CQUNY UNDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY Wo ?I*plo No. 1. F&litor's Residence Teephone No. 1141. LlbertrvUte Exeh..ge B.i.red st the PSoe et on.5 beryvtllBI0.. "asSecond 0C i... ater ». I M 5KLY ADVERTISIIiG R&TMB M05 K!OWN O0S APPLICATlOIS Ip5OIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLV IN AOVANCE e.SK . JUST-................................................................. Editor M . %ELLEY ...... .....................................City Editor FRIDAY, APRIL 23. 1909. .y Notwtisstanding thse tact that about go per cent of thse leading papers of3 couantry have dectared for free lumber tise House cf Repreantatives hasà Y~ asdta keep a tarif! 0f $1 on rough finisised lumber, ha* teft the discimina. linbetween tise two greater than i the Dngley Iaw. Most rougis lumber as imported by manufacturera.L Counsumera buy flnisised lumber, which tise tariff excludes.t Ilt may lie, therefore. tisat tise cffect of tise Payne bill wiII be ta give tihet >mWsturer more of a cincis than ever ons the consumer. - n ny avent there la but amail promise In tise Payne bill rates of anyc reduction in tise pressure on tise domestic forests.0 If tise rates oin finished lumber were reduced 50 par cent-these ame as ono jlugis.-tise bulli wuld be a satiafactory compromise.p tinslicir of thse Seciate. The lobby expecta to accamplishis t purpose by tise Bat'tise lumber lobby sa now planning to restoe atise Dingley rates on0 mm eneslinthse senate that t used In tise housIn defeatln free lumber,d vi..1TRADES." l Ma.sclwsette a sfroeelumber state, ses nOhio. Preuan ld public in boUs cases densand tec. lumber, tise Ohio legslature memorai edcongres. éfssli but mont of tise representatives of tisane states sacriflcad frues lun*uerd fu~r s.etiusgse-free iideaiigis waol, iigis barley, etc. Smil*lry tiseb IliMea delegatlan ta a large extent misrepresented ita people. Only two (ffla republicans. aone Massachsusetts republican and six tram Illinois voted lhLt A soaud froc lunsier delegation f rom any of tises. sate wouîd ia# -o. the day. Similar tradea will bc made in tise sente--or at least at- te-fl AS THERE IS NO GREAT BUSINESS INTEREST TO FIGHT FOR FREE 1,UPBER, IT 15 THE EABYVICTIM 0F BUSINESS INTEREST TRADES. TMIE INDIVIDUAL WITH THE PRESSING PRIVATE INTEREST WINS OVER THE PUBLIC WITH THE WIDELV DISTRIBUTED GENERAL IN- TEREST. TH4E QUESTION NOW [S WHETHER THE ACTIVE LUMBER LOBBY d'AuRe AT WASHINGTON OR THE MILLIONS 0F PLAIN PEOPLE AT MOUWE ARE To DICTATE THE TARIFF RATES ON LUMBER. OFFlCIALS AND THEIR BUSINESS INTERESTS. (From Ciicago Coal Dealers Association.) Sellers tise end of tise preserit week 5M00 letters demandine passage 0l the Fleldatmcl bill regulatung tihe taxing bodies of Cook caunty wuii bc sent to ipetugsld& From every important city In tise aate have corne assurances ItIhe busines inteperts generally recognuzed tise fairnesof tise Chicago dessaad tisat tate [egilatars generally are belng urged ta support tise Ths Fieldstack bill proiibits ail measbers of taxing bodies in counties of1 loin laniscitaitsafra. engsaging in any business ikely te prejudice -$W*astieus s.benee oftise tsxing bodies. Ovri stats support for tise bill 4,lpoestd fgeoceinites of populatiaon nase cîa.ey approacising tise limit net.1 $Ososlssand miiuumfacturera of Peorla, apringileli, Roclfard. Bîaomingtcss,9 «»iCCI4OttasesLals, Stresta" ad .Oict art 6speCIA111Y active in support et thse peluelplis o eisellI. Thae wiSlîl e ne more large bodies af cool mercisants sent ta Ipringllei iléb ohf eth@tisdsire bblîl. Tii Chiscaga Goal Desîsta' Association ls atie- tg tit tise legieltors ofthtie state sisould already le coavtnced tisat tise 'nàg es mtures aIn line wltispublic poicy, and îa ld e paasend as à laetleaste mercisants la aIl lassesoaitrade. en active consmitte., isow- 4»w, iif go te Sprinsgfid te wstcls devsîopments tiis week. WhisII.thse ceni deriers' srganlstiofl, as suais. la net psaklng a personal "M" mun *y asiniler of tise'booM «airevi nChicago indviduel members SI he»soelations are ebigI lrineing forth tacts from thier busintes s sowing î; rFred W. l.pham's cOuseeri, tise Cty Ful Comanay, sa grewlng ln ý,0 l tuthse Ohîaffl cooI trade . Nulisraus'Instances have been canedla iO Ç41y seseany blias ssured coal contracta f.rouiscorporation.s isose "ýI11 IVoie ua»q»Uaty eut dosen by tise rsvlswling bard af seicis Mr Up- tifiIe. Mkwell Edgar, attorney fer ts. Illinos Tax Roforu Association, -~slte. r tpissin lotre tbe revenue ceusimttes et Springfild Ilet uhei ofsre tax and IMprovemsent «»sasetians ln Chiscago have dis. tIse dlseigi euree affeetî.g tise reviommrs.Reeeutlons la suppflor th ie M lakbîfihave banni paseend, endi ecretarle ot tise associations la- i ile awvrite te tise Citaa le gisiators demanding thier support forth!@s 'Vie sstroveaey avoir Mr. Upisama businons affars hain leen tise cause cf à slt.ieuramon sai oaî n. Tise Black Olanond, lesding coal trade .fSi5p 4< tise weet, la suppotIng tise Chisicgo meonla tisir demande. In ItW leuihsg edîtortal this week tise paper sys It la tîme for reforisilogielatlon. ogy4 lthoerae sio..d b. s "fait fild and an open figit, ad comipetition sisoulai Mt t eput ilacsocsa" Cosl prsduclng conspanles of Illinos sre watchisng the outcome cf tise Utrugle iLS tgreat Interst. Tise Chicaga situatiannises alroady hssai sricua siletflan mIne merchsandising, andi unlesa change ln Intitutea tisis disturis- ancs of trade sfisaeja certain ta increaie during tise presnat year. PIJPILS114CENSED AT PRIN~CIPAL BUGG ÂAthse culmilnation to a thîtlling climez lu tht affaira of the Libetyt ville higi s siool Frlday ooînlut h'iii- cipel Bugg, ours bt-fus-e lui telime liglit fer au alleg-d stt f o<sshîîsn raIes for is teacicris, ispleared btfoie thse teacisers and sudeutsofe the- LiI- ertysille high sehool ad sud aind te bave tenderesi hsîology te ail for lits r4iurted actaosuf Frlday h', v ie 1- s saiS ta hase broken up a zoelsbeioie dalm meting aud "ialled" a teachs-i them. Tses-e ara inmos,tiat they eVen had a rope utrung os-tr a tret- tu the ishool yard. THESE MAY WED. F. lIoîssherg, Chicago, 21;-%Iartha \hssss 18. I'. Khorii. 1<snosiha, 2",; NîleiZokro- s-lt, 21. (hoe or,\, OuiPol. 2Perl'a hEflza Shiels-Id. Il. NV 2oissg N l.mi.2; Fîanvem - ol(,y, 33. E~dward P. hCap,('hilsos, - WI la MI, tovell, HighlandI l'ail. 2. Oscar Johusfoii, 31); Tilla SuuI solit, 23. Gaspaymr'sVlhulyn, I'ha .25; ýbetffl her studeutb for peritttnlu(tue'Mas-y Nlashysh, 23. uetit. Adamn Wabl, (hIhiago, 17; Ana Accordlng te tht- stoiy tbld Miss Vuuish, 37. Cs W. sitant principal of tht- A. J. Deliiîeln, 26, Wauconda; Arinis sebal. gare thse sopisomores permis- sM. Stoffel, 20. alrate halai Ueir clans meeting lu Getorge H. Mans, 37; Auna Hauk, 29. 4be batsny tabarator>', and sooti aftr- Eloie Bacite, Chiîcago, 21; Hilton A. *wda the principal Eas.ked Into tht- Adams. 40. »qtaaskiug by wviose permiasion Charle-asoller, 33; Anna Canthes-, issid. 31. .ov.toiS. ILtla saed, sud orderesi Swan Swanaon, Lake Forest, 21; ,q.atuffltu te theirromrnatissa caîl- Louse Pearson, Chicago, 21. U aer hefore Use cîas an d R, C. Basdtck, Milwaukee, 24; Fier- bec strongi>'. t la sald, ln eive ('olloîsv. 23. pste Seclaring Uat ho vauîd W, A. Logan, New- Yorks City, 30); ïý»«tonbIs ovu Jois hock for $200 ILouise Bî-îgîîssu 2,5. *tlttal a yssr next year. Oto"l» 5tbered at tise atreet cor- Koon Bras. Dissolve. wM~ oi vasont. farred ini Koon lit s. dlesolves i lattn,lilli - satbseaaed ta jeer and hoat Arthsur Kîson will f rîm tis date carry ho e i peased, declsrlng that on tisa business, ansd put it on a lilgieat Schs.rms CaLer ta tise p-isie standard. H e viii osmose ta tise Sseidan tarm Ma>' Ist. One aoflts- muet ultaisle pince for businesis of tii 3IanimaJ mbeir>'liaite disperse "i itaeoblan. Mme. Tisoma H. William. %« Biglev' vas bora neerLlncolnton,' N.C. Sept. 5, 1848; died la Lincoln, Nei.. Ma;&j"q Witis ber parentsab@lsmored to ansuk. gam, fil., ln tise fan cf 18«3. In 1876, &au. 6, aise maresTisas. B. William,, af Warren, Lehe coeaty, DLu rera yeara Iater absmored i vilsber huabenai ta Plat. Center, Nsb. sud enggeai lu farming. Durlng tiseLest egityesr ber home bas been in Liocala, lIcs, visere ber isabanai hae isen superiaten- dent of the tate , me i use. She livesi tu t-e tûeir chidron grov ta wornenhood and meohoosi. Tht-y are: Artisur C,., of Wînuide. Neb.; Mr@. E. A. 8cyder, John L., Tsmas E., George F, Esiward J. and tiesie Ml. oi Liucoluý About tlsree a-et. pres'loua ctu ber d.-ath litrhufsbanss, visa waiu erer thîsuglitful. advlseýd ber golng ta aa lisîsti iere aile nigistrostanusirecels'. useloitreatrnent, ionna snss f-ber fssrssly riuitlng berdâIly'. lriday, Marcis 2é5, *.h.viebesi to return tW ler borne suylng lier Lorltîs vas better. Returde>' eh.. arranget ta bas-e ber chilsiren uieni tibada>' et lier làujne as ber happîsst seusuuîcts a-aore vben aurrouinded hlb>'ler riilrvt. On retirlng Saturda>' night abs- rsîustëd ber lsuaibaud cati lier eari>' in tise ilorning. About ix a. M. Mr, WAilliâtus aros»e golaug ta uer aboyut an tiOr ltir trtu eW&kea bier, ho touud ber Savisîr fad cajîssi ta avake boyousd tise riv-er t hsre sise'i lmbe alting to meet 4isr luar ,sueso and where tise y'Il naver say gosîd bye. fil bal! been bUrdesre thast wli.ntisis sartisl>' aparation camue lift niglt itsusvt Isltti. euferlug sud fr(ji al aigmrifl ise panes eaa'lau 81ie untiesi viti tise bM. E. ubureisIn uarly va.nisoodsMd wvA a ilthful naiser tbrougisfils,, Bise vasburieai la l'inioli. Dr. I. y. Rorneisofilated. May leautifnl florai trtbutesof lorsansd affection w«"e place uoatise mcue by lber faudrul>'and 0vefred. Tuas deceaed ai oas Ineliaou onth# old plauk road an visat;la kfovs s lthe Ilge arsausînai lied Iaydultus la Laike aonot>'andi Libprtylile. Ob@s S a siater of F. J, Bigle>' io nu v teldem l Pllars, Texas. MethlosiServie«s, l'îs-sîîlIhilly tIse prAtor &IL 10:151, Two uîs -hauui' is S n uidayocboolicsit u1es-Isut Isis. 'beJunIorm galber et 3:110- Mri. Levier vii lsad t lttiri- tIssia is) uîetllic of tise E0 ortiî Legite il t I: 1. A t 7:31>0lths ;wF.11ow. bala theioir Is-t amvrss'srvIce in th# <'hors-hi san(] tIi.aidres vitii b.gironb>' Mar. < llarier. grand ropreseutatîve frui 'uS'iscosîru.1 Now cornes the eason wben the small boy. Peers through the knot hole wlth great joy. . K. Orvis, tise MWuksgsu attomu*r, wain tise rtllgon businses MIondes. Ed McCormick lIdt lestldnadey for Lexington, Ky.., vis ereh la charge of severai hormibelouglag to tise Gratton Stock paria. E. S. Keeley vwu llet veeêpromlbed ta thse poeitlon et fourth vioepreedent of the C. bd &P. S.lB. R. He lires in Liberty ville durlng tise sumnhe. Leanessai; dorer, tiunotby alWfaeea. HupiELrunriECo. 29-2 Furuiturs 'ai entire bouse for sale; aiea 2 pielsoa. Cen ho sceu from Al 24 te M" lnt tbouse norts a-ettcorner of Milw-aukee avenue and Park avenue, Libertyvllle, R. Wý STAFFORD. Ali pereosaeowi53gfor care ai lot@ lu Lakeoide cemetery a-ili pleese settie by Mav firet or they will be dropped fram tise ist Pey taUm imogene Scbafick, treaurer. L&kmmSi CENIETExT AseN. Thse Ladiee' Aid Society oi tise M. E. chutreh is iihold a bakers sale in tise offi-e ai the North Shore as Comspany next Saturde>' efternoon. Ail kinde of home-made bakery tisings et reeanflable prios. Arnericeos Stars of Equit>' tae notice,' aur neit meeting yIUb. lseld on Tisure day evening, April 29, instead of Wédnes- day es-ening, April 28. Pleet>' of vork. Corne. X. D. HUresAtm, PI-es. Mitchll. Militsry Rand W 1ii gire tiai Onrt open air concert on Tag Day, Batur- day es-ening. May' 1. Tiseïr concrta vii ho well vorts hearlug this siumnieresad tise à rot of Lise >ear should drev a large erovai. Our local union in invited to, meet wits the North Shsore Federated W. C T. C. et Lake Foreat, Tuesday, April 27 et tise home of Mr%- E. C. Wells. Mn. E. C. Wells viii addree tise meeting. eubject. 'Abstinence for tise Sake of Othera.- We wiii beave on tise 1.37 car. lInvitation8 veto issue-silat Saturdav annouuiug tise uarriage of Miss Basge Young and tir. E. C. Crane, 'Saturday. May' let at eigist osý loek. The>' viii ue at home alter Jue1 on South Park aveanue.where a beautitulcottage i.' being turnishesi for their oscupaucsx It baë been expected for somue tirne past tbs't sus-h a tiing migist hatspen aud their many fris-nd@ are i-uady to extend moaI bearty congratlatiuna. MIr. andi Uir. F. S. Kern a-bile enjoying a supin in Albert Luehtfeldso runabout last Saturda>' elternoan s-ollided viti a sr at the Milwaukee avenue croeeing. Tise automobile we traveling alowly andi was almost stopped wben it struck a iligi depression in tise road and rollesi siovl>' egainet thse siaofate car whcs was eppronching et slow epeed. Tise runabout vas pusised to one aide, tihe rediator being hadl>' mabed and tise front wh" lsbout an tise axle. Tise oncupanta of tise car had a moet narrow omape. BystaDdera beld their breatis tiseir imagination@ caajuring up avem ofa eterrible arc"djt eund macis biod- 1oged but tise speod vas go slow that tise merry, motoristo vers acareel>' eveh, shaken up. "Ail'@ veli that ends vell." Foster Keiner. eged fltesa, tiseyoing. est @on of Mm. Aunse Ker,cctdssstally abat iilueitbrough tise ssauldar lu! Sund"ay aternoon. He vas ana ai severai pbo o vsaiau a s to, the fawnm fata o hut =atersettina outof the boat he toch a shot M by tSe@ munile pullng hl oyade taitI tronc the boat. He dldn't kisov Il vmasioiabut lq @asctmner t9 trww enngts "thecharge veult OH t"ln eufl n he riht boder.Tise g»a wugscloe th"il iusmea tins flash. Thse vouaI le a MeV>' oebut not serions. Dr. Taylor tUeate s.oy sud la order ta avalid au> compllaloe St tCbeugofor antl-tenusmerum ho eci Monde>'. Tse pâtigSm lei gettin<)laug nively,'andsud asabi. to lie out Tnsda. The fLshermau in lake brook Will soon bot busy with and hook. ,Great!l You eau1 catch the beet goods made in 'Our store. Our linso! Tailor Made CLOTIIING -lands particular peo- and ple every turne. Why not hook on to one of lins our suita today? It means satisfaction. E. W.- PARKH4URST Schank Bloc, Ubertyville 71 ' State orhUIios, Count>' of Lake, se.; In tse Circuit Court af Lake Caun- ty, Minute K. Smith va Joseph Marri- se>', John RL Fulton, as Trustes. George R. Lyon. William L Lyon, snd Charles R. Lyon, c-partners ln busi- ness as G. R. Lyon & Bais.. (In. No. 41756Billitu foreclone. public notice la hereby glrsu that by virtue of an order sud Secre u- t.ered la tise above eutltled ceuse lu aald Circuit Court at the Marcks Terni X. -D. 1*9, thereaf, thse*udeUelnd. speclal Mater lu Chances>' of sai Court, viii, ou Tuesda>' thse 8th day af May' A. D. 1909 et thse hour ofonee a dJock lu tise atteron of «Z siSday et Use Esat Main door of thse Court Hanse In tise City' of Waukegan, lu Use Coasty of Lake sad State of Illi- nois, belti etpulblc vendus ta thse bIgiseet snd ist bidaier for casý h, e !allowing descrlbed land sud real es- tate, ta-vit: Lots Thlrty-one (31), Tlrty-two (32) sud Thlrty-three (33) Is Block Forty-nlne (49) In South Waukegeu, Blocks Tblrty (30) to 1iorty-nine (49), bath Incluislve. betng a subdivision cf tise soutis al! of tise soutis veat quar- ter of tise nouth etast quarter of sec- tion thIsuty-t-o (02) In Tovnshlp For- ty-ff va (45) North, of Range Tweîve (12) East of <bu' Thîrd Principal Mer- Idlan, a plat of shîcis subdivision vas filed for ri-cord tn the Office a! Use Re- corder et lÀis- Connty, Illinois on Alîri 13, 1892. In Book C cf Platsaie Pages 16 ansd 17, situated lau the Coun- t>' of lake suad State of Illinois. Dutesi April Ictis A. D. 1909. 29.4 WILLIAM F. WEISS, Svs-clai Muter In tisancery. Any lay rentie-r ai ibiA paper viii rs.-eoi vp(sn roîsss..f. ae lever "No-Drp" oliSse Strairusr GCoupon prirîloge front D)r. 8hoisis it"u-ns, Wls..fitla sucer- plstesi, ver>' prstty sud posîtlvel>' p reventa ail drlpplng oi tee or collse. Tiseflotut seunils k, vith is bsnea-ires book on "Ils.altiu Cotise" sîmpi>' ta introsinca thtjl. -lver subtituts for real cotise. Dr. lfiîoop'a BeeJti Cotise le e iuingiltogrijati)opulvit. because of: ralia extquisSe teste sud Saror; second, ils aluoilute issetlelsee thîrd, ,ta eeOuouuy-5)ýlb f250; lourtis, 1lis courvees. Nu teilons 20 ta 80 min- utes bolllag. Mmd. hl à minows' »y$ Dr. 8boop, Try it at your groWe, for eplngent surprise. CORLXTT à FREOEIICSO. Tishe anu, of the Librtg'vUle u"Temnple oi Fame" vaai) wld sud fatremcin it t vWas Isoduceai lu Wankegau Inet F<rIday Pevuusng nt tise (loovràtianel cisure iti l t4h, assistanceS of Lberty- ville talent,,l. 'isoe trom Llbert>'vllle a-ho toot part secte: Uts. Frank aH. lugt, M ro. Fîsîrit P. lurssud , ILM.A. Pratino, Frank la ea. su d Artbur Miller visa tok Ille sainsecarite &bad et thse Unionu 'burcli. 1rm.J., e aGuffiu aigo Amsstil la diratng thée tSt. Scisool Treasurera Report. SAMMU laslneni lor tPublieation ai remelu MAdsxpemdascssofitowuuskup anddàtttiac unds bit fsneoftotavshi No. 44. rangs No. -U. tata r Iae lluinois. tuilas the noce esar bel A I15 mMd uading April &511109. taecol ii.ehaul ~ ascaimr. Osso b c asal etngiof tai csetar (Ags, L, Ibeo .lg aPrincipa 0"M&nIM sitbeehshsofai scal tsar. al ibtm........ .......... 87 fealai -l....... $4 Tot allE ln.............s-......... . m2 laie ai setaciscapebrt 1 Tressa and s4ai iher tof fthipm17M22 Tnhtiaulu.............276 ..0 NS... 41076 r ý « dtst. N O. 08 .... 274u 57 ds$. No > 6..... 4M 89 diit. No. 74,..-4M5 21 di.t. No. 76 ... 747 86 Treamurer , 41. .No. 75. ...719 68 Total eependhsre,.. $ 1Z745 94 Cash balane on bandâtI dte (Atol 5, 1909) .......8 2M 01I Total. XPelure,.. baie and balace........ ...... 11%0009 I do berobyceortiflr tise oregong eport Wsbu. correct, secording tote 2e braiof SOI issowidge .bsd beliel. W. C. TRIGGS, Treu.orîr Sworn tsu and ssb.rtted befors me. tht. 121h deyt01 Atoll, A. D. 1l0, GORGE H. WISNE 11,Justea of thesecas-e. LEBLIE P. ISANNA, Atere> erE.cPr Adjudication Ntice. FuibllcNotice i herobs given tisai the But serhbetao aecutrlcesof 1tise ant WUI usnd Te.ti baf5bin Oiol.. decesaed,.111l attend th la or 'ofoâs ae Count, ait a*frns ibrec te e olen t heCourt Houssa ln Waoketai lusii1 ututs frati Monday aI Juise, nex isc whn aJ wuer aiIereaus, bain, eSais &galni sd Ctai te r o uoied and eequestedt isteast tise sane tu aaid Court for adlodlcatioi FLORENCE BSTO URTIS! xe1 rlo OPIIELIA ALBERTA STOZfEect" e Waukegas, Match 29, IMl. 27-4 'b- se t. mi Pence Tsik. Tise ecomical feues iuyer looko ut tise bating qualitse of a feuce. Tise Page FeoneCo, bas fone u unluthin lacalit>' 10 yefle ssatii goo , compare It vils .1eesp loes cl> up 4 years. Tise Paela a vorelufnern;s1colsdséprins -ve5r --au ss6 Ce'eoneead ou lrela=Lak! Agt. Pisons Libertyvie 8. 2-. llheuratie poison. are quickl>' and aurai>' aiiven ont aifLise bloosi 'aith Dr. Sbooplu 'Eheumatie Remedy-liquid ar tobetform. Dr. Shoopos booklet on rie iu& sn pletiy >'ansi bntereotlaugiy telle just boy Ibis la dans. Tell Ioms snferer af tiisbook, cor botter stili, write Dr. soop,.Racine, Win., for tise bsook said gros test eopleis. Sensi no mne>'. Juat loin vIth Dr. Sisoop ansi give tome outierer a piflaant aurprise. .ALL DEALERS. Moline and Oliver Plows Sprlng Tooth. Lever and Dise Harrows I Wagons and Trucks Buggies and Milk Wagons [ALL G(00DM THE BEST OF IBEIR KIND] H. LB EQER - 'a-,w z . cWww. ÇWURW F- It'a stÏed1 Our season ilail the year 'round. People demand our line of S1LVERWARE day in and day ont. Because lt's good. Nowhere better. One trial wm lsIIow you wHY. Why not today? UBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Libertyville Luffbe>rCoffpany _SLCCESSIIORS TO THE Emmofis-Mercer Lilifber Complanly Just a change in thti naine, that's ail. The Mautagernent and Location of our buisiness romains the saine. Cali, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exch.ange You wl find us relady and waiting to serve to the best of our ability. We invite continued patronage and new business., Libertyville Lilifber Companly E. A. flISHOP, M.&NAOER. * SPRING CLOTHES I The first turne you put oit a new suit of clothes 0 there la nothlng that gives more satisfaction than * to feelthat lasall wool. 1"ALI wool and ayard wIde" would be the correct expression [n the 7eracuar.Good cloth makea good clothes and * the trouble men experience these days in buying 0 * clothes la gettlng what they pay for. There la 0 o much shoddy goods on the market that when * you buy a ready-made or made-to-meaznre suit* o! clotheâ your chance of getting the real thlng* * la pretty slim. When you go to, a tallor you es Sthe goods in the boît and his word ls botter than Sthe bond of a mail order houe. jFred Croker .dDRAER * Libertyville, 111.o Morses For Sale. Mountajui Meadow Stock Farta, one and one-haif - miles uorth of Wauconda, lllînois, bas conatantly on haud and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of aIl classes of horses, suitable for the road and ail farmu work, ex=re9 and (draft, uuseful snd serviceayle, trom hioo toe6o pounds. Pricea 58o.oo to 5200.00. No plurs Corne te Mountais Meadow and see the borses Io.., on the farni. AUl accliusated and avoid risk of sieknesa. Ail guarauteed on delivery as represented. COL. f. J. BERRY ELGINRAER Lakeside Butter ls made of pure cream, front se- .1 lected dairies lu the Elgin district. Purity and weight r guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, I1W