CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1909, p. 1

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as LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEI WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVII. NO8. Two Parts LIBERTYVILLE, [LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE , 1909-12 Pages Part One 81..50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. DRAINAGE IMPROVES I'UTVRf Or RONDOUT Easttand West Skokle Systemas, Woric on Latter of Whlch WJII Be Dons by Time SnootFilies, Will Make Avallable Thousanda of Acres of Land Useful for Cetery Farmlng and Market Gardening'. Rondout-the manutacturing city and railroad conter of te future. This le the- piture titat wiii he pre- sett-Clu bettteptt a year anC a hait and ise yeanu, i. ti thttcconîçletlan et the- Shohie drainage sst-ms. west sud easat. aceoruilue te observera et reaity meveîîeuts. While RendenutIlaai prest-ut just s typiiesl vinage on a fiai prairie, tht- prey te rallread dirt and smoke sud occasionally by reason et pour drain- age the sictim et ijoode thgt toliow surIug tresiets. loaklng lrie tht- fu- lune reaity men st-e le il tht- second cils lit Lake ceunîy lnstead oethlie dozecu bouses. tht- two stores and te raliroad depet It now boasts, Rossons for Prophocy. Ressorts for "set-lue things" tht-rt- are la plent' It 'tht- IrsI îplacecRendent la on twe sta-m lnes and oeeelectrie treel car Ue. Tht- S. Paul anC tht- El- gin. Joliet and Eastern lutersect at Rendent. wiile tô complete tht- ad- mirable ralroad ituation te Chicago sud Milwsauke'e Etectnie Rallraad Company. witieit la lîcensed as s fmcilgitt sud îaaengt-r carier aise. lIt-rsetcIbath. lunteat-coud lplace tht- tast autd s'est Sknhiî' drainage systems viii drain vvent bit et the sumnundine la.nd sud the village lîscîf, whieit lm now v ititeut an orgaitizatlon. and mate te ternltory A Number Oue lu eut-ny respect Whats Il Good For? Expertssasy taI Rendent. dnaiucd aud wlîh Its aîlmesîls. wlll he good tom tht- tolleVilng lhings wllhlu a year and e hit' t-A ralîroaailctner for extensive yards. Tht- St. Paul once planued te establi laiut yards tht-rt-. ncludlug a sheep yard. 2-A manutaclurnu e tner btcause a mauufactning plant uîay oslq at almost aay sautlou Roudoul anC be on îwe raliroada, sud eau locale miles awsy aud stihI be an Bmrneue tif te Unes that viii tunuisit tht-bt-stai'- road facililles. 3-Tht- Eigtit, Joliet sud Estern. Rendent lune. la tite canuecting liait wiîh est-ny great Une out of Chicago. 4-Tht- dnalnig aifte Retndent dis- trict by te 150 systemrs wyul open Up mile atter mile. section afler section, et formemly wortittes laud te tht- truck gardent-r sud ctlt-ny farmer sud tht- ditrietmamy rival i lchigan as a celemy prodttein e tatr. Wil Finish Big Dtch. lu an Interview given out yeatte-- day Skokic drainage canal ceoila sianers asserted titat te actual vorh ou tht-bitg dltch vili bt-ginst-ny soon sud taIt-Ibhercennstruction wenh silI be neaniy ttnisbed on actualty done by te ime suîew files ln tht-fai Titsh i t ithhast.s etfte tretîecy thal a t l' an aît hait wtil set- Rend- eut tralgbicîî îîpîwilt a Je'rk andgo aitead l ltssasd bouund Infiuence Feit Nots. Tht- influenteetite drainage sys- t-mr la aict-ady tel oit land awuns and It la loday vulligtîlIt mpossible le ituy Itla ttthe fguri' aI ichit i was bt-Id a leur uicsix mttntita ago. est-n fronthlie kiciters againat tht- CIt. Ont- oan.ri, lue std ont- trty acre pihce at lenaiau acre momne lime ago, refuses 10 liat front a tottut-ar te fIrst ont- tan leas titan ltty dollars an acre. PEAT BEDS ARE VERY VALUABLE Factis Regarded of Mucit Importance Here, Where Absoiately No Efforts Have Beeni Made te Conserve and Deveiop Great Peat Beds of Grays- lake, ZiouCity, The Sag, Wauke- ga and Vctnity. M att cutes atd tevuas la tht- U'nited States ayîî obtain tht-un ligitt, ht-atanisuaitowet îitceCltfront pt-at bers lunt eatar fittîtît c'Tht- 'tatemeutlai made hy lediral tapints titat millions of dollans uterttof ut tel lit-s undeveiop- ed tali te saianîtuand oga of te country, uwahthîtg îuuly tht- geanun sud business ability etftiti American be-_ tort- il drives te vuieels ef prognesa. ls value, en s basis et $3 a toi, rougit- ]y guesaed at by experts efthlie geolog- Ical survey, who have bt-en aîndylng rth ~,pet deyoslls for sete lime, le more titan thitry-eight o.a...on dollars- mtore moîey titan ta represented lu ail tite property, stock. Inîplements. sud buildings ewned by the- farmers et te Unitedi States. 'ti thlie criai supply belue used ai a tremettîlous rate, pt-at l9 expccted te bt-cere a most Important auxliiary fuel snd oue that wiil proleng te lie et te cealitself. An Important tact whiicit leads te expertsetatuilii've tat pt-at willisseau corebinquite geiierai use lu certain parts etfte country Is that itI as asa raie tîîîîî, lu quanlities lu regiens far rî'îut,, 'il from te ceai fields, so far taIte cost ef transportation ou ceai amuîiut. te several tlimes te vus t oite tii' ltsei t a te minesl. Tite tates coataîning lte greatest ameunt o e tatare VWiscensin, te essterm Dakotas. Mnnesota, %iciigaii. nortitern IowaIlîlinois, Indiana, 0hio, .New York, te New Eueiaud sîstes. New Jersey, poctions et Virgiia, Northt and Sout Carolila, Gî'ergia and Florida. DOCTOR TO DISPIENSE BOOZE IN CAPSULES People Alege that Drug Store Would Simply Have Salared Physician who Would Tur,, Out Whîakey Prescrip- tions Lîke on Mimoograph for Al who Corne 10 Place Wîshîng Stiff Drink. A ,Kansas îirug itcîti" If rutioru. siteak fruttit, s tebe te t-r> lattaIt hin itte itiiligli weeiisudItî f reportrs agala speah trîttitthat saitne'-Kanîsas dinug slare'* ma> have a tiarîl row te bue, aub t. theutole s ho are s alchIig tilt-r tite weltare et lllgtiaiod asuýert tai surit anit lîttltitiii woutlil lieatt evatiloît etfte nit' nd aitelgitti at, creatitie lie dry zorwte.and mwiîîit Iti suliject to ili'atioîu as a ,ils- denit casor. 'Te, "Kansias drtîg stuc i ito he simîîiy a drîîg siot. -'_' uaaiîîd ptittaician tlitcharge, Il la aaid. tii attî ily tht- asked fer iprescripttionsa for loolîsit waters3 Oscar Hagertybas retîtei te nid Garler restaîuranît sud will 8lai t lit te rate businetss there. Wi'lliiam VicIer Emattuel lieîîtt lu itea empioe d at Fort Sheridan,. ia ig. If la said, given up iteet legelîte te go te wark as att arnus cok. le ls an expert cook. Tite Crotte park. saaîitarîumansd et rent vilii iereatter itave 1ilsser- vices Tuesday, Frlday antd Sunday tic- ginrîlue tuiy 15. At Fort Sheridanît ieri' are weekiy vaudeville bis,.teeue titis week, Tituradat, heing especiaily strong. It lis ciainueilte it aa godas t.'jbil rrttiii ita i te Majestic t heat r.'lii Ch ica go DIED FROM INJURIES IN RUNAWAY Teamn Rat, away and in Boling Threw Farmer Under Wheels of Heavy Wagon, Manglîng Hitut so tat He Has Been Lingerung Between Lite and Deatit for a Week. Deatit Took Place Thuasday. Henry Hapke of Wells Lake, three miles east of Wauconda, ta dead as a resuIt ot a runaway accident that hap- pened a week ago. Hapke was a pro- minent farmer about 55 years old. He resided with hiea brother Chia Hapk," and had been aeparatcd from hîs wife for years, wilhout a divorce, the sep- aration bieng agreed upon tl s rep- o rteil. A tveek agit Iaithe waa jogging ai- ottel iti bitrm wagon wheu bis teatit itecatîte fi iglteîed aîtd blled. tre. iitg I ietteatit the viteels etfte itiasy ioaîied wagon. wiich raii oset hititlie lt il tîuntil Titursday niernt ltg. J. J. lc\'Ialiott ut Lake Villa, vilîli a trietîtiatîd! iis sont received a andrieit dro retFrittay iv lîîthei.'wieei cri the butggyrt w hitli tet' were ridiag col- laitaci. Teueliggy had iteen driven iu hettv. ii the strict car iracks, on W'ashingtont atîtiGettese treets, sud s.'ien an attrilittîîtas nmade le swing eut again te tiokes oit eue out li rt-ar vieeis acre airlî)Pet! treontue bhi. Sptringfield, Ill . June IO.-Tite sec- retary ef tate Ttîursday iasued a Il- ceuise te Incot perate îo lte American Water Proot Paint C. et Zion Cty. Capital stock $30000; ebjecl. manu- facture end dealing la palots., eillaand varnishes. tocorporators. Henry S. Starrent, Charles J. Budd, William. J. Candlish. THIOMAS lIAS FAITII IN BLr.EEDING ZION Extrenîeiy Optimiatîc Viets of Indus- trial Future of Zion City le Taken by Executive Head of Estate Who Urgea Outside Business Interesta 10 Locale in Zion City. Prîces on Sites Are Not Permanent. i'tlirTitoniis et Zioui ty villi Ibu iteh is'.te te tloiwng state- tuýitî ushicli s Iran kit'au inv iitatiotn l'iii' tî'e-Iser Is auxieus I ii il huai' ne'ss troletry utZion tityand la v. iti itgin te % tii 'tduit î'ueliuslstiirak,' l nivt' The- tatement follows: Exceptionial Opportunities for lnvent- ment in Business Property. Tht- Lucas & Lte tactory Io now as- sured for Zion Cityý A contract bas bteu sigîîcd wtih M r Jantes A. Gtu- dle ot Zinatit, wito bas airt-ady he- eunate tat meeofte founrdation, sud lte 'orh la le beîîuaited te cenitte- lion as ratîidly as possible Il situuld nuit be nîany vit-ca litforet-hie buitd- lue Is entireit' itnisitcd and te nia- chiai-tv lnstalled l'rider lite, agree- ruentl tadu' hyLutl.îas & Eef s iti thtie rt-et-i. i, hir factery isle In nimpioy luit lt-sa taint tlrtt handa ai te tarI. and trem uviat tht- recciver eau lt-arn. ite tet-s titat tîleir business vs'ît develoît raîtidîy, aad in te course et a at-ar u tinte tefaclory w ill trou- alun" lie etîîîlnviîîg aI itast double te îî a iti î,'î othanit s tarI s wllh Fuir tt.'rnî,tre. ift certain pliansuit-telet, su it h are nomluntcotntemipltation, the t hanees art' thal another building wIli tatet ,e erecd ity titis itrut l'î'th titi Miarshal Fit-luitact' tac ior tiisbortitgit iv'estabt îshed anîd nomes î'îîîîîylogt lita t iuiuîred pi-ua,e ith te L.uias & L-c'Li'ather Situît ,lle tactorvs suiti te bcesetaiulied and 10 gîteeinîuîlev'nîcnt te netleus Ibaît tirItvli'tul, efroînît ihý ti'acIand tht- .Miipa i ,f i.tgîîe viorl.iig liatîtinl baud s'.ithtirte rt-cil et aîd te piromo- lion dîtiuatiît it olte t-tate. loak tue tu thte sectîrtite tf otiter tactories tom Zion Cils. our tiettie are justlfied tn teelîig a ltulle îîrouîd anîd tahing on ait air tif confidence ri'gardiig tht- ftuire. Au additileai encoauragemnît Is tai te valis oenlifor te mdlv id- ual îoenetgage lit business for hiniacit atigivt,-eiftittenientt teo tet alit, our lu al sinccrîtv vie ash tht- question: W'iereceau yoîî go aad Sud t5,000hpt- plie vith thte 5arit-eltîiertuuritiet-tago ittt,businslu'tat you Sudnt its îresentttii,.' ta our ett nuidal v lu anu etet lace tii Ibis sice you viii fintu st-vcia! iblochsa iti)ut oiidiy wliit uasiness houai-a and invsameuts la nîereitaîdise auîd stocks et dittemeal kîtîds rîîîitig tilt utileîrebably sev- tiai hattiid tituusand dollars, vihile tut Zl ni (itcouttilIreceutiy tht-me has htcibut one business house. Titis ta uiinatturai l fiisututbt-st for te seli i-r or te huyit etTue argest aset et titi estale Is ini reat estate, sol~ tht- reeilet s iv ututtut ttsee ptepiceipen up trii buitesstotu ttî'aveits. What Our City Needs. \\'iat iircuttîrtit-."lu isfrt-uitcapiltal andt tii'titi gi Titi tici , î'r realite ,,,ii ti't i 'ii n i uit1 th iti tuat' ite su,[it' tundtu, ut, i uiiiiiolrtt iers et oîiî u ofi tbii' .î, stuCilct lb,ý t'tt uIl gît titi'bt'tîî'Iit oi ils ' s '.eit'ilit.1tt ltitu lia. lin gis ui (Itulandiotit t'Ili'. igurtes ut-utclut ut titi'îîîtttuîî iiit m ili tat' ahi' tut do ui siittitit ul'av' 'iSe vant it iiititiuîiîutt tuîituo ttI il'Itinet tut lîtîtohindti tutu sv'î uitdeiniite- lyt' lui t ii-t'I irisý Reltti-tttie ititi trio' hasis et atl t ahi, . and lîîutîîv troteryit tas tvt- riti ttitI out],ia sali' andîlsourud lii tuttlluit suri'>10 liritie satîstat' \Ve ', d1tuti di itotu atire ch'llenge thatî Otiur licu tutinbusiness lroierîr I iin iutual-(y fut, a below witat situ- liail t ucittliiit uiî'ýs property ecu bc putrcluasu i titi tii aiy ts lertlace- auy vihurt t,,a t tii' ui LtetfZion C(11v Yu a. gui lito, ' laiCe of ihatltht- sic, auîd tutti v i iii îdivneaslrlui Thitov mîîtithoci rnuim, vsil have te saîtatagi'of iii lt choite as wcti as rocktt otîi rices. Tbe advaace camnes atoul raiiidiy an lots sold fI.t as titey art' tiattiit'the-holcesl. In hîtving business property cbeap elsewitere chtanîces have teli~e taken ou wbich way te towu is golng te grow sud ual where tht- business bouses wlll he locsted. Therefore, great risk le taken on the îî obabte tfi ture values. This is duc tii thi' tact that business bouses i'ill, ,î,tm' first and te townbuitt. ip iatter vsaril,,and there is a citan- tî ,rat- 1c.r the business district, but ii) Zton City the situation isla ' iThe pteople aie already bei e tim 'ce oe' eau see just whiere th , Pi-'ttes ttrelerty la and must kn oi tmtînt!.' i Ireseut conditions propit t oit "-r t(han it viii ever be agatît iii 1h'-'tu turE, We telieVe titat tii .. îîî, ut tics taI exist now ttill t rlii.thei sainieln the future. Au t, iitîse cr,. 0it amii imîîrovemeîtlu t plat trices are bound te adratt i ithuit- whiithave boughtt wiii g,. t bth,. Sft of titis. A reeivers deed and a uip irit. ait "tract sitowing perfect titi. týilt be given ln esch case- Do net hoid your cash ami trii ite future look back and regîcî tliat,î ou dtd net mate an invesîtt, ttî a hîch t ou can then see wouiîi taý, givrai ýoti itandsome returus ln a sliî't tlime, Thera v iii certainiy be no tiît. , inte t il tre umore imving fortrlt\, utitutu t tru 7lou CtyIbusinessI u.t hliait lte i rttent. GUS L I TlI\S. NIEW LAW REGULATES AUTOMOBILE SPEED News Laws Providea That Automobiles Shahl be Drive,, at Reasonable Rate of Speed. Twenty Miles an Hoar the Limît on Country Roads. Ter, Miles an Hour In a Business Dis- trîct is Reatonable. Titi'automobile bitl t'l g.t l kuta ou t te speed Irapsin uii wh Iii uit hlig ltotristo bai."tit,, oî ielf alonîg lte forth shii- anttielst- vi ler.' vas signed ity Gov.t)'ennSat- urîiav alleinoon As a rtàsait titere was ge at rejoicing ln te rani.ofe lt' autoists and correspondiiig gloont aiuoîg te Evanston andîcoe po- lice. Vitder liie' atw l1lvmotorists may stili bucsîttîiired sud fined for fast drix lue butlt w iii be possible for tent toe evaî.e Iayment by appt-ai- Ing trom the local magistrates deci- sien Tut-se' .î,îeals ln thte past have been unsucce'.'tttl as a mile en ac- enia litfth',> igi'dity of the eld law". Tite new lat. irovides that automo- biles satail tieitven "aI a reasouabie rate of steed tf stipulates thal If an auttmobilt ituîtnning ai a rate et mton- than len mitles an hour lit a buslitteas district, itteeri miles lit a resîdence district, anti twenty miles on cotuntry road. il may be taken as evIdînce taI a "teasonable sîîeed 'lu beinu' excecedt Has Liberail nterpretation. At te saine ,iîtte tiis phrasing et lte tiet vielle ) ' t i-rils some latittude' In te colitiut t itiftthe- responsi- bility etfitýenttitr.'situation. Ilfoma> bue pteted, for exautîte. ltai a utlrist wmatttlî ng at the rate' et tweiîl, St t' iit,' att iour in a resi dîlîre dtsti iit lil It catu bu siew t (ba.t tht t. tt , i t ter st-ides it sigitt tttl t,,h, sitcrtsisvng lIt, ditî ionetu tît tiug titat titi- uleeî vas s,,t t t.,.itl undet tht'Cir- te tu.i i t t'," Tite la, il,,' ,,! it Irive titi'locaîl iîtagistti*il.' t t lt' t tîetiot iltird- Ing tit i t.' pi-vdi as urrasoîtaile so )itt ' s 11ti, i ai-hItie vas mriif ntg moereCISaît t.t-, itilesan itourTiti tite itigit r it , t I'iet look ti ienutl] locail tîagi t ii, t it î',jtîdIced beittg' antd ttic ' v p' it ob.'caîîght fi)ititi sPeed Il ra îîuaii tt,îilas ili te tast Btut w biti t ent te evitietce et a lîlglitîr colit tiii ittîeal the nietor- ttcx etI i , it ii tit the intttf Appellate Judges Appoinledl. Springfieldli ., tine'15.-Specilite titi'St'N. 'ltc suiî~entîe'court todat appîiutet 1 lit" ('l" lta judges tor the t ree tetr i , itgJtîîe t. 1909 as tollew s Pirsti isi tiittt, 'litcoutr.Hetnry V. Freetîtat. Firatk ti an sd Jesse Hel- doîti. ail t'f('itlrcugo lirani'h r o t , t' rc A. Smith. A'rel Citî ct iii,.iii iilJulian W. Mach ail et Ciicago. Second dtitutrit Dorratîce DIlteti etf Joliet, HeniIil. \i lli.u et Elgin snd George W' Thittliti of Gaiesiturg. Titird disut rt Lesiie Pîtterbaugit, ut Peoa ltant, t' Baunt of Galena anîd Selon oflii tk tCiampaiga. Fetirtit district: llarry Bigiteset Ptttsieid, Roitert B. Shirley et Car- leinvilie and W'arren B1. Duncan et Marion. FR ED J. PUNDT DIIED AT MUDLA VIA RESORT Muscular Rheumnatismn Claîmed Keep- er of Blliard and Pool Tables Who Was Popular With Ali Fans of the Great National Sports. Prominent Elk Dies Whie Takîng Rheuaalsiiî Trealment. Tlie sauleut tiii.'it ia., tu-c tt lo N'ttilieganiin tantuHît'a tt tttu'Salt day aîoîîIng thua ut ht-utu iiii iiouliced Cthet-aethu utflî i J1 untd aI tite o'teî (k atiSliilltii ut orc lu Inîdiana. tii tyJ-yi'gtt tutthe ' lui uiuen ulasi nesa tiitn ett with bis tile snd bis tîrother tonrtîndiavia, and w'it eîîatvs ot te Ctatt caîtue Satunday bis trieîids anC associales couIC net btlipe.lte tidinga Otiters st-cit-l edtaît- ex- lutd il bt-cause eoftteut-ail nuan*s actile int-sa lie baC iuttitred tac yt-ars sîlitliaul attacks oet uiit tualii ritetînt tiini. tuh(tubhips te Clitrnila sud te cttet ii strtcts bei ted foiet aIlnu.' unit' le hîart outit tîs(iee it-"itlp- reîuurried frint i alilorîtu i Iiiii itas la r a a. tiîgut anuiCis bntitet tohn toek buui ilîrouig t tat!Muiaila auîd vas t 1h bitn au ite tut' etfbis ileatit le unias taheut tu tht- iîut hats titiHast't'4he'rsuiffai iuîgtht' iluot cl ite i'nttts l'h. late Fi,! .1 Ittîtdi ifor t-tics lî'iut a ' igat' utoio ndatî idlî lai ilai po oa, i lt itouutitht-uu--streti unthý iiIy- Su iiId ui k, Ilis plta'e ai blttiiieuc mas a t u.ut tluti billitarîd aitu gýeIe.It aindl .' iiau ivf-li anîl lai- tr'IIi uts. t uti thi,"t.itt'for bis 1,it , e d e e.' tut I i', i eat ntitoitai lpoits. tiIo i eýii îî'îîu i ii ut-tutu etut,' a gai t tt asis it i, i' liledantîthlt tit ut ii itiss hit tt' The tantiliai store smas, t-i .!tthiis iveu'k for lte fi rat tilîte unt cars. Tht- iatt-NItc Puî dit vas att Ellk ant bis ltidow rt-ct-tsi-C te El.,. be'lle' Siciai y funC ivhictu unbers raise aniiuugternusel s anCdtuai ou î' ctî tiiîte a înleu etdies Eikas wre îtîuunîîlîîltitis uiot niîîgas ti' talc -l't i udItvwa uadIci ttraian n Clihusi- Itue taie NIc. Fîtîdt ws. iyî'at cagit thue sIctittu ut a ist tsslue railcea,! iccidentu ,av iiig hiiutcitus h cd iet wet-u tuvo raas atgrouucît .aitd ie ha hceîî irathýi i Cîirate healtit eter MtrPttllait wmas42 t tans oiC uIt,' lait liicd aliiisuall hi.' liet-nla 'aukegatu, aithog bou he mvas bli tî lutChiceagot tia: cuhiot 'C tutontht- Nucttteutenu ri atl îîd MOTUIER LEf T AND CIIILDREN BEREFI Wouîuan Who Once Leaped Titrougit Wtndow 10 Grounid 10 Escape Ar- reaI By Marsitai Henry of Hîgh- ssood for Alieged Blind Ptgging Dutappeara and Leaves Two Chul- dres ta rNorlt Store City. SIit lu th, i i i iu u ui t t Sto t i I i t Ili CShuii S t iti lt- h ilutilluttuliti fa it , h th il h aiut Lu i oill ,ga t iti qu i b ut iu u t h- t tit tia tut.t' tch tlit i tt it ut1 iiit' iiiii ut, i., ut, l thili itiuiî- ti l, cuit tt,', iw mIo i1,itt lttt ulu lititati tlî,î tuIi lu' t' i,I i ' tii l. ,i.'atndt lt, tt I il itjn o z, h l f ha,'it-ii.lioilliii. Iiili iit iii llgt ittei. N,)tit h t it ii Ii J iit' i't ., til t -it lu i't" .t, ttit' l, fl m . a i ithts 'i iii tit lIt l- l uti utub tl uîîttî' liiile-iti TI ht ,iit 1(lu i l itti lt Il it- in m, olduershWer iff rdsriy. rtsotc, v t at httiltt ieir Ides 10Mc stileujl tith-uitt i-ntti atu erho . uldîu s totutpFarteSheida t ar n audectly gruttin thegsu Sttîr day, nlgbt s fot FurtaSherdav e n trouble wtatevt-n. Wani Entertainmsrint. (il lo it lact. i d hi lie front Tail ui,, Ohît i vi eethsy xmi lake litt ini thl t'ionatl îitotitititfi drills, lte t, 1, andl N i ut,1,, tf tie i.'Fîtet-itt' a, til A_' îîli stopît alte toi Elgi. 211th tak a.'Zut ih h ii il,rte t'sol ulic ho1 v t ittli taiutitin,'Iitei tait- titi t t a 1 îîr'î ii tattît.' s.eîd rtuti. Btck te Futrt Shteridtan, Jtiy 2 ANOTIIER WIFE WANTS SMARE IN PROPERTY Death Notice Followved by Appearance of Amnerican Wife and of Womnan in Fîniand Who Baye That Hendrick- sons Real Namne Was Rosenberg. Flnland Wife Claims Money, WIli Start Suit. Thte tecent destit et Otto utnick- son at \'t'atihi'gaii sau i te DeKalit Chroîîcte, itas deteloitet! ait itterest meg stat, of ett, ws .iicit ias aitlte mnia.îgs et tvhitiwii lîrebaitit' b.'a Stust ciasu lawt'suit. Pieceedinga nîay he illut itlîtel taint ertty near ftitture wbItchit ll hi' ut cîîîîiderabie lite- est te residuot> t'b wo îîet.'aî'îîîalted a iili t' e frtîter iliKali saloon t lier. It tviii ibh.'renteitibe ced ltaI H erî'lck- suit foc, a tunibet tif tcars ole'rated a saltoi tlu t . ( tu inoite severai veiaae lie died atbout a utoîtti age. icavintica vvifle, ssaleoon lu te Lake cottît tc cilt taîd shtoot $6,0110 in tii îeey whicithli't-ieîttititetl tît banks litt Syca- niere andltî DKalit Tite s. ornaît vho musa lîarîteil by liettrîrlsoît liititis countury look lies- ses itntif tht- satlonand il via stîti- poued titat uitc' woit d gel te îîreerty. luit aIttis Pjutire colites notice ltaI thitei i.. a %wenîan iinFinîtaed v'ho i laittîs teuhi'the real vite etfHcîtrick- son. vi bit I ll ieged. waa hnewa as Roenbalerg ii tiat counîtry. l is aise clalîncîdlinht he has two marrled daîgitters. Mesadames Hîtida Mary Fasta and Hilda Helrreo, eueetfwitom lites fliDeKatit îrs l'Rosernberg, cialiîtiug ta be lte legs! v'Ite ofte deceaseditas me- tailled!I litfe anti Clitte et Sycarnere sud tht-y vi lu tht- sery near future institut.' iiioceedlîîgs eiîter.ln atiis ceunt' et ai \W'aukcgau utîit sview 10 obtaitîlîg 1itessession etflte prop- crtv et tht- deceased. Tite treceedines wili be laulte na- turcetfanauppitiîon te lte cauuty couîrt te îrubale lte calate etflte dead niait aîîd imiheu lcomnes into court there vuill pi obably he a cooteat la- t olIn ittg uta*îy nice Iteints etflîrehale andIniîter'national iaw.Tht- Finland s. nlan clainîis 10 bave bteun marrled le titi deceased a nunîber et years sg,î. lier linte latira Frit-Ca Rosen- berg aîîd itlsi tht- ciaint i taItht- 'tai naîtneettilt- deuil aatuu.nlieer vtaa Rosenbt-cg. M1EAD WOODMAN ISSUES STATEMENT Ifeati (titiul! Talttotfte W'oed. in p i t a tîlîtîs: ' ui the iotieîtiltf tiaYthttee ere lvutteil1:i495hti l, it cerîtictîtes lu thii ittîiit etof iwtutttieiers, atid ie at,îîî ieî'orîl ire,îker t le turtit ýt t lut i ti î u itt1he'leir 19111, tîlîteli i'.' laiv eî, eahil' te tit tiiuîti'itt nebrat t'Mat cl , Apiiil andî hate t'xci eil at ieun. iccodinti Mii tiiresît liepre'vettteîi the 'lai gea litilbe a fîîy notti eltîest iiitiiitiitit. 'lterecordifi INiiast itar ittuli wa.s 10,409 iii iv iiiiihlis w nItteit Miay tti5s yesti l!,,ti.495-~a gain of :1,08'6. lte giiut. t îîîtîîbeî etfut-w riti eîitit- iii t t ii i tIiti' itîttit tof iMay titiretair' wat. lIa1,. i titis tli*eiciuît.tîtx.' ,-i lay î'ecor'd litas nomu' li tt l,î,kutîlii'tht- las'. 1909 i*etits-12!. ItP I ltii îargiti. use- rew. >Ils tnu,, otfIl "uiîla .t c' taleti'iitts otfat-vv butsinîess tu-tIttîtii oeiinug tht- iretlilve Niai ia% Mare i(tu, as tnlews: 1908 1909 .. ... .... .15.480 1,473 -... .15,120 15,869 .... ..t1,451 18.063 -....13.380 14,510 ...t1,4019 13.495 Totalti.............. ý.69,842 7 5,410 "ut s. il he oitsemsed trom tht-hure- golute coniîiacLsen thal tht- 1909 record lsas gaina oser 1909 of 5,568, or a moaîhiy ast-rage gain ot 1,113. IIEARING IN SIIATKUSý CASE'CONTINUfD Seizare of Bank Foilowing on Bill of Sate Exchanged Between Attomgsy Weiss, Representinig Clalmants, and Shatkus, Brings ta Ligitt Buthel Each of Rosaries, Crucifixes and Ra- liguous Books. Taut Haither Stathus couducted bie Eigititr,întI batik on lte "obhlng 'etî r te lut Patîl" uncilue la dam- cd li)b he ltetudiacos t-y of At- uOmi'1 %liitF . eissanC tht- stales atteunel 'seffite. Shathîts was Tituradaymnornineheid Il, hionds etf $3,000anC bis heafrlngen- hanut-C untu utme 19 aI ont- lu tht- ait- ernoon. His batikad its effects he has gis tn a bill et sale for ta Attorney Wleissvite now bouCs lte heys. Tht- qt-iiy ot $2.000 lu a Chic&"o building tas bet-tanastermt-d ta a Chticago man te make good $1,600 in dlalmialtent- and an cffant la now be- ng made le gel Sitathus leamise $1,- (i0 moere ta lluîuidate ttc samne'mount et tiuima bt-rt- The Systemn of Shaîkus. Aceordiug te diacoveries ut tht- po- lice anC attornueys an lte case the mnupart etflte business cenductt-d hy Shaîl.ns appt-ara la have bt-en bon- cal. Howcser rleht wilh thîs ho con.- durIt-C au alleged scheme of bîgi fi- fiance, Certain eues are clalnued le bave been atletrsCas tht- vidtima and wtt-n tht-ysatutmonet-letht- oIC coutry. hongitî tickets or Ceposlted, Shaîkus lmai asCotehase bypolhecated tbe futoda, naing ne pretense. itla eai- tcged, et sendîne tht-m sud at trace sent the atout-y te Chicago, lt la asiC, vihere Il belpt-d te psy for the bîuilinug aI 924 Thty-third street. lu titis way Sitkus accumnulaled aiu cqtuîy of $2.000 lu tht- building, wih bitiaa uow bteu transft-rred te Kept Gentlemen's Furnlshing Store. At tht- atdrei aon ThIrIy-tblrd street Shathus temmeriy ht-pt a gentlemen, 0 fumusbieg store. The. structur-e la et brick sud a valut-hIe ont-. By meas et tht- good namne be la ciaimed te hase galacd lu thet- tnIsistng busai- ut-as Shathus landt-d $1.600 Chicago business whlch la now clalnuorng for setltment, whlcb willu homade. Flnd CrucIfixe.. Thursdsy mermng wben Attorney We-iss bout charge et Shatikua bauk h., found about a bushel of crîeiflxeig, the same amounl et rosant-a. severail long sheives fillt-d with religions boni, sud se forth, wblcb ail cent s side llgit ounltemethoda et Shaîkus. Tht-rt- were ht-ides s sale, chaire, desha, sud se tertit. Where Me Got Confidence. Shaîkua gel tht- confidence ef the Pepefrou, tht- tact that be repre- sEuled higi closescompanles et the muatIrimeîuu'achshle character. sqch as lte Nartitenu Trust Companuy et Chicago, lte Heiland Americani Une, sud lte Auchor LUne.le emptoyed anecdit-rh, Tlhe hig concerna gel atter Shat- kus atten his limaI arreal when s man oven lu Russasceni'.laiued Ihal wbile hii passage had bat-n pald fer vie lte Anchon tint- lie had ual rect-ived a ticitet, it-deiuautticd istaride sud lte cemnt sttagenut caitlegramnued bere. Titieirtl tiws a tother contlrtemps for fluattus. Shaîtus ha a yeuuug man, smopth saeatnd it suave avpptarIne. He was tftot diulcteuat by bisl appearance ln court titis ntoruiuug and la maklnt stccuîuat iiefotanta10affect a settie- ment that ili brng hlm eut et hi& t roube's. Court Notes. - lIn counly court Nlondsy six cases wt're seltfon immediate trial. oilhers uset-cutnîued.anCdlte case et Gold- inaitit vs. Hahhanen sud Turpa was dismisaed. Au olîl Infornmation against Victor Emanuel Ht-ua. atleged te be a Hlgb- woud boot legger at presFent. turned ftit) iit otiter Informations on file. n Probate Court. la probate court lte Slephen Eruce sud Wiard iteacitugs were centtnuedl otnil Jutue 21. F. G. Dufour bt-came adminisîraton et tht- Mllsry Dufour calat- wlth $4000i bonda. Lut-lIa Jane Hook was Iuended ta tht- saine ameut lh ttiltlster et tht- esîste ofthl ate Fit-C uioh, lan tht- matt-r ut ths es- tale et Wilihant Bartimua, kiuit-d by a trait years age. bouC wasa lxt-d ai $1000. New Suts Pied. ' Fred Bairslew va. George S. Keri. cout. L. Lut-k va, A. U Retid*e. w-' sumpait, clalimfer $1000 alUeil*stý fer reai etaats e mU Il .' ý .

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