CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1909, p. 11

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LARE COSTY. t.FRnDAY, je-NE 18, 190".--- - VAor. 1 elath., JAMES MERerk au saehon oAt the lrl"n;ta the officiailwalat AgpPeslus j foreaat: ge of twOtyon pays to the sta M O iin is and Indliana-I'nete e TOflMO TE i day asud ahowerg t10014,1 howera t- S R Y A M thp e t m 0f aldf e 0an annu1t o f ______Nc-_iganFair__o ane f0- the. money la forfeited.-London Mail. niorrow. diqàGe6 bw VelUtr s rm Said Io flv Wiscon.sin- Fair today and tomol' ode ef City's lest Kuowu 0ld "K MsrîgG.s Tm .iWsauNe WII mowa î.ocal showects toda'Y aidtu- Men Slghtly Bruise by "Nt rnçb Dof gnnNe ei orrow. .. "Wbartsa bunker? D Yuknoly?' fry somime -suis Machinm11 *' poqqi eoe of those cranks ___________ THEMARI(TS tnk.l-Phlladelpha Press. o h CiHEERFUL NATURES THESE Ca h anRakI'~ I _____ Wintcr v.he.t by sampte. No. 2 red, -- mail Tommy (ater the alipper 'e- Parting Shot of Volivan Leader te ;1.5500; No. ý red. i.3 1.56; No. ancel-mamma.. 1'm giad l'ri lt a Wemen Lylig on Bed of Sickness 2 bard, $ 011.30; No. 3 bard. $1.28 Scn. J. C. Merchant, Has New Auto fil Mamma-Wby, Tommy? S8mai! C71.28. Sîring wheat by satîi NO. aud Took Father for Drive Vester- fommy-'Couse I'd b ht i[P eed fa Expression Thot 8h. Wouid Pray1 norter. 3i, .4 No. 2 north- day Aflernoon.-On Return the Fath. <TOW up end become e cbild beair.- Thot Voitm Got Three Extra eru, $1.3to l; No. 3 apring. $1.18(fi er Got Out and Got in Front of the Clffl News. Menthe cf Slckness for Taking up 1.-,6. corn hy sarnite. No. 2, 741hi Waukegan Physiclan. i5c; No. 2 white, 76c; No. 2 yeîîow,1 Machine When it Was Driven Into lier Cholce. -75c; No. 3. 14 ½2@75c; No. 3 yeitow. Feed Store. "Ca* 1lqu Weil?" <prom Wedesdayo Sun.) No. 4, 73½4Ce73%~c. Oata ___ wiul, l'I tel! You. He olYpred to, Sun) tmatille: No. 2 wh ite, 58V4c; No. 3. slng lhe baby te stee the other nlgbt, Sfrange le Medicine and strange la 56c; No. 3 white, 5.56138e; No. 4 w.hite. (Front WedneaayaSon.) and Ms wlte nid, 'No: let ber keep on faith.ii' 18q 51aiK standard, 57½,«£58.31t6c. rtying. "--Oeveland Leader "I will hope and pray the iLord tat Barlty- 2litltug. 8ltù3i82ýc, mixig, . tties ' of 'iauke- Yeu may be ick for tbree extra lO,01tc rrclttfgs, 70i@81½. Rye gan o hest Ottotn oid men, was knock- Kent and *urr. moatha." -juIty, Septcntber, 82c; No. 2, 81 ilcl owvn hy ait auto which is son, J. James Kent, fanons for bis "Coin- N' t 3.iI(a87. 1:1 Merchant, wa'î drivlng, ]ate yî'îter-c mentarls on American LnW." wasa This was the partiug shot of an ai- Chicago Live Stock. îiyay tferliton. escaîîlug wtts a few gretadmirer of Alexander Hamilton, leped Voliva secf womnan leader bast Hoga Iteelits i1,000. Quotations brîises. This mn-iug h(i was aroundi snd Whou the firent Federalist was1 dty before yesterday when a "'eh rauged at $7.9001 .00 for choice heavya satelnbifrndhoIlidkie yArnBu nadeleb- womata of the Voliva fation voted ln s7.80*8 .00 bttcherg. $7.40101l iglit at usu a etn ihs rieude ohlieds ampied by aarburn se l fhe lbe- favor of medîcine asa acurative agent oixed. $7.t'0u .7ti choice ight,.75 ittnQ niwt asih i t caer i. ne diploacabe enem of Ie lat- andi against prayers of the Voivans. it 7.55 heavy ,acktttg, $6.50i@1675 good the o11tY re.i11tt New York thse judge saw Surr on the The cheerful weit wisiug of the te chotctŽ les. $,,,50(16.25 common te The son, senior ntenher of the irm oppoute aide of Nassan tret He Volivan womau did ett malerlitze. [air pigit oniJ.t. t"ieclitant and Brother, re- went acrosa the street as fast as bis I»kly a hedepiedmeicnepu Catile -ticettîts 2,000. Quolafions ci tily tîirchtsed an auto aud 'tester- years vouiti permîit aid rnhhn iaciiyas hedetise mdicne UIranged atî 6ttt72 for eboice te do yaitcctioott look bis father for a his cane tu Bnrr' face, eotd woman on ber fcet again and frIne steers.$60167 good 10te i taotlc cok hyr- "o'essonrt iasonri oe l a now able te le up and about. rhioce steers. $ ,32 gond te cioce tecre cude! bec! cos. 3006.00 good f te oico tttueiid iothe [ccd toire aItht- corn r as ode t teetegny e e o o e o o o o 0 c o c o o 0 o 0 eifers, $2060good te chutoi il lieeand Geuese streeta utpoe qa t ieeegny 0 caves $,.00a7,25 eletedfeeers whre he uto1% eptandtheft e ieraised bis bal and bowed te the * o aivs, 5, 001.2 seecto feders wtece iteautt IsSeptandthe ath r ouiandi then said la lhta caimpst * RÈAL ESTATE TRANSFERS c 4.5@4. gond te choice stockera. got ont white the son di-ove It inoaProfeonal toue, *Tihe opinions of tbe 7ah~a byake Couty Sleep-Rec~eipt 10,000orQOttiela tite (ced store. leurped, chae.sor are aiway entIleti Cont nged at $8.25at9.00 frgond t o an e l etebget osdrto0 Yaim y Lk _hoie ehori tambs. $6.25@8.25, fair te In soeine ay, . cItrhngtin etebgetcnlerio" 0 IltIe aMd Trust Company, Ab- c gondodi l atîth, $650(q700 shorn [tînt oft ht atuto, jttst as Il îassedlTeDeotr e atrai of TItie. Tlee guaran- c ïearlings. $53.00i.50 gond te choice throlngl the door and sas knocked V eetr a teef. Manuolle Temple Building, c ilhorn estes. tittti. A latge cirowd gathered ln a DIo yen desire te bave if entier- o Wuhan.11. oui, . GroeLive Poutry. fettnits tertu ccdnt Sr. askedth te Judge, addressing tise Tnrlteyfflfer1.bou4e;J.ohiekens c nd w miueh att i th ai n t Ir . ln ady visa Wanted the divorce, "that *ukes peShe4cc. o n Nlrhn. h sabeadspye nyour buabanti deserled oF le fos, 13c; roosters. S; springa, 1% ailsanced agc. waa arouud lu a few "Tm, air." YuY te 2 tbs, '25(n 27e: t1 t Ii( ha, 2O@ t1,îtutes after the autotia struek bhnm. 11Pines. tel! the court as concisely as *e oo oe o oo oo c 22; gecse9c; ducks,tlt.fx June 15, 1909. Potatoet. 7u11cs.n ow b. deserteti yen." J K Orvis and vite fe Wiifred Lar Fair te gond, 6O0û 65c. New ptateefi Net Guity. -Tvo menthea aller we bai coin Mg~. Loto 46, 47, 48, 49 aud 50, blorA -Chotue te fancy, $.0000j.10; (air te "Young mrn sald the serions per- peteti eur vedding tnIp be scoided me 1, Orit s ul, Waukegan. W D $1000 6ood, 80(0y500. son. "*don't you reatize that lhe love of becamne be tbougbt 1 was extravagant J..A bea and vife te C Y Hofman East Buffalo Ilie Stock. money la the moot cf ail eviiF' in the matter of getting clollies, andi 1 Lit , block 4, Tiffans rd Add, Wou Dunning & Stevens, Live Stock *'We-il." ini erethle spendtbrllt. vent home f0 my people." »Wm w ) W 6.0,.omnmission Siercbants, Etat Buffalo,. ý0t o1011t see nie langing On te mon- "e.Proceed." Iq~n. WB $30060. N. Y., quote as fotiows a ratî-e ey as If 1 loved It, do you?" We! I vaited and wiLfted andi vait- -CU Mayler andi wife to tgnac Peri elpts 2 cars; market teaiho. Huo- eti for film te ceone and beg me te e- ue. .lt 7, block 39, Washbunrtteceipts 10 cars; market stroug; Sames Thing. turn te thlm. anti be neyer did."-CUJ PUÉk. w D 81000. tesvy, $8.25; Yorkers. $7.60@8,10; .-tîon't court troutble." cage Record-Herai Bdwar Nevead ,e t lay a irs, $725. Sheeti and Lambe-Re - NG court a girt and fthe rest vIS 1111filehDramn.Pr os1 Mps2cr;mretsedbs u; cy i f sel."-Boston Heralti.- fI~b.h Dumon. PrtIot 3 "ipt as,2 $8.5mar1 t seay;boin '<' i, OofMAORI GRAS TAKES ROOTý aa4 88,lu e Forest. W D $00.0(1 ig ata $.0î .0 eaine Takiîng ati er posuesions toto conu- A Hine t May With 17-O0@7.0; wefhers, 85.75(01800- BansA Rineste ary Wh t 9s4047 CaesBt, $4.50( atteraliocu titere are six coloreti per- The Mardi Gras Idea ha% taken root 15W cor Grand Ave and County Lf..0775. 9, ns, te every wlite in the British em- Irn Waukean. 'kaIkomsn W D $450000. pire. WVhy nef end tho three Park Open- sneIng Daya. Juiy 5, 6. 7, iwltl a grand masque on lthe streeta. lu wblcli every oee men' women and chiîdren. shall masksud take part ln a confetti bat- fiel MELMORE PRICE AMES. OUR OOOD SIIOE SALE! oile Ohic tan 9, 1in849. leimor te Phce wa oni r lau 'lel These days our sales of gzood shoes at our popular Enîce Muinson, lu Waukegan. Ilit. sale prices are the greatest in our history. @ n, ,1909, aged 60 years, and5 8 \I'heu sli was a chld tfeloati * uoved f0 Lansing,. Mid.where tliey FOIR MEN lived for yeara. On Nov. 9, t1873, she we ae sllin th finvas ucuiIn marriage f0 Delos If we ar seling te fii~O Anei at Lansiug. ilic. sud came te est of black calf, gun Laksie (o., as a bride, sie having been metals, patent leath- . O lire leforp lu the capaclty of a feacli ers, tan, brown and .O er. atixwhlch time sie lecames- oxb11 later, nqi alnted witli ler future busband. of ox.boc~ eathrsthîs union theme were four clilîdren: j ,the iatest oxfords and Euunice, of! Waukegan, Ilit ,lce, of boots. O Vrginla; anil Hibliard. of Chicago, Ourpries*ang ud Phillllp at tise hlrie Ou frcrn gelu ibis connecetion, It woutd lie wel from te speai t o the lad. Harold Wliceter, n,,w grown te manti, but who for $2a5 to 5 t n years o! bis chldliood, received ____________________lu hie home tlie lovlng care of a lu Ladies' Shoes Mte our sales are fast in- * h r: Vers, dauglifer o! Hilibard. and * ~creasing, as you ai- Ra h iton o~f Lee!.bltp u *ways ind what you * pLnice Price, the famîîy couistlng o e want here in any * ai en childreu, fOve obiesnsd wo * style that is in vogue. bihothers, sa foitows: Dwlglit, wliose * Th poplar u n- * ptasing was lu hie 11sf Ysear, Marion, metal leathers, patent * ho eterelutin estai a 51, Olive, de- leathes, suees, tasîncfed at 64, sud Phulliiî at 31. Har- leathrs, uedes tan * cef entered thle 'pearly Gates' at 41, and browns milke an O ad Niliitore receivei tlie "Palm of assortment that can .* VicîorY" ai f60, îauma belli theon 0 fot be dupiicated in hf tti ap alyo bir Lake Couty.aid hrothers. ~ounw. Thitsband bas flic aympathy of Our pri:es range .1 lthfie lereavement, being left from atoe fler over 35 years oftliappy wdd if.', for liere vas a wife and p;ther.wbo made home a blesaed $1 . 8lîl$4ewtth ber unsifeli and loving ____________________devotion. Our 11O 'l & Gliri A ktndtv ipatience and loving toit- BOYS citudIp f<,r the weifare of ofliers vas Shoe Deparimnt o f ber virtue. is ullof rea vauesThe fut-rai services vereo led at is fut ofgrea vales tli( faritit omleFriday atterroonat and newest styles in 1t areaseilaeo shos 1ad «ofors.t :1,Te he.tlergreassnembaeof floa 'liesmetery s ab"aie. Whatever type of garment you prefer, you'll find dt here in its best example, Kuppeîiheimer made. If you're seeking information, there's no better place to core-for these styles arc authoritative, good guides, no matter wherc you buy. No man likes to bc limited in choice to this or that style, and to a shade or two. Go fromn one end of our stock to, the other; you'll find fresh suggestions every minute; and ail that will puzzle you 'Will bc which one of many you like best. The best picking is rigbt now. After you'1ve found the style that appeals to you, try it on; satisfy yourself fulI y. It's our purpose to please you while you are in our store and a fter you've gone. Th is Week OUR $15.00 Suit Offering OUR $1.15 Fancy VeMt Sale OUR Great Shirt D*Isplay $1.00, $1,50 and $2,00 I. ,, ,~v s pSot

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