TTIMR 4.. 1209 JU rDICA ;UN 7 WAUCONDÀ DEPÀ <rTMENT MW The judiCiai etectfon ta be hsld n...I.EMAMN trepndi ndAmi Iimsu Mid pst yo la W oa setwinte. Fm "bin te ; t Dow. nLM te01 510 Ss mi"s Emma Knigge,' ai Chicaga. se aj net ai ben parente Suuday sud Mon- tir, sud ti". S. S. Wood ,ntsrtaied "reindaughter sud husband, 'tir, sud UNr. chas. Melln,, ifChirago, taturdsy *Bd Suuday. Cairi Bock spýd lady rieuds, oi River View, wore recut visitors Oi lir. aud lire. John Knsigge. tira.L. Spect mas s gaet 5<the ilvrer msddiug universary aiftir. snd ira. Robt. tichnuebele. o! Libertyville, an laitÏ".tnnday. A mat enjayablo timae la eportd. Mm a.LB. Am ead littio son et irted v Jut aInsreturu trip for hein home jeVlrginla sitar speudig the putiltow wSe&s mth her parents, Mn. sud tire. e. DooliSlie "i.FloasieRndolpbatClicaigaesunt fn" adionday asth. hiome ai ber s K, r. .J. King. )dr, sud tirs..James Bulin merntoved tWreInebasaif oafs Wenessy ta Atiacliwh.etir. Bulingame hbas * seuredemplayment. 0wSn V'uPiew. ai Chicago.,msu a rssen% viston ln hie village the guet oi lii anmtr, mW. D. Porteous. ioius Laibrop accarnpanied hy is dou. Forecebot ofChicago, wene rSmet vuiloesai hir mother, lire UMime LuI Baugltan, oi Wauconda, vidlier gtter, tIrs. A. J. King tiret ot -tb6Week notce that a light votelasthe prospect. Jsidgos Danneiiy, Wrght and Frost are the unappased candidates for re.eleC- ion. Let a$ many vote as possible <liaI the then counties aof<the district 1 wili nul judge us emniesiln aur dutY. tirs. Frenrh sud dsngbter Elizabeth returnedfrou> their viit witb relatives iu Wilmingtoi, Ilii., v ry mnrh improvef in helth. MisesLena C ral fief of dîphtheia sudÉ wa8 barief Tuesday. May 25, 1909. M. L. fimsis son Lyon is slowly re- rovering tram bigs evere attark oi y- plaid lever. 'The Palatine Higît Schal Auutni wili hoif their annual banquet sud dance Jane 25. Mies Annie Hattenofurie rienls in Pal- atine mere very mach pleased witb ber vilit mth henim reetly. tire. T. Catiowansd Misa Henriette, ut Eranston, tir. Aima Smith, of Des Plaines. were visitug frieuf esud at- tendef the Decoration Day exoriom in Palutine tiay 30. Mstnied, la Palatune Weduesdav even- iug, May 26, at the haine ot Cari Wosml, Misa Mary Vogt ta fHonry Wesel, 1ev. Druegzmuoller offiiatiug. Congratula- <jatte. tir, sud Mis, sud L. T. Rause sud tise- ten John viited relatives in Libertyville Tueefay and Weueeday. Jane 1 sud 2. lire. H. Schtoliug, tire. Hanse sud MisViola sud Elmen ai Palatmne, tir. V tlow ai Evaneron, tirs. Aima Smith oi De Paie, tir, sud tMrs.Seton, ot Palatine, tire. Mary Harries sud ltile tester Elroy Hars ot Alington Heigbas, alsu tire.Clans Scieriug sud family ot Paatine. were guests aiftMr. sud tire. J. B. Scberdiug Tbareay,i Mauy 27, 1< hing <ha occaiion ai the ]ai- tere@ birtbday. Mir, sud tire. E. Gres snd tMr.sund tMr. âfid lire. Judnan sd son, 0ut tirs. liremner aud daughter, Xath*r'iDe, ChiCeNI> vtaited fom Friday tilI Tue- oi Cblestgo, were gueste of Wanconds day witb Mr. sud tirs, C. L. Pratt and relatives Moud&y. tasutly. Emzil Dahm@ sud Ed Mille trauaacted Mu. . T. Graham entertained ber business in Chcago, Wedneeday. mothe ad brother, James, ot Barrntg- tir, aud tie Joe. Tomi8ky. ut Cary, tont, lat wssk. ,isited with C. L. Pratt sud iamily Itl tMay services wero held at th Mouda.y. CthC21 Cbnreh mt isunday eveniflg, Miss Clis iieary rturued homeo tra hae nawung ut thç Riessed Vrgin bY Long Grave ast Frday haviug riused the. ebfidnen Ioliowed hy s fine sermon ber chool ou Thuredy. by Itev. Ftather Woulte and Iolnelg wltb Miss Wiuule Pratt le visittng Chicago b«uedi2tion. relativeé tii week. teieunal Day was observed in unr Mir. and Iire. J. P. Oshaugnessy and village lat Baturfay sud a more Idesi daugbter, Katherine. sud tir. and tira day conld not have besu selected aud a Chas. Eodges sud Walter itousy, ai i15 i'w hn lu ny years turned Chrago' were the gueste utftMr, sudd Ot<I Pý $bTetatemrr'utt. tirs. J. F. Rouey tram Friday tilt I odee h procesion tormef lu Monday evenlag. in. infrot oa the 0. A. R. hall, led 11 the flte sud dram aorp tallowod by the Mir. and Mire. H. E. Maiman were school cblldn G A. 'R., W. R. C, lions Chirago visitars Thureday. ai Vetenzs anâ i. W. A. sud marched Mir. aud lims.B. T. Boaglàud, ai ta the oemetsry whera the usual uere- Chiago, visited relatives hers Saturday Imunies wene heif alter wbich the. and Sunday. procession wss agalu tormed sud marched hsek ta the. Oaklaud bail where Mir, sud tIre.B,.J. Schatier, Ofaianueprogrsmwaagiven sud foliowed by 3icHeny, spont Sunday bore. fiue memoi4tl sddress by Hou. Chas. A. Mn. sud tire. Nule Wynekciop, ai Psrtiidgs, 0oiWsukegan, une aif<the old Woodotock, were amang tbe Waucuuda veters'ne 01 Lale count! abuse presence visitons Saturdasy.always leude tumnsaton ota h. oid solier. Ai eëhyea o by ws mes a tmsNettie tiurrsy, oi Chicago, seut tow les.of th. lai oidiere inluine sud Saturday sud Snnday with ber parants e beams ye.rt hfasat utthem will bore. bavsepaa way but they wlll Dot ha Mmre Johnson, Terra Cotta, le vislitiug torgotten as the. younger geneattun bas a< tirm Carr's. beeu tangbt the. meaulug ai the day. LOUIS J« YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN Mranid Mr., B. L Bnrdick enjoyed a FREMONT vidi; trum tWrhu4dagliter-ina-lam, lire. lre. Aufreir Hertel visiled witb tel5- - godilleBurd"c, oi Chicagu, Sunday aud tivea iu Waukegan Saturdsy eand faun- I_______________ MoedaY. day. DA O D LK Mms.&S.0. Welssunteinef bsn cousin, Ef Luhy sud Rus Hertel spet Sun-a: Mms Bitetabock, toi Chicagu, aslew day St Joiýaburg. Tegantn necbd ft e"' *Vu of the praselt we.Drotuy Behin la speuding s meek DiarnufLake echoul wmUt ocri'Frifay à wHELIN, ith fiende at lirleury. evening, June 4 et .8 o'clock at thboM. E. Sh, Ob*bany MJh eh. Mblsu a.sRoi al u<otchnrch. A cordial invitationi le extendofde 1(15. Bara Mm.aJn sbort as < a e stntdeLocisa rehballpî ntal i Wu t he public.1 clie BarbhaelBer omsee. oir <the atkeanatuhrdalitr opi11i ou ev. Voeu de Ervo, ut Lîbertyville, mil Sii nid ieh Baer ometes nowthekegn Sturaydeliven the bacralsoreste sermon or tbe Wý reddome af Henry Grandt, une mile John Spoerl, oi Milwankee, 'B viel'tsng graduatingelasefuuday evening. Jane 6. ,oahh ut Whseiffl, May ai, l8Zii. wtbrelatives sud inderpf À item siaî invitation is extend'd tutae1the jea. 12, 1875, oh. married John Bebm lin sud lins. Ulricb entertainef their Rockeeler erbual. e4 Friount Citer wlisre lha huili a brother sud mile irom Cbiago over Sun- WiilWheelon sud arnily, oi Liberty- bb Waind b he<isoffice ai potmaèteday.FrdT e. e rsm Iu Juy 18177 be iradef se ville, epent Suuday mith Fe onr yysiant praperty ton Union Hotal, Mike Wagner sud mite visitelfaiewMti.Ehe ioCicaasputOv Wsmlg wbsne hsy 1bav, ince livef days mith ber tather, Jas Stahi sud tamn- Sunfay aud tioudsy miti relatives ut 2%se years w bsn he mas in huai- ily, et Long Grave. Diarnu Lake. tl To tbain er. bora tour ous sud Adamn Bebm iras a Wsnkegau caller tirs. J. Doleumnaler sud uepbew, Bruce todagters, hi'..oftwhum have Sunfuy. Mitcelsl, ut Liharlyvitie, mere Diainfde peeo th<le btter manif, Edward M. Quits s lew r <om breatstendef <ho Lake colliere Sunuda. Li qted '7 mmr, fief March 12, 1884; El- Inerai utftMre. John Beln ai Buffalo Mie@ Carrde Scbley spent Suuday wiib af »ois41sM jan. 18, 1892, &We 5 years; Grave liauday. bier cousin, iu& Rebm t the Lakeoife B *uhnb<b ieJitas 1, 1897, igd 21 Mi. Jake Diethorue spent Saiurday cottage.- w pmoie. The survlvug ture sions, Antan i akgn h ie ac fteDaodLk J,, Juoh ndu eo J., bave always l akgn h ie ae t<.DsofLk raptainef at home tla ortrt<hein r.sor< mas beif lasI Satnrfuy aud mas w imét.IVANHOE wmoustteuded. B] Uri. Beinmaiu* iwaym kiaf and even 1 Scbuai clusef Thatsday asiter s veny ,mdy tahelp the slck sud nesdy. Mrin dnfMre. F. I. Smith epeni at sucreagii yean. Announntenent wtll ha vl Thaupbanuardentl Catholic wba abored Stnnday sud Sund"yt Wakegsu. mafe hlaer oi the choul pieute. zosseisntiouall fon <ha ucmutaseftber oburahnd relgion, eh.e aisea cuntribu- tira. Frank Daiph met witb s serions tire. Welakopi sud tire. Bsntletsud t< ltehsiy to tue support ai ther accident by spnlulng ber sukie last Bat- daugitar, Mary, mcm Wsukegali ratIers bx deaomamtonilmu. nday aiternoun. lat Frdsy.b Ma 1, 1909, býving muntef <hin The oldier' graves lu unr cmtany E. Mitchell sud ile, ut ChicagospntC pies. aib s fors an ntenm ai yesre mers de,oreted Satnrdsy aternoon by SundaY sud tiauday mitb G. iitebsi. O iIs ivef t 1110home tir ours mthe Young peuple sud chaul cilf mn. W t.luhplg orecoven ber heaiuh_________________ ,wblhliead been iaililg <ha peast twa A numben u1thebsYoung people ot the HALF DAYfle pessbt ahagreir meakr om rilver eighth grade took tho final oxaminatian afkid 0 rulellae by dnapey at Lihatyville let tioaday. The clasiug exorcises 0i the liait Day A and élispasseec away at 7:07 p. m. tr.Annalakn u d school more held Tharedai' evoting, Thnrsfay, Mat 27, 1909, leavîng a Shephard epent the laest aitue week w s 711steambl.Tbsvay bereaved hnsbsud, tureesonsanud a hut tr.G .lakuaa ietvle ive pupils partiripatinin lhebsenter-C ai reativesansd <neuf s, irbo iii evor M.0 ,Haknltbetvl ainent sud basket socia1 micb wm revers han memory. The tueraI t Thore mas a eharch social heif oulies given ion <ho bonefit ufth<1e achoul. The ti Buffao Grave, lionday, liay 31, tho Pavuos luantiouday eveiugý The prognam wias spieuf id as alirbu mers 58th suuivensury O! ber brthday, mas meathen ire so 0tbrentsniug <at <bre prebcrit mili testiti'. Tao mache' ai' ose tf the langeaI evr beif at St. Marne ir as nat s very largo sileadance, but anaut ho ivon tisa Mary .ouk. <bhe Catholie church. Tiecsekeimas overef those present reportef a fino lime, bearber ion ber uuliriug efforts lunfdril- wth many beautitul floral tritites as ing the chldmu ttu make <ha obrriosas tokens oi tb. bigb esb.m lu mbch i r i --.. .u----- ess5. tirs. Dr. L. L. Hertel, oi Bebm mue hoif by msuy loviug finonde'. THE NUMBER TIIIRTEEN. Chiaga . lavoref <ho audience witb a d Mauy relatives roui s distauce paif recilation mirh mas ighly appiaufef.v <hein letrepects <tuithefepsrted aiso Tlm. Was When 1< Used te B8. Con. Seversi seletions more given by ths a aunaber ram Chicago, Üigland Park, sidered Lucky' Prairie Viom Baud. Ater tho exerciseB s Hiubwuod, Lihertyvîlie aud Freinant Abtattb uemc ho baskets more auuiuned off <o <the Ceuter. hsinc isdncmchI ighest biffer, one basket doustof by Il Sacref Heart Court Na. 77 Catholie brushing away <the cobirebs ut papotai' Macey Schler bningîng thebiîgbest fer ai Lady Foreeler4. ai Lake Ftr- superstition, nd f bstract science os- price $7.50. The total roceipts saonut- est escortef <the romaine afIlthetr ho- uxhees the fart Ibat ilhiren ban- cf ta $62 mtth irbici tho pupite lteuf lovef member tate reîne<ory. liesrient <inoes lad tiule a differoat nocan- ta purrbsso a [te'.'.rguian <o ha sebool. Fathe Ot îlebrsted roîlueini igh ing tram 11e tirleco îý,f today. Oni- The ecadre eommaui11113ty exteuf <hein mss sud addr-mso,l <the inoaruiere il'enta î'pt - îl I îîîcusiegratitude ta Miss Hook ftrt<ho maunen bath Enlieh aud Germa aving hitging t dîv))iie roundlu boit srtieîiiagiuhirb sehe bas coufuctef aurohool@ <O sut hedpre tlgdvn lla ev (ileiigad <the excellent discipline sud gavera- <riboes <o deprtofgoof.Th sl in the f'Iikire o!f1the ment mbh hle bas fleplayef furing ber Peris. <11e afldans aînd hilido.,s. tri. She le a graduateofa St. tiary$ Card ai Thaks. 011 Testamient Je-s wirei f th, .aîemy ai Lihertyvilie, ber hume ls at We mî..h titiapbiiî eli Nreeii ur em pnin sBiblîral Ftudeijîs miiliRollins, Ili. Wo hope shalie ii returu ta siaicene Ihauke tu <lhe niaav riei-ide tor knuw. Tblrteeu ctlU,, mre etelaill aur -souai ext Sppteishar. kindnusutd eyjniathy woan a uliig fedicattelo <the prlee<iy tribe, t1liî <haesickD neess ce lie deu<ai o (o ian h prisîs desceafef froin Au:ROSFECRA.IS belavef mile auj iiotler, i.jîeiiatly <Othîto îg u u 1e11bcu 11ev. Father itIif or hi., omfort*,ng Iite ig a nteb mords sud t(, <lie Lad., Forestî-rs for uf the ancleuts; ou the 13<11 day of tii- Robert Hanter auf ie are viitiitg . rspec<paif lu the menin ofaItle a,- lian 1the preparations fr J. D. Miurray'@, aie tire. Rf tMurray of parted. JOHN BiE'. i A'So,. Pasiîîrer tiegan, oufd1the bal ix hes, Vukegau. ~y y y ~ oitsis<ed <f iirteen dOPteront îiiors. Deunis Baga oiWakegau spentSun- APT =ICIt1% eweli kiîiîmn <at ïIii tho uations ,day mith M. A. Hogau. o! heolad %orîf mre io mare or ii-.s There mas nou preacbiug bore Sunday Tho toilowlug i arties visitef thicagg. Itellç-rluai rappiort. The lessof!-aieevening. liiwesk tirs J.Bomîioer tad on .trlto desei,îed te, the other. But It l isMineSe ia ensavs John; Mra. K. Lnebu, Walter Weifur crtaliiîly bitretng o learu <butth<1eItior 'Sataritsy. Gao s.Weimer, ai Chirago. 1iiteitJý l arfsddv~ Eacl <hie mook. j meauig lurai, InlaAmerica of yore ES. Faulkner and faugbter Bertha ai aia,)ng the,- tlg in ce oxtinct trIbes o!tif aîî1 n - Otto.FrilUmail, ai Chicago, vimlîrd tl, lie u 1eAIc.VsIhb nus hem, aevalie< ~hna <ls msklitants f l'cru coanitel seven daY e Mr. and ra. Math Wickershetrn enter- tivi'îî sy tarticalan naeIn th 1e taluedlçlks ram Chicago <is meek. week. Tier yeur baf sevon tUmesý lira. e. Berrinun entrtainefl ber fif<Y-tmo tas or fonrt<Imea hilrteeu IIELP!UL 4Wqber d "ye f Ie@Paine, l.meeke. The father mwu campehld ofo ~gt. 4,4IaJti. i esPaies <issupport hbis liegtIrnte chilf tota ho Ve endeavor la renderl C . b" iliebsiandsuomn, Andlv ai thlr<eeutb year. The Artecu a hat eeka ibo auneâ intu oui' Bank. C(iffeo vètedAlbertAihan at uday sud ai thlrteeu fays, etcb mith a spécil. Wr iselieve you iii find Mosa~.narne. Their century ba f fity-twa mi<b as. We melcome smll ____________yeari, an four <lins. thiten. Their Yoar money deposited in Thé irpublic archives mers of circulai' fann, 'u A*Cqnty iladepeitdent and wlth a sun lu the Conter aifssch af the THE FIRST NATIONAL 1 tb Weekhy inter oceait Md 1Formier tijlteen Parta, sud thliteen mers <hein Nit Doqe le lb. Pot OMiMs WADSWORTH. Listen ior the 'weddiug bouse in the Str tuture st the town lino. Misa Bisuche Liukenheld and Misa Evac heas, ot Chicago, are speudiug seversi t ays with relatives and rene re. I Hart Siver sud iamily aiea tirs. I.' ver sud tiuldred vidited tiondaY at e Y.Watldeli'a. a tire. Moyers sud Clarence bave gone o a le city ion a iew daYâ. Fred Miller je ditchiag ton J. Bartlett. Mira. J. Taylor sud Miss Vida visited r rer Sunday at John Shea's. Cbarley Ester is bore ou s visit tram 0 die We'st.1 tire. E. Lilly see Florence Young sud1 Jaughter are vieitiag ber parents. tir.1 illy baving gane ta Denver on accountt ilii heaitb. tie. Feudirk is speuding a iew dayo lu Waukegau. ]dis@ Elsis Devine is spouding the week -tth ber sister, lire. B. Gilîrnore St Bristol. tir. Doreuce sud vwife. ai Chicago, ieited Sunday St J. Lux's. A large crowd was in atteudance at te hallgamue Suanday. A double header beiug playe. The White Box trmming both teamns ta a finish. The Nonth licaga Cubs were deteatef by a score if 20 ta 4. Thon the Gurus. teaml ranted ta try their lnck biutnor boys were to rny ton <hem sand bey were Lit witb <the cubs. Next linuday tbe Wadewonth Whites Sox will plaY the Antioch team St Antiorb. tire. H. Sponenbur', ot Gurnet, , alled on fieuds bore Wednosday. George Bartlett la a lnrky <ellow with the fieh pale-baniod a piekerel ta @bare E'neuday weighinz five pounde. LONG LAME Albert aud Ch~as. L.arnb @pont a iew laye at t<beir uage the first ai the week. tir. Reitz, of Chicago, epent tioaday Miss Nellie Mulien, ai Cbicago, visited nrionde bore M(ott'ay. ' MNr. King entertaiuod s cnowd af Chiago people aven Decoratian day. Jiohn Cleveland jse etertaning bis rinuf<ram tbe rity <bis woek. MissatMay Wilson, aifZenda, visitof lier sister lut week. tir, sud tir. Ijifi Wbite entottained sevenal Chicago peuple irom SBatnrday until tiouday uiglit. tiN. Henebienry a&ommrnated several Chicago peuple aven Suuday. Frank Stautuu trausacted busines at Mirieury receatly. tir, aud Mti. Guy Haok weno Wauke- gan vîsitare Tueeday. Tell some deseeving rheumatit sufferen, that there le 701 one simple w&Y ta certain rouet, tjet Dr. Shuopa bok an rbeumustisin d a free trial test. This book will inake it Autireiy cleai' how rbeatie pains are qnlckly kllied by Dr. Shoupe Rbeumatic BemedY-iqnid On tablot8. fend nu monoY. The test i. <tee. Surprimsonedisbeatsned sufferen 117 tiret gotting ior hlmu the book <romi Dr. Sho<ip. Racine, Win. - ALL DEALER&. AND SA!! s helpful service ta everYuon it belpf ai <o open si, awonut [lacounts as Weil as large 0055. nour Bank in SAFE. BAtIK 0F LIIERTVILL 00T1r MAND OUT.o »pvlht 1Meby Aniec&n Prem AsSO- clatiaul 1[Cal E was telegraphed te came et once ta T se country reatience of Hugo Van jet and, being a detecUive. Iknws mebat lui My Pr.oteaslonal services ko muif b. roqui1kid. Mir. Van Vilet met lia, » et thestatioamnwile taking me op lit hdebose in hia runabout motor car "a [If me wluhst la atpened. le bailfr0 number af guesta linlbis bous, usai'- <h ain a1 wliawwerc, 11k. himsilf, very and saItby. It waes bis frat son there, was *ha su having been neceutiy finish- peui dand ho had openef It wltli what he necg unsideref a distlngnlahed circis af The rinfs. They wsre a&l bigli clama si> of f sty peaple wltl a Brtiah lord tbrown Ai te give the Party eclat. MY Neariy every nlgbt some une of bis stea Mteabadl bben robbed of elther Mou- ger ýor Jeweus or bath. Aiter the fIrst but Lsappearance ho bad enJoluef ail af Wb hem ta b. carotul ta lack their ors Ca' mid haf boita put oun evy foor. For con t ew ntghtsatater <lia there were no ans ,hhberlea, but then they commenced lar fflin. The Brltimuer'a (Lard tlanuer- con 1igb) lady basf been rabbed at same JUSe mperli Jewela. The atugular part et It Bul wua that aiter the valuables were tair- wlt n4 thaugli the thief canif o111Y bave ea- bei] tpef hy the. door, it remaluef iocked. te white aiuwere at dinnen 1 waa th saow tihe rooma, examluing the ap- cli mrachs, the connecions wlth other dre roama. the windows and laatlY the gis lka and boit&, Ths doue, 1 sent farf E *,Mr. van Vilet" 1 suif. 111premurne Or, tsi. re n tnes wben yaur guesta are hai Dut or daors aiustug tbemaelveâ." Wo -Tes, bath morniug aud aftsrnouu." the "The maida get througb putig the dei roms lu order lu the morulng. 1 Bnp- tel poe, aud lu the aiternoon the Uutara I1 la feserte?" Ott "Bore ne ai such tlme bas fixed the ont oma ste ha enteref." @le "Thon 1< muat ha une outheb.serv- u' ,.The thief la nut une uf the servants. 1 ansspect one af your guesta." rtS "Ton are mistaken." I "Very Weil. i wUll accuse nu une. n muet elther catch the rogue lu the Set i or the cae gaes by dfeiuit. No oue n bae yet seen me. Tonlgbt 1 wlll slerp j t in the village, sud tarnurruw 1 i lll ar- rlvs sauone uf your guesta. 1 bave a::, t enenlng dreas wltb me aud eau Mabe e " presentabie appearmnce. t shul be ce " trill. brusque lu manuer. for i <leifl lbc hali ram tbe tar weat My wealtb Ch wMi ha my principal dlaim ta your a frieudablp. 1 wtli ho John Rogers, ash mine awner." tb A Mi'. nagera 1 arved the xte xt b atternoon, weut ta rMy room ud o move the hed na that by puttlng out a my baud I canif swttch ou the eiectrc k ligli Then I dreased sud weut fuwu E te flunen. At table 1 talked a gof t dm]i of my mines aud mY taute iorn JeweIa. Bpeaking ut the latter, 1Isaid r that I lied a great faucy fat mappblrea ff aud waa tuaking up a lot ut them ta U have made luto a necklace ta take b bsck weat ta my wtt e for an annIver- P mary weddlug present. I »Id 1I kePt ci thase 1 haf coUlected wlth me sud b wouid ha happy ta show thleul aiter finnet'. At this Mir. Van Vilet frownod, thie conversation wam changef, sud the o jeweis were nut pnuduced. k That utght wben ai] the others ad bS retif I1went ta my roum, iockef sud il baltef my fouir, put a arnail box unfer t my plflaw. then went ta, bed snd Jayb awake waltig. About 3 lu the. maru- lug i hesrf s sllght mouseUike souuid- t to altgbt that 1< waa scarcely dlatta-s gutsablhe-at <lie four. Thon 1 beardo Indicaions f otmone s umbling abOUt i the ruom. I 11sf left nu valuabies au the dresser or linrny pucets. su the ( thief muet corne nearer. Presently 1 L isuclef a baud slipping under the mat-c tresa, but thls mtgbt ho ancaY. Wbat1 was nut sancy ws a grasp On thbebox nder rny pillôw. 1 caagbt the atm c ai a figure kneeliug beslde th1e bed.E Thea 1 turned ou the ligbts. 1 bodid a woanansd that wornan wss LadyÉ Maunerleigh.t "-Ah." I1 muid, -I suppusef bis lotdsbiPE was folug these jobs."t jumping out a of e. i plusbed a but-1 tan. A servant on watcb answered the "Stay bore with <ts awas," 1 maid.1 "aud dou't let ber go out."1 1 'went softiy loto the hall aud saw1 a white figure slip tota Lord Maurier-1 ielgb's rourn. Isauuerigh badl evi-1 fently been watcblug. 1 Ineked bts1 lardsbtp'5 for sud, returung ta MY raarn. stoof watcb over the countosa while <ha servant went for Mrt. Van Vilet Wbeu ho came 11e recolved the surprise ut bis lite. wbeu the cari sud bis lady basf heen turuef aven ta the police-be wasan Euglah valet sud ibe s lad y's mnaif wlth forgef ietters--i sbowef lMt. Van Vitet a Uttie bols lu the or af everY 9noom that hail been entered, eXCept tihe thief's, wblchbhaf been plugged. over the. lock sud boit escb end of the 8plug hsvlng beeau fabbed witb iwhite renamet like th1e door su ulcely as ta a bcaimat unpoticeable. Tbrough the hais a wire wtth a joint 11sf boon puabef. Wben the Joint wslaside the rato a string attscbed te, the tu- ner sud of the wtre waa pulief. sud thie part beyoud the joint ws drswn Htu> Heround Uy $ALLIE MENOKEM. >yrlalit, litS by Am.ntus.n Pr.. Aima. clation.l rhe way 1 got ont of the bunglar lin. tu <1hz: t bai l ghy gond nerve sud u'It afraif of any une. 1 seerned ta ow wbat kinf of m cr11 ta crack sud r tn du Il wltbont waking anybofy aud getlng away between miduiglit ddawu, wbeu thle capse ara muet owsy. wVblle i wu» foing a job i nght oi uuthlug except my wurk Id wua bathcoul and vutchtui. i sun'< une ai <hune hlokes who scare pie ta deatb an wha art ready If esmary lu udf murden te nubhary. s tratb la i neyer liked the prospect fsclug otber charge. As 1 waa enylug. wble- engaigef at ywark. however daugeraus, i was aady as a monument, but whau fan- ýhad pusmeil and 1 hastnotbtug ta fa <t htuk Iiront fownbUI vety fait. ,bat bothered me mont w» atbat i îlfu't sleop lghts-that le, irben qiortably toWed uaY lu bef. 1 ,e <outc a uap ta a gentlemuan's par- suad iras onuy wakeued by the sunl ulug ni> aud shlling lunrny eyes.1 t got ont lu Urne ta Bave myseit. t irben lylug OauIa suit Mattrels itb warrn covora aud no cbance oi Lung dliturbef. leP wuldu't came Sme. 1 lay awaka thluking ai th. ms wien I1manif h..i' prison df a .ug belufn me. The <bonglit was rediul. l'mn siraif I was <ounfâne minef fuir the business ilauth miter msnuh my bouri of oeil grew lenilt 11 i iaref InsanitY. ne uigbt I1iraks np at mlfnlght asler 'ring slep< <mu bouma sud kuew <bore anud if b.o mure alumber for me titi se usrt tirne 1 went ta bof. i wamsun sperule <bat 1 gat up wlth th1e lu- enlon ut golng Iota nmre bouse mien. hfd nu nlgbt sud <ber. snatcb su- tber couple ot bouta m*Bep. Ibufad ib ta vlew. a s@mail bonse mltb nut ncb ln It But 1 was iouking for lep, nul pîunf r. t meut thero, took ut s pane ut glass, enlerof snd meut setairs tla Sud a place <o sottîs dama. stoodfl a dark ihall iouklug luto a om svbere a nigbt lump mas bunnug. Il1te rourn e maman mas la bof witb Lcblld. bathsleep. The rbilf irs Ieeplug ou tha iront aif111e bed. vory leur th1e edre. Hes mus a boy sud. 1 slank, about l5ve yeara aid. Ou a sturrair lomer bed, close bsie sh otben, siept another cbild, a girl ut jbout lbroe. $ie mas sleeping lu the inter o! ber bof on ber saie sud11sf îr chubby fSt up againsttlber fat aeek. I1 was bot summen weatlier, and nue o! hem oxcept <ho maman bd aiiy covors irbatevor. Whst interestef me mas tuat the ay'a heaf masbnnging aven <the aide of bis bef and su mach of bis body. auo. <bat 1< lookef ta me as I ifeho as about <o fail. lie wsarestims, sud i nom lie woaid lie ovor vety saun. Somehoir 1 maulof ta se.e111> tall, banugb i kept lu the dark no <bat lb. woifn't sa. me if 11e muke up. The next kirk lho made sent hlm aven. fHe te scouple oailstbut didat muake pi. Ho iaaslod partly on <ho little girl, but slle difat make ap elter. 1 ex. pectef abs manIf, u absmonued ance or twlce in ber aleep aud turnod aven. sut fiually elle alepta peacefully Rs sefare. Il mus sncbhsaf ellgbtiui picture ta sue suffering tram inaurnula <bat 1 kept au wstching the chilfreu. Tii. boy cantinued bis klcking and crard ef the girl, pusbiug lbon wlth every tove in tue front edgs af iber beà. 1< muet bave been hait u boni' bat lho kept tis up, irben <bers wasa athump, sud th1e girl iuy ou <ho fluor. But asls soomed ta ho scomiartuble <bores on bier bof. At sny rate. the abomef nut the lenet sigu o! waklug. Meaawbfle 1 beard the muttering ai istant <bander, andf irile 1 mas look- lng ut <hem aill<bers came oas terrifir cr'ash louf enongb lu ivake tho deaf. The nw<ber turued over, but neithiel ai 1the chu6 rois moved. Thon followei one crash aller another. and 1 expert ed <bat ut leaet 1the mother wous wake up and take a look at ber chul firon. But she siept on. She muet bavs 110.0 vcry tîref 'or baf lost a lot a0 mleep out eouanr't have elep tbraugb <base terrible botta. -Neve 11sf Ibeard encit thuador beotae. The oaly et!oct <the s<arm 11sf ou an: oi <hem mas ta increase the restlegs ss oi the boy. FHe ro.lled sud tam bief lu hie sleep like ashsbp toseed b:E the waveR. sometimes lylng for a fel mnutes claie againet bis motbor'e besi thon rulllug over tu the outor edge o hie amp. I mas sure bof in time tuai hie ontut ofhibe bof, as hoe11sf ont a lbe other, sud 1 irsi bouna o see bit fa itt Sure cuough, bofore 1 expecte, 1< hoe gave a lunch sud inuded plnrn au top ut bis eleter. Neither o! <hem a aoke. 1 reckon momon kuawin l their slee wbat's golng oau mththhein cbtldtr fuor, nom <bat the etorrn mas aven au evetytblug waas tili an the tomb, th mothor Rat up lu bof, glaurof aitlho cbldrea, gui up sud put <hem lu <bei praper places. Thon esle weut bsck t bof. berseit sud mas asloep lu a m meut. l'Weil," I amîfta myseit, ,if <but what s rieur conscience uvil furul I'm golng ta bave a dlean conscience 1 meut hack <o rMy raom resolvef ne' er ta enterauy mn's bouse ugalu bit rny uwn, aàt toast not far plunder. --ut-ta1of-sud1-et ltks topfî A Hcur Dressing If you wlth a hîgh-clesau si dressing, we arte sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved for- mula, wll greatly plcise yotJ. le keeps the' hair soit sudi amootb, ates le look rlch and luxuriant, preventa splltting Bt the ends. Andi It keeps the scalp frec tram dandruif. Don.nt r .ei tg he Mro te lhait. At tlie san ie he .new Ayer's Hair Vgor ie.astarong hairtotnkc, promotitl th. growtti ot tbe bair, keeping aillthe -tissues ot the hait and scalp in à beaithy Condition. The hair stops fâlling, dan- druif disappears. A splendid dressing. -àsS. by tue J. C. Al .Lym U. a..'-' Automobiles W. carry a full lins of "Int aid" remedies ta, autoiuts in trouble. Engince overhauled. Tire troubles repairod. Au- tomobile sundries on band. Cail or tele1phone-a mâchinist always ready. Repairs Timernesd money saved hy îromptly repairing farm ma- chinery. WVc are prepared to do machine work of ail kinds sud bave a shop f ully equip- ped for that purpose. WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Plione Libeetyvilie Exel»KC e m . 2(, Li1bertyviIIe,,11 Opposite Sc Paul f rsght .Depot f. BAIRSTOW MiNUVAcTUmEAot o Marbie and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence sollclted e126 Genesee St Wakegan BEE: RIJSSIELL )Lumfber Yard d ~For Figuret; on BUILDING MATERIAL My7 priýeis are riglit and grade@ 9_ ood. Wheterou buyior lenot get ry fgureè. PitEl' tîED MHITEWAS11 ýd F. S. IIEAD, Prop. 1- asad anr CLARENCE FLAGG TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Ondens Taken for tisions M= i nes5and Put in Order Pe.adicals Gu arsnted Stop That CoId $Ouss ms, ad spiil cm.r "me y* Qum.f àSi. c Cigars and Tobacco Laundry Office e N