CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1909, p. 8

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ý,"qg. idliltia Mn WuS markine .V,7ergWs Mad Stepped f rOM B.lind )h rcawhen Recul WM Seîand. 8i.tepped Onto Revolver Range CMU er, who Dld Not Ceeee Fia'- Ir& PFlred Sht thit Mit ini.q frivais Frank ltlrach, of aipany 13ead Regimnut IntantrY, tram .<bItêgo, vau abt iu the back af the tioé4 rday afiernoon at Camp i.qpa vwheu he steppedt ront aSbe- hi"th b.e artiiorks in front of tue yngef targets andi onto the revolver r'BuCe ust south. The abt that atm*ckHrsch vas fired by a Lieuten- Mit believedt be from C campanY. Moub isuffered a scalp wound thaLt xequlred three etitches andi the tact ÙM thei bullet that struck hlm vwu bet aviras been fired tram the NO0 y«4 muark. wu aprobably Il that sv Mihe ie. EW** wuvasmarkInfl targets on the imàrange. At about tvao 'clock the teaU vas blowu ta ceaie fing. Mir@&i ba been marklng on No. 13 bigct, D5xt tthle laiton lbe aouth *ati of the range. Just eoutb othle mai range le the revover range and AL uffmber 'of officers vere practiclng wiiea the recl vwas soundeti. etppcd Ont. Revolver Range. Ie ffing on the main range cesaed &Mai 0 but the lieutenant on the rev- char range atopped. Hirsch came out tram behInd Uic protectlng carti- wtrki anud steppe iaeraes the lîttle itance outo thc revolver range. The narker on N. 14 target mv Uthc of- Me about ta fre andi called ta Hlrach to look oRt. wamned Too Late. Wltbont turnlng around MHrach Stoop- edovei andi tartedtoitarun. At the 'mab Ume thceoMecr fired. The bullet *mgubel tbraug heUicrirn and then tbe rir.of Uic aoider'a bat, -bM sal», andi gianced off tbrougb thc towof ai bIbat again. Hiea kuli vas matImjued by thc buflet vhich made af a ftub vounti. lied It nt been tredc tram Uic 200 yard range, bcing %-#Ige peut vben It reacbcd SIl la tbought tiat It vaulti have ,ýP. S jecthe<b.aul, trilng at Uic i-40.1<dii. Bath Me«Blamed. Iàr Debiela of Eattery C wvai mm ~*«Mdi A~m bis home and omaI- 1«a ite1UrItp ta Lagan attendcd to M~rebl. iRe atitcheti up Uic vonnd "laflavwei Uic minto fetumu ta Ch1e * etIsbl am-pany. Spectatoru croeng othUiros. pposite Ui Aca- plekced up an arin andi a leg belouging ta, Uic mysterani tramp rmn davisby Uic Irain andti llied niglis beore lait and ti li unîdeutiflati. Thse body la nov ail assemblethe Uic n and leg being reporteti misang ycsterday. WAUKE!GAN OBJeCTS TO IMMATURE VrAL Prominent Citizen@ Make Cdaim Thoti Veal Under Four Wcekis Market-i cd Frcquentiy Heme by Lake çaun- ty Farmera, Who Wif i Nol Fodie Calve* Afttr Eight or Ton Day., andi Propos e Rmedy. Nov that Uic city bas a isealtis coin- misslouer vii tull pavera to do thinge to preserve tise publie healthi and i mprove sanitary conditionsa, anc ai thse very flrai taasa that be la askedt t undertake by prominent ci- I zens la Uic Inspection of veal ta pre- vent tise sale of carcaises too young. These atislav pravidea lai veal uder tour mnIa Ils nat ta ta, sold unter penalty. In spîte of lhis tact cizens asscrt tbat caresses nat more than a veek or ten days oIt are coin- lng into the city repeatedly andthUat farinera of Lake county, visa n-l not teeti calie &iter the ight days ai Uic ceti of vhicis Uic milk hecomes goot, muitupon kii ng off Uic calves at a very early agc anti marketing thein here. Rsmcdy la Propased. There la a remetis praposeti for tifs condition. It la liai Hcaltb Commsioner Knlgbt proiibit thc sale of tressed caresses of calves ta, butchers but ln- ast upon the marketing of calves as thes' vers slangteret. Tise farinera Itls laileged, get aroundthtie iav by tdressing Uic car- cases, vhlcb removes Uic beati. boots, entrails 'anti ail oler means o! deter- mlnlng Uic age ofthte calvca anti makes detection imposaible. r_ ýLOUIS J. YEOMAN LTHE PIANO MAN' Waukegan ýmNews js WOMAI4 N ZfON CITY MIAS A ERMIN STORM Mysterlatia Waman of Cruat Wealth ln Ziofi City Blel ievea That Myater- laue People Are ACter mer and le Conat*ntly Appeaiing ta TaftDe- neen and Kaiser Wilhelm for ^Id, ln a Murry. (From Wedueeday's Sun.) Pr esident Tatt-Theylre after me. Can't you came te ZMon City and keep them off? Governar Deneen-Picase camne up ta ZMon City and get after the gang that persiste In foiiawlng nie Emperar William af Gcrmany- Ploaecame and taie them away. These and ti ier "telegrame" are n-bat a Zion City voinau la "sendlng" to varions state andi governinent beatis because ai a pecullar hInti of lnsanity oai -le asela the vlctlm. and vere h nat for Uic vigilance of friendthe ic"tclclli5ms" vould really ta sent ta Uic officiais. As hItla. tbc voman la unter con- stant guard, Seing vatchet hy fricutie, anti as fast as asfeMe a tclegram lh la wlitdravn an tle pIes ai aabs la Insane, anti a "fake' anaver la sent ta ber ta soolse anti bumor ber, so lhat abs really tisinka abs la ln touch vlth tbe greai men of Uic country andti ai Uicy arc vatcbhng over ber veltare. Sa 'îisey" vili not get ber. Whoatles'mysterlaus 'tbey" 'are no one la able ta fidont but Uic vaman talievestlai Borne one ntases ta do ber harin andti s la ber hallucination. Tise voman alvays ."spends" tram $2 ta $4 ln ber 'telegrains,' anti Prcs- Mdent Tatt la a favorite anc ta n-bam abe appeals. 0f great n-salis, ase nov bas a con- servatar. but la spite oa! lis she le Baidtot get maney in came vas', proS- ably. ittale ai, by frients, by "'steal- tng" It tram relatives.,visa get It baci again. as ber "telegrams" are neyer 1sent. Hem mania for sendlng telegrama la »tauai ba thlie cacer andthle voluti.iiit1secIon tv ium fr aheacidhaectsai n tra ifcalveà vers mareted as thl ie ne anc ithecmosi pecular Uiat bas ever Tovnship Fort tiookm-scal b5aeaud i nti that icied t wl a i e ipossible to been notet cien lunZMon City. landuefrsae____________out Principal Merlii Huas.aalibave looketo e ja a ormendaevtaut s îy of take and E wa lubfr i etdtcion. IIIGIIWOOD- T!EAM Termes o! saie tbe crtbvamhs. It vas saidt tthe Citizens n-ha daim ta lmov tactso c!T D A E aucc ou telve oUle*diii ualgo na usai uMicIsaler lu Uic case say tlai thc markcli aetingF MaIE)G MEaC n eiey 9" aident 10 se boy badlybe vas of iiier &go veal. vilch la salti te hoeae a 2 Ibjeaci. unfi taeest, la of ycars' standing,.at TeWukgnNainlecuîe- 3-M _____________ at lis remedy praposed latheUic nis'cd Uiciaeive seaoten by Hlb*ood ans ta ta taken, as boots. beat anti en- Suutay, but Uh icHgisvood icain, t Ir.r If~irCIIuRcII trails are intîcla o! age -hllc the qui t lu Uic ninthIs nulng on accauni o! New Store ROB~DBYTR MP treset caresse tells no stary. an argument siartet by thcm, aud so WIth thse reps liv TR MPS les'forfttedthUicgaine te the Nation- a! One of theco l" Bndynihtsot prsn rais by a score a! 9 ta 0. - Hlgisvaod, and perct bok btoth curh f he Gained Fraduient Titis. The score vas 4 ta 2 lu tavor o! o! their stores, parIYua roin t ic cFrch rai ic (rn enedysSn) Hlghn-aod lu the cigist is luug. Tise leading grocersj thse lochunoneanso! Uic indgis8bs' Charglng Uit Carles B. Moore oh-Nainl ordnemerulnte fHgb oh palut Il up vil a apate. talueti titIs ta lee properis' costainet nsu nt ase wIcrtw enast aan ce o toeirnstaer l A pir oi large brasa cautlestlchc lu tise "Chicago Highlandts" ai Bar- tanvin buset o!core t lbawcancequt on icstore is ai vers taion tram -tise alter. Other rlngtonu.tise Chicago Titis anti Trust t inUbt ofasotise ui A dqut n orth eh( articleseo! more valus vers tisere Company' o! Chicago, ystertay 5usd ane hts rJigvtaptbtheagoend. dA u iorte, c but ail bars inscriptions anti vers left, suit lu tise circuit court bisesagainsi msfrHg»dpthdage idl lios thc candiletcks aous bieg miasei. Moore ant i hs vite. Louis H. M.oore, ganen-ile Ahistrain vas net ln hie auber lnilprovelu Proutmtiis h vasilt appear tisaitishe for alegsd trautuient acquîrîng aftie rigisitarin, but ai that hos issitb iein liai maie tise theeSwrent rfesonl btPrPrt.don-n juat Uic saine. H-lgbn-ooti. Bot COMMOn tramps. Officer Herinan lu- Tise trust companys aaise Itsi! trus- About 250 fans anti rootersa atnded Ive lu Hlghwo<( veîlgatedthUi matter. but no tracs o! tee of tise-property and tih ill de-tise "e, andthie Natiouale are weil tien anti nov i lie liievea couit ho touait claes that More, as agent, by the pleaset nith lhe patronage of tise cleansti out bot Tise cantleticks vere laier diacover traudulcut use et moues' trustedte ta opchan thes sainegoiaies lu d lu eiplmn( cd Thuratay lu a second haut stare hlm ta lift a trust test ou tise Highs- thaes e uom o turlniantiseely.g OUs oul Saiestreet, Chcago. Tises' landis galuedth e titlc for binssif andti eftr.o h iy vers Itisutifisti by Rev. Richards vii,,ha£sierefuaed te eiluis h. The brogis ieinon Thrsay îtmuni.bill asi; tlai Uic properis' be given Pay Part of lhe Tax.MmLidl TIse tifieba recelvesi $2 for bm backk anti Moore be tarced ta glvc County Treasumer Fred E. Aines n-lu be uniîtid Re I atili ai large, but tise police back tise tonds ho useti. Chcago ser- bas ecelveti $19708 lu taxes ftram Eleanor Leura. thunk they knon-tisemin andti iat vice n-as sscurct lu the case, tise Ciicago and i Mlvaukee Electil Wetinsstay, Ju tIses eau gsi hlm lu a ten- tiys. Ialroad Compnyus as tise resut o! an couple n-ltl esi appeal ta tise ecelvera tolovlng the cersinu. lAie Forest Police thîs mornlug Child Painfully lnjured. vhlcis Jutige Grascup, on a petition mcv sa netshot tise northshoierse s' Reacblng for a cooils thase lbadte tahie UniediBiaiesacourt. alloveti Wht w SM an raye lu evers' tramp, bum snl droppedte tahie grount. Saturtas tise &Mount namet. The totail ax o! Suppose s'on "PpiclOus§ chaacter n-ho couiti be morulng lîtîs Doris Mîouton, ageti the roat la $24678.47 but tise balance acranin tond, folovlng on tise rabbsrs'of tva anti a hall yeara, fesu f rom tise la objectet agaluai as belng baset au& raintii e o! t tic EPicaPal cisurcisofa apair of il- porcisofethtie ealence sud broie hem thc capital stock visichis l imedteticeoo 'Ve caltiuci<a andthie teapailinlg snue r th i, aditîtestîng andi have been vortisssai thc urne the hoerel? u ofth*e Firt National ani af $240 li pin!niecth istut. o .%r adtaxn-as madie a rival for anch 94Sse anti an oit style revolver. Bs al tl ioiiro m ni Tisere viii be another hearmg on liat aoie. It1 e tr bis ave ieen a great inus sus- Mm. Franks Moulion anti au exception. iba matter befnre ht la sete. ~ is -a > ý u,6Qb charactems ataglng ahout tise 'aliybrîchi aud active chutd. orglana ear :' ity ut laie andti d presence canard Two physiclans are lu attentiance Narrow Lacape. n-cil and itron, 4IMdra nesuad se ls (loine as n-eu as coulti bo Laie Wctucstias aflomnoan ai lhe Try il. Dau'l - Tie Fist alioai Bnir n-sa ne- sxî .e ie1m sl aiat naval training station crosaluz a but est more ed Ibrouglistise rear soins trne durlug hrsa horse anti wagon belonglug te Joisu notice tise gain - Jat'nlft. Tise tlhevea mats no ai- Beposvers 5hbit ' a car, Uthamac e The regulas - bea ontise nmtte or vaulta. t la Tva Italians have been fned t ai as kiliietthe vagon vas aminshed, Gats @s et iadi.vei liai lie churcis teseeratcra usjghvOoci.eale $25 anti Cosasfor tran-- anti Beposa vas injaretiseverels' but pacages com en ties fua on« wvisamate the raid tnoerlousis'. At mîtulgisi tisainigisi peckage cont 00 tic bai, Is»Ce e Ucround upt lus a revolver ou a citizen andthe in-so ae atehsîti ieciafrI #à" Sy in. olier $75 anti casts for tise alieget Uý in s a e natrovemhiae o!ean hi»gormc t - 4 7U MDMI-. a M~ outkvutcs-nsec- leasamls o!lilquor, 'juseo!the f ev anc lu Montiia andi un tUnk i s FAt Qula a spe b u MM*a pley ftd » itise eMianing lnd tigeé ieepers. luchY star tlihe tai-ad no vorme. ltreghs ty-slx (46), North,. 11), Hast ofthUicTisird dian. Ail lu IcheCoun- 1State of Illinois. e tveuty-flve per cent ut o sale, and the bal- ni ofconveyancc. ?uti A D. 1909. LAM L. CLARKE, Mlaster iu Chaucers'. we for Mlghwvood. palrlng sud renovatlng old saloon buildings of 1vltb tise emoval ta It sSoies' anti Moones', aandi meat market mn bave taien tise firet lvenation of Hlgiwso. n iov ans 0f the funesi ihore. cier, thc firnt otlits ýbas Seen Instailet sud 1uute have bhenu iade estore' a big credit ta ti ien have been set- >d's affaira lu ihe cIsc- tisai tise cîts'bas heen Lis are toremoat ln pot- sey loto improvemenis gta raise tise standard Darby ot Lake Forest lu i marriage ta Miss iBannard of Wauean une 16tb. Tiseyon ade lu Lake Forest after wouId you tokoP vi er. 10o*u gti i aiime on only 00e od. WhU h ouit ye Afoodtt Istands vitios h a tt .Qoaer Gatil Sf urubsau mre strenoli ar and tear on thea diestive is' otier f"a& Youll fed Sg at tie cut of Uic lim *t mt ating cuber thlupl Quaker Galsansd youl r su Package aI Quskoe lOi, the Imigefamoi'y six' r2sud atheUcf amfly dus Wvblg à; ideôe af beaufli ne tuil ctatsOc3U buem ,r ats Ibafobmak yaafo Latis daV wu% I.. L Bth Prtleipatlng Partiesmembers o~f' *Old Laie Oo<nty familles and Weall Known Thraughout the , oaunty. Groom a Gurnes Man. Lest 8aturdp' afteruoon, Jura. 5, eai the. ho" oftheicbridsepaente, lt ad1 Mmre Wlliam Edwarde», 408 Jackson atresi, oceurreti a very pretty home vcd- ding viti Uic Immediate relatives andi friands prenant, The participating par"lce ers RHassi May Etivards àýnd Bari L. Wasiburn,af Guruse, Uic Bev. Tho*. Blgginbotbani officiatlng. The ring ceremouy vam useti. Prompl) et 1:30 Uic bridai couple, at- tended by UmaRnby Gilbert and Lee Hook, cuieretc ta Uiceautlful&trains of Lohengrin, playéd by Um Givens, tek- iug their places under a beautlful hover. Failovlng the oeremony light rat resh- mente ver, serveti and ltler Uic couple eft for Sutherland, Iava, vbere tbey viii mais absir future home. Thegroom la the@on of W. D. Waah- hurm. of Gurnee, andàla Young mai of sterling qualltseu. The bride la a vin- saome young lady aid bas hen a sten- ographer for nome time, behig a grad- nats of Uic WaukMgsnBuaince.Çallsge. The hone veaprettlly dccorated vlth whites'lam .The bride vw» drescd ÜL. white .11k aid rarrlsd a shoywr baquet af lliceof tthe vaills. The hfgh ecteci n u hich the young people vers hcld -by their fricots vas shown by Uic maiy beautiful prenants thcy reccived. Tvo "shovers" vere given UmIs Edvards lthe yack of tise wcdding. A "kiteben aboyer" ai Uic borne of Mise Pearl Dilleubeci, et vhicb Many useful pyesta n-crs given. Au- other ai the borne of ber cousin, is Cor& Edvardi, vblcb vase a'uovelty aboyer," and many and varisd vers tisej giereceived, sbovlng tiseir regard for Uic Young couple.q Both tise bride aid groom issving al- vays lived lu Lake county, bave a bout a! fiends vbo wvus thein a happy aid prasperous married 1hie. We want the judges of clothlng to corne tothis *store- They wUlI know and appreciate the great values we are glvlng. They wIlU sec, why this store Is so far in the lead of our competitors. They will see that the quallty Is Un the material- They wlll see that the latest thing In styles s showÀ. They will know that the tailoring s the best- They will know that the prîce Is lower than what others are asking. WHETHER YOU PAY $25*009 $20,OO019 $1,5.OO or $12.,50 At this store you get satisfaction and big value for the money. The selection is large so that yon can find what pleases you. We know we deserve your trade and we want it- Uts to your interest as well as ours- You are looking for the best both in quality and price and ail that goes to make a suit feed right You It get here- Don't overlook our Fancy Vest offerlng 3 for $3.00 or $1.1,5 eac.h lt's only once a ýyear we can make such an offer as every vest is worth f rom $2.00 to $3.00. Thermanu- facturer takes the loss and its your gain- esv" 1909 Tis. Hs Kupps.Iiaai« C-40 'I '~r~ 0 ~ i.-, the Thi beei sen: cas vait Otqr store selve.- quart build additi mode th at have As i great as th dama Our 1 the bi min il Siais af Illinois, Counts' af Laie, as.; lu tise Circuit Court ut Lake Counis'. Etivarti J. licyticcer vs. Christian T. Heyteecr, Carles W. Heytecier, Mary M. Short, Cara P. Short, Emma A. Heydccksr sud Cyrenlua A. Hcy- decker. Bill1 for Partition Gen. No. 2995. Publie notice la iereby given tisat iss virtue of an order suddtecee en- tered. lu Uie ahove enlilet cause lu sait Circuit Court at tise Marcis Terin A. D. 1909 lhereof, Uic untieralgucti, Mater lu Chaucery o! saiti Court, n-Il, ou Montas' thee iai day of June A. D. 1909 ai Utceisour o!onue oclock lu Uic atternoon of sald day at Uic East tsar of tise Court Honte ln Uic City ot Wau- kegan. lu tise County of Laie anti Siste ot Illinois, senl ai public auction ote Uic hesi sud Seat Sidaer Uic toi- loviug dcacrlbed land anti reai estate, to-vît: Tise souilivesi quarter o! section tventy-elght (28), and the soulvwest Ijuarber o! the soulheasi quarter af IMM EO -L

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