CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 3

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DA NC-E EVERY SÀTUIIIX iifi At Aimaun's Hall, Rtound Ilake SATIJRBY EEINI, IAY 29 Mnsic by IIAPKE'S FULL ORCHIESTRA EVERYBODY INVITED To corne and have a goc.d lame. Ice cream anîd cake served at the Drag Store. Baggags cheoked free of charge. TICKETS 50c AMANN BROS., Props. ROUNID LAKE, ILL. OUJR PRICE LIST Milik, peu quart 6c, per pint 3. Cream Il Il20c, per IlUc. Il 1,haif pint ........ ..6c. Butîermilk. per quat...... 4c, Cottage Cheese. per quat.... 6c AIL GOODS DEUVERED Goods abtaineble t f actory al, Il times. Speciet orders for le. Creai filled o 6748 hours notice THE GJYSLAKE CREAMERY Tel. (inavulake 3. rsvstake. 111. $priq lllllery Ii' AI.! THE NEW. nliAi'E"ANDIS 'AIIE, ýN'ilIbe pleaeed ta bave al rty old cutomere tali and will be glad ta welcooîe new unes. At Kuebksr & lloem's (Irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT Fresh Blred very day, Home Made Cakes, Pieis and (ither Pastrv. Lunches and Meals @erved t ail honre. i ANIî'I 4i 10.511 E. A. LOFTLJS, Prop. T.lephae.9 ORAYSLAKE. I LLINOIS We Ha"'.a Fine UiseofI tàtioiievand Sausenle P-9i arda P I IEER SIRE watcha, a.clcu j îewelry Repared Ail Woek Cuaranteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promnptly FltId W. Il. MOORE OrsYsi" Illinois1 THE FIRSTl PAIR 0F GLASSES Shouid he Cerefalh Fîtted Heslte Fitting im Seieurifi, DR. L. B. JOLLEY Ptshîe.' (lii.',' 22 Hidiu.,ace121 "iFFiCE HOLI.'iS 93iiîs t 14 1' fi (,>. f)FFiCE I %th maid Sit&e etreevu. apposite the Bank North Chicago, Illinola, GIJRNEE Miss Mildred Mnry ie viiting bei triend, Mis e 're Young. Mrn. and tire D. C. Gregg af Chicago vers aver Sonda>' visitar e be. lice. Dalzici, lire. Notingham and Mise Irve Nottinghîam sicunt Moday in Chicago. lin. Mutav le ver>' illinlaWaksgn. lfr. and lire. Chas. McClure eud baby visitsd et I'iill ltfcClune'm Tuaae>. Mrn. Williame le spendiog tise veel iu Ohio. Mr. ndMlre. day 'Smith o! Maekegan mi,, visited eit tht Dille>' home Ibis week. The pupihe atf tht High scbool did veieiîh their pieay baving clerd neani>' $40. lins. Lake and Mies Mamie Haines ettended the Sanda>' Schaal convention an l'eaia let veek. The chiidreu 0! the Sonda>' echool are p apain e[rag ram for Chldrsn's De>," hî listu oda>' in Jane. lire. U. 1. Apuievard vis;ited ber oister Mire. Masan ut Grayslake during tht weel, Mr. and lMre. L. U. Braken sutentain- ed compen>' tram Libertyville Sanda>'. Tise Royal Neighbare and Woadmen vIl observe Memorial day ait the War- rn oeter>' Sonda>' attenoon J'ane 6tb. LAKE COU1sNTY [NDEPENDiENT, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909 I Il rMUIkNfN Mrs. E. A. Martin came hume lrom the hompiial lest Sunîlay and is getting alungîIIicely. Dr. Jamison and daughter, Vida, were Chicago visitorý lest Friday. Mrm. Joàwpll Mathewm and aunt, Uri. Vomëhurg lett lesit Thureday for Mil- waukee, %Vs. M re. Vos.burg returne to ber home in Rochester, Mnn.. and lirs. MatLîews will visit friende inl Mlwaukee. Mr». Rfi-herd Pentaîl returiied tram'a week's vlit wlth ber daugbter, Mmr. Adams, of (Cbicago Lawn. Mir. and tIrs. Foster entertained .00om- pany liom)(Chicago. SaturdaY and Sunday. Mnr and Atre. James Pollock vistted frienda Saturdey and Sunday. Mir. and Mrn. Gea. Safford, of Chicago, visited over Sunday wîth the home folks. Miesm Annie MeCredie, of North Chicagu echool wpent a tew daye with ber brother and eister. Clarence Chope and wife, of Montana, are viiting hie nons, J. C. Chope and tamily. .Laulse (isrrity, ut Round Lake, im visiting wlth Mr. and Mmr. Touver. Mmr. Oeorge Strang returned home Friday frnam Waukegan whsr, @cha@he been vating bometime. Wm. licGuirs Is on the gain. He je able tO Us out. MrT. and Mmr. Wm. Thom retîîrned ta their horne et Liberty ville lasl Thiursdey. Lyburn Stewart and famils returned ta Chicago, Tueday heving spent a ten days vacation wth fim fetiir, A. H. Stewart. MIqpses Matol [onner. Pearillvelandi tiargeit erîd 1Brthe Whuîr,, Mesers. Ralîîh-Mil.-r, tlubt, Donner, J . S Deemen auîd lMrand Mr.lireR. trang attended the graduation axrie t Rinheter. ie 'l'lursdev and Friday this eeek. TFhe î'hldren f the Sunday wliool are prepar¶ng unn interestilng prograni for Chiidren . Day, Julw. 13. Everyvoue Thîe Lake ",ýunty coulferenie ut the Congregetiouael 'harcies o iii bal thir annuel meting et the Cungregeviionel clînrch iaysleke, Joue b. Rer. Sefford took pert in the Memoriet expei-sset Warren î-emetery, Sundav, May 30i. The Ladies' Aid Sovlety held tbeir monthly meeting Tharsday, dune 3f. P'icole cupper ae erved. C. E. topin, June 6, 'Lite tessons for Me trum the Gosp)el of Lake." Lake fi: 20-3s. Ciosecration meeting. Carnie Beter, leader. WEST FREMlONT. Mir. and lre Frank Martini epent one day last week ini Weukegan. Henry Tekampe and tamily entertein- ed compauy tramn Kenosha the firet of the wesk. The Gant d echool clueed la@t Wedoee- day. The teacher .eryed ltes ream end cake for the diildreui. Chas. N ordmcer waà a Berrington caller Tuesdey. Lau Shie and femfly were Lake Zurich callers Muudey atternoun. Meyme Meyer is @peuding e lew weeks et hume. Mis Tllie Tekampe epent the latter part or lest wesk et home. lirs. Frank Mtartini entertaiued ber nister tram Chicago Sunday and Mandey. Mr. end lire. Jas Stofle1 visiter! rela- tives in Big Rallow Suridey. lir. Ed Diet, ut Grayslake. le visiting e few daye et home. Mir.and Mmr. E. H. lisyers were Liber- tyville callers Sandey elteruoon. August llrieh aud wite. of Chicago. visited witlî Frank t'llrich and femily Sunday and IMonday. Erme Labman, a! bale Zurich, is spendiog a tee- deys et Will Lohna'.. lire. fleur>' Nardmeyer viclted n ith tlins d îîrelatives in Waokegan e cou- ,lue of dys thie a'ck. LOON LAKE Mcs..J. b. lluighe'atuul uaugliten. Peau i. uit t.ibentvviiie aud lrtin. ardl Bainî, ut1 Rtacine, iited Monda>' nîti Mnr. enu lim. IG. Hughies. Misses Lula and Frances iluillan, ot Chcago, risited Sunauiy eud Muudey vîth Teoaie Cunaioghauu. C. b. VanPetten epent Tuesha>' in Chicago. Mn.euhdlire. Dixan vited in Weuke gan lhs pest veek. tirs. White la visiting witb lire. J. Merrimuan. Bora, ta Mn. and Mrns. John Keclie, on Seturda>'. May 29, a littie dagbter. Mise Annie McCartby bas returned ta ber huuîîe in Chicago elter spendiug ser- eral days vith relatives bers. lire. Wm. Krueger ls visitiag et Bu: rndt's BIG ADDITION TO THE! LYON STORE Tuis vesk il vas deflitel>' ennounced thet vunk will hegin next weekau cadi>' and elaborete extensions ta the great Lyan deparîmeut stare John :Suthîerland e-lIt have genereh change of tue vunl and the contracte viii Us jet b>' the Lyone ho sections. Jame@saSemon nov bas the contrat for putting la the vater and sevage toc thet part of the Lyon lot ta b. covsred b>' the extension. This dacel nul inlude thîe generel plamblng fon the additions. The main addition, vblch yull ex. tend totahlis veUof the Hanter build- inu, as .tated somle rime ega ln the SUN. vili Se et brick and @tee), three stories in beight, and vii ru 75 hy 44 fest in dimension, ail o! the laeset tMpeof construction. [AYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI 1F. J. DRI'CE, Editoe Phone No. 11 Ondin r aken for Job Work Advertislng Rates On Application Catholin services et Hainesvllle every Sundey ftm unef6, et 8:45ea. m. Louis Garwood. of Chicago fieigbts, opent Sîîndey et hî,ae. MieA Pearl Diiolittie, of Waakegan, 'M'as the guset i! Miss Daiey Doolittis Sunday. Mn. and lire. Fred 1endelkln enter- teiaed triende trous thiceg.decîretian day. lir. fieiicr and tamily, atChicega. have inoved tii their Eiummer home on (age Lake. s.0 Mises Florence Kruaeîuîark and frisud, ot Chicagi. epent Seturday aud Sandey wvitb lire. Springer. Leiînerd f>îîîlittle, ut Weukegan, epent Suuidey et home. lire. Avery and li. Remlia, tif Lae Ville. vimited relatives bs'eFridey. Mn. and lire. Henry Kniehker enter- tained fiende f rîîîîîWeukegan, Suadey. Capt. M ers, ut Chicago. ia tii.'guret ot O ai. Jahus and feuily1. Mir. and lire. Alfred Richarde, of Lake Villa, vielted bers Taesdey. George liuger. o! Lake Villa vas e caller bers Taesday. Clenient Wý bitmore lies acîe'eptpd a positioin aethle Henry Kuebker store. Mies E. Lewis spent Sundey et Long Lae. lire. Einia'nm transe' ted business an Cliego, Tuesday. lirs etili 'i'jineead %vas in Chicagou lire Mes (Garfield end deuglîtor. Era, bav lireturned frous their triplintithe veet whler.' they Plienat the einter. Mise GertrudetMiler, oftLaesVlla, cie-nt Sanday wili Mise Gynetb Ricti. Mise@hiley spetit Satundey et Weuke- gan. tir. adMes. FrankL. .ae-on are enter- taeînag trieude froni Chicago. Eîitor Strait and mother epent Sun- day lu Chicaga. Henry Kusbker anîl w if, att.nded the wedding o!flim. l,î.'iics ,i8ter last Wednssday et iotiietiwe Mise Belle Alleni retturiw ieMuniùay froni Sentes, Nebraska, îîlie.l ie lias tissu teechiog et the Sanîe\uîriiiai Training Schoal. Earl L.ottue bas iinetalleil e ine ne w senitary tounlain in ii lirestaureolt, wbicb adde much to til.. itpeeraui's a! bis place af business. Ceira Allen'eq File and Druiitonp le gettlng ta be Very pîîp ur. LestMon- dayý lhey vers led1 ii Kenoelîa ta esslstiluthe Decoretiiiuexrcicesthere. Mach preperationeauil ra, tics!. hsing hsld for the graduetiusg xen ies Thorte day evsoiog which n ilie .' -'oeptiiinelly gond. Evenybody iiii,'ri'cîedtlu the echool sibould be preseît. Marshall B. Atveil eand elfe returned Wedoe§deein)g lion)î thî,r exteîîded vlsit lu Cellonneiavfire Cilî . yhave sp..nî the violer. Tlsy eri- deîaiaed la Chf- cagu for tva vsske by tlii- suiioiî ilînses af their son Lyman. ,., îîa,,.iwk îith pneumonie. Memarial Exercîses. The Memontal Day i varcis'. et the apera bouse Stxnday alieruiuîn wee well etlsnded. The exeru iisHvPe apsned hi e prayer by R.-'. iarrîson. The malin vas furuisliu',l aBraud- stetter'a orchestra wbilî n wai, i crygood. Tbhetagdrill byt he girls utf.%Iiss SMlers roota and the sang by tiie' 'liudreu ut Miss Rle'a room w n nradreîl exceli' tionally good and shiii'e.l iuuliprecîi.e and gîîad drllliug. Tie.' edrees lî Re. Garnison vas ver>' iît-,restitig elsî the remarks b>' the uld ,.,,lliers. Somi- numbere go the prograniiî aîl t,, b. iîmitted bat aIl ttl hîîenl, tiol part did weit. Thse dsconalioîi %% ere very nice and slsoved Food teste and inuiti work. Thesold goldiers deconeteil tuer graves of the dsparted lu the iiiuraing. they marchedilufins Mr. ('ritîeîiileii î'arrying ths fteg, vWhovas tollowed bh« Ytwen-t' tour haver girla. The lins foal coldiere vas sxtreoîely emal Ibis yeer sevenel ual being able ta Us prent. Emh yeer shaw@ a amellern flmber. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER Obituary. IScheool Grounds. Hillary Dufour vas haro Feb. 1, 1841 Lest Saturday evening e vote was in Guernesey, one of' the Channel Isande, taken upon the question as ta whetlîer near tUe English icoae.t, of Norman there Rhould be more lend purchaeed for French perentege. At the age of thir- thse chool. The votes eut were 44 teen he came t. A merice. W hile yet a for aud 1 against. Thie oerteinly ethows yaang man h.' came ta Racine where he the sprit ut the citisens bsing in tavor learned the building bus@ines. of anytliing and evsrythin thet l@ tir At the apening Of the civil wer he en- the hetterment ot a langer1 and better listed and served thraughaut the entire snhouil. There le no nestono but wbet wuru eD Rie a a s moeedou e re - Our echool le e g 50 for as it tured u Rcin an wa marie t goes and vie quaIs the word. ut Hanriet Frances Halmea. Tbey billlennhigh seboolgraduate. -We lie their home in Chicago wbere he tarted I ad the beet echool tbf., year in ail the a cash and doar fectury. ln later yeers thm e ers I bave attended. The i rder b.' lived ou a fatrnoer Grayieleke.. bas beeu su mucb betten and ve liere %%. vas a member af the Mthodist accomplistisd su munb ln aur work." eburch and had a; clo@s cquaintane This gose ti show that the papile kuow w itb many af the olderCliicagoministeseand appreciere a cood ebool. Graye- ot tbet denomination. He vas the teth- l tee iîtuated ta draw many of their er ut fouar childrsn, ane daugbter died '1i pupille fr,,m the county and wlll in time intaucy, au ther deughter, Estelle, et be a niuchl lrger echool and we huile tu the age ot seven, and his wite paseed 5000 lie eble tu nat only eey thet GraYe- ewey in 19J02. lake ba@aegood bigla echoal but the belit Hie had been in teiliag hsaltb for sever-, lu Lake i'oaatli- alIluîontb,, and ttiree veeke beoarebi denîli seeiîied ru reelize that he vas neer the end and expreeeed bis doubte ofa!BsetScil care bing possibîle. Bse oil Hes discueced soms minai business Mis Mar - Hook bas juet losed e su- uhetter th, day betore h.' died, and lhe ceestul terni oii scboof dt Hall Day, et passed away as he hed lived, etImly and thîe close utfnliicb ehe gave e basket si frarleeclî. (n the uîurninx ut May 29tth ciel. Aui iallforate prournm as ithe ill tiihi'e fI !li,. s"18. leettire il the' There acre ex- Hie im survi ed liy tiio 5sous, Frank 0. ceftionelly fine selections ,givealytir and Enerv B.IDufior and tva bruthers, Prairie X'iciî bend, ln.r. lntel ut Cii- do.eph aend lPete'r t'C ufotîr. cago gave a very ins reding andl tihe The tuerai n'as lîeld et the Methadist children ail did exceptioaely weîl. The char, fi Tuesdavaetternooni. The Fite and baskets %%,eal Prstty, and same were Drum Cîîrp assi-scul ia the service and extremeiy ertistii' and handeome and tilîs led the hrocessiutl. hrought saine gooud piors. The, bask.e Obituary. Mliss Anea A. Mlergler e-es buru in Be- varia, ii-mmeny, Aug 4 1. 14>, and died May' 24, 11.009, aeed (10 yeere and f9 mordntis She rame tla luis cuuntry nith bsr pa- renne et the age ,ftflis yere, residing a chant rime lu New York ad thea mav- iug lui Little Fort (Waakegan), Ill.; laler ai W'beeing., webesehe vas unite.d in niarrînge lu, David Fritsch, Match 3, 1 866. They iîîîved ta bls ecatiot'. IEl., n bere elie livsd until thielime ut ber deethu Te-o sans survive ler-Freîîcie 1). eud %ialfred A. Tbetuerai vas held et ber home Sun- uay, fMey :10, Rer. Raberts o! the Uni- versaliltetburch, Mefleor>'. onducling tii. services, Huril aanAvon Cemeter>'. Cerd of Than ks. W'. desine t a te this insane tus ex- press ian heertfelt theoke far the kind- oses o! ibase vbo kindly aseieted us lu thie lime ut the deetb of aur mother. FR,esîei 1). FBîTSCie. WuuîFuEu A. Fiorece. Base Ball. Tic Gnnysiake Ilse hall teeme ple>'ed lu belteir iuck lMt Sanda>' and bath cainîs cannied ave te oor.The Senior teem playe the Round Lake liaroaund auonen la ascore of 15 ta 1. Tic Junior teaus von tie geme et Antiorh niti e sucure af 3 toi. Thus ee givea thîe baye uîuciî encouragement eu d lie> are luoking for more lanele.te Editor Cern, o!'Waucanda, trausacned Ibausss hene Tueshe>'. ofa isMcSlusOne aI rairie Vue-e Most POPlar Yaung ladies, braaghî ,7.50). The total eeipts o! the soc.ial vas "ll Sî, wviichas the largeet svee reised et îîav srbaalentertainmeuî there. Mies Hook desierves mach credit tanrItue saccee oh lier suhuol yen and the social sndiug. 'Gi.'bas tissu popuar emîîng ber sehoiers atnd in the vîcit>' vhere eh.' teugbt. 'iii,' euves ver> soon ftran e ilu ta Texas ande-estern points. Iomans Club. The Woiiuat's Club met at their ennunai meeting lest Thuneda>' ee aethie home of thîcin lrsideat, lins. J. M. Pal- mer. Tic ceport@ ct the secreter>' euh treasunren irere read andacneptedeand %ljie electioa aI uufier@ flllvd: lire. J. M. Palmer e-as re-elected preeident; lire. B. McClellatid. rire premldeut; Mis Zeta Masse>'. nec fsec : Miss Rath Rile>'.cuir. sec.; lice. Joshn Webbnnna, reecarir. The ladies inished their Ba y Vis counnes Ibis ysar and fur the Peet ew meetings have takeri iiithe wanks atSbaesspear.. NexI yeer li.he-twII tekse acourte lu Englieh Literaturs. [t vas declded b>' the ladie ta iold 8e plotand nsxt Prida>" le tie day set ta, celebrete. The>' vilI end their ye's vork b>' craeeieg the lake andl relebratlog. les cream andu cale vas ceneuh b>' the houtese as the>' closed a rer>' lulsaeoland iuterestiag year. Gus de Smith-Do yon know my father, 1.115efilrdle? Blrdle-I havne neveu mect hîi, but 1 believe be le e modest, uassumlng sort of man. Gas de SmIb -Itgit yen ciel You cen gel anme klud of aunIMes boy unostenta- tiens le Ie-bsn 1 ttillyen he does not bing about having me for a son. VOLO 3dro. Math Bar osu n ,u ay ast wesýk in Chiega. Miss Elide Ruesel of Weîuoitaii riait. ed ber îiarnte lcre r"atuiruiuai ýndiarî- day. t-ee fueon and Mimss i,'liîi'r','ýr of Libertyville celled un fruiit.. huru' 'tuir- day.1 lire Jim Kirweni is -'ntertinlng ber 4 0 tc you to ciii and >ee. l'riý sleter, lir. Mrthe Sîm nions ,ut Elgin. Mn. and lire. Richiardl Toiwîn,l uit GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertake Round Lae were guets of Mîr.eud Ilrs. £ RAYLAK Rlansun Sundey. RYLK lire. Fred Dunoîli weett"i.'o eanda> tar a short visit wîtlu hîr brutlîe Mn. LUsworlb and ber uaugltpr, Miss Mr.A. J. Rafiymond andlMilss XnnaICe Creani and Compton vert in Graysiek,' lin.' atter. noua lest wssk. Henry' Stadtfisld spent Tiîesdev in Chicago. Mir. and Âtre. Pet, Frujet and L lilreî of Chicago vers the gueste et the' Frost home here avec Sanda>'. Mise Kat@ Rosing anul Mesers Sieux Terrant aud Jas Roeinig of ('luiagi) speot Suoday and Monda>' vith the for- mg's parents, Mn. and lire. Jîîhn, Rosing,-- Nick Froet af Kenosha n'es in towna Sanda>' and Manda>'. . Mmre Edvard Lask eîîd Miss Getierieve Elfingen trensacted business ain'lîiragui lest Tueda>'. Sundey goretgset the Raymond bomne vers lMr. and lins. Arbhur Powens and cblîdren ut Waconda and Mn. and lire. L. V. Lusk of West Freinant. TAYLOR GROVE. The rein ie enjuiyed by ail. Mn. Reed vas eutentained et tIie homeê of Mrn. Menrzo Webb Sun day. Mies Stella Nixoni retunedl lui er hoine in Cbîî'ego Satundev aitr e pnd- tag toms tîme vîti lire. fiogan. Chas. Lewin and ttiaaie Sfiea speut riundey e-lihIdaead euh is.Lewin. Seyerai trom bers attenciedtii.'baill gemne Sunday. Hienry Ames and Deltewin ee.' lostI U .Ialuble hanse lest veek. Mn. and lire. H. MeYer suent Fider lu Zion CitrV. Lizzle Raga @peut Seturdey vitb ber sister il auikegan. Chester Wilby is gettîng eloag nictly alter a serions illuese. The Mouant Reet Cemenery Society w'ilî meet vitlî lre. John Munry next tVsd- uesede>',Jane !I. A namber trorniZion Cilty epeat Mon day et the river flshing. Mire. E. Bastings "pnt Setîîrday and Sanda>' in Vukegau. Robert Gelling viaiZed Kate eud Wil Gelling Sundey. Thene vase@mail ettendaee et the Rosecras cülîîrch Snnday morning. tMr. Ree-d gave e ver>' nies eren and men> floyers vers carried lui the ceme- ten>' Mises Jennis W'eleh viii lead the L.eegausaI So nde>' eveaiug. Miss Eva Shesaned tva sitere trani Chicago called on relatives liere Thons- day. GAGES LAKE, Mrn. Sage vas a Chicago visitar Mon- day. Leslie Hawthoroe enterteined lysaI>' o! hie school mates et e perty, Satarde>' atternoon. Refeshmsnts veresecsvedi and ail had e ins time. Mn. and lire. Dalph Chard and tva daughters ot Chicaga visited relatives bers trouîî Saturder' untîl Monday. Mn. Seare' chauffeur, Mr. Cllough end tenu>' bave mored into ons ot the Seans bouses for the summer. Mn. and lire. Cawley ut Chicago vers bardeneant Chas. Wriglit's aovenýSanda>'. Geîi. Van Zendt, Mr. and lirs. G. F. Dfarlng and Miss Metie Babb, o! Oak Pank-, speat Sudai-evt Fred \'anZandt's. Stewart Butler ut Chicagoî nas a visit- on et John Croker e Monday. linsfliard Cierd ut Austin, andl lre. Daevis ut Lihert.vîille, vere caler@ here Monda>'. Eîa lanrenu-e siîerîng bis bouse niu'i i1Yuititeuf i iU ur ciliii' i u luieo ' iii uiy e-w t h ua piu't.ic an Iattersheli s gruu s. lins Jeumes an,] Mugg sntertalnsd a nuttuluenuit boarders uver Deoration hiuii @Mrnd h trs. Guy fluiot, of Long Lake wece si-eu ou oUir streets on Tues3day tlîis e-ek. LAKE VILLA Obituary Fceulerir Huok vashuora cI t 19, 1849f, oui t te anin unn'whlrb be laced ee-ey uîuar Munevilhe. Dled Aia>' 2j, '09. Hie maui*rled Luelha J. Ede-ards Dec. 4, 1873 et m-liaI is uon Rallias, e-ha etîli car- rures hlm. Tuu Ibis unioni eas ba)ra nn ulaoe-lu, lirýmes sr tbeîldhioiueie l. '1'wasistere undîu tiree bruthens aiea uîourtî besicles nu- mîerru t ler relatiriu ad a hast ot itiendi urbo ihave kauva bini ail hie fle li.' nas a e îeîber outhlisEî,iscopalieu chînrli, haviuîg hesa tiaptized in intanoy>. The iîuîerai e-es held Sanda>' $Ma>' 30, et bis lete hume iii tbe prementro ofaI i cri large gaîhering uot trietîds.,' 'Flic tunenel e-es itden the anspiu'ee ot lie Lake Villa Camîp of Ni. IW. A. of o'hîu'blus vas a memuien, tir. liuîk e-asweeuluisno euandver>' Iligily cespected lu Lake Co. vhers he bas sîcDtat eufilife. Cerd of Thanks, We wish ta extead aur heentîsît tiauks ta ail ouanfriende and ne* bbare, îhvlîa esos kind ta us durtnlte eick- nes ad deelb o! aur lovlng hasbend euh ftter. elso lu lie Royal Nelghbors Woodmeu eund elugtre. tIlîîs. Fitîii RuKa'i. vs tutuG&n-. Pattinyvhiece sto pped lu 20onîaulc siure e-lti une utf1fr, Sbaop s Plu in e Tahuiets. Tic tormula le on the 25 cent box. .4k yaar ioctoordrtngglst about Ibis tonnia! Stops wvael>' pains, hcadeu'hc, pain anyvhere. WrIte Dr. Shuolu, Raui'nc, Wjs., for Ires trilsita prove value. ALL DEALERS. ces witbia the reech of aIt. ker and Licerised Embalmer - .. .. IWNOIS Soda Water GRAYSLAKE PIIARI1ACY- Professional Cards DR. 0, F. BUTTERFIELD, VETERINARY SURGEON. ASISTANT @TATE VETERINA1IAN. Lthertyvlte. Illlnoli. A. K. STEARNS LAWYER. 218 WahingtonStreet Wankegen 'Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. orneICE EELOVECLLI DRUG @TOIE. Rouas-tfram 1 ta 8 &Bd 6 ta 8 P. M. LIt)ertyvUlls. lîluo . DR. tDW. V. SMITHI General Practioe Office aver Lune & Campn2y's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION ~, GIVEN TO DISEASES 0F >- THE EYE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS RUSSELL Cildren'e day will UsJane 13. A good pragram le helng preparsd. The Maunt Rest Saclety wilt meet %vitb lire. J. Di. Murray June 9th. Eveny ons lnterssted is invitsd. R.E. Lewin sent part of the week witb bis lamily et Cornes Brathers Hart Siver end femily epent Sandey et 1. L. Siveres. Clade Nellfs and Myrtîs CrIe epent liecoration Ifay et thîsir repecetive lîoînes. lire. Meievilleepent a few daye in Ken- osiîa witli lier 8ster lire.Kae. Mr.and Mis. C. W. Gorham a! Waukegan epent the night et lire. L. M. Bonneres Thursday. lire. Edwerd Marray le visiting et J. Di. Marraye. Mir. and lire. A. C. Corrne and Leurs. and Mises Brave vers Kenasha vieitsîre Saturdey. J. A. Restes, Minois' end Mae Miviile vers in Weukegan Saturday.* Mis. R. G. Murray va8sa Chilcago vi@îtuir lest Fridey. Annie Carlsan vieited et ber homne ane day lest week. Roiember the Fourth oi July et Rueeell. Peut Patten, of Palatine, wes a taller here Tuesdey. Charle s eihiliand vifs, of Palatine, were visiturs bers lest Saturdmy. Jabn Sarhevk and deughter HE[zet. of Chicago, vieîted witb Etail ad Otto Frank Suudey and Monday. About eigbty cou ples attended the dace ia the Lae Shore Pavillon lest Satarday eveniag. Odur hotels vers fillsd vi lb Obiega% peoplet aven Decation Day euhdIe ivenies did e big husiness. Ernest Brnding, who bas been laid np with tuioad poisaunig lu bis baud ton the peeit muti, la able ta ha Borne uink egaini. Carl Ecast end vile atsoded decore- hua ervices et Banniogton Monde>'. Fred lHRpkseand vIle ol ea ride ta Waenuadelest Saturder. Rleur>'Hilîman vas callsh ta w'ake- gata servemas a juron Ibis veek. DR, GOLDING DENTIST Hou o t 2 m o-ltaO P-m. J .Eli Trigge Building with"Dr. J. L. Teaylor-P'one 19 lies. Phone 1092 Llhsrtvvtlle. Illinol. DR, E. FL SMITIL DENTIST. OVER LAKIL. CNTT NATIoNAL 5AUW. RoCa-r ta 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 > IM, DAILY. DR. 1. L TAYLOR OrFICE OTEa J. EL!. TUISUBLIO. noiu:-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 te 4 and S t. 8 P. M. RWsdeoce on Broadway, qppo" ts 154 Llbsrtyeile, IMnois. DJit. A8 . CIUKEI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office lu Kaiser Bloek. over Yosug a Lymb, eros.' Paiojure ste Speclal Attean Clivec te Wu..a.s0 thse Eyo, Par, Nos. adsI Tbsp LIBERTVVILE -- UJ PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY AT "WU. Uàbertyvlll., 11h01 PR 3 8 Stete 0aI llinois, contweLk. . ln rte Circuit Court of Co"$>,.' lieryHos and Edward goLvg, Mies Lancaster., Jolie Lancaster j, erins Lancaster, MureeM4*q JohnB. icregor, sth JuoJ. ours, J. B. 0'Connu all M JG J. Devine. tIen. No. 8325. DI p tition. Publie nate.le bershy given' that I ' virtusofau an ader anid decree entend u the ebovs enlitled cat@ie s ald ct Court at the Mercis terni, A. D., 1Oê,!ýr tîtereot, lb. nndsrsigned *wIlI, on TVoilr- day the eîxth day of dol>', A. D., 190.4 et the hoar ot ans O'clock uibn the u..- nuan af eeid day at the eust door ottho court bouse in the City af Wauk.gag, said cacnty and elete ta the highsst boat bidder fon cash et public e*l the fllaving described land and rewl' tte, ta-vît:1 The nnrb-veeî quarter ofthtie soitb.. eet quarter o! section tounteen 14). Aiea the norlb-sasî quarter of tè*i soutbi-eadt quarter of sectlio it~ A;so the liant bal ofthtie forth ha ot' the Sauîh.eest quartera01 thse sonthê quarter o! sction tourts.(14). Aiea the narth-west quarter of 60 eaarbt-veeî quarter of section thlrsMt Aiea the nooth hall of the south.-vul quarter af îLe sauth-west quarter af' said section thiirteen (18. Aiea the veet bath af! l nourth bliIt ot' the sours-eat quarter ot section IM,,.. Issu (14) .L Alsioa aparcel af tend decnihea as nous- me "'ge the eouth salît corner of tWs nntis-seat quarter ai th. oorth.west quarter ai section tveuty.toor (24). tovn.shlp torty-toar (44) nantis, saffl eleven (11) sasî of Iththîrd pnlnelys meridian, tissns nunl ng nnt i Itese (16) rade; 1heure 'eet ta Cislcago MII.. veules & St. Paul nelraad rlght.of.,way, as nov located; tiennje nantista tisa pxîb'ý lic high va>'; thence esta othe placoci beginaingx, exeeptlng however tbs 5eu» ane-haît bhal! acre ai sedd plees or p&rWa of land. Al of e"id reel estats being ilnated la township tarty-faur (44) nantis, iage cleven (11) sast ot the piiepal m.rldI lu the cî'aty a! Lake and state or 11W.' nais. ELA31 L. CLAUKE.- Master lu Cisan&sqt Deted dune 4th, 1909. C. T. Hleydecker & Son, Solcitor& 9". li'a ur btcîlizas sarm vends B01gbî'sdisease hi symtnof ktdns>troubji.vb K ie enedy villqelq PIANOS I ae at ruy humie everal tyes of the Baldwin Piano@.

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