CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 1

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C'O,,UNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL XVII. NO 87. Two Parts LLBERTYVILLIE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE il, 1909-12 Pages Part One *1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANE11t - -------- - i r SANUTi4ÏUM I1mu Wr!ALTIY SUPPORT - t1 Jarm A. Pafttn ,Wheàt king and Evafltofiphlanthsropilaon.esoathe backers of Pet Crowe's ret cure and drink saniturlum et Fort Sheridan Pa rk Cyrus McCormick, ef Laite Forest, head of the great reaper plant whlch supplies faim machInery to the tillers of the soifeoflthe world, la anothen. Other north short mlmon:ires, min. Intes an clizen hae badedte- gether te support a $20,000 organiza- * tien for Crowe andth ie Hlghwaod * Cure Company, wth the Park HoteI and Fort 8heridan Park, Highwood, as headquarters, wlli b. the concres resugt. These threteannouncomenla are the resuta af personal Interview@ with Mr. Patton at Evanston and Mr. Crowe t Highwood, and there li ne question oft1h. slncority ef purpose ot fithsr te Evanstonlan or the ex-Cud- r hy kidnapper. James A. Patten bas contrIbuteti 1h- eraliy taute ligbwoi Cure Com- pany', an Institution ta lie capitaliz- ed ai 1200,000 tise purpose of wblcit la to own, maIntaîn snd operate a nietil c-reliloua cure and sanltarlum for tise treatmeut af patientsa atdicteti ta tise liquor anti drug itabits. ati1ligli- wood. This Institution latga hi'ccontroiied b>' men of abitt anti lroit>, belng isseketi iy Cyrus H. McCormick, Jas. A. Pelten. Rev J. H. W. Boyle, pastar ite Forest Presbyterlan churcit. Raipit Olmstead. priva' secretaryt to Air. Patten, Dr. E. L. Eaton. pastor Emanuel M. E. citurcis. Evanstèmn anti Rev. J. C. Waiker. pastor Md. E. ehurcit atI igbwaoti, 'ho 'elil cansttute te btoard of dIrectors wseu tise cure la organlzeti. M r. Patten stat.ed lu au Interview 'elis a SUN reporter lisat ise suggest- edt tiat organizallon be posîPonedtitl tise undertaklng bas heen proven a aucces by actuai reaulîs. Furtber- more, iesaatd he ls ouiy one of ses- eral 'ebo have cotributeti sud v6411 uo allan te uudertailg aiegie- bauded. Patrickt T. Crowe wbo leate origi- ustor of te proposition cani' 10 Hîgit mood about a uîoulb ago-jual afler te apring election lu abic thIe vti1 lage sdnitisri'atiou abicit nîheti the1 Iliegai sale o! liquors was oterîbroasu isy a ticket made ut) s'ioliy of ex s-.I Étiers front ulayor down, anti whi dieaued Up tietilowu. Croae lamumanager aI lresent and1 prepared for a large pieutec last Sun- day lu Fort Sheridan Park. mun i counection with the Park litotel. a really igit lass building a-herf,' 'itJ Fort Siteridansuililary- Band a-ili for- otei musîr'. Dr. -Eaton of Et-ettattin preacbed. A baptismaîl seri vcei at whicb Crowes seven aeei'oidt daugitter was baîîlized. andthtlie sglug b>' titi' ongregatîoti was under the direction of -'%r. ie;Po P-tlerson of Glasgow. Scollerd.avito 4now couuecîed aith tise Moody Bi3- i-e lustitînte Clhicago. 6 Since Crowe behc w1waugt-r of tic hbote] t- ,- .ri: bot h-t-' 0ýcc i -not cuiti t-id linpiroveti t-.î' 1111tk. wl'ic' i,acs 1total wacdi. hi'c 00r- gocni' a cnopleie trltn-ftt-iution. i' Pvautlfki(' rotinda. îraa'rl c tilla iart Sanutobile drivses, tog,,lli- -taiit a iteauliful lagoon havi- bein ntgtrat- etý Drme 11w aîllîtettten. are 10 hi' lhri'e meetIuzca a aeet, nitutit, 0f1tent IliIostrateti, on to)pice of o-i ,o! ail rils 0 f th,? tonId.etc. A lt ruS(, " ete IoI leIl' potuIt. n au at 0d f clii rs itav", anIlaet, and a Kîmrbiali piano Installet Tco wagon boats ot palms, terntancuti lowena have been purrbased o! a local dealer. Pat Crotve aas ite was bons on a fanm fittîen miles nortitwest of Day- etiport, Iowa. Hi' atendet a coun- try' scitool ti11 hi' aas fiteen witen ite worçet for bie board anti learnedthtie butcher trate. Hi' wenl into itusiness barbet b>' a bnoter-lu-law, but sono wcol to te bat Bis later listory la weli troavo. lie daims 10 have ibe- conte couvetet anti ls on thei'igitt roat 0w. Hi' la fort>' >ears oit, was marrîeti threc i'ars ago, his firat vite itaving Icît im yecrs ago. Hi' bas tavo chiltiren. Resorta Are Popular. Antiocit . I, on Chiannel Laee Fox Laite aud nrnterolue alollar places lu Illinos havi' large nunibers of ceeu- ar aummer sojournera f r$m Chitcago aud otiser near-by> cilles. Tise Foi Laite reglon bas heen hulît up ln re- centI yoara by ma>' ut tise weabtlay Peole ot Chicago. Fox Lakte, Pista- kee Bay and smllarlcatesIth section have a large lentel aon thse political element of Chicago. Cook eounty and tis tate of Illninas as weil 1as niany other people af pramilneuce whose nameB appear reggs1arly ln tise nerna columns of tne dally' papers. Be- saies te homes, there ia ample pro- vision ln Ibese localitiea for thse week- end sojourners and those -Who prefer hotel or baardlng house ta tteir own homes or wlso titrougit force of dr- cumstances must depend upon public hostelies.-Reoord-Herald. COIJNTY PEAT BEDS MAY BE UTILIZED Lak(e Ceunty Pont la Found ln Exten- sive Deposits Along Fiats, et ZMon City, Near Woukcgasi Golf Links, and Along What la Known as 8ag Mt Grayslake. Peat la Crude and lJndevoloped. By ths Invention et a new furnace by Colonel John Jacob Astor af New York City a way msy be Op.ned for the actuael nvestment of new capital ln the peat beds et Lake county,as à use ha. been found fer thé peal. Accordlng to dispatches whlch have been correct for about a week. Col. onel Astor bas Invented a furnace titat mates Il î,ossibie to manufacture a producer gas tr4nc the peat and beý cause of lte vast snd easly accessible deposîta of is'al li tti county thte tact la of grealeat importance. Colonel Astor, diajiatrites state, wlli art as be bas lithlie case of several qulreinieut belng no object. andi wili donale thte use of bis furnace to hu- man klod for general henefit. Where Peat Depo&its Are. Pest deposits are 10 ite found le kuown Incalculable quanttity at the foi- iowing Places and ln the tollowlng districts ln Lakte couuty. I-Just n'trth of Waukegan, one de- 11asît belng ln tise vlcinlty of lthe Wau- kegan Country (Cluit liks. 2-AI Zion andi under marshy land between Waukegan ami that city. 3-Along te ig sag. Company Ha* Intereat Here. Tise Illinois P'est Company wak once formiedti 0expîloit the iteat betis cear Grayalake and aiong abat la known as lthe big cag but notbing praclîcal ever came of lte compauy, and as tar as Is known It no longer mataans offices bere. Governrnent Recegnizes Fact. The Ujnitedi States geological surý vey lu recent bulletin bas recagnizeti the existence of iteat lniLake -wounty but bas not attemîttedti estimate thi' quanlity or quaiity. Quality Inferior. However, il Ile knowu lthat the quai. lty of Lake county iteat Is inferlor, te iteat beng ln a crtîde sud onde- veloped tilale. Houet er. ibis may not ltossiiy ittetfere a itliis ose ln te Aslor furnace otmanufacture pro- tucer gae. RIEf USE TO IENLARGE SALOON T!RRITORY Comniittec Repo rteti Againsl Petition and Made M otion to La>' il on lthe Table te be Forgolten. Movement Wae te Gel Saloons Between Stale anti Prescoîl From Tenlth to Four- teenth Street. Bonds Were Raised. (Frniuiw'u-toestay s Suîti Extenîsioti 0f titi'saloon erICIcori tut SortitChichago lattoutiaaît niglt ta-boutttte ulttter c-liebrooglul belone te North clicago cotuncil satdtti' cf- fort 10 ettu'uî lthe bomîudna i ait wici saloons îiigit open lyslait atay oit titi table to te forgotten. Tîte actioni foilowct th eieort of lth lseiiuu.'îcnînitlee, aiticttiiate lthe motion tlula>' titi'petition onithle table as the nieinbera o!flte commoit- tee tven. cil egainst the extension. 'Thet'mtonîtcarniet utanimouel>' The extensiont ieaicet ta5cfrout Tetl sîrcet, souîrit to Foîuteenitb, lte mile antin anelght i iit fron t1h..naval training sation, atnd betacen Stte anti Prcscottl The cotîncil caosecabset lte mayor's bond front $1,000) 10 $3.000, eccording te stablre.,sîtdl alset lte treasorer's bonds 10te .00oit accounlt of titi larger ouils of nuoei>'hi' ia iant- liug. Postmasters Gel Increase, B>' annotincemneut mate Ihree daya mgo BarnInglons postmaster gela an lucrease bo $1.500 front $1.400 salai->, Fort Shteridan $1.000 to $1300, Higis. land Park $2.300 10 $2.400, Hlebvoot $1.500 ta $1.600, Llbertyville ,$1,700 tc, $1,800, set Northt Chicago $1.600 ta, $1,700. BURN4!D TO A CRISP' BY ELECTRICITY Narth Chicago Care Taker of Electrin Road Power Suis Station nm Wiscon- eln Caught In "011 Swtchl" and Kilied lnstanlly. Humnan Hand and Three or Four Buttons Were Onty Ostingulahing Marks, fitrtiet to tiie forni of a blackt mass n cbilet only seacral "iscîper* but- toits atnt a itunan baud are dîstIn- guichabie, Frita>'te body 'of Rich- anti Bell of North Chitcago carnete1 lte Larsen and fConrad uodtrtating roonts front titi'Chicagot andMilwauktee Electric Raiiroaîl Company' suit-sta- tion ai ('arroilsvilie,\Vls, ndue miles out of NMlwsukee. Bell, wito was titi'cane taiter for the Power station, and worked aot ail uîgbt, realiet on Victoria street betweeu Sixteent and Seventeeutb streeta, North (Cbicago. He was mar- rîed and leaves a wIdow ant three chiidren, iwo of witom. boys, are of a formeraife. Titerewas sornt'e llgbt confusion abotit Belleq Identît>' et tiret because lte eledlnIc roati officiais tddnot seent to itnow sfliitltîg lie ond bis lasI nainte. Bell. andtihie tact hi' bas a itomeeln North Chicago. Bell],atio le about fort>' ilve. met bis deathb b>'means of au eiectniecdur- rent Of about 5.00W Volts. Met Terribte Fate. Tbi' dead malt wae a cari' taker at titi' arroliilli' sui-station Hi' et- tente t 10the mac-biner>' of thi' 515 lion aI nigisî wien power wace sit off. Becatîse hi' was ail alone lunte Plant witen be utet iis dealt detaits are lacklng. Witin bis "relief' man came Friday ntorning 10 laite charge hi' foucdthe lite ghb tman itatimet is deaîhby b>heconîlng tangied lu wit la itnowu as an 'oil swtcb' witere - ie cstainet s cornent of about 5000 volas whlch kliet i hm at once anti lu- cineralet i bs body. Titi'coroners Office a ilwaukee wcs notîfleti anti a deputî> coroner narnti'out 10 fCarrolilvilip itha-tbhIe ne cuIt titat the renlainaa-cri' oriiereti brougbt 10 Lake count>' ahere the VIctime home is etualeti Titi'electrie road itroîîghllte ce- ntaines10 lite local morgue on a apeclal car. Where Carroiisvtlle is. (aîroiisaiiie ia twenty miles tiortit Of the stali liUie'on the 'ledtric roati anti nortit of Racine. beiIng juet out- Bide- o!fMilwauee. lindicator Shows What Bell Did. Titi Intilcator of the power station shoas tai Bell startedth Ie machin_ erYat aixebFriday uîoruing. SîOO aler titis hi' muet havi' founti ltaI sîinttthing watt goîng aroug, raîttost i oe"t lalmît, as it la allegeti hi' tout off the glas4 door of lb.. wal eti ln ou saitth, abere lte htgit eu- BiOtt carrent, 33.000 tvolts, cornes lu, anti must bat-e insrteti bis baud ln- lu tite' angetous place. Titi'sboct titetabIllet bint anti burnet i hm up. lie tvaa cndOteret a iigiti>' omlpel- entI mati, JUMP f ROM WINDOW CAUSED BY 61D. T.'S" Witen Arrested Toiti Stor>' of Being C ha se&i Wilh Gun but Inquiries Show Hum Suffering ot Delirium Tremens. Jumped Front the Second Stary Window of His Boarding Hause and Sprailned Ankie Badi>', Itî'i ng tuaI a tian anui a anuan c-etý,'icaiîtg itail ocer lte rotin. lyad suiit tuai1escape- tiini hi' hat betit fonceil o junîp froîn tite second stor3 att ntoc o! bis boartbîg houai', flecoîcu Zi'ssluî an enaîloye of the sagar rcfluueny. cas arestet b>' Offi- t'en Met'z Fu-dy itu'îgttcttad aestalîco tu te Ipule station. Zessini iaîl lump- i't frionthue su-oul t or>' wbndow 0f ti' Chticago f-ouse, c boardlng houai' near the' rcflcert. tintwaesofferlng front a luadli'sîtraliui enkle. Wben examinet h>' s lilysiclan antti' police station be wasa fourniîto1 have a severe cane of de'liium tremen'is. t Zesain toit a tatl'etfbornoies t ttbi police station ancuitsbic tor>' about ie- lug citacet b>'tilt' man eut ' woman with a gutît cas repetet again snd again. Hi elîl clsating tbat te hat been forredto mtlicthe bc ump. Chased From Wrong Roomn. llîquilies chowet' ltaI Zessin bat been drlîiutig for soelinte past andt tthlie tremens cerne on hlm Frits>' nigitt. Hi' ceachet bis hoarding houai' laIe anti bccoming toufuset triedt b break Into lte room of tise woman who owns te bouae, Her bus- ,you go to your own roornt 'sie cail- ed. Thse man went away tuti ft a few minutes was bacit. maklitg tmore noise titan itefore. 'Go away ut i I ,h(x)t," se calied agaln, afraid I t. c uId break lu, and agalo Zessiii t tant away. No more noise accrt-IubitrIng the ntgbt and it was not lotilinîuroing that te woman learni titithmZessn bildJumpeti trom his a tifuilIs crazed mmnd had pictut.i ii ll inis of horrors cioslng Ln on itei "Safe" in Refinery. After juming frotit.- th- îow Zesalu rau loito te yat-tl, as th, u star refinery wblch he dedi-si ] th l Oniy place wbere he 'ta.qsaf-te Iton pursuit. He was seen hyThi watclî. man. Officer Mete wast îttooneti and arrested Zestin. The man la a Gerotan , about 32 years nId, and lescn oartiod li-e came from Chicago. fie ha, been worklng In these tgar îclîttctv il was slated that ise wouii b.i alri.îht agalu ln a day or two %%hutî the ef- fecta of bis carouse hadlaxo t )off acnd lie was free tram tise trot ýn PRIsÈNTrs SÉNT BAC 1 1GROOM SAILS AWAY Son et Presidcnt of Starck Pano Corn pany Dotevmin0a te LUse Ticket& in- tended for Hentymoon Trip Anyway and Therefore Takea Friend, Re- turna Presents ta Denors, and Goes ta Europe on Tour. (Frotte Wetinenati Su tît Laike county was ina-oIac-i pil,,,t network of su Ioteresîiîg iiti, soicial tirainats is mornlng witen t itîtt' ituown Ibat Pisllp Starckt. t-ou tîtt Mr. anti Mrs. P. A. Starckt, fît ii la Of flarriitgton, Ill.. bat gîllî- ta iv tu Europe alte'r 5a nisappy ec'tI tot. bis engeagement. Mrs. Starckt, tise yl)ung rital, silla) Iher, usa Llzzie Ziuermnaît of Han- i ington. Titi' bndreds of f$eads lit C~hicago of NSigs MltretiA.Uiebj, lte biesoî titi tiaugitie 0f Dr. anti Mrs.L. A. Rîtehi. 1t)72 Sheridnti roati, anti Pbilbp T. Starck, eie of igewater's unosl populan youtig bacitelors, son tif P. A Starcit aitdi îîoninent lu tise business life Ot the cil>, acre surprîseti a feu' tisys ago to recite hark lte presetit- abicitliaitibeeti sentless Iueiianti Mr. Starck it liantitcipation of lteit marriage, whiIlibail been set for May 2 lu Si. Pauls German Evangelical) chu ccii These bundni-îb of frientis of te sodiefy girl aîîî the- oung hachelon litait eard a feu daya prevlous that the a-edtîng of -tiss Rueiti and Mi- Starck hati iet-litba)t ioneti oitaccourit Of lte Iliness of te bride-to-hi' il bat bei'u gettetalit atîPPOsedti iat th, ai'dittg aoîld rakit, placea s oon as Misasitîebi rer-tîereit ber health Bt wlfb lite retîtnî ft iii'wetiding lires- IndefIniti'lotluîutilo! titi'weti Torlay oi thetb usi.îtania lu compativ a-ib one.'of hi. is1,est friends air(] lte man ulto at.lihiave been one ut lte usitensaai lit, wi-ding, Piili1 T. Stackrtilasafllîttoi iiEurope. -le la saaling ouite ahip ,ntiti bcbhli' plaît ned 10 lakeo11i1,bride.' bEurope foc a ho'ncî'tuîîioit ii, anttionte tate' oclgInalla' set it tiih, sailing. Frank Keoiet, aoli ut T'..\. Koeitler, la go- Iog to Eurtoute atl V a îung Mc. Starck. AIERONAUT SERIOUSLY INJURED 'NT RACINE Plcnic aI Racine is Marred by Acci- uI6nt. Racine. \Via - tâme 6fi11mi, ane- tenulît 10 itaIt taIitioon ascension St titi" itminiats i' icii,, hud t aIUnion Part, Prof, Ctils i coats, eget 3F, yecrs, wattii tlî a Icali>' ljuret Sude>' evu-olitun. Titi bailoon waa bI- flated anti Giatîsti tarlet, but the Iraîteze opoil ta ii t Ijie- uaa seatet anti lte pîarachutet att.îniîu'î struck titi limbs of aouîcIl,'.-, >santi weretbril asy fron thtii' illiioti antGranaîb tttas tasitedtot the.-giounti a distance of fort>' eted lie mtas i-icket Up un- couaclous andtic,-î to a hoapital anti it ls fearet tis acUIam. -broken. Durlig eud trk afU t'e aie'trees. Durlng the winter Grautatitliasebeen Eunplo>'. ed t thlie Sithil I teor Car works, butl reiguedtobit îtît Ili maklng as- censions as lie lîtîdonsu'Iluprevlous yeers. is hotu i)pwsaformerl>- aI Chticago. If >'ou havi' sotttetingto seli, tell people about Il. XVi have a classîfieti want colontn for ihis partîcular pur- pose. CORN PRODIJCTS TO1 MANUIFACTURE CANDY Issue of 810,000,000 Bonds sa Author. ized, Haiftot Devote 10 Candy Propo- sitlon. Local Plant Now Makes Cancly ot Fancy Chocoiste Kind. Expansion Probable in Waukegan Industry. The foiiotving, couliltcîl taitht tit.farct Ibal te localplIant i l tt tn , t itan- utccîuring cboa'olates of a custli ta- riety, shows Ibat %Waiikegan'. a itî e for s Corn Prodiîcts candy platt are iexcellent: The Corn Products Rfiln!tig (un,, pany, accordlng to present plans, will itegin îîaylug tefulrate of T7lier cent anuîaliy ou tbe preferreti stock at, the ceaI quarteriy perlo In lulîy, The direclors, Il May be stated, willi itoldti ieir regllar meeting Jue 20, a heu a dît identi of 1%Y per cent la expecleti to ite deciareti. Tbe board Intends to provitie for the payment of back dividends, amounting ta 5 per cent on titi senior ahanes. Tite lat- ter May bc paiti in a lump sou 10 titi'stock boitera. Action taken tedneîtday at tbe sue- rili ipe'tg uoftheliteîockhoitiers, asu thoîlzltîg an issue of ï1.10 , p 3ler t'111t tweîity-i'e year bonds, wiii lier. mîlit e tirectors 10 finance lte cont. tianY's new construction sud im- lîrovement wort REarnioge.ase sitown bi the lart annual repîort, bavte been anti tili are nmore titan ample t laite cari' of te diiientis at lte fullrate. itenti laiîtît Titetisent' esoIdto1 Sîîuyer & (o. of NewteYorkt sorte lime ago, andti ltfI 1m of bauters an. îîîîîîuet i esterday tlitIthe colin' aitotmnt bat bcen disîtoset of t10Ilu te-atorsý il la officlalix alîtouiîced taI the Corîtn ,oiuicts Rctinintg Companty wbli go intotht- businîesof nantifacturiug dandy. Titat point bas hei'n sellled deinlteiy. Titi'neta tenture a-li be condudtet oit a large ecale, as lte company bas aiti0f lte ustural ce- sources anti alîpItancea requbreti for titi purliose. Titi' onîpany's priciplîal rivais wili hi' titi National ('anti> conîpany anti titi National Biscuit Comptany. AI- tbotîghit lale 001genersil>' tnown, lte latter coîîcern la a large manufac- titrer of candi, lu sooti'quartet s Il la saidt litIfis caudy business la ta en langer titan thal of lte former co tipa n y CAPITAL GIVES WYNN ROAD NEW IMIPETUS Amazung Thihg About the Waukegan, Rockford andi Elgin ULin .Lacit ot Opposition, se thal Plans are Being Made te Run Smoothiy by Heads of Project. Conterence Tocia> Decides Matter, Nt-a extensive locaI capital la sait ili la. itiolite verge of tating a big nitutit of Intereet in ti' W'aukegan, Rurittort atut Elgini Traction Comtpany claintet If te teat gîes over the buildinîg of lte roat wili h.' mater- bail>' accteceatu t GenentIl Manager Rouent B. Wyîtt ii t-gia Filtitix cuti utn lte ut- auîtl li iitiont t-iti' ut itt te ta e maîlu itîi,ttîta liii- iiittttî-îialî it- titie of I 1i b. uitat li, twuurieu t,uît"red have ex- ien.-l . Xitkee utatîl(]'bicagoeilu vu-atnun -lianautlanire rct icali y Inlercal- et iii the dtlltîrnt nlof 'iXcoegan anîd ciiit igais tttturcitir>'. Titea han' nul hititerto appearet la atîtfioIt of loc'alietterprise beyont realty anul heum eltrauce bto titi coati affaira bas cautacti genieral salis- faction as if tIi-y alilrove oticra ahIl dune icls. Thiie u a ý a- tait a lsctyo!engin- ceca ntaaiug aa, nai'>' cnt ctiuîate o! the pi ofi. ttht' nii andsut tesi' englut. i-i slitat i nîptîrtu'î -ut trahI> at- 1cr aitt.rctîlneutu lIet tigation. The 'ila ii t-al IE pcigreslug amîtethi>'andizhouiotlthe ieet active opiiritiout i lntact t'elamli of op- position tai. iarkaliîe. The rotaitla acc anmlaI i.suatto te uset later ln art tiî iilting, WRIGHIT MEMBER Of: BANKERS COMMITTE! Outrera 0f gretil No. 4 o! Ihe batik.- ers' associalltinceci' ciected Wetnes- ta>'eyt ntîtheni alconvention ln Elgin as folloc: Cbalrman-WXilsen H. Doe, Homte National bat, Elgin.1 Secretary-W. G. Mtens, Central Trust compati>, Ciicago. Treasurer-Citarles N. Stevens, City National itank, Evanston. The officrs are ex-officlo members of the executive coutmittee. Other fienîbers ut the exocutix-e committe Chos.eîîare: Jante- . 13Perry. Bank of %IcEent-y; C. F. Wright, LzaI. County National hatîtLiieticiL..1A. Rues, Etat.' hank, N spervile; C. Il.Taicott, M'fil Coanty Nal tonal tank, JoU-t; Charles S. Ci'sale. Aîerîcan Trust and Sav- inga lank. (hicagu. VOLIVAITIES DECLARE THIEMSELVES ELECTED Election Returna Were Canvassed by Volivanites and Report Was Made That Owing ta Their Condition No- body But the Oid Cauncil Ticket Couid Have Been Eiected. DePew Sworn in as City Clerit. Volila cite City officiais of MOnU City mîet lit couril meeting '%Ionday, Can- Ntasseti the eleetion returus, deciareti ltemseines te ouiy ones possily 'leeteti andi hatithe City dent. Jas- pter I ePew, sworn In 10 ciinch tite business. '<hiie this wss going on, lu te cettîtol chanîber the Indep.'nd-i ente councli met anti adJourned, wait- ci for the news front ite nid bond;i netinllg and expressed 'thenaseives as titorougiily saaisfied when they heardi 't. Oeciared Thernacives Elected. Titi old City council met with Mlay- a rouiAtttîi' aceappoinledt b csnvas lte totos. The conînttee tIi co anti reltotetitankt litIowin o te don- dition otfte poili boots no onei'tt the oIt coucilioult possibi>' bave beeni eiecti't Titi'report aas atopt- et unaninîously, DePew was stvern lu as a netv oftrer, te others aerviog as boidot ccc, antite couinit sil dourn- et. Attornteys George Filditansd Les- lie Neetihant -cîtendedthlie meeting. lndepencients Predîct Coup. Inteutendentsa ailet last nigitl anal. loday wbeît toit of whal bat itap- Ieceti. -Il lajust ahal we wanteai tem 10 do,' ail salti. 'We are ilad tbey have at last mate a move tit aili tart Ibînga agaîn anti aIlenc; tile eadiocik.* Golng fartiter, titcy satedti hat a niove woulti be mtade alîblît a few deya litIwould give titenu the lîpper haut. XVat It wauu titi'> declitiet to atate, nol wlabiug 10 ]et titi' thet site know of Ibeir plans, the>' sait. Titi' officera declaret electeti iy the olti councili ast nîgitî were: W. Hurt ('lentîneut, ilayor; Jasper H. DePetv, elty clirk; Theotiore Forby, cit>' attor- ney;, Frankt O. Eddt>, cIl>' reasoien; sud It J. Thuraton, 0. W. Fanle>, John Dtow, Fret Rîithent and Tbeo. R. Becht- er, aldermen. COLJNTY VOTE Of TIIE JUDICIAL ÉLECTION Froit Wedneedays Suc) lui tti' jîîidiul eledlion lest MIon- day. 669 votes ceci' casl In Lakte contit Jucite Ilouheil> receltbng 636, Juttgueu iosî 633, anîd Judge Wrght 6; 1) A featui-e Of the election watt ubisi lut toitti linncte inonei'of titi Iluce 'gut tht' tîil vole. Titi vote by Iii t wu a tva Belitteut 2 Lictîtoni 3 Aîtioch I. .Xntiocb 2. AvnGsî............ arrn ...... Wanni........ XX'stibin2 Waittegaun 2:3 N'atlieganIi W'atkegiuii, Wauîîegan . i; Shiea t; -.1 Shieldste . ....i Shieldsta ...2 Libertyttulli'I .L Libertyt ile 2 Freenionît... W'auciiita ... Cuba . . . . . . E la .. . .. .. Venu -... ....1 W. Deertilt. t)ei'nleld 1 ...1 Deeriteit ....2 Deerflelti 3....2 0- 5 8 80 84 59 60 1t 9 hi 17 ,12 28 14 14 2-1 26 .30 2S 27 29 12 9 21 19 19 19 14 13 21 19 19 18 15 15 28 27 216 22 19 17 18 20 19 19 17 18 15 16 Totals .636 633 630 669 UNKNOWN MAN 13 KILLED AT CROSS Crossinig of Northwestern Near Aoa*. emly of Sacred Heart as Scene e< r Another Rail Tragedy in WhieIt Unknown Ffty Vear Old Man, Saina Orunk ut Fort Siteridian Earlier la Evening, is Victim. iligiîat Park Is gîaptlling w1th ituIe-raitoad dtiatit mystery. T1ilt crew or titi Nortitwestern train - t ..îî- ititg Iligitiand Park at twelve f- tecît etchit îihti-Notday nlght fouud a bodlytif an utitent1Iieti man believeti 10 lie a tramîpa lit e raliroat crossfng opposite tiie Acatemy of tise Sacreti Heari, isu souttiof Laite Forest send between titat clty and Fort Shteridan, Titi corpse 1,ltat of a man about ifty yeara oIt, Powerrtîlly bult, and col enough la left of lte body ta es- taiiiishaiîy sort of ani dentrncatlon. The only clue la a itantkerrhlef mark- ed wilb lite letier H. The clolizes cenlainet nothtng more titan an emp- ty plirce ant theci' were no lettès or itapera, or even linen marks. Render Open Verdict. Titi coroners jury on tbe case cen-' deret ilauOpen verdilct 10 tise effeet ltaI the unknown badl conete 0bis dealhb iy meaus îînknown. Coroner Taylor àaaeti Moutiay tisat unknîown migitt have been killIed and. laId on the tracit, or mun over ity a fîeight train, or In sny of haIt dozen otbcr waîs for aîîgit there was toi show. Tbe remaama aere cold witen pIcked ni) wbicb shows Ihat the train tisat foîînd the bodiy îid flot cause tisenun- known's teatit. Seen at Fort Sheridan. Au employee 0f the electric raad sates ltat bie saw lte mysterlous mtan l lit telilfe at Fort Shida4n' eariier lu the evening. iesenug agabinat a post dead drunk. He ideutifiedth ie mac hy mesant ut a soi crusis hat fourni near tise corps. LosHead andArm. - f titl Tuesday atternomsatIzê mauW Y iteati sud arsu were mIssing. Tiiey weM.s finaliy iocated sud itrougist ta tisel'est of Lite body wbicb ls at Pilori nu- dertaitiog marnalit Higitlandi Park. " Teelb showedthlie man ta bave heinz abouît fifty. Tise bodiy waa snch a msngled mass ltat no description cam bie lai beileved tise unkenoa was a laborer or even a tramp. MWOTI!R-IN.LAW 1S SU!»D 'OR DAMAGM~ Wife, Formerly Mise Tillie Rouse$4b«, for Divorce Some Tîmne Ail% Mai. Inle Many Charges. Case Casaeed. Sensation. Naw Husband Suis Molli. or-in-Law for Alienation of Wl?.'. As a resuit Of tise suit fer divorce wbicit bis aife filet againal hlm anome limte ago, MaYfieid Pouiton of Rock.- felier Thursaa> filet a suit againat hie ttotber-bn-iaw, M.\Ia. Auna Rouge for $10.000 taîoagi-a for alleustoil of hie wfes affections. In lte suit lie viii claint that lte motber-iu-law caulied aIl titi trouble betaveen hilnselt sud bic wife and finali>' catîset lteite 10 atarItte divorcesoit against lMm-u Attornîey Artitur Bu ldllai his attor- tey atîd filet the suit Thuraday, Ouly lte pracipe tuas filet, Sont-etInte ago, Mr8. Poultan, viso aas Miss TIlile Rouas filet her suit for divorce, mnaklug a visole categoy of charges agaluat her huasad. Thse cae caus8et a big aetssatton u a h -Ins. POUîIton anti ier motiser, 1fr. Rouai', a wltoa, are ver>' veili kuaw titrougitout tise countr-y, The suit fled loday b> tise hushant 'elil croate titi sensation auew. Poultonl la a aIL- lion agent aI Rockteteller. GEN. GRANT VISITED TRAINING STATION Gen, Grant sait Salut day ulgist, alter iuspetbng the Northt Chicago naval training station, uear Wauke- gan. wbich bh ivsiletiunannouuced: "If ta oui' et the fineat stationa (bat moue>' dan but. It lotks perfect ln every- til, anti wbeo finialietiIt vili ite au Institution aviict&aIl lte nations of lte avorl wlli copy afler." Slip- picg off qadetly tio-tlte Cyrus Me- Cormict readence at Laite Forest, aber' hi' la a guesl for lte week, (3eu. Granit enleredth ie McCorrnIck auto. eut ail aloSfe, excepting for a drIyer went lu tise training station, wisqe. he titoroughly InspectedthtisumiFaý, bildtings, etc.. remalnlug tiser. boW: an hour. -- a $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCIL 1 L'and 18 RwaY Rnd Rhe was frIghtened. Il

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