CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1909, p. 1

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-COôUNTY INI~PENDENT. and WAUKEGAN EKYSUN VOL. XVIL no 181. COURT NEWS Or II! coLJNTrY SrtT Twvo Special Northwestern Detectives Dltingulsh Selvai by Foxy Capture. PomIsent North Chicagoan Freed of Charge of Seatlng Boy on Prom- se of Good fehavior. Other Police NOwI6 F. Baiker. clalming to be a laits 38110r on hi$ wàY ta Milwaukee to take a job on a boat, was arrested et UIton. Ill., on the west braitch of lhe Northweztern Tburaday night by two speofial Northwestern ofliclais, R. Conway amd W. Jerery, for the aler ed burgfiary of a freigbt car a"1 the theft o! titrty sute or clothes. The theft took place ontihe six- teenlk and vas dlscoyered on the isb*sentth, viien ft vus put lan tie han* of 1Speolal OffcereRoert W. ConvY and WUJli JefferY, who dis- cevefel Iourte= s uits of the. lothing under a bay tack nassr tip(ou The. two deteotives have ftroua tiat tiras kept wa*,ch and latnlght saw Basker, who lae an allen, skulklng @bout the cache. They lot hMm fum- hie about looklng for the. cothing un- til iltby edam to have "lied" hlm clear- iy, snd titen they made lte arrest. Baker was bound over to the grand Jury fin $1000 bonde before Justice ltunYard tOdRYyand viii face trial at the October term of court. He bad an empty suit case at the time of hie arreet and claimed that he lied had underwear In II aud that ln steallng rides on a freghttte had found the suit case toc, beavy. so had thtiovn the underwear away. Fir.ed $23 and Costa. Frlday tuornitîz ai Foi Laike In the Case Of the Veoffle againat lHenry Star- lIng the man on conîptlaînt of is wife wag fined $25 and costs for aleged drunkennes .Highwvood Cases Delayed. flIgtîvood cases now in procesof "leanlng ," have been delayed peuding the serving of capijnse'. a'; every Hlghwood man sought has ficd 10 is boe lu the groujad lîke a rat fer aàIiurrow and constables are hav- toit the timzes of theîr livs filding the men they seek. There are six cases. P. Oodherg bas been flned $20 and cots for tellealy celllng ilquor. mont up Hic Boy. Btanley Wojton won arreeted and 4aeedtr laI i ç!morninortheail- letsd beatbg or son. ", *'iit la lleged vwu beaten vlth unneces- Îllry severity hy is father. vho le a prominent Northt Chilcaoan. mhe case did not comne to trial but the father vas'released vlth a waru- I,,z hat 1, would go an brwith hlm LIBERTYVILLE, JAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDÂY, APRIL 30, 1909- 12 Pages The hugband vas in count>' court tis morning. It o lacimadtat ha vas intexlcated, or et least lu no fit condition le render tesinony. Ernest Russell, caught morne lime mago and branded ase an Icorrigible child, vas Monda>' mornIn aIetseIn- stance of is mother ordered commit- ted 10 tha St, Charlesehome for boys aud botb tbe voman, Mrs. Anderson, and the boy *ers taken avsY at once. Young Russell la omtiy Il years old but bua mania for runnin aaa> trom home wblch le vhy bis motter coasenta titat he ba taken cars of St PIgActicAL10K!t- tr4lle#emsn "id to Have Put Hot Waler Ont Sen t fCloed Mans Chair, Caublng Hlm to Jumnp ln Joke, ce Recuit of Which Bobbln Wlnder Uced Sciasors on i Tor- monter. Monday morning just tetere tea thrfllllng sciesors duel oit tplace le tte ZDon lace faclery, as a reeult et a practîcal joke, and oue man. ('bris- topher Columbus Cevington, colered bottin vIeder, la lu jail, vtile is ai- leged victlm. William Nia)-fleld, ait EnglîshmaisIlatle cJane SîcAllter tesîîital wtere te sas rentoved front Moen Citv lu Sterlf brlffti's aautottie- N!EW CIIAIRMAN AP- POINTS COMMITTEIES Barre Rule& as Lact Vear Adopted Wlth One Amendment That Ha* Purchating Commnittee Recelve Bide on ali Orders Amnountisig te Over $10. Dayton Recommended Redlstributing of City Int Pre- cincta. No Bis Alowed. ..Waukegan votera liii cast their votes tlu en Ineteati of five precincts at tte uext 'election, ln ail prohabil- lty, as Thursdaï, lent week, at the meeting of the board et su- pervisors. Supervîsor Dayton dis: cnssad the advieability ef dlvld- lug each oftt aras of taecity Into tvo preclncts. Hi% recommen- dation viii resoit ln action vhlch viil mean the extra precicte. The most Important action of te board vas the adoptlng o!ftaecame rules ta govern tte board for the comlng year as prevailed lunte past vith thc exception et an ameudmnent to rule 9, provldlng that te purchas- lng committee receive bids on ail sup- plie ordred ameuntlng 10 ever $10. A ireuse to conduct a dram ahop at Prairie Vlev vas graeted to Fer. l'rlîes Wththtt appointing cf ttc roimtîttîes t>'(haîrmnan Herenerg- ci-. tte board adjourued aflez. las ieg ex-r ait tilla presected untit the ncxt utinîtg. Ttc committees arc: the adjolnlng farnu wbere ttc>' 100k a number of picturea. Trouble Stopped by Court. At the bcarlng on ttc obections to the drainage system. tatou- .Iudge E. Smitey of Woodstoct, lu thc county court Wedneeday, Commnissioiter White trougtt the malter before the court and aecured an order that no Inter- terence should ho madie to ttc com- iseiôner or anyone 'vlththtem iu taking pictures or makleg measure- mente of the district tu any vaansd that no trouble shOtOld tie caused temi. The account oftse trouble Sater- day aroused Iintense excilemeot St the hearing as no mee nev oftse malter except those Interestd luntae actuel occrrence. The, crier ofthUt court vae val1 recetr« and no more trouble la expected fti any of the fermera living con thie Wamp. FeIl rom ihe.40rdge. And nov evsry ci*' la vondering vhat le goiug te happai to W. E .31111- er. tibrd Skotle draienge canal comn- mieisionet, and the *lY oee vom bome comical mlcliap ý5s not yet ever- taken. Yeste rday ln te Skate district West cf Highvood, sud aay out lu ttc country,lthe!trea comrmisaloners were standing on a isy bridge ar- gutng wlth some famil>' cf fariner et- icitors, wten the raitiug against wtict Commissioner (liase \X'clv was leanleg gave vay and lie tîîî..ed bile, i wil hIrecexe-r. LIS' of -Commltbeee. r,-' onîptte omersalnIlt mb t--fi., (cet Mayill-i l ttimed tu i lua, i -i 10 trni Ciov, SMeyer, Gi s xi tati-r, anding on t. , e suad hot 'saber min('oviugtetis ch air se. tanIie-riing .- -t w tie skit anti uuddy. Ce that 'sten ttecoi-ceî,d bottin sîîîd- l"tt;bai Al f.. ttid. (e 'as wrspped lin a terse biankei. t-r st dowu te uniîed ui) again ltiaS tiackier. ('onrad. dr!ýitu eHigtvaod, carner boite te ton->', bowling, at te sanie tinte gia- Erroneous Assessmentîs- Ferry. 'aukegao ln au electrlc car, ctianged bing a liai- etscissors and starting Sutherland, Raymond. hisc dettes, and euffered rioilit tcaitb for bis trernttr. Eduration-Sutberland. Ferry, Dca- as a resuit. The 150 m'ired sud ttc white man cen. h vas oui>' a few days age ttat suffered cube abuut te bauds and Elecluen Pi-cinct-Weict. Dayton.,ICnmssiouer Andrev White vas about lte cbeet and abdomen. Ho Clark. driven off a Sitotie diatrict tsrimaI viii recover. Fees sud Salaries-Clark, Quentin, ttc point et a gun snd nos peoptle are Covîngton vùs himseef cutlnl the Kennedy. 'soiderIng -xhat fate btas lu atore fer fracas by the scissors that te beld. Finance-Lame>', Conrad, 3Meyer. tLe Iiird and thUsti r lucky> commis- Later it lla snedtat ('avlngton Judicisry-Dayton, lui-. Suther- aloner, Mr.'Mililer? vasU Armed vith aIhL kie liaddition to land, te scissors, and tat lie probabiy Jutiges of Election-Edwarde, Ken- A M U utMayffeiti vlth te tuife. Mayfleid nedy, Dayton. A I W bas ou.lted ut on the leg and thc Llcense-Quentin, Raymond, Ficke. *SOT A ra, are miaor Injuries. A Wauke- Mscellaneous Clame Decon. gnphyician attended hlm. Welcb, Edvarde. New Brighton, Nearinn oapolle, the vers another comfplaint lotigiT LAKE VILLA MAN Woltou vas airesta Wcduesday fbr disorderi>' cenduct and this case KILLED AT CROSSING feul îbrough as t deveioped tat ttc ceuse et bis arrest vas allcged cruel- Got Out of Way of One Train on t>' te hi s son. 16 yeai-s oit. ttc son Tracks Oui>' 10 Get luto Patof msting bis home vith Wojte's is- Freight Backing Dowu and Whlle tsi- Ni-s. Auna Stuhert. Weltonnvas Wtfe Escaped Musbaud Laid Down reieased on promise et good tetavier Lite. Was Fi>'sund Wealbhy Busi- alter ttc boy had been exaniîned sud nase Man. showed mnarks of heatliug Internai InJurles alegcd tte auttoritles pro- Ci-sslng ttc raires trlai-ta te fess., e tnow eeihing atout. sect his store and bis houte, Thura- Bl ind Pigger Ftned. 'e' W. tirrn'tabhe efLake Heur>' Lotae, abo tejît Iiiaudc,-s trot ba ; retgiit cuigie sudcoi tte and aise heer for tein, vlctb>' nis- plees aliost 'stuc hies ife teod h>' hÊsd. Nrs. lt-ii table esraîicd. laite to soa h e oucaienaiiy sold teu of tset",' tragîr affair nîste l outsiders neer thc Terra Cotta vorks eue o e tcmest toctîng accidents et at Highweod. eid Lee Warren, vite la the yCSr anîd ttc reglen et Laike 'il- alee ohave itept a tlind pig at la s ptungi-d in grieft tecause cf tue ailege tO iestetociteetflia ieading rîtteena. Highwood, vere bot lied, the ttrst Ttc laie Nfr. Bartiatabie 'sas abeut $25 and coat on t'so courts. er $50 fifi>' iar' otd and t, as sa'ealttîx bita and cesta, the second $100 sud mresaloiess niait et Lake Villa. O u ie ide Warren nsed tote e, bar for Ed. cf the irai-k te tsI bîi-tiei tai -loi suad ounte tuer tilt hotu- (iii, ii- Jone, t la claimed aVd later te ventfi-ont eue te thtccter hi-st lied fioit te anotter ptace sud eeid aise. h la otîi îî t-rh ta îot fiii' xxai tO clalr:I.i-l he fi-cigît ttrain cuit>' te sieji ait au- Ttcse si-e 150 cases cf about edcy - thrtirliacti lit a a notiteirt-right tackecdoîe'n sud raci-t ititu. cutting sn te conte oit. tintte bits. Ttc Inqîetat StLake Vii- Stole Railroad Ties. la ree inaluvsr"idt of ai',idenitil datb>'ris. For steallng otd tdea fromn ttc E. J Tte late Mîr. Barnistatte sas for & E., John Fatriz cf Aicteria treet. man>' ycars ttc parteer te ttc faîrtîcts North LUtlcage, vas _onda>' morniug i-m of Revlings and Barnatabie. Lake fincd $3 and costa or $12,50 and erder- Vilts. The incidents of ttc tragcdy are cd te laite the tics tact te ttc place unique and terrible. from whlch te tole then. lHc pald Barntatie sud bis vite bad start- the fiuc. cd for home at nine ffeen asat night Fabriz vas ari-eted t>' Chiet Spe- acreas ttc Wsconsin Centrai tracts et Laite Villa, ieaving the store that eclal Officar S. Nichole o! ttc -J" Barnatable formeri>' had a stare in Saturda>'. Tha tics vera traced te bis but that la nov ovned b>' Rovllngs. home and vere Idcutilid as property Thc tva had ta cross vhat ltu ov cf tae "J" b>' marks hat bail beenl as te "deatt trop," a net vert ef five placd onthem Thecaptre wB aor six paraude tracts vhera five have laeer on e .Tt atuevsamet thcîr deatit. clavr oa. ' The Ivo, scclug a treight train ap- Sout te Elgin. proaching, tesîtalsi In the mist o! the ti-cks. The vife stoppeti. Barn- Pre>' ta an Incurable religions ana- stable, dazei, coutinueti acrose as ttc nia iat lmpallcd er ta pi-a>'ever>' freight bacitcd dovn. and te train moment she isavate. te avait te vbcela passed diagonal>' across his commndoof a Imginry .spiit"cheat, acvering bis head and an srm. comand o!an magnar' "pirt" Barnetable until recenti>' ovuei a betore ste veuld-aven do se muct as tai-aneuar Antlecb but had seld eut. te put on hr.hat or est, aud eutject He vas a man above fitty snd vel te "trandes" In whicb her body' te- liited generali>'. camerigd an he Jawloced, rs. Ttsre is ranch Indgnation over tte came igldand er ja loccd, rs. stel ragedy lu thc rail death trop Anderson et Highveod vas Monda>' sud a change e i ail methoda aithIis mernIng adjudged Insane lunte doue- pint mav te Iusistcd epon. t>' court sud ordercd committed te El- A euto h nus edti gin. mernlng over thc rectales of thc late Ste la tîte xxema'se tecanie vie- Wiltiam Barnatabie. Laite Villa train lent wilie oit a visit te Madisen treet victint. te Wisconain Central vas frieuda Iu Waoftegan sud bad te te cenaured. as it m'a stevew et tte ln- take tethebosptalandplacd udrq uasithIat lte Lake Vil la cresaing la tatn t tt hepiti uîdpîaed nd a 5daugerotus oeeasd Ihalt te train ttc rare et a ptysicisn. Ste bas teen ttat tilled Barnstalte, accerding te tbere four days durîng stlct time ste vîtuesees bad ic taIt ligtts and ne bas playcd off being lu a ti-ance, sud mati on ttcei-car car s-it a ight. refued e d anthig wateer x- Ttc accident toit place at about retucd e d an'tbeg hatverax-7:40 on a iding et ttc read. vteu the cept as the "spirit' dîrected ber. trelghtî backed dovn. Printing-Meyer. Ciev, Pio- Pui-chaslng-Flcke, GrahamMiller. Public Buildings-Conrad, Clark, Blai-kler. Peor-flactler, Miller, Quentin. -Stateý Charities-Kennedy, Deacen, Lautey SsaiLaît ts MSitter. EI'aida. Weii-t Settleinttîtslth(eouty Ti-eseurer snd (Court. (tri kPrier. Lae>, Fer- i 1 1- Setliunti xsi 'Sertif snd Circuit Ci-Grattsm, Fiche. (1ev. SOME TROUBLE ALONG SKOKIE DITCII Commissioner White Wibh Comnpan- eona Were Taking Pictures of Swamp When Mrs. Dawson on Whose Farm They Were Ordered Them Off and Tried bo Ruin Cam-e era Wher Ttc>' Refused. Revolver Trouble Failowed, sud But For Ac- lion et Mater Stooting Might Have Followed. lîiientîs-d itat Aîîdrev Wbite, one er ttc Skoki, dravinage aystem cern- isioncra. aeould la>' batndaon bis motter wten site attempîed to lbrov a camera White ad vith hlm into ttc Skike sieugt. a bo>' eamed Day- son, sou cf Jehn Dawson cf Wcst Dcerfieid, drev a revolver on White lest Saturda>' bul vas dlsarmcd b>' bis motter lmmedlately. Ttc scene eccnred on the Dawson farm. dovu near the aoutt snd et Utc Stoitie svamp, in Deerfield, vheu White, lu compan>' vib Engineer Ruasell and Phelogi-apter Wlnca, vere on a tip, takig picturca of the saain. The>' had atepped on the Dawson tai-m and bad the camera set ut read>' Scent ot Future Plant, WIII CeaI $3,500,000, or Maif Coet of Manalon That King of Beef WiII L.lve in. New Machine le Mate Millions of Dot- lare. J. Ogdeîî Artuîr of Laite Foi-est la te,,tilitd a ,ne%%,,million mati- 7- ia- ch ie ai N x, l1 ighttn near Mince- atietis,, sud tht- oic>' mater 'slîi-t %v lIil itvir ictumillions Itîto the banda eft h,' titif king of lthe sortd suil i-et THREE MILLION AND A MALF DOLLARS, OR MALF THE COST 0F MIS SIX MILLION DOLLAR PALACE 0F ONE HUNDRED ROOMS NO',BEING ERECTED WEST OF LAKE FOR EST. AII ttî:îgs ait rtad>' for ttc bein- iil:îg ci ttc At i iui Packing Compai ltant a&LNeix îti-ten. Plane tiai- tiencit i-eîîie utsuitlndersed by T. igifi i .\ i moîui The figbl mati'- li Sti l'a-f(aiiit>t ie location etof t i ciai lt \cîîýil cieon tas been sxlii v i fer- gîîd, 011(- ttîing yet renai ti' te te diie anilit la mlng of t1e exact date iii tIr' turîiing etfthe futi stoeotuhil if eth 3 Tteiplans omplîîj eted snd checkel -b>' Mr. Arioîti-ilfer an axpeuditure ef front fixe te six mnillon dellars In- stead eof ifi.î pianard erigi- niaît>' sheu ttc pfant v'ae firat pro- poacd fer Ni-t, Bfrighton. t Ttc exact date ef this giround break- 3leg canaet te iearued at Utis tinte. r Mr. Armeur left Chicaga for New Yort, vtere te eallcd yeeterday for 1Eui-epe, and viii matse an Inspection O! the companys plante In German>', France and Engîand. r 'Thte beglueing cf tbc erection cf Utc nev plant at Minneapolis dosa net 9depend epon my reîern te Uta United States," he teid a frieni baforo de- l parting. We staîllvatt for the prep- e tlime." Wtenthett"propsi-lInse" le laite a number et vie"'.. mrs. sDay-elbave arlid vili bc kuovu ont>' sou -rused le t escenesd ean-te lMr. Arniotîr and tthe filcera cfte cd ttat the>' tp and gel cff the tai-ni 51 once. Son Drew Revolver. 'pon refusai. ste rusbed for ttc iamersas-it the Intention, ste afler- s ard aqsaered. et tippieg it ever in the xx sen cf tetougt. Commua- stouxer WhVtt grabted iter stoulder aud stpepiierti-. Thc son Immediate- 1>' xx ippcu onttte revolver. tira. Dasoan ttrev bei-self ce tim. drntanding that te ptilt uCthtt gun si oece. Ste SuaIt>' 'succeeded le getttng possession et It and White and the tters cliîuted the tance onto douepany'. This stentu xx vould impi>' tht xvrk octe tcluist seuld beglu vltttîî ive menths, .,usMr. Armour tas net i'taeeed f0 -eitiuttatrosd longer than Ibat tinte Iý'uý-iting la i-iad>- in ttc Chiicaigou that a slttgle werd cabt--finIr fi. Armour and ru-- ceivcd In tut ,niîing vould mate ht possitble t i ittc biail a-rollîîg ttc nexl nicrniiig.The first tting voulu te te advertisefuir bide, and It la te- lieved t>' soutetal Mr. Ai-meur'H tiplthas ntuhtotedo vith the tact of Intcreetlng ferelge contrastai-e. TAGGERS READY TO GET THE MONEY Wtt i th,- aiîiioatch f Tag Day, Mfa>' i, xxu arc gied te iete ttat ttc inter- i-st continuiiestto i-ciase and ttc dit- foet i-iipatrta cf the- -outy are -being titloîkto iibx thtîse 'st do nel loiifl giî tut' a uitile tetluten toi-b ý iai i ttbi' in-fititiiii as the tosîui- til. liii-orphuaiiage atîtd tie Tuberr iii lui t-, tiitit- aie i-oneit,-d lu au;' i vet, ii.ItiTag Dliuas, rittdouttedtY, i îuîuîlriî to biuu tIte-vasiouts parts ofi otîr countt;of Lake coser together. Frin iiitte s estetît. te nertbvestern sud asthxvestern ipai-tacf ttcheuln- ix, cncouragleg i-sports are receivei stowlng a desire te vort lu barmon>' vitt Wautegan fer ttese ctaritlcs and If tbts geed sud itindi>'feecling, vtict ls nov cxideured, Is tolloved ut rlgbî alceg, Il caunot telp but tie of gi-est benefit le doing ava>' vlth any differeecestalmaa>'exist and trlug ttc vbele ef te cont>' moi-c ln touch togetter. Especilît> la this desirahle vben it la ceutcmpilcd bulding an electric lins jelning Wauitegau 10 the reet ofthtt count>'. Tt ha net otteut that or people bava s i-tance te cetribt t 1a5cembined i-baril>'. It la feit thal ve ail feei tindi>' and tahe a preper intcreet ln eact oe eofthese cbarlîlcs. The> are al uteli s god vorn luetr tufIlai; tlîcy arc ail exti-nding a beip- lig tanîu dali; sud tourt>', day lu and dny cxii tlirotigtott ttc year te these tîtat tîccîl t. Ttcre ia net a day paiss- es lu; luit -e itat mati>' afferera are tiid uîtani ahicut and mutie tetter at et- oul ti- îtîlîrr eftîtese institutions. Vu e ýlwIiiii, t ferget thi ansd vo siliolrîîîîiithIat ttc>' represeut lia, and rî-nuienîtei ttatthe>' represent cci' kindly linugs 10 these ttst sut- fer. tVe raunot aIl go out Iuividuat- t>' sud bell, the veait sud alling, vs ail eegbt to but ve cant, the least va $1.50 PER YEAR IN -ADVAêNM;- Convicted for Liquar Seiling. On information, suPplicd b>' State's Attorney' Raipb Dady, Phil odtsrg, et veat et Highland Park, vas Thurs- day anorning, iii ceuîty court, finai $40 and costa ci- $42,10 for scllilng liquor vithout a liceuse. Goldterg vas ar- rcated b>' warrant yeatcrday b>' Con- atauble Rudoipt. He tas tecu delîvcriuglilquor lu ttc neIgtbei-bood and vas charged vltb aetliug seme. He Plcad gulIt>' suit t(,fut ofoticved. Ttc convic- tion ix sinafthe ivctou-y fer Stateas At. toin,ý iii ady "sho la mekiîig a record iu bis turOeution o! illegalIltquer deitici s. Pluat! If >'eu cau't puet. icittua pull. If yeît hsve su>' prluting yoit rsu t tring ln, let us tnov andve 's-lit doms atter IL. SIIOP LWTERS IQOT WAUKEGAN STORES Myterteus Weman lu Browu Sald 1t' Have Invaded Millintry Store, Tak- en Aigrebe rrom Hat, 1Benet Mer Ccu I es Ica1ppeared. Alec other Thete Rported Ameuutiug te Con- 81d0rable Oum with Marchauts. Foilowlng on the teft Saturda>' nlght of a $12 bird of paradise aigrette et tseEnoucit mlliuiry shop at 112 OMMt Wshluigton treet a hunt la nov on ln Waukegan for a mysterlons "vo- man lu hrovn*l su9pecled ef belng a sthop lifter, auid arrents are expected vithin a f-v dffe if a settlsmeit la cot the £noeb ait'. Fair *bop flersara allegelte have -epd àa rich bot>'as the restait of reprisais recentl>' on local merchauxts and th, Police bave made uapteir minds t rui titei dowa and cause their'punlehmaut, no malter boy -hlgh uP the>' hava te go. -Thc aigrette disappeared Saturda>' nîglat after a vii b> lte unkno*n veman lu brovu and lte tbeft vas rcported te ttc police th. merulng atter wv-hbmachiner>' vas set lu motion tor ttc tetteat kild of a chase. Other Thefts Reported. Hvere are Iheftt reported of varionsa eterchauts lu ttc dovu Iowfl district, att le great stores tat deal witb vo- miens geoda exclualvcly- Miiîk fur, vatîîed ai $35, dIsappcared lea,.t eIýt oftrcc dersonsueestore recent. Cicrts cdaim te bave accu 'omnan put for under ceai, aitlef theni ssii-bing ber, but vben ttc>' maie s daah for ber ste tati mysterlousty vanisted aud ito trace waa fould. Brown valet, eutk, valocd at $8. Woman claimcd le bave made a'say vlththIis aIse. siovleg it ava>' lu plain sigtt of stere empleyees sud vanishing. Another mink for. aneiter ladies suppiy store. Vauisbed lu mysterlous manner not accoeunted for and neyer explained. Jevelry, amaîl novelties, tousebolti fLttlnga t2at could cash>' te concealed, have ail vanlehed from varions stor« about te cil>' b a considarable am- eut, and te chase la on te dicover Identît>' et guilty vomen and brlug them te book» Mire an Attorney. Ttc Enoscb mýanagement bas re- iatîti-d au attorecy sud itlIs ttrcaten- cd ibsi ui-es '_)c.îr emsinu atetn iiakt,. s s;tiC .eîior brîtîga back îLe' -t ii-le ateten St lIcasi oe earrest 's hI te nmade soidte niter vIlt te pîtet' cd i tii'ccouirts. I i idcialied thlaI ac- tien xxilbu- tak-n in ttrec daya and t tst \V.î ît tgan wxiiilhe stoi-ted b' tte 1 îîill-tlct o f ttc itanie et the tx entait roîicrîîcdI(j cati do therefore, la t0 support nolily thoge that represent se well or best feelings. The manufacturera of Waukegan who corne more or tees lu dloser touch wth those tbat need heip, bave responded nobty to the appeal and thanka are due the Ainerican Steete & Wlre Company for donations of matertal and to tbe National Envetepe Company vbo have so klndly donat- ed the vhole ef the boxes requlred on Ibis Occasion. The newspapers of the dît>' have aiso, as always, ranged themselves on the aide cf helpfunes andl good works for Our clty and court- ty and thankat and lncreaaed support are due t hem. In tact, It la an occa- sion wten ail the acerbIties of poitti- cal lfe'and differences of opinion are forvotten and sunk ln an earnest de- sire te vork together for the com- mon good. BeYond and ahove the Immediate necessIies of tbese tbree charitable Institutions, wtict are certainly Èreat enough because each one of ttem la taxed te the limît of Ils tresent ca- paclty te taire care cf those tbat ueed it, it le a fine ttlng te see then ai worklng lu concert. Tbig la, undoubt- cdiy, a day of Co-eperaîlon and If our chai-hable Institutions tegin te set thc exanîpte of dropping aIl lutIle dit- terences and worklug togelber, may 'sve net expect tbat Ibis good feeling s iti exiat and foer a great Christian litetamnugst 0cr churchea, etc. aise te the great defeal of selfisteesa, un- telieft,] thsttln? Let us att dl)otîr test, Iberefere, te emphaaize tbis great fact sud as 'se canet lndlvidualty vîsît the aick. St auy rate lt us do the best'se can te support those wtc represent os and wbe vitI dle Ibis goed work for us and are onty able te de It hy or support. NO CHANGE FOR AT LEASI SIX MONTIIS No Ooubt AboUt Perelo&ure S&y. Head 'of Roed, but Interprise, la Proisperlng Now, Reorganlaatlen WM ?Nke Plice, and ÂÏY&fm 'cf Kit terprise WiliIbe Botter Than Ever Beture. "The Chicago aud Milwaukee Hlec- tric Rallroad Company' viii net ha sold for i least six menth,' vas btateil Wednesday b>' A. C, Froat, wbo bolds a controlling interest lu the prc,)crty, tn i epi> le the' ruInr tiuaI the road vas about te be selil by the receivers. George MIodentan cf Kansas City tas teen lu Chicago fer several dsys tw P te bave ncgotlated for tbe purcbase cf ttc rcad by s syndicate frem that cit>'. Reorgantzation by Shareholders. "Or course we de nut knew wbat Mir. Ilindemian bas back of hlm,' salît Mr. Frost yesterday, "but a sasie and reerganîzatiou b>' the preseut sharebolders tecks te me le te a more tikety consuommation. There la no doubt about the ferectesore. F. C. Jenwtt, manager cf the Severeigu Batik cf Canada. anut H . Osier. rep- resenting a Toronto syndicate. ar'- rit cd ln (Cticage today. S'e liad a meceting of the principal ownters of the properi>' today. New' capital ins beeni nterestedInte cresd. îvticb la new ronning le a prosperous condi- lion aud witb tte addition of more tneney a >eorganization wiii be affect- cd sud the road yull be ln geod shape again." 1 The report that te Kansas City syndicats had deposlted $2,000000 at tae Piret Trust and Savinge banri and that Mr. Mîndeman had $1200,000 ln cash te further blnd a bargain awakaued the Canadian Interesta who hava heen axpectlug te gain the con- trol o! the holdings fromntte receiver- ship. AMERICAN BfAUTl> l'r 1h!eJUIihGt Bouquets of American Besuty ree each bearIuig a card vith thU =sry tlan, "To the Hon. Judge ý tram bis Lýake caunt>' frionds vho flt hie brauid of Justce (semle),e ver tae gifla o! the Lake COmnty bOar to, Jndgee l»onnelly and Wright Friday alternoon vhen circuit court COu- vened. Botit respondcd fecllngl>' vben the>' vers callati from tair chamber. ead sa tae roses on te beneb. Boa vers tapb In the chambers utIl ail vas lu readineas. lu t.court Frîda>', Âttorne>s's uvIa and Besuhien enîered a pelition for Mu-a. Elizabeth Hangebraucb, asklnt that Fred Hangetraucli, ber dlvorced huehand te callad betore the court to anaver toi- coutemPl for net psy- Ing ter thc alimon>' ha vas ordsed le wbeu thedivorce vas gi-antcd, De- üei-citr 2:3, 1907. The alimon>' nov sinoints te $610. Ttc motion fer a ni-v trial lui the rase er the estate cf Joo Paddock tîgaiuîst tb.e NertStore ElcctrliiiJ te, brettgttt ut tv AlornessPOpe 90i Murefer tte compati>'as SOOn a$ i>-- gumenta en the case Of Walosi eus Bardvcl. ou a mcchanics llDe Aý Highland Park, la ended by b>'bbf0 saesoetthe final aider, LAKE !OREST WANTS PrACE A"UQUI"T Not a Locomotive Whittle Hua *lemlý in Lake Forest for Vears and Waw kegan, Depotieca WilhExceptiq$ Wood Shed, la Greein With En%. H-ogan Takes His ODeut Very Eas- il>'in Interview. ' Net content vitit ordering evéry lk>* cemetive and statlouary engine iýSt le, blow it8 whletle &111day long. ,t> might aleep, eftete and pampered re dents of Laka Forast have n@w'>ttd W'ý their war paint Md gene s c i te tit'-4' path alter the Northwestern Iwumek vitt the remait ltat no eu',a svltched on lthe NOthwetem idsIIlý no cars are spotted 1d a* n$â log of coal, iumbervd 1 lchu ucts le douea ntil atter efiglt la tb- moruing. The cil>' abonlda fIn rallroad offi- ciais wte malle fit iheu- residence anid tis May' ha one reason why te ct3 le se successful In gatting what fit aska cfte Northwestern vhfle Wt*- kegan ducs not stand the show of a suow hall fin equatorlal Africa of gel- llug a new depot. At an>' rate It tas been some foars gince a locomotive wbiatie has beeu blowu in the confines of Lake Forest, sud uew switctlug operations have heen ordered suapeuded untit alter elgt eacb moruing au that teamaters are unabte to start their vont until tUtnc ai tte eat'ticst. Hogan Takes Il: Easily Ex-'tlayor Hogan cf Hlghwood teken bis recent defeat at Highwood eaalily, andI 'sen scen Saturda>' eald tbàt Joaseph Severson, mayor-elect, la "a fiue fellow," anmi that te le glad titat Severson vas electcd. 9 Se stroug vas the campalgn wa.ed against 1-ogan that many thougit t l, vas te runnin; for Mayor of! i*1... wood. Me taughad over Ibis MW de- > clared that ha vas not even ob tise ticket, aithough b. did not add tbat ha dlii not take part in tse nsp.5 Ha pafid acompliment tb the ind& pendent ticket vhlch vas eiect.d, by- eajui tht.çsidlatn er. aIl 'gow« follova," and 014 mot seem te taxe . up defeat to heurt at aIl] WAUK!GAIM DA MIT M'R JULY NWItt Wli Expiain Fuily te People What Hus Been Done and PlIans fer F.- bure. Urge Public te Visit Pqre Site and Express Opinions on Pur- chase. Wsukegan Day on July 5 ne 4th Falla on Sunday This ar. FlnaI decision to hold Waaskegssi Day on ttc Haines estate, purchamie4 as a site for a park for Waukegaa, was made at a meeting ef the park fuîîd commission ln Dr. N. J. Roberta offices le the Gables frîda>' nlgbt" Ttc day vili te beid on Mon- da>', Jul>' 5, aa the fourti fallu ou #un- day sud plans yull te laid to malle 1 ttc higgest Waokegan Day evar bei. For the purpose ot axplalning fully te ttc publice'shat tas been dons bi ttc commission se far and what tihe plana are for ttc future, besides gir- ig XVaukegsu Day publicît>', Attor- ne>' Etant Clartke, Niayor-elect Fred fBock snd Robert Ingals vere appoint-' cd ou a puhlicity commîttea. A gencral discussion of future plane 3was hi-Id and a decision te urge tse -publie te vîsît ttc Haines estate and te examine Ilt tereugtty vas made. Il Is desired tbat the people geoeraly become scquainted wltbtae landsa lit ale tbougbî unaulmous endorBement et ttc purchase et Uta commission vii foltow.

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