CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1909, p. 8

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LÂkE 0< "a,- [Cacsrltgb.iSlib>' AmeriCan Pra. Amma- Ciatun] Trb. cas of Peter Luaber was caled. Thse Judge unvlng aSied blii»If lie hnd employed coun6el and recelvlng the ru- ply that lie lad not, appouted a recent grmluate et an estern law achool te defend hlm. Lusher, R cowhoy, was charged wth baving ired a sht at the conductor or a frelglit train wth latent to kil. Tihe cetýductor hut put lm off the train. pamegera flot beng carrled on freiglit trains. Whle the conductor was llmbtng back on to a car Lusher 'Éred thse îlot. A brakuman came up behlnd hlm and heid lmu tilt ethur em- ployees ofthîe rond gathéred round, tenir hlm ln charge and nt the next towi turnud hlm over te the police. Aaeilier cowboy, Sliattuck. a pal of LuAber, was on a rear car of the carme train. He testified tInt lieand JLushar wre traveling tegether; that tisey were accustomed to travel on freiglit trains; that on u m occasions tic>' usuali>' separated lu ordur tu at- tract leus attention, and thât If oee Were put off a train the ther fired a miot fromt i revolver as a signa of tii. tact toi the other, w ho then left the' train. Lnsher, hacked hy this testi- zmn>' clalmed that Instead ef shoot- log wth latent to Injure the conductor be wa merey l>'gvlng the nana] signal to sliattnèkL. Who was on one of the rear cars. There was neone ln court. lncludlng the prsoner'a ceunsel, Who did flot couslaler tiIs piua very farfeloîed. Tbe cane looked bad for Lsier, for If cefvl(ted of trylng te LI the con- ductor lic could not hope for a les mentenre tlion fie yenrs ut lbard labor iu the penltentiary. When the jury was about to retire the prisoner said ta the judge: "Vour honor. do"e an>' one yere thlnk that I've bren goiei around wtb two revolvers at my lips for ten yuars for nthin*. OYe suppose i couid't bit the man's body If i waated te? Al I w&k la for the court te lie adjourned oeudude and l'Il show what temteeolery ths yere trial W51 lThe v as aomethlng mo convucing la dhiiiargumnent judgea d- jowned lthe. court. and Judge. atter- uffm, Jury and apectat. IIgbtlug ci- gars. veut out ite thecoutrtisouns.yard toaM uot wby tise cowboy mlsed the candutor. The. prlmosaer'm pal, Siituck. connut- ed 10 b *bot ut. Lualer borrowed Ia qouter ftramthe. Jsdge, insertluglils lower-edge beween hliiifriuh'n thub sad torefiuger. alood off tweuty Pace% a" mnt the coin splannng lu the air vithout bruging a drop et lood te Shattuck's fingem ThPle coin bappeued te anai thtie felet f1he Judge. via pkaed It Up amd. oticlug ls battered apperance, remarked îudIbly: 'By tlsunderr' Lusher nît procured a threedad.d tylag a veaI teuone endoftfil, put tlh other end lu Sbatluck' baud, vie heM the. ut su.pnded. Luaufer walk- ed awy troam hWmmark, CQUWJBUg ortY pO turaad and bit oremtii. pecta- tas r. leli ltsat hohad arnaS hi Piatal racad the. ut. lIevute mone exclamtt.m. Lim- ortbetii.lda utatot t ted sud fteus tic mine ditue. aà h. baS eek te th 0 ut eut the tireed aI lie " hum tlima Itbegau ta looak Miif, bal Luh.r beau viudei. toward tii c0audcter. h.oculd hae eut Olt au tan. darkened an eye or put a baill tiroagis the. enter oe hm iart wth- out hait trylng. '8Borneoui auggeted as muc. #ut Luahîr declared lif ho wvas te b vludicated i. vmted lth. vindlcatien tu h. atiatcr> and 'pro- ceçded wtli the exhiitioen. Borrow- lI ga liutng valci frem a juryman, ha epenud th case, whh as ighl>' poltshed nd would *r'e for a ta- fis-utc:. P1' r r) le ii heak ln the bark of a lice about twe Inchus sn dl- ameter. Be walked tweuty paces trom Il and, stilI keeplng bls back toward It. cauglit the targets rellectIon ln the wateh cas,tired (ver lits shouldur and put a balet la the lmprovlsud mark. At tiis the 8pectators crled, "Acqut hlm!" Th(- judgc ordered the jury hack lto thie ceurtroon, and ns thu>' were iroceedlng thither the prîsouer eut a boei eluctitofthetr bats viti- out sratch ug a bond. "You luit that.' crled the foreman angril>'. *or youil get ton yearsr' Whou court was resumed andi the jury had ie'n ehîîrged the foeman spoke s O'w voris o the jury la a 1ev toe, then arses îîud said: "Your lonir, the jury ieds ibat te defendant Itant guillîy of ttemping te kili the plaintiff. Furthermere, If te hat lteuded to kLI the flainîif lie ceuld have shot off lita ingersannd tees separatel>', chilig off ffleces of hlma till tlere was tuthing le! t but hli heurt te keep on leattng. Fertier- mnore. It wouidut le safe te convict hlm uniesles unarmed and ne weap- on within ten miles, for lie could klU every niotliermson et un ictore va could get hlm undur." -Ph. prisener tu dtmhargedl," sald the Judge, follewtug te verdict wvtîl remarkable actlvlty, and, stepplng dov» from tise teuch, h. took thte pre- emUlleate grasp the co'whey'a hand toleat2y taI lie miglt make peace vith lm butor.e ie d a chance ta mal-* Erer>' mann t h. ccurtrem DeprtmntStore This wondertul, Suit Sale Commences Saturday. APOi.241h, and continue untilWcdncsday. Apr. 28 Of A Manufacturer's Sam!ple Lot--A Sale That Sheuld Arouse Much Buying Enthusiasm Our suit buyer has just returned from New.York City, having made what he ternis the luckiest purchase of his lufe. He brought for cash fron- a New York manufacturer a sample lot of women's suits, consisting of 200 beautiful spring garments. Thcy are flot the samples drummers carry from town to town, but the garments that are shown merchants who cali at their New York salesroom;- therefore they are in absolutely perfect condition and much better than the regular output, as samples are always given considerably extra attention in the tailoring and selecting of materials. We place these garments on sale with a feeling of confidence that an offer of equal magnitude has neyer been known to, the people of Waukegan before, and would be utterW impossible to dup licate again this season as there is no sample lot that can equal the one 'we are in possession of. These high grade suits are divided into 3 lots and priced at $6.75, $8.95 and $ 12.75. Women's Charming $13.50 Spring>Suits, Price $6.75 BIG, SALE 9 9 Yo have neyer been offered such a remarkable bargain in women's charming tailored suits before.- The manufacturer sold these splendid garments to us at onemhalf what they are actually worth, o they w_ $13.50 instead of $6.75. The lady who figures on money saving will grasp' this opportunity for ecofloIfy. The tailoring is of a high character, materiais consist; of serges and panamas, plain and fancy- in new spring colorings, long semi-fit--i ting coats, many stunningly trimmed, with buttons. Do not cielay in making your selection. Corne while the assort- ment of styles is complete. Sale prce, Wémen' s Sample Suits, Worth Sale Price, $895 A beautiful selection of fincly tailored suits, each garment one of this spring's= most fashionable models, long coats, full gored skirts. Materials incld splendid qualities of- sege and panamas, all the popular colorings in the:new- est stripe efects. Garrnents that are worth $18.0. Sale price .8.Ï. . liigh Grade $25.00 Suits at Haif the Regular Price This lot of wonien's suits is composed of garments that ordinarily sdil at / $25-00. They are charmingly tailored of exceptionally fine qiia'lities of plain and striped prunellas, serges and panama cloths, in the vely latest models 36 and, 38 inch coats, full gored skirts, coats satin lined. Many I2 styl1es becomingly trimmed with buttons,.Sal pric 'F BE-AU TIFUL TRI!IMED HATS- Another fortunate purchase was made by our buyer wh:ile in New York City. He secured a handsome collection of trim- med hats at a wonderful saving. They were a lot that had been canceled by a large Western retail house owing to too heavy buying on their part., The manufacturer being anxious to dispose of these hats sold them to us for cash at +to jof what they are really worth., The shapes, are in keeping with the season 's latest-; ideas of style, yet are not extreme or tad- ical in shape. The straws are In varn- ous popular colors, trimmed artistically in varied styles, with flowers, ribbons, etc. Sale price .6 .0 0 Trlunmed Hats mi $3.75. This lot of trimmed hats represents a substantial money saving. Te r nsal pretty styles, being made in ail the desired new r spring shapesr n orna- (: 7 pigsae rn9e becomlingly with fiowers, ribbon, wlngs and ra3 5 ments. The values are such as have neyer been aýffered before. Your cholce I This wonderful Suit Sale Com mences S'aiurday5 Aýpril 241h, and continues until Wednesday A prit 28 black the, pi le, 35C iest lin 0. be fo ry pair 0; also "ne, êépec îday. de of

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