LAKE COUNTY [NDEPENDENTf, FRIDÂY, JUNIE 18, 1909 PIANO0S 1 bave ai ny borne severai styles of the Blaldwin Pianos. 1 invite yon to cati aud see. Prices wjthjn the resch of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embulmer GRAMMEK - - - - IWNOI5 Staver Bulggies Juas recejved e carload of tbe (eiebrated Staver Buggies ALL THE LATEST STYLES Pricew Right W. aiways carry a fulil lins of HARDWARE (1001) A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois - - - - - - - 1 Grayslake BAKERY AND RESTAURANT, Fremi Breail every day, Homne Made Cakeis, Pies and Other Pastrv. Lvlnches aund Meals served t ail heurs. CA NiY C 1G àaR, E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. GRAYSLAKE, f LUMOS We Hav àes h, Une,,of rt Saioriery andt souvenir Po"t Carde OUJR PRICE LIST liIk. per quart 6c. per pint 3c. Cresa" " 20c. pert *12c- ' bali pint ........ ..6r. Butermilk. per quart.........4c. CofttageCheeme. pe- quart.... 6c AU. GOOOS DaIVEREO Go)od.s obtalaile ai factory ci ail urnes. Special orders for ce Cream filled THEeM48iiorS ntice. TU RYSLAKE CREAMERY Te. Gravelake 36. oraveiskt. MI. li< ALi TUE E- q SlIAIEi4 AND MIAOUS. Wil have al rny' oid custorners cai and wil he glati to weicorne nav I one@. At Kuebker &Ailioer'a fil BF 1[W[[Rï 8ORF. Wat".C"esd an sd Jewelry Repaired Al Wor k Guaranteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promplly FilIed Grayetake - - Illinos THE FIRST PAIR 0F GLASSES Sboîidbe Care!ully Fitted Bore the Fitting is Scientifie DR, L B. JOLLEY Phouee-Oflice 122: lceilence iii OiICE HOURS 93J oa,11M.22 2 t04iP. n 7 to0i,n OFFICE 122h and Siste Sireets. OoPP0ie tie Bank North Chicago, Iiinois Cigans amd Laundr Tobacca Offic CLARENCIE FLAGG TONSORIAL PARLOR LUBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Or4wes Taken for Raxoce ~sand Put lnOrhdes' GOuaat4 i wARmrrbN ffIse Auni. Rudd te on the .lck lt. Mrs. J. Sheridan is eutérteining rela- tIves frorn Chcago. Mnr. L neh le visitinK. vitb LMr. and Mf.. E. J. Carroll. Michael Rycn la vlting in Chicago. Miss Davlln, o! Chicago, &peut Snnday wf th friends ber. WAFRREN EImer Ro« W1f t Tu.sday for a trip, to the TexaPanhandle. Mn. Delen Gage and A. W. Gage of Vilirette, sPent Sunday et Henry shepard'a. lire. Mania Petoeon returned Satur. day from two weeks vlit in Racine, Wls. The Guru@@ W. C. T. U. wlll meet the afternoon of June 2llrd witb Mn@ Loulse le hoe. sran spcill ilgo. to leeve Waukegan ai 10:30 a. m. State o! Illinois, outy o! Lake. se. lu the Circuit Court o! Lake County. Mary Horen and Edward Horen vs. Miles Lancaster. Julia Lancaster. Cath- erne Lancaster, Margaret Mic(regor, Jobn D. Mi-Gregor, Elizabeth Moore, John J. Meore, J. B. (Connell and &files J. Devine. Gn.Nuo. 3525. Bill for par- tîito. Public notice le bereby giren that by virtue o! an ordar and decee entered ln tie above entitledl cause lansald circuit court et the Liercb terni, A. D., 19>09, thereof, tha understgned wll on Tues- day the iutb day o! July, A. D., 1909. et the hour of one o'clock in the alter- noon of said day at the easî door o! th. court bouose in tie ciiy of Waukegan, in .aid county and etate to, the igbet and iset iidder for c-ash ai publi- anction the folowlug descniheti land and real es- tate, to-wit: The norîb-west quarter o! tîhe souîb- easi quarter o! section founteen (14). AIso the nortb-east quarter o! the south-eâAt quarter o! section fourtean (14). A30 the e s al!o! the uortb hall o! the south-easlt quarter o! the soutb-east quarter o! section founteen f 14). Alothe norti-wset quarter o! the oouti.west quarter o! section thinteen (13). Ao the uortb bai! of the soutb-wesî quarter o! îLe soutb-weot quarter o! said section ibirteen (1-tf. AIse the wet hall o! the notb bai! o! the souib-east quarter o! section foîur- teen (14). AIea a parcel of uand deec.ribeu as comn meucing at the eOutb easlt corner o! the nonil-sasiquarter o! the uorth-wesi quarter of section iwenty-!oar (24), towu.ship forty-four (44) norih, range elaven (11) met of the third principal meridan, ibence runnlng notb s-ixteen (16) rade; thence west 10 Chicago, Ml.I- wankee & St. Paul railroad i nghi-of-way as now loceted; ihenca soutb 10 ibhe pub- lie iigiway; ibenee east to the place of heginning, excepiing bowever the ffasi ona-bal! bal! acre of said piece or percel o! land. AIl o! said real estât,- heing mituaied in townshipi forty-four f(44) nortb. range Pleven (11) east o! the principal meidian iu the county o! Lake aud siate of Illi- ntois. Ei..sjeL. CLARKE, Master lu Cbauceî-y. Dated lune 4tb. l1909. C. T. Heydecter & Son, Solictors. 16 4 SEE RUSSEL bumlber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL n My pie c are right and grades gzood. W ether vou buy or not wgtmy figures. PuLl ARIA) VI HTEV. Al;H F. S. IEAD), Prop. Rheuimatismia l lý1 -, =--. isdy M wlf Pae m b MILLBURN. straneacteti business in Chicago lest wesk.1 YS A E E Mise C. E. Baie-rhbasglîe to Evanet, f or aten days say. IMiss Lucy Troîtter anîdClaren-e Biong were married Tuesday evening, June Ji as 8P. M. et the home o! A. K. Bain. Mr*. Fouter and i ildren bave gonet Chicago for a we,,k'm visit wltb if parents. Li1 rotrand Lils@ Mamie, Epnuualn carne Sunday for ibe wedding Mnr. Sarah Tower visited Friday ai, PSaturday ai LMre.Geo.tierrity's ani beledtbem get ready te move. Jeu, &ad LOuIs. returned home wh ber. Lir* 'Id Mn. Gea. Gerrity. 'o! Rouio Lakre, !ormerlY of Lilîbura rnoved t4 Union 'îrove, Wie., Monday te runi creamnery. Mnm Tower, James an( Louise wrill go ii wesk. Mre. Sarah Dodae and Miss Vert 1Werden. o! Rochester, Wle., are visitinj relativesud attended the weddingo Mima Lucy Trotter. M.RpiWbeaton and son returnsÉ t. Wbao, il., accompanied by b.i mother, Mir. SaBford for a few days. Miss Trotter recelved msny beautifu and aeful pusees o! linn t the shows, kriven lu ber honor by Mn. Matth amisan. 01] let L 5, to ler Of 19. iid id ft id to, .d ra w of bd ar Id ýr le >r r, d Il t r brterand ile. Mne. and Lie. Bnntls f Chieago, for a week. Sune wltb 1Mr. and Lire. Jobn The C. E.' bueine»es meeting was beld ai the home o! Ralpb Miller, Tbursday Evening. The C. E. seiety will bold a traw. berny and le@ cream social Tbursdey evening, Joune 24 ai the c-hurcb. Erery- one be sure snd come. fiuneeochol ill close tii Friday eveîngwlî aprogram n sd James ZMorcimer Cannon in one. o! thegraduates !rom ibis viiiy. C. E. t.oic, June 20. Pilgrim's Progress Sertes VI, "The Hill Dîflteuliy,'* Roui. 7i 14-2i; 2 Cor. 1-10. Victor Strang, le"der. ê The Grubi echool closed Tuesday, 'ue 15i, witb appropriaisez ercises and apicnic. Mis. Margaret White, teacher. TAYLOR GROVE. Mr. and Mnr. H. C. Amffl are tbe heppy parente O! an eleven pound boy. Rtoiert Gelling viitd t tbe Gelling borne Monday on his way 10 LMilwau- kee. Lin. Fred Wilby has been euffering witb neurelgie. Mr. Reed waseientetined eit the home 0! George Lewiu over Sunday. Mns. Kete Brewer and daugliter, Mn. B1. Mayor of La Farga, Win., are vlsiiug A number !rom bers attended the dance et Ruseell Friday eveuîng. Fred Doolitti. made bis trip here ibis let week. Mis Elise Brewer is laid up wiib an injured arm. Mn@. E. Bastingosepent Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan. Saveral frein bere atieuded the Cbildrens .Day program et Ruesoel Sun- day mnornlng. Mise Phila Lee Who bas be.en lu Wau- kegan the lest few weeks spent Sunday witb ber parent@ here. Mis@ Stella Shea @peut the tret o! the week witb ber sister, Lin. T. D. NeweUl. Frank Trayner @peut Suuday alter. noun wîîb bis *ister ai Pleasent Prairie. James Bertleit le Putting Iu a new telephone. Lina Willismeon and Victor Gellinge were 8etn on our etreets lest week. Farmere wisbing for rein certainly muet lie satiolled ibis tima. Lire. 'tanHoru bad for ber guet Mies Charlotte Licllride tver Suniday. Mnr. H. C. Maîlîei enteriained relatives and friendi, last Weîtnesday, Who came tu iclebrate lier 4iOîlî birîbday. Mr. . CI.).TaYlor te enloying a rîsit witb ber sister, Mrs, Ililîne)e ai pre8ent. Miss Cora Schuîltz s sîiending ber vacationi ai honte. Married ini Chicago, Tuemday afiernoon Pets Berg and Cleo Cbattield. Tbe young coupile bave our fiesi wisbes for ibeir journey ilirougbh ile. Toni l)aniels bas the appoinîmeni o! mail carrier on route 1. %Ir. aend Mrs. Rentier entertained ibeir son. AllertaranI lamily, o! Ravenswood, recently. 1'. I. Mattbei and !anîîly lif Thure- day for Wiiiona, Miisi., for a two weekm' with ber parents. Win.firok"-a v and w'ife attended the !,iîeral of ibeir 1b)roilier's wi!e lu Ailbany, Wnt , siuiidayý MIrs. T. Catlow and Mies Henrietia viste1l o itibrelatives3 lu Palatine over suiida.y. MI. n niMrs. L. T. lieuse entertained a nuiîîler if bis b)usiness frîends Saiurday ai a damner Plates were laid for sixteen and a joLII roiiipany enjoyed the repfflt. .OSCRANS Mn. sud M ns. Robent Hunten, o! Rich- mond, and Lirs. Ed M urray, o! Wauke- gan, are visitinig ai D. Murays., Mm. Alex Mîrrv, h!f Kenoeha, isited Mrs. Chas. IDxon, FýrIday. Blanche fliveis visiting ln Kenosha. Owen Hawkilne, o! York flouse, was lu Rosecrane lest week. i Fred LcGuire and friend from Chiago speni Sunday et Jas. Kelley'e. Mn. Hariurg and cilîdren are visiiing at M. A. Hoganoa. Berthe Faulkner is vieiting Mns. Spencer Crawford ai Bristol. A. C. WInters and farnlly spent Sunday luaGurs.. Straw Igats OxfordNewi The biggest selec- Did you ev.r buy a tion of mensstraw pair of shoes at the hats i Waukegan Globe? If you have- will be found at the 'betrryapi Globe. We have alts um. e the newest shapesshwapldd and we're pretty sheofan oxfrdi s sure thatour values as well as black & can'tbe beaten. ox blood. We"ll fit Prices range from you properly and at $1.00 to $3.00. WAUKEGAN, - ILLINOIS any priceyou wish. The Great Suit SaleCotne Saturday Wil Be A Great Men's Day at The Globe A good selection of those suits purchased at a tremen- dous price reduction from Chas. Kaufmnan & Bros., one of the Ieading manufacturers of men's high grade clothes, still remains. They went lively Iast week but we had such an enormous pile of them that a few of the garments art - still on hand and it really seems that they are the best Iookers of entire lot. For those who didn't get one of these bar- gain suits it is welI that there are somne left for it wiIl give you another chance to buy a sutfor Iess money t han you ever paid for a igh class garment before. V'ou wilI surely find a style to suit your fancy. -They are in two lots and here are the prices. Lot No. 1 A big selection of Suits that always bring $18.003 and $20.003. Your choice $1 5 at .............................. Lot No. 2 'A big selection cf suit s that always bring $25.030 and $30.00. Your choice at......... ..................... 7 e F0 0 lý .1 - ;on F. J. DRITCE. dio ier Orders Taken for Job Work Adverlisin 5, L Li r. and Inr. M. B. Atveli entertalned ,e helr daugiter-in law, Mr,. H arr Oryel Atwell, of Chicago, Saiturday and Sun- 0Gasa day.opportuni day.the real et O eo. Straugf transavîcîýl business lu ibis clami dChicago, Idonday. Thomson1 iid iset prope id L. Baker end Steve PIilll1îs spent Sun- Chicagop es day et Fox Lake. they bae Leobard Book bas aceeud a position seauagas1 idw Liarsicl Fields wbolesaîe store and cottages i ic stcnied his vorkMIoiday ihlirning. laiks in i a Apple, SI: Rd . D. Wy un was ln îown Saiurday îhose'wîo selling stok la tbe new electrie lime. lake andc 'a Li@. Claude Cnippen and sou, Robent, nov cot.e W ai Jackson, Mise., is tbe guei of ber usý s Ofmotber, Mir. T. A. Reynolds. andad rt 3 o! Chicffl bd Miss Mary Hook le! t Tuesday for Immensee ar WideTes, wbene ebe will visit bier and if the no troubl Il Làst Satu'dA.y evening occurred the vould behc ,ropenlng of tis Round Lake botel, owned untereste af le ad couducted b, f. P. Beneban. lies the futr Brandsteliler's orchestra and a maie resort. quartette trom Weukegan Included a >r parla!f lbe enlertaument and dancing- s.ld sluOwig to the nain un Forni dealedani hecrowd was not a The man nlarge as nuue. Everybody bac! a finea formere trne.igi scbool @lhe complet t The Mystic Workers are planning for a University1 y lay Wednesday, lune liitii Save the lo! EduceIl date. Pilosopb j Miss RauthDoolittle enîertained ereral tfourw yd..ff r o ! b e r f n i s a d a e tt a b i r t d a y p a r t y l e t wb l c b e q Mondey evening. pu w L. Brockway and 22ife and W. B. latter diplc Wilmoî, o! Waukegan, sient Sunday ai! yeare course 1DrueLake. I le Carlos Wagner froii Infisua,' wae a l,,tious. guesi et the Doolitie boîîîe over Sunday - Arcb Dracon Toîl will coudurt the Mis- sion neit Sunday eveniig.Tbe Yonung son o! Mr. and MLre. tEd Wtagner wîi lie4 Boib the ' christoeeti t tuis service. aepae Mr. and Uri. Henry Kuebker ettended 2to um eet the fanerai o! Hanry's uncle ativlabuie, 2 stopein the Tuesay.Rockefeller t Mns. Win. Springer and M r8. El Wag-.-a--Or o uer epent Thursday witb Lire. Allen ai weresaIe. d. Gages, Lake. lu a sCore of MiseIvai cdad imter Aidab visîîed- friende ai Laes Villa Tbureday. Clemeut W] Mir. Bofirnuan ad family are enter-Il ned et hie taiuing tbiur daagbien frbîn Farmer@ resnmed his City. depanmeutÉ - Mr. an«: d Ilir Eans ~AR lrM "~ T I~1dd8 D. Oibe'a funeral in PA T T John Shea baý lîlîrox e,)hi, os y M insaeo Phone No. 11 hav ng t panted. y el W voCarf Liber1yvi.,w . Iltor ai the Triggshoe5fw4 Mmr, Ja". '3(diihv, wli) at ccii very of ILe. hm ing Rates Oji Application Ila muc better. NT ch 1 losd breTuedaMies Vida Taylo rd nd i rb vefo ed beg rora TueIl y aîtb a Wauikegan, visited over adyw GraylakeGrory .inei@rnegpogao ,uelicredit 1fr. and Mno. Amen. Grayalke Grwîng sdue Mse Carey. Mr. and Mr@. %Ied, son and Ia~~ aire in tast recognîzîng ite (Clarence Meyer epent a couple of day8 o! Oak Park, were over Saudc hg ieus as a summer resort and in Chicago thi8 week. with Mr. and Mri. Seans. utate ownus are cateriniz to os!o trade more Pacb year. Ulm .ýe Hagerty la sperding a few 'Mr. Morton in entertanimng hie M"o Bros., who bave poeeibly <the dayiSatborne. from Dixon, Ill. :erty for this are ooellin~ lots to George Bartiett wept to Trueedell on Mr. and Mns. Ames attended cwa i peuple eacb year. Tuie ear bousiness Tuesday. in Mllburn, Tuesday evennxg. ea erected tw fine ommer wbicb were rented almoei as Mise Kate Brosoier is bomne for the Lir@. Lawrence and Bon raeuraM9 eompleted, tbis makes five oummer. aZweks' visàit ~n Qljon ~bat bave been built acrous the Mm. Mica Lux and Mmr. Wm.Ruff were evenin@cmefier .îlier ihe asttwo ear. Meue..inWaukegan Saturday. îoen aewî e pear and LaPere are among IoOW12 their cottages on the Mr.Patterson anddaugbter AlIce, of VOLO. corne out easbh season. The Chicago, spent Sunday witb borne folks. ieonard Compton o! Berkeley, C Wus bufit by Thomeon Bros , Don't faeu to attend the bail gaine nei visitn eaie n red e are rented to Meusn. Rauthb unday. hcao u. Radw itiprnan lt. vsadfinsbr eand familles, busine people 'Wbite Soi ai W wort. Gae.lbe- Ms naRuetce fwa go. Eacb year there la an glnniug ait two o'clock sharp. dMse ns edosdutscher a ceil for cottages at the lake da spent leptoWeenesdaybars attend- s land owners only carsd teo ManyParknr meople from bsn atipend- ieir property tbey would bavesoth aiontWukg Sdy Waukegan Mondai. ie in sliug or renting. t nigbt. àoove the city te look alter the Mir. Laes, our station agent, on hi& Mise Bessie DunnilIo! Ch""ag, JsI if their little lake for therein way to work wiib bis motor car had the week's vacation witb brPa ret. hse,ý tun o! a Prosperous stImmer isifortune to collide wltb a rig at Rue- Mr. and Mm. Everett Ston.ii _____________ oeil throwing hlm rom the car, cuttiing cblldren o! Wauconda were ln towdo Bu bis bead Quito badly. Dr. Jarnison was day. calied and found It Demay te take M.JspieDnino ietîi nér Teacher Graduaes.. several stios.Mm oeieDulnofLeqvW Wa@ the guest of relatives bers my friende of!UMissIrne OBrien The maiertal bas arrived for tbe new week. assistnth ie Grayslae ridge te t e wn lino whlcbh la b MseAteCopinbaliee1 'i WElI biepleaeed to bear Ithaterectedo. IitAnaCmpo àg»' Bted the work ai the ChicegoChcgfoa ltwi rens witb the degrees o!"Bachelor Wadswortb Camp No. 4175 M. W. ACicofravstwi ran. un R.B)ad " Bechelo rof look In ibirteen new membe saturdtay <hri'- D'Dion of Waukegan w&a cvi "f"o (P.B)T i enfeor aiigbt The Foreeter taam frorn weuks-. or ai the Dillon larm over Sunday. lomas Thefretgive for a n doing the Initiation work. About Mine Lucy Dunnill, who laàarnploYed S a tmocher's training course esventy-live !rom Waukegan attended, Long Lake was aol home Thursday. ai@ Normai ecboolgraduation aise members from Russell, Gurnes and ers of University work. The Lake Villa Camps. A banquet was Mn. Walter White o! Round 4ckecd orn isforth reula tor erved by the Woodrnen's wives and Mns. Kate Waite o! Wauksgcn vOl se ai the University. We feel Rtoyal Nelgbbors. Keep the good work ooaieSud. many friends and former Up, boys. Pets Meyer of Round Lake called 0* O ,in n mst eary cograu- riedsber.. recently. n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms inms erycnrt . 1 fi.x Dunnill and daugbter Bc"eS were Mcfienry callere lasti SaturdAY, Bas Bail. 1Tbe. Ladies'tbAid Society w ill give a Mesdames SaisI and Raymond wn S awn soett horne o! Mr. and Mn. la McBnry on. afernoon latel-Y Sr. and Jr. teams o! G rais- IDat nbrdey evenlng, June 24. À UmAlsM Alceo hcg bail lest Sunday. Tefrpoga leeingî arraagtd and les creeno MsIlsnculah c hcG wq ing Long Lake ln a score o!fad cakeTw 1lli srved aos 15e per diai. a guesi ai the Fred Dunnili booe v ie îxth innlng when the rain The proceedo wlll go toward pcpering 8unday. game.. The .frs played the ad rwgth hrh v __________la_ tana and were'defeated witb angd cemnttedcbndcbe bonti _________ 9 te 1. Round Lake "t e irn rge 10atenda el Ni o ic oSckByran Ho sfeated by the Antiocb team 1 b es.Nîc aSokByr n oe !14 to 1. Silas Wright, of Libertyvilis, attend.d Traders. the Cildren's Day service ber. Bond v AlMd09sokadputy and vas the guesi o! bi@ brother, . kHd ! tc ndpurrfz Vhitmore, wbo lias isen con_ Wright and Mr. ..d l. Keller. themaiserMandfrket Di tRe u .s borne witb the mumpe bas Mr. endMrn.l'redCrokeranddcughte. BrigwhaîYOubav@ e musi. . w en duties at the Kuebker o! Libertyville, visited reataiveastbeb ldet the old Ideal race tracé:*h store. Sunday. l» ait trday or ecch rnah.