CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 10

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Sec U QIR 6reat tft*e-of 8 1 s THlE fIEAt SUT FOIR MOT01WE-AitffR A pure ail .wool seýrge,_ ve'~1~e wave, 1ue zI e Huesé r Wc havejust recelved 'Ail styles, ail suzes ...for stout men irnd tali rmen. Tls 1!5the GýÊEAT sE$. rge waIue éever shuwn in this store. jýSTRAW -MATS 'J'il Ail kinàs-.-AII prces $1tô$ TU1E'. GREAEST LINE 0F SOFU NEOLI GtEE $1¶tRTS If yuhve ha--b oiYe fip Wng jia he slfirt -yoù 'e e w ouo see èur4f !FANCY-VEÊSTSmm3 fo $300" or$15Ech son. worth _.$2.4 i $-.iw for ihis sea- e to secure:mOre at -suchtic "s. T~~eput aTàiq~bt epzIint>Mlt ~,cod foorandwit dbail4M~~fré- 6e ,.W-a. aa ,-. 4 '., - - .-..- - - i 4, 'a- , . , À S~ÂIN TilE lADBIES lm TUE PALACE lwo Sont and a Daugiter Born1te$the "on it ifGe Mer Marriage t0 King Aifoqiso ln i900-Firm Belever ln d Cring for Their Own Chil* dren'-.oide Opinions as Stroflg As Thfflet.fFormer Procident Rouge' voit ftegordlng Race Suicide. LaGranja, Span, June 23.-Queen VicIons gae birtb 10 a daugliter. .This la tbhetîird chiid boru to lte rulers of Spain. wito were merrled iln 19W6. Titobeir 10 the Ibrone. or Prince o! Asturla, as he la calieti, was boru May 10, I9oý, and the second son wss borý Jue .23, 1908. The bool»l*i ot fiteen gong an- nao"se4 bd ti a uli, and the re- zonerai. Hait - I i .i . j THE QUEIIIN Or SPAIN. au hour laler 1the king, eccomnoei by te mistcesufthIe robes, his tacs iearing wit joy atth11e bappY deliver' suce ofth11e qîleen aud te futlilmentt ot thelr wish for a daugitler, tîroudly preaented te infant t luthe dtgullaries aaaambied ln the anteclîambar. ,Queen Victoria la a biri believer tua motbera caring for thelr own eblidre». sud site bas dectded vlewa un wornan'a fistion bln ite. lu glvlng an audience recennîly t lat Engliait wottttBof tille. frlenda ut ber 74 youth, lte queeo took o..caslou lu ex-d press ber views on motiterbood sud 4 Uhbe dld So frenkly. 511e apoke au 1 tranki>'. lu tact, as t a me sIl uncoin' fottable for ber visitors. Site condemtned lte gay biutlerfi>'4 lvea Ibat te> and other women of fashion are leadlag, and abnwed Ibat se bas opinions fu>' as slrocg and tdecideti as titose of Ex-President Roosevel on race suicide. The prlncess will ttc named Deatrîce. atter bter graidmnoler. Thte baptisteb bas boeu hlxed for June 27. AiVWWÂRDldg Vt'N eULow Polticlan» TVhle-hr InêCuiesellor WlII ae compelled 10 Retlgn. Ber1lin, uine 23.-The. poIttical situa. tIon for te crowc la extremel>' cou- tlîsed. 1 1 Tite rlehtag'g adoprton of a ue t5tiow tel, wblia Chszîeullor von Dulow declared the goverimenl would neyer LecePtI aud te finance comtltlee's e' JectIon of an iuheniitae lax witiclt 1e declared 10 ha an essential part ut thie central scheme of finance refortu, leaves thte citancellor's position ex- treruely ptrecarlous. Many poiltiecîsas now thInir tiat te thancellor wili be compelled to resign, te reicitag and appeal 10 the coun- Il Th.te sr SoOiltin, howeer, lg re' gttrti.'das t1iaetcstlY Ott Of tb* ffles' biave ttuake aIL *t aginat the. m. s,'rvattcs. Who are accouatled tht* dltIîDaipitlars u.tltbres - .,,Tbleves eut :thmp circéite or fis) teen strarids tit cpper wlre, each a etrippe t he- 5,000 feet of wlre tram thte poles ofthlie Chicago Telephone compgnys "I lige, two utiles nortit' of Lake Fgrest, Monda>' nigitt. . The cutllng of ihe circuits put te telephone out of oomjoioeiM for sey, erai houra and affected individuai tel- ephones along the north shtore tell Unse Repaira were made quickly andi service, resumed. Thte copper wire stoien la valued at $autu. At thie companys office yeterday it was sait] wire titievea ibâtd given con- siderable trouble &long the nortit shore toItline receoti>', aitituugh sev- eral thieves have been cacght and piinighed. Thte verdict lte Anderson dealt at Lake For-est by haugtng lit nigft was death front suicide whlle lu a fit ot bnanit>'. Itidependents of Zion, through their attorney, C. C. Edwards of Waukegan today declare th iat titey expected te tudependent aldermen 10 ite seated inl Ziori catnucil titis evenlng. LET THERE BE LIGHT (Front Wednesday's Sun.) Now, te Northt Shore Electrle Com- pany', havlcg offere t t dorîste rite corrent and te iecesgar>' globes, mer- chantets siotld hlock to the sciteie for lilgtitî vo blocks uofte down towrt strepts wIlh trîcandeacents for te titer ta si. of tht' Park 01*1, ltg Day rFeflivailn Ide..-'d ttey art' ait recelv- irg te tîciîcte w1tti great tavor attd Joihn B. Kess]ier. agent on belialf ot the park festival nmanagemîent, la be tug greetëd entl.nislaatlcaily. Thee ruerritatîts were mut-h mpres- cli when thesanme aicheme was trled two yeara ago0 GIVE FAREWELL TO C. SKOOG (Prom W'Dteday's Sua.) CA.i-itoog, accrclnrt tif tii,-Polar Stnt aiiiicly andI <tre ,,tiri ottal it u- e.t liai1 tîit'rserrit ylest crday for C'lev-eland, w itere ite wlll vuit for ta titus', ister goiiig ti New tente' to rîtake litahornte. iast Srtntday t' socitl> helti a fareweil parly foritîrît) ii te K. P liai ortWashingtoni streel, about 50t ieirîg lresent. lie was pre- seutldwithî a diahtîoîd star b>' the su- clely moattd îtaa ilvierluvlng mît b>' lte Swediah it (DClu1b,tif whiih ite wes alsio a niertîber. BRNO WATC1IED i" coud tia write letter th ça tbst the man mer bê f 'Uth aeticuaanrtonynou Ha wMll weat temn u ot Ifhe can ha ir,,ated adnd bd out what la at the bttoin of bis peculiar mania. 1 otit Wore Overaîts. .wîsu;aefsa.u.,sSVU e is One light lie two ment who maede te diF- of Mon 4%o Tried to I turitace were aeen to0eater. The>' Brak up Conçert Twe in Presbyterlan Churoh Cry "Repent Y.- Repent Ye. Judgment is at Hand" Sante Mon Whio Heiped in Church Disturbance Bslibved to Have Gon. About on Street& Cryîng "lWoe Unto City" and Larlier Stili boSe aMan is beileved to Have Annoyed North- western Passengere on Trains. (Prom Wedneaday's Sun.) Chier ut PPoiice Connoily today ha- gan a cont>' wlde search foîr tite writer uf the SUN atiotymous ltter titreateilng a sittooti andi gambiitg war. Chiler Conoflly believes ite bas a gooti citle atnd wili make agt srreat withln a few days, mure for thte pur- poise ot waring the suispect out ut the cil>' aller pttting hic, nhroug thlie litiril dcgre itait for any <ther pur- ("htier ('îtioitliciiýelevet.ltai litemar, wtio wilh uone other dîstirbiedth le riestyterlari 4erary Society coucert lat i ilhîby taraing sud shoutlosg -Repenit ya-rsît s. The ligne of jugiginîct la ai hstîd. Titrit iack ha- fore il la 141tl.' tua>' be te man. The two werti rdereti ont ofthlie Sn.l cert aigi te church but were co l a,' realed &nd tew kuow outhne tnci4ent tod ay. Their appearauce watt dramatîr in te extremie. comiog bel weênn umbers. and cresteti s sengattoîî that uverlaît îeî Iinto ttstîv 'rthey wacre ttak. tarê of. 'l'h- uteete lteiir'ves ritloua tif te twu utr, i ay be Itu samue glat Witysicaliv cittiwalked titrougit dowo towtt streetautof Wattkagai et a inte hotr repeatiin te phrase: -W. ettntt thiiscity, for lisl. aatday la at itsud. aepaut-tmrt back--see-k ftirgivPeea. woa iiiu tiIsCity ' le aiso helies ta tlthis uitlite saamed lu go loto the citurcit attract- ed b>' the lgitîs. Bath wore overails sud oversîl jackets and itad teavy bearda. They carriet budies, 8mati andi knotteti lnitandkerchiefs. Wqille Edward ltrIghanx watt ret-ting une of hia seleclions on.. of tii.' men arose and betan ta taik wheieut.on KH. D. Plaxon. who waëi neari,>, ettpeilpid hlm wltb thte aid otfîsiters. The other man, ounte titýir vide ut the chitr'citand l'lite lit titiiig way t-owards the rear, watt waitIti-tl evidant Intent.lon ot preaclting aisu, a baîf dozen selzed hlmi andtiiatled lilm out. Taiked on Dynamittng. Bttaihemlltuen, near tiGenespe antd Washiuitgton treel'ta ttiok ttit ri-at one utflte Wieila8thtecperaiti wh iî tt Sattîrday ' OO' iat tItsiiî, iW-ititit- ed to bave maude aut iîttttîî, speech aalvoctittg the liliniitisg if Wattkfgsn saluons. BIG MOTHS INVADE CITIES (Prom Wadnestday' iiS)n W'atkëgati i.. enttrtaitttitt d ii tiited visitura tei the' shaîte. of.a til liturde of besttlititi motllia St tct i- ,f thei aOteliiîecahave ieer, <atitlit Il,[i-W ferait setions utolte clt>'t wttii, b rought lutI t-SUrN ofIiiet- ý-îtit elemen lasI s'vetiitrt<.Mi.. , .A il Davis, ut 3i6 sentit Sheridtant eau caught one ltat attracteti b>'the iglit lin1the rooni whcre Puc car itti itad triFd lu get In at thei wirtdtA, Another watt raught tii.,norilig ,î JuIlsu sîtreet by a buuî'. Abi.- Z.ff ii asàw il. ltetgitlg .1t1t .i-g a O. Varloîis stores at.Jiiîiiiae'- tüdItti h.. mîot ha on thlaa>, .1 ic. -l t i'ttf catchtng tltem. Ycsterday ait itta, nai t rauitISIP ta- itoli. tite inscaîtora tmiittice f,îrt*- fil tealedth lllt ultlra ut batte blai!t - 3. 'lituritday thei tîtpeî-tirt .ittav tii elettrît-latta. A leagîte i-t1,il'[1tii1t e.l to pilay Tueadays. attet w.l'iri.îîc ltourt, bln it.' llning gaNte. AIi-itdtý liene iteant preacher whi, has iteeti a nuniter Oft gemes have 'tih i ~~1-fli14 Tflu FoMe 110< QAYS SHIRTS Our Shirts arce c ll.ýknown Ciuett and Monarch brands. Every ont a good ont and every one a fitter. PLUATED SHITS. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. CoUar Attached SHIRTS. Sîzes: 12 to 149 for boys. 14 to 17 for men. PRICES: 50c, $1, -$150' & $2. mi! Silk Shirts$25 _________________-_-_-__-_-_---__ -_-__ -_--- S VRAW HATS Ail the new styles and'shapes. The Tourist. The Sailor. The College Dips, in Sennot and Pan- ama braids. The large or small shapes for men and boys. PRICES: 50c lbo-$3.000 kF)ARMi1HATS--5c to 50c. UNDFeRWEAR The well-Iknown brands: Thp Poroasknit. Thï B. V. D. Genuine Linen and Athietie Underwear. The Cooper Union Suits. The White GatIkBands, in lisle, bal- barians, nalbsook-amd rbbd Egyptian qitaIitie, long or short *eru, and knee lengtbs, for, long men or stout men, and, for boys. Our grades are the best. PRICE-S' 25 clôt '2,5W W ganncflt. OXFOIkDS Th6 ot dy ak think that c"4r feet andheadi,-are mort accept- ablé. Oui Tan' ,nçl :Bro.wn, Ox-blood'- irlhd Gun Mctal, Oxf.orýds 'arc the cool-, Wit and most acceptable yet. flrinig your fe«t and we 1will fitt hedi, hcàd and purse, too, at'the 'saine Ladies' and Children's Oxfords,' too, in every'grade,, ~Atiù~.iAN'3. UATKST' for I B i. i Ré, 1<1 .. A 1 ;l ,j' -, . . . . . , W .ý -- -1,11. , M ý 1 1 - - -1 - - . >.ý

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