CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 11

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FOREST SERVICE, leuchers Wiil Aid Uiê ue Forestér ?lac"ada Troe Study' WANT VOL UNTEERS HERE WiIi Coiict Mtariai on Leafing, Slocsoming ài Fruiting of Various Kinda of Trei. Knowiedge Deem- ai ta ba riatI>' Needed andi Facto Areatobeb.Usentfor Instruction of te Country at Large. (Vroin Wedneîtiay'aSuhnl.) 'lteacherm it ttilttit i i n tti r' bave ilio, iti i Ut tii- i l ltaté, o PîI esetIoi ii d,- ti liithe I"oreat t litth. Ji, aiii tffîit te, otian utjo îl'hI0Io itîtuctgtOtf tti' .liarar, tt'rlutii-'t tf tit- ot tu iiio-tati t forcit Il wiI I l'.tie-ettea rv o ltalii a large tît1iltiet Ottfltritt- tterVuJreW110 w il Il-ti '-tiaferlai on hlite ot-ri i.a<li. iîi<iaatniiîg. tatd fruiiing îtf lit' Sarioq lai-i( is tif foietel re4s. li t is ii tiivitilng the ot-iLt' ttin of ihe of MISai-tg- , titi iid lu gretit 1? andiiiîîitt iîlb i f ttiîaihti rot the. jrtat-l aiforetsi Fo fti- ti it-at lutti rtiow tthtitîte recuts otalued tfor eaî'h i, p-" te. itîrageti antI pregente-i gra- ltitiali>' <v iteana tif colori'd charte. a, fiilibe avaiabit- t» allit> are Ini- tett ln-i lu lit u Ject, îti î>a irte lî larI>' 10 achols, They wcl i îttuvie ti free calendars.' snd aliliho t ali- abhie aid- lntiattr>-.itti -Chuidrt'itan reatity ie- ii i<irest.-d Ili [lie aîai-uii i i.of tthtaiîlitg ree tuia i'm S sitetlai forti ti ait atitactilte titltîcar ft'tî 1<rt- tif tt -ît1wIol u t lu t liat itiii t 'fo do veIft tii,' four- uii>ltf t-to<f,'otcrvattit -itindut tii,' aine tIittîe tu o trmute t ala teré-sl ln forestry whidi may iecd tet a iîct- trlie tîrev.iatia-atorflit% amis and mettei tais fi t nay it «o rtive ti la ptroft- a bie adiditioi> ttt lataiyt vt'trs fotr Oliber tîttenie. -A ttly îof i tîs klitaiclîl lie f <' -t ialite b iraCti <-ai fttetary, s. depenels .pattly upon a knowledgeofa Ilusé ciracteristlcm of frees. ltor ex- ample,.the ieIme or yéalr at whieh fa tree bat a <ut ami bliossooom une uf fha Indications ii., ln wlhor or flot fi la fi-net hardy 111 a given région, andi tble length of timo( that a tree la lu leaf Influenîces the' gruwth lttlmablUe fo maake dtiiihgtghe «<ason. Ktowi e.dge of lt..tilitu. wiî-t «oaof eomî spt-clil In .ui arlotia lotalît le s ut great t ait to 1 toet-. <ciare toi iorates out lu <'ten 1»'sqtIlrrela and bIt-ds If nouf gthei-od andI sforéd as Boon asrie Arit.ttr rastit If îtf istia tly wil i te a 'niti itiniliekîowledge of cli- nuie as moalfested by plant growfh. fot itrca lit clîmnafe ore iehown 1'ylant i iaflit. as wpli as by Instit- 1wttitî', and a îtr>'limlnaty Idéa cati riii. lie gaînoti ams whether a given icgIttt lam ulted ta a valuablë tueo <hicit It lm demired to introdue there NIaiystiv 5<(1>examîtles couiti be glu-on. toit auffIient ham he-en Raid flnahhow tiutaheb>,rtieufs of theet- observatiotns <iI lite a rouI 10belltopractical fotre try, ln aditiîfon îth-lirgettral in tereut anti edîîcatloîîal valut' Vol <n- 10rawl Il later lie 51< lpliet wlfh ilb lîcatioris and charte continiî<g the information they hell> f0 gai her, asaa rrlurttfor Uiheiservicesrotiet On roquesf, the Fort-st Servitce clii bit gladt t eîtd formme <lia»>wlii<-li 10 <ncord dat3 andi a ptamphlet eoîtaîîîîng fuai <otrel ritotaasuoth< tle naltreo tf thei obaervatio,' atîtihow thos are Io bic tflgdi Oloeea Sprîad b>' Uok A^gents. 5WhenI WBsa a isaiboy living Ir> Huntsvlule, Mo., au sarly dey book agent camne up trom BSt Louis laY steamboat sund boodel 057 country viflià a hrrowing volnnaib emtitieti -Ag- .De*-TAie Key te Her Cor>.» tvcry- bodiy boglt thc hhiug andi everybody> wepIt over Il," retii&iked a Macon resl- dent. "Its Influence dcacendead upou the cotmunlty lîke a lghlmare. It eekati vitis sirouda. ftuerais anti grivoyards. For s longwvile 'The Key te Aptes' 'ollini' cas thc sole dIversIon ot cerftaJnporion% of the populace. Tht-y seemedt,,lit ake a pure aud clinileucti loy lu fie tcwful <elgbt of vo. Ihaf oozed ouIt rom hctweetn le lido. andi Il matie fhem tfeebetter. There were not mati, book@ lu lic country Ar> hoae tiys. andthle sags- Mious agentf atisize t h communanly's testa up about mgit. The book vax mpposati te b. very eousoling f0 the diatressetiIn liaf If tolti of <cra. troubles flan theil. ow."-Macoea Ra- AY~JUNIS~r1,O.. . - - . - -- -. - I ~! MADE TOIWINCEI Prof est, AîmitgFiery Words of Aftlsry Clarence hrrew CASE IS UNDEN ADVISENENf Springfield, Mi., lune 2- Former Jutige Abîjer Smîith of the circuit court of <'00k coîltty stoloti bttorth le statu, board of pardoîtu andi aought te expiait> away chargea hhat he had flot lîroter- iy Ycaretitfor muey iaceti lnhie trust for <ho widow and tlfatherlese3. Gosein 1.t Detîcen mast <1h the board of liardons" uttIld itene te 10the- accusa- lions (Pr Attorneys <Clarenice Darrow sud Etigarf L. Nlassîerwhlch ihe aged and luflrî'for mer Jutige, nowimitner the sh.dow of the pententlary. lried tu prove wero flot prolier sulijc'<tsto be .oneldered ln tonnectlon w11h his Plea for a mîtigatlou of lhe priaon sen- tence hangig over hlm for bis ahare ln the- transactionsa whlch niarhbetithe short career of the Batnk of Anierica. C'hicago. Smith dplared that If dîifnot "look good ' for the recelver of the banli te dispos;e of noies to his aini. Attorney Darroe rptorteti: ' Ioesn't look gondi fur tho prealderit or a batik f0 put lufi, lhe batik hi>, hîred i «Ina note for $15,. Wub anti agatn for $110.000 andth ient>ji up lnuaecurlfy $27.9fililat-e value tof second niortgagea" One- ofthe Incidents of the examina. flou castihle ce en tin ou - it f h- dr.w.l if morlage ote f0tfte aflit of $45,M0 from the Bank of Amerîca and thelr tranafer lteflic Stale Bank ofutChicago. Smith tpro- dilceti au affidavit under date of Mlay 13 lu which he caiti thatI le hatitakoîî the- notes from flic bank on lhe advlce of Preildent fiauglisu of thec State Biank ut C'hicago. faughau dîied May 17 Tii'propecuîtig attorney' tooli ex ception tu the affidavit. Attorney l)arruw conclnded big argît mnetintIdiniIfl ic crîlîcleeti Smith lattît the- aged m«an protested repeatedly. "I an u lti man," saliti Smuit, *'batl neyer Ili ni ' choie lite have 1 been cottipelled tu lusteter>10ctitwords. Yeti have eaileti me a lar tad i1<afntt stand hl much longer. Gentlemîehn. f wlillt, stand If." 'The Case cas faketi under stivise ment b>' the boardi of pardions. 'hficita>'lune sawniatiy P-ha1t-i mortgagea ileti. Vl4»e thé cutlet ltturound places tar on a plate. Add nom@e parsley chop. ped m an uegi. MAx ail well together. Flour the eutlets. DlpIn lihe mîttre la thie plate, then luto readeruiîîbs. CUt thebbaon ln a lUa Ies and apread on a îkewer. Fry thicuitete lu drlp- ping. Drain un paper. cri, 11wi ba- cou. làtke a cIrcle or liastied potit toes on IR disb. Place the c!utlets ou thie top of lts .ptltoe a nd g.ruli tititi roil.. or aon-bcatletrd-Her. aid. PlAISW JÉtf ~DAVIS Delares PredfUt of Confeder-. Fbluy Qg4rCue bc ci bons Righi ÏÙSÏICE ÂTTACKÉS BINGHAM m J sipl IF ÀE Bae.New Yorki Police Headi ia Pot- He D.L)etres Pesldifliof conflfdCaty sassied of Dangarous Detattîon. Fought For Cause He Thought Was New York, Julie 2.-Ii I .î -<r ;,y RIghî and Says:.'"Thts Condemna Niayor Mt'elai stive itîyntit of taon Ha& Falisti la Awaken Sym- the appellafe court saym: ]-e (Comniisaioner HtgtîISîl pathy Among Titose Who Have powascsei of the mosfit anrouî'î aîi Thmown Asde thte Bloody> Fiag." dent ructiv e delusion Ihat officiaIs cai[iloxi. Miss.. June 2 -'itirl a bal]. a cutertaîinna lit-e goverfitii(t i<antbaqe ]y, that hlateunder no legai restraînt bnutandi several rcpinjj whatever. but rnBly do au lie wlii, In- i cIscs ln connection euh rit-. presi-nta- stead of only wbat the lac pformîtsý. 1 0n of a aliver servite10tlt'he btu,' snd that ouîy In a nîctîir î r, fi hip Misissiphpil <e Ittutîgltt tut a scribes." 1close., The Icîfer cas vritle> Inifi oenue Touching rupou the matier tif the ta lhe takiîig of a rogura gitel-y portrait et Jeffers 1on Davias, ngravecd pitre of au uuvonvled d «tan. ao..e kinda of Iille break liti 1< viien suddeuly sAlM4ý thae bunih ln AuàtralI e 1.ti'tl*eler ut 1er> cmes acrma anuanier 0f lielttie ni very reptiebasklng, lqor pe ut Old brk. s IN gotliey p>rcelv, thse luvader tbe<e As a glcour motion, Tiaey darf hllier ,f tbltier au quict ly thaf lthe eye "geaiscs'ely foiloc Iheit movements. TI. efeittsof h'ei Obhock are eviAcot he lta qtfauity or wilggllog talla 1yi*.boiwhlck have ho. caot off la tÜ hurry, <1>11e thie maulafed oo"as sf lemeen courT> is awsy lbta tY *UWsggiiig tie itimpa fliaf r.maA,. For ln.o-ualà tly* kuPle renatY: Bave a barbe o~ p la your rmont.Thm W = lu go tu uA.ap b, 1»0 L à< mê ý yol.r moti car for your ftv" s bex. L Wbea lie coin«.,bave hm elr*.yeti a f hor- 4cuglu ilanupo.;t. IflDo u9epy tbiaen ' peut andico1IajIMAe tuiput - GOI>RNOR' NOÉt fa ileep. If t"e.tM*UeuOjt talle ta do ripou oii tehe i.principal pilce of tire fhls l ive bsbiW@I"W ftale .a look nt setrvice. VGovernor Noci aaid: fi. bll-ganaO4140elie. We <oultibhave had tfelic ture "'hre.are -1O. empty bouses tu pik'ued 0a1ih te Service If ntohiog bat Londn."titreomory of Jeffersoni Davis an pres- *"l'm migitiga& ve denqu-' erIdentut ofie (uîfpdeiaiy remnaluet. tien. My Witteàculén't getrug Dais etooti oi>' for v.iat he thought more tbaa. lhait. of.tbee ut if rong cas Ight" 1 ouvt-mot Noci decIared fiai only tlm.--at leaat set vllt a ifsien tbaftoepro taycneure wonid be bad a Y-'îg <> cRo tat' oteuec it otd-Htrd. *'& -foîtiti fault<Wit<t "le pltn& of fhe -f*c eon-.fie service and rMat "thisa condenation hati fallcd t. cwaker> SYMPOitbY amoUg thSe who had ttroya asolde te hloody liag sud tetood United foiurteîgod or a iiio on I.ietieliRDait Otu tîtiridër loinc. <chu «et eplMdthe lservIe.. il th,.- uame 0f 'aptailt Prenionit and lte îfflî-erq aud meti Of te attiîl1,1. maid *%Ve khall [lot tî t h ile o-i.- f yolt i -pared t-hler Thle Iîîa.t Ua is du, hlm .We blotethat(L lie t hîîu Id be reudereti iito Fiat s a tli l aie thlat la dute DavIs.' S3he-So wauy tuer> owada - %qmarry for Ewouey. You <oudu't ularey nme for utoney. would you. dearest? Ht. îabseutly-No. darling. 1 woldni't maire, yon for ail thein ouey ithie world. She-Oh. 70OU borrid, bosvld ttretch.1 Boston Trar»cript. seys attmnsiseftLui of Op0rtuity RAPS TUE IIS1IISEIIOT Called 'a Frauti Upon th.* cuUntryo b>' Aliert E. Pilîbury, Formér After. ney Gemeral of MassachUitt*4,4â Wells Banne»t Say&. 3,284 LynChýmis Occurredti nlte Laut Quarté. dl A. La.'. Latnguage, Uetury-Stpringfild Riot le JUS It wlia;te ic iirlIng ut thlat téarsîmc, cuisseti. nt-erlti Oit' <iiun hie'iitht- bouda -acretun bi' madle fast, ciere as îîoy N'<w York, lune 2-Thaf 3,284 men jiafthyet leada iîbat-k. aeo eich tries nttatiehdcuavhenich tu pet-r t tfic ruture snd <couidtie I lit this cotutry>ln the lant quartel suàdd aiuiolifand iheilaies. of a etnlur.waa the saemrtiaai0(i]Mr%, T1hey 'ctrt- aloiue. asîti icdrew ocam Ida Weiis Bave-ut tt ItAie Rnatioal hlm awaî-c and wstclitul. ru î-ofetette. 1 'Ha roldi. dearit lu a tew liotina It Ucscibliigtgho nlotsataISpmlgfleý. wîîî ai ie uvor. l'anue tugrasp ît lit.-.tIrs.Bantîcît said iliaf thé7 *Or@ aIl? But diii rotidreain f uteto sat caUeti b5, a <wUte <oman Who sal.ita ulght' ' iegroliaiti atîacked lier. Ltet. MMs. Baisitit aid, lb" coman publlshed a "tes. <tant-st I àanis'Tou as a biack, retraction btoihe lyncicti vitIm mrnsm s-tiaswar, drithing pTaclly ail aloun uaiirroret laite, <illabere were tcati. and ber a Mt. loatug eaf.And Inhereut raciliniferiority viada- atii fbut'aa fai fiaflg est An careti b> Res. Alexander Walfers, tien t. a humtie. Joyîîus awani, «<o, African Nlt-ho(list Episcopal ~lîhoiot began te fut onttlu yuu. And t>y New York. to h. a fallacy. Ineqr>eOtY soul ioîk tire. detresf. anti 1 linilied ur oppontanît>' anti envlraumémat stade al tier aa cou aw utî«superbi>' arounti, fot, lhe diference befween lb. robces. anti1 I leet ie lca poef, <if has liv-tcblopctaed slfg, a iotiale jtnsd I letit a y- ug Dtranhiiaement of the negrovia self auldsefli « d nal ihe a riug dei-lai-et hy-Albtert e. Ptlsbiiry. for- thâd 1tigt i aos dtInt upotaromer ftrey «encraI of MwiaUhtu"te. sudd tet>'the s«brut «<d. Anti I coutld t c 'a frar>d uixoaathe cuqtry' stnli 'ctet u-tusesnt line ie Illiam Englisi WaUlllag poke of fnlukig tif lunuiueritle belle and couldthetic atferta nagro laborar, çicav<IUed. fee tie dliruw r aburingheut.lit- tii au anlvatuable ameaIof lias fatI fac eliiumîtta iumnng tnf.section, but havlng no ricis t >à ngti tau îsttil tca of iaI WillIam E. St. Clair., OmneWls~, nalgt sAg" yu reD>' ve te,'tary oft fhe Iirederlck DiýUs>gl .i; "iBut, Harold, do e elylv u 'tl hldlha rjW r Rie pauted, tircalieti deep sud ' E t, poumti of unBoul "Yc. - Taft for <bat. fthe speakè àUA" vie poued ut is out -Ysdearcat. rTatta lchange lu attitude laua'ýtlis tw~nk yr>u are if." go Andti eiu ahbleit up ht-r vibrant ner. - - lljs<conidnt salalet PckMARRIES HER CRAUËFFE*I N..d.d Airing. Woman Who W40 lt. *Wi4f : a a "What's ft-e matt-t' itAi VoO?" de. darin Wols Aoirî. mantiotiBoret-m hîi. ii'ic«u il arîgtit San Franciaco, lune -..-)itsv 44 te ait Lmy opliios. havent l?- - .. imca'rtney, <ho vas Mùri. Al*~,t "'Oh. of courme" repliMt Brigbfi>. ltiot. ham, been -1artilil f0 bâc 'Thcy'rt- se »tale andi musty tc> cver- ehaull'ur. Auguut Rbîtaitrurt. tal u eedI tmiitng of tiat sort." hiatv. 8au lutýokpi'r tr Pillaticiphîs Prea. thînese court. la it ).i&z , dîtrlrg tic Boxer uprlsluj.blé Pmaetlce net your art aud 'tw-il mon $455o.u00froul fie, allled pv' Iapart.-German Proverti. sas utalle a ndarlu'ot lC . . . __________. Cpir 9 Hutteý YK ÏÏiÏ AGreat Fanty VoEst Bargain We bought the entire season s end stock of a blg exclusive vest mak4,', comprising about 5Ô)6 fancy dress vests. È~ one worth at leat $, os~of tim a reý 1.50 an d $3 vests We place the' entire purflase on Sale for $10*15 Eaith qr 3 for $3.OOU Èvery v'est this séâson's cut Eveèry one a a àrùih Qpn't OverlôokS'11Uit leIts an ôpport'un[ty to buy thal you cannot aîfô rd' to miss. im W=htimw ,,, ý! 1 1 . ': ý,ý -

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