CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1909, p. 10

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CIIZENS' TiCKET Jm htrwmElcciy er s. p e OTIIER ELECTION RESULTS (Prom Woenmayh Sunm) A é.., sweep of«te Cttuenal tick- et WM t anijority of 101 for JohnE Sherwln la the. Verdot of yeterdara ebection tu North Chicago. 2Ne fight vue htLly centered, and, ile It wae gmUsrly oocedod even bY th e euNcam diummlves that ShervIn woald Win out, yet the ima- Jorty va. a surprise oveu to the Cit- izens. The tota vote cast waa soi. BherwIn carried the. lrut yard by 18 vtes. the. second O.rtley'a own yard. vliih the ChUu.u. eouceded tu hlm. venit tu Siierwla I>y a nmdostIy ut 30 VOl;e.l and ti third ward, She vin, yard. w« O atwo b o e intfaim Of thse later. TPh coeet for clenk va.s aln bit- ter[Y fouglit and gave Wadvter a surLal maàority. In the. firat yard Waciiter - vu y by 24 votes; in the seoned, by 20 votes aud in the. tijIrd by 18 votes. 'hie resuit of the vote for city treua- ure,- va alto a ourprime, Drury car- rYing evey yard Iy a large major- If,'. T'he vote 9tood as follows: Citizen&, Flrst yard. Major, John Shervle ............ 78 Olty Clerk, Curt. Waci±r ...74 MIY Tresourer, P. J. Drury ...70 Alderman, stanlalua orail..69 Aldernmn.Frank Kursewskl ...69 Second ward. Mayor, John Sherwile........... 110 Ciy. Cierk, Cut wécli±er ........ 9 Cty Treaurer, P. J. Dur'..... 90 A1dernnxLWM. 1<0<...........U Ad«aun John Kriatan ......... 94 lUrd yard. Mayor, Jolus Sherwila............ 112 City Qeruk. C. D. Wbaktr ......... M Ot,' Tresaurer, P. J. Dru-y ..161 Aidaan, Patlek Mels-o'......s Aldentm, J. IL Hanassi.........0 Repo*ilea. aor, . bâ. Ostie,'............0s Cl a lr. L . J.c. oe.- Tiaie» S. ILG. âàM wI4 m.u m,8.ào A*.........1f idMuai waltrKas ... UII.cie..tat ............ s CIMI4 J.C.-BMme .....«.......... n car .. aid ...8I laruai. KJO"6dm. x..«mnm. EL B ...lâm.....; pack 1. C. s"............... m Gi>' Tremente,Kars mBaba.E A JWmm 6Oms Pwc............. àu mo a. nU4» ,' mmev . lotraios ubah m - pi.tnt sa tutgIK C. lDoe on ,' *M&mw. ISot a hold over mr a sais-seaoa,. ted o0ee vU b. tàe blaSa,' or Om 1Tbiisu Mayr et NoUS Gil John iloeru1u. vs ive. omts blet autWbhlo wh. me s ra, - comber for pua tc, eua.,sje . - -e-Cadetanid cheered b,'lait se- tiiladLcupe.toeummS ithir waIs dens. Tii b* res0forthi ,'ty w« vWUd vils ect.,a.s ad th".,'lMi upa block deep wvih iborus. et, M thir efforlats tUbshw Siair »y,. One tiilsg voUS,' Or lote la lbj Sierva meu,-Memployed ln b. ouai. r,'. abood by hlm ahmat te a sait Md vere more deepl,' lite-oUed ilat campslgu thosn via tise Mayor hlm- c seif. Thse men vWho lad voari «"« tSe blm for ye ansd vho bave thse dot.- est respect snd admration for la,4 were teO ftto ral. the.baud of tia nOwiY lected Mayor sud ogSer jquciKÉÏ GINSlED ~~s,. ~ Sb ..V$ .eaU Canet Uveon or fu Chicago. April I1.-Coioneî William 7. u"«e. retlred l'Lynsat.r. faces Netrouble. M-. Mary Loan Tunker, vho je laslngfor divorce. aaarta e* mIecnn ,Te. on lber Income Of $1.500 a y'es -di baaIllidRnauffidavit b«,,s' ipige Drnes in the superlor court1 dt uber buabaud ho orderd S te Provid,. 'nos.mon.,. THESE MAY WED. John C. CrlPPs. Kenoaha. 40; Fran. - @BUMa. s.8. 44*Garroli. 26; margaret Jolou- sek. Ie J. C. Dver. Chcago, 26; 'Wallis Johnlin Mlgott BEvanaton. 21; Mag- "SM K1<8.4 I L COUL COMISIONI Look~ at These Coupon -Noé 1. W . e ' . 0 P r a e a n d NONE wIiIOUT COUPONS i Nisses Szart Siuits Où,ily 7.50 'New Trwo and Thrce-PIese Models S-plend i alet-y of misesand littie wo- men's suits ln prunella cloth, French serge, shepherd checks, back andi *hlte s t r 1 p ecd materls and fine worsteds J Splendid $1 7.50 values speclally marked At 12.510 Very Stylish Suits Sud, as are marked ai $25 elsewhere. They are lns the peulr atrlscolors and modes. cUt single or doulet ents ln bplain toil- ored effeets. Plain Soreti slrts trdm. méd wlth sIlk covereti buttons; Strlctlr mau. talloreti. Fine Frefth Serge, prunella clot, andi heriiobone serge Ia ail thle Pe-____ vaIihaJeIt aldes, a*Mesblack ami avya ibd"ami white shepherd che,25 00 suit spech at . ... BEALTIFUL TAFFETA SILK DRESSES In the new shades. Everyone .,àe2"* 12.95 1 4QAT COAT VALUES Wosm's bgrade Covmt aad Panaa tuat .o ........4*95 GIRLS' COATS j Drese*QsMIIhry fronei LOI!AT THPzICE 1OEWTor OPN Coupon Nio. 2. Lace Trlmmed Corset Cov. ers, extra quality 9 at ............. Very Swagger Spring Suits- 095Suit% taîlored ln the flascst fashiou,. Saru-y cut coats, wlth best lainu; vcry gracefui gore skiais, cf black or navy striped satin cloth; fine quellty, with gold or colored cmbroldered ben. galiné collar anti cuffs. AI'o Jaunty cutaway suits of French serge or light hreight EngilkIiworstetiln b ar yshed- 0,'," p,3, n',w marked apelali f«, this sait Seasons -Best Effective Models at only $18.50. Largest Nillitiery Sale of 1h. Season MATS 0F BEUTY &. DISTINCTION We erta e were unable to wilt- ou azstoaners las Our Millinery De- Spartpient Satuarday. The sale u'as sn -renmodous, andi havé .w atted rame' selesiadies which assures prompt at-- tenon teaN. A ncw shipment of el- esatllmomW fMats have airulvet from N ew 4 ndcait-he are wort-h more thon do"bl the price we ask for thcm. $-4.W0 Tdnsned Mats for - $1.95 $6M0 Trlanaed Haia for - $2.95 tIM "«IORU lvis $10 banei $12; Ta'IdiatedyMats for $4=M9a and- ------6- ----6- «.AUS Buco Te STASE lvocaa.e minera lad Operasrs la IlIDDO,4amIneýs aw:aes- opseual,'si onuubecaust them a o or MmIne 1411la si SpInriuaeld aillne areemffl on lLb= Possible nt preu,, &ai P& causehiirnghlegal experkme.Vi" as brote, a Mlg mIse oairet .1Colo rado. T, & &BUarna, h. ka Wk11 umtel,' mîlag law »la aîaiss. Rpre socaulve A. K . s-aa le. lvimve- ed th*. fuo-ig remohm sp çruag field MW la vorldu for iitbe Mmom of tise commission hc ontulmes: i'orty-sixth AseMbiY. Houa. jolt Resolcttoeno%;0,. Ap4ILlm 20. Iutrodud t'4 ,' Wr. 1esng, Apri 7, 1102ý Referreul 10 commilU.e ou ji lues and Yillalzag. W hersas, The loua of lirelunoui mine explosions i luIinuois b"Inl creaseij to sueh a dere. dwnr&r, et-ut years, Usai the uLiot nOufostU (oý Prevent sucb explosionsansd w fiais, hu-ais lvra otherviseasafe as po,- sîbie In the mnens ahould b. 'nuet by ail mine ownersansd b, tihe mIn.- vorkmien and b,' pertoca lagalîy charged Wththie enforeernent (g Li, mling laws and by the ea-îe, of addtIons! las, If It "hah appear At this price we have thse sea. son's best effective models lns the newest coorings lndludlng the very Iight delîcate shades, also white andi black. Coats are taffeta sllk fineti. Sec t-he fine prunella cioths, fine worsteds, satin and Peau De Cygne. lIANOSOME VOILE SKIRTS Ail the new shades andiA f black. Speclal ...... .5 PANAMA SKIRTS worth $4.50.-for ... . 5 LARGE VARIETY 0F CH ILDREN'S MAI S Brlng the Younug daughters aiong andi you wIii flnd a bat for theAn. Neatly trianmed -bats ans, ecretary. vho shall cause a record Wheraas, t aPPe ata the causes ho be made and kept of al lb.t pro. ci su-h exPtlue- aid other coal cee<ings. Six members saah cousti. MlBnn accidentsanad availableniea tute a quorum for the transaction of for the. preveation thereof and fDot business, and sald commission ma,' nov feu,' kuwa"a andasatood, bat hbld sessions et such places as It ina, the. t.diuologic braacii ofthe UTnited BisS Oel4ilc as-v~a ov -. deem proper vîthin these tate of MI-1 Coke E »Ch suisccdents; nid. Wh.r.a., IL la aflege duft a vaut =mat oc 0c-1ila belng ma"iesau- ahI, for ftture »se, aid Jh blug pe, tuany1, b present metiioda 0f aalag A"d marketing oea la fllluwia therefore. b. IL ft.s.Ied b,' Lii. on"a.d < rprs- "leatile -ma . oneeulus tiare. lu, that a 121191a e eeutttd 10 b. 1--- a. b. mialustlneslgi min.ovaetireo emil mIer, ,one regevuatallne c01iii. lukis a (bo gle Se', . "repraaentaive Of Lhe 4111.4 at- aio sas-ne,' W. bhor d Lturo paiemi" ilupeciors tae b. »gOba ib,' l o .rae. lii pover Md audmury o hav.tigatsmil Mid deaw et tkM.aueaM1Ue ,hai aedL o.aomwwm 1 ianavew- er 4"mi nw ud lxi10aimiter mte aiW pipera b, Mdbe&We, n le *fliP Prde. UaiOf aiaiatdeut viti w I» (w lu' «. 1 e'de.. oyrpr, mam 5.1bal* sud -l le «4«'. ru Moi daceroainl pts -teea.e la et w b. cm,- suy «ow 0<gmgerai e.1etift, Ttli, MW udPr dm.0( wu"»«a "Il lb cm- tb"Il aseat Olt l~ 'fil uikoo I,, Xo f e.U <af (* by say tm « 16* Meuh,, aa Sald commission abali report 10 the goi ernor aud 10 thse general nmIau- bly atlils next sasson, submlttlug a Proposed revialon of the. coal mlning lavs of this tate, together wltii sucii ollier recommeudatlons as to the corn- mission shall aeem flit aud proper re- Iatlng tu coal mlulng lu the state of 'Tle membera of sald commission sbxIl recelve no compensation for iheir services, but tlsey shalh be re. lMiursed for tisir situai expensea ln- eurred lu sud about the. actual work of sucb Commission. said commission Ma,' appoint a ateuugraldser or clark sud auch other. emPloyeàs as are necesr,,asd shall- fix thoir compensation, sud ina, Incur sut-h othiar expenmaua are 'properi,' IncIdentai 10 tise von or the. coni- iaslon. The sura of twelve thousaald dollars (812.000) la b.rob,' approprlated for th*. postage, aattoer,', cierical a"d expert servie., sud IncIdental travel- ing expena..of the commission, 5and the. aIier of public aceouc ntablae.- t'y autborla.d to drair bis warrant for the foregolag amount, or su, pt tbieeof, lun paymant of an,' expena«.. charge. or diaburs.menUt authorlzad t'y tîslsait, on order of th]@ commis- aluon, slgnsd 1>,'il& chairnian, attest.d b,' lisaeacreb"tan-,sd approvedl by the. ffornor. Tise state board of contracta la ber.. b,' auhorlaed and dîrectei tiiprovide ail nac.eary prslnUng for thé mznnsu levestgatlos comuiaion, aSM tenuI- r0007 14.. b>' it abal b. reposted la full and may,'b. pqbUsohod frointUrne te Uns, b>' fia commblason Value, Giving and Satisfactiori ls what we alm for ln the builing of this business. When we say value we not only mean quallty of the materlal, but aise tise workmanship, the style and spp*p that goes t-o make one feel sat-îsfied that t-heyare dresseti ln th best of taste. We offer a large assortment for your choice- mmi i~ii~ ~ I of SUitS at Madie of pure wool worsteds velours, cheviots anti cassi. nmeres ln ail t-he new shades of brown, grec., taupe, tan anti greys, ais. blue serges. Let- us prove t-o you t-bat this la t-he store where'you get t-he rlght article at the right*pttke. Suit-s ai overcoats at $ 10.00 t-o $30,00. TRIEVÉS IN T WO' ROODERIES courtwa brokeu lInt, the thief b reak. l the -ept the ti.thjayqs g« Ing out a wludow lu a Utte roomn, ent- Du.kesMxtrtwx Packages Of Stesl- Get mbt £lectrlc ftqad Depot and erlng, breaklng froin the room tuto ilIng, about 100 Cigare and 13 penteq afat, tr.thedptaduo tedtIote In the Garne.h store tlxey got ive, Thiees a* lgh go ciaresud dej» ,~ frin ie epo ~ '~~m-kge;of t<>0oba , cigfT and Some.q Thlve lnt 1gt ot lgrs-4stanà, where cigare, money sudCaudy -enls tobscco witi whlch to celebrate elec., were taken, and mb ,the Qaasb The po4lce Sgot to work on the, Ca" tion lu two robbierls lat ulght. store through a rear wlndow. 'Ple early this mdrnin'g and dld nome good 'ruse electrmc rosi station et Edleon Gamàaili alor18% 1tlbt Êehr tthedeWot worii trying to traek the. thteve. - M) The steady polky of the Friedman stores is to give you the best gàrments always et the Iowest possible prices. We stand back of every article we self. You know that, If -yoù ever boujbht a coat, suit, sklrt or other wearlâg apparel at frledmon's. This is not a mere newspaper statement, more than that we take speclal care that the garments we self shail be rlght ln QuatI, 5 '.Prie, aRdPOSflWELY GUARANTEE Perteci FIMhtg. ---s 1 1 -J j r 1 1 a

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