CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 4

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L4KE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ~lioNo. i. Edior'. Redence Telephone No. 1141. Libertyville Rexchange MOPTION PRICE 81.60 PER VEAR _STRICTLY IN ADVANCE KM. JUST ................................... _............................ Editor 8. R ELLEY ...... ......................................City Editor FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909. COURT PUBLICITV. S80 etoid and conservative a corporation as the Penntylvanlia rallroad jajoa JeII. tiepolicy of coerting wlftli the. nowabpaporsfor givinil pubillity hilliod accidenta. This attitude la particularly noted ln the nhlwpaper *wicli as traditlonaliy heen compellod to Bt ita facto about thoee ~Mleoefrom agoli ostelde It could discover; the lips of the miglit ls suppooed te bave tie béat information bbing sdtled. Now al %14~ Io becomino à thing of Mm st. Thop railroad autiiorities vive the news- '-*ormon thir nid, and fffi abat prompt and ctsrct Information about the. duita ila a protection th Use boasci an tends to moalal employés moreq W*Ohfl. Thie now polloy belso adptsd by the Pennsylvanie, It la safo ta 'WrMlud that it in heae ta romain. And the Pennsylvania enter* tli cours, uè* sthe magniftcont record of à yearse opération of its great miloage without1 eb*fatlity t. a passenger. LACK PROPIER £DUCATION. A >'ung married man ln Chicago told me that ho hàd no marrlod frionds, aittg *11 the youn» mens whom ho know, wlio were not hoad ivor bhnei in d#4i~t *t asa a artilln tatomont from à man wtli a large acquintanco. 'aprite.of rent and food materals make it lbard, but you cannot look intc thèse oe idivldually wthout aeoeng a botter expianatlon of It &IL. Thé g1rte Ihave est been properly aducated for their business. Frenchi, music and Là»t l o holp a youàg housekosper, whon the la hopeleaaly nt the mercy -f *s»Imaudent, ignorant, extravagant cook. Nothing inlier paat expérience bus hor how to keep accounits. Mer lbard wood floors are, wathed wth ,#&W eocauso the knowa no botter and it conté to have the finish restored. .4êsdf@o4mMariale are poor cooklng. Greasy soupa, lumpy gravy AruwI poorly ironsd linon, troquently appoar. 1 dlned with sevop other guetaat the home. cf a bride nOt long aguo. One -jdckappo»rod bofore tho mortlfied hot which lie tried n vain to carve for 'eseol.A varioty of catastrophes fellowed, which endod ln the roady maie déert, net coming frOn, a cateror. The young cook in the kitolion *0- à the only Gan of proaores 1in the house, which served -four people voepotahy-tho flfth sauoerliad two piéoan, itI, and the next ono, and the ipst two, julce. The assenibled gmoup could no longer keep bock their sup- preiet-IMlrth, and tho young ho6tasm, aitting mc prettlly in the. mîdat of tressea wedding dialios prenoanta, thankod us for our lauglitor. Such wosuon1 lawleu, about liousekeeplng thoan did Dora Copporfield, of wfiom Dickens ueve*e, yet livé in un tigewlion svery demand la laid upon them. Swampod 4a deistith poor fonde and wlth no knowlodge heor te, Improvo matters, le Il: moi! wwsder that tue romance ôtsn los Ita luer?-Excliango. *4 JAbs«p-to4dautounorial emporium lu 4 b*a'aofi an .ltrie massage machine. A- torta of curative quaililes ntee TMie le a Rond town-make it still 'btM.laby improvufyourProperty- with Pat. You cWt béat It. Sold b>- P.ZLo.L,. Ubertyvllle, Ill. Tbeffld flova pleni e h eld st Ile,ýfk grouada, Augot 14, le belng dlsuséd b>- neguhr ofthé thre Thepieute »«Wia a lu Wancooda laI *Mâslze Anunib of o!thé grand Irom rarlous perte of thée tate >rom»i but.hépreént sud it le W~Ia tbatgrand lodge degreS l ý ioMrrd bar. atday. iomy fyrîendso of Mr. &ud Mes. WilI = 4112ls their mev home on West Ï MsM ooàaW eveniug'.<7hongh thé ' *Aë -iig as daiip ouede lé falisd to bwa>-07 dhston tie soiablli 6su absurwltul. ant> rslrehmmét 'W "svd tend thé bride sud groom M*eoelieted qn théir first effort Dr. Oodlug, vile sud d*ughter, 0f Uàberjvlle, vere 0,sf lnda>. Dr. 601Mlng, wbobas sosuewat of a reputa- t6maàas s iehrmme, vas théouI>- P WMin fo h nteaterooo. t. bealo.Thé catch coaslatod of a Péé myand a small suapping turtie -abs Dý[otor smdl holda bis reputatlon.- WaueoodaLader, A n ew baud stand, 20x2 leest, was 'bot lu théecenter of Central Park tht. wasi sud w ili hé ready for occupsue>- at lii. sit band concert. Electric llghts will also hé pisord over il and s LUxubér of oms ba ave been ordered ta hé placéd lu thé gounde sorrounding it. Thé uew fountoinas not yet arrived but la on Its aa. Th gerduerat the Hawthorne fim basbe lnstrncted by Mr. Ineull t. plant a héd o!f foyers therein au>- tinse the board ma>- so order. Thé local camp of Modern W Admen nad thé ladies' auzillar>-, thé Royal Nelchbors, observsd their memorlal day luat Sunda afiérnoon. Services were held in thé Woodmen hall sud froin theré the ordero marchéd ta bakesidecémetéry whére thé graves of deéSaed niémbérs were déorated. Thére si-e thirteen Woodmen sud fise Royal Seighboras burled there. Mitcel's MilitariF Baud psrticipated in thé crémonies sud it vas one of thé mot succeseful sud bét attended mémorial éver hld here. àkMrle Yong bu@ ,nrcbaséd a hall "atest lu the Libértyville Stearu baun- * dry which viii nov be operated b>- hé sud L. M. Colhy. ThE. new partuér in tbelfrin bas been a regidént of Liberty- 'illé for a nombér of yéars aud bas rusu>- good viteé for sncees in hie new yen- tufs. Ths ia thé largeat laundry in thé péatral part o! thé couni>- sud le oui>- eurpacéed b>- tliose outhé uorth shore. It la1 aktng sbld for thé work froni the tom isrrgion sud hande sa much largér 5'volus of work than it ever did beore. Meat on. of thé littlé drams.o that On nsfftsd In doJly> lite occurréd ber, wsek la kuowu taouI>-y thé police 1 v, osipatiaega aomelyenernbo. paruboties040latimatle onyè omn of thé city iutitntlonî Iàuago home ou a larm nés: Re vas giron board and Med @M t t achool. Last veel 0 MO p"froin thé ci y strayeî ldvâi'II sud thé>- hap Med te ~ 0ea ldfriand acrosa IZmo the - au.,n rrofku.Théir grieétng vea *6 as<-thé hast sud proporli s~h~.~sd v te émoat floyery ndtise latSet slang phrases. ~yau edtheir forffr alains>- sud 11 OMM ch»a tisé e.auth rities veri à- te Mbt tisefil eu fi luI a lim no»tala amelgborinq om aseeader asu -S la thé beai The new Dymond & Autin sub-dirW s- ion Il locatéd joat West 0f thé John Aus-. élu farmsundilu thé plat bas two uew etreete. Harrison aud Clveland. The alleywsy là ta hé nsmned Byran. c Donald Beili>- vas the authar or thé burlesque on thé senior das vhich vos executed b>- the juniors at thé close ulght éxércleis. t vas ver>- humoraus- 1>- wrltteu sud loudl>- spplauded. Ail mmxhes ot Acme Camp, No. 176, M. W. A., are requesied ta psy up &il dus. or stand suspended. Thie le b>- order of thé héad camp. G. F. LyNai, Clerk.9 Mdonda, was lection day. Thé judi- ciel election sud a ver>- médiocre ovent. ThomrwMva total o! 40 votes cast. la the flrat precluet, gland 19 Intésecond. Judaes Wrght. Donnell>- sud Froit were elected hy I1gemsjorltles. No other &XneapesUdonthé ticket. There are uow three cases of @mail poz lu the lttie bouse lu vhleh thé Jocbhlm famil>- havé bon quarauitined. Thé firet cassis about Weoltsud thé two youngsr childrefi have beén taken down, but lu s ver>- mlld lorm. Tins beavy rainsa aixost workedsa dire cstastropjé in thé dam et Lakte Ears this weet. Thé nnwelcome dlscovery :*amade IMonda>-that vsier vas vOrking under thé dam sud oeveral men vére occupied ail da.v plugging thé hois vlth cexet. Thé Young American Club vas enter- taiued at thé home of Leslie Warren Last Monda>- évening sud Phil Protine ad- mitted as a uéw member. Thé boys are discussiug a place te camp lu Auguet as thé>- éxpect ta énjo>- s two wvlts outing at that tiué. 0. Q. Haven sud son, Scott, havé 1rchaéd thé stock o! thé Smith & &vi6 etore sud lnvoicing liasebeen goaîu ntiser..thé past weei. W. E. Davis will prababl>- remain witl tise new fin for n tirée. Chas. Smith vl continue in thé express sud liver>- bueitees. Mitchlld Militai-y Baud vili gîvé thé firet o' thei- sommer dancr at thé tavu hall an tht. Frida>- evéniug, Jué 11. Thèse danoes vili hé given on thse second Frida>- évening of éscis montis doriug thé ommer. Hapk's orchetra fui-. nisisés thé museansd a written gnsrau- tee given lorsa good time--evér>- imé. NEW CROS304GS AflO 110$! AND WAGON Board Holda a Langtliy Session Mon. dey Night but Transacta Much Important Business. Fire Fightng Apparatua to b.Purchased. WIII Put a License on the Bow-wowa. A regular meeting o! the village board was beld lu the hall on Mouds>- evenlng, June 7, 1909, Prenident H. B. Egerd presidiug. Thse roll wae cliled b>- thé clérk and the followiug members anawered proeet: -Corlett, Davis, Faulk- ner, L.ynch, schnaéhele and Weil@, The minutes of the presious meetin were rend a.nd ounmotion or Crleti u LYo " td The repjrta o! thé vilg rurer aud elerk were read as weil as a nbmber ot bille against theé village. Moved b>- Wells sud Corlett that the reporte 01 the treasurer and clerk h. ý%ed « aud placed an file. Motion Moved b>- Corlett sud Sehusebele that te bille héel drisd ordérs drawn on tW _rau>-f the several amouta. CarZs. Thé tUowiggbille were a1lowed: LaiesCouuty Tuieptone Co.....* 1 50. Borne Luxuér Go . -.... ...... i10 Lie1 vd ume o.........2692 E. C. Youug eary..........650 Mdemorlal DY Fnd-ý, ........ 10 -00 J. T. Davis, draylug................i1 75 A J Austin clerk ofelection . 3 90 L: Bod, iuâe' of éection ...... 0 A. Ngo1 rebats on walk..... 00 0. E.Sl churelll.rébaté on walk.... 18 0 0. E. Lester, stréet wark .....2450 H. MuellerU!g. Go ................. 18 35 Ed Quentin. street work--..... 38100 Independént-Ixue PtgCo .......... 75 North Shore Electric (Jo.........150 27 John Brixen, police dut>-........... 2(D Chaoe.fI. Kaiser ..... ......... 90 Standard Oil Co, gasallué .......150 Dennie Lemberry, sary,... ....65 DO Lakte Cout>- Independent . a5 F. E. Overson, clerk of ecetion .... 3 00 W. E. Devis, ludge o! eleetion.... 3 0 George Bl. Trlggs, stneét work . 6 90 John Kélis, jndge of election.3 0 Oeo. Bond, clerk of letion......3 0() Home Lumber Co., lumber....63Doo Thos. B. Corltt, carpeterwork.. 25 0 F. P. Dymond aud CEdwinr Austin plaoed belons the board a Plat of thé "Firse Dymond & Austin Sub.dlvlalon to thé Village of Lihértyviile" And asked Is aeptance. Moved b> Davis sud We"l that thse board occept thé plat sud that the owuers gîve bonda to thé aiount>of $600 tu guarantee trio grading or the atteta sud ta aloset the atakesin sl suh-divlaion. Motion earled. On motion 01 Schuaehéle snd Faulkner which carried four ne*s croWelga vore c'rde-edput ln as folowa: oue ai the corner oS Mlwaukse avenue sud Dvson stréet, oce st théeorner of Newhérry avenue and Milleuke avenue, one et thé corner of Park avenue sud Park Place abdone atthé corner of Stewart sud Linc"uavenuee, Messrs. Schneiderasud Quantin appered héfore the board on hehal ol t he ore departunont aéking for new equipmet wbicb vo" duly consldered. Moved by Wells sud Lynch that thé are and vaisi COmnmittee h. lustrncted to parebame1e Euliable comblustion bose sud ladder wagon sud giren the power to set. Motion carried.0 Mored by Corlett and Faulkuer that thé purchase ol 400 lest of home sud acesories hé leIt to thé president o! the hoard with power to set. Carrled. Moved b>- Corlett sud Schuaéhéie that thé part committe hoingtructed to ses that thé new baud stand in the Park Waa properlY lghted. Motion carried. On motion of Corlett sud Davis thé ficonuecOmmitt0e vos lnsttutted to investigate and have prepared for the neit meeting an ordînsuce relating to the ont orciug of a dog liconse. Motion carried. Thé bond o! H. B. Eger or 82,090 for a Plomber'@ liceuevos prsnted to the board sud accepted. Thé board declded that thé "ýblackllt", should hé atrloti>- en!orced sud suyoue aidlne or ahéettng one su listed in 1eecurtng liquor imuxediatel>- arreeted aud dealt with oceordlngly. Moyed b>- Coriett sud Wel@s that the chaîrman of thé building committehé îinâtructed ta bu>- four new boy back chaira for thé counuil ehambér. Motion ecarrie&. On motion of Corlett sud Davis w bich carriéd it vas ordered that Henry- 1Dymond hé notlfied to abate thé dump- ing nuisanuce on bigslotaon Division Ktreér. blovéd b>- Lynch and Corlett that thé meeting adjourn. Motion carriéd. EARL Hl. CORLETT, Villagze Clérk. RAMBLERS PLAY As !XCiTiNG GAME- A thirteen iuuing garée betweu thé I Wýetern Sporting Good-e teaé, aol Ag an ex priment, t). A. Young faeten- Chicago sdth teulrevsthé-cause éd a whistleou tihe air compresor at a! mach ja>- sud rapture to the as aiat thé .npig tation Tueeday, sud blév thse fair grounde Iset uda>- alternoon. loud au d lon)gg. Praperi>- equippéd it is For eight long lnluge thé visilora had inteudéd ta lie used in case o! ti-e. Tha tte héet ofl e gane but 'Go lirléF baud' village bas nat yet o'eéfded in secýuring rallied in thé ninth sud tiea thé score.1 a soitabla alarré althogh the matter Froni thon until thé end It vos nlp sud1 bas beén under discussêion for some tirée. tuek sud thse final score et théeud o! Thé following are recent arn-valsi thé thirtéénth iuuing atood 9 ta S lu thse village: Born ta Mr. aud Mms John favor oftheéRambler'a. (bond Applau*é.) 1--ter Tugda, Jue1, s daughter. Thé uet gainefor théeLtsmblérs viii Jonletr.Tuad> uit ere h. » ie& ewith thé Auburn Park'@, néit Sonda>-, John ftelousqie eeésd araY Jné 13, Follawlng la thé o#icial score quttelathei>-.Born ta tir. sud Irs. Antane Mattep, an Second streét, iistui- o! théeibig garée: day. Jue 5, a @on; ta tMr, sud Mm e AXBLER8 Beit Swan, Tueda-, Jué 8, a @on; i RW M.PO. A. E, B. Mr. sud tIrs. Sain D)uba. Sonda>-, June 6, Di 2b ..i......i.. 2 a ou foMr ad mThs.F la ell 2 2 2t1, Wesday. Jué 2, a eau; ta ier. J.'t)eurio..e. cli,. . i i i 1 1 t Van de Erve sud wvUe. Manda>-, June 7, Neeil .. O i 3 s2i1i1 i asn; ta Mi-. sud Mrs. A. W. Wsldo, Bock. iW . ...... i0 1 0 i Weduésay, June 1), a daughter. Ailt i fier. s" t i i 1 0 O doing iel sud îîroserlng. Lbhrtyrille Oy ...Il O i 1 S1O0 5 im growing, tWauiyou. Ramirs OC i <,'0 0 4 0Oit0O0i1i-9 a Spit-Ti, eîect froni os franithvOW. M '(id.10 04 50 20 0 0 i0o- rmouti. Ta@eénd forth in flurrie or drps. To eect saliva froré thé mouth. Mnas itinD ge tTo malte s noise lîke that lunetlng MnPtFit nagr 1saliva. To corme dowu lu scattering MIen limet middle hie hbave !ound coin- jdrape or filite Thé forglug le thé fort and relief lu Foley'à Kidne>- lemédy. edictionar>- lefiuition aI titis cnrmn L. E.Morr, Dexter, Ky., vrlte:"U ta, i sler>- day word. But there la more ta year ago gay father suored from kldu>- V it tissu tiat on msîme of thé valksm about lsud bladder trouble and sver 1là>- tovu ever>- uîauîg. ha vadsansd siinus lronounceditensars mento h ?ob, banaa elné sud pecnot oIelle. lrastate gland sud advlsed an oper- u.hni-ahi,. village board, asémbled ation. Du accoont o! hie ago v. vre lu due brin fast Monda>- eveulug, dis. a!raid hés could réit stand it sud 1 ré- i ussed sud cosseS Uns nuisace, sud emeuded Foley's Kidue>- temed , sud dOtided that immediate miesure ehould thé firet bottie rellaved hlm. sud aitgr beh takén t. stol) tht. practicesu d taklntlgthééod batis hé vs no longer tpunieh the olleudere Au ardlusune te tu troubed witb bis compWaot,11 VFAMéEB. su cted sud enforced. Lovgu,. ýTALK .LAWN'MOWERS Doee, your lawn need mowingi If so, cal) Actions sg p e a k and see our 'ýGeznuIue Philadeiphia Lawn lin.e thnf- rs Mowers.'" Every onie guaranteed to give perfect Why tell about our, u mtci et 050 1 le et570 CLOCKS We're pleaeing peo- pie 'who are exact- lng-who want the' beet. You do too. Settie donbt once for all. Try to-day ft.a.aswr ' TAI. RGtb tM. 1B. EGE RLibertyville, Ii. Peultry Law rs SupplieS If ,Yoii are Going to Feotifizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KIND) WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING p 'PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on yonr wants Libertyvîlle Lilifber 'Companly c.aI's Telphone No. 47 hpNw f sin Talking, talking, Black White, 1 wouder If they"I1 fight? eV id: re H'0S WATHMIEI anLdMJL E I - 4YVLE0IL flid out as well as others by ways convinces. INEWI Nothing IICw could equal our tried and true line of Clothing Its equal will be fo unnd nowhere be- cause of ite great goodneso. 'xou eaun trying. One trial al- E. W.PARKHURST Schanck Blok, Ubertyvilh 1 -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - Are You OOING TO PAINT? This Year Yeis, we want to paint the flouse, Baru and Outbnildiugs with a No. 1 absolutely pure paint that will stand the teet of years. Reniember thee paints ean be bought of Young & Lynch Bros. FURNIT1JRE SIOR1E 0F QUALITY 'WALL PAP! R Cheaper Thau Chicago Mail Order flouses Notice of Meeting. Thére wil liée a meeting of thé bake Count>- Board of Review for thé purpoge of organizing, at thé Court Hanse, ln thé Supervisors' rooré, at Waukégan, Ili-i nais, on Mouds>-. Juné 14, 1909, ni; thé hour of 10 o'clock. a. m. Menîberâ o! said Board are: M,. HOits'nxut, Chairman, WILLIAM STEWART, AuTOURÎLuv. An>- lady réadar of thia paper wîli recelve on reqnéat, a claver "No-Drip Colle Strainer coupon privîlege from Dr Shoop, Raciné, Wis. t lasislver-plated, ver>- pretty sud poatirsi>- Prevente al drippiugs o! tes ar collse. Thé Doctor sends it, vitIs bis nov free bookt ou "EsaltIsColles" asimpl>- te lutrodoco this clever suhtîtute for "ealcolles. Dr. fhzoop's Bealth obe ln gating ite gréat popularit>- bftausé o!: Firit, its exquisite tasté sud flavor; second, Its abeolote heasthfulnesa; thlrd, Ite econ- omy-l% lb 25c; fourth, is convenlenee. No tediaus 20 to 30 minutes hoillng. "Mode lu a minute" os>s Dr. 8lioop. Tty l ai your grocerefIo r a pléeaut surprise. CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Before you have any prnitg doue -malte Inquirles of people vlso are lu thse buslnes-perbaps you wlll get Informantion that viII be o! benedt to you. Telephono No. 1i UbertYvlie. 18 a gond place ta try. 1, THIE 1NEW BARN Clybourne Livery and !eed Stable SEN F. CLiYBOURNE. Prop. Libertyville, 11. Winl meet trains t 5&B hours ewheo notltied. lu connection villi Libertyvile Motel. jBuggies and IlarneagaUNew, Right from the Factory--AII Up-to- Date Turnouta In sictusa, if a certain hiddeu nerve goes wrong. then the organ that this nerve cofltrola wlll also snreLy fail. Lt sMay- b. a .tomach nerve, or It may have given strength and support to the beart or kldneys. Lt was Dr. Sboop that tiret pointed to tbis vital truth. Dr. Shoop's ietratve was net mode to dose the etoxuach nor to temporaril- stimulate tthe heart and kidusys. That old-fash- ioced meihod fi &Il wrongçC Dr. Shoop's Reatorative goes directly te theu fallng inalde narves. The remarkablesueeo tbis prescription demonstrates thé wisdom ot treating tCe actuel cause of these falling organe. And It ta lndeed teasy taprove. AslmpletOve or tendaye test wli surely tell.Try it once and seel Sold by AU. OJEALERS. In making clothes we aim to please. A satis- f ied customer means a steady customer. Others seil clothes, the tallor makes theme Let us help you select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Libertyvhlle S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Morses For Sale. Moun1tain Meadow Stock Farm, one and oue-half miles north of Wauconda, Illinois, bas coustautly on baud and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of horses, suitable for the road and aIl farm work, express and draft, useful and serviceable, front i ioo to i6oo pounds. Prices $80.oo to $2oo.oo. No Pluga. Corne ta Mountain Meadow and see the horse work ntIhe f arm. All acclimated and avoid risk of sickness. Ail guaranteed du delivery as represeuted. COL. f. J. BERRY LÀKESIDE Et'w CMMIEY1 BRAND Bb'ii UT1 Lakeside Butter ls mgde of pure creani, from se- lected dairies inuIýhe Elgin district. Purity and weight guaranteed .- Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLETT & EREDERICKS LIBERTYILLE, ILL' FLUES ARE COMING Sereens and sereen doors are ùecessarY tO your happineme this summer. Yon know litwlU be hot thia ummer and a GASOLI W STOVE wonld add groatly to yonr comfort durlag the hot weather, One Burner $2.,0( Two Burner $2r.50 Three 1gnrxer $3.5q Ovens $2.00 Extra IMIL 1 1 1

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