CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 1

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LAKE GOUNTy I ND-E-PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIL NO 86. SALOON". iW41IfLD ONJ MUA"IR CHIARGE Curry, Who Ae.ntarad Saloon After Fracas When Censpanion, Charles Mordofi, Was Shot, Received Bullet in BDaek of Mead and Lived Only Until One-Thlrty Sunday Morning. Lattera ldantlfied Hlmn. AI-bort Paters, propritor ef a sa- loon at 119 West North avenue, Chi- cago, was heid te the grand jury on a charge f murder ye.terday In Chica- go by a coroners jury which held un Inquest over the bodies of ClInton Cur- ry, 23 yeasa ad, 295 West Ohio street, s matai pliaher, and Chales Mordeff, 30 yeasa d, 937 Ballcu e'ýre.t, who werc shot by Poterie Saturday night. Policemen testificd thst Peter. ordar- ed Curry and Mordof! frorn hie saloon, and when they attacked hirm ho flred tise ahota-Recard I4erald. (From Wednesoday's Suc.) Ni-ws rearbed Waukegsn at six lest niight ibat the body of an unîdeuti- lied vîctini of Abert Peters. saloon kecîjer on North avenue, Chicago, wbo fatsily abot two mon Saturday nlgbt in bis place of business, baS been identifleS by papers and letters as Ihat of Clinton Curry, M93 West Ohio streel, Chicago, wbose parents, %Ir. and lIra Frank Curry. reside et 309, Washington trürct, Wairkegan. Thîe sîory bas elemenîs of deepest sadness as ixhile Ibeir son was shot Saturday nigbt anS ll'.ed unlil one- lbirty Suîday nîorning wtb a bullel hole ln is besî, the parents knew toîbing oni lite affair abateverunutil .Nonday niglit and Sld not bave a chance îo îîay hi nia asat i isit. ln fact, Chicago lolice did onofknow bis naine. and lts contîanlon, liordoff, was faalily x'ounded also anS rouIS not gixe Information. The Sunday iorniug plisers of Chicago gave ('ur- ry's name as Charles Leaser. Later letters froni Waukegan liar- eutis 10 the boy gsive the desired clue. tory or- the Crime. Arcording 10 a slory told here by the Currys. Clinlon and bis rompan- Ions entered the Peters lplace laIe Sat- urday night sud becamne angry wben the bar keeper, In the midat of a gante of dire. ssked If ibe young mon wr too chesî to10boy. This started an argumnet at the end of wbicb the bar- tender or owner la alleged 10 bave pulledalurlb front bebind the bar anS starled atter the young nien, vbo seem 10 bai-e lied. Niordoff, Itla claimed, wss the firat 10 get aboi. Curry raut hack. itlel ciainied, and then Peters &hotl bu aIso, so tbat lie feilIin bis tracks. a bllet tbrougb te back of bis beadý Taken ta Hospital. C7urryx ias taken to St. ElIzabeth'a bosîital a bere bie llxed until Sunîiay mornIng. le iras a lad of good i-chute bore. where bis piarents reside, anS the newa tbat reached lere last nigbt. wxîenIr ilbecanie e-rcîîfated about aiitotg young mou. caused geureral re- gret aud tuourniog as Curry had nîy fi ieiftli. Mrs. Curry'. Stary. Mri . titi yIis maori tfg related 10 a SU N replorter what she bhd learned of the tiagi-lv lit wbic ber son loat bl i-i. hICIlinton aIe ays returuted to bis bomte oin West Ohio sireef Immed- latc-l alte hi- fliied îînrk at îlgt,' be saiS. "uiues be totd bIs iife of soinetbing Iliat wuîld kecît biniaway later. Saturday norilnîg lbe kissed tîhe baby and sald. Il'Il belionne early tonight snd re i-ill go 10 the 'iemnor- lai Day services îonîorrnxx' He dtd îlot coîte fhomîe aI ail artS bis wife was1 greatly alarmeS nier bis absence ho' fore sbe i-as evei tloo bis deatb. "As the story was told 10 me Mln- toit xias itot 10 blamne In any way. Hie badt etred the Petera saloon wltb is coîtîîaritiou sd the two started to sîlte (lilce. For sortie reason the bar tetnder calteS thena cbeap skates ha- c-ut-e they sbook the dire witbout spenting niioncy rlgbt avay. Botb sauneS tolave. Ciluton abead wben the bar tender, fired aud Cltons companîloîtfelI Sead. abot ln the hack. Went Back ta Companlon. % "Clintot ix etfback 10 pick Mimup atîd the bat tetider Ilretl again. The bullet entered bis heaci beind bis ear anS came out lts forebead. He ran arrosa the tt cet and Sropped In a drug store. He i-as taken 10 the boa- pitai aud it wss a long lime hotore hoe couid ho identified. A grocers bill issueS b Clinton Curry tisa found ln bis pocket and tiis i-as theoanly tiing tbey bail to ideutify hlm. It took e long Urne beforo bis wife was locatod anti told of bis deatb, 1 tiîd îwo Prts- flot hear a tblng about the matter un- tiI Monday nigt' Funeral Tomorçow. Curryg funeral wIll be 4eld bore some tîme touîorrow. The body will be brought from Chicago tonigbt. Hle was well known bere, baving iived bere with bis parents, before going to Chicago, for about 18 years. In respouse to a teiegrapb quer3 for a description of Robert Wilson. the mnan suspected of belng John Beck, the Wedge swlndier. Cblef fon olly bas recelved word froro Washig- ton, Ind., tbat Wilson la ln tbe prisonl at Michigan City, Ind. In spite of tbe tact I bat thig mah.ea it appear Dite a wlld goose cbase the police isili koep atter Wilson utnli tbey are positive that be ln flot Beck. Borne of the people intereitted ln the Wedga case believed that WilIson uîay be Bock ater ail. WHIITE DOVE PREDICTS COMING or CHRIST Former Zion City Man Seems te Take Old City on North Shore as Proto- typaetofCondition et World Bfore Second Coming and Backe Reason- Ing by Scriptura. Local Minuster Taiked on Same Subject. AssertIng thal the second coring -o! Christ mîlI bie iithîn fouir yeara, and that le titI conIc uîlîeralded sud unknowniIi a mnster like H-e asceuided, Il.C, Burnette. a former folIos er of I)ori, e itaniaies bis headîîuarters au S., Dearboîn street, Chicago, lias tari' d to tell the worîS of bis Inlcrîîrctatiotî of the irolîhecies o! Rex elation by ueaus of a lînhîlca. don calted "The Little White Dore. file Baya that ihe 1-etoration lier- lod bas now begun anîd xxili lasi 490 years. tîte se-coiS coulng beîtg ln about tbree sud ta hall years. Warii- lîlite morîS to keop away froun mere buman leaders h-t dei lares that the Seuil la doing bis boaf to h-ad the world aaay front the truc farts Ili re- gard to te second conîlng. Hara's the Line Up. li-e qunîrs David un showt hat (Christ la 10 core ne su i-In the mîdat of bis enomIes and Gabriel to show that 2300 days before the -end" the 'Prince o! the Coivenant," anuSMaBisot are to be overconie anS the Holy Cty sud Teni- pIe tahen awxay trom them. 1010 Sava laler te 'abominiation o! desolatiota la to be set up 'aiftor the Holy Spirl bas hein 'alieuiont of the munIS.- Uses Zion as a Type. BackfIng ni)tlis pthtofnIreasotîiîtg cicry sut )by ascriptural referetîres hie declares thut Zlon. ' robably nîeauîlng Zioîî î i lipoople.,-,tis ou îîassiîg t brotîgli api otIvici hla a protoîftie o! tue L.XtitiidaxssuSndtit the dcvil I ,iulttig - rltaiy gond bunt Igîtoralil mn nuitli ua i-oitfîtuloit ti turecu tbe second andîtd lit il eouaîtg of Christ. He'e luiýs ttit l Sittheî,oojg it ut-t 44.) yecars dIstat.ibalthonue-tJ boxal aitnd ail bis aîîgels wiilI rutile ai- so. stîd that bie x lites 10 raîse toîter 10 sîîrctd the nec-s by nicauls ut the Litle Wthte Dove" Seems to Rap Vliva. Ilut cei tutupassalges of bis dIr-tatar letter, of wbIîb the SUN bas a ropy, ie seonis to raît liard a certain leader lu Mion Ciy. suliioseil, it la alleged. 10 hae Volia. hy refcrriîîg 10 bitîtas "theAaaciait'asd otîter cholce til tIc-s, andln l a nrelude to bis main pro- phecy abeet takes occasion 10 acure thte fresent leader as ati "usurper."' He 1s111sf t e thîrd conmIîg, wbicb ilîl tahe place oit the lîourif o! Olives, eat of Jeruaalcm, wi-ll lbe attendeS wtub 1000 years o!fi-nIe under Christ. It iill alao lie attexided, he says, xxiîh lte "Resurrection' sund 'Raptarse.' lu sereral itaragrapha o! bis work hoe pictiir(ea the uttegpd present deso- lation o! "Ziott. neanlng prohably, il la thouglît. zliîîCity, and Bseoma to bolS ouftnhope for il, aleging that Ibinga are 10 go from baS 10 worso. He says that the second cornag will ho wtbout particular place sud witb no arrangement o! detail. Burnettosg paper la a remarkabio one ln view o! the fart that there la m0 mucb "Isocund cornlng" iferatnire andt baugbt anS taik jual now. One Wa'akegan minister- jutciiýed jrbfa weok ega on the saeo ubject and ad- mittoti that every siga toretold a seç- anti coming. L BEKTY VILLE, LAKE COUINTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNEe4, 1909-12 Pages MISS ETHIL DOWNS SECR!TLY MARRIED News Schoel Teacher ai Ives, Weil Knewn Vo ung Womnan is United Secretiy ln Waukegan to Mitchell Car Man. C- C. Tracy, Waukegan Man, Now ai Zion North Shore Inn, AIse United in Marriage. Ethel Dowus, well kîiowîi about two years ago as onue of the beautles of Libertyvîlle and L.ake couîîty, was secretir rnarrled lui Waukegan some lIme ago and the tact bas just become knowu lui Racine, ber present borne. C. C. Tracy, related to the Cham- berlalus of Waukegan, was aiso sec- retly married ln Indiana somnetinme ago, and the marriage bas jîlst been dlseovered at Zion City. F'rleuds of Mise Etbel 'i. Dowus, 1417 West Boulevard, Racine, and George Daley, 620 Hubbard streel, IRa- cine. were givon a surprise today wben Il became known that Miss Dowus and Mr. Dsley were united ln marrlage at Waukegan February 6, but the marriage was kept secret untîl toda-u. wben Il leaked out lulîmate friends of the couple were certain that there was an engagement. altlbogb lu was flot announced. and on February 6 lest the two quiotly went 10 Waîkegan and there obtainiug a marriage license. were married. Tbey returned to RacIe nesd golug 10 Ibeir respective bornes kepitbe marriage a sec ret. The bride bas for some yesrs been a tearber lu tbe rural ochool ai Ires and alter tbe marriage sbe ronîlnued as teacher lu the achool sud resided witb ber fatber. superluleudent of the drainage systeni of the Cbicago-,NiI- waiukee Elertrir road, et 1417 West boulevard. Mr-. Daley, wbo la a marbînlat em- ployed by the Mitchell Motor Car rom- psuy, resides et 620 Hubbard sîreet. Botb are *ery well known and mos! popular. After a few days it became known tbat Naîîon libeldrake, daugbîer oif Mrs. EUsa Sheldrake, andi MrC.C. Tracy, a sou of Mrs. Graham of the Nortb Shore Inn, were uulted ln mer- niage in Indiana about a monilb ago. Detalîs are lacklng. -bit we, are fit- formed Ibat the bappîy coupîle wil niake tbeir borne at the Nortb Sbore Inn for tbe noxt couple o!fniontbs, aller wbirb tbey expert 10 go to Jack- son'. 11e. Florida, wbere tbey wlll ler- manently- ceaide. Tbey bave our best v abes for auceas-ZnCity Times. CLOS! SUAVE FOR IWO CANNONEIERS n Executing Right Wheel Whlle on a Galaop the Gun Tîipped Oser, Caiching the Tisa Mer, Beneath il, and Then Bounded on Lasing Bath Clear and Unhurt Except for Brulses. SolSiens' Escape a MIraclg. Tuuo enfiated men in Battery F o! tîte Fîffb FielS Aitif lery ai Fort Sher- Mîan baS a nîraculons escape froni Sealfi Vu ednesday aI the for. wheuu la drillnmaîteuvera the piece tbey were ridltîg tuineel turtie a-bile going aI fulf sîlced, tliutitg therntbeneatb it. W'hcn it housSeS ou. leavlng thern lear their ronurades exîtecteel to fInS Ibetît SeaS but hea unS a few braises, leiîfueîxvas huit anduiSltasfew min- utes bot xx et- uiig about the expteu ece- Tiie- batt-i fÈla il i l iiig trenuiislî- lt-t tIe ctiiiletiltie frill ai Toledo, Ohiio, i Jif fandIlh uaaluring otie of tiiese drillfs thaltte accidents hala- ened.(fuit'futhIfe gtua iras goinîg il aight Soýu uthlb'field Souia gaffop whett the ordi- fr iiiaght w-a-l ias gi eut andtu xectrd. Th e -eS ixas su 'gi--tfthat thte gutitueS r ouuîîfeielc- over. the t-o cuiioiuu,-i, ici ut leaviug thefi- acats. The gut gari' a lonug bouild, clearing th,-i taitd rilghituug self aud raite dcii tagait ixxut both sheefs anmash- cl and te ci-aSIc o!f te gon broken. Tîte gutîtwx s an hadly tiamagel thal it mcil bu sent un the Rock Islantd ar- senal, Officci -,attulmeii af the fort stated Ibat tht- accident atd ftue escaple of the lýoimteni trollt deatb teethe itout i-citaI lable tbings they baS over wttessed In their service. IIIGFIWOD OffICERS RAID LASI BLIND PIG Wbeu ofllcera raldeil Fligbwood's ast blind piîg Thursday niglît ils alleged keelier, a ivontaut, Ira. lMcLaren, Jumnped ont of s ucar indowxianS raut doxxn the mtaitu t-eut of the city fer blocks îutil. capltred by Officer Frank Golden, i-ho bote a hottle o! beer lu 0one baud sud a flash o!f whisky lu the otlier, botb amiples of 1-be gonda Mrs. WeLareu la chargeS wIb selliug, and whlch ho baSl takon lu thseiaid. The womnan, wbo la sali ta ho sup- plIed wllh liquor for sale by a man narnod Antierson, of Deerfield, tsaai- leged to bave been olirallur the old -Jones place, formerly The' Empire, rigbt arrosa from Pat h u otetlu Hlgbwood, and wben \iaî-hai Kenry sud bis oflcers broke iii at ilo' doors iln front the Womau la1. aid h, have beeti found selling to at îý,d îoîd of soldlers and clvilIans Not knowing that the. jlî.-îa., sur- rounded, the wonian hi-l hiîîîgb a rear wlndow of tbe plat. titi, o be cbased and caught. Her fi A mari- aged 10 acrape up $115 ahh il da $390) bank account. PAT CROWE AND MiS SANITARIUM la Spending Mueh Money in High- wood In Rennftating and Repairing Hotl sand Pa#*l for Use in Hic Drink Cura Safltarium and is Back. cd by Moneyed Men in Venture. Will Offer Chaap Cures for Poor Men,. Witblu tbree weeka, Pst <roeill bolS bis SO-sI pienîr ai Fort dlwii an Park sud will open the dittr- if bis drink sauItarium tbere for tb- ehcap lreatment of McM afflictcîl xxîh the Ilquor babil. Great preltsraîluîts are n0w belng maSe for the oliel iiig sud Crowe is confident that he i IIopîen wltb a large nuuber of patientsa The old Park Motel, s realîx- htth grade building, anal tbe park usd1l are boib undergoing rnany irnpriîicîîîcnts snd are being thorougblv r-ntiicted. The park willlho used bv t'Ac patilents for fresb aid andi for rerreaujit aud for theiclrutcs thet will be belS ibereý Crowe ia said tu, ho harki S ln bis venture by moneyed men. lic states [bat be will gite four weeksa ireat- ment for $40, a very low rate. arîd that bc viii turfi out the nien as lhorughlv cured as the ighcr îtri ced I n st ittions. Highwood residents are geulu' ylu- Ici-t ited iiu the work tbat Is lteing dune anS are closoiy watrhing it. Crowe la ln Bigbwood mosi of the tume but si11 makes bis home lu Ev- ansrton. The Hlghwood people be- Ileve tbe work be las s6rting tbere is 10 he dune sincerely mnd state Ibat a great amoîlft of money la being spent ln Irproiing andi fittlng ontthie botel sud the park. <Front %W cdnedey's SUn.) A rest cure resor-t and sanltarluuî under tbe charge of the farnous Pal Crowe. ex-Cudahy kidnapper, Sunday gospel meetings coniluctod by Dr. Bat- on o! Exaanti, sud singlug led hy George P. Paiteu soit of Gîasgow. Scot- land, nom ataleS to Moody Bible Institute. ('bicago, these are featurea o! the nov Fort Sheridan Park. The.îîark umanagemnent bas leaseel the former notorinus resont for a year auiS announced ibat It la under Chris- flan manageumentt, that no Intoxicants wilI eetr he solîl snd that everytbing wilI he Soni' toii ialie it an attractixe place for te riglut kipd o! people. Patient'. Cuming. Nais. Yestelrdax ilite fiast"patient" 10 he cureS of fliheiîdrit ahit arriveS ou a atuelciter andtîllieri' are a number of patients noix at theî reat cure. The rnnttgi met Ii aalrulating otn btiying the titi k cx ihm the year. Tihe o;tîl. tht eal are that teo Pai h Ilo ti ,tii lit-boîîgbt o! Saint nel Scî3tîx ai u Nftîtegan for $12.0011, but thteiutig-îîu.o! wbich Ciove lF nute, ftitut ii i ke gpod lu thirty Saya, te I i t,, ti litilito $15.000, autd noir the i-tuI l,.î - beeuî leased for a 1-car xii h aiioiit o!buying. If thie îarh fail.ailoii. Ithe hofeli-lîl be boîîglit, aud xi, - tisa. The uiaiag- t ý,i t î italtes a festît, 0f Ifs Sundiaxi , t frises, religionsa iit nature. autd iJ, ,-lu-ti g the park ex- teuairely as -lttilîttiul Fort Sheridan Parît."- YOUNG LADY INJURED WIIILE SHIOOTING Misa Roberta Harvey of Grsyslake, Shoatlng at Target In Order 10. Learn Mois ta HanSIe Revolver Be- fore LeasIng for West@ la Mît In Forehead Wten Cartridge ExploSes. lnfflctlng Gash. Practlcrt i, -t -ioottug wilt a revover liiorSi-r fluat she mlgitf ho able to batudile a i-ciolver wbon ae takes up ber ei-ioce on a ranch ont i-est, Miss Roberta Harvey. a brul- liant girl strident o! Graylake i-ho la to ho giaduated Tbargday nigit, i-as InJureS hy a gash ln tite forebead i-heu a cartrldgt' cxpioded and bit ber ln tbecjonebeîd. Sho la the dauglitten o!fMr. and filra. Robent Harvey of Graylake and- an bonor stradeuf o! ber chasa, Sbe leaves ln mono for a ranch tu Colo- ratio anti -was gettlag reatiy. IMES PRESENIED ant attendeS hlm. The hemrorrbage WIIhI ADIAMONO c-ifs, g esxeye oia.btrteuti ai 01Li lillnes,, could flot be told. Hi- tItîtîghter. Mis. George Sella forli ;i (L , as siainmoned by telegrapb and I-i tu t a rhe bed siýf1 . r. 'I utaw is ont, otf ti ltoý iotwidcly kto wn rest- foi's of take iouuîv 1-le liait lixed in 11r1,liit Y ,zrs. But a short tini., ga i -laîge rebratlon oftheir îîîdililig aniiiiirsa- ar a bclîlby hlmi adI jail hi-i w île SECURED IEDUCATION4 WIIILÈ SERVING lIME Here'a Case Where Man, Sent te Jol- et for Alleged Theft Of $400, Teck Advantage of Chance and Trained Self Inte Self Raspectlng Citizen. Nois Farm Laborer Near Rockefel- ler. Fareweall in Tenderad Most Popular Man in Service of Chicago and Mil- waukee Electric Road, Who Has Re. aigned ta go Wulh Frost *Quarry 1 nterests. 150 Attend the Gather, lng at Highwoed. -0- 0o-------0 - 0a..-(>- 0o o -0- No man of Lake county -o- ever gaI quite as touching -o- and sincere fareweil as <id -0- Robert Ives, retlrlmg super- -o- intendent of the Chicago and -0- Milwaukee Electrie Railroad, --o ai lighweod last night. -0- The festure isas the presen- -0- tation of a $200dlsmend tud. -0- E. J. Bock, laie superin- -o- tendent of the Metropolitan -o- L ln Chicago, succeeds Mn. -o- -0- -o- o -o- o0-o - -o -o.-o-.o -o-0.e0-o- \\ edneaday iigbt 150 lralnmen cri- lot0es of th, Cbicago aud MlwaI-s kee Elecîric Railroad Compiany gatb- eî'ed si: KnIghfa Pythias hall ln111gb- -woiid and tcîîdered Robert Ies, laie suli-îintenîleut o! tbe road, a fare- i cill aiag and amoker. Mlr. lues la tbe nîosî iopalar and eiflicieîît nîsaer 0f transptortation sud of ceaI railr-oad business the road bas ci ci bad and retired f0 take charge e)f Fro,,t qîîarry intercala ai Racine, uit it haitres of laler becouîîing one of the heada oftifheAlaska fentral. IliiSticceuisor i-t E J. Bock. formier sîilerinieiidcuî of the Mefrooliltan elcilîlnb (bicago. J. G, licha iresided at ilie niefiuig ,îîîlluin be ainîe afi rainnten and el',îîio0ea lire,,nteSd'Irlies wtb a $' >dlîiou sul M r.Ies tisSe a fitiiîg s iecli of t baxîi-i u t tvaq Iel E J. Bock, lis aoccss,j. W Si-olI. Clainît Agent Viivian sud tliir- i i iiie ot bers reliresi n ug al] branches of tbe roada ai tivlîy also nmade speeches- The couuuiliee ln cbaîge mas Geo. Giîat of Iaukegan, G. 'M. Van Bramer sud H.K. Syson. SOLDIER'S BEQUESI 10 HELIEN GOULD Private James Bartlett Rermembenad Montauk Poin t W hen Me OieS ai Fort She ridan and WiIicd $mail Sum to Woman Whose Noble anS lnspirlng Wonk Me Recslled Wiih1 G ratit ude. * To iis iaeleu 'l. Goufd. te frieni ni ail solîlters, t ltercby gfîe anS be- (iltut aul uurealhbheitefitt bhe laiS lu bt-i fiv the UrilleSStaues goreru- uuu'-uuutîldtu luXc iseS bg ber. ber heurs iiiittl .,..tett - ai. ibý i. n iey nuag set' fit Tht ,a.,îta-i beb-glitnitg îtîfecriSof teut tiI etfl'ri -att'Johnî laitue-iBart- I-ýtu ut0tut (lted s -a xîetago fit Fuit u dbi iîdl,,And il'ii-illotifd, ixho lotslui--util-tIgna,îictl îîrF- tîtai once \iii ctt i -,, i-t m c 111irih o 1.i i i tt tut l, .uii - i uti , -t t l g a;tu il, tIP ut.,, lsli, iii 10 a tctitofa lit u lilt ti- i o t ifut, lii i aut ltl ixliiut -ttt aitl xùuin o-d ito holl fit. t it. f i, tai L lldett-,a it fl llîîio mli , *ýii-lt. c l ix a îlii,' it Blat, ti FV, t titFi-bd Ai-tillera, lia-Il (i-tu luit il,, dîta,1h ixai anuI tutuS(aetu Miss Cotulil il tottautk l'unît cx lt-u clu,- t,îî . k lt ofg iiafftilsitce suid icinli oifît t0tbi-.itCafp Itili r.i t toi kfoit It- uc îuuîuuîeuf Oitolîlî u. MIlS Goulîfbasuttalit luen uch luti tepulatice ci( t-tf it- -,Lutu faiIbtI t latI utlfor- golf itu Worltl 0(ii--tIo .,1 " 'att-froni te ctpitu-l diifa - '.licet-ar îleuart- tiitittbhtt-, i uîîuîîuîucaicî ilih lis Goutl iluîul i nici-lied fi-ttber a leiten i-ut tIi, ,auuuueciation.lIf abosh adviîaca fln e Iuitinent that the mon- ey uil bcetri O fuunîiiSî a îoor n lua new i- ng tof th u-aaý;i dopai-fient o! tbu Brooliyn Yolung 'tens Christian As socilationt Gurnse Man Mas Serious AIlack. Tafucîtse-t oustî Ill. whil e steS lu a ilown ttoît store Monday afl- ci-noon. Iuciîi ucIîtai- o! Gurnes. fath- r of IBola iitfaix. ias aolzed v'lth e hemornhage anSdi-as romoved 10 bis sons resideutre atter the attack baS passeS. A physfclan was saummonlei "I'm glad that I have serveS a termn n Joliet panitentiary. 'h maSe me ishai Iisas net before I isent there-a min anS a respectable one. * Before I1v-cnt Ibere I1v-as unable ta read, wrIte or figure. Wh'ile I was there. a Year anîd a baîf. I learned the lbree r sand nmore bosides and rau slteak Englsb. cile before I served my tîie I coîîld speak bardly a word o! the language of Ibis country.- This a a i a aRockefeller mian îOlîi hiS ftIîl -t s at week, aud bis sbory la t rue ln ex ery îîarticular. Released fî-omu Joliet six monîba ago. be bad been sent Ibere for the alleged theft of $401). the 1lolice of Waukegan followlug hintat New York, anS sr- resiiug Mbiu. Be usa rou icted and %vbile ln tprisont rareived an education ltat cilaîged 111i11fioni a rai- Finn ta oite xx lii tan sîeatu Euîglila. I uotilîl tIi-il'ai i ntia-s ,OIiy lîri, (lit tecrni or aux fiiîg,-S"rlarcs the mian. J. R. GRAHIAM WINS DIAMOND MÉDAL ES Was Weil Up ln Front of the Pro- fessional Shooter. and Other Tisa Brother. Bath Oid Weil. Jsy Wgg the Blg Gun, Hoisever, anS Beaidea Mis Othe.- Scores Won Board of Trade MeSal in ia Event. j J. R. Graham of Long Lake i-as the star of the state dlay bIrd shoot 10 Chicago that ended Tbuîraday, wln- ring the Board o! Trade diamond uledal for tbe second successive year and making the highesî general aveu-- agc score. Bis total score for aIl ev- enta ln the lbree days e! the shoot was 4-15 tai-gels oint o! a possible 465, uissing onfy 20 tai-gels. The score la a remarkahle onle. Liele ost oint lu the amateur chant- Vlotîship ereuil of the shoot but bis totaf targeta heat tbe xxinner o! il. He alan shot lutthIe team thal conloal- cd vitb Stý Louis. geuufii 24 ouf o! 25 targeis. AfI fouir rtheta IookfiartI-fluthe shoot, Jay. Tout. ES sud Pat, aud all dd i ciy i cll, ES osa o cl tnp ln the fil ti o!f i le lli-ifesifoial uarksiîett. SCMOOL CLOSED BY SCARLET FÉVER Prin'cipal W. S. Lester Suspends Schutal for Rest of Vear Followung on Fear of ContinueS Spread of Contaglous Diseuses in Newesi North Shore City. Situation is Keenly FeIt. The South arboot uf Northu Cîuîlago. %V. Scntt Lester u prf iiatFrîi, y c- a cd its Soora for the i-sut ofi te geai- fever, There mere foir i-i e-.amioîg the putîls of t hi' scitu, t itid xxheu the tw'o childi-en utf Sritool Dîrerlot- Pack are alleged if huNe ieetu takeu Ibis tueant a Cliutai.barresultud Ini the loaiug o!ftihe' i tutu There hbai ci tn lucli ucarlt tfever Alfalfa Tluree FeI High. îFrîuî 1f t-ilysSUD.f FrankfuFou fer o! Fowleî- tairn pie. ixeerfutii te attabftifielS o! the rounty, mIll bac,- o look f0 bis laurols. as Joliît \emimuug ibils îuou-ng brongbî te the StUN office I-ouabis place at Taylor Gi-tiic utapierInien of alfalfa gi-cnroui bis place ihat i-as three feet hîglu suiS ibut grows Ibree crops te the geai-. This alfaffa la believed to beat rec- ords of sturdinosa andsaucculence t0 caIlle, BIG PRICE ON Mg Or: FORGER OtDD RewarSs Aggregatîng $1500 Out it Ili.i noia Alone for Much Warted Ar-ch Bunco Man Who 'Got Intoe" Wasskqý gan Man for $3000 and WàukeqËi1 Police Mave Started ln After Bcck With Oeterminatlon to Win. Police thiefs Ciinolly sud l'yrrell are x ýoî lig on the blggest 'lay" lhey hiii e bd for îiiany a montb. It a notblng less tban the ai-iest and rounvictioni of Jobn Beck, alias H-oov er alias Klein, allas a bundred nîber names, tbe nman wbo !orged 't deed for the John Grimm farm near Atitiocb about two years ago and tbon borroweij $3000 of Henry Wedge of Waukegan on tbe forged deed, a forg- cd abstract aud otber Papers,, decelv- ing some of the sharpest business mon and realty dealers in the clty and getling away with if."' Beck or Hoover bas been traeed froni clîY lu ci ty only by tbe shady deass e bas left beblnd, and the tral bas led over a dozen states of the niddle west, the cdues being olti for the resson Ibat realty mon and People lu on deal witbhlhm were gen- eraily convinced tbey bad so fat a Proposition and were so jealou» o! tbe deals tbat they neyer gave hlm awsy until be bad songbt is hiding places and could flot ho found. Now It ia believoîl Ibat Beck la under arreat at Washington, Ind.. wbence Friday Cblef Connolly re- celved a letter askiug bu to sond a description of Beck and a pIcture, to, gether witb bis record, as soon as pos- sible. The Washinîgton police bave arrest- ed a mnîsowbo auswiera tbe dencrip. lion o! Bock for a deal oxactly Jute those Beck nierformsand the po!Ieo îlî-rrez la ail worked up over the farts ln the case. Washing- ton ta a litîle jerk wster place naer Vincennes and Police Chiot Tyrreil, u"bo bas been atter Bock for yearâ, evor sines the time be came bore and Put one ovor, la In active direction of the work o! Identitying tbe man bold -tWashington. The pirturo and description were sent at once Oext morning. Tbere are 0inlMinute allue rewards aggre- gating $1500 for Beck and If tbe two chiefs land their man by extra- dîdion papers tbey wiillbave captured the greatest swindler ofthIe land: hail! century, as Bock bas made from $5W 10 $10.000 in every deal be bas put over and luis neyer been caugbt op. never even caugbt aigbt of In places wbere be bas worzed. It would be a great feathor in the caps o! tbe local police aboll tbey land hlm, and tbey bave startei out ln real earnest to do no. IIOBO'S RETREAI UNDER STATION Discovered by Chance by Electil Road Line Man. Doon Nid Lock on Inside Were BaS, Coffe. Pot and Many Tin Cana. Similar Place Unider Saine Station NalleS up. The lircachce o! ant elertrî i-oeil l1nîcuuîn ai the Teutb sîreet station a fcw Says ago, i-as the mîenso! dis- roi erng a bobos bome under thie itou- of the saution that was so choyer. ]v bidnfl-a location was by chance bl'lînenian v-as xaltlng for a corn- aniot wbo w-as up 0 one liste pohea nrwlte station anS wes haunag against the envelope facfony fonce ta tue east o! the oloctrlo rond when ho si-u part of tdus aiing o! tise statIoa swing out, a man omenge anti mako off 10 the nortb, Golng ovor 10 the station hoe klcked at the siding anti brohe open a Soar thal iad been eamed ouf anS fltteti wifh it nges anti a lock anS tishati -d been itdteS so wilhas t10lho airoat lm- Possible ta Select. FuSer tise station the suppor-ts baS heen sawed away 10 beave a good sized apace and a bed baS iseen installeti. A coiToo pot anS any number of tUn cens shaoti evidence o! meain eften tieu-e. The North Chicago police wOi-O no- tifieS anS lbey dleaned ouI the "home" anS nailed tise door shut. As old silvernnowatcb i-as foundon the lied. Laat entmmer the police naihoti uîp a simîlar Soor n ouhebnortis side of the station, lngenlous-bobosa re helieved ta bave been tise occupata Aînrtion sale notices publish eti la- the tudepoudeilt will rach faler Mre, resSers than eny other pept hIn th* county. We baye thie clrcmIat;~ will gel the busineai. - ~ Pdrt One 81.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE. Part One $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. .,> 1 1 ln fear uf a possiblýý speal t of scarleti

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