîl rlght. Corne atoug." ýon City cream wagon came gin visitom lat Tussday. David wus chbargeA with havbàn on 21et street Friduy. Qutte a Mire. L. M. Sonnerile quite eu-k. ed a man wbose body hsbeau " of the furmers bers are seiling WIi Bonnet, o! Muliburu, callsA ou hie lIesîde a rouad lait a mlle awt*% m. unules, Munrie Brus. one day lhu e ciik. saw the trIck the minrdcrer liai 1 ,adies' Aid Soiety wihlluic-t ut May Melville hasue ieu eutertaiuhng ber upon hlm. The min lad mesa' erans church Wedneoday, Aprîl cousin, Blanche Tobin. washed his hande sIluR pond eaid memtsrs are re1ui-sted to ie flouse clhianin~ie i in order. 'Whiy Dot tpytng to r-ai-h tbe rallroasi3* so etlthte business, bai-e-a street cieuuing luRuesâei? Piper. uccosted hy a pairty who hasi d" iech toout a picture ofthe rhiid- bo'em, baormis, uitove pipas, i-te. hhyiug in d- t~i-heody. lie told them that M the decoratione ut the practie aIl Aîrrntiuîne igreat thingfor !rlghtenlng nth udr laeIad*Ê h- itreets ietter i-hian up hi-fore thi-re ie@ ntenîr 8rlav" i' waie a large lirs ini the river fhutm damage co lie ruiid. tbem to David. It wuis theontl uigh. lirnin fo- eireu-l huuî e. '~Tp~EN id aild:in nigh. brnigfo seera bots.WAREN,'f1f IswtIng for ibis lu Your p elle wus i Wauîtegan Suturday tiî-b Manioeintertaiued a nuntiber o!fIll corne bock ta earth u tac relatives Suîudîy in boncîr of bis hirth- gai your proper pnlshment" MILLBtJRN' Word bas juet been rer-ivei bers o! tbee DaA Aid notewngRonXW Aeatb uit Mie. Wm. Hook ut the borne uîff te e wseleccofNeteo nal98:4 Ad Mr@. James Pollock spent ber daughter. lira. Ena Strang on th etmu fNwo it w1th tbein daughter. Mr@. Johbn lionday evsning. Mr@. Hook was a man who lied left blood Ou b 01 Wuukegun. resident o! Warren for a number o!years. sud gîven hlmn the kuife. cie Trotter visited severai daye Mr@. Olive Whitmore anA Mre. Chanle s oni tinte afber Nolau's ton and Chicago. Barnetable, who bave boîli been quite Hawkins wae approaciei bV7 E, Buter is apending soins time eui are impnoviug. who enteresi Into a brilaitfl e> @on. 0. B. Wbitmore ja reerovering frum hie wlth hlm. Au bmou s ttW tonnier, of Chicago. "pnt Baur- lmesa. king was entsring the, b=00 Sunday with tbe homes folie. The Warren Cemetery Association wlll lie 111-54, he M5W thO ueffl eneen, Mm. Robt. Btraug's nume, monet witn Aima Rose, Wedne*day moru- bla. Be nmade a das _15W h ug a sbort limeaiut lier borna lu 'Dig, APril 2L ir but the boy eilppei tioait y- Mr. Dooley and family have moved to bdi Hawkins loe ilm. Trotter, of Cbicago, vi&ited a the farm i-Sntiy punehused of Mr. Oisen. Hakis awno Mm et tof nse witb bis sister, Mr@. A. K. Remember tha play given by the I. N. but hat-s fhlm The .a 1A. o! Gurnee, Fnilayeveuiug, April 16. den y akng Inquhs was reesived Tuesday of the ' ROSECV,'ANS. hlm. Hawkins, Who ha", tSam Larbue sfuther ut Liberty- Alderman Harbour, o! Waukegan, ls conscience, was lnteldhiig te - visfting M. A. Hoitain. . *bonho was arteeoffl Ou ; Mms. EAwin Tborn,, Of Bristol, Mine Mamie Lawie, o! Lais Bluff, made by the police Of inak nit Easter Bunday wiuhMr. and visite& Blanch Oliver lasi- weei. tesi the mua-den for wblcb 0. Thomn. The gaie iant Wednesday dernolihei lad been executsi. *hm~n caughit he euirney o! Elmer th, ebede ai the Catbolbe ehurcli sud name up ho fonuad atenant bouse occupled by Mie. tona over corunet-iba and unroofed "mam f a chala The lose wae about $14. The bana lu thie vieinlty. liait beeu sent io thon îmily wlll ooa moetethe J.DMuryl tlonhescli. .1.D.Murayleeuaaush urlit.inzally a cew, taopie, "Why W. Observe the Mise Lewis sud Bisucli Oliver @petit rade lu evidasuce. Dusy," Mar1-6 cB207 v auaday with Mir@. Spencer Crawrord, Dura'lg the triai be strold Minia, leader. et Bristol. eetgheeeo«tba , A3 Mr@. E. A. Martin were Chi- The firet bard nain of spnlng came ertosltecubmm itre recentiy sud Mie Florence Mouday. D "Wobdgao tfRickory, epenta feu dai,@ Ruby Gillingo, o! Millînu and Lina oltr M.MW-i.Wlhlmson vislted Mrs. J. Wiiiiurn "sgro W"lO&fgsk~h Jepean, of McBenny counuy Sund". litieud fls a'..TI 1ta thio'vielity Batunday iý Our buse hall team hbascommenced ie he Ct t DsvI id@ and get neady tu mmmta topracticlng for ties euon. Cilifesi tahlm. He uhuel4 tibIs week. lr . Elm er Fau ln r hua -etu ned t u H wk nsw u c seem iffl - VOLO Doniphan, Mo. sder aud eenSd tu at. VOLOMn. and Mr@. Chus. Cashmere, o!fBeated lu teîle etne eliair ho Bewell, ot Round Laie, @pant Wsdoworth, vlelted Mi Tony Leuble's aeffl0,cr thçee etanu a be*. in Volo. Buuday. M i xmin hml Maude Walton, o! Waukegan, John Vsnnlng bas pnrcbased a fine nuniher of officilai eucgï guest o!flier parente bore over teurn of Geo. Cois, but lu thîs e t te doomai James Cols is moving on the Simon nomne Oue else. uson, o! Liberivville, attendsd Cany fatin. "The nigger!" lie apd.- h oesa !swdauye last week. John Whllianieon was a Kenosha hlm away!" tuby Cook, o! Wauconda, wîs visiton Sîturday.* At the moment the cv io! ber cousein, Hi-lien Raymond Saille Patch rceived a huAd prain of turne on. anA the enanwei of ttîis wc-k. tii-i wriet Lii'rg throwu tnium u hîîîe. endesi. id lire. ail Towusend uuîd sou, Mm. James Mu-C6nrouit, o! Chicago, i Thene lies always beau a ILake, a'ere in 'olo, Suuday. vieitîu'g ut J. 1h. Muraye. rystery lu the matter of tuea eeuie Dunnili, ot Ciiago, vîeited aae ntefrtpae be nts hi-ce the- tiret oftast wc-k. FREMONT ris1utetre lct.î Cateric Dw,1, o Wet lenie agnr rtured omeSunyni-ver li-artied who led put ti cliset t uiidiy wît relativ-es alter eiieuuing a feu îîîys vunhblis le ew i-vthaii risuibed lu ohiaiu Inn- ther ('liii i-A u aiii. e erll-c- un i tth IsHwins flarny Nuiiolc nuinidaugiten trtrdyiihvan, Cif Wîilik-galis irA vlrued. lu the eciîuid puce, l reMn-Hetirv nailere Tiioniday uî tii iriu'idsIib tise i iutv aIrîi il aye bei- t, biled wbeth.r )U ait wc-k. ri-aiiy sain a negro presont tl ain, Tannant, J. tiie iiîg uni LeoIeii nl,'îui, if h'hiu'agu ibrt tuundy mi-nt tii-tre hi- Ai-A or u-aà o. ,t i. Itoeiut, iiofhuiigîi ciiit i th iihepa-elnte. Mrn. anîd 3 n. e. uinin. uuion bhils, ehproacbl-ng aeMa tyund Siuidui' ii tii ilr.tuad Warn Bîe lu i i iuul-a buieiii-u tri îîto hinimlu Iagination. The oU n ltîîiug. XVauilkegaîil Iîîit VedIieeduIY. clan-A thai no permission t.' li. Raiigltits ieulhier i utuiitr, Hrenry tii-ru, i a ai- a Iiniicruuîuullmr c-ut ins gîven to any negro rAtti-rbury ut Wiiku-gauii i o iue duys. lue iik. wbo were there declarod tw Mary Waguner, of Rl.iiî Lake, slwnt was no nero emoug them. Lovnau Rau 'uîîuioi -eent i luY Tii ires. itiilien parrente, Mir. an,] M us. There 1l9a apossible ea~ irduiy ut the Lu-k bonuutt %Vet Martinii Wuguier. About the tirne that Nolan Mrn.dîîiMn,. MtbLonug and chuidren, Iroctit ed It was asslertesi b,yq ulîn Wiab nîuî rtitu,î' Mr-. R. id Chicag, p peit "uiuuluy ith the that sucb auhiects do not dm, el andl dnlgiier, Eut,ofiiLong latte-r'c parnts. tricily. but uîîder the knIfe 511 rday. Mr.aiu Mrc. ihiil)Wagner uand !uunily sequent sutopey. This opinilonI ud Mn- Ge;orge itociug, of Roi-ud peuit runuiay %%utiî île parente. Mr. amA a measure supported by the 4 - do-ii îî, Suuday. Mir@ e.lco. Viagnen lu Waukegen. tht lits is s ealiy pr-sent lai 1" tiluenu Compihtonl le i isiting li-r Mn. muoi Mre. .Jue Guern, o! Liberty- a long wbile etter ail appesraff r, lins. JeuuieCos8lunaiat Rounid ville, canei on trienuis bers Sunday. hbas yaush-A. Theae doctom U Ils week.plîcation te bc permitted te 10 ANTIOCH. Rend the pain formula ou the box o! ment on a-n eleirocutod Delbert Sabin bas been s.ery Blek Pink Pain Tablete. Then asit jour were llatly cetusesi ly the= grippe and tonsihitie. doi-ton if tiiers ie a botter oe. Paluinse ellinkowu f bat NolaW';4 M sîpLibas mved o Gras La e ans cingi-stion, hlood pressure saune. was ceunvincicd of bis iunoceeaO," [)elh ba movd toGraa La e hrs Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablais b ler son wilh wonk for Hostetter rbekh-i an, asl ua ain es a tact that the lawYei' W»U rcesori. anninhere.. Try one sudesel 2Ofor 25c. timate terme wlth the eliel# . Ad Mm@. Arthur Badioci wiii go SolA by bien whlapered ihai wtlt il ig bouse ibis weeainuthe Wili-t ALL OEALgRS. conulvance the Anctors WM lakttS dt sel oa'a ed as Amas is quite sick witb tbe C. T. HEV DECKER & SM, Attys f.,or.Beet. they renuictaled IL = 11s14 Freeh Bread every day Home-made Ca kes, and Piee other patry. Lunohee and Moaa seso- Vefilst ail houre. CANDY CIGARS Tewplione19 E. A. LOFMlS. Proprileor - Isw.Iliob We nave a fine lins 0f etasonery and aouvenIr Pl tCarde -a----- Wiill bc pleaeed to lhave ali ii-y olA cuieti nes ali-aui wiii but glaul te one. Miss ElizabethLEtwis At Kuebkuer & lioenun ; ----------------- 1 1

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