I*éa -.on NIs Operationis-lhâve begun which will revolutionhze, the!appeer- AI1~~~i'é Ôforsoîe 'ake it thé best .equippecf in -nortTern 1 1i MoIS as w g s increasing it~s aIréadýenôriftus stô&k, in àd- dtlnto t0ln A utth brick watt which separates our north aÏ iý ôüth'$ ,s By heerc1~» o amonster three story and base*pp-t build- ing a te rma of our pent location, this tobjondt thie older p## sa that it wiII form, oiie large rooni ofl eacli of the. three fl-&irs and in the basement. 5th -a- -r-- --r o r re-o We ave from now u"fiy5thbeore'>engdisture 1 urpesn"Icln the rit1~drbgth J~OlSê,>*ihare now in0 re pot *Ie wiII be ibwIf i>YIikIy e "id again. Better make It a pôoInttobehr c e a. ce - » -. c . O~tSavings lin iouse Furnlsh- âge, TRugs, D r~IeV timha w aieShoes, etc Great Savlngs ln Ladies' and Children's Ready-to- Wear Gar'ments. t .'~'-'. p. I~Itf (»S Naturalisation blanits arrivea ati*O» Atponey Charles Lapdoer was In L. J. WIIUWUtAnd wUO a"l War' circuit clerk's office toda.Uiaoo uiestday. ren H. Wllaott, dangiter of W. H. (Frocs Weduindarsla 1i.) Born ta Mr. ani Mrs. W. Burke, of' H.0. Hillnm of Lake Zurich was Wiimott, ta lred Shoutz at lMlonence, ,No sale folow. the Ordor Eastern the Miwaukiee ruai, a twelve pound 'here on business yeterday. il]. Star white elephant shower this even- boy this moring. Homem grown pie plant findsd eag-flNewton maPl n iosngts oloayatfor ln.The AMens Parlith club of Christ or buyers these siss. teB tit CanrmorTh a ay iethe Y Ntim Det asaof Indianapolisa, 'hurch entertillas the minstreis wbo Turner court la being lImpriived atrCaroyThprdealé mpent the day yeterday witiî Mr. anîd r1î pace at twc-thlrty Sunday afternoou ..Nrs.birS.eces.tiy gave Pariai hanse benefite from ithe ibrary f0 Spring street. iraves wiil lie mRrko<l befarehanti. .iia.~i S.Krus iis evening ai the Parlai boutse. The Rèliance. Standard Constric- Ms114ickty, the first teacher that AttgTney Paul MacGlîiffin of Liber- l odnCmay hcgl itetan s tyvilie was here yesterday. ln comnue- Atorney C. T. Heydecker l alo Olêi.Ciaa sa h.f-m ever coitipîtei a school ln Deerfild 1 Ion w hti Wa io iedanage moite the stisircaslt the WoOdmn Ing scbool. township. is doa at the home of ber 44strict coniimustion suits. Memorial services ait Oîrnee inext Home grawn pie plant fis eag- son-mi-awVencit'Muik ln Deerfielti. 1ý'he funenal of the late John Haret. Sunday. green onflons. and radisbea are on the The deaf b came yesterday afternOon. ilUued ln an accident, wll b. held The Uinitedi Staes and several 0c local ma rlet. Aasska staxnps have flot yet arrlv- 1'hursday froni Nortb C'ic«oCatbo- the ;unapeaIloutries have declared Alderant David Hart returned iast ed ai tie local POOt Office and mlnY flOt île hi~h wtb ntemen inSt.war agsint bsnthe, whfch. net t t eveniingtrom hàhbusinessS tp -a luie here for sarine mnthts. Waulce- .Iany's cemetei'y. ojiion, ta consldered tbe most Iqjur' cinnati, Ola.i gan i nerhants rpeeived isamitîeil o! Tite irst rifle match ta bie scbedul- loa .of ailiat,xlcauta. The iteqqi fBora ta Attorney ait( I ~rt. .i. th" tamtip an tbî'ir mai lits montl cd for thila ear wiii take place et tnosa' ophium commission. Wh hb bas Runyar lest evening. ait elgbtplotîiuîiiîfront C('bcag. Camp Logan, leone teani froni the been conIýd.rIng ways sud meos 101 da ughter. It ta reparteti that a large amotnt ilrgt Wsconsin wili conîpele wltbtheaaPi"re"iof a the traffc In titat The Sicakie witneeses wiii probabiV of ihi lo ne^. the tle shore betweeu &Phl"Ilirt Illinos on .lune 12. drug, priuai uCia do~-alb or n h aecoe st Kenosha and Racne asUd loto the lake Pd a few weeks ago. and Dr. HeinlI-haig aefuaatnoo.drng the esrt hquafke mesanastnWed- Th'Defenders Chster of the mn Wargh 0f aashtgtotiswhoaft hae b îesda laorDn;and freaaogte AielcnW meetinea ue bday IBIshIl Bret of the Philippine Ta.un excayating operatîons for their t ake shiore raad report a canéiderabie regîîiar monthly m'in 'sdylud.preete'Ze'oe " a h taeIos sa eiît-enibl es ëvu~îcig t 8S oclocit atthe. honte of! tht. 1Uîîf tcd Stte bas rnatoth oetS " Wi eîî W . ter.osNese.e th- reident 329 North G(eneae i tts a e ,>Cherries fron Anna. Ili., matie tieirW.EMleCae eb Stre'et. Viaitigfrieîîds are iîîvtted Wsigo adlho, rprn ls anti A.êe T. rayan weWhýIte. commisaloners of totere4 .snapped up lu a burry. th.WitSioi rîag ltii ta fic ~relirt li lie strcîay ofstat. apearnce ei-eyesirdayantiwcreregiter th te Hotel Washburî for Tite Wosi'sFore-ýgîî isionany T ie riiel ofwating betweeu te Pions for the new Cafiîoll ic chc dierytraytwsluhefs- S1ocity of the Chicagoî Prelibytery art, aoNvtng tf ailîeîtisfing seMd -l and lo 5nerysédy twol ti ah - ntacet ln iis <'tY Jonc 101 at he esfiiîg Of 'lie 'sales harvest la ofteo nt parsonage ut Everett anti thI wtoi.,'('onînissioiiers of the WestlSki> Oreaiiyterlan cbîîfcýt witb marnîng aI' suxiaitls ltme for the merehait mission cburch at Deerfielsi that lire kie Drainage Disrtt-Tlir'te Appe- inî afternoci sessions. The Chicago woeCptli luie.T h "l.One duk n a n he a Preabylcryi, ncludes ail the territory deier, iherefore. î1îiek returnnarae of otitsy-vrgàc thCtyp Am beofhecolbadd- wiiili s adis f atatt fft mies uesgrate liiîirincefIat ~~ Ikestation with thier 1ieseiîce lot i -li ctfatn holiday was giveti iOi Chcago aud conmprises ainety bg one. He nuti se rsîîid lire ugl.atlti 'litrn na o lrera etirciiesansd delegates from ilauthila luma. The saine nianey that ho #.. J.C. Huabanti o! tle Oliver Type- 0""' btecause Sunday wss Memorial diStrict are expeît'-d ta lie present. vesta lin pubicity today muegt be volî. wrter Company lat a business v.i.ttr Day hecause the echools celebnutteti Phi1 Ktnaiey, !ornerly of Wauke- ale for eiuvetmuta'thfie Xanoti' t ieir SIeÎnorial Day b>' a hlai day or gau'. iow with the Assoctatesi Press est possible deloy. The newtspopr The frimerai of the late John Hart apeaking andi exorcisea FIiiday after- lu Ciclagoleort Bunday oin an assîgu- alone la capable ofrnmeeting is r.- wilil e helliat teu'thirty tomnor-ow noon and co-oieried wlth veferans ment wiicb fakies iiitf Seattle lniuirements. Attractive dlsîlay la til. under charge of the Modern Woci Salirds>' and Suîîdsy, aud because C'omplany witb t hi' thicago ('Omnnici-dvertising colunins of!ia live daly men of North Chicago. the achool board, wich lost a wcci< elil tlu -l delegattan. Titsilt a fine ordilnarily pays lis owt way, witi The remains o! the tlie Clinlon CItr- wheîî boliers were pot lit at the Ceii sssiiçnmenf as if wll gli-e litii a line usotrons Infereat, on the day o! publ. uy will lie shlpped front Chicago ftis frai]sheool, dosirefi ail tIc achool dteî opoi-ýtunit' 0 f seetua the western cafian -Philadeiphia Record. eveningansd file luneral wilprot.il can get la order f0 lot st-iool ont fflQnlry and getflng the fluerepto Chcago marrtsge lierse:: Ernest ably take place tomorrow. lieforo the bot JulY weather. the di'iegation wiil recette î'n i!. John f)eerfield, X2; Dora Tlmzuck, 26. The ie plant has laid off Ifs mnjThiIs morniug a iafIriage iletise lile wiii lie gone seveutecu tiais j 1 Hcaitse the American flagg were ln for a few days because o! greeni tics was tssued ta Walter -P. De LaceY, 23, New Yarit, May :tO.-Crttttist the relian white two Engiiah flags rocelvesi that wll bav, ta lie seasaîîcî a wcii itnowi Nortbwesterli empiaye las been exibited ln ail branches c re ln fIe celiar whiie t'wo Engilisb beftare e> are tr«aet.anti papular youni man, and Mitua thimi sadsteel induatry duritg tht. lliags tootias setineis at cithcr n epdThe ipoice have as; yet neceived ~no Mayttarrity, a chatmingand italnteil 1 1 at1wpek.ad the uvoume or! inii tîscf thil laltfforni lu the bail wbere the word firn Robert Wilson on ltsIl'ait-1, N'coing lady qf Hlghwood. Wa.îîkegan hmq la » as been noi oliy 1the lifll, o!flice Brighton igli sciltol tors. The man 'vga auspecteî tof tt- congratilates anld wlaltes gond iiick ;xýileî%î i4;i, mo.Inbthîs yeîr, btrgaiiedtiThursday tinîoid Nemria îgÇhîHokWesiîir - Sîxteen lÏst ight attenied a slow- ln *orne ba$es bas ecliplaila ij'm îavsevces a hunàredtrmnbera ofr'cî'îgtveu ai the homre ot MisaPearl via reo, The tanse notable tic- lis.tîr ot 191 beiti ý specili Jîîdiciul ballos orf Iietin I linbëeck lnhaflno! a bride sono t'Iybl ln wire producta. conil i te' iî;ast niglt, ai which resolu- us.iîî eetae h hioii o lebc, M ae Ewrd.su u tracts & t ,.... ave agnreghted 370.ftilta were tînaulimously adopted re- teiit oa.Téel i Oietftr rd eeýe ayvlal 60ei tonso, a record nêver ai ns-tleitil ii Ntoa eanmu.o~ the eleetin îesîtlt showipr belug a kitcîeu sql. Dtig -the >*t vwàktcoilets A. .in ta taIcimmeuiate action i ôé- » VotutY Treasuro po ud> lclshower. »dlts,,Bd ~dé rq-lmsd 4-oked by thle A 1c Steel snd dcr ilat the 'Aiiieiicé.n flag b4respect--papenran oan fr Miuetlutt ils JîInby iJIlûgr c L.sf tlisth Wre CoUWpSy ba. averagesi 10.000 cëd sud horored inluthagt ashSt-Bos' cout>'courntû1*the mot ter Of! delua ganes plae M ~f~mente were - to a da.'ton Journal qu- - -taxrvesi. W for wbat ft woulM cm yom aloi etc gofifi 9-0 You cati get mmeulm e«iymcMtamd give sM e Ia0!n pie ustre tb your frinda a*d fipiy with an aUtxnfObU tM YOu could with arzytbing cime alIh mae xpcev- \. '.4»> w4 are.untfor mfflS rqubý ndipâtniçbdc"td' k&eP thenV' iaorier Fc $1,"toi% YU ca ge a jWmlà hatwlU do evetryi ecuan y re.P.mbki, owners iha v m veia tbousaid miles g. ZLgptogi enpt rqpim! W W canprovt, 10 youin buis an,.b.iw that tbo R*nbklr caste 90.so~iIeo op4 te liat nybumin* n capi aUird tbbave om F119 IL %raï*# rke$'5F -t 4 el ý --, - , U e . , -- 1 ý - - ýl