LAKOCUN TY INEENDENT. an d WAUKGiA N WEKLY SUN, $.50 -P-R- - n.IN AV A.4.'t. 81.50 PI~R V~AP TM ATIITAMITW j. s I LMgRTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTYS ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1909-12 Pages af the Highwood achool la order to do i duty toward thie clty heelives tu, by cleaning It; of graft and iaw breaking. Hogans revenge vas secured by the election at the recent school elec- tion of E. J. Whiting to the position of school trustes. Whltlng la looked on ai a Hogan man through and through and his electIon 'ean. but one tbtng, the. removal of Hodge, It la ciaimed. lndignatl4,n ta aIrong lu Highvood a"d ziomeO'a emovai viliieb contest- 0&. alhhough no hope la looked for. Ilodzs la admltted by both the Inde- panSet, and b the. Hagen party ta b. the vmu vbo put over the, Inde- poMaI.v1#oriIds ~limet-t4" tbê hSoer madosy ands tated ait tAm Woctlou relavaihere tt h.hogave wnich of t te oWamue Pifli, vhlch bu puabed, the Satt rom Ïa. ineêPtlO. Moite -b"aidDiS a &0 PrifniPai ad Ia iee. vii ber fait i bis egerneêmto iuccoesd iathe. city eloctimn. wePaui no attention ta that af achool trusts. and as a remilt, H&. gan, 015 campeigner, put one aver lad la ready te ta"e bia revenge for the defeat lie ba sufferel ln the clty. In the, citY el0ecinthe Rogan tick- et was mwept ua4er In ail but two instances. Tva of biis candidates for aldermen, comiug fron the blini plg district, or "*bieky row," uccemed In landlng their offces. Their paver la outnumbered, however, and they1 wii! be able ta do nothlng ln the COUD- cil. Their election la tihe saine as de-. Joe itlmaun OaiElin, district Sep-. feat. uty, and M. A. Sperry, o! Elgin, advî- The complete Hlgbvood returna sur lu lie camp tuere. vere: Parish Houa. Crowd.d. Mayor. à At the. Parisb boune, lie large au- Severson. luS., 136. StOrlun va, cravded wville Sovu- Relliy, Rogan ticket, 94. staJl a score of ladiensosrveS itaer' City Clos-k, ent Saiegationsaua fait os tuey couid Hepburn, InS., 121, emI aind'Da, roona far o"ers. Wau- Mattbavs, Hogan, 100. kegan ca m aapfflént about $00 Tresurer. 511os viii lie ciaaaof 152 thaI baS b-ban WM Fat0l7r4V hWbgltabout 1150 Rickey, a ve* r.-Matet f Knasha, wt a. mA e n h a . U. N ut mC bi m a c unaeyes , 94.I B A" 11111211100 aIltiueMaS trm Aldermeal. &11 o4etr'Oie *oaty d@legtau v'soeFIst, StenUaohmi lad,. 26; Burke, la etteniance. Hogan, 35. tnemiuSiae Addreaeea. SeOnd, WUIIhla nd u., 100; Benuon, Addrmgas esmode a , tileb. ia-Hogn, 3S, fll a eeoS t tà. Parlahimne. The Tblrd, PeaRmOn, luS., 14; ILasg, Hg- main re by Sanke- tan, 1e. RomS and Director RntIedge. The City attorney, 0. S. Goals, Independ- adiransaof Bunker Raina va.s Irected eut party candidate, vithout appoal- Qusotiy thte clansao! candidates. Me tion, polied 13S votes. taIS liena of the arder lthatbas ai- ready tbis inonîli palS ot Seatb dlaims ta tue amount a! $876000. lie IGIIWOO BLND, tld ai the rui. tt h ad eaeb Seali PIGS 114 CLOVER laim palS sud started oaUnIlsreturn trip an thi.saine day Il vas recelved ex- Thal Hîghvood's bllnd pige have cept lu the fev Instances vhen Il vas been Inereased ln number and liat Impossible to Sa so. He spokie of the the. new one have invaded the vent tva uSa o! lie order, lie expense aIde resident district o!flt.e tovn, fuud, for lie runnlag o! lie orier, were thte tartlîng charges made hy and tb. death s dam iund, vblch vas tise leaders of tise ludepeudent party useS for Seatb dlaims anîy. ln tise city election fIgbt. They charge lie Bsa apoke o! thngs that made liaI t least on. anS proisabhy mare tie order possible. "h la you feliova are operatîng smong tise residenees on theeflring Uîne, FOU fellova vbo are ai tise best people a! the tavu. tise rank anS file af th, order, ynu fel- Tiiursday a Hghland Ps rk man lova who hring ln sncb classes as thii stoppeS Nlek Willams, on. nf tihe in- ane tisat makes lb, Woodmen possi- dependent candidates for alderman, bie," his ld. vsil,.ise vas ln tii. company of sev- Tite othier speakers tolloved bis era- othiera, an the West aide aif -1gh- congratulations ta tise local lodge and vaad. Wisere la tisat bonze Joint encourage titei n lutii. effort ta gel sround isere?f lie asked, not knowing tiesae 1, banner thissyear for te lb. men he vas sidreslng. "I knov bilggeat increase bo any camp. Wa- ere', one over here. I couidn't gel kegan la ln lie lead for tise race ov ,dovn lovo and 1 vaut amethlng Vaudeville Given. drink." Each speaker vas greeted vli l The dîscovery aroused great excite- thunderaus appiause anS the meeting ut sud vas videiF dîacussed at lia va. oeeoa enthuains and good fel- T nd yard rally Wodue.say even- iovsblp. The varda' of District Der' .Tise raily vas a big one anS vas uty ReiimunnorEaingl, ta tii. ci uslastlc. Taiks ver, made by of candidates, 'lTon have entered laý ph Beverson and Nlak Wlilams. a nov rehaUionbip vîtu aveu one E ra mnu ataSthat Hlshvaai's pres- Ilion ofthle bout 'Dan o! the, count conditions La.erom the fait toucheSaithe keynote ai lie gatha- goad mn.u lad nover been placeS At the concluaion ai lie addrit9 ce. "W. So nat vaut te change a Obort vaudslqo lle = y me Of Hlshvooi," ha saiS, "but on. One tun tramtheBord-vaut te Change Ici conditions.", given anS Astins-' Fdâma a dcased tist lgHiShva ,g rmdiu .p ho M tslmit nvere mDt rua for the 'Den vith a record for liospIitnt vooi but for visitas-s ram felovab!p 1ita ii.lsgsest and Highland Par-k. kegan amont Womm.Cam Walks oa f Hghland Park at Rogai and Rager Moore 110G « GU MIE ý i. d in vili noma evi- I-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u bALG S ! rA'J ul biud pilla, akng hlmt UN SCIOOL !~..niudSstep lu and halp liens - song, serviceabie He declared tua evIdence (FroinWadedaya Sr roof =surface of s ely unsatisfactory. The Dedilvey SfeaeS t li Ya cmi~ ~ v-> tated to be an atteiapt ta Decsivly efetedut he Ou an a i y augry aRthle Indepeudn terday ln a manuer liat heessary - cent 1an, la lie Soya and auts for i ln th cente- f c Ragan, former pollîlcal bj~ i bnt suzo on chooi Directes-. vood, lias taken bis iii111Palterson, mîllionaIre aecurlng it bas defealed uho f Te AIi mdth eomovemen V 3 Rcii," vas lasi atur-t wooS possible; Ihat starled &CROAN. ILLINOIS. achol irector lu Dis- rieq ft tu a sucessfI icOnc,ý~fin sl b te ol o8 ertyvîlie tovnsipi, vin- 'Daè4 mn Iis John Hd or eau aqd W. Consa W. E. Mller vîtu 5c sbeiteM hia position a aId. VOLIVA AND POITICS iN IN Ti!zioN CITY VOliva Saud te Have lnspfred Arreat of Man Who iaS $&d to Have Siept ln Zion Limita for Thlrty Days ln Order ta Vote. Coionizatlon of Vot- era Charged. Anti-Volivans ta Act n Sam* Manner They Ciaim. VOL XVII. NO 80. MA" YWOODN!N IN'WAIJKEGAN4 Nearly Th.usand Visitors Entertalm.d nt Christ Chyrmh Parish Mouse, -Whs .Ca,. Initiation, Speech MaktnN sorving oiftRefreshmenta and Voudeviill* Program Are Put Thraugh. Much Enthuisiasm Show.. Whlle hundreds of spectators miSe WD.kegan down-tovu aldewaiksa aliv- Iug 'maim of people; vhile torchen of rai fi. hai theway, over 700 Wood- mariUturfay evealng mareS r th hall on Waahington treot to the Parlsh houa. vhere an ontertalm.t was heid and spse" e voe me. 'Woen the.laut mme la thé, parade avofi ud l*t r oaIl m ver. bIddeg trous. th.people S town. Tb. W--ekpfflWoodpan bond aStKoaî iWoo&mni'6nd voe both la lb. parade au vere botb drilli teins ai sase bs.lnthau mein viaitore of fam i"t. Parade Lt Nine.» It vas cdose to ntwe vben the. par- adé left the hall. Kenooba camp bad been met ut the train ai ha the visit- lut offl1oere, viti carrdages. The. vin- itorg ver. Heai Banker F. R. Korna, of Des Moines, lova; A. A. Aleshire, of Chicago, tate lecturer; Judge John Harria. of Chicago, aupervling deputy of Chicago; Dr. F. L. Ruticige. of El- gin, one of the bead directars; Col. (Prom Wadnenday's Sun.) Whule fi proveSl Imposasible ta gel a atatemeut froin WtIbnr Glenn Volîva Or anY ai bis people qualIieS ta maie One tis innrnlng, Il lu 'generally un- Seratood among bis follavera Ibat Valiva vii vage bard battle eanteal- lng Yesterday's election reaults on the basîs Ibat forty-seven of lier votes cait ver. illegal, Itla laimeS. Wisat la mayan about lie malter la that Attorney Needhain of. Chicago vas In ZMon City ail day yesterday looking for fisys lu lie methodsaai votlag and, titat last nlght lhe attor- ney vas closeted vIls Volîva anS his cabinet for maOst Of tise night, the ab- ject ai tise conierence being, It la BtateS, ta open variai-t on lie inde. pendent vicIai-y. a Il Is clalmed tisat Lundy, arresbed yesberday on a chargea!fissvlng been a sort of illegal colonial. vîli ho me. arrested for iisving voleS at lte clty election yesterday, anS tisat the Judge visa evare hl ilI alan be arreat- eS. This judge la elalmed ta ho Will- iam H. Fabry. It la alsoo kaya Ibat Ibis eveniug Valiva vili boiS a monster meeting Bt vhlch b, yull relieve his feelings, anS Volivais, vho are bodiSnlasai aertlng lia! yeuterday'a ,lectiau bad Wauiegag, Chicago, New York City anS El Paio, Ill., aimeS a city block, dlaIm liaI charge and counter charge yul h usaSe. Tbe campalgu ha, been pîchuresqu, and ItlaleclaiMed liat lie Seclalve lu- Sepeudent Vlctory usesa nev ers, for ZMon, a a rly ra. but devoiS cf pori, tabacco and cystora. The total usuihr of ballots caat at lie ZMon election vas 840 vhi, the total number of ballots 'cast one year ago an li, saine elecîbon va, 669, Tiser, ver. nineteen scratcheS bal- lets anS tva spoliai ballots. "Il vas thse hardeat battUe ait lie Polis I ever vitnssei on n propo- sllon, but liaieeva, ub semblauce of snytbing 11ke pugilistic enceiulers, ai- tisougis bealed discussions ver. ire- quent," aays an observer, "Recelvr Thsomas sateS lu a mass meeting lait nlgbt Ihal b, regardes lie vlcîory worlis ho tise estate oi Zion on pi-operîy iselS by the estate train $50,000 ta $100,000, vhlch he saIS vas ronservalive figures ta isi mind. «Alliough I ttnderstand the Valiva crowd ILi, of contestlng thse election on grounds af frauduient voting, the Independents bave tenfold more rea- sons for caenpiiint on the same grounda, one of the. principal ones be- lng the fact that the Voliva ludges of eieetion aisoluteiy refused, it le saiS, ta reeelve the. ballots of four- teen iaborera vho vere absoiuteiy le- gai and qualifieS Voters ln thse eiee- don lunZMon City of yesterday. 'Blotb ide. 415 their utmost to get ail the. votes available, bringtng vot- era tram every nok and corner of the. UnmitedS tate.. "An aryset made by the Vlilva con- tigent' late con dmnday nigbt via taken b, von - «Me of the Voiva crév4 tiht Nu, hotabiy by Mr. MIchae, Voilvas pre.ient1 otW-esiwor. a apolltical Énove fer tà 1ily~. Indications are tbatt vMhg&ifl le amîcabiy aet- timt.b~vo.'4the peace anS bar' MOnY wbleh shiim prevail atm"n bretbren v. bbOes s o t»se etab-. lheS la OCWr i - 1 'Hovever, if our Voliva M"rilftuVat further trouble, the. iep@ud"ta a-ampiy ahie and entiroiy 4asreaabi tu glve thein&a they seUI t. thhul for. i hope, boy- ever, notliiag cfthla bind viii oceur." Mass Meetinq Foiiows. 9 The. indepenlat vltmry ln ZDon CltY vas follovai by a mass meeting1 at which M*Yos'-Doct Richey. Receiv-1 er Thomuas, Dr. Ilomînger, aud others spoke, Dr. reninger presiding. Great1 credit for the. election ilctory was given ta E. B. Hlliizgsworth, cierk for Shurtiet a! BSpringfield, and had of the Politicai action eommittee, E. C. James, Duncan G. Bellows and W. H. Lichty. Denied Thoir Vote. Yesterday at oue of the pollng Piaces t l18n MUt thirteen or four- teen Itallap laborera vere SanieS their vote -ai tboSgh tbey vere1 tvOrn ln andS ov!edtheir naturalisa- 1 papra lit 1$clalmed tiat fol- .ioigontuaS prteecnuon ina:r.- it. It laàae **Wdthat six hua-, voie 1 ~ .lp idptate exOlm* eii BeSap m4d~ thii . llendente, refa i b ehse decillo ,f the. tvo »qMd i elra "ies. .Young Englieh Anilea«n Proopeter Mmd DéOn About ta$@oli Ciaini, Wjth Part..,-, SOM CliBe, When Suddenly HO DroPPed Out of Slght and Rela-t tives Are Keen Aftor Detalis of Hies Fate.. Reneved efforts are nov belng muade ta finS Out vbat beesme ni James M.1ead e, tise yeng Euglish- 1Ainerican miner vbo loft Wauiegai 1eighî yeara ago for Britlali Columbia, anS bas not been beard tram for liree Feara, or ine. December 16, 1906. Letters vnitten last veei la Van- couver soai tisaI an effort b, naSe ta ifinS hlm sud 1et local relatives kuow vhere e is1 or visat eventualiy be- eame o! hlm. Meade vas IaI beard frminon lise Sale menîloned lust sfter lie baS been dischargeSftroma ahoopita lnluVan- couver after Ivelve vekis o! confine- Ment, failovlng te lodSgofa a plece ai quartz luniis eye, necessltatlng su operation. lu bis lasI letter lie stated liaI bo vouiS go nortis ta Princea. Royal Ile aid lier. t-y ta seil a dlaim vbicb a Chicago syndicale wvsatafer and vhich b. anS hIe pastuer Ben CluBe, Ovuai togelier. Aiter tlis letter ho is-epped cous- Pletolt Out o! siglit and relatives as- Mniaoua té bear some Word a! hi. ar te Sud lbis fate. <Prom Wedu~siamS.) M. Roreuberger of Deeils, vps to- day elacteS cbarnaP Of lie Lake OOuIYboardS ai supOrvIsais for lie noi ear by a vote ai il 1,0 9, hing OPPOaed by John Sulier-land, af Wau- kogai. vho gaI 9 votes., Miles T. Lamey, ai Cuba. presided ai the lemporai-y chairusan t lb, or- ganisation af tise board. A speclal "ommittee vas appointes on a drain siop pellîlon aniS later Clarke, Dayton sud Graham ver, ap- pointed a comuitte, on ules ho re- Port aIten tomorrov t vich tInte lhe board boni adjonrnmeuî,ý The, six supervîsara oiect' from aIIl Over lie county vere nievlyInstalleS,1 as ver, hhose e-elected.1 Inceens6etathle nearuesa oi Sefeat even tbaugb lie von t the. seliac election Baturday, Wîhhur Gleunnvol- Iva Tneaday vages var aalia»t atile. ed Mlentl votiug in the pesceful, quiet, happy Cty o tha vhite Sove~ Charges oai 'coi"alon" or votais Ver. tblek aetZMon Tuosdaylau.cuar bection viii ths Iloetlcus olloving on tVo muis for lilgai vallng. 1At disven MoodbY muit Constable ilcirs of Wanokepu N arjet.W. ]W ,undy for thea filage cshlngof' au tellgivote. It l in iS liaI l c uit hWi vota at lie Zion electionsLun7, vho. -uldea luit acutsttihef lb. limita CM the. 'treet car fune, M~ve acrmsa lie streat lIe oZion anS lopI lieu for tuirIs- Says. Tiien, fIl la clmeS, vhen ha caern ta vrote, W. L. Tausblng, alieged ta have been an eledtian offciai, svara hiie vote lnanad permItted bina t euat hi% ballot. The constabie, it g la meS, vent ta Moan Monday nlght ta make tu'è arreat and falled, Itte la eged, ta Sud Lnndy viiere be bas heen sleeping. Golug outaide ai Zlon acrosa the areet it la alleged liat bc faimS Lundys vIf. there. lb. disclalmed lie tact that ber bushand va, et hoainud luit a, aie diS su Ilte la dimed Lnudy stuck bis heaaiout cf'tii. vladov heside her and asked, "Whio vanta me?," The officer arrested hlm. Tuesday mamniag Stgte'a Atty. Dady permutteS liaeman to ha ballai ont anS the agce,. acontinueS& 21cm people acedinl ordar ta give Luney lits chance tu, vote tcday s tieyc"aT' ho la aL rkitfl renidint o!f ie, Md- Rot a "ColoultbPc piàt -n peopIe vent hW .beam gandSva a@ aiea tb" h la ail rlgbt. The saue a nas-inla xplained v4en Î It là tonneS Ibat Tamngll&MsaS nedjý as-e alegQ a, 10b. akniVoigve wbui lie MMm vho Evérs ot lb. v'&,um before Police MsmmaeHp aa Voilvan nanied J. W. Teeple, It la caîned. MAY DISBAND THE! COMMI!NS COMMTie! As a result o! recent endorsemeula a! cly candidates saiS ualta have been as'good as oliers ual endorsed. Ibère are nuinerous seeasions front lie Lske Forest CItizens,' Caussatee, would be municipal regulator, and thse body may be forced ta dlisand for lack of leadersip and standing. It l8 sald Ibat amiong those who have wltisdrawn the three big one are Professer Halsey of Lake Forest Coi- lege, Samuel T. Chase, and R. G. Wat- son. Tise last endorsements of the. coin- mIttee seem tb have aroused te Ire of tise members, particulariy tbaae meutioned, and the vltiidrawals foi- iowed. lb la aald that Wedneaday evening fOlioving the. election of Mayor Glade the. lid va, Permitted ta pop anS au alleged orgY va, heulu a livery sta- ble, at vhlcb It la ailegad thtig 8tronger thn vater, pop and gi»ger aie vere serveS, mnch te, lb. diaguat ai Secretary To MQuyle. viao atteod' e5, but vbo 515 net ha*e lb. nerve tu Invelgate lverY tai, kepfng a-vay irem the riresliua vLcb vre upeireln the. bainachSslareform. It la clilMed dm1the. vinS up va. aamnething that ta a mDan np a tiee looS 1 lk. a fre. for al. It la report.dl that accordlng ta ntret gosglp one ai the members of the Citizen&' Committe. on $160 ou bets election d"y. ALMOSI INAD AN ACCIDENT Walters for Car at Lihartyville Sta- tion of Electrie Rond Witness Ter- ror Striicing Incident When Automo- bile 8 ucka Electric 'Cas- and by Lucky Ciscumance "oth P@saong- CANADIAN PACIFIC 'AfTER !LICTRIC Roud Thot Bought and Contruls Wis- certain Central SaiS 10 Figure in Puirchiaseof Frost Securîties Means Comp.ting Road for Waukegan and Connoction With District Steel Mille. lThe sigulficance of the purchase of large quantitiez ai Frost lhue seenri. ties b, unkuovu purchasers vaz r.- VOeieitua veek vben W vas an. naUnced tht the Canallan Pacifie la after the. ln. viii a vlev to getting line Chicago. lioveolie lalu'Deanlng in the. stoP feu- VabueMaas Ifl t.eannounos- Mét b as, hbaio0ftt Iisi ouF vii get a nov aatà poverful steasu rosi te cdllp&Ote vi the.Northvestera and villi become one of the. points in a 81,0Q trust carrylng mDediums that vlu cect «ail lb. uteslimld Wireaci oif thiidlSSe vest, au tb, nev rosi WMi Ovactldh amouat te a x tex- stmof o!anS a braening out or thé WboaMs Central. ovned by Ibm aM» latereats. anS viii proiride a meiumn for getiung iran are ta Ibis district expedltiously. The Chicago - Milvaukee Eiectric Ralirosi 'Day soon pasolnto the, bande of the Canadien Pacific, vhlch tbrough the Bon Ui, la reporteS ta ha negatlatlug for the contrai a! tbe electrie property. The eommon stock, or contrai of titis rond, la heid largely Ly Toronto, Canada, Interesta and It la assumeS that the Canadian Pacifie la lu position to buy the securities more cbeaply than others. The purchase of tii, ChIcagoMU. yanLkee Biectrie Railroad vauld give the Canaien Pacifie lis ovu lin.eieec- tricallY equipped betveeu Chicago antd Milvauke.The. Soa people have practlcaliY Promised cîtizei.oo! tiie latter pIffl t" the lUne. vIl ha mut out a liaI City. With, surh an oxtan- sien and Ovnership ofiheiii.Cuago -d )Mllbe n, the Can- h.éia Paclflc intmea vpId hava tsr vaastem ,Iq%0tale 4 front the uorh 04 am0.00 iwi ~U1110gA u ~sn tit90110a,Wp&g.tbe Wbaoms', Central,@ piseantthmoe route tram Chicago te Milvaukeeaid et PaUL Ownershlp of ithe Milvaukee fMat, trie Une vonid benefit the. Canadia Pacifie au a feeder. lia principal val- ue. havever, vouid rest in tbe local business hetweeu Chicago anS Ml- yaukee. If purchased It la likeiy that the ehectrIcai rond vould b. thorough- iy rehabilitated and Improved lu every vaY Possible go Il vould ho abi. to make unuaually fazt tîme hetveu the two cities and enter into spiriteS eam- petition wlth the Milwaukee & St, Paul and the Northwestern ronds. C. B. !ASTON tKAS PARALYTIC STROKE Weli Known Politicien and Defealsd Candidate for Office, Who Gainad Office Only to Lose il by Decioon of Tic, Falla In Yard Overtaken by Paralysie and la Taken la House by Relatives. Working about doing chores on his stock farm near Deerfieid, C. B. Eas- ton, for xnany years supervîsor for West Deerfleid and veli known ta Waukegan politiceans, vas seized vltb a paralytie atroke and la nov couftnd tu bie residence Partlail]Yspeechiesa vitile bis left aide le badiy affecteS and be la lu a realiy serious condi- tion. Mr. Eaaton vas out t an viien Paralysie overtook hlm and ho tell tn tii. grad. overcome and unabie te Move. Relative. picked hlm up and tock blmIntoute .realdeuce, vheuce medîcai aId va, qnlckly summonLei. Iu tb, recent DeerSaeld tovn ele*- tiOn Mr. Eaatan vwu a candidate t=r 00fce sgsiist W. Pissge and vhqQý the. votea ver.e ounted tbey stood n ta 80 vith ou, iplît vote. The o«l split vote was avarded ta PlaffaU a de rMnltad. Plagge van th.e i wbeu declalon vas mad.esandMr. Ilaston bott the orne,. I Wlth his tva sous be mus a large stock farm near Deerfield and la about slxty yeara old. His vif. la living. The Hastons are vel kuovu lu tii. .ntlre eounty. MAKING E!VrORT 10 PARDON KRÜÉMGIý - Man Convcted inLke Ccunty Cet of Kiliing Wl!.n and Mother-inLIp at Lake Zurich May, ha Pus'dsned as Most of Jurs Agres That TIW Will Join ln Effortsad ^ao Willlng. WJsben George Kruevsr ci LA1Yo Zurich la relesed au a pardon frqà Joliet penlteutlary, viiere lie t serving a lie sentenýce ft he ii ~j' der o! bis vufe and motueî-Wniav, hie son vîi probsbly havae at bie le rt v t, vile ii 4da. bt r ! " Young lady of the mmuu-rfaaeto & Efforta nov belng 1 mad.e aU Kmruegr'pardon bMd tair te cUitai, sl uajofty <1< e MiurIre at butrial, at vb"ei be wnýe..vlet. ad an d attoi wbl ie vasw , bave dechwrei thoeseysa« s~ Son, It làundeatoo, Ltioeëi b*I~-- bava obJections to mnake. ý £Sforte ta gmt a par-don fer tb. Mia as- boing maSe hy bis bratie.ft PM Krpegr of Laire Zariol, ,. mtl* so nd dSauglter nov rosiS. 19ià trial at pardon began Ma.icb 17 anA ý goîng steadlly fo-va-S. Krueger liaiserveS Bna, Ferae et bis il!, sentence anS hianbeea u pder Prisouer. Rai h. beau sentenceS*ir mausiaugbter he vante bave reeolya fourteen yearsand his goS halvoe ould nov have eortned bia sent,- eue toa apoint be cruX is freed. K.rueger vas convIctei la 100 'U lie usurier of hlm vife and malaiS. ln-lav, the. attorneys boing State's Attorney C. T. 2"tyiop. Attorneys Paul Ma.oQum s « Ap*i>i Smith tfsr te praeocello. Dr Md lpt«M me Ag Prout systeas R ab e r t Iv e s , au p a m l a l e a u i t transportation ai lie Cicago 4«4 N* yankee Eec rlc Rails-a S. A« , u n ' lai &Dy ona mani rs«paasbJateé» excellent achainle On vhicI sianu4qe. trie Cams nov aperte, bai rosipai, hie position vIthe i.rocavers te. L0 cept theo inaagersip of the tMg quarrie s t R ac la, be ionsng 10 A.-,n Proat, iae te S ai 1f h. oloctri 8a>s.. A. C. Frost ha& aS le recotvog*,. for the atone quarrie, vhici M», up a big enterpris, iiucbms-ge4 tsi court,and lie quariesVIII oa nder Mr. Ives' management X"4t1, vtb lirtyinen. Robert Ives, lhe insu vho, tes thý n,v Position, la the Most popular, Sicient, ard orklg anS ompatot uperltendent the eleorie road hb» ever had. In conuection vii tute Sîssolwtia o! lie receiverpiip of lie tan. Q W ries, Mm. Frost bhsa. as, eooeti ago, aS le recelveasip for b. à.I. ka rosi terinated and la nov cha~rge oi lat gtgatlc etemrimeê With le relaaing o! h"lm" OW tho quarim .M. hasr earOtm « of bis ovu former, mtbsen p a e i e . b u t l ie A l aI a . r a S e o giq' h un e S ho b o o m a a s i s a l e - o r p i 4 . than the premsnl slalo M I, Wb completed Il tapi immensedw cool, coppe- Md 4 l8 Iqs pd a.oesabiq larail ttUup bb las nov loirtory hoxpletalla., Dw George anS M inige Fru m a 1 U rin g las, P i e A syee atme's Attouey De&,4y Irn W lSt» trot Infatlru aga" 81)8804 i** en s aO! the lomc ag 1. »«leOna bein<ai lta fe onty ort bIv*0 amirent of Giesg. anS MLInai. »ke«a of Bas-rington on a charge cf i MUaS liquor ullegally vihhin dry lttaa71 Bonds ver. $500. T hea. a r e l i mt sreoti 1te 1 maSe tesftlg ot thea local OOcM'IM a n S a s sn cb a m -. ln t e-e etie g. Rghvssd 'milead an ës & j mats ave been m.aie bute but Iis la u neS.! «tb Peasengers valtiug for lie 4:37 cas- tait sth Uhartyvlle Satus-Say Oeemulu v er, vltueatu on. <f tha mont tirMnliIncidentX reportes ta recan Says, viien an autombUm b4ake aý atroet pare* cavaspif viUgr. a&- lion" 0 aautr M te tavva e'U cae = 1bW3au ever -baye fream imaIîi a. t# aq'u4 pef *Lenpie a In boy la ian the 'Dache. P~~lt àlingfor th.*cars&tIth@ go strajqbt miaS," Juil at tbo tUpa lie varnlug vhisîleo0f the ca- tram the vest vas ean"d.. The -as and voman la lie automo- hile directeS lie machine at a eanl'a Pace tavarda the street car tracis. Tise machine could nat have been go- lng slaver by any slretch o! lie Imag Instlon. The amateur chauffeur vas playing a!. talb. extent of hie pov- ers. The car came to vithîn Ivelve teet o! lie track vhen lie electrle car came aioug, and juat at the juneture lie automobile seemed ta develop s spurt. of speedIl1ke a buckiug broncho. for It mnade rîshl for th, approachlng electiecar. The car bit tise automobile Bt lie front end, ualt oa bard, tho motarman unaitie to brlng bie car ta, a stop, sud lb. automobil, vas svept ta on. aide under lt.e Impact RaSlte Butomno- bile heen struck a foot farther haek il vauld bave meant Instant deah for tva. As fI vas lhe occupants ver, tisrovn froin thitr seats anS unhal- anced, but ual Ilirovu ont, sud as the car vent by ver. seen ta ha unin- jured. BARRINGTON SHOWS BIUSINESS INCREAS! Has Deon Maklng Mouey Since il Went Dry. lu Aprîl, 1908, aur villas. va, vot- ai "dry." vile. Village Tresuurer ]P. L Waierusan of Barrington la lb. Molisolalaune.W, liai tourisaoona. eacli paylng a icense o! t600 ansual- ,Y- aIrovlaig la statemeat oi the eash on haiS ans aow ya ,tahemes. nror's books on April 1 o! oaci ys.r, begilung vli 1900: 1900-------------------...... 0 1901--------------------..... 0 1902---------------------..1,5 s525 19031 .....................3111.58 1904---------------------..341.67 1905---------------------..261094 1906......................4,33.73 1907...................... 1,88487 1908.....................113,1 822.871 1909......................,90010 For tihe Past tventYyFeara oueinsu bas don, lb, vork it aur banlt. Ani assistant vas aideS January 1, 1909.a These are facto, aays Mr, Wateq,- an, for lbe consldaration of Ihaser Who elajin a tovu cannaI proopert alit t aluons. 1