havé, b. ugh hie now This stock, which comprses the best selection of hlgh-grade Furniture to be fou'ndiflnWa;kegn, was, bought by us et about,' one, half factory cost p1ce, et the recelver's auction sale, whlch took place abot a week ago. Theegoods have ail been moved to our store, 117-119-121 Washington Street. Here they have been separated, from our reguùlar stock, and aUIi ?rces have been siashed away. -Buylng at su4ch.low prices and ln such a large quantlty We are able to of- Dressers fer- to you the product of '"some of, the bée factorles Un the UJnited States today' at Dressers Iess than the manufacturinig cost AlLwe ask of you s to corne ln, 1Iook over our stock, it costs you noliilng and rnay be a means of savlng, money to you. Our stock has g.been so augmen ted by the BaUIey selection that n0w we have a stock ln our store equal to that.of any twvo of the furniture stores ln this city. This surely Insures wlth a big and complete selection. ---J. BLUMBERCX. "The Laget Store with the Lowest Pie, 117-119-121 Washington St. Baby Carrnages Collapuible Go-Carts You should exercîse great cars ln thse GOCART-A celapuible cart bas now selectlon of a carrnage for your child Cbcm eesty.buetfra A canag mad fo an nfat ofsixouting, on the stt-set car, etc. lts value mouthe la too cramped for oue of a year. canuot be underrated. Our Ue lo com- Our lune. the larget iu thse Cty, embraces As a special inducemcnt we posed of KINLEY, HEYW'OOD & MEIN- L ail the best styles sud sizee, Let us 5d- wiloffer for two weeks only ECKE RAl'ID sud other weli known vise you lu your selecUion. une COLONIAL DRESSERS-Ofle of ENGLISH PERAMBUL.ATORS - Autý ~ FOLOINO CARTS-Leslher Q< the bargains whch wifl ,.tonish mbl ostnind poseredwlhýDUtI you. A maraunlfcft drser made hasbile tpatin o cured uhi l rst e Aback. extra aDecial . .. ..~...$ 097 of ROYAL QUARTEAED OAK. usalslefonrle3000 -A 5IriagCOLLAPOBLE CA T& £ DRESSING CASE-Like eut. oyal usiill bes li ifsOur or. 3 .i0 OR.Fr0$23.5dup ..... ........ $.7. Iasgcase made of Empire sel- Inhe.A ba dft1ected oak. 87 Ellaýà-tiidr 1 A 1600 Value, only ...$.7 ... -~ .--'.- & . = ja~ il uh. fl.e" !stores do not hayr s > tae ers. The standar <.U.I'for 40 yearsthsa eooeialelqualiti. L. tulligle up tram.. ROCIERS-Ge..uue T. ful ssidled seat. varlety of desigus an Up $1.4 u fro m .. ........ . Rugs! Rugs! RUGS.-Ingraln, (9xl2 fi.), (8-3xl0-6 fi.), (6x9 ft.) and ln &0 C medallion and fdgured desîgns. A reversible mug worth 17.50.. u. 7 U'RUSSELLS RUGS-Ot a new fabrlc. fast colore, room sîze ............'"*..................... 1*1 BRUSS1ELS RU- xO., a ver3 heavy wav.This lon of the hest sealesa rmga Made, ouly .................$84 ROYAL VELVEl' RUGS-The product of the weli kuowu *qfb .5( Beattie milsa. A rua sold lu department stores for $32.00. .diF.O AXMINSTER RUGS-Room size, the greatest mg valuserer Q I I offemed ln Waukegan. A rug worth $30.00, at.................$2 ROYAL WILTONS-(8x3 ft.), (10x6 ft.), (9xl2 ft) sud $2 (6z9 ft), lu a wealth et barmoulous design&. $40.00 value.. $ 95 SDo not follet our selection o RUGS, CARPETS, MATTINGS AND LINO- Oe LFLJMS ia the. largest lu Waukegan. Our prices speak for thernselves. COUCHES-Coucis like cut, MORRIS CHAIRS-lun Mission and the best grade of leather, ful golden osk, lu a varlety of cushions, COUCHES-Velour, steel coni %elour, chase, or genulue leather. throughout................. ud These chairs are belug sold PARLOR SUITES-Three pie' 5 ai hait price, for...........50J from $12.00 to ............. Eloor Coveritigs COOIS LINOLEUM-Has loug been kuown as the but liner coverug of Its kind. Theme linoleums are made of ground cork put ou a burlap bak uuder a heavy hydraulc pressure. The long lite sud lasting quai. Mtes et these linoleums has been a household word for uearly fity, years. Cook@ Linoleum, the kind thats advertised lu over forty different patterns. Reglarly sold for 75c per square yard.C .ll pie48c OIL CLOTHI-l 2-yard, 1l,-yard sud 1-yard wldths, made up lu mauy beautîtul desigus. Sale price per square yard ....29 MATTINGS-Impot-ted Japanese zuttlng,28 per square yard.............................................28 MATTINGS-Domestic, s heavy weave, 8 per square yard .................................. ,...........18 CARPET INGRAI N-Al vool, over 3MO yards.55 A 76c value for ......................... ...................5 C STAIR CARPET-Heuip, 7 per yard ....................................................17 ,tered» Furniture ,ail tut ted with genuine oak trame, covered wlth iqf lly guaranteed. A $45-00 value ...............$3 .5 )n tru.tio .. ..... ... .... .... .. ... .. .$ 6 .2 5 , eces, ........ ..........,... $95.00 MISSION ROCKERS-Ail heavy fum- ed oak lum. Spanish leather seat, for- mer]ly sold by us sud elsewhere for $7.50- Extra spécial 3 this sale ouly ..... 37 REFIGERAT-oRs - A7hou.ehold beat lu town, our pr"es $ range from $24.00 to ... TURKISH ROCKERS- Genuins leather curled haîr ftllng, the easlest chair you ever ast lu. A chair worth double S 75 DINERS-Saddle seat, Imitation quartered oak a 12.00 valuie ....... $1.45 A chair similar te eut, genulue qusrtered oak, fuil cane back On e thsemoney A $275ehaI of tbe greatest values fo4 .6 SOX SEAT DINERS-Solld oak seffakdback, hand poilsed,a - ~ nuiaber e dfeet $ . d'~,for e...$23 7 - 1 BRASS BEDS-2 Inch continuous brass posta. A handsomfe bed made up Ilke eut and ln a Colonial style * o up tram ............... .............-»... 1 .0 Brass iD Iron Beds FELT MATTRESSES-AlI white cotton feit, guaranteed not te lump. heavy tick. A matiressa old by the $55 IRON BEOS-In mauy differeut colora and" Balley Mercantile Co. for $12.00. Our price..ope patterns, bed liltu eut....................... I _________________________________________ Other trou Beds, up froul.................................. SPLCIAL STREATOR CAR- PET SWEEPERS-I ii Metal or wod box. 'Japanned wor nickel- Ml ed (rame, heavy bristle brush. Bal- let 's price $3.50. Our rice..... $.95DINING TABLES-Ail quartered oak. heavy ped BISSELS CARPET SWEEPERS.$750 our feet. A t.able sold by the B4ileY for $22.W0 Up to....... ............... 7 5 u rc ............................ *........ IRNSRNS-Odsd.hrerw prn uprs ihSOBORSAIgnte oak, ýai, extendi a tighteniag apparatus. A epring sold elsehee i k ilu darieled er eefmro 475 for 13.50. Sale prie .................... . . .90 th larg..o..d.... e$.... J . The LARGEST Store width= The LOWL;ST Prioeàs 1 - MUMMUM-M" 1 une prjcý, .1 .......... ýr- . .- -