INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVILNO 85. Two Parts LmEBICTYVIILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLIINOI, FIRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909-12 Pages Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN .ADVANCE. bNyl - 9o.-O0 - o0-- o - 0- o0 - o- - 'a. $UCOESSFULLY LIVE THE -- -é "COMMUNITV LIFE." -o 4e The colony or family thai la -o- Snaiwed the "Spîrit Fruit cuit -o- at Woosier's Lakte, near Long -o- .4 Lake ln Lake county, le the -o- ->+ on* apparentiy successful -o- - and *nduring exemple o! the -o- -*- Ideal community ifs in the -o- -o.- world, perhaps. -o- -o It endures, more prosper- -o- -o- ousa nd fiourlshing, now after - - the death of is leader, the -o- .o- lata Jacob Biliheri. thon dur- -- .o- lng is tifs tinte, wth a wom- -o- -o- an. Misa Virginia Moore, as -o- -o- the ieadîng spiri, and wth -o- -o- irothors David and Edward -o- -o- prhaps nexIin ranit, If thera -o- - couid ha such à thIng as -o- -o- "rank" ln a Spirit Fruit coi- -o- .o- ofy. -q- -o. Contrary to h exemiple of -o- -o- ZVon City, w4hich went to -o- -o- peces on the death of John -o- - Alexander Dowle, &o thot flot -o- «o -aven reversnce for Dowle se -o- -o- loft, ai Wooster Lake thoera -o- -o- la ail the rovere4ea ln the -o- - world for thse laie Jacob - -o- Belîhart, andl hi& prcpli and - -o- exemple ar@ nose more ccae- - -o- y foiiowed with hlm ded -o .4> than durlng hie life tinte. - o- - - -o- 0o- -o- -o'- O -o- O0- o-- o-- Prectlcaily leaderlees sînce the deatit of Jar-rui, leiihart, founder atnd fue leader of tbe Spirit Fruit "fani- îy' at Wooster Laite, the fanîllyiyt- self la hatppy sndb prosperosansdt witen vsitcd hi a SUN reporter Suit-k -lat ronipieieiy dIlsproved Ilu -1- self, tortes that bave been crculatei store Jacoits deatit of ts langulsb-1 ing aud of attentîîts to gain new con- qéitx-an<,fldded -ituPt. bY the adld- tionoof 06w hionti 4lentiera of the fatîiily deîîled these1 storlea and laugitet to scor thlie otit- ers that Jacobs gbost bad vslsted the1 home on the usite shore ln the deadi itoura of the nighti, teliîg is wishes su d deiveing orders tonis foi iowers. "The sprit of Jacob tg is wl us ai- ways," said onte niemuber yesterdat-. 'It couud not ite taiten frou) us wih is deatit His belefs are our helefs aud we tblikt he samie, n0w that hie la gone. But tiie stonles o! is gbost appearing to us sud deivering to us supernatural mtessages are entlrely uni rue. Jacob la dead"- No Discension ln Famliy. That Jacobt B'Ilhart was a stroug man, gfted witita, persoîîality that was truly great. is pros-en ty a trip on the coiony n0w. A 3-ar after bis deaih, t'very helie! ihat he prartibet lasfield to Just as sîrongly as when belilved and itot a particle o! dissen- sion bas crelît jito thte ranits o! is fouiowers. It la the samne harmoulous famiiy as belore. 10 lives the saine way, works thte samne wsy, tbresites oui lts roblinîs arotud the dînner itaite lit tise .aii'im v ay and tî'aides tis bas liîoîîro, cd the homte antdl sd- ed to Its îtossFssions impravements Made. 1 Besities ttceitomte building lîself. coniltlcinisbahnîîd furisheti, as large cerent bilocktarn, crude but1 conipileein evert dttaii, fOued wivh1 couvenieucîls for w Inter faru't vomit that woîld te bard to Ound ou another, farus in the' couîîl5, ta almioat nlabed,1 avampa on tht' farni have been drain-i ed sud land, that up On a short time was bsld by uase onit, bas been upur- chased. Are Natural As Ever, Thte saine members o! the fanily, sIt the exception of Jacobtsnob tht' îîatisrch o! the place, an nid otan uansd Young, are thene, snobtitese wsere taken by deatit and did not leave the homte 'Al are te sanie naturai, boîit' itpeople, happy sancontented, xsorkluîg as hard as even sud vorkitng becatuse they bellvin'ie b10anobenjoy 10. Ail followv tht' saute natural Oltted- ness for tue different kinda o! vont as before. joiting together ln thte farmnig and it other thbngs Ihat e- quire the services of more titan one. Jacoh's Death a Lesson. Alttougit their desire wben Jacobt vas lve was tn be leaderles. they admit titat tbey iooked up tOn im sud 1-hat lie vas ln reahty a leader o! them ail, "We did ot stand alône," mîe mamber ststed yesterday, "sud mt lat It gut go we referred On hbin on every littdiang. Then vs thougbt It-ariI wlono d. IlI.As ima vent *4 -Maw that bis ime bad corne. Ms work had been ftinih- ed. He bad started the famlly bere aud itad put I0 on a gond footing. anid ail thte time we realize more that hits work bail ended tere aud that la1 00W our turo te go on and te doyfor11 ourselves wbat we had been accus- tomed te bave hlm do." Belhart was considered by is fol- lowers te be on a higher spiritual plane thotaOemielves. Tbey explaîn it itysasying that bie bail mastered self more aod made more sacrifices. IlWe belleve lu self." titey state, "for wthout self there cao be n sacrifice and sacrifice Io our belief. Ve bave nobody now la as blgb as Jacob was, We find tbe neareat apprisacit lu Bob." Bob, or Vlrginia Moure, would bie called by viitora thte business bead of the famlly. 30 la site that takes care of ailtte correspondence with tbe "members of the famliy" wbo do net ve at tbe "borne" ou Wooster Lakte but wbo live Orougitout the' country ahad yet aiways refer te the place there as "borne." Site seenis asete take care o! the business de- toits. Site la president of tbe Spirit Fruit Corporation now, since Jacob's death, for the farniiy ls iucorporated ln order that fi may bold property as s group and net Individually. Print No Mors Papers. In one corner of te basement la the old printing office, lu disuse for montbs. Net a uine of type bas teent set &Ince tbe deatit of Jacob. "Jacob wrote enougb for us so that If we foi- iow It out we wlii ite itusy for vara. Is thte explaitation. "Wr' ueed no new iteiefs for a long tie and ste know what our beiefs are nis sitbout more urnting teig (dotie, VisItera 80111 Many. .lembers of the Spîrît Fr-uit fantluy are on the sanie close friendiy rela- tions wtb their îîeigittors as ever. Sunner sîsltors froîn Chicago often visît at tht' place aud nne party ai- stays camps lu a grove on the' Sprit Fruit farm .Vistors tili keep crm ing 'to thte homne frointhlie outstde venld, curtous to aeeibe ferro sud the peoplie ou IL Ahl are trealed witb tte same respuect as leifore. are atots't everyttiugtOn te seeni, are answered rit alu their questionts, and art iold more If the fanily sece amethiug iii BEtT UNE LfAS!D CIIUAGO & EASTERN Elin, Joiet and £asiern Makes Deal by Whch Ot Takes Hoid f Chcago, Lake Shore and Eastern, Coal and Iron Ca.'ryîng Road, Now $teps May be Taken o Extend Bait Lina te Miwaukee Fromn Waukegan. Tht' fart that tht' Elgin. Joliet aud Eastern oad bas ieased tte Chicago, Laite Store snd Eastern. anotiter steel road, seems to show an Inclination te gel steel rilroad Int-erests, together snob te conocct milis belonging te the steel trust by meana of tbem. Thus seerna On give Wauitegan resson te expect a northes'n extension o! the 3et LUne On Mlwaukee or fartber. [- 0 - - -o-0 0-0 '- 0-- - -- -o Facts Concernlng the New 'o- o- Consoidation effective June -o -o- 1. -o-k -o- Estimated valuation $W, -o- -- 000,000. - -o Headquarters iocaied ln -o- -o- Joliet. -o- -o- Largeat beii fine ln the -o- o- United States. -o-f o- Coniiecta wiih every rail -o- o road entering Chicago. -o- -- -o- -o Equpmen- -o-I o- Miles of truck ......, 514 -o- -- Cars. all knds...... 12,397 -o- o- Locomotives, ail kinds 200 -o- -o -o- -o- Equipmeni of Present "J"- 'o- o -Miles of track operated -o- -- ... ,........ 206 -o- -- Cars, ail kinds - ...3,284 -o- -o Locomotives ail kinda 125 -o- -o- -o- -o- Equipment of C, L. 8. & E.- -o- -o -Miles of truckt operated -o- -o -.............. 308 -o- -o Cars, aul kinds .._ 9,113 -o. -o -o- -o- Tite E., J. & E. was org3n- -o- -o -zed in 1889. -o- -o The C., L. S. & E. was or- -o- -o- ganlzed in 1890, -o- -o- -o- o0 0-o - 0-o -o-o- o -o -oa-o- o -o- o -o- Oficlals of the Elgin. Jnliet & East- ertn i-utliroaI innoîineoti veiterîlaytai titent titat attract.. If novthet are the coaob iad leased tite'Chica. Laite înerely ict aione to, go or sa 5te'Siore & Eastern raliros.Telae plülaseý Plan Mare Improvemnents. More lmprosemeuts are pianned ott the farm. Munit of tbe.iand tbat bas lalu idie se far us to te tiiled this year, the barn las obte compieîed, a greent bouse laton te bulut, a cernent blocit bath hoeseasd boat bouse snob a cernent pier are to te coustructed oit the' laite shore. The colony is haîpy, la pro3perous-aîi-ili i ta]i l te same exulauation onu etnidwltbyeara ago w'enIteî lwas lrsi slarîed it Laite coun- Live as They Believe. "'Ahntoat evert otte w ho coîttex here sakisi; f steare itrositirous, if w u hast' grosiu W'e douf kiiosofor w e dontt uuay aut' attentioun to it Tite n i ii tt-r that sOny aIttce hone here alithe Orme Is about tht' sautni îieltt- tite- hotme iiaalmodst fliled s i ittpeopl- siho stay a day, a iseci or a îîîîîtiî We asi notody to oin us tut av>tbody la fret' to do ao snd to avay liere as long aslhs or site canlsue lnluii- tîoîty suIithus.X'Je arre 00t trt iîg to tesci thte outaide womld sut thiutg. ste lis eas w-r sec otur vay to lise sndb so belles-e tlîaf ceu-t body la entit led to do so, if wcoug, tite xrong la stittIti Oheusselvs ' So we are happty; si- are not lsiiquisiîing snob we may ite pros- uterous bot we do not measture these ternis. Shot ai a Peddier, After att exnltittg pursuit Tueatizt-' Mlarsas'%ln Milieu of Grayalaite bas come 10 theconclusion Obat F. Gar- rett, a farmer of Lakte Villa, wanted for diring st a îîedîblec, bas fied thte country andi Is lu hiding, probably lu Chicago. A great deai o! mystery.s urrounda te Garrett affaîr but the common report la that s pedobier drove Into, Gacrettas yard, titat an argument en- sued, that Garrett beat the pedobier np, sud that the affaîr ended viten Gar- rett drew a revolver snob dred a shot at tite peddier. Thte peddier gave the alertm on mak- ug hia escape, tseued a warrant from 1Grayalake, and Mda-ahai Mc Milien .hurried ta the scene ln an automobile Ont take ulp the trail, ln vain, At first the Grayalake marsbal eOTan Iaied ta loeaiu tise Garrett farm aad visun sa did ail 00«ta to locate Ggx- ret bilumUiuîe sohicit la to mon for fifty yesrs, goes loto effect ai 12-01 ociock thie morn- Ing of June 1. Thte aunual rentai vas not made public. By te terma o! the lease thte El- glu, Jouiet & Esatena road acquîmes tite rolilug stock snob ail the proper- tyF sud franchises of the Chicago, Laite Shore sud Eastern raiicoad. Tbe ml Iuîg stocktwihi ite reiettered snob the tinetltes, tariffsansd aIl other pubt- lcations o!fte ieased oad vlI be pubiished under thte name of thte leas- uIng corporation. Bath Owned ity Steel Company. Tite Chicago, Laite Shtore & East- eru bas atout 350 milies o! track, Chf- cago, Gary anti Jouiet teing thte prin- cipla teruinl. It aiso bas tracitage rigits lunîbter roads of 300 miles, orinclpalhy ounte Elgin,. Jouiet & East- Smn sud the Chicvagot &EasternuI11i Tht' ito lstof lt'e1vase' l sinîphy to lacilhtate te lmtanagment of te osoroads, DoOliare ows'ed ty te .Uitedb Statue. Steel corîoî aion snob officiais of tiç,ti'liot comîpauîiîs are tht' saute uin auy Inîstances. A. F. Banks s pi csideîtt of tit opanies, anob R. B. Campbtell la general mnager of huit roads. soit beadquîartersata Jouiet Tli iînipalt business of thte Chlicago. L.ake Store & Eastern bas t-' n tisi- hauiing of ore Iroto ake îlotr ts tuils ortht' steel routpanv at SouthltChicago aud Joliet. Tite %Igln, Jouiet & Easteru Is the oter beit fine coniinîg te great trunlu talcroada ruuîitg out of Ciicago. Means No Change In Operatlan. "Tht' ease v.iii simplify thte keep- iug of acrounts for itotit roads,' said Geuerai Manager Campbtell lasO even- Iîg. "10 meana no change lu tht' oper- stion, officiais or employes o! the Ovo railroads.' Mic. Camîpbell declined _On tate sybeiber te lease eventusily vould mean s merger o! thetOo roails. A lt o!f the present officers, mamy o! vhom are reidents fOf Joliet, and ail o! vbom bhave bèen ln the service o! ttc "T" for many years, ls gIven berevith: President. A. P. , nte. ,Chicaqo, Traffic manager.,. .Learo Chl- cago. Sacreary and treasurer. W. Y- Ai- Ian, Chicago. BupOùrintendent o! C. L. 8. & B, J. Audilfar, P. W. Suton, CMcefo. General Consuil, K. K. Kuapp, Ci- cago. General attorney, R. W. sinpbili, Chicago. Purcbasing agent. S. Mt Roîlgers, Chcago.'ý General manager, R. 13 . tuîîîlbeli, Joliet. (laneral auperintendent. Il F 'jc- M anus. ('bief engineer, Arhur 'toîîi,ilmvr, Joliet. Suiierintendent of m1otii- ,o,îer, John Horrigan, Jollçt. Assistant superintendiÇnî Iorî,î,vis power, George WMi--t,1,oiie Superlotendent 'of bridIg" su ad buildings, George Ji. Jenniîîg. Superntendent of car sel v jr'- G, C. McNaiiy. Joiet. ChIe! train dispatcher, R.F. Beau- dry, Joliet. Trainomaster at .loliet. H. A milii. gan, Joliet. Assistant trainmater at Rosso ile. W. C. Thurber, Joliet. Chie! surgeon, Jides Burry, (Chica- go. The E. J. and W. comp)ariy Nwas or- ganized fn 1889. '"It 000k ov e, lite property of the ilet. Atiroia and Nortitern and bult*'what is bîssnas the "nortit end," the Ulne cxteudîîîc from Normantown"to Wsuikegan, the' norteru terminug..Àt the sanieti nît it secured wbst la "aown as tht'- .a] brancit"-the Une nnin fron, Sn,îth Wilmington to Walcr-wýhib is then known as "h.èardner, coal (ty &Northr'rn. SENTMA L ~SE BACK James Auterthorpe 'Pound that Course of True Love idMot Run Smooth So He Mailed Hic License anda Note to the Local County Offici ai Hum Ater Ait. A. L. Hendee, Countý Clerk, Lake County, Waukegan, lit. Dear air: Peae"anl this doc- uterment as 1 do flot intend tonuse it. Very truiy youra, James Auterthorpe, Chicago, 111. Tihis ls the ai lange note, accompany- log a Lake cointy marriage Iliceuse fuliy Inscrlbed sud iegularly issued, tbat County Cii-rit A. U Hendee ce ceiveli Nlonday rmornlng, and balck of lt lies a shattered love romance, proit- abiy. that wouid keP the typewriter of a commuon or garden reporter itusy for a day and a hait. As l Is, itowpeeîAuterthorpe faits on exîiiaiu biius.'it iier than on re- turm the liceuse. w 1h the note, and the cause of te oiatterlng must re- main a deep, dark mystery. "Why Jlm Got Stung' aud how, wii neyer be kuownu. t is probable, nor why the seddlng belis failil to ring for hlm. The note ha- b,..i oipsted 10 the page t utce litai Ilige Iense record w bere lv heioiir. T he record reads, 'Jamnes Auterthorplîîu Chitcago. 33; Ma- ry C. Bettis, . . 'J'lie lîcense was is- s ued sonieti mie ln .lnuary. The quîestion lî~w s: W'y diii Jirr's documoenît fji o work In view of te fart tît i.îk. county marriage licetise titi 111.1 Il .5 are geiteralit effective, VoLiVA CASE BEING TRUED AT WOODSTOCK Case Waa Opened wih Mthenaili Takîng Stand and Foîlowlng Hlrm Wene Fîve Other Winesses, Inciud- ng Editor Davis of Zuon City News and W. H. Fabry. Complalnaî,ts Ex- pected to End Tht r Sîde Tomnoraw, Attornecy Phiîl îip totteraili vas oit the standti t itir circuit court lu 'tuSoOusiock 'iuii afternoon aîîd this morulug I iii iescond triai o! bis rase agaluari l ii Gesn Volva foc siander, Volisa iîa iteen 1n constant attendauce durirtîIlite triai, The jury was secuîcd lai- yesterday after- noon anti Mottet ii masa the first wtt- neas calîed. Fîve wittuesses hauve teen on the stand so fan, aisoigt iem belng Edit- or O. W. Davis of te Zion City Neya sud Attorney W. Il. F-abry. Fabry vas on the stanîd tiIs orntng aud vas te go bark on agaîn titis afiei noon. The evideiuns su far bas been moatly iteiling o! su article Oat appeared lu voivas paper. The coma- plainants aide of the case vill pmob- ably- lasO over oday sud part o! to- morrow. 'Voliva's presence aithtie court ln Woodstock vnuid dlapmova that he w" wvil i tae reported.Oanàiaa pariy thg1 seeka tu bny landi thera ftor a pçv- 4 ' FAIR BOOT LEGGERS BUSY UN UIGIIWOOD Mystery o! Twenty-Four Cases of Beer -Lîghtened by lOaian Section Hand, Troopsata Fort Sheridan Prepare for Chicago Hike andi for the Re- vllew by Generai Frcdcrick Dent Grant on June 5ih. Two womien itoot ieggers are be- ing shadowed in HighsyGod. They are young and strikingly handsomne boot ieggers, boa, and are belnig used by mysterlous outside intereata ta seil whisky by the bottle to soidiers. Detectis es are w atchinig titeinad it is expected that tbey siil be arresr- cd withln twenty-four hours. Here'a a Beer Mystery. We,lnesday Higbwood coped with an otber iind of a mystery wben twenty- four rases of beer arrised. consigned vo no one at ail, belng nîerely dumped off thete relghî car.('bief Kenry 000k tfli to tte plilce -station aud ister tbi'y were fotînd to have heen con- s'guvdton an italtan section banîl as P. l'lltd.Tlîey w ere not deliisered. May Name City "Marquette." Bvcaîîse there is a sort of village In Ilinlois b%,' the' names of "Forest Park" %ood bas droîîîîd ils plans for rbanîclîg its nanie Ottis one snd l8 - îotpîad thinklîîg ni namlng itscif oser 10 "tiNarqîteitte - after tite Jesuitical lîcre soho trascrsed the îîortb shore district w"ith Joliet lu a caso t tree itîîîîrî'îl t ars sud umore ago. Troops ta Leave Soon. The troolîs at Foirt Sheridan aie gcovlîîg rvad 'v for tliîcir niaici to ('hi- cago sud forite receition îo Generai Fred Deut Grant. Tht' Fiftb Fieldi Artiers headîluar- tirs and baud. bas arr, rd fresit front Fi sud te PhitIiiiiie'suni tiere- Inows a geîîcrai nmilîg at the'fort toi IIakie i ooutfoi the' cul tsitoI iin. Two Bands, 0aîiy Concerts, Titere are îîoss tîo uiiilarv bands ai Fort Sheridan, te 27thit ifaîîlry bîatndianî the' Flftb rîiiiv'iy tband, sud concerts are gisen datly, Dresa Parade Oaiiy. There la nos die'sîpar'ade daily at 5:30 aSt the fort e\cvilt Sattriay aud Sunday sud guarîl tolut ai 1l:30 tsso rouipaiirs 5 a line. The pubhlic is adutlttî'd b o ocerts. Parade to Chicago. Tenit oniptaules of the 2t wIil hike tu C'hicago luntOnne to arriv e there 'tav 3i ant i îarci u inte Deroratioti Dat Ilaral,,.Thee îufantry ss 1h re- tîtrîtni Je laIt or 21 aînd tite entire t,Àooii body w lii Ibetistart prepars- ions for te rex lest' y Geucral Fred Dent Graut on t fIftbý Geiterai Grant w ilIite imet by one Irooli of te Flitecîtit Cssalry sndb escorteîI to te fort stiere ail troolîs are to ite resicwed. aller w'blrh the fiufsutry w iii ibe separated sud artil- lers atîd vasalry w IIIîîass hlm frst at a trot aud Ohp ii ta gailop Tite tea- iti c of thetfter prgrauî w lIi b,'thte .ilîti i gîlîl(11,111i hi tusir LID WAS LIET!D UN WAUkIEGAN SUNDAY OnIy S,.ivcday Official Tried ta Pry Names of Men Who Get Drinks Fcom SUN Reporter, Saloons Open- cd and Runng Yesterday. Tip Was Cîrculaled by "Some One" Satucday, N ight TS,,t Eveything Was O. K. Thei- i .111 i iii ý!si t . itoî t u1 lu-set 1. s tiioi i p, - ivlieti tiliiviigi l lti [I- -iilandtuO in as tes- l iii in it,' t'iî oîivlvldît s is t it tilIotI iýa s I.' ioi' Tht-' îî si i)i tilt' loatt ietetise o! bt-lit'-otut iii stîimon'ti riilated Ire ly iti ndtutti ( if tthe'%ar titis llacet; urnlistîi iiedi it- olire 'î eus seeluîg Iuthet t-t t'rti antd fiftieuti uta tite auid iot i i i it uatuis e 10 stolu titenI velcti ir r (i oo(it'. ersîilis Law aid idi2r ti-agite aîîy snob now a "neislii ,-"t-atn, liaino truouble lu Ioegtilîg titi, oi"ut saloo~ns anduitstng Ibe uti i ho ttic lu fact iIbm l iil %%IS di rîlltci, clunt- siiv ettotigi, Sauitîday uigitt titat thte saloons Crittli putî Il lhey pieased, snob shile oi, t- leasi fearcd 10 open sud dld flot, ilut cas"o!fpossible trescit- ery, ail of the saloons that tised to iteep open liobsys titat were unmerci- fily roasted net 80 vert long ago, threw open titeir doors, dccv their blIndsansd solul sny old tippis for vitici tbtere nîlgtit e s demand. There w ere no arresta repnrted st thes polie station ibis mornbng n sloon keepers hax'lug bren arrested for leepng open. Iu spite o! titis remaritable state o! affabra il vas only ona day last vesit Huit H. Fridricits of the new Hotei Ftiiiiswas nmade the "fail guy" for the lid îpropoition by being Ouned $2.) aînd rosis for keeplng open oit Sun- day. He îîaid bis flte, toc. lu additionî to titis It was oniy Sat- urlay that riy officiait tricd to get uianes of muen w ho had tiotigit a week ago last Sîîîîîay îlylig a StUN report- er with questionis 50 that titey could nits lmelire arrests. AndîiSîîîday thie ,it ioîoîi ivere opîen snd rîtnnlng as tisîai. ('hl'f of Police C'oîoily stited ibis uîornîlîg tuat he w ai, tot i cady 10 nîale a ststeruetît as bchi' ts fot yet rnade' out bis repoît, 'tas or Iiîtri bas mîade the state- nient thaitte fatter of Suîtda3j clos- Ing was ni) to hlm, as the supreme court lu the niatter of 'Mayor busse and thte saloons of Chicago itad mtade a ruling to titis effert. This rnay mean that the iid la llfted pertos uently. Thte "dry" pupîle about thte city are elther howlnig 'stung" through titeir organ this es-coIng or declaring that they 'knew it ail the time"- BILL PLANNIED TO REGULATIE AUTOISTS If Plans of Chîcagoans Carry Through Legisiature Culies and Villages Will Be Empawered to Give Examina- tions to Chauffeurs as to Their Me- chanical Competence and Ability and to regular apeeding better. A strennous effort will becnmade this wee litc get ieglatlon front Spring- field whlch sslil reduce automobile ac- cidents lun(Chicago, the city adminis- tration and Cicago Automobile Trades Association working together for this end. Thte Chicîago Automobile Cluib bas not decîdevi vOctfer il:stili lîe foi or agaluot te, reniediai mes. The bis for wh udthlie auto trades organization snd ciy officiais stili la- bor are' GisIng cites sud sillages rigito to iicr-nse chauffeurs, testing titem as tO titeir itiliity, effiriency sndb sohnlety. Prohibititsg autos fcomn passlng be- Osocen curitansutreet car wilie pas- sengeis aie gettlng on or off cars. by compeiling autos 10 be trougbt tOna fuîlu stop not iess titan Olve feet sud nof utore than dîfteen feet from rear of street car.itMr. Oorbani opposed tii Stiptuatitg that auto owuera balil pay wheel iax nt te place of resi- dienre; ln case of corporafions, at the itisce of principlîsuoffice uInlinois. Providiîtg for a fine for tbe firat con- victioni of speeders, a heavier fine for second offense sud a revocatonu of license for titird violation, Autaista Approve Bulis, This prograus W55 agreed tonSatur- day isst a t s conference lu the office 0f Corptoration Cousel Brundage, ai- tendeil by the Auto Trades Associa- ton. witit Edwin Hsrisham at tite bead o! thte delegation. sud hy representa- tives front the Chicago Autornoitile clubstîith Sidnîey Goritani as Opokes- mn. -ic. Goî haut e-utlslued witeuîtue nteethîîg ias oser iluat be w'as oniy tliere as as usiditor andtî titai hs îîî t' ettie shooid îîot be cnustrued as an ilo or-tenitt by bis cilubto! the lpro grîîi uîîtiiîîrd,letdivi not.indu-ste s'ieter Iis clutb wlI giseani ndorse- uteut laIs-r. Legisiators Are Present, lut addition to tht' auto pteopîle auni dty officiais, Rt'îresentativea Fred E. Et inksot, chairman o!flte legisiaîtisc roiiîîîîlttee sohicit bas iun its jîîrisdlc tontnîoat o!fte automobile tilla, atud Antouî Celiak woere hreacît. Ci~ ter thurcb la the' author of the' bill îi os ldlug for tht' liceuse res ovation of au operator convicti-illtre tintes of recitiesa dri'ng. Atogether tht' sv'bv'îe agree te 1 5555 a compromtise between lcttlng the state retain comphtciejurisdiciou o! the autos sud cliatiffiturs anîd tte plan of trana!erriutg ho-e rigitta to dOlies as they exercised tht-ut before thte state notor isso- is assed van years ago. Thte sutoiitohili',ts' lernuanidfoc pro- tection frouiit jo'siile xveei tax exac- tions ity everY ity and lown in the state wIli te uiet hy au amendment sibi requîiites hatnteut but onoce in the towu where îhey reside. The seusauittusl rohitery tif loy An- gelsalstar hon('hicago and. tbe more sen- satîoturalapt'eof cuis o!flte burg- lars by 0w-o lriests bau intereut here !rom the fact titat Bisbnp Me Gavlck o! thte churit bas a alater. Mrs, Mary Mahusue, snob a sister ln 1mw, Mrs. Me- Gavirit, at Libertyvîlle. vith oiber re- latives, aund alvayo summeca ln lte Laite county tovu. f IND REMAINS Or MISSING TINSMITII. Two Fîshermen Find Remaîns Off Foot of Tweifth Street and Drag ln. Now at Chicago UndertakIng Aorna Where J. H. Campbell, Brother4-- Law of Missirig Man, WIII Make Identification. The belief la that the remains of the missing tinsmith, A. H-. Feld, of Wau- kegan and Hoopeston, Il, have been found off the foot of Twelfth street n the laite st Chicago, and a te- phone message to the morgue whers an unlientified body lies strengthens this beilef as undertakers gîve a par- feci description of Feld as that of the body they hold. Fled diaappeared between tbree and fis-e montits ago from Waukegan where ite bad just purcbaaed a tti shop luntte Melody buildng. The body o! the unidentifiesi man about 45 years nid sud fairly veli dressed was fond luntte laite at 120h street today. The discovery was made ity John Krause and bis broth- er, Rudolpit, 1037 West t9tb street, sud Joseph Tupab, a fisherman, wbo bas a amali but near the spot. Tbey were fisblng wben t-hey saw thte body belng buffeted agaluat the pier by thte waves, Thte men summoned te Harrison street police, wbo recovered the body sud tookIt 1 to McNsliy & Duffysa un- derlakIlng rooms, 516 Wabash avenue, No marks of violenoe wers visible on tbe body, wbicb is teiieved tonhave been la the water for seversi weeka. It la titat of a man about 5 feet 10, incites tali and of medium weigitt, He wore a gray coat and vest anti black ci-ot trousers. G. A. R. ELECTUON AT IOLU!T MEETING Convention of Veteran end Varlous Organizatlons Ciosad ai Auror* Vesterday Afler Officers Had Stemn Elected. Partridge Gels Sants Of- fice He Ha* Held so Capabiy for Vears. C. P. Hayes of Joliet was elected commander o! the Ilinois department whJie Mrs. Idta M. Palmer o! Chicagoa was cbosen presîdeut o!flte Woman'u Relief corps at Aurora 'Tburaday. Beside Commander Hayes the Dhlm- ois department, G. A. R. elecied these officers: Senior vice commander, John S.' Variey, Chicago; Junior vice commander, E. S. Johunun Spring- fild; medical dîrector. William M-. li-tanna, Aurora; cbaplaln, the Rev, L- Villars, New Lennoi; assistant adjuti- sut general and quartermaster flan- erau, Charues A. Partrldge, Waukegan; councii o! administration, R Mi Campbel, Peorba; A. D. Cadwailader, Lincoln; A. S. Wright, Woodstock; William Andrews, Rocitford; George F. Dicit, Bioomington. Delegates ta the national conven- tion at Sali Laite City, George E. Baiiey. Rock Island; J. D. Mcbure. Peoria; D. C. Briniterbof!. Springfield; George R. Lyon, Wauitegau; J, M. Veruon. Chicago; C. B. Wilbson, ChI- cago; Henry Emrirh, Galeaburg; Henry C. Mead, McHeury; M. F. Hal- let, Chticago; B. F. Lee, Rockford; C. Riessame, Bloouîlngton; A. 'W. Webb, La Grange; C. C. Jones. Rock- tord; Henry S. Welas, Quincy; J. F. L.atimer, Atiugdon; R. I. Law, Gales- hîîîg; John L. Waiiter, Aurora, C. C. Ditffy, Ottawaa. Gter officera o! the W. R, C. are: Senior vice preaideut. Lilîtan Miner, tiitouiinglou; Junior vice preailent. Lyda Lgrd, Puano; chaplilu Elecira Kirk, Stering; executive board, Mary Hsane, Chicago; Lydla Weir. Ply- miout; Mary Effuer, Galeaburg; Fin Tlppit, Peorla; Mrs, Mary Bradley. Decatur; Secretary, Mrs. Jessie John- son, Chticago; counaclor, Mrs, Marth* K. Baxter, Springfield; 1. N. L. officer, Mca, Nettie Lorimer, Chiîcago. Smaui Pox in Waukegan. Althougi thOere aie strenunus de- niais theatcases ol Butai po)X bave iteen suppressed, tbereby menacbng the city sud very posaibiy causing tvo cases titat neyer woulvi have been caused bad quarantîne been en!orced. a few nesv detaili creep out everY day and the police are the lateat ta admit Iudrertly that there vas auch a cas o! suîipreased amali pax. Ttc latest detaiblagOnathe effect that te foly victims o! thes dises» cailed in a Milwauktee doctor. a r'le ative snob bad hlm in attendance -mliii te light attack of tite diseas lust$& Why titis family shoulti be prtecte or favoreà inu any waY la aa tt7 Obat la ni uxplusined 1 1 ý 1 E