CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1909, p. 4

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wil VOTRY 5l MU,, Wpe,O'psrty ticket b ly Unesent- mayor, H. B. ,a im ected by one Of the jarg- l4tO suthe istory Of thi SIo tataivote cast WUn 41é, lb.laget ever cast in the. vil- folowlng are the offciai fig- 7117 People& Ticket LHraetI . BEger, 266. ýGeo. F. Lynch, 259. ]IL IL Wels, 249. IP.Sdmnaebele, 246. orateo ta ail vacanfCY, One year. LbSt Faunker, 251. Ctizen" Ticket president. Daniel Lee, 117, geldon Mitchell 122. Itfel OWborne. 129. * <flauaton, 129. ~rutee ta l vacaliCy. one Yser. kAsUM Wieeier, 126. Graylak. Ir. a). ltterahnl wae reelected of a the vMlage bSardon the. tce.The reminder of tiac.k wstfetedad the trun- jutbfcic on th,. indepeiideft tiCk- The vote tollow: CittinnsTicket. liresmet of the village board. F., j. m. Paimer, 49; Bi. z. 4nispmfdnt Ticket <By Petition> rqgi&@M oarvillageboard. B. R. xialm 65. ; tuBt*ei, a elected. B. V. iHarvey, M., W. S mih 78; W. B. Parker, Peope* Ticket. (Br Petiin) ilwtee, j. IL Waghbuii, 44. RtookefiIiki'. ltb recuitiy in-Vr-Maed villas' '<otetlu«. PiDS G. Bah. lm Inde. - d« ýcanddate for Utoi eeVu oi« ehnry LU BardilOlm th* mimons -«M»peoplie a»pal" tcket. m the lb.village on--*Ta Pto,94*d Brvegter u Tii». TruLme, Ba~i I ousa .Tho-a Pauli (- lAny HamrIIr al15k, Theodbr e IF.ASan. n u G PUya& Whse iteCl. huni. Jr.t% 1« reludefof te YObM"e - #amkM alm&aunai Ie ~~~~'y &o ilgecak oe O Ua W te vile!.&~tohti s uMM Sgiseaure vasdeeated byr "Y«o et lu ta 67. The tollowlng Po>E ,rWs Vt wut selected vithiont OPPO FUIT , "il fo the Spri 1 r.- I. 1-. A pyeaijt, I. M. Amen. TnuaisO. Nelàan Pulent, George provui. George IL Webb. Treaaurr.nW. Y.'515<1er. Fox Lake. Tii. ldepcndent party de! eated the flga gEaiivere elected: -prealdet. Joh G. Brown. VUilg clerk, Gea. W. Kaeth. Trusteesa Alfred C. Born,. James 1laYek, Daniel LU Devine. Marîrngton. Tota vote 128. Nao oposition» Regular Ticket. PriMeut. Milea T. Lamey, 117. Village tretee«, ]EL J. lageschulte. 106. Geo. J. Huner, 112. WM Peters,115. Police magitrate. Amiett C. Line. 109.% Rtuesa Faut ln Coming In. IciUnie vere laut nght delvered la rgISd lre arder and before the ettIeiof six the people of Waulegali %»W Whbo vould be the nezt mayar, by @UN office bulletin, by telephons aMi hi papers thât awalted wth their modtions ntlithe. mayara vote wa n I WÀ lb. rtaut ver, certain. Oftlmli mportance ln the cUty ratuffl vers the SUN bulletins, vhli& as veli as being the most com- Olets were electrlcnily lighted ad aboyai up magifcentiy veli. in auc phape thnt they could b, rend acroas th sticat from. th. SUN office. Crowda e Womimeinse. <lovEsthat gathered lu front of tic Offl( o2le auj bel are other bal- IOW hoaria vere Immense anid realUT bot rebords- The treets ver. a rOt et ae. notio n ad noiae and tack *abi tut ielovathe, hum-nu tream, vu* mmilaiialht. Ibo IiUN'toimiabsi th. returni au <W4W m It wv ululhuman aid 10 am *tM a4" tsasmit them ta thc £UN 9111e% vbM e bbulietinvere pos anM two t*eigiOheo vere lept b-oy. Thie SUN al»so UaPpllethe Scwartz a"i B&rs1ao theaters vii 9 Ladies' $5 Tan CoverL Coats, spe- cul"thisaleat d3.9 We have divided, these garments into four sep*ate lots which offers 'o the widest possible range from which you may make your préférence. Thé prices for these difrent garmett are - $9.95 $1195 $14095 $22.50 Hundredi of Beautiu Walsts, worth a thfrd more, assorted into 7 iots. For our advance May event, we place on sale 7 great assortînents of Lawui, Lingerie, Taior- ed and Frenchi Embroidered Waists. See our two large Genesee street windows with their wonderful values. $3.50,, $2.98, $1.98, $1.50, $1.25,. and.................. 49c. At $&98 woffer you ovS a doua modela which represent the newus Sklrts. Panama, Chiffon Panama and Voile Skirts, in ail wool fabrica. The colorings are ail in the seasons newest shades. The styles are the newest-as to the tailoring and fuliness it i ail that could be desired.49r Great values at ................. 9 A Great Sale of Reba u icontliued Open stock Chhui-The Prices are About Hif> Fancy= chnadd- pieces, discontinued as well as regular open MtOck patterns, also comi piltedinersets. iWmndreds of pieces froxa which you mariaeyu peeec although the quantity is exceedingly small. tud1e t2.100 PlAc Dinner Set, $&95. » EOwi, 2ic. god las um-The regular price of this heautiful gold 12inlMixing pecial while sud white floral decorated one hundred Bowls, regular 40e utel sst Studa piece dinner set was $10.00. We offer it s salel in eah .....2 C during this advance May sale 6.95 at ......... p ew Reoros Why Open Stock Chinavare Offers Âdvantages. 54 Piece Open St~ock Dinner Sets at $7.48 and $B.W. Open stock ware offers many advantages over the regular sets-in the first place when we use the terra "Open Stock" we mean a pattern that is carried by us ýear after year, the advantages froni purehasing froni this Open Stock are at once apparent. Fhst: If you do not care to purchase a complete set at one tixne you ean extend the period of, your set over. any length of time, again if you should acidentaily break any part of your set, (a thing wbich often occurs) you eau renew it without delay. We continuaily carry a~ numaber of these open stock patterns and as a specWa for the next week offer you three styles of 54 piece dinner sets froxa this ware at $7.48 & $M. setPea . ....35c 54 piece Chinaware sets. 7.48 Violet Vuses ... 25 Natturtlum 54 pice Chinaware sets. 8.50 VamseCam Me Wash Goods'and Dress Goods at Great Price SaýriDg Included in these vast assortmnents will bc found INIA LINONS from 1 Oc. to 35c per yard; PERSIAN LAWN of dme fin- est quality at l8c, 25c, 35c, 39c, 45cand 75c, PEARLIN LAWIN, a soft mer- cerized material of the higbest ordur, FRENCH LAWNSPDMXT T. TED and FANCY SWISS, A HA; NAINSOOK, LONG T DesLinen 50c to 1.35, Linen finlshid Dress Ksmet and Bengal. soc Plaids Sec Saltingi MON mw 25c 25c 122C A splendid value, blue aud white din- erplates,a big value at A ertect Form for Every FIjure,.Nature's Rival A Pefect Porm for Evorgur. NÂTURALEW L Nature'aRivaI wi be privately de- monstrated on request in the) corset section. No. 414 Royal Worcester Cor- sets, short hip batiste, regu].ar $1.00, at.............. 75 No. 468 Nursing Corsets, $1.-00 value, at............ . 7 No. 430, American Lady cor- set, $1.50 value, at ...... 98 / No. 888 Bon Ton Corset, $3.00 valne, at . ............ $1.98 Boyis Blouse Walns and Roniper Play Suits, ail sizes, this sale2 c a t...i............ Departrnent stores have >corne and *goneè but we are sure that thé reput- ~. ation we have founded k upon the p@t Q6 yers wviI1 mean more to vou than promises. _Quality and price are two elem- ents'that enter into ci- M vtransation. Ladies' -Summer 114 Splendid regular Unes as well Summer Weight Underwear àl Ladies' Drawer Ladies' Vests, Union Suits, - .11 colora at 50c and 25C Ladies Hose ini"Out" Sises. Wc carry a complete line of ladies black and tan hose in "Out" sizes. SHOES FOR. SPRING AND SU Complete Line of Queen Quality Oxfords and 81 and Oxfords, 7 $2.00 to. ..7 c Babies Soft Sole Shoes with colored tops, 75c 5 C and. .. ..50 Pumps at $1.75. Tan, one strap Punps, in a eomplete âne of sizes, splen- ffid values at the 1.75 price............ Pmpa ad Qfords at $200 Oxfords at $3.00. One strap, tan and patent Patent with brown to] leather Purnps and Oxfords, ihrcee yclet lace and but a large assortment 0200 and black Suede styles at....... oxfords, ail styles a3e 45c Floq', Bruh, .25c. They Mo< io aie* N.ot xil fit any mop handie, no retain Tra eles' runis nd ruses t eed to get down on your Special 45e value........25~c cui 15c Pails,,10c. Ten-quart size, tin, with clear n Strength, .compactness, as well as looks a wire bail aud hard maple handle. ins58 is foremoist ini the mid of the purchaser While they last, each ...........i Oc il when selecting a trunk or big. -. Hundreds 22c Rining Pans, 10c. Large size, of rukaiBgs,-u-'Ase an'Lee- 1 (21qart ti4 r-sig.t.sspeia copes from which to select. Trunk,up suit Osse, up !Lâofsl klnds d1 ur ti sal panse t e lc lasnt..................y 2O)th Century Waher, 39c. Forces the steani and hot water through the clothes, removes the dirt with ease .............ý3 C Wash Boiliers, $135.. Made with a copper bottoni and an extra lugh copper rim, big value, 13 while they last......13 p Handi a good sim ifor Satu in Stretch material b splendid v I1 heN Hlif Pl One ' Several fortunate purchase enabls us to offer you these charm*- ing models at these prices. In âddition to this we have in cludcd, our entire regular ready-to.wçar stock which- embracestlS "Printzess" unre comprising ail of this seasons famous garments including the famous "Blile Burke" coats and stiits.

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