CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INUEPENDENT, FLIIDAY, MAY 21, 1909 *e~4O~*4OO4444ôaaeuâ THREE OF A K 1N D is a winuing hand. Sa m e satisfaction with the tlireegood- fitting shirts here dis played - comfort in wear, style and patterns. Everythihg lu our UP-TO-DATE MEN'S FURNISHINOS to please, iducy designs for the natty, sensible ef- fects for the more conservative-a gèneral excel- o *1 o 4 à i i lence in every brandi, an assortment at prices to attract your trade, and to keep it. We invite Sinspection. J. B. MORSE & Co.1 EverythUn orIln SPRINO IS lIERE And It ie time to buy gar- den seeds for your garden Rush Park Seed Co. Seeds for a limlted time two packages foi ............. 5c Also RICELS, FER1{Y'S and CROSMAN BROS.' seeds and a f ulli une of balk Sweet Corn, Pem, Beanns, Onlonsa, Sweet Peus, Nasturtiums, etc., e tc. J. ELI TRIGOS, OROCER Libertyville, M.i Will Decker, of Chicago, ipont Sunda>' bA. P. Sheldon loi t Monda>' for. New York wberi be wiltspend a week. Ont mill la rnuing. Bring ou youn griot. LiBEitlYVtLLE LuiaîmE:rcCo. 33-2 Pred M. Farrelîl, of Stevens Peint, Win., Wai a gueet at the borne of A. F. Sboi4on lait wsek. Mr. and Mi-@. Wonden WeIll, son and Mii Chapuman, of Elgin, are viîitiug at the homo o! Mi-. and Mr@,. Bd Well Ibis wmek. XXX Mlaise. Feed and Internatonal Sagan Fend are flue for bores. aid cowî. Try titon. HouE LuNit mosOPAIEY, Llhityvîle, II.34-2 The W. C. T. U. will mnt at tbe homo of Mrs. Susle Bryant. Tueiday, May' 25 at 2:80, aubjecî. "Henedîtar>' Influences and How la Ouercome Theni." Llgitmiug rod.anad tornade insunance bave agate sprung into laver ginci tb. ncnt wlnd itorma. Inounance agent. Pbave heen lient hua> and llghtning ted agent. havi been sticklug up point. on a numbor of barne and dwellings about lbt vllge Jas. Atteridge, who suffened lois lu lb. seveno sterni two weeks ago had tornado inaunantie lun lb.e Iôckfond Mtuali Inurance Campeur and the lage wasi promptl>' paid witiu a woek alter lb. sIenm. John Ballard je the agont for1 tbis romupany.1 Higlb achool tcommecement oxertisesi Friday éening, Jane 4, at lte lI nion clini-î The address will ho dlivered b>' 1ev. John S. Hall, of Bsi-wyn, 111. Bis themil wîll ho, "The Choicesof niuIdeal."1( Pi-agi-anis will appear for June 3 and 4 lu nsxt weekes issus. The itizeni ofIWauc'iuda beld a Meetng lait week at wbîc time$222 . 0 wai raised for the purpeso f placing ai baIl page adtvetiement lu the Sanda>' Tribune. It goos mbt a speclal lakei edition and will doecribo titat tî>w's1 advantages- as a oummner resort and a place ta live. Wauconda la not a largo village but jodging by lte amount o! moes>' aised tiene niuet bho a f.w public iplnlt.dl citizone Ibere. A litIle o! the ame dais would not ho injurios te Libertyville. Benjamin E. Gage, of Chicago, was hore Monda>' euperntending wonk oni tbe suken gardon at tb. Thompioni fat. Mn. Gag,, in the finance et Miss Ethel Austin, of Ravonswood, and the wedding bai beon annouucsd lu June. MdiseAustin bai mai>'.relative. aid frieida lu Lihirtyvifio and on different occasions bai taken part lu musical nt.taimnts bers. S e in a vecaliet of ach abilît>' aid nover aii to ploase ber auditore. tMr. Gage isnmanagen o! the Pit.nson Nursi-ry of Chicago. Invitations are out ainonaring the marriage o! Mise Florence A. Gleason t0 Wm. B. 11.1117 at St. Joseph@ chuncb, Wedneiday, Jane 2. at 10 a. mi. A reception will b. beld at Ibein home ou Division street tite following Monda> eveulng. Bî,th yonng people are wiell kuown and popular aid man> friande wisb theza ove->' suceis. A granit. ehowen waiginen aIthée home of Mise Iroue Lawrenco tait Thursda>' oveing and lb. numorone fiondeof limGleaien Contribated man>' neeul gifleanad umjoed a mot pleueant ovonlng.. Thte baud boys gave a verir ucceilful damcesai lb. town ballit Frlda>' .n.alng. The new uniformes bane arrined and titi boysa are more thaniploasd wlth thmm. Tb.y are dark bine in colon and t-lmmed withbWbak mohair bnald niaking a ver>' neat and natt>' aniferin. Tb@ moes>' ned for théir purchas wai taken Item Itheir earmlng., and net frour »eo.fnnd whlcb le donated b>' the buins men. There lea cime talk o! holdlnq the regulan concerts on Thurs-1 day night during limeenummer monthei and lb.>' areexpected 10 commence lnaa1 short lIme. Thé Llbertys'ille Steani Laandnyuder tbe efflient management o! L. M. (101h> le proeperung aid threo new machines are loeb.ptin,ijea short lime. Anow shirt machtine as well ai a collai- Ipruen and ai Ironer. The-se new impi-oyeent. aIre the boit te ho fonnd on the mnarket and wil sunable thenu 10 tam ont ai tine work as eau lis gotten anywhere. Tise laundi->' norpany b is o ohibe utor- porated in asboi-ttimmwitba capitaliza. lion o!f#$5,000. The big mangle whicb wai p t in soume rime ago enables Ibis1 laudiy to baudis mnrlm lai-gsi-worki that bad sivsr lissadoue beretofore., lith the usw machinsry the capacil>'i will ho gi-sal> increti»ed and math o! the resoi ttrlie,.wli h haudled bore tii samisi-. Velox. 2:051,, valued aI $10,000, ans of the boot iorss iuDick Mctiahon'e stalel, wai takon titI Toesday and bai hosu n a ver>'pi-carinas conditieo ine. Th-se veterinarians have besu in atten d. nucesand eoriy i-sooai-e knowa te borse. meta bais e s ed 10 ->renad allesiate rIme eulleriug of luis vainable animal. lrn Butteild waiS i-sttnlisd and a hnrry up al seut 10 a tveterinary sur. geonuini Wauksstaa wbo made the tripi bemi-en 19 minutes via automobile.1 Later lDi. McKiiiap, of Chicago, ariied and the mombiued efforts of tbe thi-e baves liss deyoted to the borses day and nlght. Velox je a aow borneswbich M(Sîahon receuti>'purrbased io Califor. nia, Ion W. H. Meliosi, presideal ef theto Monuin road. HInlesix yeai-e aid, bai great spieed and bai beemi one o! McMabo'm lavarites. Alilbopeofe!bisi recovsry was giyoa up Wsdnesday aud( la tIe alternoon about 4 o'rlock litsI animai dlsd. He wao gý&me 10 te euS and onu bis feet until the lait lii-stb. AE fact that wae the sabject nf math rom.i net b>' al borsemen. A pont mu-temi will b. beld.1 IIELPI!UL AND SAFE Wc eadeavor te tender a helpf ai serieu 0 ivtye wlîo cuits into eut BanIr. Wun believe you will fied il helpfal teolopenan secouaI with os. \Ve welcome smail acceunts ai weIl as large ones. Youri oney deposiîed in ont Bank le SAF2E. THE FIRST NATIONAL BÀNK 0F LIBERTYVILLE Ne.t Dos, to h es Oic51e Ope Sturdoy Ngte r MIe Edith Kobule in the gue8t of Mrs. Mattie Taylor. MrI. A. C. Wenban, î,l Lake Foi-est, was a vlaltor in Libertyvile, Wednesday. r Our mli là ruUOlnw agalu Now bring eon your giet. LIBSRitýii i ,.Lt iîuic Co. 33-2 E. W. Fuller, of Chi,-agý,, pip entat Saturday witîbhis ruot4ir, Mr@. C. m. Fuller. t MIiu M. Ailes Davis, of ;nîa iji., je §visiting bot aiter, tirs. Mi. A. Pretine thia woek. 1 Les Huàon returned Wednesday froni Montrose Sauthi Dakota, w here hoe bai been for year. W. A. MeDurmid, -if Ilieng,@peut BnndaY Witb friansudet t heShe don iUniversity Press. Germai Millet and Hurigarian Seed c"n hi purchaeed et the Hwrrs Lt:.wBER Compm"<, Ubertyvîlle, 111. 24-2 Min Baby Ulesion, daugliter of Mr-. and Mms John Gleason returned lait 1Satnrday lromOkiaborna. Baccalaureate sermon on may 30, at elgbto'clock, at thoUnion churîhb. Rev. Van de Erre wll deiver tire sermon. 1Mr@. E. E. Ellswortb, whî, bai boon 1quit. sick the Past week wîtil a ligbt 1attack Of puumonia, tintdi ihriiproved. Mr@. Emmet Brown loI r Wednesday for Buffalo, N. Y., where cl il-ii visit finondsand relatlvee in that irs adil the usai vklnity. Sun Cblck Starter, Cre' C(hiil Feed and Globe Scratch Feld. t,, kinpsi boit, for @eýeby the BoNis Li w tutu CoH\,Libertyville, II î S. S. Wheeler loIr tlic ,-ck for Langdon, Alberta, Canada, w icie lie oxpocts to epend hseral nonitilse.lic 19 interested'in suis ailter C. M. Sapb, for4orîy of Prairie I, îew, and ureeent Propriotor iof te ii, otel Edmund at Waukeagan, bae piîrîiaFcd a (;0 room bhein G (reen Blay, Wis.o valuod et f$800O and will taie ebarge of mamne the flraet fJ une. A tiny bit of the «gay White W ay- liai beon traeup"ated to Libertyville in an electrie1ln hiéh neada juot 'Kassone" uvor the.LburtlvIe Hotel. This in tbe tirât llluml aslign of the kind to bo used in lbotyfland do quite a metropoltan air te Mil waukee avenue. Mis. E. C. Cra4a entertained a few frionde at ber hem@o on South Park avonuo,, te a birtbday dinner. It wae double annlversary and given in banor of ber aiter, Miss Win Young, wbose birthday flbls on tbesarne day as ber own. An excellent dinuer wai soi-yod and the campany mnt pleasantly enter- tained. Look for tbe program neit week for Senior claie nigbt, June lIrd, et eigbt o'clock. Aitlemats will b. sold for twenty- tive cents, nothing extra wW bc hocarged for reberved seats. "Bandicapped" je the claie play and tfà yonng people bave It von>' woll worked up under the care of Mn,. Mattocka. Don't forgot the date, Jue 8. 1Lait Frida>' avening twelvo nosidents o! iÀbertyvillo took lb. Rebecca degreo of the Odd Fellowa AuxilUiary, ln Wauke. [ga.The clam wascoiposed, of the feo 'lnç: Mr.andam&riR..sebuiebele, Mn. MndMis. F. P. Lýochs, lin. and Mrs. Libertyrvlli lodge of Odd Fallows who wene muis hespitabl>' eutentanied by the ater lodge. Bineai unembeorf t he Improvement 1Association hed a meeting in thé village hall Tueida>' night for tis pur"ofo maklng arrangement@ for a picuir or Libertyvlle Day te be held st Lake EariÇ about Juno 24. Preeldent Kaiser was listructed tu appoint committeoe on amusements, privileff, îlle. E. A. Biahop atated tlîat Mr. Sheldon would give the use of the gi-cadg witbout charge and Arthur Koon basi premisedi to furnieh an attractive exhibition of buntene and junipers aiwell as driving bore. Mitehell, \lilitary Raud will le in attendane and it je planued tu malie a big day for Liberryvllle. Lant Sunday iiiirning a maiden hnight and fair trippod imb the Libertyville Livery end aiked for-a honme and rig to use a couple of lii mn, saylng that she wiehed to go to Leigbton. 8he wanted a rubben tire buggy and ai the trimumin's fand 9ecuriug tuseff wenl her way rejoiciug. Hur aflter bout dripped alowly by aud tii, stable management wait.d auxuuusly and oxpectantly-sbae failpd tu 'carne. ,At lait, lat. lu the still>' ulgbt, borses footetepi wvere beard appi-oaching. Slue tbnow the relus tu the humble grooîin and footed it ligbtly dewn the di-iveway. Now tbe questioîn te: "Wh(, payse ivl-r>' bite?' Wben lait seen sbe wae gu)ing soutb di-esaod ini wbite and a plut iieck ribbou. ilhe village board and blicbway coom- missioners met ini a special cenfRreuco et tbe village baill a8t Monda>' oieuiug. The question premented wai that of oponing a new r, ail st of the village. John Woolridge aud O. D. Hav'en were pi-osent iu tbe interest of the now road wbi,!h je to openi ul a new addition to Libertyi 111e. SPierail)propositions wsrs ipres-ented and ,iiscuesed but no definito action taken. Park lumpronemeut was alao discussed l'y th. board. Tbe question of a site lfor ltse new diikin fountain bai niryet heensttled. Tbei-p are objections t', rie location ai it@tu@ uowsiegenrprf l wtlling to bave jr plaoed ln front of tbeir stores white others objecl but there W ill be ne serions truuble lu plactng il. lai- $3,000, the bigbe.î piie evet lue wr te bave beon paid fer tao yeuug a bors He is net yol a yoar aid sud bai ali-ead>' made bis mile in 2:10. Witbin a week aller bis parebaso $4,000 waie ffered for bum sud there bais inre heen a aunibeofnI alers. Titore are otiter yearlings o! illustrions,. pedigree sud fame whome dame and sires are ssociatell with Lou Dllon, Creecua ad otiter rolebiitie@ witose value rau b. appre- tlaled b>'ltse lovers of gond bere. Bise Biii Notei. The Itamblere were again victorious lait Banda>' aftennoon anS put the Wetern Sportln Goods teamn, of Chcag, tothebaM by a score of 51no2. The star fealune of lb. gaine wae a long bit b>' Stafford lu the sîxtit ianlng. He rame le bat wlth ltehie s«fuland l1usd ont a two baggsr briuging Ititra. i-ans. Il wasaI a cri"a point lu the gamne lb. score baningbhein a lis lfoi- lit previoui four Inulngeanad won theo day inn the Ramblers. Anothen Usane wlll hi played meit tiIs t.sam lastinon. Neit Sanda>' the Brunnswick-Balke Collenden Ce. of Chicago will pis>' bore. This téani was ta bave played lte fi-sêt garni bore thls season but lbo gaine wai pelpaned owing te nain. Feliew- uug le lime officiaI score: i. H. P. ýA. t. B. h t . .. . . .... l i J M cIto. Cl3bu. t.... . 1 2 2 1 2 tiau0 ii I0 2 2 i 0 Oi tal .r . ..i. . . i .10 2 7'i 6O i Raniblcu. , . t i i O O 0 i1i0X0 W 8îîî, ... 2iiiii0ii0i0-2 School Notes. Friday iorning t0. E. Chorchtill gai-e the Ameican Huiston>' claie remnibes oI the Cii-il war, espscîaliy oI time Sheridan Vaile>' campalgu and oI Petens- bong. Prenions 10 the talk Mande Miller aud blanche P1'toribad niade enlai-ged muaîm oIf'iirginie, and o! the Shonandoali Valey lin Mn. Chureliils use andu the clamshrboughly ejoyod lh hior. Thu' Seniiors w iii have their lait debate fort the, year luis ace, thie enhiecî licing 'Al (Great Mcmn are Self MaSo." Thle Basket mcial whlch wes given b>' time Ireslîîîîc lait Tbursciay svsniug wss well atteuldcd.Theoclame cii-ai-tiiabout $20 wllch ijetuogo Ionrlime honeBt of the librar>'. The tiglilli gi-adore are i-et>' bus>'aot prsparnilg lot their coîumeacemnn The hotauj claie une planning to lake a tripi lu the itumodus in qui-et of loweris suis uday thie wssk. Berthab Jocimbeiu was absouttIhe fore part of the nool ou account nI sickuesa. Tîme iîtb grade hav'e mot tompieted their tender. Margaret McCnrmick teok a trip 10 Chicagoi lastTueslaýy. Tht, eigbtm grade bad au sxaminaaioe in himtury lai-t Mouda>'. L.piemmuial sereines wlll he beid bunlte Wioiinieu hiaillSunde>' alternon et tIti-e o'clock- Aminid lfashtoned bai-n teisîug waa pollieSoff at the oi d avimon farai wbiie wai recenti>' purcbhaëed b>'Saniuel lasoli, lait weck. Aller lime fi-smo had beeu raised a big fed and genenal goond îpe wai enjoyed b>' tbe workerm. ""IM Lake Cou nty, Natloinal Bank Statemeal at Close of Buaines, April, 28, 1909: LIESOURCES Loani aid Diocounte ..8341,791.29 United Stat.. bonde ...41,000.00 Boud&anad msten......69,700.00 Banklung houa. & flixtares 10,500.00 Overdrats.................. 888.30 Due Ironi U. B. TreeAirer 2,00)0.00 Cash ...... $30,374.82 DueIiom baiko53,488.758 8,813.00 1549.192.59, LIA4BILITIES Capital ................... f 50,000.00 Surplus .................... 25,006.00 JUndivîded profité.......... 4,009.26 Circulation ................ 40,000.00 Dividendeupald ....... 40.00 Deposit .................. 480,1483 o549,1925g AUTOMOILE SAgent for the $500.00 Brnsh Runabout, which is a simple and serviceable machine. GASOLINEAgent for the $65.00 Fair- banks-Morse Gaso]ine E n- ENGINES gines, which are used for pumpiug and other light work on the farm. Albert W. Litchleld, Libertyville Large Pictures, 15. We hught'224 li-ameul piclurea lnuoeelot-we itad to takut them ail te gel therniaI oui- price. There is an immense variety of suuject-landocapes, moonlighl scenes, javenile subjects, fi-iite and flower pictue, etc. The piuture are large sîze, I0IAxLC incites, the fi-atineie a one-iuch beaded glît muîuling wIt fancy preueed bruis corners, complote with glass andl mat. You would expeût le pay 35o 10 50c; we wlil gie yon vent ehoice of auy picture ie aur eoutb shtow mino , v for . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . \Vi picked out a lot on whihthte frames are elightly nuarreul: we wjll oi thon aI lestitan teO pi-ici. uof the glass .i.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1O THE, FAI 1 04000006 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUNKEN GARDIEN AT @ * @ @ @o* TlIOMPSON !ARM News Effect ln Landscape Gardeninig Being Dîîigned et the Thompson 0 Farm South of the Village. 10 John R. Thomnpsoî l im kiîig soiiie borticultural improvements mn inls lai-tii sentit of Libertyville that are new' aud nvel and ver>' mueboatof tue ordinarx A munken gardon le beiag plaated or ather dug out and the work of graîlîu bai been going on thene the liait wek. G t e u c 250 foot lu lengtb and wbeu comploteseaetlkn bu will bave ceat movral tboneaad dollars.W reakn bu The gardon proper wlll be ten foot helowI the level of lb. urface and teri-aced on0 aIl four aides. At the top of tlmeae 0 WASlI GOODS AND StO E S tr acu&ilai-ounâ the gai-don tises and0 abruhi will b. plantod wbicb will0 effictually @ar-oea Ibis fdlriy land lrom the 0eaeSo lgaCm lt ieo enlaidi world.0 eaeSoigaCmltLn f Tbere wlll hi but onue enti-anie and that will ha by a fligbt ofIctoment stepa wbicb connert wltb thte walk frein the Best Apron Ginghams Toile du Nord Gingliame boue. In tbe conter wlll bo a lagoon oi-r 6c I 2ic lily pond boi-dered b>' a walk wbicb wjll join walke acrose and i-oudi the outeide cf the gardon Ibua cutting it jute Best Standard Prints Krinkle Ginghams aStlens wblch will hi used for flowor . 6c 1 5C bods, urne, etc. Facing lb. entrante lu Iboe oter ofthé ide opposite will hi a0 pergola or aummer bouse. Serieral lai-go 0 Percales Lawns trees wbicb foirn theouotoide buordei- or 0~ 7c 10c 13c lOc 12C 15C sci-sen wei-s plautoul lait faîl and theo remaindor will bo put iu at once. t ile. impossible te complote il tliis spriug 0 f.wparsBos'f 1.0 ndShestoCls but eougbwork will bdon to make lt J>rs.os~l5 n ~.5Soe ls a i-siy pretty @o ev ien in the iougb. 0> $1 .00 The Peteroon Nurseory oi Chicago lias the0 contract.0 The Thomîusoa Fais oje eo! tiie 0~ prettieet spots near Lîbertyville. Tii,. 0 A lot of Children's Shioes -worth 'W1.00 to i1.50 buildings and feuces are ail white and 0 .50c located on ligh ground cau ho seen for 0B miles arounnîlTbe sview Item top of the 0 knoll at tbe farralîreseets au explanes of 0§ broad acres witich le the finest laruîiugOS The be@t Work Shoe made for land 10 o b ond lu Norîjier Illinois. 0§ The Thompson fan ile a modern .> 20 eqaipped and stock farm and > rny head of bor8ee fi-om the niait aiistocratie borsesflosb lu tbe land ai-e0 to e hobud bei-e. Solon Graltan, wlîo boldo the worid'g record osvsr a hall mils truack le the king lîlu mil tbe @tables and tbe young sou of Peter the GIreat is 0> Exhibit "A" witb J. W. Mui-iay', ouperia. 0 tendent of the Ianm. Mi-. Tbompoe10> boagbt this colt wben but a wsaallng 0 -------------------- m

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