CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1909, p. 4

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ýtMf.COUNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY 0*00 Teephoe Nô. irltor s Residence Telephone 7No. 11 i bet L xcag EIraered st the Püsoffice az Lihertyville. Il., au Second CRasso Mtter IBUCD WZIKLY. AOVERTISINO RATS MADE KNOWS ON APPLI' SILOS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 31.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE f9ANK W. JUST ............................... ... ................. ..... Edtor ILIM. KELLEY ............................ î«*...... *«.......".....City Edilor FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1909.1 FLAG DAY. MONOAY, JUNE 14. FIag Day carnet annually June 14, and the Amnerican Fleg association han Ilseued its annueai cati ta, governors, mayors, the press and ail Amorlcan citiz- ens askinq observance of the day. The caland instructions for the. saluts ta the liait are as folows: The. Amerloan FIag association, agretabie to It. custom for the past tweive years, respectively reminds you that Monday, June 14, 1909. wli b. ,the one hundred and thirty.second anniversary of the. adoption of the stars and stripes ast the flag of the Untd States. The increased public recognition o? Fleg day a a national snnlvertary would seem toanoske unnecessary any rsminder, to secure your co-operation ln securlng the widest possible observ- ance this year.t The governors of not a few of the. states have, by their proclamations,t called public attention to the. day and have ordered the flag ta b. dsplayed on àIl .t&ts buildings, and have invited their fellow citizens ta clebrate the dey. Mayors of cites, ln yeara past, for recognition of this annivorsary have erdergd flaÏ b. dlsplayed upon the. municipal buildings of their respective 41ties, and by formai proclamation or otherwses have lnvited their fellow 41tirens ta do the same upon their private buildings. DANGER 0F DISEASES AMONG CHILOREN. More than 100,000 children of sciioci age are annually laid protrate by the three preventablO diseases 'of diphtheria, tubercuis and scarlet fever, and 20,000 of lies. ilinesses terminste tataiiy. ln dlphtheria 'and scarlet fever, the Infection generaily passa from pupil ta pupil in tiie eariy stage at thse disease, whlch only medicai inspection can detect.É How wldespread rnay be thie Infection resuiting from the presence of one source of contagion sa forcibiy demonstrated by an occurence in a school at iiigrove, Ohio, where a boy with Incipent messies infected every member oet the achool, sa that they ail fel sick witiiin ten cays. If dlacovered early, the. slck are not oniy preventabie from infectirig the weii, but are, in most casss, easiiy cured. ln on. year about 700 puplis wth diphoherla, scariet foyer and tubercuiosis were found attendlng the schoola of Massachusetts. During the came period several thousand children wth other contagloud diseases such as measaes, mumps, grippe, and syphilis were excluded from thesee achoola in the intereat of health. There can b. no doubt that the early dlsevery of the". alimente prevented them from infectlng hundreds of other Ciidren. Over 15,000 cases of cOntagloLia eye diseases were found ln the New Vork City achools ln one yekr, and 65,000-oher chldren were exciuded for - palous transmissible aliments ranging frono dipitherla ta whoopnigcough. Iln Philadelphie about 10,000 of thé. achool attendants durlng the ybar are uolud.d nt nmrn tie, because of diseases whIch menace the. health of their gbociates-Ttchiclc5Worid. mIas o!fIllnois, County of Lake, se: In the Circuit Court Of Lakte COunty. Fanas 1L Smth vs Aitel Gorauson. i*llUna Ooranson,- Albert GoMRn mmsi Anna Goranson, GýeOýge Gorai. sou. Cari W. Llnberg, Guardian. etc.. sund John R. Fulton, Trusîce. Ga. No. 4194. Public notice Is herebY given thât l>y virlue of an order and decre.e»n tered ln the above entltled cause lu1 *%id Circuit Court at the March Toron X. 1). 1909 thersot, the uudersigned. Ms4tsr ia Cbancsry of sald Court, 11IL, ooq Pueedzy, the Sth daY of June A, D. 1909 aithbIe hour of one o'cîock in th alternoon o! saud day at the Out front door ofthlIe Court Houae, lu the City of Waukegau. 1ln-id County, ~P ~p~lc voune for cauh la baud tS 1. ligIlet n sbea idder, thse lu4, 4105.6 the b. osnty of Lake *ad tate o!fIlUnois, to-wt: Ldt t, ilu Mach16, lu Wsahburu Springs fubdlvistou o! the south 100 aSeru o the soutil wsst quarter of sec- tion 29, Towship45-liortIt. Range 12 cat of the Thlr6 Priacipsi Merldian, except Ove acret lu the south esat corner eto!aak, quarter section,. se- ôortg to the Plat recorded ln the Recorders Officeof Lake Couuty. III- Isobe, u Book B, of Plats ou pags 61 sud Ï2 ln Lake County, Ilinois. Dated May 7th A. D. 1909. ELAM U CLARKE, 824 Master lu Chancory. Blute ot Illinois, County of Lakte, s lu thse Circuit Court of Lakte County. )ila R. Shaw, and Ciarles E. Shaw vs Catherine E. Carpenter, and Louis G. Carpeter, Gen. No, 3743. Publie noti" isla ereby glven that hy virtue of an order and decee en- tered lu thse ahove entitled cause in sait! Circuit Court at the March Term A D. 1909 thereof, thse underslgned Master lu Chancery of sald Court wiil, on Tuesdsy, the Iet day uf June A. D. 1909 athlie hour of une ocloci lu tise aflernoon of said day at the East door of the Court House lu tise City uf Waukegan, Couniy uf Lakte and State of Illinois, seli ai public auction to thse hîgist bldder tise toilowlng deacribed land and real estate, stusted lu the COunty of Lakte and State ofIlilinois, to-wlt: Lot Seven (Î) lu Block Nine (9) lu Kirk and Powel a Addition Lu Wauke- gan, County ut Lake and State ut Iii- Imois. Terme of sale: 50 per cent cash un day of sale aud balance un dellvery of couveyance. Datedliay 7th A. D. 1909. EL.AM L. CLARK{E, 32-3 Master in Chancery. StaSe of Illinuis, Couuty uft Lake, an: Iu tise Circuit Court uf Lake County. Catharlue Pahîmali sud Carnie gcbxWelo va. Fred WiekeribeIs,, 'uuknown beirs or devîsea of Samuel jPage, decaed.j unknowu owenero o! r ersnsinterested l Inse real estate descrihed lu lie bill o! com- pSlat."' "nknown helrs or devîsees of Is,àBiqoue, deceased," "unknown heira oS devie.. e! Jonathan Martin, de- eeamod, ' 'niown iseira or devisees 09 johi Wlduer, daceased,' 'unknown IWIn or devisees of John Welduer, ^immmdaWili H.Cookt,"un- o4 lceauedl" "unknown heira or of WlIam n. Cook., deceas- -,ed," "uaknewa owuera or bolders uf Be cerain notes et $200.00 cacis, * Et.ed îaare4 21s1, 1857, and secured VIsautertgege fr-cm Hiramn Everson ho WllI&m ZH. Cook. whlch Mortgage ta r.Crde6 la thi e ories Office cf 14ks Couaty. Illinois. la BSol T. of abgrtgNgea on page.638," "unknowu uwners and bolders o! ive certain notes aggregating $64000, dateil April 301h. 1864 sud secureil by a mortgage fromt John Wlckershelm, Jr.. sud wite te Hiramn 7Everson, which mortgage la recorded lu the Recorder'a Office of Lakte Couuty, Illnois, lu Bookt 27 of mortgages un page 444. Gen. Nn. 4136. P'ubiel notice le nereby given that by vîrtue ut an order aud decece en- tered lu thse above eutltled suit in sald Circuit Court at thse Marcis Tero A. D. 1909 thereoo. thse un§ersigned Mater lu Chancery of gnid Court wifl on Thursday. the 3rd day of June, A D. 1909 ai the bour of oue o'clock lu the attoruoon ut sald day at lte north front door ut Charles fftempel's store lu Long Orove lu thse Town ot Vernion, Laie Couuty, Ililnois, soi at public auction te th highet aud best bidder for cauh the followlng deacribeil land sud real estate, altuated lu the Couty of Lake aud Blte of Ilinoi, to-wt: Thse soutis 1 rod of the southoast quarter of tho north eut quaLrter of section 35. ln Township 43 Norbt, Range 10 IEaal o! lhe Thîrd.Prtncipal Meridian. TisaI part ut the west hait of the south eust quarter of section 26. TownBhlp 43 North, Range 10 Rat of the Thîrd Principal Meridlan. de- scried as follows: Commencing at a point lu the west Ue of sald souti- euat quarter 3.25 chaluts sontit of the uorth west corner thereof; Lience eust 20 chains; theuce suuth 6.50 cisains; bilence weet 20 chaîna; thence nurth 6.10 chaîne to thse place ut he. glnnlng, contaiuiug 13 acres ut land mure or lese. The north weet quarter ut the soutis east qoarter ut section 35. Tise west saît ut tise nortb bal uf tise east hait ut the souti euat quar- ter ut section 35. The soutis west quarter of tise soutis eaut quarter ut section 35. reservlng therefroon 4 acres on thse wesb aide sud 4 acres ou tise soutis aIde ufthtie same. AIl lu Township 43 Norths, Range 10 East outhtie Third Principal Meridian. Aise 7 acres lu thse west hait ut bbc aoubh est quarter uf section 26, Township 43 Norths, Ranire 10 East ot the Tiird Principal Merîdian, describ- ed as: Commenclng at a point lu tise weat Due ut sald south eeut quar- ter 25.58 cissins forth f rom tise soulis west corner uf eaid soubis east quar- ter, ruuning tisence nortis on said w uz lune 4,67 cisains; Lience eaat Tt chaîne; lisence eoutb 4.67 cisains; tisence west 15 chaîna tu tise place of ut beginning. ELAM L. CIAftKE, 31-4 Mauter ln Cisancery. Doted April 301h. 1909. Adjudication Nolice. p 1, CNotIe Fs bereby gvOeu tsth1e sil, sersber EneusI i i stWill an d Testatoe,,t n1 of srM. rtha Aîbreetît. dýeesed. nlattesîd tan el. .,y Con"tof Lake Cosaîr-. eh & ternitbel to e hlien ait0theICourt teouse l. Waukeg.,,. in sad Count onthe urat MO-adaofnI.1oy neteo. 19ffl. Ste,, ajwbeee 511 persne bavine clitîs agnsL alS et. ais .rno tled 3,1,1 rrîe.ted tcPrennt tbe sane go said Court for, MR 8, EMuMA MILLS. E.ecuts-i. Rev. 1. W. Wiiiamson's Lether. Rcv I. W, Wiiiamson, Runtington, W - Va., wsitîes:'Tis e >510certify Ibat 1 uwed Foleysm Kidney Rmedy for nero-ous exisaustion and kiduey trouble and atu free- ta eay tisat lb oili do &il tiat you ciaim for if.' Foieys Klduey 'Bemedy bas reetored heatisand slrengtis to thousansaou weak. run down people. Containe no bar-mIni drags sud lW pleassut to laite. F. B. LoVELL. -'I LAKE. pOUWJY I~flEPENJ~NT, FRID~&Y, MAX 2~, .1909 __________________________________________________________________________________ e - Obituary. Eu jais A. Jobnson wa buita at Heim Cattaragus Counîy, N. Y., Oct. 14, 18Pi and <ied lu Libertyvîlie, Sunday. May Io, 1900. lu ie thirteeutis year his pvarents came to Illiuuies etlllng at Waukegau aud later ai Baiueorifle. Ou C;hristuàas day torti.three years% ago ho was married f0 liarthsa A. ConhIli. Tbev were tise parents uf five son@, four of wisom are stili living tb comort aud support tbeir moliser. More tian tiirtY yoassago Mr. Johusoon waa convertod aud ex"perteuced religion, but owiug ta lise tact thât at that lime the famliy iived nt a great distance troon any )rgauised churcis ho neyer uulted wlth auy cisurcis, lu the tint. of the Wsr ut tiss Rebellon, Elijais Johnason hoard the cail of Preaideut Lincoln for 800,000 more volunteers Lu dod the union. Ho eulisted Aprîl 26, 1862 lne b Sfth Illinois Voluateer Xfanury ad seds taltisfuily uutlltle close ci the war. He was lu batilesabout Ylckeburg, Loukout Ut. Bêenllsed on 11eMInl seule reglment. He waa s memiser of the Lake Foreat Pos% of 0. A. K. For the pat tew ears ho has Evedin l Llbertyviile alhougl i te grow[og ln- firmities ut sue dld flot permît lts Ual active lite. He sufforsil romooldsduiloag the wlntor aud two iSouth ago cou- trscted s severe toid, whieh Wsdta pueumonis, tisaflnally oorcome hlm and his spirit relurned ta Goil wrio gave Il. Fumerai waa isld Tueeday moslig nt tise bouse lu charge ci Bev. 0. F. Lawler. Thse body wss laid ta test In the Lakeeidecemetery wlththoisnpressive rites of G. A. R. buril service* For Sale. St.' Patrick cisurcis property. abouit 2Yi acres, situated one andl une-hall mles weat of Lakte Forest,. ]L. with about 100 cord uf stoue, 100,000 brick aud barn, 18x24, ou premie. Seaied bide wili te received ou property eelparateiy bj: mail or ou thse promises on Maj 29th at 2 p. m., certilied chseck for $100 muet uccompany ail oealed bide. 8ttne, brick and baru wili te austioued off b thse iigiseet bidder ou May 201h ai 3 p. on Terme on stone, brick aud baro casb, or notes ut 6 per cent interet wih righr f0 rejeel auy or ail bies. Addregg ail communicatione, PETERt DAWSON, P. 0 I)eerfieid, lii. Sigued: Cominu-rER. A Postai Hint. Carde beariug parbicles of glass, metal, micat, sand, tinsel %.r otise, elmiliar substances are unonailable, except wheu euclosed in envelopes ligistiy sealeil t preveut lise eocape ot such psrticles or wheu lroated lu such manoor as will pentuthIe objecliouable substance front lu rubbed off or injuRozg persons handliug tisemails. À postage 01 lwe cents le required ou ail oueis carda. Methodist Services. Bev. tDr. Brusghingham lte supertu- tendent ufthlie Chicago Northera District wIlllpreacis for usflu tise morning service on 1ay30.Thepa@tur willl preach on "Tise Property Commandment'~ nexA ffuuday eveuing. Miss Grace Wheelet wiii iead tise League. Visibors weleomo aI alil errîcee. Seed Corn. Early Prince matures lu 85 deays, Pride of the W est matures ln àdso S towell's Evergreeu Sweet Curn, lRed COL Ensilage aud Smut Nose are sold by the Boi LuàiBER Cosse.Ni, Libertyrille, MIl. 84-2 Farmn Insurance at Ceat. For turtiser particulars apply to John E.* Ballard, agent tur tise PBockford Farmsre' District Mdutual Tomuaio lu. suarmanc Company. Also agent for tbes billiburn Mutual Fire Insurance Com. psuy. 82-4 Roofin«. Gravel rooffug sud repalriog. Al klnds of ready roond aplied usteep roofs or uver .1gds hlugesWork gaate.PETER BAKER. Phoue 1581, Lait Forst, II.33-4 Rteady to grrind for you any ine. LssiBRTVILLE Lt'ateEn Co. 33-2 C. F. %W'Iriit and L. H. Schauck made a trip , o L lîagsî. Mtnday rturniuig via Mir. -s rîgListe îsw tssuriug car. Sad to relate tise ire depaitineul bas nol iseid a mseeting in severai mocthe and judging tramn appearanees interest mueIt e ou tise waue. WhY tisashould te s0 may te judged by a remark made by one ofthtislre îiepartmeut: "Wisy eisould we run our legs off and praclice whien tise men Wiso bave property lu te protected are taking nu sntereet." Tise resuarIr, even tisougi rather pesliislic, le true. very few of tise boys, if auy, Who have been workiugeo bard tu make a ire departmenî have any property and ibise up bu tise men wbo have bise buildinge to ses tisaItiey are protected and itsecem8 no more tisan rightîtisaIlise men Who bave isad @sosexperleuce souid reeeive some compensation for tisir work. A trained tir departuteut is ot nu more use alter a lire tissu iu- surauce would te ou tise builinglugter t bad bîîrued. Tise ire departmeut bas nut dis3banded isy any meens but a numter oft Lieo are lusinginteresl wiib mîenunstisat eometiig eiould te dune, Le keep Liseo goiug and readi- wieu thse imeesould cune. A Card. This is to certif7 tisaI ail druggiots are aotboruzed to rsund your mouey If Foley'e Houev sud Tar table lu cure your ,ugis or cold. Il stops lthe cougs, ieale tise lung8ansd prevents pueumnonia sud eonsîtmptiou. Ciuineo no opiate. Tise genuine is iua yelow package. FaAçE B. LOVELu.. A pain prescription' la priuhed upon, eaeiî 25v. ibox of Dr-. Siîoop's Piuk Pain Tablets. .bek your doctora or drugglets if Ibis formulna le not complets. pain meane congestion, blood pressure. Head paile, womanly pains, pain anywisere ge8 instant relief from a Plik pain Tablet. ALL DEALERI. Advertliig pas-and paves thse waY Lu betLer biinga. Try our want culumn. - - --- -- -- -- - The happy days of bail3bal1 now are bore, Wit'h glee the batsman bangs the 'sphere. l AHit We'.ve mnade it. At least odriljne of JEWELRY AND \VATCHES bus, which is the same thing. You'll fin d straight game-here-sure satisfaction. See for yoursel- by a trial. A.k HUSS wAGHAE LIETVLLIL M The peace convention hopes: that war will cease, .And now conveneig and wooo the <loves of peace. 'Il also satisfaction. ter here get the lat- ter ere. Wil find it in Our line of DR ES S SHIRTS Try today and you'l see why. No botter goods made. Do it noW............ E. W.PARKHURST Schanck Block, Ubertyvîlle - - - - - - - - - - GO-CAR TS We have a large lino ot up-to-date Go-Carte, ini fact more than we care to handie.' In order to make room for other stock we wish to dispose of them and at a reduction that le worth while : Prices Range from S$1.75 Up Young& Lynch Bros. Libe rty vile THE FURNITURE SHOP 0F ýUAITY We Seli Peint and Wall Paper BEN M. MILLER. Attorsey Notice cf the Sale of Propsrty to Enforce Agister's Lien. To FRANKE OTTO AND TuO toLITT MAY CoNtERN: An affidavit isaving been filed witi tise clerk of bise Couty Court of Lake County, Illinois, bisatishe place ut residence ut Frank Otto in ukuwn Lu tise under- sigued. Notice in bereby given tisat tise uudersigued, J. W. Weill, bas an agisters lien againt ou@e Two-Year-Old LigisIBai- Staliion and one Tisree-Year.Old Liisl Bay Stailion for keepiug, yarding, teed- iug anîd pasturing tise ssid stailions troml June Ist, 1908, to the present lime; lisat said lien amnoulits lu tise Oum ot une isundred itty dollars@<15000), tisat tise owuer of said property le Frankt Otto, wisose place of resideuce in un- knowu bu Lise uuderoigued, sud turtiser notice e is ereby given tisat I shall eutorce tise said lieu by seliing lise alors- sald uroperty aI public sucîlun to the higisesT and test bldder tor cash st5 my bar-n ounlise Milwaukee Rond lu tise towu utVeruon on Saturday, lise 121 iday of Joue, A. D. 1909, at tise hour of two <2) o'cioci P. J. W. WEuLË, Prairiie viewý, 1. lIated May 20, 1909. 34-3 BEN IM. MILLER. AttefsiY. - Adjudication Notice. P:ubic NotIceti. beroir given thit the Sub- îscribe, Admlnlaratrilsouthae estte of Jssoà Fletcher Clark. deceasd. wili attend thse OuuntY Court 0f Lake Cou»ty, al a term tiereof te b. boideu at thse Court HouasIn Wankegsltu said Cout on the firot Moridsy e! July nexi, 1109 îwben and where &Il panons havtnE dasimsf agausta id enate are nottlied and tqUO«ed to Present thse @&me to0 sid Court for sdudlcatiOn. I5AeRHA A CLARX »dmittlX Wsuke.r 9tay L. 1acs. 8- Tise Independent sud'Chicago Dally Inter Ocean $3.50 per year. Highway Notice. Publicie lting of contract. Notice is bereisy given tisat proposais wil te receiveet iy tise uudersigned Coon- miesioners of HlgisWaysoofthtie tawnship of Litertyvilie ln tise County ot Lakte sud State of Illinois, on lie 27tis day ut Mny, 1909, far tise pur-pose ot gruding, graveliug sud repairiog aud pub ln a new colivert. Tisat tise same wiil te ]et by contrat by publie letting 10 tise Ioweet reeponsi- hIe bidder-, at lise hour of eigis o'clocit arm. eaid day, attise Town Cierk's office et Lltertyvile, 111. The said Commissionere ut Higiswaye reserve tise rigist 10 reject any and al bide, if tisey deem il 10 tis est inter-este of tise townshsip su ta do. Dabed aI Literlyviile tisis iTtis day of May, 1909. E. L. DAvis, Commisioners FRED ilUYuÂsI, of J. 0. LmBEaaa.J Higbwaya 'No-Drip' Io the mosl ciever lithoe silverei l fes strainer eyer lnvented. Gel une frtee from Dr. Sisoop, Raciue, Wls., by tise coupon plan. Tise coupon and Dr. Shoopa new bookt ou Healtis Coffes seut lu auy lady requesting thon. You eau trick auyone by secretly serviug Dr. Sisoupo HeellisCoffee at meal ine. Your visitor or yuur isusband wilil deciare ho la drinking racteeadyt tisere le nul a grain ot real coffee lusDC. Shop eaIlls Colles. Puce grains, maltsd nute gi v. elsCoffes ils exquisite teste and fiavor. No 20 lu 30 idinutes ledlauà bollilg. "Made lu s minute.' Try ilt ron your grocer sud gel a plessant surprise. 1% lb. package 250. CORLETT & FREDIRICK8. FARM __HIE Moline and Oliver Plows Sprlng Tooth. Lever and Dise Harrows Wagons and Trucks Buggies and Mtlk Wagons [ALL GOODS THE BEST 0F THEIR KINI)] kM.B.EGE Ri !.ultry &MSrs Supplies If You are Going to Fortilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KINI) WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your wants Libertyville 'Lilifber Compally Cnl's Telephoxie No. 47 F111 Up Chuap Now Yar DBi tMaterial, Fit and o ma hi Are the lhree important featuros ot any suit of olothes. The. style ja a wecondary conaideration aud oa h.reonsdied tw suit the Isate of the customer. Tise ma- terial is bore ready for your gelection before eultin.g, tise garmeuta are fltted while bateil op and the workuuauship je a guaranlee Ihat every good tailor- give witb bis work. Can you gel tise same advantages at a clothing store or froon s unade-to-tucasure suit? You know tise anSwer. Fred Croker, lailor anld Draper LIB1ERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Morses -for Sale. Mountauu, Meadow Stock Farnt, une and une isaît mile, norilu ut Waucouda, Illiuois, bas cunstantly ou baud aud tor sale, at lowest market price, a stock o! ail classes ut bornes, suitable for tise rond sud al toron work, express and.dratt, usetul ind serviceable, fr-on ino tu it6oo pounds. Prices $80.00 lu $200.0o. No p luga. Come lu Moontain Meadow and sec tise horses work on tise taru. AIl acclimaâted and avoid riak uf sickness. Ail goaranteed ou delivery as represeutcd. COL. f. J,. BIERRY LAI(ESIDE CEMR DIRAND j)j/JjL UTE Lakeside Butter is made of pure cream, from se- lected dairies in the Elgin district. Purity and weight guaranteed. -Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLEiT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ý 1 ýL 1 -1

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