CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1909, p. 4

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14AW T THE ELECTION Iaud Park to Vote on Park Dis. ut May 28-Mopiuson Fin.d SOU 41 Coetu for Allegod Liquar Sales Wltghwood. Easson Contest Bas- ,e Hfective Ballot and Tic Vote Mt psilowed. <Promn WednSdar»s Sun.) e Oi-t of Uic auti-saloon Iaw % camne tauichebat lu Uic counly tibis aftcrnoon when State-s At- iY Iady began trial againat Gea. XMinsai Foreman betore Judge w lth Attorney J. K Orvis de-4 in& the quai-ucbetngthe »saisfai r là dry territory Barington, ni.1 0 9s9"vas balt i ought fi-arthUic A"u thc defenscotsted every evn besilng ta have records of mdcl Moynasa of thc vote show- be vllae dry casntont, a motion Vus ôvrruled. OnOtary Quayle o! Uic law and ricagus daims that Uic drysg wb&her heUi case la won or lost rmti were dragged la tram Bar- se wltneuses and wli not be Ébl agan" be says. Will Conesot Election. Baston of West Deerfeld. who 9tic race la that tovu for as- Or sud kest ont on ons defective t hen spItta vere cent, lieda *M ta content the lection t.slsy t Ma*d bi&ttOrney. Eam U Clake.1 %lmw Park te Ha"e Parit. I PgUtiOna"sudpapers flIed ta. the dtUr cf HuhimiPark VII *r a"i agaant Uic creatIon of & distriC tlu Uitheoàe saitaide1 Ma ct sat of ic Narthwentcrn 1 X. Uice leclia. helng set for May 11Vrecu 7 snd 7. These are §ye inicuers ta ha ltdSS 11401ki.os Plned. MM s opiu- a! Highwaod Oued $U sit conte for alleged p 1Iug un" paid$144.70 in tr court. SIALEY CASE UP SOON W-. 'Oeurt Oeros ta Clear off lua Deekets. «Imat viiibe niai.ta de«aa n m0endar ofthUic enocha ci-cuit L Ïat vesi sud Judge Belden hs la Kenasha on Monday morn.- o tale up Uic trial ai Uic remala-j »eM on the calendar. On 005t Important Cac ta corne ta tg Uat a! Uic Biate vs. John Mr ou s charge of murier. There i 9M i nuniher of civil actions on uieuadar and It is capecei that vii msa ha dlzposed aoflistare Md of!the vesi. It la expected -9blheroDodge,#Sntly arregted - charge ai* burglary wtIl appear ri *0 court an thq opeulng day hi session and plesd "gullty' ta SCbarg againit hua-Kenocha IESTHE SMALLEST EGG ut tawson of Grand Avenue and . Mis Hen Fruit. (Prom Wedeays Sun.) rOmalued ta Ernest Lawsan of &d avenue tu, brtug tauich SUN of. thO ulleat cgg an record. te suÎ Inch sud a quarter Uie long »Ovn elghtha Ucthanorer way, 6luches about Uicelong way. sud nua-el for smalluess sud pefsc- %ýASONS ARE CHANGING ýW4o Watches Tinge Tele Why- 1iirng le se Lae. NI b Mue&esonsa-echangin 9 and fiq1 aid timer lu rlght when he v spriug ln shorter. vinter l"Mâmer botter, ls assert- thaeobserver locally whn de- ~~the swesplng awai- of Uic theemiddle sud north west hûbaroans a se tsiseaway A"d creaei Uic changes bave uoted builtalfle ta vabë wrda, o ta BIaisshonuily kî4&th **#» ot ilahppeýr the Il :céleugil or vinten increase. ego. Anngafr. aeForent, bWsun c he quaetances largly Uc01 ,"but le wý1 h lacici*'bu Huaband Pronisaete. upgert WINe end Ail tse qI (n omWeDnUO#a UN.) Xonday Joute Oawlesk b" her husband Frank a.rrested for al)eged ah- andoument and non suppiort and the huebani appeu4ed In Justice Runyerds court thAs moroIng and explained ha Position 50 well that lis vas heedeW and relcsaed an bis promise ta sup- port bis wtt. bereaiter. lie went ta C7hicago, he said, and utmply negiccteél ta write or keep ln touch wlth hiS vife. 8tate of Illinois, County of Lake,.s: ln the Circuit Court of Laie County. Fred Trompeter and Auguat Torpe, Trustes. va. Michael J. Gibbis, CiLiso- lue Gibbs, G. Angel, C. Senclani, Char. les à- Zaha Ca., a corporation, Good- hart Hortm"n Ca., a corporation, Val- entine Blatz Brewing Ca., a corDaiS tdon, Phllip Maikanl, John Hart, J r., North Shore Electrie Ca., a corpora- tion, Frei G. lasbhC o., a corpora- tion, George Hesier, A- Baner & Co., a corporation and Bilas HL Strawn, sac- cessor ln trust tic. No. 4116. Public notice la bereby slv5ii that; by vtrtue of an order.,and décres en- tered ln the abovh eatitled suit lna sal circuit court at the Merci 'rem ý i D. 1909 thereof, the undersigued, Mas-,; ter ln Chancery of eald court yl, on Tuesday. the 251h day of May, A. D. 4909 at the hour of one o'cloc inl the atternoon of Bald day at the East Main entrance of tic Court Housof Lake Connty, in the City of Waukegan Lake Couuty, Illinois, seillat public auction for cash ta the higliest and best bidder tic foilowing described land and real estate. sltuated la the County ofLaie and State of Illinois, to-wit: Ait that part of Lot 69 ln Hlghwoad, beiug Everets & Jeffrey's Division o>f land ln sections 14, 15, Towualp 43 North, Range 12, la Lake County, 1ilt- nais, descrlbed as followa. to-wit: Commsncing at a point 40 test uorth af the sautli lns and 100 ftet est of Uic eat line of sald lot. running thence north paraflel with the sazt lins of sai lot 60 feet, thence veut pai-ullel with thc uouth Une of said lot ta thc veat lino thereaf, tlience southstsrly &long said west line ta a point dus weet of the place of ho- glnnlng; thence esut ta the place of beginntftg, togethsr with ail buildings and Impravementa therson. Dated April S3t,.l19. EffAM U CLARRE, Master lu Cbsncery. State of Illinois. Caunty oa!yLaie, as: la the Circuit Court of!Lie, County. Catlharine Pahuman snd Carris Schenelhel vs. Fred Wlckershelm, "unknown lisirs or devlaes of Samuel Page, decesased," "unkuown owuers af or persone luterested, tu the real estate descrlbed l ic hebill o cnm- plaint" "uninavu heins or devises of lma Stan., deceaseat," unknawn heirs or devisées of Jonathan Martin, 'de- ceased,~"untkinown eirs or devisee« of John Wld, deceaaed'" "unkninav heins or devises af John Weldner. deceaued," WUiiam H. Cook, "un- iuown hein or deviscea aofHenry Moore, deceaued," "unknown hein or devlscesof Wilam IL Coci, deceaz- ed,- "unkuowu owners or holdersaio filse certain notes aof1200.00 ea"h dated geai-ch liai,1157, and securmi bW a martfage <rom, Hiramn Eversoit ta WilliamIH.Oacir, whlch mortgaga is recorded in the Recorder'% Ofice oi Lake Connty. Duab"inlaBonk T. af mortgages on 3MMe 633,' "unknown ownersa nd hoaioe !ftfve certain notes aggregsting "640.00, dated April 3Oth, 1864 and securui by a mortgsge fi-rn John Wicersheln, Jr., and wl!e ta Hiram Eversean. whlch mortgage in recordeainlatUicRecorder's Office of Laie County, IlItuois, la Book 27 af martages an page 444. lien. No. 4136.- Public notice in hcreby givun that hg virtus af an order and decres eu- tsi-ci ln the above enUitIed suit la sai Circuit Court eatheUIc aiciiTerm A. D.- 1909 thereof, the. unilerslgned Master ln Chancery or snid Court wif a Thuriay, thc Bai day of JY=@. . D. 1909 at Uic hour of one ocloci la thc aftrnoon oa! 5cM day ai the. narth front doar ai Charles Stempel'a store lu Long Grave lu the Town of Vernan, Laks Canty, Illinois, mel at public anctlon ta Uic hi8besan sd beet bldder for cash thc following deecribed land aud reai estate, sîtuatsi lu Uic Cou, ty o! Lake and OSte .of lilinola, ta-wtt. The souili 1 rad of Uic southest quarter af thc norili east quarter of section- 36, ln Townshp 43 Northi, Rangs 10 East of the Third Principa.l Meriian. That Part of the veet half of Uic south ceaI quArter of section 26. Tavnship 43 Northi, Rangs 10 Fast of Uic Third PrIncIpal Meridian. de- scnlbed as icilova: Coanmencing st a point lu the vest lins ai nid south- est quarter 3.25 chaina south af the north weui corner thereof; thence cast 20 chaîns; hiicncS suth 6.50 chaîna; then e t 20 chaîne; thence forth 6.50 chains tu tuie place ni be- gtnnlng, contalnlng 13 acresaio land more or less. The norili west quakrter of the sauth east quarter okscction 36. The west hall ai the north half oi the east hall of the souili sast quar- ter of section 35. The south west quarter of Uic sauth es quarter of section 35, rescrving therefrem 4 acres on the west side aud 4 acres on the south aide af Uic sane. Ail lu Township 43 North, Range 10 East!of-the Third Principal Meridian. Aloo 7 acres ln the west hait af Uic sonth cast quarter of section 26, Township 23 Northa, Range 10 Hast ai the Third Principal hieridlan, desit- pp' Tsa le o ddh (3kfle s ~d c that wer e largsmk lis In Au~è a,spec rierMe ri ~t ~Iesiice. I~ lot ~ ~ sUen~tqtci wt IEÎ iat al ofTW styeCr pfre&seitodhaebn wrdo with a marveloms ttenti<bn to Iët~l~a pin wa"#màI SOI'~ awmaWhode MèStoberir Ats.IhdmTitr. The fabrics used include the seasons néwest weaves in colors that are ,deniande4 by well-dressed women. It is needtess to say that the Iining and trimniings used throighout the- assortment is the very bes t obtainable $29.50 $18S.75l Ladies' $5.00 Cocît Coats speclal whillc they last, Saturday $2096, SMts ,Now $25*00 Suits NOW -$18150 SURtS Now, a -. Messaline S a t 1 n e Petticoats wear bet- ter than sllk, made full with wide ruff le, speclal at il., -

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