CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CO'UNTY DR. BROWN MADE COLJNTY PIIYSICIAN Bide Opened by upervîsors Friday Afterroofl and Brown Bld Accepted by Vote of 16 Ayezsand One Nay. Ney Vote Made "to Make Sure Mo- tion Passed." Bld includes Alil Work and Alil Expenses ln Work. Dr. Abert E. Brow tu was Frlday aftt ernôon eicctcd î-itiîîty phîîiîirian by the boardiof ut ueri laurs whcu bis bld of $1,900t for carlîîg for the pour of tihe entire couuty wass ccepted. His açpolnlnîenl was -onlested by five not-r piiyiiclanu w ho alun bld but who dld nut recih as 10w a mark as Dr Brown. Fis bld cuvers tise en- tire niedicai and surgîcal work neces- ssry. tise urcbasitîg ut ail inedîcînes, drugusud other neci'sslies, ail boa- pîtai. nurse and ambulance bille, Dr. 1irowis bld 'sas accompanled by a checks for $1()- as evideuce ot coud fsith and Pir Danieis aigu tat- ed for Dr Brownt thathie offer a bond ot $1,00oiîî l do thse work tssurabiy as i'îicili-il lu the advertlscîtielit of thei huard, îloing et cry thing neeessary foîr titi-niadIcai care' ut the pour of tise -Luun)ty and iîuylng ail expetises from the saiary, Bld Takes ln Ail County. Tise ids acre oîîened at 2:30 hy tise board lids had isen asked for, ln the advertisement. for any une or ail tif thrccîpruopustions, to cure for thei'uelo-irthtie erîlîre cotînty. for tise pour outhe tise re county witb the ex- cepiton ofthtietownsisofutWaukc- Kan.,Itenton sud Shiesan sd for the pour of oniy Waukegan. Benton sud Shields, Dr. Brown bd! ou ail tbree proiuaitltnr.F ln am-r:' is wrid matie the total thse same. Dr. Gouriey. lu bis bld. made propo- sition for tbe entire couuty.lucludlng Jaal patients sud excepting jail pas tients, As ttis was lneiudcd lu thse advertîsement, supervisora did not be- Ileve thse physîciau appointed could lae asked tu care for prisoners and separate bide will îrobably be called for titis week. List of Bide. Thse list ut al physiclans wbo bld la: Dr. Abert E. Brown, Waukegan, Entire ('o, $1900; NWaukegau. Beutun and Shields $400; Alil couuty but Waukegaiî, Beîîton sud Shields $1500. Dr .ole, NorthiChicago, Entire Co, $201)();, 'aukegan, Benton and Shields, $1800. No ther bld, Dr Radcliffe, Waukegan. Entire Cu, $23î0 No otiser bîdg. Dr. A. Il. hurehili. LibertyvIuhle, Entire Co., $300i. No other bis Dr. F..Gouriey, '«aukegan. Entire Co., $3450 (wiîhout Jlau patients),; $3750 (witis Jaipatients)i No ther bld s Dr. L. G Wescott. igisiand Park, Entire Co., $4040. Short Discussion ou Bide. At tise conclusion ufthte reading uf tise bîda, Supervîsor Lamey moved that the bid ut Dr Brown for the en- tire couuty be sccmîted. Suîiertiuor Edilard Conrad then sîated tisaI se believed tbe iproposiilon made hy thse Lake Coun ty ticdicai Association. that thse board appiîirirate $5ý,ooi from t icb tii' hospl baihis be iraI paid andiili d îî ieubi suadivtide the reut pro rats. 'sas a guîîd otie because il wouid enahle the pour tu thoose théir owu itiysiclan and would gîte ail treer olîlot ttumi les to recet talen. tion. "One Ney Needed." Tise Laniey moilon was seconded alter s short discussiotn sud on he- iug put lu s xotr- was carrled witb 16 syes sud one nsy. Sutieri isor Conrad diii not vote sud Suîîerviaur Mfiller voted nav. *Jîîst lu be coulrary sud tu lusure the soliduessaofthlie mo- tion pîsasing because l always touk one uay tu vasa a motion. Wiîh the ucceptauce ot the Brown bld. the huard adjoutrned for an bourus session tisai commttîe 'reports migbt ho iniuhed ln readiness for presenta- lion. Thon it adjourned. INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVII. NO. 89 Two Parts LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ULLIOIS, FRIDAY, .TUNE 2.1O ~2Pages Pdrt One $1-50O PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Seiretary-Cunîad Holistelu. Treusurer-J. (C. James, Jr., Au tioi-is Busîd uf Directors-J. F. King. Lake Foiest; 0. A. Howard, Round Lake; Thomuas Strsug, Wadsworth; A. Sý Puwers, Wsucouds; W. F F.d- ivardii, Highland Park; J. S. 3lurrlm. Grayslalie. J. c. James moved tisat alluîeîîu hers outhte Xodrueu Ibrougisout he cuunty ut Lake be requested to îîax tf-i centîs cdi, tu malte ui) a ttînd lui be usoîl ln cndowing thseassouciatif)" Thse motion was carried. Ais'~i sace 2.050o Wood mon In La ke eîîîîi t i titis iillimeati s suni utaibout ELEVATOR BIJRNIED IN BARRINGION Thirty Five Hundred Dollar Fîre in Baringtou Beiieved to Have Been Started by Spark front an Englue. Pliagge sud Company Elevator, one of City'. Leadîng Industries, is Des- t roy e d T hi- .j:lif il:'- laI- Gi-oicIl Corn- irt i th, iii 1ii.- tt(if LP -li- and . L. lii hirt-îii ii % i- t îîîi execatîiri! t t xx tiiut bondiî Tueh -tîiîte îîî-î ii lii- îIdjli i uctiiutîiî-it fiiîil 1th, ma iii o i. îîîî- dn-h d,)ii: a- i îii doiii llatrs t) liarciigtî E i.-t Ciii. ter, grave Ic ,i-îîpt uîtri-hec h> y a d asso- cuit ion, v -ian. tIabl iFitI. 1, e.Flash y atind ii - Cotîiii- lu giaind-chahI reii 1, iii" rt, -nlî rdd vus ite dullars One Il ird ut ai] liiilierasi alad resu eblait- rmuniilnuig is givn tluis aidow. <Irgitia Lee Ciiistock. sud the otiser t btîv la h .stii ie dividcd bctween his ciildcctî Robîert C., Geoirge T.:, Louis Comstock snd Mrs. 'i. R. .Miller equalt, witis the excep- tion ot Robiert C. Comstock sud Mrs. Miller. wisere one la lu recelve a 11111e more aud the other a less amounit on conditlinutf aalang certain daims; beld againsl the Pstati- The estate lu estimated 10 be surIs $40,000. About 12:1,,o'clock Thursday nior- ulog the resldeuts utfliarringlun acre dlaturbed isy au alarm utfric, abîcis la unusual hi-re.Thire inw~as rirai seen by Edward Young lunte Plagge C tompany cievalur, Fallusîctiitear Walnul street. P. H. Plagge, wiso was one orf the iraI on the scene. la ut the opinion Ihat tise rire a-as started trom aparks ot a passlng englue. Il started lu thce sat gable ut the rof aud by tise tîme tise flrc deparîmneu arrlîed bail a goud tari. Four sîreama ut aster aire poîîred outth1e flamea tor an 50cr iithoîtl much efecla, ci- cept iaepig It tradelr contrul atnd 5v- îug suri oîînîllîg bîiiilttllg- There i s atotal lo6. iontthcelbuilding amouuitlîîg o $3.500;iinsuati tce $250Q Ls un cotntents, ciitsi-,liig largcly ut graiu, 110cr aud leel $ $900. Abîoutî $tfîioft he conîtents uf the buildinîg acre -aî-d Plagge & Company ailrebuild ai oiicc SOLDIER CASlIED WORTIILESS CHECK, WOODMEN ORGANIZE AN ASSOCIATION Fr tnt i nesaeSun t Delegalc foituttt'2iouduîena cmps ail u ver L.ake' coîiîty met yeterday aflecnun ln ttuoinuen Hall lun'«au- kegan sud lieu fi-nid a îuruuaent or- ganizatiuunt ht kownutas lise Latti Couuty Sanialsu mtAssociatiou. tise object Seing to boter pruleet mui- bers ufth1e sociely fruma constimpton and lu ineat lhuuu lu a proper mauner aisen afficted. Officers acre elected as foihoas: Ciairman-WiliIam Ruban. MERRY !IGIIT OVER ÉLECTION CONTINUES Voilva Celle Emnergency' Council of Hie Leaders lu Chicago Where Par- ty Went This Morning. Seekiug, Meseto Defy Mandate or bo Con-i test Election eud Say They Will Neyer Give up Their Fight. The Volîvau city couicili has just teu days ail bold lu which 10 tep out of office aud lustalls rivaIe. There are fîtse daye aliowed election officiaIs, the majority of whom were Volivane, to certlfy the returue 10 the councilt sud five day. which thse council ha. Io deciare tIindependents electedy sud vacate. If these tlngs are nul donc lltec stIlpulatod tilnue the VtîJl an i'uiuct wi IIIhi lu countmt ut thi' suprene r titirt ut the s515h'asdit ilIs cini cdt cau be sent lu jail Cou traslcîl xiti tis li-,i-eossi ty t hei atituldeiout titi- out a,.i xaid tii ti tat 15ev 'sili t)es t ci-e 11j aile1 Volliit s sald l ihaveuîbIiiiare-Ilthati hi- s - higIvr thauu tit ireiicu iirt Up To Voliva Now. Theî inil-i-d tt uitali.-i. as they Siiii - ai-i iirittg li ii-- stutirý ic ior mat iandate. tIhi- etii-l ti- la is sto1 i--Volioans ad cati unie lake the titi-m of a coQtestlouthlie clectlon, as rhere Io nu tisîr possible slcp opjeia Dîd Not Deuy Some of the Charges. It l.-itotud th t the Voiianii did nt liktheli. triubl-- tii deilu> su-tsif th- citargex ili the i eiti on fîitheii a ut. nuiubly the charges utfcuiisiji-ce. xihweri- lu tieieffe-il liii' V,ýi a I- toreckcleciIîîithe' cieion officiais arc alleged lu havc been pledgcd to île- lesaInldcîîcndcula sud tisai aller thi-1 clecton tise deteudants have ciofer- rcdaitîd agreed cunstanil> onitmtois t uf keelulue the independeuti, outtirut office. What Voliva Muet Do. Here lu abat tbe Vlîxa couuucllt muslt do accurding tu lise demanda ut thec wixrt grantcd: 1-Tbe clly cierk who noie bolda tise eloction books, muai retomn them to tise electIon officials, 2-Tise Judges sud cicrks musc write out, cerîty sud aigui their rec- ords. 3-Tiscu îhey must lie returned toa tise Cty eierký 4-Tise council mîust canvass tiset vote, 5-Tise resuit must Se deelarcd sudr tise Cty dclk must nolite the itude- Pendeuls tbat tisey are eiecled, 6-Evprytbing perlalnlng lu tie City gos ernuteni must be iurîîed uiver, Some Legai Practice. Tise action oftihe attorneys for tise ludepmiîdeuîs lu golug direct to tise siate sutreltie court tisus sisorteîîlug the flgisî sud îsaklng deelsion fluai sud cuuick. laisnttunîîrcredented. as il wasa taken liiiau oid case ut Stephen A. Douglas. tise"Little Glati and applîca ahen au emnergctîcy ueed eaui be sisoîx as lut Iis case. A ttornîey Fît i s -l as kepil husy luday answiiîîCilut-congratulatiuns cx- tcnded hlmii i Fruin Weinîsdays Sun i TTîtîgist it e nd î ti th.tIti tîtut- x tit the- îld vi-tii îuîîîcl utZiîîtîeautiake sctio oit tt hietîati a itui lstueouiagai uit t heni b heliii- irnu'coutctIhe cîîîî- cili iti its. xith xi lai tpuoe bsnut kntoîxt Itîcîîîîîcilaini thi y iiI liei i i-u tt iutlit i- ioifice ta iithe Oui coîtuîil xi l iiin lucunteiiit. Meibiers uf t he uîfd coîuîuîil sttti-tiiy dou to kitw t lie>-il i do. ttu iiiFuihiry alai md tti ai -xii tn aski i sîîîîtiiiheutatter, IlfisilI hlep- end enmlltielt uti cit cîînîstasîîcx iats i-i donc.e' t Cherk Dîd Not Certify Returus. A coîufllcî i aay acîtinsad oue tuai max i*ut ass ittcaime seriutns rosuitt ls titi- ailître utf tte of. tise electiotiaiirks tu ccrtity tu tte dcc- dotu rtutis. The- certi. Loyal Law- renuce, bad service iicd ot i hm but lu nuw tsaid tolu ic 'est Virgitils sud bist ratmtesbas tot teett attacbcd tlutIbm rturns. Titi' tanica ufthie otisert cierks andths e tc tîtges are attacheul but a-bat differonce the absence uf one 'sili niaise s flot kuuwn. Mayhe Another Couflict? Tise ciectioti returîts are nuw lu tise banda ut the jtidges, il la stated but one Indeutetdent said tuday ise did noti believe ibex 'sece. Atturney Forby1 stateul uver tise telepisone tisat tisey were supposed tu hava heen turned over yestcrday atternoon. Anotiser difficulty miay arise ou -Iis point. Boths aides were betore Judge Car-1 ter, one ot tiese upreme court judges,t in hiî office ln Chiscago Yesterdiy un1 tise matter ut une ofthtie dents nut1 Kenosha Ater Edward Rentz, Alleged Worthlesa Check Man. Thes-oihce ut Kenosha are acarcis lot- for Edîiard Renîz supposcd to Se s macutîer ufthtie Uied States Arnmy auad sîaîIoued ai Fort Sheeridan. Rectz la sccîuacd of passint- a 'surtb- lescheck, cti tru 'tary Wilson, aiso resides at lS67 Prairie avenue. Tise soidi-c bad been ln Kenosisa for sev- eral da> ansd had been isoundint- aI tiseItouse uf tirs. WiVlson. Tise lat- ter pauttout isat îeek Rentz lu alieged to haie giveut Mca Wilson a check foc Iýbi-lord snd loulgint It 'sas draxin oui tbe NorthsSide.Savings Bank oiftCticago and was signed by tJosunicli The ciseck 'sas sent te lise bank uautd camne back ails tise sastetunt tbat thte man lu question issd uo îutdx lthi te Ciicago bsnk sud isad uo set oiinttere Tise cieck was drs'sn for $3o, Soon altenrise paseed lthe chse-k Rintis laalet-ed tu bave ieft lise boardunt- bouse, but be was sean ln Kenosisa un Suuday. Mr@. Wilson also sîleges tisaI 'sîtistisedeparture ut Rentz sise mlssed a t-nid watcis aud cisain sud a baud ring. Eveny posi- hIe effort la beint- made lu locale Renîz but Il is uupposed tisat he bas retunned tu, bis regimeul et Fort Ser' ida.Tise commandant lu charge at tise fort lias been asked tc0 cause tise appreiseusion of tise man-Kenosha Newe. Iii tudiat les are so-la fti il loug lit ul 15e glatit Hertel damt e hlat Ilii s>MNoiday murtutute estsitut t pav ilion sud a nelgisbuîitg Soit-e io ur tîrt tisetround aI a losxtuf abotît31,500. \hisith ie iblaze waa discoxeru-d tise effortsaouthtie people were lioxieris to sasic lie bal sud a ahidltstanud heiîîieuaiy by sud see the rautiiut structure burn. Chautauqua et Lake Eara. Tise irs snnail-Siseldon tuas wiii open et Lake Esca July lai. sud continue tor two weeks durint- a bicla ulme lise tcrnltory sboot tise lake xiii ise îeîucdotted sud isamnîuck strean. A F. Siscidon, sage uf Shel- douiturst. xilii gise lectures un every itit frontiahtsuausip tetise scit ence ot ]Ifîesaud minuy ailattend.,tii muany tisaI cxciv bouse lu Liberlyx lle la îîreîîsing lui take ln froin oune 10 scien rouutucco FORT SIHERIDAN WILL BE ENLARGED United States Now Sek. teTake Kîuk Oui cf Military Reservaton and Perforux Service for Mighwood at Same Turne hy Buyiug Land froux Nort5h-West Lirmite of Fort to Walk. er Avenue. Owuers Go te City. Thecgt-tii ittini viii exleuad Fuiti Sbî-ridau ce ci raltînteuWalker av, uue la nlltiiuatlantIfor ibis puritoti- cauied a etuif, i etîci- utownera ut, pro- pcrly in Chucagîtast Ssturday andu t-ut tiseir ii . tutulitehe value ufthIb praupe rIs- As la iuttut lii- st lhue ofthtet ceaervatouu i, iiv far front sIrait-ht ands lit. a great mauuy kluîks li t wxii lit part of Highivitoti thalttihe tuttiIates proptosesatlu hit ahI stu-ahglii(-ti ouit su tisatishe resmc- x-sîuouu iliilu t- tgîta i-Iy rntant-airnu saîîc Matsiv o%%wîîrs Includin-MWaitt kegati iii a i ii thected isy tlise nm utuveoiýt-alxich Ilits nul ye aststutci-d sisate, oui> hic Chicago meeting of the owntursî i tut- luýil . did nul Have Two Wives, iirs. Otuoiletuticlîson bisubeeîî lu DeKalis fou, sýi-c-aI days chia aceti aI- teudlngt- lu îitotî--ibusunesmattens. sas s e Dei-Ksuhhîhronicle. N s Heudrlckxoiiî su heu seen cuncerulut- tise litigaîlîîuîtitat fsasid to bu- abotut te be sated i îuuuening tise proper- ty ufthlie IcItIi r.lendriekun sys tisat tis e nitit tliti site la nul bis legai 'sIte I., all iiioit-. Bshe isualîlut ber a colis-ot sut Instrument 'sicis wasaa cutisout att Instrument 'shicis 'sas a eoîuy of su deccue of divorce grauted DOtto Rîsenbert at-ainst biss 'sIte, s cesidîuuîiof Funlsud. Tiss 'as grauled lit lhî1Iilb> Judge H-enry B. Wlllisansd thetu Ml- Hendnîctison mac- ried bis preseut 'sldow. This xvedth1tg tuok place late lu 1901. Mca .Hlenitrickson Baesystiat tisere sla utIlepruierty lefItuehave sny coutroversy about but sise luteuda te atick îp tonr'sial aise terme iser rit-bts. certlfyilig but nothing j,-flnjtî-,tt-d clded. tast uight the nid ciîiiicî il mt i the clty hall building ici cîjiiîtrlied without taklng any action iitlit ia ma damjuk '«leu the nîtiî c, ît)îioirn was made It was done cîîtil î1iiig any date for the flext ii- li o iit .Mayor Clendinen renii il- .1i- adi mîen that they imusti n, îiighit take sornie action and Ith- iicfot tiîiiglt waa decided ont Aliowed More BAs. Billîs tri tie ainutnt 1 --i o t aima cd laat i1gh t, ! -' !o its claiim.,and alsu tit,iit i,1 i c lieii i t0 the lîroler commit- il .1- lîi, -A d,-maud wa i- ,ii i ney' Faliry, oid city clik i, t i,ý il a arranta and bils ItaIo i b!,i ,iii old cty council, Incluinîneti i i- tîîday. He refused 10 di-Mi ili rîîtused tu state whethe-î i, p iiili, thiiii this week or flot Al tii ~ iii botu nid and new, are aii i ii utS' tiiiir îav. AUl Zioti Islxintenxi. ,i i1 -tý ri-i-ilarilng lu att-ii i S pom-ii Ne.-dhatii iii tiio i il, "(I ri oiîttcii. BODY or MAN !OUND) FLOATING IN LAKE Green People Pail ta ldeýit;iy Body ase That of Hugh Ronda But Great Lakes People May Idenfîy Body as That of Missiug Watchman Who Disppeared Ou or About Jure 13 sud May Be Ftoater- 'ti-iiiltty tîturtîiiîg iii i i 'Kii ut ut the 'Cai-ti iadiilîk i titi- liait>'sui i s t '-lii il 5- liaii ciiîîand sttiu lai oit & miai l îiqi- tiitdi Oit the ibody 'set-c a copiv toi i- C hicrago A itj-îles i utof 1 îîîîî-12.- s cuit, uf Ibm gotiiel uf St. John. tiio clu-au phi tîttalg ii - lif hedait nait. utu a liiiofut'il r ontilciîlî îî cccthis--ii M ii i tl ii l iîîlîkno- tii-t. blotnde. aîîd s foiiiî li'i itt t- iti îeîtiaiinî;îîsta ti ti i- m i hot-.butit s nuit lýiîî i th-e uî- Mi- uch1er -,at shi-hi s 1 ide lt ai j hi-i1 e-, and leis tit- nia ilt a t hoite iH'. ir-t Milwtiak-P "ttui tî t. I l ini iolk uit tue îaaIi Ii l l iil Iii i ii- tiil -nis Ii AMANN MAY LOSE MIS DAMAGE SUIT Henry Rudoiph Ari-ann, theselef c onfessed uurderer awaituug trial un the Lake couniy jail for the siaying ohftise boy he caiied hie foster sou at Fort Sheridan, has wou and iost money that he iu- teuded to expeud 10 get hîm ouI froux behuud the bars. aud hack of ihia is the @tory cf a iawsuît. Yi -ur-i agoiiittaîtît claiti-,that he fci il i a Cliiazo snd IJInatikee EIî-:rcct-atailadCom:ipanyits*iîitî iar at 0cwi tii u. uti-htîmptîcd ax i' ,iii i.ij l h t t-t iii- îtanl z- cil a, a 1i!-tilt Ilits ahi-t-rd iut rit i, ic11, îr,, lte hit 5otf a uaw tut it id te toin-i i tite (itri-uit i- irt. ii tItiiii -ut t% e- VAN ITY, VANITY, AIL IS VANI1Y Coiored Belle wilh Flirtatious Pro- peasities Lauguishes. iu Jail fer thse Appropriation ni Another Womeun't Ciolises. Baentu.e -o saieul tu"dress ulV' atîd lie sotie one,50 ltatsite could s catch a beau. Mary Nix, colured, says ibe îîppecd s trîînk belouglug to MM., Lucretia Htampton ut Lake Bluff, for- ituerîx of Wauki-gan. sud 100k out Cle- ut-. ablhcb i-lue 're, The trunli liai- sorîîd ln the Brown building on -Marke-t xl ici t lier love ut fine dri-sa catased Marys uudolng. as Ibis morniîîg Assiitant Siatea Athorte " vRîînyarîi asked Pol- ice Magistrale Taylor to bînd bier over to the grand Jury ln thc sîîm of $20sud tisas il stunt, iMary iooked as lhough se ueedid eveui*hhîg witis- lu reach. Htr paîxionsie de-tire lu be a ta cill a ili custi er deairiy as jbat for hborroxiloithlie othir womnan's eloihit s fi, tolil bau-to staî lnu lau anit IlOtili .x hleii.aiterc suxnionths tui jail ixaititit-roitriai, tIti- ill pro- hahuir g, t tao dii> autuaI senti-ni'. Tue girlsas sthat se irely bor- i ai tu- l~i diii iýf $ ý s- mOxicatue cjth o tO-.u lte Icuiniansd - ,,, , iii -ii*l'wi'" 'l't,' ,, ,tisaI ahen a Otan of ber acquainitance id t u hi alit u %vi il]iii îc-uî l N-i, î lce iii îîî-îi i.- i icilied s la :tta:! it- h- t ii-tu l-is l ta tise anc rimut F it iii is cel aîîd await luith, tistction. Tise Story of a Note. regarditît a not1e. Anniie Keller la sultît- Benjamin Keller, ber- isianid, for hiec share in a $2500 o ite, thildfl tgla sti. Sse cdalmastisaI she t-ut $SOii as liser ebare uf ber itarents'îroîuertx a-heu tise married sud tisatiber ubîaad u- ed Ibis snd more 10 buy a note secur- cd by a murtgage lu 'siici Benjamin Ames sud J, Brooks wcre parties. Then They Quarreled. Thîs note was for $1500 aud atter this she sud ber isusband bad a tiuar- rel, accordîngt- l papers filed, and tise buÉband sald tisaiise atuheul lu gel a divorce. Tise alto said sisea-as satisfled lu tay married. a herev iber bus- bandi told ber lug eltishe divorce and he aouîld neyer pay ber the $800 sud lntcrc'-t, or $1000, tisia se had In tise Autes tiote. Transferred Note. Afterwaudit, she sys. ise released tise note snd mot-at-e tu Amea. as se says lice recorda s ihi show, sud by a-ay ot siiegmd transfer made oui a nea note for $2500O. She lamas liser $800 atad linereat lu tise $2500 note ihereture. For the purpuise utflîrutectîngth ie auman hlniser intercalsansd ut prevent- lug lise atinmtstc 10 cli the note or casIlln bhetore ti s time, Masler lu Cbanccry bas iaaued a tempurary Injounctiou pendingth tisime tise case cala le thresbedoutalnlucourt. Benjaminu H. Miller la tic attorney for tise suman. WOMAN GORED BY FRENZIED COW Mrs. Auguet Schultz, Travereiug Field, ta Attacked by Cow Which Gored Her in Armn. Husband Rushes int Field, Grabs Cow by Morue and with Aid of Neîghbor Drinigs Brute 10 K n eg. (Froa Weridunay'litn.)i Au accidetictoccît t d ciIcils> yiii wihluMrs. Anguustt1chtiltz ut Norths Chilcago usru i*o - Cîtit il sei louis lit jury. 'l'he vîctint liii lu iiithit- aloug Ihîrougis a ielta-utlirhornt eisn s cow, bhmintg iti aiCGrigozocki tmade a uia ah mhi i t tanid hîctîre tise lerrled xvouuauîîcîîtîîi uake aîuy effort tu get aiiay, tht iutnial ad plautedl lis* iorus Iul îin tttttttc 'sami isîhcis aile ibrew uîîni, o vaid tilttise attack. Tlie efrenit i-id st t wxas- huai about 10 tiake ttiiiiî1i- flintge- aiscu Mr, Schsultz 'suit itaul eard litss ifes screasîtarît lt-il tutlier rescue sud grabbt't Iti- cuuxiiy the isoma. A uîeighhîuc saitilied ounlise scene sud htiomeî lte lîVOo ucceedeul lu over- cuuiit¶g i1i,- u taial ad not tmely nid l)ii i utnuit-tedtihe auman aouuld nu duîîtt fuax i i-cei-ed serions inJuries sitîce .utuu ivert- lesy sud on ibis sedouitt tcasa-cl abilu toevade tise stsck as a utore hardy persun aouid. Tise cua- la noteul for lits teroclutus dispiosition sud lisas iserelufore madej cevecai atiemphs to rush ai peuple. adcutaed hi-r ut hiing a chiot sse gave her 'saIns I iihni aýs xecturiiy and ltruuuiaed lu lîringth ie elîtties back. l wasi t-ayi lug thei-gui ar lu a friend ut nilne Ivti-tu t hc iiic tled me,'"se saidu. *- tit it tttil 1 get octut ofjeu. 111 t-et eem.- Petted Wife witit Poker. John Mdatinkus 'sas fled $5 and cosîs' for patînt- bis wite on tise shouider blade 'sitis a brouma stick. Matinkut sasys tisaI aiile bu was talulut a uap Weducsday isis teite pick- cd hi8 pockcls of $13 sud when lie askcd foc tise mouey ehe langised at hlm, Tisa a on tise porcis of thse Mlarket atreet residence. He sys hoe pusised iser inalde thse bouge and theta ase rau et hlma with a kitchen knife. At thîs he plcked up the broom bondie sud just ligistly pattcd ber on tii.- back as a joke. Tise court dii BOt see tise joke. MANY ENTRIES IN LAKE FOREST StIOW Ttlel a matter of astonisisflent te lise officiais tisai mure entries have iseen received for tise Open-Air Hocie Show, Iu be iseid at Lake Forcnt con Frlday aud Saturdsy, Juiy 2 and 3, tissu have been received et a carres- pondiugly eariy perlod for auy jure- vious show. Tise entries do not closee util Juise 24, sud itlaletise usuai ex- penieuce that muat outhtie entries have been made durnuth ie last twu days. Th is lt uf enîrlea already received le muaI gratîfylut- tu uhe management sud Indicates chat tise lutereat Ila the. honrse laeni 'sanlut-, particularly lui tise saddle hsorse anti iunter. Tisstl a clasa of animial tise automobile eau- nul supplsut.Of tise t'sety-tisree ne- gular classes lu Se exiibited. tweive are composed ut saddie borses, hlet- crn sud saddie poules. A noxel auud intecestint- feature uf chhorse shiow w'ill he a Rougis Rid- er Caealr.y Duilli by s plcked trooju uf lise Firat (tahi-ry 1IN. G.Tise Ili- nuis soldiers ri-lithe regulars lu the sîtintlsc hy can do on isorme back, aud ibis excibihtion wili enable Chics- gusuis to alpiecitite better tise merte ut oui- citizen soldiera. Tise cavaIry ahIlecmît u tise groundsand itex- hîbil tisîrltr wess both days. TIlal uaîng lu tise courtesy ut Colonel Mil, Ion J, Foreinan. comnsandlng lise regi- meut. tissl this lulereatInt- teature ha, becu added lu tise program. lMrs Henry S. Robisns. chiarmala ut tise committee ufthtie sale ut boxse, reports s large sale, but se refuses toufflve a liaitofthlie isulders until ali thse boxes have been dispuacd 0f. $222.25 for Hat-an Land. Tise verdict urthlis jury tu thse Reju- resenistîve R. Bat-en oeudemus- dion case Tistrsdsy lu tise Skokie dltch coudeinnation proceedings $5000 was askoul for damages sud $3175 for six acres uf land, makint- a total of $8175. 'sas $222.26. Tise verdict came In tisis atternoon. Buys Country Home, Dly a deal juat completed John Neeley ut Waukegan hast purcliased tise seveuteen acre tract juat germai fronthtie Warrentou depot snd wil make tise place bis home beginnint- lu tise middle ut July. Thse place 1là su elegant oue forunerly owuted Iy a Ch Icajoaun-- Tliui- Itti is t-. li eî ,d uil thi- I ti ofi ia it ictitiati ixhiudistii-ci-cilfroînt ibý tiietLaks drmdge xihinil'sa s ti titi-local barbou - îiiîg ri îr soi-k ai thtetVesti-rn tusu docus. Tise waiciuun Isalîîîeared abouttJunle 13 ur 14 Sut uî wasinol thougist ai tise tinte tisaI be xxas duoxi ed.1 Deîuly Curoner Cuonrad teleîîisuîed ti the Chicago offices of tise comîîany to deteiuiine 'sietiser tise body asa tisaIuf tise'salchiuan orutot aud lise mattet lu n Seing luQked niup Was Not Hugh Rouda, Furiitin sd cnîîîoyeea ut Adoipis Greeu. harbor conîraclur, acre certain aI irtItisai 15e body 'sas ualt o Hugli Rotnds, tise usuorer on tise rnud si-uit aho diiaacred couic tinte ago and ister xi rule baclu for bis helong- Itugs Ronids relt ued tu 'aukegan tot h1ut it -t1îad mxas stem lI Ihe ex eni Irg htudi> iitiuticatetl The getitîcal description ut tise Sdy fiiîed liotuta builtti-etîrcacce of a rniustatcli, i-iiox c i i as uul 5e -as tt i (ii tlîhot ci- tis notouls siaven. The %ertdii I oterth1e rernainaofuthlie îanl,îîuiii t îîîd iuth1e cuai duck sit MNI îîlîa îsît uuîrnig xiait accIdentai di.t It liv du owittitît-Tise curuuer'a jîst i tsithtd tItfittil ex iemuin howsx tit i- iiiiuts nlinte or addîess sud ts lit tiuokt as thoiglithtie case ti-I fia- itti ofni thi> ilastit u t t riea to t iw t xi SLakeisictttigaut xi alors are tA ,Iet tt-s uit tii tii'-Chicagoipo- li( iii dîqiîtiitîitit iidtisat'I Ai use- es-Iý i s ai li li-i it ,îî 225 Balmorual t istitittIil.-lisl-i ms-kuioxt i-, g iittbstith we tandîIntutîrîued th,- titi lîtoli, h,, tîtiuIlul t tclatît ii. and it t iti i l ii, -iil stisailli u i Aii izii iiW m tutu s oloýd o ittit I liii uîl-llti utofh11 iass uto f1ii-tti, titttioa doksipotaeicoui It i lit imii t int atitlatsites Ilititi sii uittlit îî iliotît rnuu-scischant' uf hîtul îîtt- itilitistise bellet gi-titii tht iuîhI iii .atiti titi i-s ianti-eet This immtitiutigti-etCticago utolicei-l toriiu it i- Viiý atkt-tatt uelustIitu tîttt A fi Ii'u icisa ils a floiot Ieut tus iildilt atr-ii îhuusi ai 225 Bai- tmtoiai. Chlicagt-tu.nd that lue iutoiîs ab- sxîulîîiîioiingtîîtaboutithIbodîy lotunul hiic, oi thoi t-esul uttant iere ls, usi bilu t-ti-tti--out uf the' 'as- Titi-SIUN t istîýrdaysenam stelegram rte-l iiluit- ietsm lsfront >trîtciasks, si- ltut 1t itiitilint- ut his addrcss on t , i-sumanîuIýs -1111 5aliystory. >mists- Ni-Ilti tîxui, readunt of tise floateu lutisuat lit-ago talter. sent bcre tuak abhotut i ofithe tifeb-nuui*s uic- scliltilttutandttihiltl 5 hi' nîi be s tr-iioufti -Tiilutpoilce iad lu dis- appi nt uit l it luu i9i-is.115 Giougo 'MIteller liled a couuîîîaint tatu iiisalutiOranceails tise poulice front her honte'-aI 164 itîsota atceel. 'tiliimkee, 'shen sfic asked tise poliue to locale ber isuBband, six HIERTEL P,,VL'1OIN ~ l~-2 ii Ou i - BURNED ATH1ALFDAY lt-ut'tt htutJit-iieib Lake Eara, Where Sage cf Stieldon- liii tu1M t lit0t t-tuit autîlchuittiV- hurst Makea Hie Home, luise Scelle and ttufi i-iii iis htiîil'sîia of Tent Eucampmeut and Sage un 1iutîîuuliiiixaiiit ilw iiii it-lh Proprua Persona WiII Deluxer HMa Is itutî1 , bardesque Lecture@ ou Sates'assuhup hi-t'l ttiil t-..itît i u i aud Lu fe lu General. uiti ,tti Oix s i ilail i u Thunk Body That oh Watchman

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