CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 7

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LAKE OOUNTY .INDEPENDIENI, I!RIDAY. J UNE 4, 1909 A A 'Dp!o ma O+++o+o+o+o4o+oo+o+i By EDARD . SPON". y GWENDOLIN ADAMS. SPUrgh,1Wb rnrenNK. Prose tl, 1010, orAnercnPee ie elatils.)"MY dear,' sald Sir luntley Higo 1 Waal tutoning a youth or flboSTI. but 80011 after is murriage te hlq 1 bad a faucy te go abroad lunte mrcnwt."wyl htyu diplomatic corps, but au I bati no lnA eia ie wy aI btY fluence te.. scure au appoinaiment1 Wh bave very lîretron ama keçil MY ambition te mysaif. 3MY rupit, never show tbem nncovered?" Alec Kirk, sbouid bave been ready for 'i hbave luo dresses mode wthoui coUlege. but he Was flot,' and It was elceves." my part te gel hlm reody au soaut "as bt wbeu you Wear etter ot, possible. Hie fatber. alier îunin thm i .ase otlced that you Wear s hlmove t me wut 0 unoe.Be-_ 'id tfhIlack veivel rMidway betaveen fore ieaving hie gave me a single lu-. eh lder and elbow." elaucton-viz: -Tats to Milie me dlspiay Ihat an- "*Don't lt any womun suare fliît: ient buckle wbicb heiongad te your whiie i amn oway.," gransimotier"1 i mode a compartlon ut Alec. anîd bc Their eyez mat. There waa disirust steemed t0en,Joy nîjy ,ocil'ty lu lrefer- lu tbe bushand's and fear ln tbe wifes. esice te thai uf youug feluws ut bis He banot oniy uoiicod wbat lie bad own oge. Hes gave me bis confidence reterred te. but that robing or disrob- ln ever>tbing but une. A wvoian lng big wlfe bal neyer uncovered bier laid siege for Iitii,, ad lie dld nui l& rlght erra aboya tbe elbow. Tbey bad me. HI. tailer lîad lactured hlm lu- heen maried ibree menthe before lis fore going au-ny ou is su*,epilitity biltimode ibis dlscovery. and told blibtat Iuwa4 emî.owered te -"Hunt. dear." aihe .id. golug teubila forbid lUs attentions tu arîy womon. and eudeavorlng te rares. oway o Alec ntntly ftlled ta trust the mut- Coud restlng upon hIà row, "I willl ter tq me, but told the wortnn wbo wallcoue.. titat i amn ildlng sornetiig trying te suitre blmut my charge. She fraim you, a bemsh" was smart 'euough bt keep loof trom "À biemlb-o biemtab on you! Sncb me, and i dld net dlacover ber or ber a tblflg can't hae." objedttilI1Was lnfurrned of both ity "Nevertbaiess titere la .ometbiug un the bousekeeper. f warned te bouge- 7 arrn thst I wisb te couceal trom keeper net lu dîvulge te tact tat 1f700-" knew of wbat wos going on. If i "À btrthmal0rk?' could gave tbe boy I wouid put bits She bienltated, giance<i out ut a win- tbar ululer obligationa. Mr. -Kirk dow and finaliy answered: hall great political linfuenice. "Tes. Alec' wlshliete lady te Win my good Site lied, and hae knew the lied. A opinion. Sire, .iuppooing thal 1 knsv good weluou or a gou mon my tell a1 ntling of their 'affair. consented, lie- The man wilil tell it wilb ail the tbuugb reautiy. 1 was lntroduced açPPerance of a rieur conscience. The, lu Mins. martba Cullngwood, aged womla wI poul It by trying te sotten bwaly-aight. Impectuious. passabiy the decepilon or betray lt4o ber look. gond looking and ut o commun famly. Sir Hunîley arusa and, wthont look- 1 caiied ou lier wlth Alec and durlug lng nt bisgssite. went out tu bis club. the rclmaiiiuleted a frlendiineass bat lieHac] dmet ber lu Englnnd, tailen lu disarbîed luth. But wblie extendlng love wltb ber and rnarrled ber with- te clive braucb I1mas sharpening tbe 1 ntvlsltlng ber native land or lnquir- sword. 1 .uggested tai Miss Coiling- i-g os t10lber Outecedents. lie knew Wood and Alec use the tennis court .1t t he w.. but toiriy educatad. tair- lt bone imou a veu offered If we could O Y reined anîd budl no mouey. W1ýiraî flnd anotîtîr girl touimaeUp a set with its'd fascînaîrd lmnivas uolîixarý iherunîrlaf. ibad lu foluin bissn ouce or sterillîî Wonrbhthoere aa-about Giadmafloyiî'.a o yung lady svbo bad ber. Sonmebow bie bad teIt that she the facuity ut making the Muai rasp-mas to lia relled ou under auy strain. lng ramiants vultb the mst klrrdly pra Anioaw when t ilwns toen ste lie bud tended Interntiîos. Kuuowlng Ibut there disduvered that she u-as bidiug soute- la nuîbing s'i li i lli turu a mon froîn tbiug frorn bite sud thut @lbe bad lied a womorr 'îîî'rker thon a terrîtuine lght.rte biru. 1 itoped lu tise Mislas linyteforIbhelpur- It was early iiruiug wben lie re- pose o0f drawlng out wbtever out eur jiuuned.lts ite won sleeping witiî a1 par MiensUollugtwood uigbb nsess troubîrd look un ber face. lier rigbt and irilended that Alec ahoîrld witinesaria lay extendcn4. Coutd h lo tift1 te .crimmage. the leeve sud. without wakirrg ber, We secured Iss Huyle. anj I chose get o vlew ut wluat s0e was cunceal- ber for my partuer. Miss CDolingwood ing? île advanced te do, no and sbraîikc opened te gamne, servirng lutme. I bock, le was sons a lsossassing bhla- sent the bail bock. and ase relurrred self ot wbaî site w',uld nul wiiiingly IL. Il drcîîpedl just wltbin the line, butol gve bina. For a motuent bie beitated, 1 prououoc'ed It foui. theri saet lu bis osen route and lu bed. '*T'but wastt foui." said issn Coi- A cioud bang over tbe Hurlbuts. iingwood. Nelîber rncutii.' 10e secret, 3et luth 1 Iookad at my pannuer for support.-fteliat il a-as turniugthefm love te ,*Crtaffl Itwas" is. bitternes. There were nreproachas, "My eyen muet have decalved me." ner bol u-ords. The itusband was said Miss Coilngwood. scru pulously daferettiai, the site obe- "Borne people cant play tennis et dient lu bis silghesl wisb. attentive t0 ail,", returued Miss uîoyie. ",on account bis siigbtest rumfurt. Yel ibere was of their eyas. i tlîougbt I saw saima- an absence of that deiigbtfui inter- lhlng ouates wlth yours. It'. quite change ot sympatby whlcb had existed notlceaie" iuç t0 tbe moment the busitand bad Titere wos an oninons flash fromn discovered tbat bis wtfe had o secret Miss Colingwood. She made nu ne- wbicb haieuos fnt permitted1te0 are. puy. and the garne wenl on. My own Maanwhile bis Imagination Waal con- gama had opanad anapiclously. and jurng al sorts of probobilittes. She fortune continued 10 tavor me. Miss mlgbt bave beenn rried betore. Site Honyle lnt voîîeyîng close 0tltee neel lght bave commtled soeasin of sent te bal againsl Miss Coilirrg- wib tis go called ithmarkWeilau au wood's nose. Tite lter dropped hierunrdcbetk. Halogtu rackt ad cugh a riclin steam crossing the ,x'ean te hunt up ber rec- of blood ln ber itandkerchief.or.Wa-utaecdle ede "T -on did that on purpose," site crled e nw! lie tboogbt of taaving ber. casting a fiashing glancesat itMs@ iosiug himselt lu the wids of saineis- Hoyle. tant coutllnol This. too. haefJung "Toeu flatter me, Il I coutil hit àe"sy as lipnjrcticable. He ctold tnt mark Rire 1hn1 I'd enter for a chamn- get on uitouot ber M li hall'asssured ploosahiçi," rupled Miss Hoyla. ltera was soe crime conniected wit Miss Colllngwood m'as galling read ber pat. sud lu know uft1h01 crime for a rejoinder m'bao 1 oddad tu ber wuddIahmmd ruffling by asklng If esle would piro- One day as itee ha us alounilu enter caed wllb lite game. bisbhugse soneîhing filthed before hlm "t dont lblnk she'd hattan," Miss and tell on therasvlk. Ha î,lcked Il up- lloyta put la. "wltb ht lnooe. It'tI le il vsn a cllîuîiog frain a netvslaper. ail the rotera ufthIe rminim um'ltoer. IHa giarnc-edi aIIL iben crumliil t L row.M', y ads ira la raw bpet," -ishband. Itteudtng 10 tbrowv l away, "Somte people ara offensiv-eait Tbe door orenea. sud bts uife nita1 their adylce." snappied the sulTeî inhlm wltb an rîuxlous look ou ber tace, Pleaureluidgote ou ofthe ameAfier o basly greeting, atuel as passed1 tor Alec,le proposed hto stop playlngbtenti sc heertca , Miss Coiiingwood started for the bouse aima hurried out, and tbrougb o pane ut telut0 cold waher uit lier nosa, Alec, glass 0e ns' ber looking for autre-1 lnstead of sccompauyttig lber, ifourni Laing. Then lha knew te lIrlpping had occupation Ii guttenlng the balls and blowu from ber Nlndow, Haem'uni up rackts. whipere. t hmte l lts ehbs route. luckad bîrnealf liand i racets Hoy licrle h hsmlmlu ae reod under a date of Ion years pasi: Miss Hol brnei itsi. yor- esterday the braegirl who putteti out ceped is os-tmtou As the tavo with a rota inotheetarm 1h01 m'ecked thes walked away Miss Collngwood tdrued Cla Jones suhmitted ta hove tattooed and dantcd a fler3- spark, 1 saw her uou ber acte a memonta oftlier daring home adingfue to he orn bytel exploit. 1111 Ptera. an expert lu sueli born, adin ful t tb fialeb e -wnr, didtdh1e tattoolng. and ti i masex. Ing ber thal I tbougbît Mise Hoyle had hbhted last otght at a receo i ayn the sent thetala agaloat ber nolla on pur- vearer et the Saitorsa Onug Harbor. pose aud asas trytug 10 catch Alec. Sir Iîuntley m'ant dom'nglains and 1 supposed thal I had only mode a mt is w-île, who mas raiamniug fromr beginning, but I mas mitakan. When an unsuccestul utI.Ha handed hanr Alec aud 1 met ugain hae confessad le the patier. me ihallIera badl beau an affair bha "Are 500 1h01 girl?" lho askad. tween hinii and Miss Colitng-wood (i& "Vas," abe su id. pling. m'ich 1 expresseil great surprise), brtt "Why bas-e you kepîttis from me?"t that lb mas ended, 1 kIndiy offared le "Bec-aune you are su preud ot your gIs-e imntniadvlce s 1teIhthet t ineaga ilincu- l would m'ound yon te Meched ut dropplug IL The Illusion learu Ibat you had mitrnlad one who bad!îiassed out oflmr, sud. noihlng badl betorged t10 Baber folks." cootd bing It hock, "Yon tuhd ttîe you weal' couceaiing ai Wben Mnt. Kirk returnnd from Eu- blrthmark."f rope 1 made nto mention of bis seu's She huig iter haad. escape, bot hie earned ut Il and suite& "Pull up ,our siceve." mue about fil,1I bld hlm teuta 501, et Site raiaed the sleeve and displayad %* umissrshed',..s La keCounly Titîr & Trust Ci). Abtracts of Tille. Tutlen iui aiuîed Masonlc Temple Bldg.%%XL ukugiti,. 111 B J Crimes arîd it ho XV W Cr- oul. Lots 3 and 4, bloicki1h Gi hues Sut, Libartys-ila XVW D $150 luij B T Astuier and Mite Ilu C S AI shîtler. 42 1-2 1h Xl sfronith Seridhan rood lu lot 12, of Sec Il;, Waiikagau. XV B $21a1 ,,iî Sarah A ilgglas te o riebtiE oîtgc-tlerhens St. Joli ru irs (Geinitde. Loh I. block il. Exinior Adul. Iliuiclinuu Pstrk. XW1) $155uu N fi laiiaînuud ai'e- ho Maina H BYanî S Il);: ti E 20u, tfi oh 12. Iligli aso,,ul XV1) 5 ( J W lly uttuandiid sat,-t N H Hynn S1lui.: 1h N 2î. I lot 12,ilighssonui, XW F) $5. Mar, J Iluliai 'Iin oJusph rhtaye Lut i 3mî auj 4,Il uliiiSau, Iligb- woi. Wiirl X flDuru Mars i. IlicîtardohouPe-'er lanno Lohs 7 ani hiblocku 2,tJina Park lin Sec 3f, Vest Arsiiocin V $W 0uD E E Lelimnti andul allatri Augusta L.ehmnann. Uidlvided h-9 lit Erust Lehmanarn Estahe. Q C$5u. Ross ,Dîffy ho XWalher 4rrhdaia, Lot on North ide Beisidere St E ut Bt'a,,teyplace.,WiiWgut DX B$12ii. M. S. Cloeey snd aile te Benja- naintuNewialtluiLos Ifauj h7, Sut ut ot 6 etc Mctisiieln Plut Highland Park W D $lSuîlî ur Ci itiai lica-on atud saît o XWS M1lý 11,rLotî 53. Grean îloy Add Lake Fuie-,. Q ('$1uu Sh c,'t link uof tutu'-Fore-sth ii XW'S Xhlllu'r .uot 52,. Green Btay Adld Lake Foe ut S X\V1D$75îî uu,î J C' Eîî,er aI ald ie lu (stulir ilioh Cicagou. Lots 29 ho 33, 01k 2 h3aerfiu-lParu XV O $1.01). Ada iiiDeriilhu Ia s ifle lu Catol- lu- llelîniuut lliragrîUlt,, l; 27 su.I 2(, iluck 2,eî --iid airk. XV B $1.00 XX Il MlrtîuSu alod ulfet, oe 'iv'Sîl ,-r Luîhs fi and 7. hock 94, lot 22 llk. 9.5 and lot Su.block 1010, NorthiCOI caoo Q t' $50-09). Susan A G Kahu-y aud busiand ho Ardraw DIE-er. Lou rVXillage uf liaIt Dat. Q C $2.00. I B IlobIls u CI>1'E Say er ILt 2-1, luluik 95, \Northt(hicago. S \\' 1) 3o2' Caihariîie Zînsida to JohOel Klonu oski Luhi, 7 andîl , lblocku 7,Yasii tah Io it ta Waukegan toc sureritrons- ]y and u-ii nom'have ho adl nuiothar rhnîtar to bokteon uitSeeiug XVoo kegan at NigOt XVltiu i-- u of uta Bolled OU-i' Willi Fight Libal S.u, W. XVCtIptey bas reu-.0'i -'i hu deucy outhtie Atîtumo tL, at' , iiiito SgbtthIe suit for $20i,0e',l---'l u- that bha led gaverai do,,, ne"iLIiiii8t hue Xakean Evening N- ss- air,]the buard ut diractors ot tii' r1tru has elecled E. XV. Robinson as h i ue- sur. Combine 10 Raisa Prucas. Ntwitbctouiing th, fa' , t.ut ttc 3h 1k Predircrs Union ii î i randlu ohher cruittbea tribuhur, r, i(l' uýgo gui au aisfuI bmml, sh,-i tir- nu nier,, sigîîad nilk contracta a nil' ýticu oet forts are no eu-ing nmul'- t"i, r--iican- ie theufarmars on ai "'Lusîs \siththeutaieu- et tormn iiîî e iîlza- hinof etil tureters for h-u-Ii' ut'o rtîttuai hall, lu risîig il,- i i c ut totn producira lngene, ail (iistia VOUIVA-.MOTI!ERS ILL SUIT FOR SIANDER The NlHenry countIsjîîîy tri the Voltsa-lotbarsiii case Thîri, - rly at XX'odstock returnad a aurdit of Oi- ollaged litai darnages aguaitioit s-a and In .ýoiherilî's laser aui - se- ond trial uft-tiracae. lu othar m'erds, If the Lai.' Orith juryy ii t ha firgt triai uns pI 'iic- ed, 'tte basie fer tae chatîci 'î eîiiae to Melrliety coonty. tii-M, leur cuiiirtty jury must bave 1 ii r oniore huraudiced." The Loite routy verdict ýa, $14, Vulis a a attornays atou, i iial,- i moî,tionîfor s nom' triai. TOecoutbonle of lte case'- a tii phi luior Ahttorney Justin K .i,i. o X'uuî kegan. ho Attorney Gsurc'- Field ut XVakegata. for Vetiva., h d i foi niuidile eliporinlte cope ss ii atid founj bis mrk rut ont fom tlnî TO'i-ose m'as tord tought Iiî-teiy phase. It, i llainied ithaton tii' iii stbal- lot te jury abuod ses-eu iii tus o, et i2.loiianiages, theafltianînîlîluash- ed, anîdnonre M-re owar toula 'u The jury wsao ul fifty minutes. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THESEWING MACHINE MAN bont Spîrin. W B $l5us) 00. I Where 1h. CoWs iept. Manry0A Braidbury ho Lake Ce Tuber- It m'as exominotientclair at acoOnncil eule filItl,-, 14.16 acres oti North 1seitoot ta tire out8tuirÇ& of Leeds. Six sidfe Gianil Ase, nera Spauldlrtgs Coi- rom' oftilentlit 111e "lykesi," m'tb pot- nue (lîi32,e litheS fates sud leon collons,liait _______________beau coretuily cuacbed hy lte teochar THESE MAY WEO. lu lte difdicuit aoutes'oding the pt Fntîîk Cytziutin, Northt Chicago, 25; talla set by the wtly inspetor. To o Francîiska XX reit, 24 boy tbey m'ere raady. Tha close rouai jour opanea and ail- Harsrisuon Carrolli, Lake Forest, 26; lîtted lte dremdful personage. Elizabeth Poweal. 22. ."Now, 0boys."'lha commenceS lu bis Onte counthy lîcetise suppraasect most lnsiuuattug mLanar, "ca ny ofu JllîîîLe-uuuiilu's, Fratices Ceîo,utfyuu toit me a feu- îhmings ltat are mode 21 IliLeeds?" .forgea Il. llaiiý-, iNorthl ('blc:ýoi, "Cloîbes!' said Tootmly Joues. :U; eceîia j,-îî -. ' 'lîltit!' suid the inspacton. "*Engilies!«' ellrd Snmmry Jankins, Il teiI, ,ili - Il, ~' -i ti "tigt! ald the itspector. GhlCu', - '211Tielltu 10e n-tulls Camle to io sudjeu \V 11 W , 1-1 >M 1lu .,il,,, - 21 - 'l,- stop. lie g 1 X, s NoXa. theu, 3 uon lingOt boys, burry t C, i ii 2,Xiaii elli tp' said fis îtt-jeshyý But the dread- l~,îiul-. *" (Ilfui siltnce oas uiihrokeu. "Watt, uew, ,w. a,(), bo(', hys, sahal bIlie skIt ot o cou- nsHed 10h, Rutiîri'li- 'for?" asked th,-lr examiner lu urder ho lltuil' 1:I , i illiii Iiiîîltu la Jgiermmre Little Johniî, tiliks fel1 off bis sent 13 \IcKua lulriuboti'i nd 1-2 acre lot 1lunbig ougirnesq ho le sean, ln VilIagi- oft iiiu cI dle. \V t) "Plea9se. aIr-plise, air." lha yatted, $iS.' r"t"he skin la ns-d ho keep theaomest nr' F-I iuliu ýife ,î, i, (i P Swift -Liverpool Nercîîry. 14il ici ii , iý,'27 iand :MFrintutt T m DxO$1"" H ermesnus. ________________ Wbot la themnatter uit thlita ck Thompson a Candidate. 1 Vlinsa-am?"eug. Slil ili'lieIbas 11hvNfaygDrougit," r,'vilt 1of iii' - 55 vs oitt g J lutR. The Artnf B.isa H appy. Tlî"ti'i, i. riihy ilauu î-et of1Cok "Cieerfuliie-,v,' n,s IRusinu,11sas (oliinty» iers apssibecandi- itua tutheIue.îrt o u toi fo,,nao 1ofC i ig-iiOanil niore t ha ai ether Iililni lltiw hOlesoma food, tIsattil probabî- lhe eanudlidae. mprntuerly -i-corelin or rerrng bh- tiI l h Cii aiiihy taI w it h ie,'IIs- ils ut lîfe,-- If ' luuluret avare isuglîl eltt h beutii dI i , etiGov. D1e- IaI uu',t' )fthle gru-ilttlite dulias la t,, icel I]t, ý il utSI I j,,îr i tbhle:e tss o as,111 uufotd O the ii i OJg ide of tIli tiutt,- b,- l(,N\h eîî,îhîhian canidate ntura,1the bu tiirssida, tihare would nul ho souiii ic llides, so0 matny un- fom ni., i,511 iiion îîa, a vlýe 1happy, oiscrýur'iut, isrhepeuple, soi î,ersuiial ihîit îuliriafiî,-î,d oet'Mi.r mata5 failurte',fili tie ssorid. Wb'iy Dente-t %\!Ill b,- cii h I-la a,cepiab l' psholdont %v,<- uc,-p î'the humuor tar- to hI oj. il h hi -'alils influenice ho ulIy. 1he fîti uslugfuuoly. justats Mr. Iurlîiueiiail is "i, iaItOhue nucb oas 1t[3.0bieaj earnlng or ony itew s ,-iahol --tact ther faculty, XVliasbouid wm'a ltk _______________i asuso very tus'cesary to spend yoors 'lu golng tu nchulî'anîid collage lu de- Shockey Wss Soused. vaiop otaer i-ital facuttias and yal Sainuel X'eslay Shockya, globe trot- aka prnctie-alu i itins witatever In ter, fortune lellcr and terrier telesv deveiop thea liiiiurous. tite fun iovimmg er ut Do-le, wusa Frlday arreaiad vidaetfunr ombre?-Surrese Magazine. tonic ta tin, fau la cou-tlu cbarge.y Adsertlsiîîg 1iuis-sud pavas thea polcestaiea, acd aîtt Ie hareway toi baîter ttlogs, Tny oun m'anl Tite globe roter celebluad bisl an- cotumn. dsrlug minds Ibat davota lbernaeive lu the soultion ufth1e î,roimiem of avia- lion bava gis-eu no cmati part utfthem prellttnnar3-study lu considering lte marnner ut Bigtt utflirds, A strurige resoît ut Ibis Ins-estigation In tlie conclusýion, nom' gauamaily lu- dorsed* tit, as a avOolelime bird wsonid la nouI lu beregorded ns parfectln lsil atlalînn,-nît outigint- For Instance, Il le ronhetîded Oy lina îest authorilies 1001 ail lîrds ohliuded ouliouollt 1 hlp thelr aslrga--aruîi In Ibis ratagory mu, te e niuluud sparroa's, dires. thbrusues, mou-s. etc,-saeatili lu an iniperfect stage of odvaneeni. lu lie nudt chias, os beirng o degres adv-anced, ara put suc b blds os pi- geons, saalo,s.i,, m'ich are aile P, darnh inhîî,uj'r na pacereiater tbey lise gaîînej a godsshrt iy the vigor- oua lappiîig ut their pinions. lu the thîrd cîas lincbirda thal moay ha saîd lu ho perfect iensaoaeh englua s. thurea, aihatrosses and afin- lIon big LinOs pussessing the ahility 10, rîse anîd ftnl atudiswaoy auj sor lu tba uir iiufi'tlully u itbul a perceptible musetiietofut 10cmawhigs. It is, ut rcorse, kuionlu es-ar3- person ut an obserrant t urîibltthese big fou-i are aLlalu o er litîlite air graduftly mu- il ut at tliey disaplurar fmom the eye outhle u atcitan, l eiug lmusi impossible tI detecl oniy mosemaut ha- yod a sliglt occaslonol motion ufthie tail.-New Yorku Tribune. Amn African and a Boa Constrictor. At M'Geta. Germon East Africa, a native m'io.Ilike ail those beiougiaig te lime Iite et the Walugmmu, regardeS guake flash as au aapeclol deiicacy tound a buga hua constrictor Iying ln the middle oofaid. Be conided lime dlacoveny 10ouaneor lave tters simd ar- rangeS withtem 10 kIUldtaing the heurs of dankos, se Ihot Ihey rnlght enjoy thte deliracy togather. Toword iigtfall tae mon, ormeS mitit o stick, ottackad the buga serpent The hua constmictor, arousad fmom Ils apparent tompor, suddealy seizad thte unhappy negruoand slom'Iy crusited hlm Iti puiçi anmd then graduatly sm'alowed hlm. Tsctls. "WOau Cloihar gais orguing b. loase ail tact" "As for lustauca?" "WbY, iast nigiml ha bld ou oppo- rient u-bo la lame thal ho hadn't a ieg le stand on, anolimer u-ho aquluts 1h01 he a m'asorry ha coutd't sea lbitags as te did, sud a mon whu tammered he urged nul ho Iesitaelui)erpnaoing on opinion."-Slray Stories. Caler Blindnoas. Foriy nmen and four avonten tu a tbou- manîl are cter wohlly umbie to par- cals e c,-rtaIîu clons or rau necognize thete oiluy aitO dîdliculty. AIt attampts to cs-ercrtuc colon bliluies by adn- catlng the cuutnr sense bave talled. Thcre are ilume iheories et colon vi- sion, ail of us hIic are iasad on thte u-urkinga <f tOe sensitive fibtIs outhie uer e.e Odessa'n Working Day.. Tite <'gai iaîuorlug day at Odessa, Russit. 1,jlu-elve lionrs. athtwts- bums finrtest. XX'rkens lesa than sav- entect cars oId muaI go le srboul ton Ibree lî'uîrs dally. Christions are net nequtred îtuavolk Sunda3-a or teasî dîuî a rnJeu-s anj Mubammedmna on 10dhe ildas Those avio bas- oit wsonk ou Suidays bas-e' lIe next day for re,,t. Knse Hec Wssknoss. Nlashe-Jîîiil Servant-Tas, sIx'. Mosfter-Be asura you telllrie wbeu If le 4 o'clInck. Scrsat-Yas, ir. Master -Dont ft)rc-clIl. I1îîromlsad lu meel my avfe ai 2:,1). and abeli hae pro- volied If T'iî ut Ilere avOan she oir- rjis-. andon Ausu-ars, ABsIi nf Aie.. TuaI icîieîritcrlauj ecreutrie char- acie-r tr.Sicuuu tParrG, D., prebou- dirî uf t' iitîri , as for torty seans rorate of Ilatturu, Soutth Warm'ick- shire. 'Il ils lire aujlitbaraiity Bal- Ion ti-rih-lionci unes iîuur of lits ieîîhyuttîril rulis ilîme ltoflet is faire. lie uhilu--s uru'd tu moka Ballon halls 'hue ii inoalcat peal la War- wsickshnre,'" nul as-ell a new ballim'as added titan' were greot rajoicinga. Tha hal. lwtO as uuitIofutsevonlytiree gallorn, as fill,-d nil"good ale," anS thi a s c' ittu.ed by lime villagers.- Lunden Standard. 27-ti - 4c. bu- pnncec on siigbtly defectifre _and odi stylas i trnctng. 10 ainas 47 LOTS FOR SALE-lu lIme B. J, Grim fas uNigRI 214-Il uim's38i. higi8e. sui-iv isiounIofLibertys-iiie. seti i agrÀ,Xlrgi oc 'î iatvie nlectrie rondS ionMilwa~,,uee ave ue. .Ili27-tf J. GnrtroE,,owner. 15 if FOR SALE-Property known n a Fatler Scouton'sreelidene; nuany acre oflground on corner witiî truit auj ebada trees aud la-o ebory butlding ailislalas improve- tatante. Tirr ouditionai retdnces rau la- blt on tiie'orner; mlgbt consideri distdirîg. Sea M. O. JOH~Nvs.', Cook Ave., or 1. Q. Box 79i, Libertyvitîe. 18-tf FOR SALE-lilt acre rmpnovad iarm lu Ried Lake County, Minu,, gond building@;1 migbt dlviîia, M. 40,.1,îa'<aos, Cook As-e, or P.(). Box 79, Libertyvilia. 17-tf FOR SALE-Four bioase, centraliv locatad;,l osaeshota, mnunira il tEn. M. 1-IAN Rockeeller, or L. fE. RAv, Lii- erlyvilte. 31-If W AïaýTED -. WANTED- Roremi'te posture, Have *200 acres@sWith hall mile front ou Des Plaines is-ar, Goond iea&water and eboada; Page lance, no rbed mire. X srsCLEaIENT, 36.4 WANTED TO EXCHANGE-High clos used Lpraghî piano for Rond bors. Will give gond trado as I bave seseral pianos bO select rrnM. STnlRÂoGaBOUE, 1263 W. North Ave., Chicago. Telephous Hum- boit 1468. 3"- WANTED-Stock to posture, fine blase fras., ni swanp, lresb watsr daily. unqoîre G. W. BaItogRutv, old morris farm, lwn miles m'est of Liharty-vlie, Pbone 754. 8t FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE-Nice aaad pototoes. Iinqiire FOR RENT-Esirnisbed 8-roorn bouse .t ltae lot TY FAor, lu Gayilake, ton ih- suninier, cari be ocn- .-~-.....pied by tu-u families, Add rase Box 270, FOR SALE jIS5, haadmoma ca&uop Liherty* villelJil. top, tu-o seolrd, -park mwagon. naluraiY oak lnisb, tulles i ton Icatitan seats, FOR RENT-We bave a 1cm' good mnod- etorm -urtain8, Inquire Yî~îaPaint ernahoussesand Mil ote10reni. Dys-i & sbiçi 36-Il AUSTINy. 27-lt FOR SALE-I 6 pnsseugarosm. lq le ORRNTTopotures. Inuire JO o-x Stsu ne-bal block norîlu ut nId JoHoFaÂRoeranus, 111. 824 depot. Telephone 604. M64 FOR SALE-Lot of lais poItutes. K NrKncEY, Leigbîon, 111. 85-2 FOR SALE-À gond urgan lu fine cOu- dition, MR. JAs. BAs ns, FinsIîet,, Libartyvnile, lit. 85-2 FOR SALE-Silo lumber cheaçi. C. I CA.SES, Liberiys-itie, Ill. 835-'2 'FOR RENT-Nine niorn houson Ommbord etreet. Inquina Mits. Id. A. PROoNsE, Libentyviîle. 80-tr LOSt am FOUN STRAYED-Frorn ChitielanBrotber. farns on Tuesday nigitt, one milcit ow, red and wvite, deitorned, Information FOR SALE-LoI of beusehoid goods 0 a u esvo50 xons ).0 ha sold ai pris-oie sala tom the asIate ni Mre. Manîba Wiiiond, Ding nons MONEY TO LOAN met, idaboard, book case, tm'o eluves, and iany elier articles of furniture l'accour deiring te scea gonds mal at the MONEY- TO LOAN-On lmproved nesidence ni G. A. WRIGTn, Iis-sirrSt.. farmo aiS5 per cent. DiMvotto & Aostru.q Libertys-illa. .3-2 118-tf Ub le to Knasel. Oua farcies thot tew types of men crin trom tima lu lime bave affordod royaly mure amusement ot a quiet sort than tiruvincial mayoma of Eng- taud. "Fr,,mlImhe Forelond 10 Pan- zance," hy Clils-aHutlaud, contains the stnry uit a niayor ut Weymoulh wiao durîug une,'futh1e 5visita ut King George toe tîne iu,-îwMas destIneS tu afferd 'cuil t, lil a cerernniu ofusoutie liportanue. The ouccaluu mastse iresntuîtiii ut au addres utwelcome lu bhe kinîg, andl ave are tbld liai lte iita3 or ,ui iiilruiarhng lu presautlti, le bheanstonieliînt and dismay of ail, lîutnd ,ofliîueellug, as haobati beau told ti jr', suIra-jthe qucau's iand tu, shIxIi5il as lue migit that of auy utier lad,v Colonel Gwyuuan, lte mas- tu-r ofthei,- -îreîuonics, hurrledty telul liulîîo<ut hefu'xtia ps, snying, "o aboîîl hase kn,'ced, air." 'Sir. tconnul," m'as lte reply. 'Es-enylîudy dues, sir," botly asarted the ec,loil Tlhe' nsuyor grew red and, asidautly iltueli 01maIt, exclaitriej. 'Coutotmnd Il. sîr, Out lae gel a u-oudeu lagl" Mlslory records tlbol"a stale ajf fuseS bhe face et ber î etm h king iaugited outrilg't. Make Friermdg. Thema ta notblîîg so eathy ns plenty ut hurna nat urne about une, young, oid and middle tiged. XVu m'a itay ai hume Ion iiii uor tsciate autim'ay wlh aa vemy llîîute icne we oelime proper sene o1f iirîuea Ttc tow India idiîtitîs wuliiuae tika assumne glut ptroportions Ii'or ltoughtlsand the rea t lte W on-ireceules. Peesona Grata. BEN Il. MILLER, Att.osey. Adjudication Notice. Public Notiea Is erce ia-en tiraI lineSuit- scriemir Adratistrsu-is ofnie Ieastate ni J5lsf Fletcher Cark, aeceaaeo. unIlattend lhe Oounty Court ni LaeeCouuîy, at c termesmrsete haiden the Couretenl onse Inn m'skegau, lu sald Csunty asnirthe st hinudar ofI miS nont. lOrS. alnun antd whecaia, nerantus hsavig 551 airaintsi ald estive are noliSeitand mretIt 1 Prebanît the sanue w sOlO Court for adljudication. 3lARcHA A cLARK, Adunîillearix. Wsnkeuiu. May 1t. 1iJ. h4-a Stute ut Illitnois. Coînnty of Lake. se. InthtetuCircuit Counrît fLake County.- Ocheher Term, A. D. 139. Etill Rodent, vs. Franiklin W. Ganse, lieleîî XX. Ganse. Clarence Oonyo andi Chicago Titb auj Trust Compamy, trustve Gen. No. 4270. To Frankulin WV. Ganse and Helen X%. Ganse, cerhain dafendants: Patistaclory affidavilttat te aitove uauîed daeudants Franklin W. Ganse sud Helen W. Gansa, msida out of thOta Sate, so titat procass ronnot ire sers-ad upon titem, itaviug beau flied u-lî hea udersiguas, Noticealis lterefore herahy given, te the sa13 Franklint'W. Ganae and Helen XX. Gansa, ltat ltse aboya namad Com- plainant haralofore fled.,huastiB ilo Cemplaintlnl sald Court, on lte Chan- cery ide ihereof, sud Ibat o oummons ihareupon issncd ouIut o sald Court agaînat tae oove uamed datendants, relunnabla on 10e fIrai day eoflte termrutofteCircuit Court ot Lake Ceunny, 10 ha heîd aI the Court Renne lu Waukagan in saad Lake County. on tae FirtnaloMnday et Oclobar, A.D. 1909 os la by Iaws reqîired, and avOlci suit la 0h11l paudiar. The Otdti hiîlIrîg-Tîscyre going te LEXWIS O.IIROCKXXAY. imbaina us up nuuSitilmy nigimls nom'. Thtelak Toung itillu-l' iî,sv lIai, governor? lr TIse 01,1Pui. c-Vthe new ftalon tab'1ga XVatiuegsn, Ilinois, Moy 201h. A. D. sateil nrnI uaMiss Mamie bas gui 1909. montv, lIi rimali Enguimer. Ellin & Lewvis and Ferry L. Pansons, Cemplainaul's Soliclors. 8- Laet Form(rhu'ure under witat itag- gitrul 1i r'îu shîr 'Bay, they irug han tn trair nIi,.s nud sweon ahe la a bhaonly. jetbsnrketoit l nd-i bmnditd wlt -La gage, prouuuineas ond dlnsatch. Telepitqze No. 1 Libcnty ville anul soa deloy la lîlacing your orden. A SECRET SIGNAL The. TsiIar'i Comment Whilà Masssur- p _ NONE RECEIVED .rmg a Customer.FO ESTA 'Bld ('n es'er notice how the tailors 5CET wbie rIrcasu r1ng a man for a sait or ilohes mnix ln a few letters "c' a-,nl ly aniong the numbers?" ask,'1iii a o FOR SALE-6 acres ofi lallia, standing towu law 'ver recently of a trie' l REAL ESTATE in the field. L. D. Kxnu, Libertyvilie, W'lienever 1 have been iiienqur(id t,'r Ii fil. aL Suit of cl,tbes the tallor alu a3 s al,]' . IL. la a subdlued vl- as lie, FOR SALE-Farm of 2.72 avres on FOR SALE--Standard bredroad ana', took the mesquire for the len4gth t fm, Miksankee avenue, 2 rujilo ýo j'l", r correl, also sili burro, sale for trousers. i often wondered --litt huaiLier il.JaiPLrf .lir~v î t,, ride or drive; double andi secret silgnal meant and on onue cc il le.:i,, 2 mil i arnesess. tbree buggies; taro sion made go bold as 10o ak-. tsta~î itllitrpd 'ýngora goasq. AppIT- FO v7- R SALE-Nv', seven room iuee ,,~,IX 1ii .ijryi put sid insone <asul us. hlcli Park avenue, ail modern conveilerîî-es pialnaly showed me thai the talir didi îr"îîre & ', iLÂ1oE, Lii,.rtyville FOR SALE-ias stove, ire box, four flot wlsb me lu know the nmeanliug of!Ili. It o.e n ewbgy R AT the mysterlons S. B. L. :1 i hor-s aj n- bugg. Di. MATIN "Wêll. 1 neyer knew what thesevet-l FOR SALE-Eiglit roo.n bouse o ters meant until otn day nol long ngo, Brinierd ()"tirt, alil rîîdern covneci. OR SALE i orge wai maps 01 Lake when 1 slumbled acr,,ss the as'utlln I quire t'Csii i-,- ,Lity le 1.e)ný.Prie " 1IN> 1)tFtPEND E'T qullo by accident, itwatrltritg t, - ih,,tie il-I1. 4-tf 'uffice. Lîlherty villo, Ili. 22-tf have MY Measure taken whl a strap-.. pfng big fellow was <on the rnrlk As; FOR SALE-Lota in the ltymond oui FOR SALE"8ingle ,-omb Black Minorea hae measured tbe Iength ofthie trou- -liratia suldivimioniîIxl4t); $100 '-ach: eggs. 'ýtperu'tting.iî'urG-L.ym sers leg lte tailor salitd. .S. B. L.'1 "k.-n, p-1.rti,'th. Dysriiti &-ibsrtyvilie, III. 8 "'Yes.' came Lback th(,r,-plv frin th, AI '] IN.27tf ........ e big teilow. 'and - howlegged to' FOR SALE-t3asoline range iu good "Al ihese years tailors bave î,e FARMS-%%Ve have a large list out Lai.e '-ondition, six burn,-rs, large ovu witb arenstng me ot being alilghtly bî-cüIuot. la rois to sali, also h,)uses and lot. a lbruiler Ititluireiit thî office. :12-tf iegged.' snd 1 bail neyer raught 'on n ~village lINI 5105& len.27 t utl I vws practiiroly tbld tîhe an- FORSALE-Puire lîred SuiffOrpington swerIntheaccdentl wy."Pbl,,FOR SALE-lhoi,-e lots luntC. Frank eggs, $1 a setting. FitAN>iç Enii, Gtrays- deiphia ecord. - rigts addiilon, ,Oxl.-)for $200.00h, lake, Ill. 24-16 PERFECT FLIER.$Iî,îî nI, .0 l'o\ti&A(TS FOR SALE-Goon ewtokof fening. ~ Hog ence Oc par rod; 7 Wires 43 ince Eagles, Vuturse and Sîmiier S'rd*s FOR SALE-Vtre lots on )bd'bi,27;1 wires 491 luhes bigb, 3.9c; Are tI This Ciae..subldivision, close to town and levti e bas-y oullry fonc'e 18 wires 48 incites filat a tact thot tbose Ingenious and cars. Prrce$30000. ars&v-xlhi,6i.sty4c;0reXiig 1

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