CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1909, p. 3

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LAKE (JOUNYTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1909 GRAYSLAKE The danme giren by the Social>Club, Frlday evening was wel attended inC sfpite utthe weather. BStIfer orchestra1 furnillîed excellent uni,-and sverybodyt hiad a fine time.c ______________________________ rant Lusk sud faiily. o! Ivanbos, At hal. &.ud tks luiteuj et Ir.. N.Smilbs, Suday. SATURDAY EVENJflI, IAY'22 Music by 1IAPKE'S FULL ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY INVITED To cams and have a good tins. les creain and cake served st the Drug Store. Bâggage checked f ree of oharge. TICKETS 75c AMANN BROS., Props. ROUND LAKE, ILL. OUR PRICE LIST MiIk per quart 6c, pet plat 3c. CreamnIl Il20cI per Il 12c. I 1,haf pint ......6c. Duttermik. per quart. ......... 4c, Cottage Cheese, -per quart. ----.6c ALL GOODS DEUVERED Goods obtainable at factory at ail timies. Specîi orders for Ice Crearu iied upon 43f bours notice. THE (iRAYSLAKE CREAMERY Tel. Gravtinke 36. Ciravilake. MI. $prIni ifllnery1 I N A",I I iii ;:%Ni% , Et ,lI-e AN IlNIIIA i, Wi I ibe îîivaeed t10haie e aU mîy oid îiistomers i ail aznd wililbu giad to wieleorîre new "Tics. miss ElzaNfI Etwls At Kueliker & lloem'dd - -- --.- (Jrayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Freih lBreadl every dav, Hfomne Made Cakes, lies and Other Paâtry. banches and 3Meals served at ail hours. i ANIiV r IL., I E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. Talpo..dg (IRAYSLAKE. 1ILLINOIS We Have à FýiÀe Ue.niStantieri and loenrotCarda Waksa, C"locknadJwelry RepauW Ail Work Ouaanteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptly FilIed W. H. MOORE (wayslakt -Illinos *fl ntopsdInu 1utffl th seswîîDr. Shootis test iil1 =1sY pis NoF5ie Blate o!f Ilinîois, Couîîty of Lake, su: lu the Circuit Court ut Lake County. Fred Trmîpeter sud Auguet Torpe, Trustee, vs. Michael J. Gibbs, Cather- lne Gbbs, G. Augel, C. euclouf, Char- les A. Zahu Co., a corporation, Good- hart Hortuisun Co., a corporation, Val- entine lýiatz Brewlng Co, a corpore- tion, Pbilllp Saiken, John Hart, Jr., North Shore EiectrleC o., a corpora- tion. Fred G. Losbtoan Co., e corpora- tioni,,George Meler, A. Baner & Co., a corporation sud Blan H. Straisu, suc- cessor lu trust. Gen. No. 4115. Public notice le hereby gît-en that Iuy tirtue o! au erder and ueee en- tered lu the abat-e eîitled suit lu sald Circuit Court et the March Terru A. D. 1909 thereot, the underslgned, MIas- ter lu Chancery of sald court wlll, on Tuesday, the 25tb day of SMay, A. D. 1909 et thse bouc o! one cIclock lu the atternoon o! sald day at the East Main entrance o! the Court Houseso! Lake County, lu the City of Waukegan, Lake Couîity,tIlinois,3,oel e t publie aucîlon for cash ta tIse ighest sud bent biddec the tolltiwlng described land andl reai estats. situated ln the ('ounty ot Lake aud State o!fIlinois, to Tit: AIl tIsai part of Lot 69 ln Hlgbwood, ielng Exereis & JeffreysB Division of land lu sections 14, 15, Toiwnship 43 North, Range 12, lunILake County, 1111- mohn. dencribed as follows, to-wit: Cominencing at a point 40 test north of tIes outb lIne sud 100 test wsst of thse eat llmîe o! sald lot. runuing ubence nortb parailel witb thesest hune of nald lot 50 fest, thence west parallel wiîlî the south lune o! sad lot to the westt hue thereof, tflence noutbeestcrly elomîg said west Uns to a point due wet o! tIse place o! be- glnrilng; theuce enst tu tIse Place o beglnnlng, together with ail buildIng Deted Aprîl lOtIs. 1909. ELÂM L. CLA.RKH, 31-4 - Master lu Chsker. Mniralarris, of Chiiago, bas moved te ber sumiier home et Dracsn Lake. L.ý Baker visitrîl bis brother atChicago Su nday. joe maieas, o! Chicago, @peut Baturdny eveniug with friende here. Mr. soi Mr@. H. Prentice, of Wauks- gen, have rnoved to tbeir beautiful nummer home et Tbtî- Lake for tIse nummler. i Miss Vernie Massetsans e guest O! ber @ister, mise Zeta Maasey, Frlday and Saturday. Mr@. McCleland visited frieuds lu Chicago Saturday. Misa. Bertha and Pearl Kapple, o! Waukegeu, speal Sunday as home. M. Jochben and family, of Liberty- ville. @peut Sunday efternoon with frienda Ibre. Tb@e rynlake creamemy bas opsued up anâ ecwith Gus Lantey as manaer at oxLake Ibis wegk Wedaesday. This sutmrrie la growing very fest sud la constantly bmsucing ont into nsw territory.' TIse Grayolake Cemetemy Socwiety wiîli meel wiîh Mn». J. Sl. Marriq, Tharsday attemnoon, May 27. As !hie is the yeerly meeting ail members are requaceod ho be pressaI. istors elwey welu-oiiie. Harvey anid Min- lîmahici Witiuore spent Mundey at Lilurtyrille. Mr. andl Sfrmeoerge Tbiiî.ii îîdciiie to WVadsiortl Tacsdny. Mrc.namil Mrs. Ail SMendlMr.andl Mr.. hunier. f iii fllrni, rjenr 'fié,tîay bere. tir f C'.G %%itîîutr k it aL is orties Il SidaN îîg tOs. .Arih lîeniuuuTII11wilhi r,,rîhnî t thei srties a@t the Elisolel Mi.siîuîî uext Sunnlayeveniiig. Everybuuly inivited Cleneitt hitînoee penSaturdai n d Suuday a itlîfbls fatl1cr ut Ihtilcagruj Miss Emuiline CI uuluî, ut hraltun, Gin., le thie gueât oi lier teuuîber ai famîly at Rolin s. Austin Parker aud hie moller sud sister vimiteil at lis un( le's. Gm. Parker, sud femily Sundey. M r. and Mnm. Herbert liouiittle, of Waukegan, visîted relatives here Sunday. MisenulleBowees, of Itollins, speul Tueaday and Wedueeday wîth ber r madîarentâ. Mr. and Mes James IMm . H iaeby and deugbter, Eve, o! Wimot, visiteil several days with rela- tives bere. Mes J. E. Bisier vlsited at Chicago Thuroday. B. J. Lottno transacted business in Chicago Wedeesdey. (Wo. Behiosser bas act-epted n position et F. D. Batteeshaluis store. Lac, Shuer, ut Waucoude. ni bas driver at Hotel Gacdiaiee. Sevemal o! our prrnîising youîhe ol a trip tu Chicago Bandey la a sida door palace car. Howse tIse walking? Mms.Murray sud danghitec, of Geneve, are the guetéut ber beottuer, Ed Wagner and family. Mesa. James Gorberu wa@ the gueet o! Mes. Et. J. Wheelock several deys. Mise Ane Amaun, o! Round Lake, spent several days isitIs ber sioter, Mes Paul Toby. Mièses Daisy Doolittie sud Ruby Bmuitb were gueta of felende Iu Weukegen Saturday and Snnday. Mesi. Capt. Bross a i entertaliug hem grauddeughtsm, Miss Russell, froru out of toisa. T. A. Rteynolds trausaeted business in Chicago Moudey. The ntb grade finale were given lest Tbuesday by Superiurendeut Simpson. Louu Gacwouud epeut lest Butîdey at bonte is,îe bas beu promoted ilu bis tçork and is noir at Chicagu Beights. Miss liarli' ur!uic L.ake VilIa .ibol lias been eugeil iii eacheb tsfourtb ll!th and si-tb grades aud Sire. SicClel- land the seceutlî and eigbtlî grades in our sehiiol next terni. Atiempi b Wreck Fast Train. According to tIse report ot two bobos thât blew iuto tossu early Saturdey eveuiug seeking the town hall for e nigit re@t, some ans bad etteînpted to wceck theeftest train wbich goes througb bers ou tIse Wisconsiu Central cilroad about 8.40. TIse bobos repocted to the night operetor that up uer the towver the treek wns piied isitb oM reilroad tics wihl they tbought had been dloue by some oasý witIs the intention o! w reckiug the train sud that nie bad better lag the train. The operator îlouhting the ssocds of the men dîd nîît hced the waruing and ]et the train gui rlîroîîgb. The Mies were notsolidenugh luI dernil the train but caeised tbcuî to stop alter runriiug lntotbem. There lins teen nuo tracs of who did the daring deed of 1aing tIse ies on the track but slîonld they be diseovered they n ilI doubtîs be severely panished. Base Bal-Rab. G3ruyslake base bell faus are sure to have Dot onlY une base bail tram but two teannis inu the field this seàson. The Grayelake Athblstîc Association uni*r tIse muanagemuent out E. Deitz have orgenized two gouud teame. Lins up as fallows: Grayeleke SBn GreyslaesJr. 9. Dletz...... puteher .....Watters J. Treut ...... catcher..MarquisShatler Hf. Kapple ........t base-....L. Bhenks F. Winkle .....2nd base .B...ntait E. Bunge ........rd base-....Wendelkem M. Murris ....ebont stop...... Murrie G. Krssmmey . c.. ...ef.........H. Âmes R. Dietz ...........rf .E. . Richardson 'l. Hook..........If ......A. HaSacilffe Bonace Kapple, captalu. E. Deltz gouaniauagser. The teams arm out for preticeasd are open for engaglesets. TIss.. w mprbable b. a càd.led @con. The sehool bousewhiciî was 'enuty U BRNF ET buried dîjwn ate Laks Villa wili be1 W A N T L3S rebuilt on e neis site. The question Mia Vinis Jeniesîn. of Kenosha e o wberesit slîould hée erected l-ame up speudîng ber wsek'm laati,îi witb ber FOR RENT-Sux rî,îr rii çleotcaî&I ou le week wbeu it wns voted rîlon by parent*, bMr. and Mcc. Ueîî. Jîmieeon. Fve cents per lins each insertionr. hîo St. Ip jply f., uelireF the citizen@,. Tlîere isere two sites tii be Ms olîîWîdaîtîbs~ JNons rsceived for lses than 25 cte. :l4-2 consfdared the olîl site or thesite wiiere dreeamaking in lti iuîrty the past T ETfi,.cajligîii lî î the oid Bbeewiiod boîuse stands; the week.T ETHosatl byd r later ope seemed to be the beet proposi- - week. lIri Gih,. iiWt l 3 dion. The old brick boluse anid two Simeon Amoes speni Siiidav wltb the REA.L ESTATE _______________ acres otfend were offered by Mr. Lymen home folks. FOR1 _ for tbe s@meil ainount of *310 Tiîe The Hockaday sclîîol , liîed Friday, FOR SALE-New seven rouin bouse ou Inquire fuiNDPNExii.yrOHIlie, 33-12 question wes put tii a vote and the May~ 14. Aino notice a special sebol Park avenue; aIlInmoderuneunveisue re2t1 a oe for the odst.Wh uw s ie uodueig MAY 22 to eleet a ilool dircctor. Iîîquire Wcou & Liii, .i'bertyvîlle, FOR RENT-We bave a lew gond mod- 21ato andm tIsenste.oflandfosnc a ueG esawe willlbave toiîimport one. Ili. :13'-t! ern bouses and flats tîr rent. 1lîi.îiîni @Mali ernount oft ronsy sud the old Misa Alce Noloonri rturucîl froin ber A eeee.-eee..e.. itIT IN. 27-ti brick bouse wbicb inincluded sbould give visil in Chicago. FOR roo.îî bouse oun Lake Villa a splendid start towerds iaBsi ar ! iine -a e Breinerd Court, al moîdern onveiece.FR EN- optres. nur erect!ng a fdue sebool fbouse. ti s B î n..arr, of ue, A -ine lquirCHAS. KL~EPPEî, Lbertyrîl, Fiii OR REN.x Ro ase . In i.J Caihole Church News. Juat at present tIses e erns tel be a question as tu ishether Gaylake ssiii gel the new 810,000 Cetholie cbureh wblch Ihey have put forth so msuy efforts for. The location not being ientrai enongh to nuit tIse maionlty ut thse Catholice who wouid attend sund support tIse church. Just et prosmut there la etroug îaik of Its being located et Chritian Corners neur Round Lake. For the tins beiug sevicea wili bq beld et the hall et fBaiuesville tIsemrme as lest yeux. TAYLOR GROVE. Mc. and Mns. G. A. Osborns sud tamily speut Suuday with relatives in Gurnee. The Kings Daughters will meet with Misa@ Ethel Lewinj Wednesdey aftemuoon, May 26.ý 11ev. B.eed was cutertained et tîhe Shea home over Suuday. John Veaiiug called on friî-nds bers lest Teest Su-veral fruum iece attendcd thue funeral of Mr. Freiner o! lHikory Sunday. JuAin hireelv, utf Pleasaunt Prairie, ielled ou relativë e esSudey, Thîe Ladies' Aid niet wiîb Sire. G. A. i Isirornie Weduesdey. Miaule Sbesaud Ethel Lewin client ,everal froru here atteuded the lance Sain rday eveniug. Miss Olure Weil.s h entertaiaing corii îuuny fruimî Evenmton. The Kinig@ Dugbters wîll give e Subonnet Social et the Roseccaus M. E. clînrel Tnesday sveuiug, Jue 1. Eacb lady i@ reueted te brime Iss u subouuetrj of the same color oune o! wbich io to be sold et anction. The gentleman buyiug tue sunhonnet will take the lady sith the i-oereapoudlng sunbounet te supper. Zion City cahIers this week were Henry Meyecs, Geo. Lewsin and family, Mes. . A. Shea and Stela fibea, Mes. F. A. Hogan and Miss Nixon. Rate Geliug vislted relatives in Wou- kegan lest sseek. Thse Les family have moved intý, Ibsir new home. Miss Olive Wells ettended tIse enter- tainmeut given at York Bouse Friday eveniug. Robert Gelliug, of Frenksville, spent Buudey with relatives hers. RUSSELL. 1ev. Me. Brownu will preach et-siy other Baaday. Next Bundey there wil be no peeaching but Bunday oebool as usuel. Mm. ard brs. E. J. MdurespetBuuday with bis parent@ Mr. and Mes. A. Marrie in Keno@a. Mes. H. F. ivem entertalusd hem brother and family trom Ifunosha Sun-, etteaded tIse C. E. soin]. Mr. and Mrs. Newton LeVoy are rejoicing over thse arrivai if a son. Edwin Thsom and fninily, of Bristol, npçat Sunday witb hie brother, Wiii, sud family. Ed Martin apeat several ilaye in Chi- cago tIse past wsek. Mr*. Trotter. Miss L.ucy, Bert sud Fred Trotter, of Evan,,tî.uo, vislted Mes. A. K. Bainana ttended the fanerai of Mes. Frazer aI Hickory. Mre. L. M. Donner, oui [useil, spent Suaday et John Bonner*e. AUeo Clarence and Robert Sonner, 'il Clii a&go, visited over Snnday witb the huome folk@. Mes.Elitâ Strang Wîll îperid a few sssekn withbahe son, Eugene Sirag, in Waakegau. 1ev. l4efford sud Mise X vian Donner attended tIse Iiliniie Iugregationai annual convention ai La (riigc, .11., as delegates Ibis sesk. Mr. and Mma. Si HI 1 i ,frange Hall vîciity viited Wrîî. Mi For.. anuj Ethel Inet Sanday. bics. R. L. Streug q i,-tii îudiy at /.iln Cty. H er nure,i lieioI retucu witb ber. Madames Johnand 1i. M tuniier were Chicago vistore foîIiil.u. Job Cutler. af Zion eocls-diag a week with tIse Deninînu bciîe. C. *E. tople May 23, fleinga hlirutiari, fl. -At tIse Bahut Box," Ps. 2M:. 1 9 Jesse Deuman, leader. Miss Alice jamieson. ofl thioagir, visited Bunday and tiondny witb the home toika. GURNEE. Mrs. Jackmau, o! Nunda, ie tieiting ber mother, Mms Diiley. Misa Floy Nion accomapauied by a trîend visited aI R. B. Dilume during the week. Mr. and Mes. B. C. Gregg, (if Chicago, vieited relatives Iere nier Suaiday. Mise Hazel Gregg ssill remain durîng the summer. Mir. sud Mr@. P. G. Smith eu!ertaiued Chas. Chase aad !amiy, of Grange Hall, and also, relatives from Wankegan, Sun. dey. Mir. and Mes. H. D. Hughes speul Bunday et Milibvmn. The pupuls of the Wh sechool wilii ive a play, "Ou tIse Poduk Limlted,' at tIse hall Thuesday svening, May 27tb. Admission 15 sud 25 rente. les crearu and cake 15e extra. WADSWORTH. Beautiful sprlng westber! Fiions 1144, 34-t! FOR SALE-Lots lu the Dyrnond andl Austin subdivision, 50x140; $100 eacb; $5 down, $5 per rnonth. Dînsru& AUOTIN. 27-tf FARMS-We have a large lt o! Lake couuty farmoto ssiaiso bouses and lots n village. DIMoND & AUSTIN. 27-tf FOR SALE-Choice lots lu C. Franik Wrlght's addition, 5SOIlS, for 8200.00, 1250.00 and $1100,.10, DI MoaND&,AUSTIN, 27ï-tf FOR «SALE-Acre loto on DIyniond's subdivision, lose to towit and electrie cars. Price$1100.O0. DînîoNnr&AUSTIN. 27-tf LOTS FOR SALE-ln the B. J. Grimes sub-division of Lîbertyville, soutb of eleetrie rond on Milwaukee avenue. B. J. GRIMEs. owner. 15 tI FOR SALE-Propsrty kuowu as Father Sa-anlan'srssidene, nearly acre ofgrouud on corner witb fruit andl ebade trees and two o tory building w'ltb latest imîîrove- meute. Tbree additioîîal resideuces cari lii- built on tiiscorner; rnight coueide'r dit ding. Sces iM. Joiioie', Cook Ave., or P. Q).îBox 7!j, Libertyville. 18-t! FOR SALE-310 acre improved farrn in RIed Lake Coiînîy, Mirin., good buildings; iiigbt dît île. M. 0. loiîsox, Cook Ave , or P. (l. Box 7.), Libertyville. - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 7 tf FOR SALE-Four bouses, eentrallv located; to close esînte. lîu ire Of UEO. M. lii, ltockefeller, or L. RAY ibI ertyville. 31-tl FOR SALE-Anyone wantin g to buy a seven roorn, modern, up-to-date bouse ses EnMc DONALD. lteady for octupancy May lot. 23 t! ORSAME FOR SALE-Upright piano ini good condition, $175. W. M. WRIGHr, Prairie View, 111. Can be seen at Wright Lodge, H all Day. FOR SALE-Gao stove, les box, four horse and new buggy. DL- MARTIN, Libertyvile, 111, 34-tf FOR SALE-Top buggy and harness. A. J. GOULD, Ubertyville, Ill. 34-2 FOR SALE-Bisck Percheron stud colt, yearinag. lnquire TRomesoe FÂsn, Libertyvile, 111. FOR SALE-75 cords of bardwood, by the cord, or the entire stack. Inquire Wm. CAVA, superinteadent Thornberry FOR RENT-Nins rooru bouse on Orhard street. Inquire Mas. M. A. PROTINE, Libertyville. 30-tf LOST Md FOUND LOST-Fiat key, No. 51, near front of poffles. Finder kindly leave at this Office. LOST-A pocket book coutainiug bills and change on Belvidere St. bstwsen Warreutou lirove and Waukegan. Reward if returned to i DEI'E\'IIEN.Toffice Or NELLIE Goxxo, Libectyville, 111. MONEY TO LOAN ýIl y - - - Bi. Strang and family, of Highwood, Farru, Lbtertyvii' 27-tf day.~~ alhs t couple dsys wltb the borne folks Miss Bar& Brosse spent Tuesday w t Ms week. FOR SALE-Lareswalilmaps o! La&ke ber mother at Wadsworth. uty rc $10.LiENDT C. M. Gorham and WiWe of Waukegan, «Mes. Helen Peternon la îiavîng many ofcenty. ryie ..0. 22EENEtf imnmovemente ruade onIser bouse. Page ofcLbrylili 2t @pont Sunday with Murrie Brothers. 1 Ï9 doing the work. visitor M. o e wat a Chicago Jae atp wsacyvito FOR SALE--Siagie comb Black Minorca Mes. L. Mona. JmsBrlt a iyvstreggs 1psrsetting. inqul.reus LÂAqi, Beouie Gundeeson entertained company Moaday. Libertyvîlie, Ill. 334 tram Pleasant Prairie Monday. Mildred Murray, of Russll, spent Pppo The report tIsat Mm. Dowss waa dead Saturùay with frieada bers. FOR SALE--Gaqolins rangs in good was faise. It waa Mes. James Dowss', J. Webb sud famliy, of Ricbmond condition, six burnees, large oven with mother wbo is dead. cailed et R. Keleys oas day recentiy. e broiler. Inquire at this office. 32-tf L Z ~~j Mes. Mike Lux and Mms. Wm. RaBf SEED POTATOES FOR SALE-I ROSECPtý - ere Zion City caues at Monday. bave choiee seed potatoes froru New John Vsinning bad sold bis farta be A little sour arrived et the horne ut York state only 8 yrs from potatose. purchased froru E. S. Fauikner. Mr. sud Mr. Charles Cashmore, Sunday. Seed bal, very sinootb, sbellow-eyed, Judge M. H_ Welcbof Chicago, spent Miss Sarali Browe, o! Russell, speait large yielders. Cail and ses theni. Cor- Sunday wsith J. G. Welh.TedyabrhoeiIiicit. ner Nortb Arve., and Fîrst street near old Tuedayat ierhom inthi viiniy. deîîot. BENJ. 1B. SILLIANI5S. 32-tf Clark Northrop1 started for Idaho ia@t Dont forget to attend the firet lall . e..eeeeeeeeee Tuesda'v. gaune 1of tire .eou bere Suday ' iv. FOR SALE- Pure Iîred Sif Orpingion Mism Jennie Welcb tins chosen as dele- Wadswortb IWhite Soi vs. the Ilanke- egge,$81a setting. I itANK. Bcaîî,(Grays- gate to the tate Sunday ochooi con- gen Nationals hakre, 111.2-Il veution et Peoria. Mrs. Meyers ie at ber cottage for the Blancb Oliver etertainied e young suminer. FOR SALE Good new stock of tencing. lady frîend from Waukegan over Sunday. Hgfrc 0 e o;7wrm4 nte MA. Hogan i8 impro .ving the looks of Mr. anid lire. Edgar Ames are the hg feus2e; prr;7wires43 inches g,3c our lttie baudîet by paintfng bis store bappy parente o! a twelvs poud boy, lieavy voontry fence 18 wlres 48 finches and barri, bora Monday. bigli, 6 ii. stay, 4h-e. 20 wires 58 in bigb Mrs. Lucy Frazier one of the oidest ANT1IOCH. 43c. Low prices ou lîgbtly deteetive residents of the county died eit the home aud 1dl styles o! teucîng. 10 wires 47 ot lier sou. Thomas Frazier. aI Hlickory Borin to Dlicand Mrs.Rush,., Sinday. a lu. hîgb 29v; 11 wiree 7H in. hlgb 33c. lagt Tbursday aud was buried lu the daugbter._ E*YoLieyvl, Hlickory cemetery Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blter neec 27-tf FREMONT L. Garwood, a daugbter. ________________ Syilvester Wagner and tamlly wece ILes Burîîtt lias moved Into J. J.AN D Freint callers Sunday. Morîsys tInt on depot street. Johnîî Aart spent Bunday au borne. Wm. Hauaîiian bas inoved into Charle WANTED TO EXOHANGE Rlgh cielo Elizabeth Wagner returned borne alter Harden boue on Lake et. ilUeedi rigbt pianol for good biorse. Wiii s1e-nding a !ew days witb friends and guecodraen Iavseirlpaîs relatives bere. Mrs. War-rpl Wlliam~s accompaniedl to selevct froni . iîliîiiin,1263 W. CoîTiuereured oWukga e lerier grand îlaugbter to lier home in Nortb A. .iago. Telephone Hum- CoaTtsreundt aneaatrKenoshe, Tiiesday, for a weeks t-kit boIt 1 ii. 34-4 Htayiuig several weeks with ber brother, befores he rettiînil to Donaphîn, Mo. Adani, auj family. Frarîl Bebrule is uk witb appeudicitis. Wiil Van laiten bail tbe nîlfortune WANTED-Stoek tii Pasture. Inîjuire Ilîe lic Kossteviitig hiswek unday to have bis pet dog killed by a t. E. I liiiNi, GCrnser, 11. 34-2 wiîlî ber aunt, Mrs. Geo. Pfaunestiei. tri blaitedp. iniiin Grabbe nibo speut the wiuter Antiocb e gtting busy. A merry-g- WANTED-A go,! wi)rk hiurse that iiiLoueiua udTeis etune boneround bas ccii piaesd next to the """'l îteîgh i11)oi"t i 1I. . iLox, inLuisid a ndTx". und oeEiectric theatelbuilding aud is takiug iu Tel. 2i~.33-2 Miss Anna Arnanu i@ îislting e fewthnikue WANTED-St,,(ik tii pasture, fine blue deys withli er si8ter, Mes. Paul Toby, of YR OS ES grase, ni ewaînî, f resh water datiy. Grayslake. YR OS NW, ire 1G. W . uîî iiî, old Morris Mes. Pauîl Toby, of Graysieke, se t MadM, ao, rn ursnd tarai, t%- miiles Test o! Li bertyvilie, Sunday witb bier parents, Mr. and Mci.. Mr. and %Irs.Je-rry Burris atne h Plione 754.2-t I J. Amaun. funerai o! them uricie, Elliab Jobîîsou, LOON LAIXe ierEvleonTsdy miss leva Nottinghamu, o! Chicago, fi Mms. WXalten Dunlep visited relativesf visitiug witb ber cousin, Gsomgia Book. on tIseTowuline road Oas daytbis week. Miss Tessie Cunninghamu viited Setur- Miss Auguîts Adams lues accepted a day sud Sunday lu Chcago. position as bookkeeper and cashiec et Wiimer Book vlsited wlth bis grand tIse Cois gnoceny store. motec ri raylak. Sturey ud Mm. Charey Holdridge and niother,« Suuday. Mes Bowiani, spent Sunday aI Liberty- John Martin @peut Bturday uvle Chicago. - bÉe Towuliue schooi wIli hoid e picule On Wsdnesday, May* 12 ai thsehomne oflu Mr. Reyuoldsgrove one daythls iseek. tIse bride occurred tise manriag o!f Barry Karr, tu UmisGilbert et C(hicago. Con- James Nelson 10,1 a valuable borsei gratslations. Ibis IWesk. SPRAYING-Alter tue cherry biossome faîl, ili meusîre larger and more perfect fruit. 1I%% ould like to do) your spraying. GERALO i.tAa HEL? WANTED WANTED-Good grirl for generai bouse- wurk. Muet île et borne. Inc1nlre Inuie- pendenît rffic. 33-tf GIRL WANTED-To set type and work in priuting office. Inquire et INnEPEN- tDEST offIce, Libcrtyrille, 111. MONEY TO LOAN-lIninpod larme mat -lier vent. IiNlNi&A r, THE FTRST PAIR 0F GLAS S Sbould be Csretuliy Fitted Here thse Fittiug ile Scieutifle DR. L B. JOLLEY Pl.a.,OY e i. Ilesideace 121 OFFICE .HOi lS liii11ia ni ieu ni . 7to t8p.I m. OFFICE Iith amid Stie Steeie. OPPOalte the Butk North COble ago1is DRUG STORE LINIS Try e bottie of our Pop, Pepala, Gf'v Aie, Itoot Beer and other bots daks You will Sund them the best. À bar of our CaIte noap for 10o or 2 for 15e wili be sure to give satlslactioiL Ail tIse new magazines for Jus. coming lu dally. We bave a number of good lieu kilisy for youm poultry sud stock. Kueso Dlp leado tbem eil for queiity and prie. Brick !ce c-reem et tIse store aI Rorls- feller Buuday. Now 18 the turne fi use lesileboro on youm bushes and kili the toseeta. We have lust received a consigumeut of Ausheekerso Paris 0renposiîively lthe purest and best ou themet. DRUCE DRUG CO. Gravalake, Rocleesler, Round Lakg, H. A. WATSONR. Ph. L. BAKER, R. Ph. I PIANOS b bae tny o e several styles of the Baldwin Ptano@. I invte ou o ail andi seec Prices within the reach of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Lcensed Embalmer ~ GRAYSLAKE - - - - - INOI USE ELECTRICITYt LIGHT AND POWER WIIY? ASK us forth Shre EIecmrc £ompuy 230 N. Genesee St. Telephons No. 258 I - FRED JOCHHEIIM SPECIAL ATTENTI ON To out of Townr Orders And Shipping Trada -e------- Taephoa No. 46 l4bertyvle sExclîa IBAKER end CONIFECTIONER Libertgvile - imoIp MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIEO SWE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN*. Gambetta Prince STALLION SEASON 1909 Gambetta Prince in a seal browu stailion, 15 handa :3 luches high sud weighs 1150 pounda. Sired by Gamaleon, son of Gam- b et ta Wilkes, he by George Wilkes. D)am by Ilambletoniait Prince, son of Msinelauà, he by Rysdykes Llambletonian. Gambetta Prince inaa horne with a good dispo- sition, fine conformation and perfect trotting ac- tion. A show horffelfit "Gam ett Price" to show in any company, as he took firsî premicin fo r l)est trotting stallion sud also thie sweepstakes for staliion ariy age at the ae County Fair iast fail and tNo of hia colts took 1remiurns, and am a two-year-oid lie «on the two-year-old stake race aIt ta Lake County Fair, as a three-year-oid ha trotted in 2.Iûk and as a five-year old lie trotted a mile in 2:12. Ilec las beeu ini the stud oîîiy s short time and has few colts, but tbcy ail show good action, Sune conformation and good size andicolor. Those that bave huen handled show great speed for tireir age. If you think of breeding corne and &ses the hors. and sce@orne of bis coite iliiote befora breeeing. lie wiil malte tire seaýn oil 1900iou t the Libertyville Mile I raik. Ternis $25.00 t, iîsîure. J. W. Swanbrough, Libertyville, II. DANC(E EVERY SATURJJAY NifiUTf 4444404*4

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