swi-M moe rfon:ed Thon it 15 angerouS. oct b. ilral; but attend a do It Take EhIULSION i od rOlandiVe c- ~aLe ut Bs WutL' **~p-I Us.. lise TuB a"lto la i. Wionsln tb. pressa iJohn Knlgg visd relatives aI Vev nseday lii. vasi. K. birenteal bis mreat iA. U .Fry sud 1111e daugbter gns.té af relative. ln Chlcago lb. 1 thes vei. hdt s-a mcre la gladalen the home su Ms.IdHenry Kublani .Monday FWb. 'Luchle Krmar, af Chiago, la thglie preenl weei 51 the hoine neagsudma Kuigge. XrI A. Dnchas rslomned rains is&t extendoal vii at Ohrlin, *,I'h aber dangbtsr, lies.H. B. Thog..Ruspfl ana loneis er F oterie ai ra. Sm unday util baShoal dmualefor the dance, erde bhllFrida>' evening. A Mooe] lin l isoilul. t bean sd vii., of Liber>- hstthéihome of lb. formeis Mn. and Me. Fred Albrecht, tCrnate MeBride, af Barriaigon, .Sclb wvneu ntertalned Tasi. at tb. homeofaiMr. sud lMes. C . fIfl', vils and dsugbter, ai *ire vîsitore of Rockefeller a elMowngareCroluanal li drve monC ande alanou aya ma r. dlra.,d"t,,tr.a.d. Mom. Jrri bs retornealea ofllr tIbm la juai ase iery businessB tbes veilinv adaier udviIdriv w r paremnsdbore rnin rt WOeegevalnoud. sisothed ae al -. *tutop @lb. y aoe ac netr %&i& berBthayKeer apeut Sodrnda>e SitUabot uren wthobrarets Mm .Wllard Beach ba besu viaiting .bm on, Fred, lu Indiana. 1 'Ire Jensen and dauKbter, Manie, *#Mlhe IMoltai 11 viiun Chicaga. SMs Cai Dardier oterlineal ber Ë*OWv sund vifs ai Chicago ana day lait be thani ôgering meeting bolal at M. tala lait vS. vas qits voll allen- lu spiteaoflb.eb.d veatisor. bo.lnielen's gonds nireallat viii b. ana l he vile tI. viii. Everyone 1 e plmd la bave lIre paraonage W,, 94 Haves and son, Ros, tarteal Iboseof siWainluat 'Puesdaa jo M. Heves vho bai accepleda m men lbegoverument there. Oabhalàbheing tb.elit day af Pasli' erviceshare bhoam the 1'a %I precltilb>' lb. qsymenng vs.excellent sud Moispatis. ratêd Chiiego us.MsJLolians sud daoghter. So. mm Aasnlis. Hainauae john, Misses Dora sud Auna W IasN"laMor. loebarmanWhvi at Dem SS#elarsd hinelait Ftiajay. ~ iueBoerlenaiChc1 o r a" ollo.lat Tisurasy. hg ~nsd Mise Anule W viieaMlr. ana ~Zc, Wognou lai Fad. ya Ulberl RLelei, lis e Roeyr, sud Mrs~ WIII Waclasnlng suai $or, Biais, asal hep UsileGlodeo lis isieveli luarl~ aillas iammem'i 4u~o' L~dssgi, lait lundi>' ~,Osauia, gOlllg ta upare la test liogia>, xm ujeie LW Mad dà1w,EIB*84 0 Caicago, aM s O.mèi, , e lm Lais, 'viied ahair aia, MMs. . F MI0tcheial, dfthe,,Mr. bouseTUsada>. Miss Buns "Mmae ai Chaicago, qua a vosi vltb b nacuin, Mies Leurs aprsgu. Mes.Harvy>Coon vs. called ta ltas homp. ai hrawiti,N lr. H. atdwau, ai Rampoles, III., vho ila.ki sud moe ber cari Miss Ales suydain, ofi Lbertyvllo; spent Saturda>'and Sunday vîi bor couin, lira.Dan Ritîtubaer. iss Sue Muson and CAsolus vislted tbeir uncle, C. B. Bwaston, Sunday. B» fi stllU rery 10v. Mir. sud lira. B. O. Frllc.h and al ngh- ter Ada sud Mise Calle (iuuler,,.of Blgh.- lsad Park, visited their sialer, Mes. M. W. Kuedie, and mother, lira. Outlet, sunda>'. à delacbiuu fsaimldiesencaunped lu lÀv Kuegeisvoods Tueudal night. Tventy-tour large tenta helng pltcbed making Il qut. laipating ton the youngstera ai Prairie Viev asud viinity. Lloyd Btsentbalr lef Monda> for Nabporville hav1came home for the Prairie Vlov baconcert Mr. sud lirm,9. E. Kuedior sud fanuli> spoa Sunday and Manda> at Rushi sud Bariola. erO. Phil Koinge Whovb a.beau lie putosthieb.Prarils Ves vmagellel eburC4e b.pwt ymabéoaw 09 thalia charclifor lb.eoalgysar ta abopneral satioaction of ovesou. .Mmes. ox *la saWaay vilng relatives la bJoae. ]mn..LM.W. Enier wba baibeon cooafind la her home for tbe poiltvaw veeke vlth quini> mre Ibroat, lavly impraring. Toorlgrn bthlb.Piabils Viv banda aILong Gae rda> nlghl vai a ped nd ueses.Qulto a mat nom being resliad. lin. anal Mes. C. . Janis vers <Chicago rl.ltora Wedne.day. Mr. anal lra. Jas. Tomlsky. oi Cary, Ilnthelisral ai the veek ulisth h lattsn's parente lu aur village. Miss Gnon' Mlis, seho tescles ehool at Roulant àspe.at Satorda>' anal Suudtuy at han home boe. lira. Murray anal lra. licGorren, ai Chicago, visiteal irons Salorda>' until Monda>' vus relatives iu aur village anal rlcluity. Mes. Albert Boue>', ai Chicago, la spenading> us viii vitb li. n.sd Mes. J. F. Roue>. lira. B. Gear d soen, John, @peut Satorda>' anal Sndy vwith Long Grave relatives. KilasJennie SonnaIt. ai Chicago, &pent a veuis' racatian aI lber home boe. Ues. L. B. Golding sud daugbler, ai Llbertyvll, are spendlig lb.he si vtk lir, &ad Mes. James Neville. Mr. sud lira. R. J. Baieley, of lDe. Plans. apnt aturda>' sud 8nday vlthl taei's epents, Z.Mi.su lra W. Ba... Mn. sud- Mr@. H. J. Schalior, oi licHonry, spoat Suuday at Wocnda. lira. (00. Block sud souncarne ont trorn lb. city Baturday to spend a ev weei. with ber parants, lMr, sud Mrs. L. A.Go1dng. Mir. anal lira. H. E. Maman vers Chcago visitora Wedneeday. WEST FREMONT, Raymonà Ne-ver sud Helen 'Pekampe @pent Sondas>ai rsysate. August lMeyer la haviug a uebl put dovu. Mr., aud lima.Josephi Aliofer veut la Palatine, Satumday ta attend the uerai ai the latter'» aut. They returneal home Sonda>'. Mise Louise Meyer, ai Libertyville, penttgonds>' at tisahaine of hamparents, li. sd Mrta. Augut Meyer. Mise Tile 'Pekampe, af Rockefeller, spet Suda>' ai home. Albert iier sud famil>' visiteal rela tires at Fax River. Miss liyme Meyer, of Libortyville, @pont Sunday wllh ber parents, Mrt, sud IruB.BMeyer. Quito a ev allanalsaltlb.party aI John Goael'i, Satuoday niglit. Alil report a good tise. E. H. Mieyer veut la Chicago Mouds>' to purchai.na nov cisumu lot hi. tachor> ln Vola. Frani Erbart transacteal business ns graylai. oua day lait viii. lira. Spearl la viitlng vitis ber daugister, Mrs. Frank Distz. Mr. and Ulra. EresI Lohmnu, of Lake Zuich, vislled Saturday ight anal Sundai' at WIlI Lobrn's. Mis.Annis Bapie, ai Laie Zurich, q<pe utands>uii hber parents, lUr. sud lira. W. Blets. DESKFUMD Mir. Vincml of WWiecnl, i. vlating vlb M. sud mmt. C. B. Baitan. mMinMnais Wlmol, a1 Maouep, Ill., speait Tburaay villa Mis maHsl Vaut. communion airieslinii habola lnluthe Presbytlilanchurch Sulida>'orong saI 7:80 o'clock. Rer. Fre . R mibro yl C. B. Baitla i.atial> Improvlug at presatit ltng. lira. . P. Butchisnan d Mms.IL E. L. Homes @pont Wednasday li Wauiegau. Fred Oit bai retaumnoi home alter apenaing the ululer lu ties oulb. Miss Woodrnan enlerlaineal a numben ai lit. Enskin'afriande Sonda>'aflemnoon ut a lon2heon ln bonor ai bis blrthday. Fred Kimbari left Moutlsy fon Rau- bide, Nevada,.lira. Kmbari lnhm e. turned tW ber homo lnu Iavensvood. Mir. anal lrm. Cari Rommsel, oftChicago, spent Thureda>' with PhiUlip Rommnel sud ismil>'. The loarerm of ithe Iearfielal iciool gave a very itereeting rogram an Arbor Easy. Me olive Jouis s eta be complîmnteal au ber ver>' good vark uil tisa cilîdren. lies. Thetrien autertaineal ber brother tram Chicago evereaidojo laitviii. Mr. aud Mme.Wledenfaller, ai Chicago. v« eral.gneetiiofMr. and ira. Ward lait viii.« d= r* ae nlaChicagoa a li dy losi g Miss **aalusDoveili, afW«at gr$ Oe B5al5uda4r uliarocousin, Mr. sud Mms.Thma. OGeof aiWau- cda, "m laolo ans day lutviii. H&M10»ao uvie bgust af rela- tires la Cialo lb. latter part 01 luit veek. UmssAnna Rowodutechor, ai Wauonda Must Monda>' ulght and Tusiai>'lu Mir. a"dise. '.A. BosIug sud sou and Mr. and Kmi,.. B. Roing, oai Round Lais allindel church bon. funday foesnou. Mms.Jameus Gsiner,, Wauconda, vwu aýVolo celer Babunsay. Mmirank riaiHronimu « sd chlldisr, cf We.t Freoaou, wiro la tova an@ aller. nom lut vesi. ilomsr Cook af Wasaoada, calleal an relatives ber. ëuuday. lilas BéisiDuuM nllsd boeruele, jaepi Unsvorl,aof CIeag"Mpta& liv dffl of la#t wmki vilh asformea paretâ, Mr, s&W Mis.Frd Du»Laul Mri. sud Mm .Bea Boslg vswola Wauooudal4 ndi'. mmS. e. euvoli af Wst Fr"mant, vuasVola vietor Ïhonday. Sunday guest ahlb.Raymoond borne won Mr. and lima.9. C Smihand Mms lloyd Sunderlla, ai locur's la" aasd Mr. sud Mes.L. V. Lusi, aof reoant. The MissesMargaret Caalan sud Mary Davon ors snjoylog a voii'a D- 1 à 1acaion. 'Ph. Millet tamll>' have maved out 10 tboi smm»r borne. Missnlisymo C. Joyce; of Chicago, la vlsltiag vith Mes. Soyl. Mes.FMsmond i. qoit@ ilI at prasnt writîeg. Misses Margaret Carlan anddlisyme Joyce @peut Manda> sud Tnesday riait- iug Mri. Paul Ray at Dlarnud Lake. MLLURN Mi"s Margfarol Wbite spent Satura> and lundi>' vlh H. D. Hughs anal famlly at Gurus. BsAdassofaChicago Lavu, @peut bem vea vacation wlth ber grand- parents, Mr, sud lira. Richard Pantsîl. lira. I. L. Babines bas beau very sei vitb la grippe but le botter aI preent vriting. lits. Gea. Holmes anal chldren, of Indaapolis, mal., are vieltiug aI 1. L. HaIne' hile Mm. HaIne s asath. Mir. Safford returneal rmnChicago Fniday. lira. Safford had su aperaion perfarmeal ou her inca anal the latest yard recelveal vas tînt seea getling aboug ulcel>'. Mr@. A. K. Bain bai beau vrestbing vbtb la grippe. Mm. anal lra. Jolin Banner visiteal rebstivàs ai Russell lait Sunda>'. Severai a i bi linily atteudel tbo tueral af Wm. Bamuatahie ai Lake Viev Sonday. Misses liabel anal Vinran Banner, Margaret Whbile sud Edih Van Alstine, L..e.ie Bonnet, Arthur Clark anal J. 8. Deumn laealed heplay','Hounker'. Cornera," Bt Gurue.. Hsury Pollock, aifMansfield, Iowa, vlited hie parents lest week. Jeppe Jepeon left for Engene, OregQu, lait week ta maie biiefturehaone. Itleb rumored that E. S. Tower bai boogbt the tarta tram A. L. Jarger tarmerly the John Wedge plae. Mi". ladge Carwise, ai Chicago, was the guest af the Misses Neson for a tew day.. ThoeLadie' Aid Society ivili mail lu ths church parine May 6 lu the alternoon and supper viilb. served. C. B. topic May2: "Le.ouafor Mo l'ou, the Book. ar ":ahla&" a.6: 1-9. Causcration meeting. Pearl Clveland, leader. Mes. C. E. Donrn ansd daughter vers Chicago villtors Mouday. Mr. and Mn. Bd Kappi. and daugt.r, ai Grayslako, sst Bunday villi Mr. and lira. H. B. Tower. Dars youg et la Chicago ta moot a riond f. Solhd The Dlamoud Lai. Coanetemy Associa. lion will meet wlth lira. E. F. Knight Thursday, May 6tb at 2 p. mn. Ali inembers and trlends please attend. If yoo bave sometbiug ta Bell, tll people about l. We have a ciasslfied waut column for ihie partîcular pur- pose. 4isiaEroulosla von- lobaBrevae,, Droes. Lois, la very 10v. Mb. ys iae qlCheigo, qSpot lait vii e lI uw #b»b »mi.larté", C, cpebol"e Tnoaay aftropoqlug temntbi la Ohicigo. 1 1%@frisu4s etIWs. C. C. Aines are sorry MIs stemiI s*bo4ot Chiacégo. la at T' A. açffl' ii r it al. Furank Frayno.sl on finonda bon tauday. W. P. JOUoliyolumbus, Oblo, calle a- triépe sbuee Salidar. Ziloa Qty sallesert: Mr. and lira. Frasi Néwoll5 . M.Young,Monsses. O.bon. sd~dIouChas. Levln, Smnda>mor = thre W"aalargo attedaasa~pf I'and Il vafi aMon Lie " XaMmi>2: "ThDe Befflnuing AtaeIa, John 4: 5.42. Mary Dues- cmn,led. Tb@ Ladie' AlIWad a businessmet« aI lths ciaurcia Wsdnoay. Lat= 2o thera vas no sMseting on account ai the iainm M. and Mms.EL.C. Ames and son, Alred, opina ç.d"ywlti B. D. Ainsi. A smor ca ait gdon tb. homne af Mr. Mud MW . V Li, ev Boda. MMi.0O..1 Obàm ovlellsd ber alitei ,Wbo la ski $ OrauiMonday. SoeradImmrm i.atsndedlbt aes st Wsdowortb OsArday eouing. Nul Souda> vi» b.e otIon of officera aI lb. Boe sac.ebc, e- Tha Ladies'AId Sachety wvIlImeet vlth Mes. D. A. Ferry, Thuraday attemnoon, Moy fith. AIl inlermesl rqus.ted ta b. preet. _____ li. M. Banner returne4 Friday aternoon trom a vs.ii' riat ln Wauio- gan. ms Alcc, lmrm H. P. sud lira. G. A. Sitar vomi Ken 'aiba visitara Manday. J, R. Corna sund tamily vsited W. K. Wilby, Stands>. lira. A. R. NichaIs le reporteal a 11111e belter. VanNe.. snd Ver.. Young, of G(inos vislted Inaltua e les.t ofluat wsek. lir. and lira. John Bonnet apent Bunday vitb Murrie brothors and alitera. Mir. and Mes. Chasu. DefryfaiKenosha. cald t A. C. Corda, Sond -j lir. and Mmra J. D. Miurray were ,Waukegan viiors Thurscdar of last week. A. D. and li. J. R. Corna vwere 1KPnasha vieitor' me@t Friday. R. Q. Murnie wag a Kenosha visitor1 last Friday. Thee 'is talk of a Faurth of July 'ele- bration. Sft annuncemeut Inter. 1 PALATINE 1 Nir. liundhank. Br., la very ili and ual expected ta live. Bled at fier home in Plomb Grove, Mira. Fred Senne, Tuesday.. Funeral Saturday at Pluuab Grave. Mils Sadie Voe was the luclîy one ta wlu the gold watch in the eonteet. She had over 500 vote@. Ewald Clauaius was surpriaed by a large nomber of hie friends Saturday eveninfitlu houar of bis 21st birtluday. Mir. and lira. 1. M. Kuebler are enter- talnng lMra. Jaeaby aud childreu, o1 Edison Park, at pregent. Mies Mary Linneman ion the slck liet. Mira. Griage bas rented tLe place once awned by lir. Thurtan. Dr. and lire. Scherding entertalued relativea tram Chiaago, Evausgton, De@ Plaines and Palatine Sunday lu hanar ofaie birthday. F. W. Thiea will soon leave for Chi- cago ta ha nearer his bsilpeai. WARREN, Mi nes cMullen, ai Waunconda, and lir. Lizzne Gleaaon and chidron of UhbertYvllle, spent a lew days Liera recently rlslting t rieuds. 1Stepben Druce died at bis borne at Drus. Lake Monday, April 26, aI the ffl of 77 years. lMr. Druces vs.one of the assry oldool asttlers bor*meog fr0., New York t an early apanad bu i lved Bt lb. Druceshome aSl hie. t.The fanorai W«aiod on Wedns.day. The Warren Corneîery AssociatIon Wini altwlth lira. er lMauser Wedu.Sday aiternoon, Miay 5. Tho play, "Bunker@' Corner," givon b hR.N. A. Fiday eronng vwai very =a1sy ttended and a gaodly su. wai reallzed. Abert Stearue and dangbter, lir. Hancock, ai Mason City, la., are vislllng Mise Lottie Stearrne. lira. Sarah Jones, oi Neil&Avle, Wl.., i8 visiting relatives bers, ABOUT YOUR MONEY MATTERS. EARNING, ACCUMULATINC, and M \NAGING your maney i s worthy your careful thought and hest efforts. D>o il the very lest way anud before it ih too late. The handlitig af mouey snd moey matters la our business. We Can help you save, haudle aud Inveat your mouey ln the most profitable, -Most conveuleut snd SAFEST way. Every boy sud girl sbould have a savings acooutut. Every man and osusu ueeds the help and edvice of a souud and serviccable banlr. We invite your businew ansd yeur accoiut. TMH FWRT NATIONAL BANKÇ 0F 11BERTYVUML OP«es inds %kt$ Naz oettii wPet OMM. lncre&oosIncom .Faon, 480 te $130 pa o 0, sud Profil Froua010 8084 1 par Cow, Followig Ô.iiege Advps. IIIpote nyÀtu J. BM for tlb. Dow Insll04tute.), On. ai Intcot lateestiug sud rainr-1 abli, ixperleucos laid asah. lIStte l'aru'lu'Istituts la Backfard vs. hast a1 Chênes Faoi, sa »darymmof a lsphesason cont>, vbos. 1111h bord h"d bronght np tla ii orogi ratura ai 8186.85 sud a profit ai $8485 par cov. Hi. eqv atreura hi. $245, for evsry dollar'.vorth of lid conousd. He mai.. buttei good enougli la commnrad 81, ilu vlnter &bd 80 conte la .,r ra. privâte comunealu Fripait. And harolibis stoalubrli: - ows Ralurned 430; No Prefit. 1 have heon tsitig my bord sud ieep. ing a reord ai ssc envfor mari tiss t yeaes.Bofors 1 bega m itng 1 areragial about $80 psr nv ow aryssr for butter fat ab ths crsou.ry; 1 vs. ual maing su>profil. The fiAetysar lb. 14 cowsi artaged 5M ffpode ofmiii cont.Inng,224 poadiofat. On. e vEquelod Five Others. On. af tèu« surplfisbu las re t ddffoeaie t*em njo.Oa»d eSw o. 7. Bath vire consldsrsdsxtelsal radie &Md bah rucelod about tue asie. anunna ai ld. No. 6 produesd SM~ padaai faI sud tb. othsr, 176 poande. Thesmroeruad 8 for orény dallis vorlh ofilb.d conniuud sud the otber $140. No. 6 rnads ve limeas. muci profilne ai tIiaber. Nothlnig but Y.ars Test vili Tell. Anotbor novthast 1 bad eonudoed à loy producr r5,970ponnduot niii caualnngET2ouui> flat, su roturnod 5.25 tor alli'.vorà oi foodl conoumusa. To !liaCes- »Dow a,. .,a., -wu..a" wu.euls.. lbe poor cov tram he gaoad ane ithout timing the scale sud lb. Baheci teet. Four important Stos. At lb. clou. af lb. firal yean'a test, I sold threo poorent cavas, chauged irom a gunmor d ir ta an ail year daim>' beçan ta reauflhe beat daim>' paper anal daim>' bulletins, beaou ta stody boy ta ieal a balanceal ration aud aneulted the Uiveraite duiry departmeut sud received ranch valoable Information. 100 Pounde Mare Fat Per Cow. Tise second year's test ahaveal an inereameoai566pounds ai tnt; the thîrd rpar. an lucre"aeoa 47 poundo; the lourth leur. 17, panna'. 'l'e foi., th year the hord av.taged 8.628 patuds ot mlii conlainlug 324 pounda af fat-a total increaua of 2,800 pannai m mli aud 100 poude ai ft ovar lise Orsi yea'etest. Thisa vasau lucreose oi $28 auz lb.st lprofits pet cose coontlug the hutter fti aI uans a28 cents per panal but mueh More countlug lb. aclual se prie@ ai the butter sud thre vains ai tbe skilmnll, vhieh la saveil for lb. pige.) The lacreimmlunproduction i. due ta issding a haasuesd ration, aisal ai t vedln ont tb. poor cava and beading th lb. bod"l a-pue-bred ire. SoaBorneOsa d lhe Reaisons. Lait year ans ai the boit cava dise a nev cow sud a biter foli blav lbe avriage; a eav that boai beau milied to long beors iroshenlng- gave 169 ponds le fat, andl un a'd caw thnt lid not treeben dropped 69 pounda lu lat. Becauseofa these thlug8 the avenage vas reducralta 807 pournals met year. but 10 cows tInt vers lu île iberd the previotae .ear mun" au average increase of 18.7 pourîds ai fat. A silo vas but tîrce Seare egoansd ih lias provedl a good investmant every yen! mince.T'l'ela- praduciug eaws lave beau coldan sd botter anas boogît; Bome gaod anas have aIea beau raiseal. Gond Cars anal Feed. As roucî depeuds ou rare sud le asn upon veadinE rout tise poor cave. Doriug vanter motîs cous sbonld ha kept lu a varin, weii ligîtedal ami eli veulilatsd barn. Tis eIset tua are esetia ta good heallis. Tisebel vay 10 veutilats a harn lu by the King systelu. Thecowv munsI hacamiortabla sud coutenteal. 'Ple ighproduciug con muet consume a large sinount f seater sud it muet ual ho caldar tIno 48 degreee F. If the nov goas away from tbe vater tank îhiverni illiireqoire ueanly ail ber ieed ta keep ber bady warin anal @bs vilI bave very lttie lit la, produce milt. Necessary ta Balance the Feed. A eau prod uclg FO poundâ ai 8% per cent milke requires a littie over B paundas ainî prti,18 poonals ai carbohyrates aauelya poonal ai fat. Neari>' ail a ur crope lu Iliquola, except claver aud alfaIta are big in l carbolsydratpsansd fat aud lau lu prolsin.. MWeammut balance op the ration b y onppliug producta rlch lu protein u scbai ail meai, cotton- seed rusa anal glotten feed. I oeili ry oate anal boy brau, ail meal anal glottan teed. A vaibty u is h e iealallo gives beotrreouite. The Ration Mir. Fos Feds. To the cava praduclu; ta 7 ta 8 paunnas aifat pr viii, 1 b.d 1 poonal of ail mei, and 9 pauae ai amixture af equai parte brai, Buffalo glullen tua, com andsudh, >mea and groxand bérley; ta ouvve proddiclg 10 panals oat, 1Y. poundi-of ail moealsd 12 Pound& of the mixture. Foi icuglasus 80 ta 85 poundoa lliga, 8 poandomad boy andl about 5 Paunad@cornutalavr. Malntalngng the MliiFlow. W. muet slndy theub ùéedldvda ioiof oach env. Ivalgb herliri oeush ov dally. Whonevoi hIl 00vbegia ta drap off 1 boeinta look for the cause. 'Phe goodd ajjains, ii. lb. gen engineer, inuit constantly kup bis banal on lb. tbrotle. Baon Stepping Sianob ta Succog , . (Hora le proof positive ei rogular anal sushaaual Increais ai production anal profilt ram appiying Intellgences tatise daim>' buoiness. Andl iransthese lite yearm progroe ansd co-aperathara with the Illinois experinuent station, Mir, Fome maies op Ilsdai>' vreed as iollowm:) 1. Wee.d ontthîepoar toue1 e l>'uîin ai tise &csies aud Babaock test. '2. li,'Zeu tise good cava s balanceal ration. 3. Onov sahs laanal provide au alun- dance af silage. 4. Headl the berd vush tise beutsiesobtaînaule. 5. Raids e bolliercalves tram lthe boat covi. 6, Continue ta vweed, lied anal beea. 7. Feed the mthal ai lb. inubohlud the nov. doa' roksuch Mib iailso jÎice w, L BStoln, of ICbga, va bis Mo.dui loaklug for TeXU. lad m esse C. E. AudOrsOn vs.alisd to ibis p lD 1ai. FaussI% Tussd&.. Mi. sud lMma.Wm.[.oLeimrtb.bappy parent. i of &by Tby boru Suud&y. lira.bM. Dooni reluingi ram CWikgo salurda> whori ah. s"ut lb. v0sIL lirm.Bon Guimarb, of Bristol, miset Tuosd*y at Gia. Barieltt'. Mr. sud lira. DorenSosfaiWauisau vWstod over Sunday atI.'Lux's. Tb@ Infant child of Mr. sand lMrm.Wm. Byan von buried ilu lit. Patrickus cemrnor> ensday at tvao'îllock. Ward Bain, lb. canaly man, ofimn, vas a calser lthe village Ibis vosi. lit. aad Mms N. Flou, af Wauiogaiq. aiea Hart Siver and fily, ai Esuocha, #peut Suoday at Wmn. Waddell'a. Mes. M. E. Lui, lira. J. H. Lux, Um Ev. Lux, Tho&. Strang, Wm. Fodnicks sud, Jans« Bartleittver., Chicag paiingsathis voos. R. Gilimoro viellsd his brother, Vaugi, Bunday. It tu sald tht Iautomobiles are 111<. Ppei: The cbeap anesemaie lhe momai as.Our vaut caluas la "e exp$"euiosud Ih make s e, taoo. FIRST DANCE. -Of--the Season HERTEL'S PARKC PAVILlON IIALF DAY, IL Saturday Night MAY 8 Dotit Miss the First One otneeded wmdiL Asw is, jemot a drop of sd. a #rte. A*k yoroS 4oo'about your takluah = Inela for thia, Imour 19lod.;'P o 11ovw bis, advlce evoryduc.Heknows. Askyop4oen~ " Ithe lb Iraigrest rmie 0f1aItp Nias doctrs out of te *v1ii luiklyftex, 44Kéep tbebovels "IOn, fWbatd,,u bnk of Ayer's Automobiles We cSm~ a fun llino' of "lut &id", rm.disste autolse slu trouble. -Emnu s 'lerhaulsd. Tire troubles repaire&. Au- tomoabilie adies.ou band. Calor telsphorro-a mioblnisl alvays usd7 Tio Repairs sum ad money aavod by promptly repairing farm as - chiuery. We ars prepared la do machine vomk of aIl kMode and have a shap f ully equip- ped for that purpose. WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Pins Ubeetiville Ezehange 661 or 1262 Libtrtyville, 111. Oppoite iL PaMlI rsltht Depet A Good Time Aswed - EveryACcommodation j Profàss.nai Carda DR. 0. P. DUTrBRFILD. ftlrïmiÂy SUEGEONq. Llotvfomlinols. DR, 1. L TAYLOR. OFF= OVES J. EL. TIOO UDG. fqouaa:-7 to 10 a. mn. 2 t0 4 and 6 tw 8 P. iM. 1 lesIdence on Broadway, opposite Park. LIbertyvile, Ilinois. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, oricz ovES UOVELL'5ODR17G @TORIL UouE&-from 1 tha 8 and 6 to 8 p. mn. i Libertyville. llinois. DR. GOLDING DENTIST goure 8 1012 a.m.-I. 105 p.rn. J. EUi Trlggs Building with Dr. J. L. Tas lor-Plane 19 Re@. Phone 1092 Libertvville. Illinois DR. IEDW. V.SMT General Practioe JOffice over Luce & Company's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION ~ GIVEN TO IlleDISEASES OFf THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS JL L STRAMN LAWTER 218 Washlngton strffli Wankegan 'Phone 276Ï ,f PAUL MAC GLJFFIN, ATTOR"IE AT LAW. ,j Ltbortyrfilo, Illinois à 1 pnui 88 DR, E. FH SMITH. DENTiST. ovxa LA&R, COUSrv NATIONlAL BANK. sotTa-S ta 12 a. mn. and 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY. LIbertyvilie, Illnois DR. À. i. CIURCHILL PI4VBiCIAN AND SURGEON aube i l Kaiser Block, over YouaS a& Lyithb Brou,' tiiunture store Spscial Attention Olvon ta Diasea ao lias 5>5, Fir, Note.snd Tiroat LIBERTYVBLLH .- = MLINIS Whon in noed of .HARD WARE ==CA. on = Wlekl SHAW BScemerto J. J. pohu ROCKCEFELLER. ILLINOIS Goie .and OU Bloms.C»e SM oi Reire& Drim du l e Rani F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspoodence 5olicitcd 126 Geqesee St Witukegan NOTICE f yon are' expecting to build or use any buildinig material, would be pleaaed to give you prices. Stock anad grades considered, I can do as weU aà others. My grade. are good and prieff are riglit. Cal and I will be pleased to show yon my stock at any time on week days. Remember, whether yoix buy or not eall &nd get my figures. RussellI Lumber Yard F. S. MEAD, Pr"«iea Cigars and Laundry Tobacco Office CLARI!NCE FLAGG TONSORIAL PARL10R LiBliRTYVILIE, ILL'INQIS Ordora Takon for Razors Ma lia nd Put ln Order Porloicais Guarantsod LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE SEWING MACHINEMAN Ehow haw mmbb wé ý tn dlàtjýhffi 1 1 pp 11 WAUCDNP,ý 1, 11 Pl*