CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1909, p. 1

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LAKE C' -ONTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIL NO 84. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLIOIS, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1909-1 -2 Pages Si. ~o PER YEAIR IN ADVAINCE. ONE PtAN KIID AND TWO 1JIJRED IN, STREET BRAWL A SUNDAYAFTERNOON.TRAGEDY IN WAUKEOAN IN WHICH THREE MEN FIGURE AS ASSAILANTS. MURDER FOLLOWED BY AN EXCITING CHASE 0F FUGITIVE. A darlng and unprovoked attempt At dauble murder, resulting ln the kilI- Ing af ane marn and the serious injur>' af anather, pursuit of the alleged as- sassins b>' an armed and furlous mob tiret threatencd lynchlng, te capture Of twa fugitives ln a field ner the plant of the Amorican Steel and Wirc Company, and thre desperate at- tampt of ane ta break away fram hie captans and catch a freight train ta Chicago; ail ths wcrc features af a thriiling tragedy an threlilnc be- twecn Waulcegan and North Chicaga ncar seven Sunday nighi. THE DEAD. NICK MOSSIS, Lthuanian, 28, un. marrlad, hors six years, warked ln mai department af American Steel and Wirc Company. bled as rsuit of threc kuife waunds any of which wauld hava been fatal. THE INJURED. PAUL MALINOWSKI, Lithuanian, 30, unmarricd. SusUaincd kulfe wounds about arma of serlaus nature, lo at Jane McAlister haspîtal. JOE BOYIC, 35, Croatian, urimar. ried. One of the alsgcd assallants. Pursued by mob and lnjured b>' load af No. 5 shot flred ai hlm. Rlght hip injured. la at count>' jail. lîac:z uf the tragedy, is a mystery, as thfe ia- .o f r iw tabbing affri>' ihat 1lu-gaîîithe cXciîî1g sbî.Jî.cî ut !o- cîdeuts la nt knjua n Anoîber of the asslilauîls.Frank Boylc, la a clos('ly gîrardeil prîsoner lu the venuty ll, unîluîured. The lieloners were reuioved tu Waukegan front Northi Chi-ago ]art nîglit luî fear ofsrîso violencre as the tenîlir of the pfle wlenas iueritali The crime was commitled lu Wauke. 9. Fight Began Tragody. The tragedy came open 1te Tentlî etreet district lîke a hoit feoni as deau sky. .Mossis sud 'Malnow ski lîad been visilîng s Northi Chicago saloon sud wera walklng up Uàncoln avenue nortir wheusu. thse corner of Nînîli treet, the north-West corner lhey uset the two BoYtcs, who are brothers, se- cordlug te report sud 0one other. WItnesses aay that sonme reniseka passed betweeu the fis-e, the nature o! which Is unkuown, allhaugh onue de- clares that the two Bovica demauded molle>' 0f Mossis, Sprang Upon Mossis. At ail> rate. whellîer tihe affale n as a roliber>' or flt, une of the Boylcs aprang at Nossîs' throat sud com- menced te throtîle lîlîîî. Then lie dreer a kuife sud repeatedly p~luiîged ItIl to the body utfNMossis. Campanion Tries to Help. .Malinowski.aI tlîls ajraig lu lts conîrades aId but Ilie other Bo; le gri îîl-îl n l'h lli ad îs i chu rml lu hase d r+înl a k-ii e aisîîý Wlth a l.îîlfe n ouîîd iii his lt side juîst s los e tIse lîeart sand i iiii îîg deeli ]y, andîîl thli lîIssu n slu the abdo- lîlen, MsaIs saiîl,îo te 9groîîîd t ihe edge uf the, di ta h îîuîtlîe 11iorh nest corner uf Lincolî .ln ndN int 'Maliuow ski reccît cd cuil on hoth arnisa Suddeuli tlhe iîrce a*sassina hroek aund rau uns>, doit îî Niuth treet to- wards the ceîictee>. Threc Men ln Assault. Three ien sud not tnu assaulted Patîl Malnonski sud Nlck NMossis, lulliîîg Mssis and n'oondlîîg M\allnow- sldl, accordlug te the stor>' tIsatiNa- llnoîsskl told a SUN reporter at thse hospital lsst igbt I-te stated puai- tî ivelythat Ilire meni ad jtimped îuîî MussIs suid hinself sund when bold îlîat Irvo lad been arested lu evîdent excileenit aslîed, "But n here's îtîe tlîlrd man, where's the thîrd nmîsil " A tact tlîat noiîld leîîd suîport lu Mallnowsls stue>' la that a wounded man l dvciareîd ht' tle conductor of tle cae rîuîîîig heIn een North Chii- cago sud Waul.egan ltu have riddep to Waukegan nlth hMoi, a short luis sf1- er the assasuit aud clisse lied taken place, evcun hlle thie police were brlngiug the lieu aeeested te Wauke- * lntcrvievtcd at Hospital. M lalinowski waslntervlewed as ha la>' on bis ct at thea hospital b>' a rapresentative of the SUN at a lttie after tanlesat niglit. Ha statad that hie armi vained hlm but that othar- wlae he ici, alrlght. Il star>', as in- terlireteil. MusaIs su ad nyseif were walking home, nortlî along Inucoln avenue after we lett the saloon on Tenth street. At the corner of Nluth street we met tlhe three Croatians. We started to walk past them. None ot us spoke a word. 'Sîîddenly one or the Crotilarîs grabbed Mossis sud stsbbed hlm .I started to bie help and one of tî1l'1' others grabbed mie and slashed i arrosa the arme. I knocked huîîî down and started toward Mossis agaiu but 1 aaw hlm failint the grouind and saw the other two Ausitrlasa 'tart î ward me and I turned and rail The chased me but I reached nI> boardîîîg bouse ln safet>'." Knîw One Autrian by Sîght. Malinowski declared that îlot a word bail passed between an>' ut the- fiveesud ftated that Ibere n-as unospro- vocation gls'eî for tbe assasuht. Aakîd If an>' trouble had eser oceurred be- tac-en su>' of tle fise at auy linîe bha fî're the assanult le tated tIaltîihere had nul auîd that nelihe le uorNlos- ais kur-w an>' uf the Ausîrîsuis. -I1 kuow use b>' iglt.' le statî'd,"as 1 base aeen hlm aorklug lut nue n ire mîlla, lu the blscksuulth abhî D'e diduit kuon' any of theuî b>' naule -' liç declsred that In could recuguici' au>' uf the three abould thet hi, brouglît before tîini le n-sa asked If thes (roauîanis lad ssked for moute " . as snoniu-s ut tii> le-sscstat15 d udsaii-id e> lî,d iut butl aatrd ltue liî-sîd th,- assasot nultit ite hieu, ortuei bbery as lie c-iiuld uot tl t ii fahi>' uller reassun Star>' Adds Myster>'. MNalliionsiku asiatemnt îbat three imen muade th, asa ult SddS mysîcry t tle affale aud wuld shlow'filat one maial a slil at liberty, iiaktug bis es- capre souîue tîne durnîg the clisse. Thue atury outuhe conuîîtue ou the North C'hicago car n-sa Ihat a n ouuîiltd mnu 1usd rlddeuîa-Ith îîluî frou'î Nui i Chl- cagu. on a triptu tii i Siuud nual - the tîne julit about r u'îth e ou liii Iss were lu the Northuh Iicagu jail, sud lIat ha bad left the car lit Waîcr Street. Man on Car Disappeared. The eoîîductor sated the luiit ad been ahot Ibrouglu the h tt sîsouider, alhouugb he dîd lot ihiols the nound lad Ieeuu a bad uue. Ses eral compatli-u lois nele alîlthe min, he tated. After lest iîg the car. aIl trace of the nuan bas beeuîlobat, snd It la nul hnosmu nhere li e nt or wbo be lis ahîhougli uns>'beiese lins to have been the thiril man lu the assaulî. 'tAllnuskl hod Pusamlg u Armed Maki, blo Pusremng. nl trail clear acrosa the Street, eaunuo Ils boarding bouse. ahich la at t2Uii sou 1h Park a venîue. fIiI talut .niililubas ut blood agaînsî the back duor. îpoint- eil ont the two iceiuig Du les, sud an scuuued îl ub gatîiereil MIenn ouneul, bu>ysand ilîis juuuued thue grotu îuls Il iil-li ilaluuug N i h l stresetllsîer the l c'-uiig iiesu Alonug Sîlîtes res-t tus heiuli 51i5'ioui ýniigssl fri . hat the i' eîuu-tî-u > lin in,. past tueee loit i 10h.- df~u- in- alsy toulit(, lath i>>aii their'nle n urlk Taise Thaie Prisouers. John Heck d.iluler ut ii, biui uanSte iel uand 'tt'ie C omny.u> iougli thue- tuugutti es to a stl i a lîli iugiii but not blfie teyiehad ired fotuu ou fivesh lons ai thelu pursuers, liai noit* s sîlat îîg muore thaus onse lulatu. aiî i iestelu inug lIetri ci ni tii a r soi i ci Richatril 131e neceived s bad blunut lit the ye troîn surtie uuknott ft al,. sîdiîug lithii îîrsult aîud une out he mîeu soughu uxa>'hate deilsencîl h. Mlr. Bis c iade efforts to Ideiîtuf> ti( i Ilu>içs ISstilujglît. The fugiieas ire suruouîîded iri a fielldtus-Sthue Nrthn-esterii tracks cash t flie enud ut Thirteenth street. The nîob itas aruîed nith revolvers. kulvesanaud sticks. Frequant suots n'ere fred at their hirsuera b>' the Inu mni. 'flue revolver that Franuk Bu>ylc carrti li ad îueeu eusptled and lie îîulled tle trlgger vlîusly saveral Uniues, flinally tlîoionig the gun ana>' lu s rage. Tîîe t ýo - tîu'nuîlydenied Ilat the>'tecce theue neî ught wheu the mob ssiirouunuued Ileicîn A freigît trainî pas5s5'd lisI-as flc w tnu era caught sud had If not couic ahong tu cut off Ihaîr torîher retreat the clisse woold have beau longer. The>' Intauded îu catch the treiglit Sud Jua, the Ijured une, made s boit for Il, lirealulng front bIs captors, as ha aaw IL. Hawsa recapturad af er a lock clissa aloug the rallroad. Two Waukagauitas cspturad the men. Ti'ta>'ware John Naedham sud oua of the Reardun baya. (Continued on page 12) ZION CITY Af PAIRS IN CIRCUIT COURT Ziansa Latest Hiatory Exciting With Waukegan Winesses Ballots Wei-e Friday Night Offered OId Council and Turned Down. Devotional Ex- ereises Forgaîlen. Money of Bank Wlîi Be Paid to Court. Other $teps Wait Monda>' Night. Davis Wili Broken. Seegar Divorce Allowed. Latest in Zion History. 1-Application for appomntment of receiver for Zion 8tate Bank denled by Judge Donneilly as outside his jur- lsd ict ion. 2-Announcement that bank will tamn over Zion City' moncy it holds to the court. Satisfsctory ta bath sides. 3-Independents turned over poil books and ballots to old couneil in Zion FricJay night snd met refusai loa c- cept themn. Circuit Court Cases. 1-Davis will broken after ail night fight of jurors. Arguments for new trial to bc heard later. 2-Divorce to Lewis Seegar of Zion Granted. Motion fornew trial denied. Appeal taken to Appellate court. Det elupnnisnli Zion CII> 's tangled afiaies vaie tlîiek and fast Friday anl Saturds>' Tle pol books and lballots or the recent electlon stated that lie ws.s dolîîg su pursuant to the ordeu- of Judge lîîelly and wlthoîît waltlng to sec thIitciiieme ut the apjîeal thst had h. i i, iakeîî. Mayor Clendinen la statcl jha% e re- plled that It was already E i ',ii o'cliiek, the lime set for the saaiofiltii" eneet- lug and that the cou Icil ioi siljoii run ed. Waiches were llîîiîIand l i was shown that It n a i ittliece minutes to elght. ed lu have Ihen declai i litil ai asnu quorum Tas present ih. iiuihiin& wotuld he adjouruad untîl ii-st Miuiday' ulght. AffaIra stopped iir Tise meeting ls stated iii hiîdert-nd. ents tu have beau adlotirniýl lefure beiîîg called tu order anoltI iat inithue hurry f0 gel away. the devoliotial ser- vices that have msrked thi, 0e. uiig of Ils sessions uînce Ziots ('il; was fuîunded Tare antîral>' furguiuî nu Argumenta un Court. The argumeants aaSt itirdui%\ (-cea hecause attorneys for Ilie V'anIti'llh ,had been iormned bs annî,'r - tueo the ludependeuta thalt hu- -ci'go- lue îu Kenoaba wbLen Issu ý,I i i> -,at- lended the Voliva cotinriucîloîu. tilig One of the attorneys fuetrî tiou lcoinl cil stated thîs morulng, *,liai] ne nouan youIlntended tn go t lui sat CREDIT Of ZION BANKI< S DAMAGED Cashier Bellows Slated Monday thse Biggest and Best Deposilors Had lgnored Actions But Nalurally Sus- pîclous, the ZIon Mass Had Been Frightened and Somne Have Wîthý drawn Funds. Adjaurued to Monday.Set erel>' dainageil fi)it ie- ir n irl F"abry then demaudeila as-i ut iuassaouth11e Zion lit > viî-iiîilî îîîîl, îe. hihiss tt,.-~ î.r..,, ,* ser b> s nuîiber utf-iiial l qoiii , nere offered luIb odt Il>ecun menîeting Friday igbt, thaesusti riuuuuul li>W i', .Fabîry sud wer u cetdhave Ilueuucanvassed" Saturîjay inornDg the petitittu fir appulunrint oflur a reciscer for the Zuoni S tute Bank, startr-d hy Attorneys Field aînd Nie lhauui, tîai userruird lu> Jtudg -ý r ii.on elly>'anîd a notion for eaveate fice an ameuduueuî was ahseouverruled. dSturiliî' suxa uttorneys uppear- ed bcfet .uîdge Dunnelîs- fur the bear- loug ('11tIlle apliIcatiorn fui a rs'celver for nhe' Zionu Staîe Hank otue îealleg- ed retfusai tu huuor s check presenteul lu> Jauuîes Brister. sîppoluîedi regsurer ut Zluus u> ",.-linîrd Ceodinan. Recer,.er Peti ion Lost. Mutioununas iuuuusdlîsîely ads b> Attouruney FuieId ftu enae 10 file au auned dblhl. The notion wss oli- jecteullueb> Attorney- Charles 'thht- lie t u he grounds tliat the entile action badl beau stsrued lus a court that bitd nuîurlsdlehluu lI the natter. as us> an se«t ut 190u7, au action agaluat a saae bauk nmusa ibe tarted lu tle aiutbou un> suad liane ut the -Rudtor of public accoota. ,rebrsented h>' Iba attorney' genieral. Hîs objection was upheil and the motion lu amaud the bll n as uveeeuled and the petithun for the ahpinsltmnt ut a recels-ar de- nu ed - The aceeluneuurt was an Intareat- ing une. The six attorneys alood ab- untr the bar n hIle lu back were nan>' truîuu Zîou Cit, deepl>' interested lu the action. mung tboae present Ta-i Recelter Thomas, Tho was wcll peased a mb the result. The attor- neya nho aîupeared lu the case were AtorneysaFild and Necdbam for the old eounuil. asllig for the recelver, sud Attorneys Wtneyc> Fabry', Claire Edwads, and hu.unes ut Chicagu for hue luSik. Wull Gise Court Mose>'. 'ftr tuhe'lu *orepdlng-i Attorney C i 't, utui uhoius the' umain aSt ti>iuuu-;fuir t hei' lîîuuk etd that lie tt nul i fils- ua bill uf inuterpleadiug lu the tierlutureini ii huclu lewnuhd slaîe lu the i-ouirt the' conditions lu Zuouu uuanusihestandîuloutthe bauX. that t lu e>-dil I ut kuuuu stus n lons lupa>' tue usouicu ni es lîcll. anud lui whicb lie Stould ask iwu uiisaliniuePs> 1htu tIhe court. Attorey> George Fild ian cu n li-, wouid tile euh relys'salit- fuctuu tot his clieoui the Vuhivta tac- tin anu tilatiii a uo flghnuuld lerusade aua nt suitl a bil. Exctemnent in Zuon. lui fornual anrgumeuntiis amuug attur- îue> s pru-ýselit iii tuhe court nere minier- urios rit accuuîuut outhîe procecdings lu Ziusu i-ridluv W.H. l.'shry, lodepu î'udeut Put> 4Attornecy Sud ouldCil>' (isîik Frits>' iîglit authte cionil Iletilig or tuecoid councîl prescnted thie poi1luok, andultîe ballots ut tbe ast sleccion te luayîur Ceudinen n-ho refuaed nu taleelis. Had Waukegart Witnessss. Tue lart> nhich teuidered the bal- lois n-a ciimtiued ut Atturnaey Claire C. Ehnards. nhu s horepreaeutiug the hnileîieuuigun i ce Attorney' Laver>' ut Chicago_- Attorney 'Fabry., sud thre n'itncaseq tronu 'taukegau, W. J. Raed, AI Conrad anud James Marseillea. Tha part>', aceumpanlei b>' a nomber ot Indapendeuts, emfcrcd tle counicîl hall about five minutcs lu lghl. Tha>' dlaim tIsa counicît meeting liad net yat started. Thens tley state, the toi- luwing occurad. Rcfusad ta Count Ballots. May'or W. Hurd Clendinan wus pra- aeîsted wltli the ballots b>' Fabiry' wb Donneli>' ln Defense. Jiudgi' Itunnaîll- Was roui- I tiia îl- anse ruîîî i.e baud, Saturds;uurrun whnîsese was shown.,a colis ut the Zion Ciîy 3ews ut Fritîse uin whi-luý lui tle acouîit of tise-pîsoî'eîdInigs in the rouit bere, lit Waa tated thaI the ludpdeiincs believed the judgc ýo be Preiiidice for Allumes GCetrge Field luî'ausc hae was a rel anu su'of the iuduge's a'lfe, lnîdgc Dsuînelly daclar' d thuan uîcith er Atthorun, s Fi Id or au>- urleraiu lut>y iatislng uefore hlm Tas ou t su relatioiualils lu hlm sud Iat liebaid posinIýIs 'Y uo tavorites amng the bar. 'Lîlîgation la Iltîgatian," ha saaed, 'sud ilie court la ouI>' au se binrator. Ie decudea as he sees the action sud1h. Poiuns taknan ad puse îles who receive adverse opinIons; sbould nul fei-l'sr" Attorney's Ignorant of Itemi. Hia remaries were lterruptad b> at- torneys tor the ludependeuts Thu as- sured hlm earuestiu Ibat the para. graph lu the palueu lad nul beau lu- apired b>' then auud Ihat lIa>' had kuown nolbîng of t untîl thîs non- lng s-heu the lîsîer had Sppeared. Judge CaIled "ýUnclc."1 Laler amsusemennas Causad wlien Attorue>' Fild addesmaed the court as "unce" sud Attorney; J. K. Orvis lin- medîsîcl>' mo'.ed that hae be hd lu coulempt toc presuuuulug ho use thie Tord to a court tîlît 'as of nurela- tion to hlm. The miauon drubuinl fur lack of lseseeutuon. Atier au ail uhutîhi.s session, 51 Ilie opening of couurtilu» nomling the lors lu the Paris li icase renderad theil terdictotu' rusî - it.The verdict toud that theil'ln sras nul Ihat ut the hans' Xii lianiu hius sud the effort ufthlu daîgthu -lui br'ak Il ho there turc s1ice-sfîîl. Davis Wii Broken. The vericut m'ai luereaut fuans ballots andliardlu-i ii ilt'a woek ainnug the jurior-i Thuu- li t l lut Tas talie n hhortIv aflter -un It Shosved 7 for lireakuuîg the s ill and 5 for upliiuî Ilý uInthe laie, - iîots îlhe nunier upboldiuug thet ul ,lr>îped tlu 8 tu 4, tben 9 to 3 anud filit l tood 10 to2. At tlls nmark it t h ie longeaI Sud for aunse tiuuil uitias fesred a dis- agreeenut noiid ie-tilt. Later au- other mari ch.uîus-ides aud wlien the vote soa 1 tuu li1, tise last juer qiuickhy deeldeul t.. gîte lu. At ulue thîs norsshug t(i set duel was rcady brut t lad hîerii i aclued bot a few minutes before. Argumsents sr-eu.u u' umadle sonatIme lter for a ncw tr il a motion hsvlng beau culmrad liii i . ulatai>' after the reading of the s-litb>'Attorney' Pupe. This uuuruulng. j u hi-frore the Zhou nisteca caine tu alut. Jodge Donuell>' grauted a deceecof divorce to Lewis Scegar froîuu hinufe Rachlh eegar sud overruled a ioliuu for s uaw trial oui the ipartof Attoruey' J. K. Orvîs, An aphîîal n-as immedîstel>' aalîed for and alion d. The ZMon City> casaenîilgo to th, Appellae ourt toe settlemnt. At the coueluusl, nuof lIa business thîs mornug, courit n'as adjSourad u- tiI Ma>' 20. Auîsug lha thînga lu lie laken up then wilt be thie suggestion of damsages ut Wilbur Glana Vol-es agaînal John H. Lewis for ltse Injune- tlon agaloat Voiles that was dlzsolvad. as a result ut the apphhlittionifra neiv reii r that n as filîct agaliîî a il iii ciruit court but Iliat i ideuleul li Jiîdge Donuelhy forc lX ut uifisdc liont, the ZIon State l3arik, at Zionu City', la inakîng efforts lu conneet WtIl- Iur Glenn Voles n-ilth the aplihca- tion for the raceis er rith possible dautuage sults tullun-lng. If aucceistul. It wass std Monnul that a nuuîîler ut affidavits bad hieu b>' the bsuk tram dehîoallors nluo lad nitihdrawnn tlil fonds,. tuhin ing the court action, and. tha t ail ts re- 'ith thelie îuuîpose ut 0,'uie!nxg Vlîsa ninli the trouble. eaIlled out t Zluît -We hase beeîî greatli;dariagr-d in iauimorahlns> ." le (I -î)IfdtilaI uean that oui cuedut lias heen badlY dsusaged among a nalîîu ahi> susPîciuushpeoptle. The aettial niîhdran aI of fonds bas becu slîght sud ounelargest anul hest depos- Itors hase pad n attetion to tlie t roiuble,un lug otî standinsg. fT-e unns, rut t'ii'people lienr, amîuuîg nbuuî ic ehave r-beeiî bildintg hi, a good h li -.are ilsturslly sais- huil-ois and 1h -ris tiiouig r li î l hal danuage lias coue hocoir eredîn, When 'lieuslîd abou lihe uaffidavtsaat their Isuritose, to s oulicr.vols a n tIi the. troubleN-. Sii DlIoti s tateil taat hli n as mut renad *v sm histlimue lu sas siýtlîîng abolut the iluiSîeri 'you m'il] ui nueîstand nus hosinti'b'-hs,îjj lîi aun li ig tsilllug 10 sa> tnîlhîug shout the malter non -, WANTS LAKE COUNTY TO STAND TII! BULL Mayo Had Leg Broken in Leap From 1 Freight Car on Whlch He Waa Beat-1 lng Way ta Minineapolis, Couutyf Stands for Hospital Bill sud Keepj at the Count>' Almshouse After Accu- dent. Ilon- Lak.e counnî>gi-ta biuriied lit aineged pour hpeople wlth nbons It shouid have nu espense at ahI is shuwnu liethe case ut (harles >layo a tramph, for whose exîuenses n'hIle bere1 the counle bs now trying ta cuthect. 1 'Ils>on ho cause trousntMinneapolis, TIi-elue has tn o sistai s, teas lest- lug bis nay fronu (Chicago lu 'Nlinne-t aplilssla treîglit reeeuîî n len att 't',adsortll a car wnet off the tracki aud 'ils;o, itIs elaluued juiplsei lhusbuuug hîs lPst muomîent had couse. Tii'-reouul ut tIie jum i nas a breakj u hi: lo'g lui tlree laces andîl le stas lii îuîht nuthe hosîîital rtan ,uukgan1 Iri att uit Attsrit itts hi u i-u,t lilute pour, li, ih ut. \iihi 'liiiut.iicaoisI. niu ig 10 got ouie 1,-un iug lu- lbili l-it t ubs iotit uit i and uui i ll i si- uun u toki uots uiutig abuolit S i Oli- ofiii ni - i-î s ttiiuu i nucoiue op iii 1h. o'a iii un, t îî a ttire fi ouii lui la>- i - i th i i lu uu. lparentis ut Gui> 'luri u i27,, bu- uiilidjed au.l hia ized/ ilqa lii tiir l>sn r liiuiuss vshse iiiIuui s claluuîed. lias re- tut seulno su îuîîtîun iiii Tîue ttenniptL,1 hein malle te, n gi-t thenn iii siisupport hiîiî oui i couu t oî dori Tii. s liii' *aî Zitunuiu> BEWARE TII! FLY AS A PESTILENCE For Fîrst Tîmt un This Vcinît>' Fly s Pictured as Distinct Menace to Healtis and Home Sanitation and Drastuc Measuces are Urged ta Ex- terminaietIhîs Hausehold Pest and Germ Carier. A dit-'iiv iasinuoffliech~ larac- tsi izdi li th, iîu i huoalth deîartmnent's weekl ifii le ilii aiiium 's dîrtlest anul ulost deadit' veuueîuv- s shoot ta fal un Clilcazo. Tue buletin declarea Iliat the>' are directie responaible fur tle apreaulofut uphold tevar sud other prevennabile euutagious dîseassas al theougli the sinumer usioutha. It urges the folhon-Iiig hrecautlona to pravent the ftalI resuhts tron thé Insacta: 1 thý -3lc reeni t ore nindons anmlildoors IhO it ar, l, bfii; fi; lime andl keeli thie's,,ec ii lil'lace IîîîîlFilornhinfafll f'rulies maa-i lim fodsriîffi all K-l lCsi Il s lla, front îthe sick- coin liiii ho, i ili i lta0ijoii pwar. I i. il!,,>t'li ft. a ~s il.lii-, ahi igonid 105Iii lidagqI goI iioli ife i i uliiohilOtioli ilgf 11 Wat, 1of ictaIlh, oie dul, i.oîi iii ) oriiiii,' icltei anid St "i d n iii a liii.. siigar, 1lii, s î .îjî iifl clii 1iW ohtraIlid a t any di ug ',nurc. nohrgondl Il>'Poisoni I-icobsit chloî ite. oiîe diiain dl,.is erl luInthree ouicaesout N aier, laesd iii sliallon iahes as abute, "To ijui-kit elear rooni-.fiii ilh there aie large îîîîîîleî s ut files humn fitretl ni ni ownde r or iiioie hlacl, flag loto the aie or ihe rouni. These du îlot kili the tlips;1hev are ner,le snunîl ad iniist lhen ie ogonlserelI Ili) anîd deslroed, "*Elininate the i)reedlng îplaces of flieý- hl5laîIiîimprtantl. The tolion- lue shlId lie (flie: 'irîkechlorîde uof line ori-ir- oserie oier gai bage anid refuse. * Keeli garliage receptacles hlghtly eut ered. Cleail the eaîîs <ally. Clean thie boxes ever neek. "Pontr kerosene loto Ihe drains. Keeîi servage systei n l gondl order. rerairalf leakaS lt once. "Don 'n iiiliiw di rt îo acîîmulale lu curners, bellil duors. liack of rad. latoîs, lînder stes. e. "If Ihere Is a nisancsse lu the nelgh- borbooid nIre lu Che dehiartneent of healîli." BILL PASSIED WILL BIENFUT TIITH G. A. R. Measure Advocated by Stearns of Waukegan Gives Grand Army $2000 for Prînting. Another Gives Logan $30.000 for improvemnent and Main- tence but no Fufrther Purcitases of Land ta Add ta Reservation. the SUN.-The Stearus billsîîprop- riatlug $2000 for meeting the necas- saay expienses of îiltiîîg records snd mniorlals lu the Illnois Granîd Arn>' of the Repîîbllc n'as Psssed todas. The passage of the measure arouses genersl gratification among Grand Ar- my men. 1h wasn nspIred by Colonel Psrtrldge ut Waukegau sud the ap- Propriatlon la necensary because the depleled ranks ut the seteras arender It Impossible for the grand ohd organ- Izatlon lu meet expenses incurred. Aid for Camp Logan. Springfield, 111., May' 14-Speclal to the SUJN.-The appropriation of tblrty thousaud dollars for the maintenance and Improvement of Camp Logan, a measaure advocated b>' Represenîtîtve Stearna of Lake coumî>' was passadl liere toda>'. The money wlll .be expeuded lunli prosig the staLer ile range, lu plit- hlng flu a drainage syslem, and lu Cc- ectiiîg new barrack-a for the saae No appropriationî wAs malle for ail- ding lu the land, for n hîcl about $50 <11 I eeded. Wires Are Dangerous. It begitîs to lÔok as if cilles n uiid iout bu- forceil to liss a au>lait ceqiI inig flic îciegrapîh and telelloiîe coîi pirnies ru, put their ni res îîîîl cr grtiind conduits for aIltn Ires Is beiîîg su c lesi lvdenionst raled et ery fi nie tlucre ilsa sbig srornîi hat ihlic coîlila- niles are goîn g lu lske set ionîîa <iig fil li lre ufcovrlrng thi l i rea n b.i- cr possible n illioîît n ltiîlg tiiil the3 >are conîîeliecl lu du su b; Ian Everm a îîodeî ate sturininlit I îou Iil îîoî affect unîdergrounîd n-hi-. lu the siightest may vrinuop a big n lîsîr bill for the telegraîîlî aid l eiliuîîne con- iSoles snd the as lng on thelr î\- lieuse accoîîîîrs w uiid mîore ihan PSY Interest cIharige.,oun r te i lsestrueni needed to hit ilit- ies.-Kenosha .News. The Skokie Drainage Case. Wliile, fi li, ca. of the Skhlie Drainage *iiiiîîî îî-iiuîîs. Dawsoun et aii foi cou lcîiiiallonofutland for the Skolueil raiiiic.- ilteli the attorneys for the d1iii diiit.s John Pope aud E. V. Oe-ils, ibalil.iigr il tîe arcs>' oÈthe Juey on tie gi tiîndsa that ounenman n-as froni Coiok, riliit; ,that the Jury hll nut heeîî seieched accordlng lu rîîle, sud aftelwr nais that Jurymen nere drawu fron tîie count>' court apecta- tors lualesd of fron ventre, the court oserrule.l the challenge and the Juey la belng aelacted. NOISY SOLDIIRS ARE A NUISANCE Officers From Fort Have Made Sev- eral Vîsîfs lu Obtaîn ltames of Saldiers in Escapades. Boansa Around Pa>' Day Declared ta b. Fierce. Street Car Men Want Themn Excludeci From Waukegan. i i.-.u--olili'r'. sare ueodeeed out iii Norîthic îago aîl W\aukegau, or an 'i t restrlrtliis llaceil on them, is ll 1 1 - ctîbli' s ill ensile, declare en- îlot nýs of the ( i îlego sud NMilwaukee On n e Dithe hast (maca leas-iug for Fort S1lildaîîat nîglît. saîsl l ots ara derharenl nu uccur and as ana notor. nîaîl eupeessed It Iset night. 'Itbhasts any is'ldnay Ihere ever n'as.' The sulîllees aee coming tu Wauke- gaîl and no Noerthîhcago lu con- Etanih> Iicceaslng numlbers sud arouid lus datalse. actions are de- ciai-î-d lu lie seeoulsý For the pa11 IýOn rsci-s niiiibeelesa comiplaiuts liasve beeîî eegistereîî against than andîlb> îîîsîîy 1h la declsced that aari- oua trouble lias beeîî avouided unly b>' gond luc'l. Ollicers feonî the fort have visited Wýauisegan set-erah times receutl>' aud Sanueday a umajor n-shere lu au an- deavue lu get the. nainesof a party uf soldiers that had beau particulacly nuIs>' sud listerous ou a car a few eenluga before. The ulôtorman ou the car asat aveu flug slsned that the scenes ou bis car, nhe lastin1 leave Waîîkegsn for tise sunh ai ulght, weee gettlng worse anîd nurse. Youll have ta mun tae sldlees Out," blieatted 10 a police ollicer. And aIl who hase watchad the soldiers stale the, saine tinig. Whieu lisî allon'ed the privîlege ta again visît W'aukegan the moi from the foel bellaved tb-'miseives but tha>' lisse bceau gettlng constauthy worsa snd uoîv the liraitlias almost been readlied. LAST STAND Of THiÉ BLIND PIG Rclgn of Pig Ia New at End in Higir. Wood, Thanks ta Gaod can Admin- IstratIon, and it la up ta thre Statea Attorney and Sheriff New ta Clean Up thre Solitar>' Joint an the Wcst Of City. Cilty Paserlesa. Ilghwood police daim ta bava dis- covered a womau, Mrs. Anus McLar- au of Chicago operatîng the lest blind pîg of their cil>' Saturdsy night and atter ber areesi .alleged ta have beau msade n hIle ahe was dispenBng lilt quors, ahe waa gîvan the choice of cîoslîîg up and Ieaving the clty or fscîng the chiarges, cbooslng the for- mer. It la clalmed that Mes. McLaren, a nîdo', ilspeused lquors lu the old Ed Joues place, Joues having loft Uta citv, and Ihat the sama nId Deardield. tooze seller kept the place auppllad. Tht' front duor hocked, Marsaa Keîîr; Sud au ofleier broke loto the bsck tt a> and cauglit the woman lu tlie acI. t Is said. lt lui calused that tue plce lias done îa handloffice busî- litýs esîîeclsl as tlie Fort Slierifan îîy a .% a; luinit overý T here i s oîîe alleged bîlnd plg loft lUit non il, liglitooiî. 1h la waat of the On>' iîîiitsansd cît>' ofilala as> It Is op î nuState's Attocua>' Dady and Shr-rlnT Oeîffliîlu oget aller thîs one aindhi reault up. Thie telgu ut the blîud pig In Higli- stouilI i on'brukeu up sud the ad- ohiiistiratlou lal being coumaended aven b% 1he umen tvho tuemeel>'kept the blînd îlgs. Attractions ai Ravinas. The Rasînla Park Association, afler tht-ce weeks' campaîgnîug la report- eîî îu have ralsad $9.000 ut the $15000 îthidi must ho secured b>- May' 20 lu ueder to lusure sunlihee scason or mu- sic. The park Iseopeet>' la nuw lu the handa ut a receltar under the lurlsdic- lIon ut Juîuge Geosscuîp court. Ac- cordîng lu Samîuel Shade, secretay7 prelliiîluîarr %,arerangemîentssaebee unade for a teil weeks' season. -Wa sientu oltain the Theodore Thomas Orchestra for nt hiast Iliree weeks,' lie saud y>eslerîîay. "The N'en'York SynsplîoîîîOreheslra lmder Walter f5umîosctl îi bcenegaged for tour si elis uor mure, asfIt la plauned tb bciuîg lte Rusalan Symnphony Orches- tra of New York here for a short period. 'rle>- ail gaI rasulta: Doctors, 1*1- yers, marchants sud politiclis, BI wise sud advrtse-lt paire.'-CM« want columi le a wijnaei. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.

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