LAKZE Couw'Y U» NT~ ,WPY Â ,L 11I"' COUNTY INDEENDENTS«NS CHel OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY tVANG!LISTS CtI nd dK OU..« lephm o. lin i dtors Redeace TeiePhOne Ne. t 4I.Lbe 11 ahfgeMsua îtySyuyhcaosdSetnednig n e Ltered t the postoffce a ePtytille, secnd CI.. sMâee Kenyo Osappeared wth the Cash a* te ufralu uiuV5D W5KLr. àVERTEIiNG SATS MADE it N WXON PLCA1after on. Grand Time.Bhdte uf g» >SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ecdlig Because muecular piety faîled tO return secallg MU N . JUST ............... -'.............................Editv .ufflicent dividende in ChiCffo tu psy fOr E.M. KELLEY ..-.... ........................................... ................yEditor halls, pres 14cents, oeretaneeaodclegas FRIDAY. MAY 14à 1909. go sethe champion o!1 FRID Y, AY 1, 109.muwuar briaiantvbas left tDoWf _________________________________________ outil the Chicago Tribune test Frld8Y .l s e ROBBING THE PUPILS. morulng. Tii. tirt *eneral kBOwiedIfe Every parent in Ilinoisla lu nterested in légslation that WilI check the ubat ho bal dpper'ed cane 188t iglit cso hs oosaeW enthe evangel a"f aiIed to apa obtogoaaiw.O tha W re. lxtortions of tise big shool bock publissrS. That pricesoftisu ýos m àIjard bail, where be waë billed . W14 ýbtta,90c mueh iigier than In *avérai otiser stateSs not denled. Tisouunflâ« th- @ Peak. OrArU ~ Mais5 children are paying fifty to slxty. cents for an itoutrygorpi'A i.Ous othrlbtl.weel thats sId verwlis5 li Idoas' fr 3 cets.Dozons of otherte test bail been tiylrng, it was salilh ai I f~Spr bis bill and lftlIntthe slternoon. Before flrOf tw«nty-five tosa.venty-five per cent mor than the lowst prioes et whuc*i asttinughW ill SeaioIU a check on a thsy are sold In otisar tatai. Spokane bank, at.r mierai nuee.efol -Positively wtthout au equal. Not becausb we ma> hor boue dlitsprnr adgam ar rde fon t 4 moetanTe are n aarly 1M,00,0sc sool ch uidren in Illinois. aci pup îl pays att umpt s. A. . Ibeldon of th, Sbed0OO s -b tbe a-e* the. same tests coat in lsdlna, Kansas or Kentucky. Wl»' siould 1h15 liugs *po., à. bldonli.","ad1 ok for Try for youref-the sooner the better-flow, tod ovnrcharge o Ievled on parents of IIlinois te enric olimt Iastuescorpora Sopwith" &c heo mailsd on hc o lW T H A tisas? gos th* nioser. lne Md Ito work for WA Thse Lttseon-M0opebill fixes a defint. limit te textboOk gil ,btumaon 'ne 1IeD555&90 w hlm owsn thelu t 1and JE'WE LE lit lium Ieaves tise bookr ring no offlrtUflty fer evasiOn Or ltigutlOn. Tise be wàs dolng wevoit Ibmthe " ti estatej ML Mt lias ben approved hy the.çommltMe on education, of whlch S"Butor buomafl. Ha bld lue .teday haobad Landes la elaltflt »d It hould be passd wthout delay. iust g8250,000 lu te eeoti bl e woIWrk-- Xvy oldao wobllvs nàsqae ulfor this chool siould an- I".Ietartellt dae-alltcwr tivoly supportthis bill.UHedido't noirmoney for aIl <of is ----Z BUNAY8^£BLL"evangellt" to th ie otWerdm1 uwhen SUNOAY BASEBALL eho tonnd hum smoking, a&M h, alerKiI d Ou Tise board of éducation, cf Brooklyn, N. Y, lias granted leave to the. mringpe. ad convinced hha that h. eik d ,u etiletic lague of tise public scisools of tise city to use tise sthletic fields on onghtto qit the habit, gave ber a chek , u od r ee Sunday for playlng basebshl. fo 1j frthce ntl-cigaret eeupaigli. Thisnatrall ha arusedstrng rotet fom hosewhothik tht te BThe evangelpt admfitted that ho cursif u ols r e Ths aurly ia rosd trn poes ro bB wnthnktsa is othing for mon.y. "D- Mouler for kicked out or com. Sol Sabbati sahould hobe red for sacred and dîgnifled purpose. but he are ~money'e sake " he sald w LpLaied o.tiret good people, irsluding cisurcis membere, wiso believe tisai a more lberal arrived li toîIn and was looklqX for a pando eaR policy sould be observed toward Sunday amusements wtich are hrmelhlluhK teyeri tin vrye Jus tlsemselvea. "The mone stin et al liiaonmuatio !t epct higbt In consrenting upon the action of thes chool board tise Brooklyn Stand- 'Ilnon iii the re t oulligro at " oe, 1111 otin b or nongy: a di u weeyurgatle"mter could bit found ai Unindss:récréationfoun nan Incetamusement ofthis kind are x1 toew hot, h en.ei* a justsas important to a great many young people as trips te Coney Island on -nuire i plesaon t o ! t- Doie orvt non aneo vulks itise parka. lI faci. its la scarcely open te question tisai a few hours minutre a psIprcoutofethi@ wwhf.iin a W IT A *pont in a garme cf hal l!a préférable to an afternoon seiong tiesiglits et tise month. Whv d-n t-no. FinflotWHT A net toc etevating atrnosphere of the beach resorta. People wiso do not dis- Ove lgfor I1 use thope rougi terme approve of Sunday golf, driving, swinxming, etc- have for tome é trange res nrhlc t-b saez eliin the TxIi. myin ew r a sredaniptsYfo bseSieven 'when played under tise best possible, nhich BktwAe ht or id y ntow a amake nopty o e bâla luh cus rm bbbulugoser wtioIuhwr-og ek I' aifcingvn contios. Fortunately tiis feeling la gradually disappearing. In a decade war and mv fingers twtrmtb.' ahwr-og « or tvm tisera wil ha few people wtso wili oppose any uBeancSnda>' Pastume santebos u e dem ln pipe' S thiks tl tesatiseaytiie.oSn gialn wislh people nliose business affaire consume most cf tisair ture six days i ontheamadne vn ie"S hlsk i h m vr*ie n ra thse wes cisouse te plrsile it la auly te be expected tiaiith s extrém iste on tie question f Sabbath Sciool Notes. -il te l . bmeva vaii i ageé any better thon they did In tise tiie of Christ, but tise M r-Bngg was absent lat Fndmy. prast njaggof thse people wii in thse end itacli a point vniera tise question 'The eighth gradere ara the proud pot-E . A K U R Tbb will ba setted in a manne' tn suit tise majoitY and w'og obdy ,ie Ravexi au' Evelyn Trigai wre.W P R K U S VACCN ATON.absent tia fora part of the. raek onShIlk Ick betvi VACCIN ATION. aro~me-otnt tof eiknees. M"Boi Lbtywn Frein tiis tîme on it as meMei a question nisetiser one noisez to be Dont forgret the basket socialet ithe proof éagminat attack by typlioid féver or vnot. Certainl> tisera can bas no ateiXt o'clock. _______i______________________________ remo for contractiwsg tise nalady unie»a one cisoDses, aya Techiucal World. A uew pupil. Lialilan CRasas bas bren peupe nowadayi do net cath" maipox if tie> have been prpd nol nthe isîtb grade. h vacclmatul. In case tht>' neget thàbit custOmar>' précaution,'iutle considered A %gae o .-lor base ball ras payedatsoltie eki - tisai tise> ha" qwdeltetly exposed tliernelves te tise risk of contagion. The uightli grade bild a ciau* meeting -ThésasuapropositiwlOl lu future ay ta typisoid. n»UhMmasIm oidyatron bem own %Im*, hrièhincua ion ,tlsa suoitabie "va=cine," Remember the. Seior (7a»4 niglit, joue 1 mibaU f0-Y5lm insee*Y' tbsrouly imOcuilta st e a.icpal the Union eburi. A vary a11.R T masyady sa> ha eadred erianeftl> ~~int-t late 57. ncaablec etsig prograui iaamiaen rrSgei. mqnwi tbe MoiiW" Hsudicapped. *a rueu lu intaro acte, 'ise petucipis o( vaccinsation uofusuallpoxis tisaI of utitezinigtise germ of wl eoI by thi.. dama m.,n - à .maty-oiafd t ime aioftise ocm, ens ac ilder in ciaracter, to produce mni itemetilig nuinems îeRWONasoki i tse ume"seso uaiady.Tis5idéeS newdays la1>e- or mdde net heMayil 1 Go Cae nfa tr ie tanwe cae *immst»be2li mnm 14 m tevisiser~ mabwaes, uotabily rabies s dj ,_G-Ôatin ac oe hnwecr .3 ypt"s Ue £ho- d01 a"fo ieh bas scuerma.tete it* tCOu CBgtiag p Jueam Wieimmee ukiON4 m E*ai -a -VacciaionCosusiefer yi" _ rw"ao n it ght e-lraJines to handle. la order to make room wanigel- Tisa muof 25 eosas h fr thr e in weou4YI&F-Wrilist dLeed.u-'$ bsamifOthe *a is ~7 ebmvged ou dama nigt, juma' 3. ,o u o s tock w îs dispose Més u rom t j -- ,acîabtedn t W t e y M i>' 5 5leum diionearid ho c reuit'?fi" 305»dof them and at a reduction that l la - , laguqembbse u.. mbine Uihane basa aautas- ,.M"meu Worth whUle . - pu- M - le et tellement m m imaib tellgAstff merre Prioes Rauge rr<NU 1.75 IJp m- tmt a m wta epIl %$e,"' t-hsi% 1Ls'a 51 "es Ta fghtis grada amie puisufor a femm «Mau"d»O samY t bM - dy knweMor M"thmeomobmmr, bust Ibm>'have , 1 l - lk'v tugsimfor Tn »y ite. Young & Lynch Bros. Malins "*»s for Aut. LuszaRxrUa.S LcisrnCa. 33-2 fitor .esWtbeso ammer C. SP Wrightas sepurebasai a mer LdibertyviIll tisse- Uud a~ie sud ci a =i n tis 'ag oawt. uucatbn sxpeel sotTHE FURNITUBE SHOP 0F QUALITY tlek ÇOUtf aÀr lýý ÇQ uotelis ~ani grasfM asot, h.Adertiaing payra-anil paves tihe fAte Cu»Idrw.»'Ti" 'ruanurki t.J of ibaI5 i garas. i O4unay to better tbinga Try our' nadt ~~,roxrLwut ekWit l s~iitrFu .'buduti Tii" Mycr241 e onixeiag t,-, e ular We SeI Paint and Wall Paper fili Itleslè le latocirakt arraSng'- e c uernembhrs rare initIatd E R Ecteli U awvi ita Mb»tr2 EjL9ý =.-vu afor aitOScdf Ibs e 0auto-Tlise loilge nork mras ollowed b>' a social Tvwo kize 4 m S, - se 7wuukegzm wu Cam bh. a,-eomubaunl'hS ithei' dance. -------- TwVp Q CÇSi pioioteisre tiipe andl rac«s ritout lama £iretopbav Columbus reported tlit <bnl'lkr. lbrmkOt liL E t I'e1- c ue(fetl .oeesd oBradlley' & Vrooan aore point. It Trbultions of lthe Editor. Card of Tisanka.- matn ro o u.dii ass 7 ni ae orculsu drez4Ois O rb lailoçet.ibd b>'F. B. LOSCIL, Alr0 agu ua 10 for ton We deire ta eprssOur beartîcîtM - Et,.TsiQ < l dim hie- Êtres lut mentt'sçs1 Routes Uetyvîlje, 111,minutes' eonvermfoi ise &umIsnsias tiankesundgratitudm e1tcmai>' kinI SulA-t aigu, illn oA--aeruzitr* i he sdTi.. o on aini I. A daocber" 1 for a Irendâ no b>' tiîr acte o! tloougbtfxi drew ýA ý vii'Nt < Hrfp"hela thee ot ieleve' ittîs preerlption,and ihe patient s ey: *"Oh, klndneee aunauym pati>' and beautlful doa .-.- ' b ti4 <Hi Ortk Sui, i*r Innwiton lu ID b the IIef5dcoSe 0"0« ter e' Iveutéd pbar!"'fil tiai enougb' Ap unuer- floral offerluge o! respect and regtard s lia> Q t I - ~ ~ ~ O, i o oal thl I-r A rrauig"lbel5LSinu(« e n iu os 'rom'1)r, S01, Rai'Di.. aer t'barges *$100 tkconductingamaralyidllulgtlgti.bde 1 aredtri S, 'I, j o , T»d'i aIlJ aizgaitr >~~~b tua cou bon aTieupon fun-MIanoilh. le ai stperfectl>'lovely'o u orru h et n ulIo acreii 5-tI tt"-À 1k' TeQ *M"4 tir llsop»Y aduer twoo onhs itb Ileverybool> mle and outille the oui r u anai ah 1 IIcas Imeut au>' Usd1rotlDg topn.famill>' anubuis a poldbrick and MIxe.aJ. F. CL-AK, T-S _______ Rueca treksaymeb>'eeveJr .*i,,g apologiflesfor not ring bitten before. Mut. sN MUs. J. S. HYATT. T R Gitl,"i- J" ', r,- Ft ---' ivwib'ooprt SaftisConre t"u tnaAn ediU)rwratka a&mie luabht sun to acýre in l- 4. .kb o yo ',,.n ï our vlatorov your busbail nil ,,1 tactseof or a weddin or a N'4Vo Long agoyomath vetkwf eDo gi 4 e tuei fý l? fuetlifi andi @pendu thme 'fionre F;rrn Insurance et Cost. Arsorirton S"- j., & !o opaotomi tits edteeI u iaao aieSiI r.lting It up andl telle it" pralsing For intier particulars uppi>' o John Sali. ou l .a cSMi4Sto s e rhic.b c=e4M amd 1iop ...bC9fise. pur"grdns* o,,<.until blisbtes hlmielf. Then If h. EBallard, ni'eut for the Rockford -. toIl '>l b;od h~ ~ ~ ext, »delte bast e si ar. Sq 2(3 tA lin lnsgnlflcult omisaïon or Parmers' Ditruet Mutual Tornado lu-- Blk 4.WaukIemý teaod bDd lm " 't"tbd out '40'" *«e an fi&v"ý o-i-n()etoW)!ralargeofor tets ïextrat frrane. extrapaxiy. CoApey. agentge forortth BUt4. aukt.zî, -~l fcl kgti a ejlser tle f btad4fo ' on antte,er it rin bolllngasd -usu ti eatingy careeme, good for Mlllbumn Mutual Pire Jusurauce Com- Ja~cot)l'opi, asuti st". 1'..- 4' t ien. one mac blf1 nine" ,'fifon 'îr teer uîbirg ,,Il ceu ,e'o neyer gets an>'- pany'.1824 - bt-ý- - aýq, i»ge hrnro gasi peasasAfl1rl. 1,% ipekaP i tîîrg riglt aud chargéesfour tîies the S ccreli Ns:v.s' z ' - ~ ~ ~ ~£iiay ba, Mat1 rIof vi otpapae taire as large.-- $4(.ti.4 thehr au blearouil't cn ORBTEFRKRICKS. 'Iulanm* .Notice. W,, w «M "n î -, f.i Ny wife, Anule Cooper, baving lei My ,,a 0 'W Nei ,,tu aruit ir.'. j incd x.efweh fW,-&tas Quaker Ther ras ouanc see'>itrs>rsbdsdbad aeygv oiet 4 ~to's Z.Ute.xowl h onge?00 tbs in ahcm" a l tat sis mac I wnu not be respousible for anDy debtt ~lk Niai tut StThF xret ma-n 'Libiiis en. tw, l-bail a Bet &ijos uh side dsd t a h'ntoiie.contracted by ber. rasa di Chiulay t R jtbought 1Tlw re w-jn11hlea sai anl importait 31-8 HENERY COOPER'~. re7ri(tl W4a"ilft,1,911,9,d ma.ex5of he isu' 4li. rovemient "I.aste lt('lt7and-trul, toftt .16'utes. Tise Quaker Olilcrei-'carse , #&MI Meptbipi gov, is xsetxi ,f 'eLLostI. Saiti 9 ud d, ut n v, e o aftar lot ls'1 seea ai-*de" soni àashe. pe.>.roibtyAm)ritOnI te llage huallon> tet Roi ~~~~~a blc 0 iKs' idAi t, t C.ili're ftNoi d'te r flthine ri ytes ouslggisi ry rerftTopad$7 "velgg, Ma>' 18 for theRiig ga.Deed K*I ~ I'f~ ..,gtitbmm Uent'4ah a bnlnhl înpseomakiug arra fnmite for a Oraval rooflig sud rapairlng. Ail G Clak su ssi.- 1 W IlOt-n,- ?'>tts.n.~5,..sud oseYtelS' iiitfreioea saS iue't.~dl. .uw. ,OWtt LlOe1)0 119141>' miitplihldO li laIdat kndeoraad roo lg apîson on te. ~RM4MACIINERY -Moline and Oliver Plows Spring Tooth. Lever and Dise Harrows W*gong and Trucks Bngâee and Milk Wagonz [ALL 000136 THE SEST OP TH'I-R IKI] 'mu. rm~Bu Lawulrbau lis Iif You are Going to Fertilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND sow sEED 0F ANY KIND) WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your want4 eîiyvlille Lilhlber Companly Telephone No. 47 F11p mpNow leur Big tlerial, fit and 'ork mallship Are the three important featuros of SnY suit oif olothes. The style à a secoudary ouideration and can be renadied tw suit the taste of the gQutomer. The mia- terialini here r.ady for your meleoton befor e utting, the ganpenU are fitted while baated up and the workm*nship is a guarantee thât every good tailor gives with hie work. Csn Von get the sanie advantageo at a clothing store or f rom a made-to-ineaeire .uit? You know the answer. edCrokcr, lailor and Braver LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow StokFam ne and one-Isalf - miles orh ' tW jnu, linen 1 ois, haa constantly on ,la an s d f orsae, uat owestma k et price, a stock of M'lclasses of ho7àrse utable for the road and .11 faim workj,, iful a e,,,iceFLbie, .in 11 i6oo on tPie S .oOto$200.00. NO pluga Corne to Mountain Meadow and sce the hose ,.,.k o the fant. Ail acclimated and avoid risk of sîcknesa. Ail guaranteed on delivery as represen'ted. COL. P. J. BERRY - LÀKESIDE cmmaIIY RAÀND LIAI l BUMTEI ýakeside Butter is made of pure cream, from se- îcted dairies in the Elgin district. Purity and weight uaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., Est Troy, Wis. CORLETT & EREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, IL "" -âeàiwëï-mm