CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1909, p. 8

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r, Juw~ 4, ~U0 ___________________________________________________ M -Çek of tUn Banker Gays Latter Went te Chicago Withaut Announcinhi When He Would b. Bslck. Cone for Thee. Dfys New. Police Admit He May Have Oiaappeared. Mix Up Delgen Quietly Deviiopes Into Sen- sation es Deys Paie. Savinge e! Utlruantans May Have Dissppaared With Aleged Mieaing Min. Stlrring developmeflts came ln [he. affaire of Antan Shatitua, Lithuaniene banker, ticket brokar end fire latir- ance agent, and' the case that et firt tarted out ln a mild mannrdn mix up vwth a Chicago womsn boutb tickets te thaeid country bide fair ta deveiop into one o the sensationsa of the city.0 * Falowlng ara the lateat detala o0!1 thse cas: * 1-The police admt that Sbatlcust bas isappeared. 2-Ell clrk admoite that he let for Ciicago Saturday and ddnt etate tahen ha would rturu. * 3-If ha bas sklpped out, and if ha difi, mult Lthuaniens, wblcb stlI oeauns ta ha a matter of disputa, ha --got "u.~rauglig from $25 ta $700, il entruatad ta hlm ta send to uanias ansd ta varions Austrian prov- * Incas, sud muet hava uttad saverai tbonssnd dolara ln Waukegan and vi- cnity. The Ilrst distinct sbook ln thaetihat- kus case cama thi a mniug wtabun sus- piclong thst Shatkus bad disappeared *were fit la clalmed, verlfiad by tba po- lice and by farmar clients af the Eigbth street banker. Baapiclan was t firt axcited xeben l it bhomme kuotan that conflicting an- sotmeements wera made about bis ab- sauce fraru the city last Saturrtay. One persan sali that ha bud laft fer 8açth Bend. Another that ha had goe ta Chiscaga. Anothar that ha bau gmoensame place aIse. Il Shatkus bas ied tharafore the ta- lice fdmsha ba sapread soma clevr atto about is absence so thara ara msry t*ho thlnk still thare te ntbIng tawrong and ho will ha bock. Trace Hie Record. The record o! Shatitus traced ba:'t. shows thsat;haotvas engagad lu a like businssminl Chcaga, it le aliaged, aud that, it le claimed, ho thara aima got loIto trouble o! a like nature with that nota !acng hlm. Bef are is com- tug ta Waukegan a year agoansd ha- fwe.bis cernear lu Chicago notiug la UmmOwuf hISm SHow Me May Have Worked. 1Ates a Chicago womau bau! mode oo4Wsiit tbs4 Shatkus had takeu bar ' mre but flefi ta deliver ber steain- s tickets Waukegan Lithuanians tabo badjentrustad funds ta Sbatkas bepan ta Investigata andIt ta tbey wua daim nota that ha bas lied. They daim that monay given ta is ta ha sat lu thea farm a! Postal o rdars for the aid country bais pro!) ably neyer beau sent sud bave start ed a local pot office investigation ta Sud out tow frr the lassas allaged ta bave beau Iucurred till go. Cisim Large Louses. Oua Lthuanien leader ciaimed that folsses thraugh Shatitus ha alaegas, rua fram $25 ta $700, the lest namad sum halug tha large8t. Chicago Police Seek im. The Chicago police bave novi hein put an tua traîl a! Shatkus and If ha la lu that city, share ha la suppoaed ta hava a hearing June 3, lie wili ha located. Weies Mndling Matter. Numerous Lthuanans have appeal- ed 10 Attorney William F. Weiss ta laite charge of tireir dlaims agaluat Iba banitar claimed ta ha msshag andI yastarday sud ibis niorniug bis office v- lirouged with Lithuarlasa ceit. Ing radreas. .Atorney Weiss refused ta lIsse a taiement lu regard ta the miater. WAUKEGAN MAN IN VANCOUVER, B. C., of locsl relâtIves taho bave tmled ln vain ta, locata Meade by-letters aud telegrarus, aud wbo are a, lionsl ta fret trace of hlm. Stery of Disappeurance. Made seema ta have vaulabed three years ago after baving beau discharged fmom a Vancouver boispital where be had beau coufiued. for twelva weaks folinwtag on the iadg- lng lu bis eya o! a piace o! quartz. Was About ta Bell Clalin. Ha said ha was golng north ta Ile Prlncase Royai, tu osal bis cdaim. It Io bardiy haiievad hore that the James Meade incatea ty tha Vancouv- ar chief o! police la the Waukegan James Meada,as those who kuata the mlssing Waukaganlta declare that ha wanld have taritten long ago had ha benuaaive and wabil, However tha chance bas been takan aud lattera were snmtthetraona man of the name ln Vancouver this aven- ing. Thoea la pooltiva avidanca bowavar that a Waukagan man of prominenca board from, Meade six monthsa star bis ralativeasilst board ,from, hlm wbicb may mean that ha reaily ls lu Vancouver. e BATTERY "6C WILL - CAMP AT ELGJI The mystery o1 whare Battery C wili make lta encampment thie yemr has been solveda m lat. It tai not ha at Springfield, Ill, It wll not heaai Camp Logan-, Ill. This bas beau kuotan for a long tima. hacause Logan la sa amala lace that not more than ana big gican ha haudiad at a UIme. t walîl nat ha at SpartS, Wls., vibera the ayee o! offic&sansd men bave beau tunlng longiugly. lnètead, t Will be et Elgin, Ill., where thero le to be à great milltmry encampmonî this yasr, pouibiy oeaof thé greatoat the etate ever hmd. Hava Been Worried About il. For weaks Captain Smith and hii offers and mar s bava beau warrled about tabara theananuel tour a! dutY would bave ilssacasrlc stting. Spriugfield the men have visitefi trea ar tourUimsan sd bave tired a! Logan bas beau ah Otan ta ha impos- sible sud basides the tate could nt swing a deal ta boy tae Cannon farta ta makie Il larger. Therefora Il ayea bava beau tumu- ed towamde Sparts Wls., and It was !oudly boped that ousîda teUtasite ami on a gavermmnt pmving ground for big guns the batlery tanîlil hava a try oCt. '-ott , boviaver. Fram day ta, day Captalu Smith bas watchad sud waited for officiai ordars that , cama not sud auxiety bas beau ta kuowte Uasecret that the future beid. Now ta l as beau discoverad, and 133 officers sud men andi tirir friands and relatives, or about 1000 people, are lntereated lunitnowing that El- gin wyul b hetracena o!ftae ext an- campmeut. This bas beau partiy anticlpatad vihen the name o! Sparts cama uP. Detalia of Camp. According ta Coonel L. D. Greene, adjutant genarai sud chie! o! staff, viho is lu charge o! thé division iread- quartera a!ftaeIllinois Nationai Guard lu Chicago taule MaJor Ganerai E. C. Young la absent tae battary willi go ln- ta camp St Elgin for anaevieeit from Juiy 17 ta Juiy 24. >à.- %Lna'ru... rrf. y James Meade, msîrg Wauitegan NwSoefrBtey faumer, miner and praspector, who Elgin wiii ha a uew scenic settiugt loft haoro lght yearsaega, kept lu fur Battery C viic is taelangeaI,ç toiseh ,ith relativres for- fire years., hast dilied, ulot saidiary aud hast1 and flnaliy seema te have vmlshed equipîued batîery ln tire national1 th,-e o yers 390, May now ire tocted guar (lo! tira United States. t 1ii 10 thse City o Vancouver, British C,- alto ire a comparsîivaly short baul1 lambis, olive, weli and perfetly abie for tirenmen sud tiraîr guns, hetng ou t. tIl sel"y ha -hue fot wrîîîen ta r ire ot.sarsdt 1l usd-9 101v«eharo. toîr have -tira advantage o! being ff a Curecnt note feom the chie! detralîr iocated for altae militia, aassqt*ulary offce o the cît>, o! von- tie trouble viltirSpringfield sud Camp oeaaves' Chief Constable R. G. Chamm Logan biug that thay ara f.t cen- baeisstoda>, seoto that ccording ta test. thse osai>, avalliabie trace ha lied The chances area t Elgîn may lassesM"ede l ocatud ut 717 Powafl ia aprmnnt camp for taedivi- etree Ii Vanooiver. Stan If t playa ils cardaWeili. If tisa chie!Cosnstable bas discover- ad té wbraahut aoftae missing To avoid serionasresuits take Foley'e Z"s e& ehot" d0ue mare tisaisKidnay BemadY t tire il ets egu ai kldnejy t"e riCeAS WUWuÙwould or cotld or hiadder disordar auch se baekache do,&M u aoo toU th efrtsUmrID y rreguiaritias, axhau«stiarss 40,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o W1Z ia 500nOW yutal e awaii. FRANK-B. LoVELL. CCAGO TÇAMS MRt Teama Wtb IHoms Looally Plileup 8cores Ombore on Their Out of, the City RIVeflaand Fans Turn 1 t n Numbera Lureci by Goed W ther and the Touch of Countrthe Diamonds of the City. Nationale Win. The Waukegan Nationala defeated the trong Mdandel Broa. of Chicago ln a 1008e game ýby a score o! 14 ta 8 at their grounds on l2th treat. The feature of the game wus the twirliig of Ahlstrom for the Nationale He aiiowed 6 bits and strucit out 12 men. Terlep added another bpme run to bis record. The Nationals W It over the Mandel Brus. from start to finish, they had a Iead o! 4 runs in the faurth inuing the score standing 7 ta 3 ln the fourth Inniug. Cummlngs caught a good games, and OKeafe was right there wth tha stick getting 3 its out o!ftour times at bat. The game was weli attendt. If it largar crowd wauid attend, 'sa uaxt Suuday the Nationale wi>fe'o i! Uta -Hgbwoad team, tae grouuds. lre go- log tii ha lu good shape b*r-list Sun- The Naîlouals bava Quit ~feta gamea hooked on their neta grounds sud tbay axpect ta play son' ao stroug team from Milwaukee and Chicago. Natioal@i Win Again, Tha Waukagan National% took a trip ta Kenosha yastarday, whax>e they. trimmed the Werwic Brothers for the second lima by the score o! 9 tu S. It was a good gama up to the ixth inning; the score staod 1 ta 1, .but vihen the Nationals started the sev- entbtiuning, things bagan ta look dif- faent. Tliay aacured seven runs lu tiratIinuing. This gava tbam the laad. In the ight anthar National crasaed tire plaie; this made It 9 us. The Warwic's aacured two ratiolunthe elghth and this made thse final score 9 ta 3. Aistrobm was on the slab for the Nationais, whla Schmidt sndd l. Smith done the twirling for the Wer- wic Bras. Ahistrom was riglit thare again; lii aiiowed aight bits and struck out S. Schmidt pltcbad a gaod game up ta the slxth Inning. In the seventh the Nationals went right after h lm andi pounded out one bit after anathar. Ha was released by G. Smith, who finished tha game. Naxt Sunday the Nationals wili plajr Hlghwood at. their own grounds on 12tb atreat. The West Ends defeated the Racine Olivers four ta thrae Sunday. 'I i - State o! 1lIlinais, CountY o! Laite, S.; In the Circuit Court o! Laite Couuty.. Edward J. Heydecter vs. Christian T.Haydacker, Charles W. Heyclacker, Mtary M. Short, Clara P. Short, elmma A.. Heydackar aud Cyrenlus A. Hay- leciter. Bill for Partition Gau. No. 2995. Public notice la bereby given that îy virtua of Su ordar sud dacrea au- aered ln the aboya entitled cause lu said Circuit Court at tira March Tarm A. D. 1909 thereof, taeudrslgned. Mlstar lu Cbancamy o! salfi Court, taill, on Mouday the Ziat day o! June A. D. 1909 et tira boum o! ans a'cloci luntae afternoon o! said day at- tast door of tae Court Houasluntae City o! Wau- kagan, luntaeCounty o! Lake aud 3tata of Ilîluaig, osal aI pubilc auction ta thlhgirst sud hast buddar the foi- ioa'lng descrlbed landi sud meai astate, to-tait: The soutbweaî quarter a! section tivanty-aigirt (28), sud tira southwest quarter aoftae sutbeaet quarter o! said section twenty-aigirt (28) aIl ln Taownship Forty-elx (46), Nort, Range Eiaven (11), Est o!rtae Third Principal Maridian. AU lu tha Caun- ty o! Laite ami State aif llls. Terme o! sale tuvauty-live par cent cash on tae day o! saleansdÀte bal- ance on dalivary co------- i Datad May 22nd A D. 1909. ELAM L. CLARKE, 85-8 Master ln Chsucery. The Faiîhfui F.w. Onîy six men aud sevantean lvam- en houord tae grave of tire lite John Alexander Dovle St Zion City Sontday. aud tira man te wrm hundi-eds of9 thousanda once looked tltir reepert, appearad to have beau talt nigli for- gaten. is grava tasa piouly decor- ated ry tae amal gl-aup. Waukeglan News DQ>GS KILL SI1C!f ON ARMQJR !ARM (From Wedn4y's Sun In "Bah. Son of B«tîùe," an Eug- rllsh novliat relateaihot a shapharda coIluii dog, afler years o! !altbfuluess,t ruse amuck witb the tbirs ta Ifihi. andL after slaying scores o! master'a l seep by teaaing ki oats ira- cames an outlawi d Tire la exactiy o! this LI d ont wast o! Laite Fore--taihrra ugul heflira lest a tabola peet o! doge, sarne a! whlch are bellevsd ta bhave beau crossed witb violvea, inva4d tha val- tiable ArmuorÇr flaçk sud tare tire tb,oats o! 'fifty sheep s0 that tbirty- twq yull dia. Oua o! 'the doge bas bg> captured sud la hing itept ed nffthe otaner turne up. The dbg la a Abaap coUle, pl 'the same speei.s sas tirenovellat mentionslnl is booit Instances o! snch, doge runnlng amucit are comparativiy rare but wrhere a sheep ýdng- d6ýear loose he docs as rnuch da auId a iol!. -o This is belie'red t e hes0Oluit ot past reprisaIs op $A nou, sheair. MT SHIERIDAN BIJSY IIUNTING DESERTEIR John B. Ward Geta Away Prom 131h Cavalry et Port (Frm Wadueadays Suin) John 1W Ward, 131h tavairy, Trnop C, tris nrorning la said ta bava desert- ad tha army at 11. - Thisafaternoontnear thiea a ithakiad dpodier on a gray horse apad tbrougb tira ctty lite msd. lit may bave beau W'ard. The police racaivad a talegrsm sud near four there taara ixty isoldiers lu a net viari dravin along the north obnra lu smardi o! Ward. The story la that à major lu coum- mand at the fort ordared Ward, a 4riaonar, ta Iaav, iisepeýtry aud go lotoa a aemuent 'wtj oma article. Ward vient but neyer came bacit sud tira story goes Utat nothUta rivate bas beau Jugged and tirat au Inquiry 'talli ha made. Saturday Is tire M9 &Y at thea fort wtUthtie Bo b~ç~uy fom nîne ta lve aud 'ýuite vlsXtbrs, ara Invit- au. ýe . Ilfgfetry aud cay ai'fT d the autire poatlu fact ara ont afteyWat-d, tair la nota vanled 9,s a tituaesa in the lu- Walrd was seau lu Wakegan Uta womning but later lait, It lis claimafi, !ALL PRom PORCI Wau kegan and -North Chicago Pall te Hear o! Trsgedy ln Which Local Men Mat Oeath Untîl Yeteiday. Deathe et Grayelake and Shermer- ville Interest Local People ta Som* Extent. Manager Fruiadneld 'Žmpve monta SO*dht frThtWiii Malte Mie Place t Anusent for Viaukegan thé onéet, quIpped Un Addition to' filelaNow etatela 'cet POpX%'iî ,PIAYl Ouse. By an asmeemeut 'i6ed inoaYan- taeMay ln Chicago the owners and manager of thse Barrîson theater have rentad thre Schwartz theater for six feqks beginnlng about Juna 24, the rartieu ta thse temporary lase beng JosephB 9. Howar'd, Mabel Barrisan, who las1Mme. Howard, and Arthur A. Fmudenfeifi, wlth the Central States Theater Company, represented hy JamaeqWliigfleld. By the terme ai the agreemanýt the Barriaan-, attractions wIll hoid tihe huards 'àt the Schwartz for six waeks begtiulng ln latter June hble a bai- coul* la bains huilt on the Barrison, theatar, The dadcny, which lbas long been undar discussion, wll incraese the ca- paclt of thse Barrison ta 600 snd 'wvill coaft about $à,000.- 0' Other dran&es rmade In the mont piar show bhouse ol, auy descrip-i ti at abegn r -orthern 1111 n ain b as ever lha i t a front rafflr arng vaudevil 'bUaters. Jabepit g.'Hota , e Barrisan &înersh.ip .wil1 batel oe tmamrrbw 5- rÏanging. the detiel, oftib he iOVa iaBg'rris Iyb ~tadis Ipertion of he , 4th. r7vd lc of amusement 1.u eza seiahaps. Ný( matter what sblow ýet the Bairisan. it. t esetièetate that every mna% woman and celid luWankegsu bas hie otan perpwigalanif fraely ax- ýpressed opinion about it, and»,Maflager F'rudenfeld, wha la tha youn .gres- siva, rosourceful andd p tada e »an- 'ager, l9 reapousihie for this compli- ment wbich the 'p ~qy ta bis ra- sort.-_ nl'at ha ls destined, tco a larger fu- tifre bera ln Waukegan'ýOWd elsatahera fs en sure as late anti Waukagan me- içieostbat the enlargemeýt ta the liaý?Ë on wbith the manager bas 80 long sought la Stiset to be built. ýl&uager F'rudenfeld wk-slmply transfey- bis attractiàe4 tau\'lha Schwartz theater f r six weelcs Wh the Harrison ilab ade ready. Fs r~-r-------------V 13efore you. Buy that Buggyý d~inlook over over our stock. Have Iiftg te select [rom. "The Staver is a Sta ver'* nIF iT'SSCINK FRIOM CA K SClANCKS 1BR OS. IT'S Libe rty ville, I. John Hart, 46 years oid, North Chi- caga,,IDl., was instantiy ltllIed Buuday sftamnoon iu the presence of bisetife, Mme. Anna Hart, snd a number ai friands, wbeus ha fell froru the faurth sÏory raar parch of 329 Flranklin St. Ha and bisetife hsd beau vliting et tl¶ homea of John Vasysey, ou tha fourth floor, and tiiay weut out ou the rear parcli. Ha iaauad againat the railing, tahan thea raling braite, tbrota- Ing hlm ta tha grarmd. Physiciens wara summoned, but ha tas dead ira- fore thay arrlvad. Oaatlia. L-orez-Jaba, beloved father of Mrsr. Bertha Webar, lia ate Hacit- andor! and*Mre. Auna Walter. Dufour-Hillary, May 29, 1909. fath- ar of Frankt G. sud Emery H. Dufaur. Funarai services St late residanca. Orayalaite, III., Tuasday, Juna 1, St 10 a. m., Intermaut at Graceland. Desth of Engineer Known Mare. Milwasukee, Win., Juna 1.-Frank R. Railiy, ai Chicago, chia! angineer of tha taahip Blacicroct, taaas$truckt hy an automobile drIvan by former Alderman Gaorge S. Mieredith late Sattirday ulgbt and diad at tha amer- gancy hospitai Tueaday mornirsg. Accarding 'tawtlnasses Reiliy was crosslng the Sixtb treet viaduet di- rectiy In front of tba machine. A by- staudar yaiiad at hlm bat instead a! jumping forward. be feu bacitward sud tasa struck by the fander and thrawu ta tira pavement. Ha wasa pickad up and plaeoq lu tira automobile and a fiying dash jor*the baspitai tasa made, but it p ed f u- tila. His Chicago address was 898 North Nlairie avenue. FRED jOCtIIM SPECIAL ATTENTION Ta oui of Town Orders And Shslpping Trade Taiephona ,No. 46 Lihertyvîlle Exchange BAKER end CONITECTIONIER Libertgville - Ilni MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS Mysi tihemi breker mornis Ivlthouî * ~Chîcagj weelr, came u The expia n &bouts, rthe"Co, hie pj' firet h.. ranI la tenace. Sirice rant hat snd it aiiaged --oser $ cnarges whe cil dersarm le Claim 2-A j rmade * Ing valu * 3--A C and poci Il di i1Cet ivt Elals arkr-jt oi luieais i ratiltir keTi-ai s gail-g, i i li ilitir-,il! Iw le fil tif, ritir otim ll2-4, Iluirips v aAttorey fii-l..11t j Onue rm day ire 1 vfor garixi rglit. lii W. stslilig Il i d-bt. tiîrolîgh t- al.-ge-î. If tire l to thirur- oid courti fraur aigin sudclair that ther rend, lette kothar aidt Joking lu 0,as itr ~Ltters dCountr ~lait mWIrdtisa t ANNOUNCEMEINT Electrical Contractors We can furnish yon with eleetrical m3aterial of every description at lowest prices, aud deliver it to you at our storeroom, 230 N Genessee Street, Wan- kegan, 111. M & LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN, -.1 ------------------------ 6 ------------------------ el ------------ 00 ------------------------ bi Do " bislth your children. Scbool children eirotld ire f ed pleuti. iully sud frequently on Quaker 0"a It makes tire hast possible breakfat for &u rawh nta work wiib eittsoeboe" or muscle. It's easy ta prove ibisla your otan f amily. Incremsethre 81 conaumptian of Quaker Oaie and yffl sS s almat ininedate impraveanei la the hutanlisd cera>' ai th-ee taO a0 1*. The regssis site package oi QuuI* Oetm saDs at lOc, tire large famfly Paé. aga aite a~ 25c; tire f amily pacdagnVI&h a, plea c cJ hinasOc.r Breakfast au Quaker Qats every day. Everj'onawouid hebenellledby laking Foley's Orino, Laxative for constipation, etomacir and liver trouble, se it avisetens tae eloinacisnd br-eatb, geutly atimu- lates the limer aud regulates. tihe howea sud in much auperlor tu Pille aud orlinary lmastires. FRaÀa B. LovELI-. 01 y, 1 - ýý ý- là h -

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