CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 12

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* - fE LARIM COVNTV lit Time Asurd. GRAND C01NCERT Souvenirs French Gray Silver Spoon divSR frea te ail plarchasers Boginniq Saturday, Jane *12, Eniig Salrdmy, Jus1I9 Il 1h114 outi. veît' sit. e u- t<îrs if (11.îlO' iî'Wstîl i wîi-e îlîi'îwn fiîs l loi 0i%.' uliiî uîand î sî iveM i express <r appts'iaýiîn for tliti-muonder- fîtl %v ' lv inwh ichi I iîpeopfle ritil < i 4iI oui-ilIl 111114iila iîst Op iinig 1)iDa îîiwho 1î ve patronized usinont)i aftr rnonth or sf i st 'pr pasmvIiî ) N, '[li-i tîirîiprtîgriîss iîailadi t Iîî îîi-iîss h evt;sJin aours uing luisfiitst Vtqit., is noîîui îiv piti-stonelai in a aislittfl oiîîî luit %voîîtl l i, cotîisiditrd îîtott lattvriig I iai- a ît-riviî,lgtxi 1ilill iii vIiagîî ai' an.%, litîr large i'iî'. '1'hrouigit nibiiii lie aditn iraighî fîr- îsai'd ltîsitîî'*;s l'ttlhoswe-e iilt'iil Ite tîîttiiîlice oîf thle imniuhîli'genlîllyt, andîas t i115<nseli i le ii mi nîs liqreiliilg vw<ifk 1< wîitk w uiltii st idî'i', wteîfactt <alis fîîit -î>tiîiîîttilV 'îiv tîksfi o'tstf frietîtis on every tandi..NMr. Ili, tiîe Iiîii of thiti fni, wi is so i1de t>i tiirolugiîtm t the M iii < i< Weîst. hla s Mw1tut1ail illt vi bh'eej 411,1 141as6$a shrew<i uier and i busi s$lit-sma nd>4Iiî»e exlpn-ms'<h is t-XIII 11)1e hîihsfacti 1h11.1114<1 gtrittiii'tioin iiliii'fault1 thai ii' ladies tif %ý'ltkegan laidLakv Catîîty arit- li-iiiing mort anidliore i<>ivint4ii i tai titi' sa1 51ve low11111 bY -lvr0Iill t I' î in ovCicg ati enI t sî î-~,,,., tores4'. Te atofteia teri. , that iiele; liaN lîrilti tt't rvet 11111 gailteitth iliiltl in ii 4" tsilalit hî"1411 aitthiiiti <lr hstop- 15 and 20 Ix-r 'îit dîhbol¶sxr tnn atiersihal pait initlis Chiicalgo to iii'. Ever-Y Ifl.%i2kîiw$ I 1151 l armntî'l't s sîteîi (1atiipît's llîee 1W a distinsiiiveiîps aond! tyie alluit il riait ~Illîti'hit ill>aIlam 1) ' viv teîf. 'iti'1i -Iili-i't 4 icii' jiiissibi iieîw ig l) ii îxîeîî aetaken iin heNaniîfacturî' tf s'a<'igarrîxeni.lill' tf h-tteli111 aitive lho e i ii fî'iîtily ot~tvtf t1lîisi Ixisterttitittiltl4e liad t theit ti' 1111 11>"4xJrx'iting ilit'eîliîstei ti lit lite it(1ettlar htge urîeî's ro-tiîi Qwishiul) aglîgll 111 îk îîîtnd' lut iifor ltir mui'i t4i4eOlit pjatronage. Spring Suits Must Be Sacrificed. and we'll net cnly save you money on the firat cost, but we'il give you quality such as onily WE can give. VouIl find mnany of the seasons best styles and pýtterns; you'Ii find only the best wear resisting lininigs: you'Il ses style and fit that you neyer did see on Ladies' Suits clse where. Dont miss this opportunity, it will not corne again. YeuIl be agreeably surprised when yeu ses the fine $10 Suit&t that we put on Saiesrnow at Compare our Sud«~ at $6.98 wîtli the gar- ment$ yeu get elsewliere fer $15 anti $18, Ours go for Clearance at $6,98 Besicdes thes,- we have somme elegant Suite -about a dlozen aH te d-that sold car er n the season at $2000 and $2500. They are yours now at on >< Mu $10000 We've a Swell Lne of Spring Coats. that must go for Clearance duting tht, Great Anniversary Sale regardiesacf cost. Beerns toc bad to let them go go cheap but Our polcy in ta carry nothing over go the profit sa youre. Will you miss te chance. Ladies' and Misses' Cotttgin ceverts and fancy mixtures. Now sn the tîmc te buy thern. Priece $1,098 We assure you that the Ladies' and Misses* CeatIl we, are selîng new a> $3.65 cannot be du piicated elsewhere for lets than *.00. N ew $c36%5_ 1Our Ladies' Black Panama Coats. 36 inch length, would be cheap at $10.00. Our An. niversary Bale price $4e98 0- $15-00 sa what you woull ordlnar ,ly pay for a long tan Covert Ceai sucli an we new offer at 1%09 Wash Skirts Go With a ]Rush We have secured fins Wash Skirts made up in aitea cith, tan, white, grey stripe and ilispherd plaids, wortli *2.00, that we will new Pia ah ~98C FlMéWas SkItstailoredli ke woen tafeta aso tn, ai ilinon gl.cia At ........ ............... 8 Ladi.' Pure Linon Skirts, Wootex mo- dl, &Il clors, wortli $500D, for thia groat Bale ~2.9 We've AMways Mlade Waists a Leader 29e fcr a Walt-oniy 29c. Anti that Walst wortli 75c to $1.00. ts wonderful. Sale price 29C Lawn Wa-te, embroidery firnts, most aitc, shing tiîxpiay ,t eriy 69C Every weman Wlio cornes heî-e sil be -Improesti wtlithe unusuai show-i of < fine $2 Walots r i h ae' es inciudi g DchO n 99C Fine Linon Wa sluree ola n saeregular $6.00 k nC We ve thse s every g ze at 1098 Uausd embroidored Lînen Watts, fine French ombroiderY lingerie wait, etc, $4,00 values, 2 9 m*My .......... We're Sellini a Lot ùfWash Suits These Days and it doesn't. make mueli difference what styleeor grade yeu want, yeu'Il find t here. We have a handisoee ne on dispiay new, n w hite,' lînen cler and striped materi ais that y ou mna y f rom at the lew price $6 Suit&, Ceats .16 Inch ength, strap trimmîngs' patc h peeckets, fînely tailered gernents atony..ý .. .. *. 2. . 98 Linen Pongee Suits. aIe pure linen Suit& wellt h $800 and $1000, ex- ception'al1 in style as In quaI ity. Sale price .......... 5.98 Our Great Sale on Ladies' Hats of Ail Descriptions is a Seven Days' Wonder So many ýo cheose from and in sucli a variety of new styles that every wor an wil quickiy find a becoming Hat in the eot; then, tocý the prices arc so surpriring low for our Anniversary Sale. A great purchase ef rnush- rorn and Taft Sailers en- ables us to give you rnost un- usual values. Tiey coerne in black andi cern cler rougli snd Milan straws, ehoce at $250, $1.75, $150 and . ...1 5 Cheice of a fine asseetrnent of $4, $5 andi $6 Hats madie up in our ewn werk reoms exclusive models exact cepies ef new forelgn designs, chie . ... .2.98 Fancy Flcwers, go fer Clear- ance at 15ç, 19c,25 Taffeta and Messaline Rîb- bons, ail colers, at per yard. . ..19C Elegant Hats in beautîfut patterns matie up of sîlk straw, fine hair, and ther summner brais, these are hats werth $300. Anniver- sary Sale 19 price.. . . . .. . .1 9 Special assortment of $7, $8 and $10 Hats. 't'u must ses these befere pur- chasing. specia. .. . .4 9 Baby Bonnets in embreidereti muli, faney straws, etc., aise Chiltirena Hala ef ait descrip- tions at98 25c, 50c, 75 anti.. 8 -d New Ideas in Pon- gee Coats and Dresses Theres not a new thîng on the market we h aven't got in this lins and the best part Isatliere's only a few et a kinti, which assures you tht ycu're not get- tlng the same as a dozen ethers. Fins Coats, matie up In pongee peplîn, wortli $1000, witl go tiuring thue sale at SikPengee Ccats, wortli $15. This greut sale $7*98 Peng. Desse, ratie Upin hantisome ernbroîdery effecta, for this gale $9098 Pengee and Rajah Dresses, madetie telld fer n hasruefl. $0 00Bale price $12,e98 I Hurry, For These Bargains Wl! De $napped Up Qulokly n3 iglil is l al ........ 2 g s 2 (î uni elo iiI ...29C 69C v, sailles. .. . 12c .... 29c Ladies' white utderskirls, fuît euilroid- î'ry lounce. worth $1.01) ........... 37c $123Vîdersklrts ....................59C $ 0whiii iîniersklrts, 18, Inchi ttoiî i emtrîîdery and heuistitehing ..99c Laie seevPeiss vests -.. 5c l,adies ,'mercerized iests, 25e anît.3c valnes.............................19c Ladies' and ('hiidren-6 13 hic-a . ..6c Ladies 75e dri sslng sacques ...39c $1.00 bouse itresses ..................59C $1.50bouise idresses ..................95c ileaiti tut ju440 ip! i s.ce i)aj t $2, 440w.......... ....................98e Beactifut wash iircssii, 'suîrth $;.,40, for ...... .......................$198 $5.00 tawîî dresses, latest loodels . . $2.98 $600 anîd $700 litsen dresses .. 4.98 1 Ladii,-i' 2c lace hee...............18e j1Ladies' lack lisie gloves........... 29C tmsîtlis itaw(iF., m- , o 1- >r lace ,M - - 1ý .-- ..... irmniîng . . ... . 35c Ladies' VOle dressinlg sacques . 19e Slaughter Sale on Chil- dren's Coats 'à Dresses At our Annex and Main Store yeu wii finti a 9gecat dxsplay of Chldren's Dresses. Note th lohowîng prlces 49 $1 50 and $2. 01 Dresses, wF,te asnd Cnsrsi, a, . i . . ..99C $2a0 and $300 Dresses, white adclrai 1..-- -1.98 Pc e, ceo Chil'tren Cea ts eut te 98c aînd 1.48 Ladies' silk gtî)ves.................. 39c 5S)c corisets......................... 29c $1.00 corsets....................... 69c $1.10 hlack undi'rskirts.... ......... 35c Black shadow stritie underskirts, $2.00) values.............................98C $5.10 silk îînderskirts .............. .$48 50c Childrenis Bonnets ............. 25e Chldreîî's $1.(0 tionnets, Includlng straws ............................49c Ladies' lancy collais, 50ce vaines ... 25c Ail tatest ln belts, worth 50c and 75c, 25c 25c and 35c velinigs....... ........1j8e Why Not Duy Them at Hein's! What? Shoe3 Ladie ldSoin extra quality Vici K i teathers, soli cksk ole, nsole, heet anti counter; Shees matie to oeil t 0 $3.00. A perfect fit guara nteeti. Bpecili.....................19 Ladiesg Fine Oxfords and Purnps in tan, black and patent leathers, .9 regutar $3.00 and $3.50 values, Boys' Slioot, guaranteed tc wear ifl and not tc burn tie feet, at ......................... 4 i If You Want a Lingerie Dress Hferes a Great Chance for y.. Fine Lingerie Dresse&sin white. blue. pink, etc., very prettily trirnmed with lace insertion, worth $5, for Annivergary $209 Dresses In Princes* effecis and allie latest modelg, rets lprice $800 te$10.00, chice $500O Our lins cf Lingerie Dresse& ait $698 sa a broad one, ail $12.00 and $13,00 values, a re Included at the oe bargain prîce $6098 Elegant Dresses Includtng Beome Wcoltex makes, tlicy are beauties, And the pricea are go low. toc. We have secured a apecial lot of Wceltex Dresses, Ail1 wooi1 mate rials, values up te $10.M0,thueeAre A very great bargaîn at Annex $3.98 Charrnîng Dresaes iflud ng &erne fine Wooitex makes- beautifui Panama, B k Jumper Dresse, etc.,none worth less than $12, better ses 9 .5m hic ....... . 98 tyllshly made ilu and Wo Dresses, Foulards and Taffetas, Chicage stores charge $20.00' aur Anniversary Ba le ....... (.7 price.................... An7 Womau who beys a Shirt et thege sale prices wlll qet more for lier rnoney than at any prevleus sale ln Wau- kegans history. A apeelal ahiprnent cf Bkirte bouglit at a bargaln-new Panamas, neatty trimmed wltli satin bandesln bl ack,' brown and blue, cholce... ..16 Clilce cf a special lot cf fine Skîrts, cempare these witli skirtas you 0><1 puy $5 for eltewhore, spocial d&*987 Fine Frencli Voile Skilrts w'ull4 go at the sacrifice pries*. Us...3.9 Chiffon Panama Bklrts, extra fine, for- merly soId at $7 and $e ehoice ............... . . 4498 i -MMý /14 ýjU' ý -

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