SPRING IS IIERE And It la time to buy gar- den 060do for your garden ROMh Pak Seed Co. Seeds for a limited time two packages for ............. 5c Also RICES, FERJ/y'S and CROSMÂN BROS.'- sfeedâ and a f ulli une of bulk Sweet Corn, Peau, Beans, Onions, sweet l'e, Nasturtinms, etc., e tc. J. ELI TRIOOS, OROCER Libertyville, Ii. SPECIAL SALE Until June 6 Three Cane Corn Till June 6 25e Three Cano Tomatoee Till Jnne 6 25e Three Cano Peas Titl June fi 25c Two Cans Salmon Till June 6 25c Three Cane Mustard Sardines, titI June 6 25C Two Quart Fruit Jars of Pickles, Tilt June 6 25c. Tbree Bottles Olives Til June 6 25c Blght B a r s Swift's Pride Soap, tilt Junt, 6 25c Seven Bars Swifttei Woot Soap. tilt June 6 25c One anda Half Pounds Smoking Tobacco Tii! June 6 25c.- Till June 6 25c Six Packages Wazhing Powder, titi June 6 2&c Three Botte Mustard Til June 6 25c One and a Quarter Pounds Japan Tea Till June 6 25c Two Pounds Coffee Till June 6 25c Six Botties Sewing Ma- chine Oit, tilt June 6 25c Three Botties Worcee- tershire Sauce, til June 6 2kc Six Pound@ Corn Starch, tilt June 6 25c. Three Packages -Noue Sucli" Mine Meat Tilt June 6 25c [Only 25c worth of any one article t(> . customer SMITH & DAVIS General Merchandis *oW Did it Ever SSTRIKE YOU That in buying Summer SFURNISINGS and considE erlng U.t.t ~-price only, je not a stroke of wisdom? Quality should be couidered firet every time, then price. t will be a tucky strike for you if you will get your summer f uruish- inge from us, becauBe then you are sure of hlgh quatity and tow price combined, and the beet value for your money. For furniehinge you witt trike it right with us. J, B. MRE3&Co@ Everythhâi or Ieu LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FBIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909 ---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- --- --- Mrs. Clara A. Alirasuon is visitiug !rieuds ai Austin, 111. lIr. and Mie. E. A. Ficke, of Lakel Zurich. visiteS fieude biers Satnrday. Jake Goldberg vue kleked by a homne lait Frlday mornlug and badly hurt. miss Goe Warner bas accepteS a '~.ton wiii tbe M. B. Coihy Mercantile lIrs. A. S. Andrews, of Waucouda, vas tbm gueit o! Libertyville friende this wsek. June-tho month af hase baillanS rosm; bigb echool gradusetes and ichool close.. Mr. and Mn@. Bort Laak, a! Waukegau, @peut Sundaywlth iboir parente, Mr. anSMr@. L. Bryant, Mn*. J. L. Hughes returned home Monday aitar ipeudlng severai days a! the poit wvek ihrelatives lua ntioch. Thore viilbe a mestidg of the Liberty- ville CemetérY Association h.ld et Ith. tavu hall, Monday eîenlng, Joue 7th at S o'clock. Employeo! of ewSheidon School a! C biecgo anS the fibeldan Unlverelty Vises viii plcnic ai Sh.ldonhurnt, Thun.- day, June 10. SBaud concerts are helug gîven regularly on the itreei every Tbundiay evenin sud nover lta raw a good erav. Thei nexit dâucý gven by thes baud baye vii lbd .at the tavu hall on Friday eveuing, June 11. 4, Paint lave are being pansed lu a um- ber ai itates. Bradley & Vroamau Pure Pait complies viti ailliavs. Made of- Carbonate a!l'eand, Oxide o! Zinc euS Linoeed Oit. SolS Ly F. B. LoVIuLL, Libertyvilie. Ill. Mms. Jas. McGregor sent tram San Bernardino, Cala., several large bouquets oif foyers ta h. placed on ber bueband's grave lu the L*keede cemetery and aznong ihem, vers a number of green rass ropagated by thefamousBnrbank Th. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul roaS viiilu Inahrti tue bilS tva nov aide tracks ai Boudant whlch viilbe tise for nvltcblng by trains ou the Lbertyvilis anS Fox Lake brauch. The nev trackags viii do eway viii deiays ta traîne au lb. main lins. Jo. Bond had a îerLonarrovcacpe lat FrICay mornirg e -a Siig a hay ofaigravei vh.n one ai lie baises jumped throvlug hlm betvesu the hors... Fortuhately h.e@truck on bis les$ and va» able to top the.team be!ore lh.y diS any Samago. E. D. Hobiard han heen m" ei local organizer for the American Stars of Eqnity ta succeed A. Ji. Nolson, vho rscently organîzdthe ordor bers and bai beon vorkmin Iltiidistrict for nevoral months. Mr. Nelson goes la Wincebago cannty asdba@ receired a promotion. ES Bubbard la kuavu as an enthnslaitic vorker lu fraternal orders anS in veli capable of filiig bis nev position. Tisee yanngsîers broke loto the hase- meut ofOJ. W. Brava'@ saloon lait Thumeday evening during lbe baud concert and a2proprialed aIl the saft drinkstbeyconld =odis. Tbei obteined entrance b y hreaking a padlock frointue outeide celadoor. The !olloving ulghl 1h. @&me trio gaI tutu the ShSe eormv stand anS hoiped thouaselvec ta cigare anS tabacco and vhat loae change they canid fSud. They yene releais on the promise af good behaviar. 'Th.elaccuaurears sermon vas dellvered by Roi. J. Van de Erve, pestai o! the Preosterlachurch aet h. Union church li»t Snday eveniug. Thoclaeaitsended in a body anSdniarchiug ta their alloiied msats liâtened ta a kindly anS pracical addrees. The churci v» veil filleS by the Mani frieuds of the clase. The heme ai the speaker vas liai ai "Iudivlduality" and Le impreweed upo lbem the necessity of! rel.alning their11 ovu personality anS not becoming loei lu theclasse. and us maemes. Eulîvened by an o<casiouai buoro-as shafh hie tlk va. mosi interesting. A ykot ,, at-n dricu luIn ronithte Austin Cleuicut tari, otofaithe village last Snnday vers the objects of muci attraction and comment. Mi-. Clemeni raised thie animais at hi@ tari sand but r.contl v secured tic services of an experienced driver ta break them and expectsë to use them bath single and double. Tic steers are o! mixed Jersey andSwies ilooSd and a.ine loaking pai- o! brutes. Tiey viii be used ou the farta aud vien tiîrougily Li-oken viii pr<ohably Le sold. Yearo ago lie useeot Sthesýe beaase a. a cammon elgit but in these latter days tic sight inso8 unusuai that ut ha. attracted mon attention and mon reýminieenice on tic pari of *the oid timers. The cighti, grade commenîement cicr- eiscs vere helS aitiheUnion charria *Wednesdav erening and ticlase des *wascdelivered Ly Ber. J. B. MacOntilu. î Tie !ollonvtng Lave completed iheir granîmar schooi vork and reeeived Odiplomnas: Kate Lucille Carroll, Grace SBelie Bntterllcld, Rovena Mande Smale, Gertrude Lotuise Quentin, Florence __ElizaLeth Sate, Blanche Mary Daihaye, SElsie Marie Rluse, Helen Marie Casey, F llora Alvena Mozey, Barrietie Vernice Boler, Florence Madolyn Zook, Plalliip :Davis Protine, Hattie Auna Bloehim, Nool Edvmin Duraud, Berthe Madalyn Petges, Harry Ed verS Gati, Av& Marguerite O SpoarH r ereJhsn ag *Haol Furu Wlls, L1sIe BallarS Tripp. *Cteo, S. williams, James Austin Boily. tArinilda Frances Brome, Bavard John Wilcox, Ithoda Olive DuBole. Harvey Warren Massd, Clare Eutiher Jochholm. ise. E. W. Fuller, of Chicago, visited relatives bore lust Saturday. ,1Tb@. "oweet girl graduate- holds the center of Ibe stage this week. 0 MissAles Kelly, of Philadelphia, l@ vlaltlng ai ithe home of her au nt, Mme. M. Lynch. àTuie W. Û. T.U(. vili Ineet with Mm. DSarah MrSe, lune 8. The subject: ,«Walt Thou on the Lord." m Homer Rende., of Antldeli, a former mresident, aîtmnded the Memorial Day exercise bers Laut SundaY . 1 Fred H. Raisisr, Of Baisler Brothers 1Brush Compray, of Chicago, @pent Bunday wltb in. C. Ravu and vile nt the. Newcastle, bote,. Horace L. Bntler la home froua the Armour Institfts of Tochnology froua vhlchb. ha. ui completed hi@ second fyear in thivil Uengineering course. Mms. Clara A. Allanson wishes to thank ber auany Iriends twenty.eigbi lu number, vhaouon W&y 27th sent in a ebower to ber by mail a birthday greet- ing on a postal card. The.atout particular man on earth will b. plea.ed with Bradley & Vrooman Paint. Purs Carbooate of Lead, nie oxîde of zinc, purs Linseed Ol. goIrd by F. B. LovELL, Libertyville, 111. The work of parklmprovemnent began thie week. The oid hand stand has hotu, taon <owa and a new and mucb larger one, 24x24 feet, wiii behuilt soon. Work ha& beau dslayed by the fountain whlch le ta h. placed a. eoon a@si arrives. Mr. and Mmr. F. %V. Studdiford, of Chicago , vere the. guests of Mir. aud Mis .M.0. Johnson, Bunday amd Mou- day. Mms. Studdiford la a oieter, of Mis. J1bhusan and lMr. Studdiford being au i ldesoldler and aaember of the G. A. R. made tbe acquaintanceotmany oldcom- rades uhile boe. Monday afternoon n-;as generally observeS au a hoilday and ail tie store@ and banksecloned at noun. À picole ai Lake Par a asracted mauy to, that 1beantiful spot wher there vas a bas ball gm, muslc by Mîtchels Military Badn= an exhibition o! gaited saddle bormes snd jumper by Artbur Koon. Lunch was oeried a: noon. Fleâhlng and boatlng offered pleasant pastime for many. IMarighal Llmherry rouuded up and 6 ut ta, ront a bobo camp at the aid Stafford plekis !actory last Tueeday imornlng. The bilaishad heen enîoying themselvee wlth pleaty ta eau and lots of boer-miors e borhan pleuty--and making ibemoelyesgenraly abnoxons. The niarhal vadediutth b hnch with drawu billy and wben hleft there were [no weary wanderersta h. seen but daubtie.. several sors e eads. Arthur Koon recseatly sold time fine saddie baises or 01000 eacb. Be la 6 lanning ta build a tan hark ring that 1 elpct ta uhavecampleteil for Liberty- ville ay which i» tu hhthe big day at e heldochuret. A nuzuber ai peaple are expeeted fram Milwaukee and Lake Foreet. Tbe tan bark ring wili be located ila anatural apIthmatregivin good spae for the a'dene ta ses :i exhibitions 0oftancy hors.ef#Wh. Tbsr are tva adveràcd letters ai the =oaoffice for Mise Ida Parker and ane or Mléune Marlow, vhlc are for one and the aame party. It viii be iremembered ihat a 1ew veeke aga she sprang loto print a a burlesque queeu who baS. figured in a scAnaous domeetlc aflair lu Milwaukee. At tha.lt ime it was tbough t Ihai there va. no ane bers h y titnams and h vwu supposeS tt eh. baS given Lihertyrilis Mn icîlîlans meidence but the abo@hoe oidshaw that ithe bas evidently lreS bore but bas departed for parts unkuava." Ou Friday evening, June 4th ai elgit a'ciock ai the U nion cinrch yul occur the annual commencement exercisesoa the Libertyville Hlgh School. This graduating cls am wliithefirsita oenter aller the four year's caurse vas adapted. Thon they were tweuty-five ln number, nov ten stroag they wllb h gradnated. the largest and the strongest claswbich has yet gone out f ourlacal'highpchool. The Salut.atorv and VaIedlctory wii lv ,ivnby Mande Milter and Blanche eractor reepcctively, bath af wbom bave maintaiued an nnusually high standard ai echolarehip tbranghaut theirentire b,uree. The Rev. John M. Hall, af Berwyn, Ill., viii deliver the addrees the subject being, "The Choice ai an Ideal." The Seniars exteuda most cordial welcome ta ever unle anS invite you ta attend t1w clomiug exercises ai theur higi echool lite. Mr. and Mrs. IL P. fichuaehele cele- bmated their twenty.fifth wedding auni- vemrsiy at their beautiful home ou Stewart avenue aet Saturday evening. Only near relat ives anS malt intimate friends were invited, The compauy vas most enjo'ablc entertalued and lthe happy hast and hostos@ extsuded many varm congratulations an their silver anirsnry ,ýThetolloving werepreseuî: Fo Chago-îr. and Mn. Jacob Schnaebele, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RaiL and daugiter, Miss Auna, Mir. and Mrs. Emil Scinaehele. Mr. and Mme. Jacob Badengchatz and son. Jlu, lIre. Gea. Rath and son, Walter, Mms. Claire E. Rassier; trrm Wjlunette-Mr. and kirs. J. D. Roth; troim Barringtou-Mr. and Mm-. Gea. Hans, son Harold and litile Saughter, irene, William and Mise Emma Wlebrdt; tramtti.ong Grove-Mr. anS Mrs. Gea. Quentin, Mr. anS Mrs. J. Baker, eaun.Arthur and Saughter, Solma; tram Rockefeller-lire. Louai@ 8peht; tram Liberiyville--Mr. anS Mis. F. E. Ovenaon, Mr. and Mrm. F. P. Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kaiser, Mis&. Laura Hawk. 1!ELP!UL. AND SAF! We' eudeavor ta render a helpf ul service ta oeryone who dames inta our Bank. We boijeve yon wil Sud it helpf ni ta open au account wiih us. YVe welcoune mail mcoonts as well as large a o.. Yaur money depoited ini our Bank ie SAFE. TUI FIIST ?NÀTIOtXAL BAJ[ 0F LIDERTYIILE Nemist le ioPO OIU* offlsaiirday Ngbt anti', il' J McIli,, Jcllcyt-t Boi-k, I1 tyottt.Il i, RAMRLF us 0 1 0 7 7 12 27 7 i 2 i i t .1 1 )1 ) 1 - \ 7 Bu 0tli0 0 120 20dO0 - 2 t-i N iti, MAX30. Jeliy i 3t O 2 0 utie. i 7 2 '1 t l'c ,ic I t1 io0 1 0t i 'i 12 0 J D-COi,, . . O12 0 Q i1 O() 2 i 0 2 0 B oy_ 1 12 2 0 0 :o- I,.1 O O t 0 1 O0 0 O-i mio i.t, tY -31 0 ,.,,,w ... )i 0 120 0 O0 2 Hb-î-t 2 4 1 t O i Dorcter 2 1 0 0 o 0 3 oh,,,u i- () t1 50 t 1 O L. <t,,g ...... -i 2 0 O 0 0 T Kt,,g . t.t1 O 0 O0 O0 O RIis1nic- . t1O0t0O03aO0O0101X-4 McCoonick', 0 0 0 0OO0i0O0O0O0-0 BATiTINIA0'EiiAlES Descto,'c ............ SU metioy i Je te y .................. Oavi.t,, .. . .. . .. . . 1 J. Doerticr . .. *...... 'lu Beoy- - te5 Bock . 7 T. Doe , er ...... ......... 062 Methodisi Services. Preaciing by the paetar ai marning anS eveuing service. Topîc fom th eîening discours@e oîeluoueneee."'lu lie evening vs shah slng several of1th. Most pati of receut gospel sangs. Everybody camle. R!ILLY-GLEASON THE! FIRSI JUNE WEDDING Two Walt-known Young People the Principalei'n a Pretty Wedding et Si. Josephs Church Wednesday Morning. Wedding Breakfast et Home of the Groomns Parents. Mr. William B. ltolly andMiss Florence A.Gluason vers United in marriage ai St. Joseph's Cathalic cburch, Wedaeaday marnlng, Jue 2, ai 10 o'clock. 1ev. P. J. Scanlon afficiatlng. The. bride and groom vers attendeS hy Mi" Mabel Rudolph and Kittie Rol7y as brlde'i mald% and Messrs. Frank R.1117 and Paul Hicks, of Waucouda sas groomemen. The bride vas attired in vii. iesine s11k and carrled a bouquet of vhlte brides@ rases. à, vmdng breakfast wagserved ait the home ai the groom'* parents, Mr. and Mno. . . ellly, aller tbe cerenony, oniy a ev intimaisefrieudi aud the. inndidate lamily belug pessent. Tii. nevly wedded pair lit lu the atternoon on a short hansymoon anS tbe anly information tbey gais ta their frieudi vas that thsy vers "galing auly a utie urnys." Tbey yonng couple ver. the recipleuta of many beantilini pressuts vhlch vers entto ta ir nev home au West Division street viien tbey yl bolS a receptlanon next Monday evenlng. Mise Florence Gleason, Saughi.r af Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, la one o! the bçsl kuowu and masi popular yeung ladies lu Lubertyville. For a number ai yeare she bas hesu ith the M. B. Colby Mercantile Co., where @she v a thbul and accommodatiug. With a pleaeaut temperament and a vivaciaus disposition eh. bas many triende via hold ber lu the mas: layai esteem and visi ber many happy days. The groom, Wm. ltellly, le au industri- ans, uprigit and capable yauug man1 anS le employed wib utheNorth Shore Gas Campany ai Lake Forset. His rilends are legion and tbey tender hlm their Lest vishes for every enceds iluthe world. Vecoration Uay. Memori.al Day was fitingly com- momorated hors last Snnday allernoon. The Union churcb was packed ta the donre and au lntereeting program ai music wlth an appropriai. address rendored. The. Odd Fellavi anS Modern Waodmen attendeS lu a bady viii the voteransi fieS the tenter ai the. chnrch. Tii. Choral Union occupled theostage anS Mitchell's Mdilita7 BanS tb. gallery. Ttivaethe finit public app rance o. tbe Choral society and tbsrchome vark well rsndered anS bigily canaplimented. The pragram vas rendered ilu île entirly as pnblished lent veek viii an aSSitioal numier, "Tenting ou the Old Camp Graundt" by lhe quartette and Carroll Grldley as@the oololet. The mala address vas made by Dr. John P. Bmnshlagbaml, ai Chicago, wba delivereS a masi pleslug discours. ta the dellght ai ail promunt. Afler the. exorcissdi the church the baud headed tLe procession ta the cemetery vhere ithe tva lodgee anS ichool children marched viii utai old diere. After lie riiualservlceo0f the John ROgan Pasi. G. A. R. the. graves ai lhe deeeased couarades ver. Secorated. The. day was a masi perfect une and the. gatherlng ai the. cemeery vas a large ane. The Lakeelde cemetery vih in natnrallY a ptty spot vas made sien mori beenti- fby the mauy fia vers vbich decoraied the laet eeting places of many loved onesl RAMBLERS 105!ON!E GAM! OUT O! THRE! Ail thrae gamnes with Chicago Teami- Saturday. Sunday and Monday Ater- noons Give the Fans Plenty cf Excitemrent. BcI,,w will lie onrd the ofliial score of the- Raiub)lers lor the tires garnes as moi] as tic batting average@ tor the varions playere. The Western Sportiig Goods team tram Chicago viii play boe next Snnday afternoon, June 6 SATt'ItiAY, IMAX 29. WA o o o o o o o o * o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o QuicI ig about AND S1IOES )mplete LineoOf Best Apron Ginghams Toile du Nord Glnghama 6c 12ic Best Standard Prints Krinkle Ginghaxns 6c 15C Porcalee Lawns 7c 10c 13c 1lOc 12C 15C, A few pairs Boys' $1.50 and $1.65 Shoes to Close' " lot of -ChlIdren-m--Shoes worth $1.00 to $1.50 50c The beest Work Shoe made for $2.00 J mi a Lake Cou nty National Bank Statemeut ai Close of Business, April, 28, 1909: RESOURUES Loans and Diacounts.8341,791.29 UnitedStaleebonds ...41,000.00 Bonds anS securilles- ...69,700.00 Banklug bouse & fixturso 10,500.00 Overdraité .................3M80 Due fram U. S. Treasurer 2,000.00 Cash........830,374.32 1 Due tram hanksG3,438.78 83,813.00 $549.192.59 LIABILITIES capital ..................8 50,000»,0 Surplua .................... 25,000 UndivideS profie......... 4,00ý9-9f Circulation ................ 40,000,00 Dlvi&dsunupaid ....... 40.09 Deposîts .................0,14,SJ which is a simple and serviceable machine. GA (ILINIS Agent for the $65.00 Fair- banks-Morse Gasoline E n. ENGINES gines, whlch are nsed for pumping and other light work on the farm. Albert W. Litchleld, Libertyvik"R Ibollar C~rwts 50C. Several dozene of one af the boit Oua Dollar neekea of Corsets, the "Americais Lady" purchased-elhalf tie regular prie.. Tiey are NOT tic lateui style extx-,mely long modela-vo haie liaI kind ia oui- regular Royal Worceste lne. But if yen are lookiîag for a comfortable corset for everyday vear, one liaI vili anivear two or tire. of the ueual SO coorset@, gotel an these short Iength Amerken Lady makeg. Tii.y core ne u h wite and- gray, witie hose supporters attacied, sizes 19l o . A Dollar Aricle for ................ o Another loi af long lengti up-to-date American Lady Cofeta sies 18 ta 36 ' At ...............................................5 THE FA, iet 'em We are talkin 511 GOODS We are Showlng a Coi 1