LA S GREAT ALTERATI( S UNI &IN Aki NE~ Things You'I-1 NIEED FOR TRAVEL SHotel and1 VacationWe, and Requirements- for the Summer Home j, F " Tub Suits and Dresses IThere has been nothing so well devised that fis a great- er want for the traveler than do these costumes, our at- tention has neyer been drawn to anything that looks more chic or pretty-Travel the country over and you will find the best ýres9ed women everywhere wearing themn. Suits and dresses are both here in the most lashionable models, fabrics -id colorings. costumes that fairly exude the going away spirit. We hav.:a aached some very low prices to these spendid models. Suits of Si1k, Lawn and Line' t.-brics that arc ln accord wlth the Iatest ideas Ideas of ' Mhon f rom $1 .98 to $35 Shoes that Insure Comfort C9r-nfdrtable shocs are an absolute necessity to the tourist or the stay-at.-home. Oroxfords are cut along lasts that insure comfort. We have hundreds ofL snappy Iasts that seem to breathe of a vacation of themselves. Come and set them, ini long so you wil thank yourself on many occasions this Summer. Ladies' Shoes at $2.00 ~al"I' laitliens hatving been u"e in thie iiakiig aof iler ilair. Fine vici wit.h pat- entli s tii tt $3;als patent dO lealir illi fine tippers at.......... îw Pumps and Oxfords at $2.00 Onie strap tan and patent leather pampsanard oxfords, ai large osiiitiatîcf si 'vli " liais been gre)ufmd kt 'i. s'aIpricg-e llriuig luis Alter'ation Sale. .2.00 Oxfords at $3.00 l'u a al a -it % i ana l 111., 1i Il -t- q-'1a 4-1' l s, al ida l lit 1ta11 ,a liliv-1, $iîi'le i'. e d fi.u'ls. adIl a-' ai $ Pumps at $1.75 'lai, mî ai' atî'aip pIUapo, iii ai (t-oui pi-te hli ne o i~ pî glid valu es ut 1 tbe pni'e 1.. .75 Sturdy lirunks, and Bags (MIRO FtOUR *Which have no terrors for the most ardent baggage smasher. Ex- perienced travelers corne here for ail of their luggage--"There's a reason too - --the goodness of our line extends ail of the way through. Big trunks antd littie bags are ail constructed with a view to the utmost econorny without robbing the Iasting qualities. Just as sure as the vacation trains corne and -carry thousands of pieces of baggage the need for trunk or bag 'will continue---the place to get it is here, the time to get it is now. Special values. Waists for Vacation Days' One neyer has too many waists at any timne and it seems that when we're away that a fresh one is always being needed doesn't it ? You willflot sec a prettier Uine than those we are showing-Lingerie effects for the dressing up time and tai- ored effects for traveling or frolic. Better count up- lime to prepare is getting mighty short, and besides the Alteration Sale offers you advantages in the way of prices that should flot be overlooked. Walsts that Embrace the Season's Cleverest Ideas In Lawn. Silk. Madras, Linen and Lace at f rom 39c to $15.00 rEvcry Womàan Who Travels Needs Hosiery N.'. ls eîr lacaii-a îe,- i l ailas îa"i el -ei mi Il callu(gýl- o s vliîgtli aiîi eiu lie' e i.' itaîl îaainî-i iii l a ah i-ý litusi'. 'l'lit-il tuai it l te "cilal i v'* i i 'l a qressi1î'i l uîîîa de-l muai di. A bolie' .ii i ig i l iaiIf iorl'ai.qtuartetr dozeýri pairs %N uilitj iasi * fi l îailit v nier of «vouri tr'Uik-tlii atgiiîilus mw 'Io iilie 1reaida' witli plie is loc iat liatuil iali l.c'-lv tii alm > nilagaili. Ladies' Black (iaU7e Lisle Hose Agrtit lbig 35ve i Iliae, il (I l,'iail l25cî liais gt iAt ltiat li i 'aihi-, iI ý . 2.. Children's Mose Tiait insure ti. l -iiv a i îîîîiaut ifur. Splndid liiae al 2.t, .50v andîî., ......... lo c Ladies' Fine Black ilose A value -wîath ai1 lia If O mome, spec4iail, oli'o Lingerie for Summer---Fluffy, FiImy, Undermuslin Apretty as skilled hands backed by a strong si nse of beauty can make then, ont neyer bas toomany for the vaca- tion days- now is the ime to buy when many of the newer things arc first being shown. Corset Covers 25c i ie' V iii ltit' a al ala - ji t (o paiissfiai' iiss ihlai iî7.)ai i -mi a r tîiîi 'i \ iili iaie laie a1 -<i . speiiail 25c Drawers at 98c g1craisers mtade f at $iil lgr il'axireîîi'lv full, ai a I lloa t 4- . -tnilspeciailuis s. Iea la'lla'îît ()ad o! Ia'Ilîl. te iri"Inîu ingm Ilevlat ..........2 5 C aa1'-',ait i'enaille la Or aifert'th e~ --tlîe ma. - 'aili iii a'a imt 98Cîy iîia Combination Suits at $1 .50 In makinig 'l)utiiese -ganlnenta4 1ti'e b»t gracie iof ruuim lias hein upAml, the'y are iili' î4witîI ai MOMt lilerati fulncms wyet lti îacrfiîstly, larc (Il 'i- l)r<,dery rtiiei il jb jasar mn'tt, Micia l isie nt................1,50, PettiCOats at $2.98 Mtadlewilii limiIII i4t11 auîit'ie îitl ai mixjIX lv eiil eiîilai'uaii'y i.t, ii' lat- tinu wltl ai nlia îhl si.ers <of fil'ks,, tuilnadaîp ii of t lii saine 2 s'unridery, .....-ii2i.98 Ladies' Coored Hose A\Il c-ulîas, ililliislail 25 va iues at 50(-)' a ...25 HAMMOCKS GREATLY UNrDERPRICED S of' e tiher iare tade with airethr Ifth ateuals, itliers w itlii tNt <ciii, ai0iofr .iein have large t ah, pil lbas, thle t ritmings m a""i nIl or'tîjuefci ffei'eit widtlis. AllIi- miiuîksýer uniile fîtîl ize, the prive o liftleî'etit kindil front $1.00 te $5.98 Petticoats at 98c 1 le'tliev are, and we don't. want thIi iiis.i4jl-etsoilecid dming the Allit tiojjs. Maîle îiiî n 1i iili e a ini i dist, 'ufle, the tlount'e is triIIinI- %%it h t I ii reecIuster's of paralilel tuk mi ii lieiistii. lied.'llie valu 98c aîeIlIlnInI iII ait tiRspri ce... 8 Cowhlde Suit Cases at $5.00 iý t.î- ide ait this prive vailliiili e foni. suit taklý11;iesîitaid- itlt splendid îaîiaîqi lining, shirt fold .îîîi a:ps. The trixn- :11i oii ' f eXtra lleav3 piIl 1h rs 1wit h Sîlid leai lii iii corners,' i as il 11 '26 $ incilies.'pe .aa-a t ....$ Leather Bags speclal $3.45 'hese are nmade te .'i t hsrai i d t lii wear and tear exisitencae of i v, %e ing. 'I'1e are lar4.e îaaîlil iald ail of 41î tle t tî'îaa' ~luax Ilifflithat 01w likes toa, haîa alaise al ia hwnliwei on t lie i, -Izigs arilifft ctonvelnt ànJ ...... 3045 Trunks f rom $3.50 to $35.00 a~~~î~ leia li aI. d lia t -Ii aintue collec'tion as )% on 1ii ali i'ti i' ail it4y> i li ivt Ie, tuat ailoIl a ish fe r au' 11îI lie 1)1 il snt lY sî11.Iil- ist l aIlh la tlie fat iouii 'ln- 'srn'1 I i 'iiks 1I liai1 %i . w e r, t h îlevare i ueil i gazti i i., leq ss tai ir.', wtecks, air ngetfor a leri oi it i a ' -$ 30t.410Ianud$35.0l0. ChiJdren's Shoes $1 .25 to $2.00 iiini Ieathic' r li tii.ii i - i i, ti iati li aio clttàtos. f ia nii12 Corset Covers 49C Mau le *if t1e a e% vi ta1 -mi iîatria Is a nil daijat l Iv u-iiîiîuaa-l aijîli l r. hley aiNe <'it witilî grc' laiuc'ralty et XIbii t4sa larne a.31Iit ig- sj t uese gui lliiis al'il lilla vai hua ait 1eira........ 49c Drawers at 25c auffl 1 - mmmm When We Catch the Wanderlwts By Auto, steamer or by train, in the country, at thc seashore, at the lakes or on the hotel porch you'1i find this' store wonderfully help. fui in selecting a wardrobe for the occasion. There 15 More to Traveling £han Buying a Ticket We plan to serve the needs of vaca- tionists--- -and the suggestions w e mnake will meet ail of their re- quirements. The beautiful foliage, hili, valley, moun- tain, streamn or the quiet country place, the honk honk of an auto, the toot of a train ail alluringly in- vite one to throw off the cares of every day life and go away, and when this time comes --- our store with its vast re- sources is in a position to en- hance the corn- fort and pleasure of your trip. - 1