CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1909, p. 3

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LÂKE COUNIM, INDBPgNDENT, FRIDÂY, -MAY 28, 1909 MILLIBURN. DRA S LA KE D E PARTM E NT be nlra. iSeplerls e 'Z'ra, Hf. Bidinger, of Wankegan, aet a iuhruce r eirls ek Ieitweek wit ber parents, Mr. and Lra. F. J. DRUICE, Edîtor PhneNre1 M. Geo. Holrnesand ehldlren rPtured DGrav O es. to m Id.. la.t Tlîureda.y. EVEYSÂIJIATKIMU ~Frank Sitea took bis fit trip thin b Ordara Taken for Job Work Mmstan RtsO pliain Lr. I. L oinsactoîîî1aued theiti as se il' 1*1 oudlke meats. r.LusWihuade tEl Miss Mabel Thaýn. ofî,l aPark. is At A ann' Hal, Rond Lke Lrs. B. S ver and Mlrs. Alcock visited Lirs. Manzer, of (lurnee, epent lest M.Lls igtrndeuaEgIn vigting ler cousins, Mrs. Sý,,tt LeV'oy a da tiis ee etLir Wedei's. Fnlday wltb ber brother. Dell Ru-b, Laut Sunday. Tihe body was brouqbt and J. A. Titain. a da tbi§ wek stMr.Waddll's Mm.Hartayof Lbertvill, wa abomee and the funi-ral lheld rn Tuesdy M.FakYlan rihers SÀU À M N À 9 George Bartlett went ta Union Grove, Ma atao ietvle a eterno0ea nt the lîoirî- ofher paets, rakYl addnlîeM - WWs, Tuemdey on busliines. guest at thte Lobdeli homne Saturday. Mir. and lire. Dan M iglt uier 1 Who live, Editb Jensen and baby, Sorers, W.., Muzic by Mms. J. Lord and Miss Daisy Leber Mrm. Henryv Krusernark, of Chiago, veit of Haineeville. She baid been ecik visited Mms. Rolit. Strang and otiier c If PKBS PLL RCIESTA velttg bei aut, irarMienLe. was a gnest of triende ibere thiisweek. for the pent several yars aid aget relatives Wsdnesday anrd Thursdîy o! Mnm.ere. h. Harvey rdustaIre is iat week. Mis Nacy iiitt s vaitngat ie. Lir. R P.Hereyenterteiusd thte Chicago CaUsas o! Mu.î ýand ves at one Mis. Mary Yule and daugitter, Mise EVERYB DY INVTED I. intersj. T .atFrdy br eetlmean accomplirulul iusien and Alice retnrned trorn Wrll Vo. Ili., wbers To cone and have a good Mmr. Martin Lui lensçending a lew Mies Noie Bixier spent severel deys at Wlgtmau o! this ia A. H. Stewart spent !r(,rn Saturday tie c ra n ae daye ln Mlwaukee. 1thte Metirodit Sunday schorul convention Lr.Au rtd a udnytknutlMna ibrltvsl hcg served at the Drng Store. Arnelia and Elizabeth Doyle, of Weu- aet Peoria ibis week. Mm.i nna L ionde eveuhrg eter bornlen atLir sund L ire ltivesrn Ctewaoa. keganspentSundskeltbfrlatiof be e R. Ar-h ileecon Toil will conduct Heineevill s&M diPd au bour ;ater. A chlden, o! Chi-ago, carne Saturday to ohage TCKES Oc Miss Mamie Scheuer has@acepted aei- services et thee Episcopel Mission pbygician wmas snînu, id lut she died send two weeks witb A. H. Stewart. chre lKT O: position lu the telephone office at Wau- next Sundev evcaing. shortly slter bis arrux tr. Sbe we@susb- AM.A N BR S., rops ~Cean.Mien Widdon. o! Williersiurg, is thte )ect ta beart dseca. erici was tbe Fred Steedmen, o! Gurnee. the painter Wad RO . ros e swott o stoNotrgeto e iteLr.MCeln. cause o! ber suduleu di.ath.Sire wes n p and paper bauger wes working in tbis ROUND LAKE, ILL. W CuorbeWheSuiay etheadNorth Guetofrgenitan, Mthe getn p anWsd about the bouse a etiiie rs sie was viclnity lest week. ________________Chicago Cb udyatWd rh ere eoategna rpitrtaken sick. Site Ilaces two sons, LMr. and Lire. J. V. Chope entertained Don't fan to attend, of thte Round Lake hotel, wiil have bis Winifrsd, of Chicago, w ho arrived et theit ayfo oecasadWuea OUR PRICE LISI M. anud idre. John Thielen visîted at annual oeIiig on Jute 12. A ful home Tue*day mrnirîg and Frank with nsu o Rscan n Wuea lU P IE LS .%ed' ast wtek. st ring Oe t i furnisirth music. is traveling inSPýs.Wr a@le unday. 0 MIk. per quart 6c, per pnt 3c. Lir. J. Porter was a city visitor a day The oldeet ditter of Lir. and Mm recived frons hlm laqt !roiSpokane and Tite Mleionery meeting was beld et Creamn » 20r- per 12c. lait week. S. Serenson ,ege 12 stars died et ber tlr uaeben-t to titat place the borne o!Lir. Rater, Weduesday of borne lent Mondey. Funerel wae hsld wt bopeeso reeuhîrbrini ii. ibituary tble week. " ~~haf pint.......6c. Mmr. N. Luzand MissEmrna Heydecker Wednesdey aiternoon et thte iouse. wil appear next wek Miss Nelson, o! Lake Villa, bas bieu Buttermlk. per quart........... 4c, were stBristolislut Monday. Hurl at Fox Lakecernetery. Bey. Garrisson wiil delier the be-a- engeged to teecit the Dodge echool tite Cottage Cheeme per quart.......6 Dan Hook in on the sjk llt.lanreete sermon for tire gcaduating clans eeuing year. AiLLGOODS DEUVERED [ ,,GAGE'S XE i i Llia ure wsluCtieo t tbe Congregationel clîîrîh next Sun- The Bockeday seitool celied a speciel ______Mie__ili__Turnr wa in _iffo onde, m6ornlng. Jute 30. A ordiel invl- meeigttStudy ndeeedA G1ooda obtainable et facto t al tiines. <*tîro akgu svstn busines Tuesday. tetion le extended to the public. mS i atewart esdir an ector..E THE dl& 48 bourg notice. friendp bers. Mis. Feming epeut Saturday at Tht graduating exer,* o! tbe third Lir. sud Lira. Win. Tbom, Libertyville, TE RAYSLAKE CREAMERY Hrnd Chard, o! Austin, mpent Seturday Chicago. ýe&r bigb sebool wiiloicrcTborday are visiting teir son, W. G. Tbom titis Tel Grvlke ié. Orsuisa. * sd Snda wih rlatves Mis Les ilsn, ! Znde Wi.,eventng. June 8, et the opecr bouse. An week. Tel.___________6._________ Ili._ and_ Lo e A hrnenlaties.tpu M~- ~ issed relatvsoiterefrt ! edweei. leorato progreui i ri erne Lorenz mann l a retent puchaserof visted reativesborevireteppthr win.ourwbuci wtl issue.inE.r A.xLisart E. Apeartin@p ndtyu d ititth is e fins automobile. Wr n r.Mm. Edwarda and Miss urSihWoliPbîvfnCicg.Temayredsf dithr. niro a Begr Srnlth wbo tirs hiet qîrit tii-k al uCtcg.Tr eyfineo Lir. Divikeron, o! Chicago,, was an htr. o leneeciutTedywthbth mumpe in ver-rInuni better. lire. Martin wiii be glasi to know titt S~lu llIIuey ove, Suudey viitor witit Mr. and Mr@ re ,.ti ,site is getting sln iey Miae. Lrs. luoe Scil,ssec spent Saturday 4b &ire. B. meaCelland antd iou, Wallace, Tbe Dodge ecitool elosed titis week LireTU EWM. W. E. Setier and daugitter, Helet, Chicago- spent Tuesday et C1itiago. Tuesday. ['5 IL!AND IIATE of Cermari, Manitobta, @peont a few days Miss Riley bas takeni up bier e-irool Ail thes cidren are r..î1ui-std to gatiter Miss M aboi Adamse, o! Chicago Lawn, HIi1~5A!< 5IÀti~4 of lest vieek with ber brother, E. E. work egaiu tbrs veek alter an attack o!f ioweras Sturday for ierorial Day carne Sturdey rnorning returning Sun- a Xiii ha pleaned ta bave au Idareliand !eînily. inumçrs. decoretions. day accornpanipid by ber graudmotiter, aidcusomes <il nd R. J. Walker, rnilk agent for tirs C. M. Mir. and Mn-. Dick Beau-y, o! DesPlaines Miss Annabel Whittre spcit Satur- Lire. Pantali, vito vilii peud e week my ol utmricl n t. Paul rellroad viëitI,id fn-nde lber-e@pont Sunday witit Mr. and Mmr. Ed day et Fox Lake. witit ber deugitter. viii be glad to weicome new 8aturday. ltowInDg and faily. Lim. R. P. Harri-y and deugitter, Mir. aud Lir. Wm. Mitchell and unes. MN. Taylor, o! Weukegan, visted lier Mr. and Mmr. D. T. Webbeand deugbrer Roberts, speit Saturdev eat Monaville. chidren, o! Weukegan. visited thte Lifft ra . Ami-s and farnily lest Luciile and Miss Li-more, o! Wenkegen. Dr. E. A. Crans and %% fle, of Liberty- atremttr Lr.M pfod wee . spent SundayetttB.JL!tuho, ville, spent Sundey et Round Lake. Mise Lucy Trotter, of Evanston, is At Knebker à Hoem's Lir@. WIliIONeill wae Chicago visitor Lin. and Lir. A. L. R.endeseo! Ikau- Misn Ro>irt& Harvey ivs pending the vietn ii e itr ia .K an _______________________Monday. kegen, açent Saturday witb relatives. week wîtti !riends in Ciicagi, Meusrs. Martin aud Bain bave new ______________________ The citoir wili meet wlth Mir. and Mm. _________________________________ cernent waikâ just finisbed. A fine ---------- Date, Frlday evenlng to prectice for- improvement.1 ------ChUldren'e Day. Mir. sud Lir. J. LirDongall, o! Antiobh, Tite Ladies Aid Society wiii meet witb visited Lir. Dongel l is sud brother (Irayslake Mmr. Anies ou Thuredey, Jute 8. Lire. u h a@li rd Fre Wright vili as in entertinin . * U gi ~ g ~ I r. Lydie Werner retu rned to Grassu BAKER AND Everybody in cordially invited to attend. J ' ~ v Lake lest week. LONGLAKEC. E. topic, Home Missions, "Alaika RESTAU RANT for Cliriet," Ise. 60>: 11.22. Vivian M. Jackson. o! Chicago, lis ailada__ Bonner, leader. itttie cottage bult on the test sbore o!f l ~ I~ A _ Fresb Breadl eveny day, Home titi lake. I .W .MU E is. Mary Bâter celebrated ber lin-b. Made Cakes, Pies and Othen rs iMod htead ite er H E JW E L E R day lait Fnlday, e few aid fiende spent Pastn'. Lunces suad Mesa Cia.g isfor Wbi-t endlitr t tht afiernoon anrd took tes wl-h ber- Chiceg visitre tiisourg. Lir. Bater and Lilas Bâter spent Satur- sev~ a- ilboneMLm. Jay Graham sud little dangiter ---- day simd Sunday ai- Libertyville visiting r NO ers lu Chicago Mouday. àfriende. E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. M r. Capper On i-bs tait @ide o!fiteleke Sho ein. . ttp--hmbxfrLn ae .VOLO. (IRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS Ed sud Jsy Gratimaetteuded ti-biig On Sai-undey evening, Mey 29, i-erse ;eGaetenduew. Tn Gasicher.or MiseAuna Rosdeutecbtn of Wauconida shoot et Chiiago Mundey. Jeyw i ii be as'b.loni Meetingheid eit ibtht 'lk tas TtG aaeJ.spet Mrnday iiet lu Volo. WevsUes aFssPLtue n of 89ioery snd mtroe. nigacittol bouse for tht purpose o! voting p i-? ubte Lake Villa tesansd ver souvenir Po"i Carde letmny upon i-bt question o! buying labre lad a sn il s score of 4ta 2 lu favor 01 Guy Bacon, o!fLicfenry, vas tht Lilie iernso, dugtte o!Lir eu tn ibs citof.Tiis a a ImortntLait Villa. The lsft ave eat borne got guesi O! Eart Potter over Suuday. ------------------------due@ "ratesud bouxhi- su ludoor bal Herbent Hwrdif"akea, put ______________________Min. Siern iereneon, died Mouday alt-en- matter and ail intereeted li-bte echoolal fbut and pla"ed sarnae erong Sunday Ba rde hmeo Mrankd Mm. noon et ber home soutit o! Long Lake sitould be preoent.etibbono! n.sdMN alter a short sicinens. Sbe vas tveîve theniseivee at borne. Next !undav there Citai. ltegitt. utir~tiilifl? ft aar ad. The burli ltook ie.lat1e àganse acbedu iedvuh Round Lake LieFu IIU IL LU VIIL tFox Laie emter P etaîd Ani-ioch. The boys viii aoon corne lr . F y Tower le visitiug relatives NI f1 UUEl51 SIE tcene y.Caskel Factory. Outinl ihein ieg sit, snd vs are sure and friends lu Vola and vu-ml-ty. AIJJJIEkIuhLL.YJDI Frank Siantan wasaiau Elgin celluir The aiket !aci-ory vbi-b is to loae t -bt Graesake yl bise i-vo teame to MLi nsd Lir. George Knehler, . ofDes mScntly. on i-be syndicate grounds viti star- be prond uf before the sesson la Over. Plaines, vers gueste o! Mn. sud Mms. W*che1. Clocks and Jewefy RePal" Thos. Graham la attending i-be shoot bueiness .hnne lset. The compsuy ile_______ John Rirbardson Saturday and Sunday. Al Wok Gumwaeed ln Chicago i-is veek. incartrated for $35,000 sud viii empioy abtout ten bande ta commence Mesdames Win. irouimus sud Wmi. Mir. sud MN. Wilson, o! Zenda, ba ve vu-b. Oea. E. Strsug i-es nuderteker is RUSEL DunniS s@pont ont day lait veesinluChti- SPECIAL OtDERS FOR JEWELRY been viitiug tbeir dengitter bo-re. weil acqueîi-ted wl-b i-he irmansd bas M .ir. Brown yul rescb nexi-Su a e ProPUYfl~~ WST REM NT. dore bsinss rtbi-hm sverlyes.Carne et 10:30 and ear s fine sermon. Lires Lillie Hiller, o! McHeury, attended WEST________einormeustai-be cmarny maehurcit here.Sunday torenoon. W. il. MOORE ~WiiI and Fred Nondnseyer sat-d up o! good rellabie men vbo viii make A fine program, is being prepered for Liudir.PtrHmoneene- Liauday for $troll, Boni-h Dakota, vitere good su -a iei tr-n er .CideueDy-iing i-hein daugliter, Li.Ra.By Doan. (isYalaka iii tbsy li-sud ta puni-base land. only tire beginuiug o big industry. E. J. Mucie sud vife vers in Kenosha O! Daveupori-, love. Mn. and Lin. Josepht Aikofer aud Monday ti- visit i-hein parente, Mr. Lir. Ed Luak sud Lils Genevieve daugliter, Mari-ha, visited relatives iii Muri is vers. sîci. Lir. E. J. Murruem '11E IRr AI 0 GA~ES Palatine Snndey. Decoratian Day. stayed i-o heu, cars for hlm. Effingen vere Wauronda i-allers lait Shoud b Caefuly Ftte AlertHafTiti-nelly vistiro hewiil be appropriai-e Decontlon Lin. aud! Mm. Peterson and fn.mily andTiunaa!tno. Shold e Creuil Fited Ae t FoiaRieradaîy lstd sa-Day @eri-rcee hi-Id boesSunday efiernoon ins. Elinger. o! Wauke @, pont Sun- Mises Edith Derby and Neomi Vaity, ~va t oiRier i-be opera bouse. Rev. Garnieson viii day viitt E. P. Siver sufamý1iîy. o! Round Lake, vere lu tovri Suuday. Lire. Henry Tekampe vas a Waukegan liei-be speaker o!fi-he day sud 5ev. Bers thte Ftting la Scieniif- ialler ouie day lest vi-sk. Walscl is ixpcttd i-o be preseni-aal iedeuiPs E. P. sud 1. L. Suvrc are lins. Groese Kirvaan ad MieAnna DR. B.JOLEY ran tIcicl. J va a loce!-lenTii-ee vili Iti- singrng hv earquartiette anà Chiciago rt..îtct Tuesday. Compton vers ln Mrfienry Monday. DR __.____ rn "Irei.J. asaR, ePlriner, y h,n tti Iunicorps and (irayslake A. C. Cor i and sons, Ansaned WiVulie ire. Win. uDion and clildren vislted ialler Sunday nigitt orchetra. ILerii-etrone, songe andtiIfag vers Kenosita visitore Sei-unday. Mr. and Mmr. C. Dlrlon ai- Waukegan Pirîrre-Ouire 122: RetIdenr-121 Sevemal o!fi-be youimg Ittke !from boesdrills hy i-be sihool rbildrsn. Il veatiter sererai deys receni-ly. aitended i-be dauces ai- Wauconda and! viii permit ibers v.ill be a hune of mari-h Chtester iiY ery slck Sunday agtr li OFC US Round Lake, Sai-urday nilgit. from ti-e bali-o tîte cemetery, cnitn but is coîval-erig et prefen-. Lins. John Wlton and daugitter, Elsie 9)FiV0t.tno cuesiîm were un Weucouda onle a!ternood lait 4M 3eolm 2 t. 4 tit7 W m idfte dcnm corpîs, 24 foyer girls lu Zoe Chase eutertieitdcompauy froni ,eek. ______ ~~Quit.e aev att.nded the surhinise o bite and the old soldiers. Ererybody Kenoshita2Nîlay.MisCraMVniycm to ol party ou Frank Nordmi-yec. Sai-urdav lo lr eoniycm oVl OFFsd ICae tE Uopet r sî ugt- i eot odiÎi. -is uocdially inrit.d i-o attend. Sitieanvers Gr ytlake.relieraiTui-sdeoy.nGraduationrepmrt ajoj y tifromiElgin Lionday aud viii visit ber Non-i hica.Bl~iar>s Mesdames Firani Mariluand Louis sus miter. Lire. Richard Compton, fora !ev Jos Dobmen sud Tille Tekampe vieii-ed You haie ail doubtiese rectived invi- Lins. Harhorg, of Wauiegan, viited Mr. and Lire. Richard Demuli, o! FREMONT eit W. J. Diti-zs, Sundsy a!terimoon. tationesi-oi-be graduation exer-ises et M. A. Hogen's Sunday. Libertyrille, epeni- Sunday vu-h Lin. and Kat. ud Mai-liaObene! apet WAREN. iiuhtare to be beld et i-he opera bonse Tti bLre lBen Rîring. Kateand arth Obnaulspen WARENTburday evening, Juns 3rd. Liauv o! Te all i-iarn rorn Wadworth played Tliureday wlt fiende lu Waukegan. Mmra you lae friende vito are i-o graduai-ei-be Rose, cens tens Sunday. Score 2. tMca. Chas. Raugit-baas lier gueste RossFreeric eneMemorial anyDay exer-ises viii ho sud thai ytîu are interesttd in and visi ta 2() inl avi ofn!RoSecrana. tIis veek ber fai-her and moi-ber, Mn. fRoCas o a tcurteiad udcoay observed et Warren enîetecy Sunday, to rememiber a i-h tomeli-ile gifi-. We Water Wi-,o! Kenosha, vas a "i r.HnyRgro akgn tram Cbicag Saipurdmy Ad Suuday. nd Lirs.-Hory Rog@tore! Wuu"tgth Mir. aud Lim. Gerny Reier, of Chicago wl is 0,et 2 p. m.andagooe nd rogrninvite sou io nrsor t 0ei-tmalySuuday visittîrbers. Mr. and Lira Haneon sud !amiiy sreni- are visiting gru-h triendsanadr relatives vate edrdsdalaeivtednti. îreit aid suitable gi!i-s. An auirt- Suudey wl-b titeir daugitter, Lin. Earl- in ths vicnity attend. îrr. ientaud îîrýees ta i-bi-viisui-t venybody* Lire. Julia Tutbii apsut Sonday et Townsenid, neax 1iound Lake. luriti vanMm.tar edaerof Tht Warren Cemetsny Associaiion wiii on Londey we viii put in a wiudow borne. Waukean, 8ent Sldaywith ike met wth Mr.CoraMeCulough iule_). i8pla to wirîrds areto doui-or annouarcoutgnn i-bengmhe nniegeg Lin, sd Lir Audrs Wagur, o! eet vthMrsCara MCuiloghJon 2. dsplayi-o wbW.î v.viuiti-o dade50a W.uJinessi-ctriepa bsinessi-the-oletdutb Iowad, ova Wenesda, May Wegnker and spei- un v-Mk attenition too. Titere me sure i-o besome- Zion Cii-y Xttîday. ult, o! Rolland C. Tovnsend aund Mies Wegnr su famiy.Henry Shepard and famity rei-unned lthing i-hi-nei-ai- you viii vaut DOun Lir. George Rooing, of Round Lake, ihomt lait week ateropending i-bs vînter bnsîr-Krieiplnivi eneia Miss Gralierîr vii teacit our echool ti-eEuîîa C. Sc-hu-tz o!fi-bei place. Mr. viited vitit ber paent., LMr. aud L.insluClforiand other place@ ii-bovt. tite graduation exencises. Please note comrng yean and Bannait Pai-chtviii Touruseur! is Weil and !avorably inovu Chai. DanSier, Sunda3. Nahum Lamnb le agein ai-borne alter a i-hi- tons aund case o!fi-is instrument. teacit the Rlussell achoot. itere lîerîng lived lu thieo part o!fi-be Quit. a ew tram aroun!blire iook lu visit o! several monits lu Nbraska. GASAEP4RAY country uni-il a !sw yeemraVg. Tite i-bs dsuceat Round Lake Sai-urday utelit HebnCiaeiquteuki-p-sn- F. J. Druce, Prop. . ogculeviimei-inbmst and ail reprttd ea good tise. Heet Chas_______________pese WARR ENTON~ Sutherland ater Juns 23. Liay al Li. aundLir. (jeu. Wagner of W au- r- L -.. ... ... iaîpine8s be ttems li- theirnuev flef. _ kegan, spent Sunday vu-h i-hein aon, M. F. Sch1ryvtr made a business irip tio BMlmLr. [tagan bai retnrned ta han home 01IOH Pitiliip, and !amily. Chitcago on Tuesday. Baelal.i Nebraka aiter spendlngsevenai veeka N OK1 Cona Titus spetit Sunday vitit Jas Lir. Elerta Pains is apending i-be ye Hase bail mail. t wouid rai e em, vu-b relatives bers. Maniy people fias Antiocit atteuded 0' Tii-os and family. vu-b Aima Rose. ibat Grayelake bar! gant base bail nssdite unerai o! Chartes Yapp, Sunday, Lire Jas Dithnu ahir! u !ieus ihiesaeason. Tbeyhbave s-tr! a ut-vitb Walt. rRyan, o! Chicago, speni- Sundey vito romnmitteid suicide by taiug paris au!rel aive lu eukaen te dys aigit lever andtit bai praver! ta be a iare. gréen. Dosestî- trouble vas ibe ceuse. - adrlativesin aAkgTA lewdaCdiseese aimosi- as prevaleut as, th MNs. iratliy in visilng vithr Lre. Hie lil-de boys bave i-be sympatby o! bis _____________ 'Ur9n ps ol ur i-awn. From 'the.elle, John Sheridan. nîany fiends. MasersSal. Msse Gei-l su Bane elden reyear oide up iote, h am bell fsaof 0 Mis eti n anaWiur are ai sufenag fthi-b MieseJutia Rudd spent Suuday Wl-b, Albert- Dlbbie moved lui-o i-bsSibly TheJun ieerebSe. ai 19%s-iluCtrg.arIitang erond Deak the te' bn brh arntfiai- vecat.d by Wrn. Hanaman. You Wil Need an 011 StoveYý, When warm. days and the kitchen fire make cookingaburden-then is the time to try aNew Perfection Wick Blue Flamne Oil Cook-Stove. Marvelous how thia stove does away with kitchen discomforts-how cool it keeps the roo n in comparison wi th condi- tions when the coail ire wu. burrnng. 1he is the only cil stove bu it with a CABINET TOP for holding plam and keeping food bot after cooking. Alto bas useful drop shelvu on wthich to stand the coffee pot or teapot af ter removing hrum buons«. F1itted with two nickeled racks for towels. A marvel of cornfort, aimplicity and convenience. Made in tliro aszesý-with or without Cabinet Top. If not with your dealer, write our nearrat agency. Th,££jeo amp ustsuch a ~jAy/~Lamp p as S every one. at-ad tome enough for the parloi; strong enough for the kitchen, camp or cottage; bright enough for every occasion. If flot with your dealer, writ Our neareat agency. PI AN OSj 1 have at my home seveal. styles of the Baldwin Pianoem I1 invite you to, cali and see. Prices within the reach of a&U. GEORGE E. STRANG. Undcrtaker and Lscensed Embaisw GRAYt-..- ANNOUNCEMENT Electrical Contractors We can furnlsh yoît with electrical materia1 of overy description at lowest prices, anud deliver It te" you at our storeroorn, 230 N. Genesmee Street, Wan-r kegan, Ill. Nrflrb Shre CElect k £ FRED iOCHMEIIM se z::ess se et e..s.e~ SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER and CONFECTIOER To oui of Town Ordo- ibr~iIe - Imme AndShlpin Trde OTELS AND, RETAILERS SUPPLII WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOMP Proiessional Cards DR. 0, F. BU1TER WIL, VETERINÂBI SURGEON. Â5ilTÂieT STATE YSTEEINARMAS. lAbertyvU-le. Illiýnols. A. Y- STEARNS LA W ER 218 Washington Street- Waukegen 'Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OPIrICa ovER LOVE LL'5 lISCO 51055. quaa-trom 1 ta 3 sud 6 ta S p. m. Lîbertyvie.llinais. DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practioe Office or-r Lui-e & CoMpany's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION ~ GIVEN TO DISEASES 0OF THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS DR. GOLDMN DENTIBT Honis S ta 12 a.m-1 to ôp... J. Ehi Trlggs Building vu-h Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phione le lies. Phase 1092 Libertyvills, Illinuois DR. E. H. SMITH. DENTI8T. OYEZ LAZI STiY NATIONAL SAUL soiusa-S to 12 s. .nsd 1 i-o 5 p. lu DAILY. DR J. L TAYLOR. OrFiiE OYEZ J. ELI. vTee S Lt>O. *ounas-7 ta 10 a. nm. 2 i-o 4 and 0 1b S P. ns. Besideuce on Broadvay, opposite Pas Ihe-i-yvWue, mllinais. DR. À. fo. CIIJRIIL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Off, utrEs ur aiserak. over Tvn ai-te.' rumeturs Stem -- - SpecialAttetimOO (vte= i-he Bye, Far, Noie d LIBERTYVILL - PAUL MAC GUFII ATTORNET AT LÂWri Libertysiis Dý a ----------------- -PMM

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