CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1909, p. 2

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Fod Ca-n, et Barrnug-on, @peut Sun- MIssMNobel Muia- ofe Avon enter, la-y with bisiparentsenlu cr village. spent Sa-IrI"and sudends>' at ben home Miss Clla'Oea-ny, et Long (nove bers. visitil Waucoeda- relativesR a-urla-y At the vilsaelechlen Tuma-e..' ul>' 28 and Sunda'. ha-llots eve.cuit thene belng ne oppoct- A. E. Klrwunia-de a-binssa-trlpho thon ttee ti titcket.Thé <rester Tueela->. q» majoit>' of oui, cia-ena toitt here vas Mr.andSimJH.J. chaferof cHeryne object lu vchlng a-ad thi julgiisud setr. ae t is.JSa-iear(if cile r k ai s ralliereasy tuaiat. Thé spen Suna-y h Mi-s Oa-nis. naut vas a-s televis: Proaient, R. C. Dr. anIdlins. L. E- Hughes w-ire Chil- Kent, 28; clin tote>, Emil ca-go viatoirs Tuisda-y. Dahnss29- trustea-, J. M. Fulier, 28; The opiuing Ma-y lance vili b. bell at R.Golding, 28; H. L. Granthans, 27; Oakland lRal on Fridai- eveuing, Ma-y Police Maglatrahe, Oea. Prout>', 27. 7. A fins orchestra-ha-s been engagil Mn. and UMn. Chai Baker vho ha-r. for théocecasien.tir, anIdtirs.là. S. bien living nia-r EHIldale, Ïdti>., fer ahé Fond- vii apane ne pains te ma-le thîs punt six y.aresold hheïr fa-mm ecoutI>' tue evet of the mia-on, sud are nov spenllng a- ev vekin a Cyle Ca-ne retuipel home Moud">' cm villa-ge vitu Mn. sud lin. 0e. eveniug iaviug spent a couple of lays Prent>'. via-tlng Chicagqo friands. P. A. Nlnsagiarnvent te ithe cil>'Satun- À askt en" wclulvhoe <lviby Mise a- Iuye@pen a vee wihi relativemsaad Wlunfel Pratt, Pnidsy aening ea-t ahé frieus. Loins achoL. Acordial Invitatien la NisasEleis Jamlts, vie conducie eut ixtemdei te sl. up-te-date oomluctonwerele nlght up Hasiny Golilgl putlg np tvo amy te thé a-nme iag beugbi a machin. coisisonbshle preperty k novu oseaqilcomplets, ouafi fer nallpge rua thePin Theia-oM capimiin sbop ou cens vbleibave boem no popqlau for Maft Striai hobu snaid aad lu nov heatii suseand ibis nsurosthmn ulda -comment. lndatie lt hi. vie &mu su mitibday. hfutbo h viibiu n 00litbooon ls lokss111. a ina>'seasea-fton en viii bosm . usul i an I pi-mc amuer ibisqage d U taus Wui 1 1 lb i bi.g u addition mmunba-vo ev"ual v e' ontab osuwoo r arMMsmudm loa t>of Mm..J. W. Mlu.boasmt boum ns el ~ vIa li Magh bavw- ott. on. 0f"bIs eut hastsgbai oi e tioku tett t o«fr e-mer OntWod"o"iy of la-t vuL. li S i. 1%Tuos M s The a$danses at Lalelde ps-ilion tage ~ Wo thébuat M-gmd libul h ou MgrOay avenln, Mal hulh .yanvhllima- ue Do t Wé Otta Peot vas a Chiea-go -Visihou summn v. viii keep uhng beemlng. Meula>'. Wheu appetite fails, it restoes LR Whefoods a burden, it Il zthe burden. ,WbmyS iseflesh, IR brlngs ~'t e à» e of health. VA=s wotk ls bard and duty h-Ivy, I maltes lMe brlght. e» egeofthewedge u lsh le useof food when ;r be 9and cant diges i? s5uuIgEofCod LAver foodt*Ë zues you La-e, vho bus boum eui>' iI ~peut ber d"iule nov n.oovaolng 0" USLka Mu. ILE.Pa-yue arrived home *Mring Irons leila vien. ~oben njeying liii sehnu ipaut four Menths. à lbueCht, Wha-su hon very 1ev pluinoîlsna 0lo wl>' eevenlng. - # .PonteOo a iseectol sebool 4blu nte uPlace Of W. L Ric vies. uu WOM ofiexipired a-ils aprhng. S101isse4fnlqeanIDoroti>' Holcomi béivo a-Mala ta-beu up thonr oil wont mi Wgtln aîllart a-tra siit va-cation. à- lbw R-tung, et ChucAge, boa hein lii i10on lr aughter, lMrs. Heur>' ZsA-I fon' tii pait ev laya. lsssAYOr.n -d Latutep visted »"'rla-va past et abe proeunt lbot c avamu emi c( iàure usal .waesa nhueda>'. U~~~lsr mae.a trip te GaYs- LeWs Goe7try tnnd Tousay ironsa- - w*'ii-la- mwchgu. - - <u* -hi ohambnrqla-ts uuda->'. 4i.fowimgoffi etsvii lcea-i bt= MoÛmTomsiay: Pnaiientt in «i- trombse@%gnsuI J!nackt, Ruiry ~~a-45'u-a-yranding- peles ma-gs. ~uty&àia-Èeu ent te Cilag 190:02U tu hoattend thé funerai ta Pbllp and su J. teFof teckga nt vlWd verSudaywi te utcmiiaI iven 'e J, P. te taider um elTted achoo .tmtm8t b. oui agin. MBorsuti r.adA' . eneo, f a-lea wlI eraenta-adr.ia Fr@. H .ggie. Pote.j Mis. Mus Banbour, cf Lertyvil.,e violtai it M UlIda- Seget, Suila-y.a * fi.. Dull> and ta-mi>' havi meved Wbue bote]. Thée1ev. Quinn vili cômWthe uffy honne. Soma-te Mrnud tirs. Struebltng, a C, S. P auo a s ullini>stricin ,~v* pnalslluut Pnida->' avilag. At w rutlg hé la regsltng tver>'j Oa-tuiue, eofDesPlaines, vIsutel *sladvsbie bisvelk. wmusa-lt, etf Bellivui, Iowa-, la vWugwth bi Iatr, n..Gbion. 1 kw. a-clNerTis, of Chica-qo, la vlslting 'w-lbf.-Mansd lin. C. B. Eaen. 1 #z à rs.Thoa oye isi Jw #*is iti relative@ bén.. Mr.JEcholuan d Patrick Pagen a-re -omljmivi . vel vil tiug friands unr.. ,I'iaKeole spent Snday vitb ieta Canohun. Uit sud 'Mn.Mtnt Ainv.a ndn mlikgton, Saeh, ofLakbe Bluff, viaited a»*jv ità John Carolan. - MeCOrn la very tfilat presiat witlng. = 1M~8ieu itUos ÇM. W. M. » ,h*rda ~o , PM" 2.1 a .b.<uara ne LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWINC MACHINE MAN u IVANHOE 1 Nias Avis Payne &pnt Suila-y at1 home. U.Franklin la apoullIng te viol hon.. MisAda- uulker apet laut Sunis>' w-th bie eimts. MiNaAtnmsPflinlu ta-ylng vth bar uqmw 04 RockeuIené tprosUM UMa-iKmnsOU. Smtbhof W"nk.qm, aimat lust Suday -ith Iii rmers1 ILRebut f LüyviuIe, vwu an Mr- a" la<lcm orbta"d a-ugb- vD&,yii, tai Roud. labo la*s ààla"hs0f tii h u trob ae elsa -d npardag thi parurmoue "t swoib Ma Da-hy VnPhv e e.iiudti'o 7flaibmi hein theo Mcci' IntItut. Mr nmd UMn..Chri@tia-n n sd faml>'. 09 LUbtj'vile, -rato at Mn. Jinsins luit Smdsy. SMns..B. A. Rive. sud son, Resu, are viltiug lu Chica-go a-liv day. 1 The romanls of thbé infant la-ughter et Urn. aud Mn.. Iring Pa-yne, eofIloki-1 k1.11wver uught hon ero hurla-ilest1 The mont lntme.tils é chool election that ban buon héilbon. for sometinse euma off la-t Ssturday niglit. Thé ladies tunned out lu s large numiier an viii ne the muo. Much luInt va-s hovn lu tryina te eleci the nepectivi candidatie. Tiers vine 51 ha-flots eut 81ifer Cari Dondon sund 20 for BdIw-a-d Godwin. Wiille ve do net 1mev but vbat M. Godin veul mal" a geai sobool dln.cton, vie okuow tua-t Carl Dorflir ha-s mivel faihhfully on the oheel hoani for twinty-eighty yea-ns sud the majorlhy have bevn lu ilectig him aglu that thé>' a pecia-te the. goal Thé Junionr Hme bMisionary Socety bell Is annual meeting lait Thunada>' iveniug at tue home of tMrs. Dolpi. They ilected thoumaunual officine for tue comlng yean a-id decided w-at hhey woull deovîi tiithe 10 they ha-I collictel fon aisslona-ry vork durlng thé paat y'ear. The sendlng a-y,f ci a aniunt of moeay entitleie hum te a- 11e menhir. ship for oeeof thein nuniuer. They decided on 01817. Payne for this mnber. Alter tue business vas transactel athi iviutong vasplia-sa-nil>'spent vith mui and napper, PALATMN illustaIdeishoeIluPalatine, Young Helme, no aoftUr, snd lira. Heîs, Moula-y, April 12. Punirai héll rons tue St. Paul's church; hurilinluthé Lptheran cinrch. Mn. anidtins. J. E. Schierding, M. a-ad Mmn. L.T.lReusa-nidMater John L. lieuse vine queete of tirsud lMre. 0. IN. Ohlu iBanaton ln bonor of hon blrthday TliunedAy, April 15. Miss MNa ilniclihîa den tnisd@ bine Sa-urda-y. Thé Palatine tia-neuchor vilI ivi a- grand concert Sa-urla-y ,veung, Ma-y 8. Da-ici alter concert. Wa-heh for partculars. Word bu beben nicelveil from tins. E- Barlong thatahi la- enîeylng the. aun- abine a-ndilouwena- of LoaiAgeia, Cal., at picamnt. W. J. Filbort a-nil la-nily salied fon ltaly, Wduisda-v, Apnil 16 for a- two inonith-' tnip.' Mia-e Elwil iserucoivîng from a- severe Mis@a- A iee s i i. eli-Iiti frieuls bieeecntly. tire loIne-, ber mothir a-nd fainly w-i reternuand makee hum home bine. Tii.7 w-i oecupy the. loyer Onat of tirs. Va. Honn'a nioldeuce. Mli.raB. Tongler anI MIsa Tonglen atteodlthé graduation exenclua-etf hér aghter, Ma-ie, iluthie Luthéran igli mebea a-t Milyauteehe past wyul. Dick Lyhl n lef, of LUbertyvpIi, wpre quesis of tbonr daugliten, Mn.. G. Smiith oven Suna-ay. lirs. P. A. Gis a-I fou hon <ust Mjoe fluukHitamat>of CilcaO-goov. unay. Mesdames . n R> a-im ous. uo Fr145>yunid "ard"-yvill olt-rsl Mi. anmi uR ob Uli, Jr sud Mu.aa- Mus. Ji iobmedso u ut âunay vith Mir. "d Mm 00.Gi.m "W beDIa-acui1"eAUiluiuying ta ckialb" ua e i fcld pspir adiM 0Llj'bai a-a-r hat te.'v h.h"ho die- o tube eaub te g tan o tbe stor or "thm o ; iTowr'aa-nd thé lait v in f ortiens. Bria- a rilt isluon tdi. dcliUt Mn. Kaight spInta 1ev day. a-t home lut vet. iUe.yd sud Gordon' BsR aaeon the. a-Ic Thé Swàla>' achool vilir l.suanegg socIalea thé chunuuh Sahuriay eveipg, 1April 24. A short prognase la huiug preparil sudsa <004tins. laeassuraite ah vieo attend. Do net miss 1h. Jus- a-ual of a-ilthe ega- yen vent te iont for enly 25 ca-ts.. tid M.P ar niett a-nd chIld- ne0nt Sola. v ti inparents, Mr. »Smot thé eilseoft he siviiteu eentury the tulip became laovn la Germaa>, a-nia acleniat na-med lIns. net qivesthe firet deecription etfbis ifioyer. Firat euh>' hi. yellov va-net>' vaa levu, a-ni tien ether colons vire producei b>' croe.luq. Tii. Dutch, par- tucuanly the. cîtaens et Elaarlem, pro- duce the meut vondenful va-nettes et this floyer a-nI cita-laid enermous prices for them. ln 1684 tue ira-de in tulps a-ssuni.d a peulian humn. 1h deginera-tel luto a sort ot a garni of chance, se that lu 1673 the authbrities tit caliid upen te Interfere anud te isune elhts a-galnst extrava-gance lu tuipa, as tiiy normer- 1>' bal aga-luat trains a-nil la-ce.. This luterferenc vouhl sieemte hé justled, il eue riads that lu 1006 asilueofloyer efthIs sort. ca-fui thiie keri vas psud tor i, itve wcargoe« eofbeht, tour cargoca- ot rye, four fa-t ÛOxi, elgbt fa-t hots, tvolvi fa-t séee> tvo caaieoet ine, four hernesf etber, tva tons ef butter, 1.00S pueun01i ehiie, a complete bai, a sut ef cloth- fug a-ni a mil-rer tankani, Anothor bulb, thé. emper Angutus, va-spali for viii 44M00gol gullima eni a ceachi wh a double Imm et berd".. In -Ha-a-nues he huIt p o- eachedits holgit ta the. déca-do frei 1080te 164, vbe a prie ef12,000 goli guildons (a-bout 89000 &mulc«D mone>'> ta recoendifor a mine î adb, ' Sta-r Au "'Auli Kirk" ma vas houa zhovuthronghthe Div United Pr.,- bytenlan church lu a tevulu the est ef Scotanil. a-ring a- the stars Peint- ed onthe celling, hei lqunIi d hir peaiunng. "Ob,' w-a-sthe ripl>', "yený 'knpv what thi book a-ays.-.'H- ma-deutii a-star-ala-e?" "Wcel,' eba-ervid tue ma-n. "y. l Ien tue differ betvien yeun kirk a-ni oers? ht's thls-ye bai yeur atare on tie cillan', a-nil e've oors In thie Poolpitl» PI.nty aof Advlee. "Wia-t a-no yl ouing fr yer ccli? »Notblg. t>' bleuis -a» lcoklm iner lt»-V -. .-ki m- Ibo 'Î, ë 0 iie -k - - - - - -- WAUCONDA DEPARTM ENT M. f- MAINAN, CSmwn&M «A Agod Àu(---------- d Uver 011 Is the mens ï,àM esioyment of lie to "m: mena- wornen and j ~~to w t ea s p a a nomstphblty o re al vWat o ovr-D oor rerbevrlteI tva thonra SUrIeu the os, hl ny lchl heedzs T 'y Jr h~~~~~emd and aptue hat drUledonmat rfrarn olsm iea btey had. tîvesfor a is ait in keerIn M IL take~~ thieIiana, upis celthemIndigans ,achlteedy.Te began their old tricks ln tryhng to bide whhb modem medical science. ter ra-il by devices yeil known to It expliiu why Ayer's Sir- me, but I pald no attention to tii, sa-pgrilla s nov made cntirceW 18~180, ndirGéita NB va thirkncving wbat mnust be their next stop- fr« - from teohol. Ask your J UNE 1 M udrGoea w wa hi uatom, to @trip and tare off ping place. and 1 vas as familar-wth otb olo i die gen à- Val, sa-v us luinnul for thelir saddles and aIl their uiiiforms, tua-t part of the country as îbey yene. dco.PIo i ie a ha" of Inidie-n "dot soldiee buts to keep on their drawers, 50 abs o tralgbt on w. kept to the Sprngs, ex- - b - u. Who va ire k1e the Iritshma-am b recognissd as friendly. 1 had sent cept tua-t Oecaalonalîy we vent ont of ss er% hOrs, n d at Urnes svery- vWord tho C6enet Royal, and ho sent Up tbe4lrect Une te khep in low Places- where. bMjor Walker8 comPa anca me CAIL O beveen the sand bils 00 as fnot to le i C Nebra-aka, Colorado and vflw« itL the rant. I placed the Pa-viiue seu A oock <2 nlght ve hait- ail .xcited'over the deredation Ofon ce i.lett and two companlea ettheid four miles from the Sprngs. Ad. U-htbf la dwi u"iiof e*0~ tise ruenfdei. TheY halmurdurud PWit cavalry in the center anid on0etfvioas:Thomas ho 5110w the min to un- jet to __mprit aesiobd right ad lofths dcaptured seviral Captai» fPumea-on the. rigit. 1 told saddle a"d unbridle, Iîttlng ca-ch sic- casIagbeadache, bilIemusa *e mus"a hundred mules anad hormis a"adésutroy- bMjor Mfflu. Oritedeu to take coi.omn- jold toborns by thelr ha-dypsa V.wb vuukyt ed wagon trains, as vd could tell bI mani of the. cmteand 1voldtw staras, a-nd se lot théi f sd On the. grass, Idocn bu ~Ol<v the. tra.U of noUm hcdanmal&. Wba-thereege " MdU *r-MfOre- -hcîi ng tii Mon ewery tvo bourg no akagua o.s.1Aer il Intumalffl our demire to Doulah or cap, suants as * u re they ul- a-wMme 319,.1s51 NU]- tiae thein vas the tact that thuy b.d " ewie « s , ot start. 1 hOu th* mysîf as a-n India-n and stafted off té ____________ som» whit e ptlvas-M- Adstdlc% ble«be fflMO *O oud4'the. charge, îoost* the.hostiles a-nd b. bock la tito wbe. huahag s4 effldub thq er iSs e iu a&mont tii. SUPU'bef«e)tnaM ho attack tbe aiat dayllgbt. No ba. . WesC ba a-n»y "ssthat v. vu wkvtb- Um ed e e allgted, manlAUveto A In-a-Ibotoesai«, Ism. b o ut1 tm Fiteb "fl n 4 VU bas.» ir quq s, ldIL -M A C H IN IE R Y a-lcent aly @MmiWnrl sudamiGeneai PSI Ca-m decidel une hu mbüla at" village vbuo vwat tla cm CAP- '~~ to"Igl pla OMMe.914 tèm la tata tlï" aht. s .a ha o of il in. ffld pmra-d. ec"«mtinuai moumwàA cm a herse cba-tgbag about .à &M ttr ade of="a ahTith ad ànLfli, is m e and, bts lasandà aiti atackho rde- aputy 'laid for bns an as2b.é,aeà a goëd ed of dgsqot hlm oee the l a<oo d.-1 f dscualo bevie otu. and sot, the. animalThis wa»1 3P I 1 I oecersa mdman at th*U. tn.Apfar- t calibratii rae, horse Ta-Il BUll, enti> aiianonlng the. pmut, hiri- taCho cdy rodéfràlogtrswlth tired as If soins back te tthe fort, aa-nd, h i Won(y) e fora- ng rtie@. l wortii,.. de-y,, auho 11iftI When h. came into camp Mrs. Ta-l thendiana ver. noviiere te lhaa-e'>, Buill»Ia-li t it 1has ber husani's h r ug n iiavlng corne to the conclusion thatTb r ghn s borne, leavlng ne doubt about the tact vo ver. 4lnheartened a-ndl that they that -Buff aill' ha-d 1111.4 the chuef.AN coulil -wib impunlty ta-k. a littie re- «On tffa- occasion the mildans ba-d pose themaîelves. This w as exactlY twovhite captlves-Mrs. Alderiie of what our wlly commander delereil, as~ Misacuri, whom they killed dunung the. hi Intendeil 10 retrace his a-liesand filhta-ndl Mc-. Welgel of Kansa-s, vhc catch, tbeni sleeping. So, beng mure had bien a-bot lu the bac-k with a Pis- D s ac thât there ver. ne Indianaslà îlgbt, toi balet, which broke a rib, but vas hi packed ail the. grub possible on the dîflected and passed around and ledit- mules, burued the vagons a-nd lms- id belovlier Ieft brea-si. F'lftein bun- pe!zr-,nt -lad lanmedlately started t eddlasl oslerndge-Dic lrow Sor nd hmefr ýee ntérdrc a-cks, vhich vas gathered in theDicIrrw Shre d As1] I a umad he ieha-CLm;O, c 7i' ýi Ic. r. ra sabc V*.it___ - Asg fora Sumi iaa, a fweev mes -b, remarnied andiprovid np' lber utet for 1umt pit , fwmlea i.ert moraung vi dut a gravi WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO- »atL o tb Pltteriver a-dad on o iailaboy. the village ad bre thei band hills, Which fre beau- x». Aldirdici, the. surgeon rea-dung tti littl osasis, as 1h vire, for a-tesrie LJbedg~ee il. eioep trenni. Sttlkhng ier tra-it by . detalied a- boa-rd oet icber. ho ffliag tmin. thelz dally ca-nPire Ie, m t thi e dI huins, a-ainotvlth- 2wT ue a Ui vitt woplibOM nt mada la on. day thé.sM distance aadn t a- t 18 .thair CUMOtOhoca-r- te e ient untti 'yraina., iefor. I Opposite St. Pa-ul Fr.lht Depot UÇfIII<smg" as bt whm ry17 aya-theie ouaflai n, hId or lofthaitf 0fthe. ired, men cf te tile.______________ »Mrth opiaM6es eMWtbetrilbuay the. oa-d WiO m"MeslX tbanad ver. slumbsrlng. one hour later gowng tbie, v wOwyw à=it d dbodieon the Gld." 1 bai sein JM tas 1 uxpuctei, hotur dar& Joueybb% , itIt a-Ilthek 0* . . . in -ftne" »s.cuutyl boe-Ing that v. lalpuiamnha-and eUhpotilitla meeF. AI STe 4" « am laniai e tbe As ch - L .f f outs -d« 0Gemaieoud oct b. ithia a de ay.m-tlof ama roui>'for ibua, vhil. ~4- bg t I an.i d.m in allr onset- bektO1col bflt n MANMP'AOTUftg OF aidoaqie;rnath -qktyt ywèecadt Mdt S glorieor >'that Iis abatdel e s e m@M bam It wu5j ~ <niU escale mda i rnt ah sbavlng bean , cmofthe met ev.nlm, and w .r njiyi!ig r- sdis e instructions van givan,mo a ean Gr it effective lntheii earnIf breïldng ofettii. sngbr-zs A détail bad left th*. tort van deta-led ho pay particular atten- pover of thie id ma-n on the. pla-ne. ta vatir the. goverumoat herd oftilon te recspturing ani rounulag Up M In I'Carras Catmpaigne" OénsaaI Cn hormis ani mule. inthie nearby Platte the bord, a-ad otiers ver. instructei as M numents vrften: rivirieai st ehuard. Eliver>' hei.attack On the. camp.1Iesutimâat- 'On undy, uly11,158. ivason. va-a on hie test lu a moment, for bd thIiaa-uste number a-bout thlty, tihbnhg et going te tth. river tevwa-ton It vas lia-mi that a Panty of Sioux a-nd ther. fOrtY-tvo et us. Tie, oeey Woko vr my bornse vin 'Buffa-lo Bill' came Indianu a-i a-shued troma the cotten- ver. te creep op ho the sleeping In- [Description vood treiu, mhootlig, thouting a-ad dia-ns on foot and hi r.ady te iwork lu vaviug blaukets, a-ndieda stamPeded oen ondin. Tvinty,,b«ides the lieu- -a- berd et about 400 a-imais. Tii. Iu- tenant and myseif, ver, te charge on Correspondence bolIcited dia-na ha- i 111.4tvo cf the harders and horseback. The. rest vire te brlng np veunded .aaethir. Sons.etfthe herd the. nemalina- heorses, attack the herd- - rau for the corral, viiere they viee rs and round up the eutIre herd. Wî acutoed te ge for thi night, but the. atha-eked at break of dey, a- d the S ladiansget ava-y vith about 200 a-nIdviile schemé verlid wvil. The tiril I126) GeneseS uta-nted fer the. bluff@ souti ot the fort, lot yen surprieed wwheu ava-enel to - ,. AUl vaa exriténsnt, but a-s vas mi, mcci thein toc@. Nhne et them virae custei. I bi myvaý borse, *"014 sent te sheeepforever. Ma-ny ha-i hept Waukegan Buclalu Joe," nia-ratiba-nd anidvaa theI war herses nia-r thei. a-ndl. - ~~~moutedinlu hm. honia-le a recen- iiasatlIymountIng, they escaped ccii_________________ - bIssa-uc.a-nil note thie dire tk.u llnaeria pickil herses trom or band. vhlcii the Indiana ha- i dsa-ppeanei Âmong thîm vas oré cf my favorite -u- vltii the govrnument stock. va-r heomee, Powder Fa-ce, vhlcii on. Geniral William IH. Emony bal bis of thrni who prohably kney hi' bailO T C * buglen scuu<i tue "booha and sa-ilea," approprIa-ted for bis ovu use' anid by the tme I niturned 1-r lu- As accu as thi fight was Ovin a 1 I you are expeeting to ~- structîcus Ève ircopa cf cavalny ver. sa-w that ve bail capîîîrel aoine f build or use any building S busy sailIng up, geitiug their arma, their berd a-s veil a-s or own 1 say ammunition anud sorne supplies. On. thnt Powder Face was net vlth tbcm material, would be pleased conpa-ny-1, Flftb tnted States a-a-- but I recognized ihm haIf a mile avsy tO give you prices. Stock - alry-vere the flnît troopi saddiel andi bis rider heading for tlh is. Thi1 -rea-dy for thi ciase. Their officir, a ma-de me bot. and, knowiug tint and grades conisidered, 1 can yonng lieutenant by tue na-me cf Earl hIldana- oulil think othera- wri ýdo as well aS others. My D>. Thomas, nov Briga-ier (lenerail lwlug me, 1 dasahed afier them. ( - ~~Thoemas a-nil in commandl cf the le- Bucksklu Joe accu began te ga In, a ~ae r odad pie y- frei West Point, ful t ambition a-n emiot k illel the ouse ta-t a n i I dellghted te i. lu command-u in the a-b- va-s iding. alonga-il. cf Poviler 1Iea to show yon my stock ~~ .- ~~~or>' a-nilmyseIf ageed on thienecsisal he bual ma-unir the>' l-> r 5ailI&m ieo we as of qulck action, and, to the dellgbt cf vanneor, ridiug backva-ni, shoe 1'ci 41.mtmber, whether you - young Thiomas, hé vaa- edered vlth me vlth bis revolver. Povie this1 or not cail and get my troope as son as rea-ly voud folov. reugli aandiluls andhavlug a- ff t$reg -1 M ot him of hi# h oa-se- M dii o I t W . 'v d - h d f ~ W f l o . a t - a l o e n a r e e g i frc-t m - a F ou tu nIg lt! T rot! G a-flp " A ul ve ght t e carry, Joe .la a te w> ss I L u b r Y d lop math l a-n, but iiinet get a- a-ght I lept cloa-lug on theus, as ba-cl anidsaId: 'I II&Jieilthievillage. oet hi.Indiana, a-id the inaclus hOvei va-ut te it my lianod IF. S. EAD, Phopriétor U la ovria- idge, a-vay.£4mtiii river that tiiey ver. vheeplng it up ou the Fa-ce. Wien Ithbonght ft sur. Va-lley'.' We lia-i net seîen .tra-ilfon rai.. À ha-t wvs.caled te <lvi the ver. rldlng up ovin a- meuni a nome tirne. Tii.>' ai folloved au old »nfflng hormis a- netani Thomas con- Tue Ihuia-na fel, ti.ellne buile ouatom oftrta-llng along thie ridgi sulted me. Ris criera ver. te, follov tineugli both, a-nilvheii Pov Whan ln need of viiere vi ha-i diameuated ho crosa It a-a recapture the anima-le. I houd hea-hins> voiceslbe rau teui uni àolng ovinthe ia hggrOuni, 00 Thomnas I ceuli telov tue tra-il atwvbluylug,a-nil, viii o tD W A R tint tu>'oee ollovlsg thora vuld b. night If neceasar>'ani avalteil bis an- vhe ha-I hein orlenei ho fol oiRo visible from camp. (Jody'siles vas aver. "I vilfoflov yen, Mn. Ced>',a-a héhinI ie iy the Inutena-uOf te get around, beyoni a-nd htveen r va-s theuho do ne, a-ni liigo vbe- tunnete eamp In hlgb g then a-ndl the river. Me dhaiigid ever you propose" Afttr a abort nest, . enia lot cf dcii4 buffalo herses quickly ani veut on, ani I oock "Mout aniforva-ni"' wa-athie rIr, m ia- -nsorne fnesi antioPe . R I te the gallop for sevenal miles throngh a-id the. chas. va-s continuel. Dnnlng viti aecompanyîIg eppen n tSuc-rl the. deep sa-nil sudgot ¶0 tue tep oeathe i.night thie hIla-ns îpeatcdly don- 1a-nilcpin rat f a-In.g uc. s >o N Il.Aa P.Nikel.>'arved hon.Tueu- ég frein Syra wbieéhéobhm myo as u nreor for a-1 sImm Ur. No"tht.pie a buy* wu ML oe" dEtsd#,luet for s v m i uetvm stai 1 gîm- 1

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