Lbt a k eC ts i T î & ir ant C o .id , re rned ie k t a, a u to lt s i n M*N esa asru on Tmple . B l es W au e e d airo b e. E gi . o e hLl d Louis J. ouasaE, SeCY. Tire troubles repaired. Au- AR fT!D TII! th~eernal pox ailare over IL WAUK !CAN D fflOR -tomobile sundries on bad. RO Gt OL IE SThere are eleven under quarantiDOe D1SCOV!RS POISON 9 L Cole te, J A Ryde. Lot 24, block Cali or telepoe m maohnist RS Mr.and NsI ale1o0ak,~ , Wakeg R ighlands. D$40. always ready. treet and \1rs Charles Walker and Epr ioolo h omry W. J Vauderkloot and wlte to E W of police TyreiliHeurt Soldiers farnly on Utîca treet.ExperWallace.o Lotsha ornierl telne taCity Police Of- I la rurnored tisat ene girl who hail Made Waukegan Hl4 Morne slCen- Lalue .Lots 110nd.300. oc8N& Mon elnee- ter of Interest In Case Thot MaS Lk lf.WI uoo Ileer, Moas Th.e Arrests Becau@e thse arnali pox mont-le ago. in a diffr tIrdCiaotth o nd otfe A swlad wi t Tme sud moueyse b of Insseince of Visitara tram Fart. ent tarnly, escaped quarantine. Set a rdCicagaota hor e r ae. a d eCttried Aorswaland wite 1- lte Timptyy siin avedmb- Vravors Bon on Visite te Waukeglfl. Health ConmmîssiOfler Knigit Frtday CvSen a Trl i Har Irhe bleeock 12oeHithand wPtre. SW-2lo of Ait Soldiers. nig t stated tiat lie hlleves that t-e C$v5i6ed.0r.d. hinm . W r p e a e Sout Utca tret Wlkes bil eryP N Cjonverse and wife te Josephi do machine work of &Il kinds In spte o 'an arrned patrol froni alîglt attacks Of srnall pox. The ment- Agate R isa Dr. Walter H-aines, torti- Vogt. 79 acres in S 1-2 Sec 7, Fre- and have a @hop flly equip- VeIrt Sheridan, which patrolled thse bera ofthtie fanrtly state tliat they are erly ef Waukegan, who is thse nernesis mont Twp. W D) $60000.pefothtppoe st*eeto Waukegaii Friday niglt, gol- under quarantîne sîiply te keep them in the Clerinsen murder caae. Jessie D White and liusband te W M o htproe airs who came liere were fer fron away frern the other farily. The lit- Death treni poison waa the report B irdts.Tato lu eScslWLIM ACCuo .qi4erly ad as the resut ot startiiig te daugiter et Mr. and '.%ra. . S. made hy Prof. Walter Haines ot the and 16, Uhbertyville Twp. Q C $100. Nbs~ dl x Isane 0,1or122 'a yo* wth tha city police three wera alrlaatieStiUtcstetRh edalolgendD.ER.L H W Little sud wife te Margaret Libertyv'ilIe, Ill. 2,aded i jail cliarged 'a'th disorderlyhomle. Count, Who have heen conducting an Little, Lot 2, Pearson, Little & Breg- fg-Pulfdh eo ______________analystsetfInternai organa treni the ana Suli, Waukegan. W D $10000. Opp-tS.PuI'lh ea canduct. $5 ()n o te Wukga oficrsbal odyioft',\ra. Nora NMorgan Clerinson. Augusta Gesekus te Anten Pet-kes o -dered a p rty of partly nt xicated P A R K Uf loldierato get on tise electric car and WILL RUN TO P RK the present- Urne Juat tlie nature et East of R R Sunderlies let Add, \Vau- so ome Th sldirs tsredte efi -thse poison which lias bee ound b>' kegan. W D $160000. Ife RAIRSTlO # <6h. officer, but Chie! Tyraîl, wiso was Plans for teetnine aCi-the hyscians ,who areco..ducýti- t-liB SpcAaNUateClTChacerRteGF sanding near, waded lto the Parti cage a.nd Mlwaukee Electrlc Railroad t.nalys." declared Coroner Hellman- Brewn. Lot 11,.block 5, Lenex Suli, MNUA UERC a»d broogit- out tise most insolent Company fine te t-le Haines place. 1Iýowever, It proves concluslvely that tVaukegan. Deed 351.24. 0An-M r l a d G a it 0 others, net knewing tisa chef le Clv- kagan public park, are tartiser ad- death. The poison waa net teund ln rew Hltzee. 50 acres in S W 1-4 Sec 0ou e i fila= attira, t-len Bate eexpresvn dttan e s huh. testm , btI trogn." , w e is0 ststedte cea vaca h t-t o at t 1heuglit the ttinaclihl other rgns 33, Ela Twp. WD $400000. is Opinion tee freely and lie aise lu tact thse right e way scmlt-- "a llooe altsecause ef J H Duif>' and wlfe te W C William- C m tr s oko vr waa arrestad. Net satlafled wit-h f-is ly mapped eut and everYIinducement deathl?" the Northi Part lot 2, block 46, High- C m tr or f vr a third tollowed tha chef and has twe la hing offered te the Frost ina, In 'I wlll net answer that question et- land Park. Q C $100. Description 0 Prioers te thea police station and cenfereuces between Mayor Buck, tise tbis tume" lie replIed. Sarah L Faîrman and bushand te Corsonec becoming insolent- was aise clapped clt>' officars and Ganeral Manager Mc- It- was rurnered that tise physicien,, Henry' Koîstra. Lot 6,.block 2, Bor- OrepO dnc ollcited lota a cal. Limeont oftbte road, te make the el- hail dlscevered that chloraIliad heen nette Add, Lake Villa. W D $130000. ________ Over 1W0 Arny Mon Hers. tension. the cause ot deatis lut tfil could net Wm. Brumm te Ida W Brumni. Lot There were ever 100 army men lu Onee et the thinga tisat Influences lie verlfied. ofnn fe eevn 8, block i, Wriglt's Add te Liberty-. I126 Gen m e S W&ankegafl Fridai niglit and tise mili- the city ie n aking Its proposition tof ooer roneratr eclvn ville. Q C $270000. L tay patroI faled uttan>' te preserve transportation te the park se strougly the report, conferred with Capt. Kana. Fat-ste ef Geo. R Brnuside, decd, te W'ankogan auy ld o erder, accordlng te t-hle po- te tisa Frost ine la t-at there dees efthtle Shseffield avenue station, and W. R. Beisel. Northi 200 feet lot 121,0« lie, Thea two guards simply patrelled not seemn much ciance et au early later prepared te aubirit bis Informa- Ravinîs, Dee4 1.00. I the streatsansd made ne effort te do revIval of tise Chicago, Waukegan and tien to Assistant States Attorney' Ben W W K Nixon te Pauline Pfau. Pt0 anything ta kaep tisa cit quiet. Norths Shore Ralway Company' effer edict Short. lot "A" Nixonsa Add te Oakland. Xau- ad Sodiers lusolently made remarks te thse cty. this road heluz te al i- Police Flght te Hald Doctor. kegan. W D _ 00. riWoa Crd abont vomen passing, thelr tallitaven tenta soundly sleeping at present aI- "Witis the report et Prtf. Haines in J E Lane and wlte te Jennie P O -oefending men who Pasaed by, stag- though it nay awaken t any tume on our possession. tise atterneys repre- Krebs. A lot in Sec 2, Grant Twp. DR. 0. F. BUTTERIELD. gered'drunkel about- the streeta and a momentsa notice. senting Dr. Cleminsen may pnoceed W D $12500.VTENAY UGE . eamlnittesi al kbnds et little Impartin- The nIgl t fwsY t-at the Cty eff-i-nl any tuanner tisey see fit le their W J Terry and wlte te Frank 'Mil- EEIAYSREN ences sud offensas, mucli te tise dis- cis, t-le parka board and tise read efforts te secure tise release of aur 1er. East 1-2 lot 11, block 11, Exrnor AMIîsrkxr STATE YECTEINAEÀ. guet of the police departlOelt. offIciais have cousideres thua tar le prisonen,' said Capt. Kane. "I under- Add. Highland Park. W D $160000. i.tvf.Ilnos Faos Saidiera Ban. as fellows: stand tisat another atternpt will lie Lida A Churcis and hualand te C J Aetvu lnos 4Cie! t Police Tyrell, <'ief Con- 1-Ta continue the Frost line up made te secure Dr. (lemînsos re- Mantkiis. 2t3 acres le Secs 31 and jooly'a aide, voluntarllistaid on dut-y North avenus te the end of the treet lease on a writ otfliaeas corpus. We 32, Sent-on Twp. W' D $56.400.00. DR. À. IB. CHIURCHIILL Frlida utglt until t-welve midnight te an irontage obtalned aver a year &go are pepared te figlit tise wrt, and 1 Fred Herberger t-o Tlrotly Kelly. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON guarsi theis e oselul e ________________________________ _______ Lots 1 aud 2, block 3, Oaklaud Suis, Office in Butter BlocS. over Smsith ais' a , regard the Invasion of the solllers. -- Waukegan. W D $12500. -Offic Phone 5.5 Ses. Plone 37 Nestmoringhe epresedtheC E Smith sud wt te Baltrus Moab.- Specia Att*notlOO Oven ta fDiasetes of opnion tisat soldiers ehould lie kePt- enakis. Lots 27 and 28, Blk 7, Dreyers the Eye, Fur, Note snd Throst ont af th e it >' utte n', that- t -lia Su is Norths Chicago. W D $1200. LIBER TV ILLE-- ILLINO IS sitoguint. epermttVdte rde o theG S Brown te Enocli Palrn. oLt 11, street cars te offend self respect-mg *LO U IS *J. Y EO M A NU' Blk., Lenox Suis, Waukegs.i. W D A. K STBARNS men sud vaman, sud finally that It- $400.- LAWYE15 w u ld h a a g o M i b n g fo r av e r y c it y e r D ms't e zus C r s TesHtEe PrI AshNrOw[reIFAr[Sher- tff-esen. Lot ln HaneevIlle. W D 28WaingtnSre News of varying serleuaness wara Letila A. Heudee te Rassrus Chyle- 'Plions 2761 raported from different lunch count-erB toffersen. Lot ten Hanesvllle. 'W D aud saloons always wth soldlers as --- ____________________________ $25000. D. C. R. CJALLOWAY, the *herou of te affira.Laura E Cook te J S Haas. 16 acres OFMI Oarn LOLLI DaEG Mess. SGuard Mlght Wark. i e 6 acna WD$800. uuato a8ad6to8p e The g rloiinla that tiha naw by Robrt D. Wynn. This frontagê do not think we will hava great diffl- rn c2,acsZimr tal 15.0 o»-rm1t n te A8St-ahi systese et thafort officrs, t-o seed a whilb. turned avertet h. rond. cuIt-y iniholding tise physician. 18 aces Zleetal Ve-An ta. QLiertyville. Illinois. soldier guard t-o nortis shore cities, 2-Ta take advantage af the affer A confarence hetweee Capt Kane a cres__In__Sec_30,__Vernon______Q folowing ou t-le complaînt of Sup- of M. P. Biddiecam for a fre nght sud Assistant St-tes Attonai Ben-c$0.. erinteudent Bock pf tha electrlc rosi., af way aver hie land, an Greenwood edict- J. Short. who wIll coednct t-li Cors E Lokeus te M J Haidacre Lot D .! W .S II mgt work If tisa guard palsi attention avenue, and of R. J. Douglas for the prsecution of Dr. Cleminson, was Julîavns .WDs$e500. DR.f t al Ener a P MTH to Is bu iness sd reall >' preveneilta ntfe over Ne l snd, d l.ctly sat t a seld s >terday. A l tle evidence ul s W ke a d w f te P lW -G e r l P r c e dsrden. the park site. whi tise police have gat-isred was Imn LoinBahGveS n _________Greenweod avenue is varieraI>' submitted te t-le assistant att-orne>'. Ac 24 Wst ie te esDs $t50-ser. OfieorLu & mpy'Ste knewn as Dewey avenue or Fiuer road and arrangements ware made for t-le Part Clot yhote2,MoglssStinParg. BADLY BURNIED sud ls riglit- on tise city limite. bearing hetore t-le creners Jury eext PQrC $1000 Slock12ALHiATTENTIONk BY BOILING TAR The rIght- et way et t-le rossi troniFrida>' tIes' FtC ltrg sd wATeTteTnIeN tha ansi otNorths avenue t-o tisepark Mones Panrt Loa5d ock 2 itegis-GIVEN TO Satuday hile Wei Kno n Rel- ould bc pivaely wned Xen ni. PartIÀ)t5, lock 12,DISEASESSEAS S 0F det~5RalaMue Thse rosilias net îat snnouned iI YOUJNG A V I landi Park. W D $105000. THE EVE detw -RoigMaynard Huedacision. deayI>'luw-ic li ntensîiesiBTT N BY D G Est-ste oetlile,r>'Spaulding decd te Sllpped, Foul, Grabbed at Campanian b>Btsetac- -bt tharod)()iGtseJohn Heu .Tract et land West Of end Arm llpped inta Ht Tar. Re.-yth at htth od at Spauldlngs Cornera, Wauke- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS suit, Arm la Burned tram Hand t-o balu t eelvers ad oflintie Sday Wou Visitsrsg wtîiStevenson& an gan, W LD$42')'>000 calehp -b lgwodofic od> Nort-h County Street and Was Pet- DR. GOLDING SadrManager McLlmont was out of tise timg the Calse, "Scot," When H-e ETT J. A. Benntt of Dunhliskreand, weil ity en ttmn ol eg e. Snapped ut- r hsiin wsWached the Binker. Heure8St-o 12 sm-i te 5 p.m. know-n citizen, was Sat-urda>' rnmng Tiese charne t-o extend t-le rond Surmmaned, Taking Seven Stitches tffier Toii Barren, Waukegsn Po- J. Eli Triggs Building at- ten terrill>' urnesi 1'beiing t-er meetas iti extremely popular favon. In Wound. DOg ta Ver>' Valuable lîceman w ut, nade a dnarnstic arreat with Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone l19 M. Bennett was roollng tise old fT LA CD N N Catîte. whul ekl hreBne ia-le.Poe1 Maynard bouse whan lie lippesi ansiA A C IE TO hn elo ncag ake ht e.Poe1Ü lu fîllg nturit> grspei a Ma' M YFAR B ANCI -kus.. lai cone siys lefore asked Lhertyvîlle. Illineis In allng atraly gaspd t My- AVIAI BR NCI Mhie petllng a Scotch collie dog. ('îlfottf PIoiçe('onoli>' if lie coulsi genale ap.,ty honslld oesteasi e etrWr dete Gergeat tise home et Mn. and Ins. Arthutr nos wst-ch tor Shat-kus, as le claîrn get-in asatt> bl ho-eer ieLetensWee Aidesssi -aGeageSteveson oni nortis Cont-y street te h-ave test $f00 îy tise mans opena- DR. E. l-L-SMITH, plungesi lis landsuani niole arn fin o rader ai Kalamsazoa, Michigan, Moda> vnnMs ils<oietos (,,t 'lytlihm le DENTIST. tha holing lucket o er anw-lIehMay- andi Were Mailesi Fromr t-tad, .I v.nMs VoaCtl lu.('i, Cnlytl l nard lield. Mlch. Were Mailed I[n 190 I as bitten whlen tise dog suapltesi coudiký-j,-filis oye open ton tise hank- ovER LAKIL COtNTY NATIONAL BANKE. at han and infissct'-d a dees» gasi under er and .-ver since t-len Barren las na- te 12 a. nm. andi 1 te 6 p-. M. OCUIS J. YEOMANI THE OPTICIAN eb tebosa ma4à fl FOR THIr'ETSU ER *ou IS VOUR ROOF( We can meet your requirernent matter how large or ernali they ma3 The Prepared Roofing we sel our custorners by the roll is the on the mnarket, and cornes comi with nails and cernent ready to la the right prices. Powell .R-OofingConr )K? tg Do y be. oo best plete y,at 1pany TeloPhOsse377O Be fore you Buy that BuggyI Lomeand ookoves' oves' our stock. Have iiity Lome ad Iook to select fromi.I "The Stevý CIF IT'S FROM SCliANCKÇS IT'S SPECIA To Users of North 1 XVe have p)urchascd 2,001( arnangedto te bau t-o usons of lutely FREE. No mental c ¶ 'hose of our eustomersé Tis a an.t-le rîglt one, waa lerrnîl>'.Svnsihs eer-be nth.wth ihgndef . a. ., huruesi. Gasolino a at- oncncege g lletigFqllIloontis detqetionrîgt >eoenn s-Ies er ne ben t-t aeciDw-l-hgooi ffet-DAIY. îlccî ssoudnce tS 0f06t-hth eff meat- of t-le tan andi a tent colon>'ais unknowe trami) at H-ighland Park. quinesi te close tise woued. Sundyîd niglt at 12:30 Chefs Con- LbryilIILi nurse attendesi M. Bonnptt, w-t-h Ie was killesi, prolaîly b1> a trsie, Ms - ewsvstngwt r.ol n yrelhdawl os et-lens, until Mrs. Bennett cotîlsilrlig and nas tounsi on tise Nortlwestemn Stevenson ansi as tise>' talked she hla mp clissetubt-i district att-ent-hein macno t $~ r tha sufferar te tise office of Dr. Young tranks 'Ileda' nigît, t-le bod>'fa et shonaondte dgsbu al( o e vnatrc fhmDI1 A LR ef Gureee w-lerae was ateîdeI.île second sean ias leen fouesi on lheiseyeck sud was pettleg lilm. Iu soeaFC VR .EI RIO LG ln under gond cane ansi la gelllyîg long trnks ofthtle Mayfair eut off et tha manner aise hurt hlm ansi lie suappesi20N.Gnse t as welI as coulsi le axpectesi Norilthelern, juat west et Lake For- Thea deg, "Scot," is a vary valualle Want to bc strong? aocs:-7 te 10 a. mi. 2 te 4 ansi 6 t-o __________- est. cllie ansi Is fron tise Klng's kanneals Fat mlons Quaker Oats. Fat it for 8 P. M. Thse lint was made Thuraday score- lys Englansi. Mr. and Mrs. Stavenson breakîit every dciy. This asivice is Beeldauca on Broadway, opposite Park. - - - - -00-50-00-55-0 - 05-0*-0 W A LP X A IS N S isîg Ibyi-eue unkîîowîs, stelaîthone rugt hMnwit-isthem whors t-be>' jCOnng freni al ideas asaresuit ot ne- Liliatyville, Illineis.------- COIJNTY METROPOL i c-mage t t'sdertaker Wenlen ef came to Amreica. Ha Io tha pet of Cent experiments ou boosis te datermîne ________________________ - ~~~messaget tU<'dent-sier \onlian. Lake theinlonseliolsi. which arc t-le best for strengtli anti eu- p-lc.DCE On Case Saisi ta Have Led Fron, Forest t-cOing tisa newa. Tise body \figes CottIe ta a sianograpleinlet-ho durante. If lias iseen proved tisat t-at-rs M RI .DC Othons Previoasi>. mas akon tc t-le undertaklng roorna cont>' tresurers office. She lsa aOf Quaker Gais asuacli cereals arc fan ÀTTOsSSEYAT-LAW PCA ATE IO b% MWenbnîle egt 3SeroM.ndn rssi.. Sot.ngsupenler in strngtli ansi endurance t-e Office Opp. lotla St. EIect-nic Station Folowing on tise relpent-that- s L.etters vene fotîyd ou thaelied>' adi- Ie f34Seidn-aNt those Who-lera>'upon t-licusual diet- et Office Pisone 5334 ltes. Plions 300 J.S.Wlkr,42 aksretbs rese o eog, ordr t aam.serbeus is expectes t-o develep frorn heavi, greas> foods. NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOJIS llgt but Wel developesi casaetf smatl zoo., tidli maîlesifront Hart-tord, tise woued aIe receiveul. When ail is saisi ansi donc on t-lic ____out___of__Town__________ pax, an Investigation waa made whbhhis T'l -n(ýs w-t-e ail mallesi cent-ai toodl questi tise tact remains leeIds Hesit-liCommissionar Keiglit-te and rom-lt ed lnIi 107. Tell semaiedaerving rieurnatie suffener t-at fer ecenomy and for reaults lu PAUL MAC GUFFIN believe t-at Mrs, Walker's hrothers Tise bodywas sashesi 1>'tise train. that tisaeelu et eus simple way tts ltth ansi aireugili. Quaker Oas st-suds ATTORNEY AT L.AW. Andi Shipping Trade and sitei'i fl57prevloull'bave alisuiptsed to t e IlIt-si hm durng certain reliai. tiet£>r. Sbnepe book on first-of - S t-is t-be most populan foodi Liharty-ri., Illinois 8112511 pox aisa. a position lun which t-le nîglis or ca ly in t-le morneng, n haimasiare riltet hies-, etai t-he attending physician agrees4 tise ieasi was cns osed. book wiI maire it enttreiy cear bow in thc world amoug t-be fondis sols in~ prlieumatlc p ain@ are quiekly killed bhy Dr. Packages. Beti thbe reidelie Ou Oak Street t-le traie. soîspose int- have killesi lit Sioopa éRheumat-c Eemdy ilquid or AU grocers carry Quaker Oats. It m0ê5O0OOSS snd tise remldeust aof Mm. aesý li-naduring the nigît or ealy tiesmorn- tabIstsSBosne nomone.'.Tisetest * seN s i 10c for th. reglai ize package, Many 0i our citizens are drîtbng p- Ciarie Wa3ker t 713 Seuth Utica lng, and the heas was cruses. Tise fre. Surprimse nedlbs.rt»sufee 5 oteIMe miypaka wamds Brgbgt's d&sam blivneglectbng >~w a ar.~s1 ue ude &mu- Inquest- la to le haîs at- 10 tomorrow yfirt gtt 1efr hlm tbe boo>k f romgy ptns ofkidne trouble whieh FoIiY'a iéID PN E as reul meioerDr. Bhoop, Recine, Wis. ar4430e for tb. f emtay package .@etmi&tnB. dyi aolycr b ID P N E #@ýAi.S.DEALER = .a£L. > a ot. $3 l.peso s1. ,r is a Sta ver", SÇIrA NCK ) BROS. Libertyville, Ii. ýL NOTICE Shore Electric Co. Service )Electric Flat Irons, which we have four service for six (6) moliths, abso- charge. Lesiring to take advantage of this offer, Contract Department, 'phone 258. Waukegan, 111. BA iand CONI Liertyville Exchanoge WER 'ECTION ER WE ELS ANERTADJAENT TOWNSI W E..E O DAEN ON el nd Deugy Tribune or Inter. P»»À ------------ 0*60*e 6*44* fflow b6ffl 817 S- OcncteO St- WAUKEGAN Libertyyille