CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 2

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I - Mr. and lirs. Knigge have for their cn . gueste Mir@. Willi Mosser and danght 'r of als oI't Arizona this week. Died in Srbanmberg at tbe home (if ber daughter, lies. Mary Su-ain age-d ,ibty- eigbt Jears. FumeraI vas attc-nded by a large number af relativtéfrom Chicago, um Eranston, LesPlaines and Palatine. 8he was laid ta rest in the Schanmberg it D rnUMD emetery boudes lier busband. They won » m intes. have avays roided there. >~~ka SiIibOId alE ahe larried iu Ravensvood. Satnrd&Y, bMI m Ammmb JuDe 19. Miss Evelyn Austin ta Benjamin G 'age, ai Eranston, only immiedite reatives wers present. Rer. Sturtevant officiatin . Aft"r au automobible tri p thraagb tbe nt tbey wsill be at borne to ROOCEE[LERtheir friendsa t 1209 M chîKa avenue. Evanston. Septenîber Ietý 1;. B.Nlxon andfamilytbeuew station lira. Wm. Na-on t- eucýrtainig lMre' aient, have etarted hougsekeepirîg iu Katie Dei tt asud daugbter. of Chicago. YOUa over the Newtoîn stOre. at preseut lit. sud Mr%. John Rader, of Cic"', The Social Club met witb lIts. Rufus aoeompanied by Peter Nelson are eiloy- Starck, Thursday. Jonc 17, a rery bci a vacation the gets of lMm. lVi. pleasant aft 'rnuon vas enjoyed and a Italmg. dslicious luncheon vas serred. The Mmra L Speclit ha.. rýturned ef t r aî gaule- were intereetiug M".a1- T. W»ek'a vios witb relatives at Eluxhurot 1 Reue i ou tlret pruze. MMd Palatine. -VI.-r. sd lire. J. H- Schierdng snd Mrt. sudlira. Thos. Rusell entertained Iatl. Jhnbu ue made a plea-sa-it trip ie Iatteeis sister aud family. of Antich, to Wheeing. Tburtaa. EL A. Watson transacted businefss ct tive,, tram Chi, ago aver Sunday. lbertyvüàle, of ibis week. The J. C. Phagge & Ca. elevator at .lMr. sud lie. Fred Knigglenetertained Barririztan vas burued Thnrsday inoom- Ut son Rd snd family,ol Irving Park, lng. Fire brake ont sbortly a'ter 12 le" o'cluek, the other huii&citgs vere saved., liornes Minilie, vile and dsughter, o!flMr@. Ebel isitA iwtb riends fa Chboego, are epeding tho present veek Quentin*@ Coi aerp retly. - guastaaoflire. Miifies parentsý. Mt. lr. sud ire. Win. Lenersan snd famiiy isubd lMmaB. Broadhead, fSr. spent SundaY wîîb relative. aiu îJntsna" Nb@s Floreoco Lathrap la at home Corners. euioying a va -imon ater an absence of My"aalMunthe, as stadent ici a Chicago WEST FREMONT. buieacollegi. lMr. sudlMra. George spunt The rogaunof tse bi'renaDayi'nday iiting Waukegan.. «etfl se t Sunday enening vas veil S4reral !toni bers sttended the barn erried ont. Tboaung ladies in charge 1daDce Srdav ou nghîat Cfi naLk are to be complimentd . sit vas onew 'Zu, workto offtof bemThe eut rtaiumrnî t sih,- Freinant --Tepeple of UM commutity vere ,Catbolk , oool bouse vili obefeld ip'lved to ear of the destb aiflire H. Sandarui«bî. Jane 27th. ai who pa.d avay on lait Satnrday nt su eeTean Sdy borSn n uOboicg. Ohio_ The ubs.. TilleandE pelTe pe "t Sna wS en ~>e n t y a Ivab e r, -ai home- Sa lwoaddul a larg gatheriag ai Mis@s Genvier, ltc.ney vent ta Indiana ei mi ghhar5 vithint.inei th Iis vsek wbere îse.,îai] ttend aUMMer 1 l.a.oe oemetery. T1%e sypa.thy .hio(,L CO Une Vommuety M e.tesded %t, thj iU o~> ~ adto _________Puto-bit baru. BenrY Tekampe sd ffltBL ALLM âtmmi. W, 4 Nordmeyer are doing the vork. E. a.~. ~ Fnaak rbwLan sd siter,lire. HEL INOTICE 0F T HE P R OPOSEDOTek&=mpo ers Orysiake caILers" f HO M O F THENAME OF d"y. U.L.AOE0F UOC*UEFELLJEW Joe Dotant v, a Wegt Frernont caie 70O VULAM 0F *8W Sabay aftrnooa_ - ies Liie FYer MsudMinnie lMeyer àg huéy i orneUth"a uesWm*.seacaglm s"tard*y. lm id MUn da Uneci Uap am"e lidaMMJ. F. Bc'rne rsrar hoe itou to -Iolai Cd Arm ha. <>mo ba i ss___u_ bu g a a M 0qud b> awa ài vib rkdv& id m oir - ~ ~ A&i SBaiw a-d hmly vm" woIs 49* tdwou"torbeemmee»zV" nt F-]rive. Sdgy. - . mIsU n abeid - Mx m P n FlàMartna esUtaimed 10d" - IMMsn aui tas the uopw rosi t<,o. susda mobmm 1 te new Cd a ~hd la>' eo & ewta .l R- aster lethe ownet of a tas =-- t i" Me w top bW h ~ id .A~" lus the 12%àlu Mu¶me"xim nnt r"yo ~V- W %Mki nmmd ho.t ___»&et 0 timu. snw.AbdoolemievlastWedmiedsy vas il et ~ ~ stl«iermS15 6tes45la isar ci Lumasadh A. »»- I.. 1mai bof- R Kcsd'is oymae miedmrsrai.Let dm have %>'sr- am a tr7 acam w OGPC lw man.terai1sae»ia). am ezog n lin eil ve e,4S . Mie ~àsir ai11511 - ~t âead bamAd ii the za Lrr lia *s. p1ti W d, e v p s rk l s r a', u !- , J u e I OK E a y o s e e t l a l ~t4.A.dei btta '.f la.pitr- ; t j ri . Md buv* à.a., ZGKeie«,,W so,%s j *-da >eet> a-.t' s e » ati asi vc*. Uts H &U. Mm.Je.if.Frsic* 1 ii- k 1- - lu --Là. ----.. et LitA-rplw .a.jse -V: amyl ýxKE WRlO il, iwy«dauf N 5oL e.'<if r a.- 10 %- smouetek. Fr-AuîK' V', à, -i. cia atir. Mailnitb t a mi - lof,. fsv dsysa t tie îi..tJ,.î blir. and Mr.iiî.,,,,.1 . - " »isFrauud spent Sî,a ~~r WiII aud lfatney Auini, ii,.i . ., i. . latveek at Waukegsu i ,în* a eî 7>2comeneemuent ozerea , t, S l 'iu 81k'lt-,* .e-.s IvaehoeOO barcil at Fridssy îu.g '%-0.i A ~ .~.:l Lj.ltb>'the graduathuig ISc ,îli' Ilî m t..1- 4à6bossàchaol voro attouded by a lacCi1,,,, *àm muuidabi.v esudered am]il t,.'ý'... slds a s "wa am ra ietriits. Ti hcîIhiflt ' tI s ui i» I mm erigrbeumatic uhd r fi clt îtte. n...î.îi s~ir lIef r. bs o k ta oo.SrVcserr,-rtîgaiegs 'la c xstStrlsc Arrls corne ta ail. Ph.entti Tliî. laVar r WAUCONDA DËPARTMENT M. E. MMIMAN, Comespondet a&M Agent Dr. Hfublard, aifParsons, Kan., camne home Tufesday ta spend a twa veok'e vacation vitb bis parentsR, Mr. and )dra 0. W. Bulba&rd. Id. W. Hughes trauaacted business in the City lionday. Wili Docker, of ClWicag, and M1isesff Ragsansd Pearl Simpsan. aiflRed Lodge, liant., eflled on friends in aur city TueF- day. lira C. L. Pratt weut to the ct.y Tueeday ta apend sasveek witb herl daugliter. lMr@. Judson.1 Misses Elizabeth Fe&r sud Minuisl Mieyer leae Saturday for DeKslb, . 'I. ta attend the State Narmal sehool for the somsmer niontha. Dr. C. W. Bowlet, accompanied hy is motiser, visited in Chicago Wednesday. L S. liaiman, uf Chicago spent Sun- d"and sulonday at bis home lu unr village. làr. sud Mm lr. .E. Main uset Sunday at McHleurysi h lr.sdlia H. J. Schaffer. Messrm ea. Quentin, Albert Sauer. Juan Stabl, Wçnry Krueger sud Louis Keiler of Long Grave, came over ta aur vilage T*esday in Mr. Quentin'8 auto for a day's fisbing. We did Dot learn boy aouccesefuitboy vere but 'no doubt they bad elaborate fisb soaries ta tel] wben the' retuned home. Mie@ Genevieve Roney le! t for Terre Haut.-ý lad.. iast Satnrday where she wilI 8pend thseommer monthe with ber §kist.,r, MN.- Chas. Cody and attend Nor" l Choll IThe Oire departuient came ouI far tiseir regalar monthiv drill ast Wednesday eneuning, tetiug tise ougine and hase. The engiue vas ond ta be in fine con- dition. but tva lengtha af hase haret wbicls abav cause for Imniedate inepec. tion of the entire lot aud na daubi 400 500 fot of new base us iii bave to hu purcbasled- lira D. R. Smitnsd chiidren of Edi- eau Park are speuding the veek with, sudMraMI. C. Smith. Mdira liy Fuller retuuned home Mon- day ait r a weets riait wtb ber mosber lu the City. Ihemi. Potier and Stone have just eampleted thse Barteil cottage on the eust «bore 01 thSe lake and lir. and liru. Bartell are movlng out tram the city tItis week ta sPend the aummer malithe lu thier novhomne. Mir. and MliR . T. Graham, lMr. aud Mm. A. L Power,,Misse Ruhy cook sud Ferla Batdbînaon @peut Sunday at~ Midfenry. H orner Ce~ok met wlth quite a serions aidens lianday a!ternoo. Wbile leading twvu bors.on t ta vater, one-el thetn turned euddanly and kicked him twlce, anc.e trlking hlm on the rigbl thigb sud a becond turne orikfng blux axer lise beart, threw hlm ta the ground snd dazed hlm for awble, but luckily na hans. ver. broken. and Tuesdav ho vas araandagelu as ainsi and experleuce d notbiug mare titan s littie laxîtenes. Oti@ Putter sud Misa Amelia Rolland surprlaed their frienda leit Tbursday by being quietiy iuerrled at %Waukegau St 4 P. mn. bY Rex. Broyer at the ilaptiat pamOonage. lira. reyer sud Roy ShuruvaY acting as witneeoee. They retur!Ied hone Thuradayereniug and for the praentwîll make their home witb the groom.'& parents. The groom i@ the YoUngeaî son 01 Mr. and lits. Albert Patter and bas made bis boule bora for sereral years sud la recognized as une ofi the iedngcrpn.'sof ont village. The bridet the daugbhter of Mt. and lira. Fred Rolland, af Fairlleld, sud bas been making_ ber homne wîth Dr. aud Mes. C. R. Wells for the past several months wbere ohe was employed. We ettend aur congratnhatfi >mlt ,the happy couple. lira.o rl ond e ofl ,ur Lîoneer resdeuts, pased away at ber boute bore Sanda vng. Funeral vas beld Manday a 10P. M. Ret. Pierre, of Belvldereo ffciated alter ivhirb 'the remains *us lnterred -in uic famlly lot in the Waaeonds cemetety. We ex tend onnaympathby ta the beteaved iamily. Full abituary viii appear rncxt veek. B. C. Harris bas lt the cautract for his neov reidence on sontb Mloin St. on a lot lie recety puncbased ut lra. Hicks, ST., ta Mdessra. Potter & Stone, wbo yl start vork ou the has-ejet thie firat or the vek. TAYLOR GROVE li. Larmon and oau, of Wisconsin, voe eguesta aoflir. aud lits Hanson last T1se Biddlecome seboot lossi dWedns- eek. day, Jane 16 with a dmn program and a Iae ero acna ai tiamber of riaitare. Mm..Hastings Mf shlGay o acna al serrod ine eroam sud cake sand everir one es OSionde bore recuthy. haît a nice tiuLMo.lfo Tompkiuhsuad Mesdames Gertrude Nuller aud B. Chark-y Stchr completei tte eighth Stellîng spenifist Wednesday with lits. grade sud receved tiseir diplounsa. John Brown et Waucouda. Ti-m. attassding every day durin tise lMM Sarahs Boward sud lie.. Ernst rear were Barrey (Osborne, enn d children, o! Haineslile, veefa We0lh Eada Oeborn. Claude BagasiVola Sunday"sirnon Norman WeaL., aad Freddy Stahr. Esch rsemed a book. Ne.. Jack Staltiehd and son, 8tauley, Etta Cainey vWsted hoes the latter ver. in Libertyrille Tburaday. part of lait veet.. Mesdames Fred Dunnfll sud JuinKir- Nim.T. D. !Newehl spent Sandai Uith m e e itoand L r$.k e Ws neaday. ber mofthen bore. mn& lonIae enoy M lind IMe.. John Suuth have retarn- Mua Tompktda,vho ham livod vith is 115ed t. Elgin aller a stay o! several eke atie, Richard Shea. fer someane, h-a1 et tise Potter home. ChOicago to fbye vit his motiier. s'oyfrieLfs viq Mise bim. Mr. sud lies. Hanaon @peutlat Mon- Kiemby . (.e=u, ofai r visited day in Chîcga. b-r biotser Loquie, satarda>' s un-, lre George Estiager and Lents took lay-. a trip ta Nunda Frida>'. Mr, sud Mr@. tueudSe- esattnsiod Born ta lie, and Mlis. George Waltou the fu"aiof the latte-r. brother in Tae5daY, June 1lStb, s son. ieaikegsu Thureday. li.,asd lira. George Kuebler, o! Des- Ma.. Eue. Brewer ta împrovsng in Plaina, vere guiieta o! Mr.sud lits. bmàth.John Richardeon Finde> sud Saturda>'. Mrnd Mi li Vrsuk Colo speut Sanda>'Mrlinsd li. Ambrose Rsugbî sud rith ]nWmii liraBoenr'y'Meyera. dsagster, Mary, of Libertyille, vore vio" sîtishe Cha", Raught hame over John Grtiy. aJI Pleàmuat Prsmeriaivt- d esitive boreband>' lr. sud lies. Heukie sud laiily risit. ZioO Qtysallre ls*t wve e m lO eû d rltve erAntioeh ndy Lewin. Jr-, atie (Ih, Ethel Le in ira John Gelhng çhm n ,. Mr. sud lira Pert.Nuler, (of McHenry, Wûb7ý vere t in unuday. C,,oa.Leuriu. Sr , sad 14111Gollfg ers ka Waa.iegs.un limaineeFrlday, mm e.S-A. m"eand .iaugbsnr S1,418 mitd rel&tives Mt W&eavah Fr14.>'. lis. sud MUe*liàd" eieot manda" neslhs# vuttJt.e u agsi-T r, e.T Tl*e laduos A4 w> ,t mt et tise t-L sajit llsciieday sudbd Unùir wmreà'ire 40 e jfil i',041r'V 19- .6lisc'g*. W4 'A MeU..q,, tstte 1 -.t.eSec.- O sib'>4 D,,"' t oget the 'laD,-' saiAmBi'.s hall. l(euuil Lut.. neut katutdssy oe>n- ing. 39 ti RUSSELL D-onit foret tlwe 3td fi!l ui>' at Ruuselh. CIsidren s DVay vas(lute veil attend. e4. Takm to lits. ri. F. Sucer tur ber sersos*a sua u it. rove and Mlits6G T. s-er, .ulie ob opwent tfise vrek vîita r. Go<rria sudfi ter !rsensds beOlotiLeng lue ber asvAId liî- rtiudlies». L. M. Bonnet, fi, G, Murri.- sud lamif>', sod A. C. Cornas sud f I tejif tendod th, -vedding oi tUtiseuspbev ilaentce D onner sud Luvy il.ýu là .-so taata vdays vitb fnsods ber-I'.l4ite an sd bab y accum %.sle bp.t, tLir firna on Sstarday. lin. a'I! lira .fi. terris vent as fat as3 lit, évo!lire ELA, Il*essewere in I(j liutsIk msd William wvce, Lno. aiea isitors Stustdal. lira 4eu Imiporria Ila eut rtdftlng ber aisterfrout Su J'i, Uira#, ReCo blee lara ansd Zoo, lW9 Wsde.ssday ;.ig,î i'r f"ottle toaet. A, C' etii'! viliebar!il, E.Lvîn Tbinrslay a utuiios ,feîAw jtî,'Iodedthse Lgtaeiiey sOol i5'Ji.'Iilt gitsrdày and report 1 W'w *Ç -"4tw 'y 'sltj, t lod t, Iiwitbusemo YO» s*os't APa,1e ' kpeci aulnvom*lnoxn f P.~/J .sA ke 4 À~ ~ i,iî5ii'- sefiistl ' d Jir*i .s' "4 à'tja w i..i % i , sdoh*iae suny l'y TUE FMIr 0kTm4 BA5m * ETYVILLE N.! tuw 4 aw se '~sPM ors he.vfq ms OurNew Hcvr Vigor Ayer's Hair Vîgor was good, the berne chat vas mode. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, nov I m- provcd formula, la botter. le le the onc greaet spethfic for fsi- lng hair. A novproparaaon in every way. Nov bottle. New contenta. Ask your drugglaetao show jeta yau, "the nev klnd." D« mi dme te e<dftAaetMlu. doei flot bave the ailatea, dciupon the color of the hai. You May vie It frecIl and for an y icmgth 0f lime vith- ont fear 0f changing the color. Stops faling hair. Cures dandruiff.- t --de b.Y I-0J. 0. Ayft 00.. iLmU, Na.- Professional Cards DR . O. F.BUTTERFIBLD, VETEBINARy SURGEON. AMSITANT @ATE VETE]UNIcUAN. Libertyvfle. liluois. DRi. £Li. CHIURCHIILL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office lu Butler Block. over 8mith & Dati.' store 'Office Phone SM Re$ Phone 37 Speclai Atbenticu (llven to Dismesaof the Eye, Eur, Noie and Tbroat LIBERTYVILLE t- ILLINOIS A. Y. STEARNS LA WYER 218 Washington Street Waukegan 'Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. OFFICE OYEZ LOVELL'S DERUG STORE. notJE-troul 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 p. mn. Ubertyvile. Illinole. DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice Office aver Luce & Casupanys Store SPECIAL ATTENTIO GIVEN TO DISEASES 0F le - ýTHE EYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bours 8 to 12 arn.-I ta, 5 P.. J. Elî Triggs Building wîth Drt. J. L. Taylor-Phouie Il) Re@. Phone 1092 Libertyvjfle. Ilinois DR, E. HL SMI1H. DENTIST. arER LAKE COUNTT NATIONAL BANI. uoosa-f3 ta 12 a. in. sud 1 to 5 p. ni. DAILY. Lllbertyvllle, Illîhîol DR. J. L TAYLOR, OFFIcZ OVES J. EL]. TItOS JiLDU. saUns:-7 tu, 10 a. mý 2 to 4 aud 6 to 8 P. ni. Ileuîdence on Broadway, opposite Park. Libe-rtyville,Illinois. MA.RTIN C. DECKER lffte ,OPP. 1stnl St. Electric Station Office Phonie j834 Ries. Phone 3608 NORTII CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Libertyvlllo, Illinois pa.88 Hem 5Stregth LAWN Dos yotir lawn and fiee Our "Gel Mowers."1 Every on, siatieaction. 16 Inch eut 56.51 FLIES AF Screens and srEn your happiness this.,s You know it wilI 1 GASOLI would add greatly tc hot weather. One Burner520 Three Burner $3.! le B.e FGER, Peultry Lan irass Supplies If You are Going to Fertilizer PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN YOUR LAND SOW SEEL) 0F ANY KIND WHITEWASH YOUR BUILDING PUT UP NEW F1ENCES We want to figure on yotir wants Libertyville Lumuber Company_ Coa's Telephone No. 47 Fil Up Cheap Now Your Big Morses for Sale. - Monutain Meadlow Stock Farnn. one and orie-half miles nortli of Wauconda, Illinois, lias constantly on haud and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of borses, suitable focrfthc road and ail farm work, expess and draft, useful snd serviceable, from iloo to o paunids. Prices $80.0o to $20000. No pilug . Couic to Moutitaiti Meadow and sce the hors.s work ou the farnt. AUl acclimated and avoid rislc of slckness. Ail guarantred ou delivcry as rcpresentcd. COL. P. J. BERRY Lakeside Butter is mkde of pure cream, from se- lected dainies in the Elgin district. Punity and weight guaranteed.-Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, LýL. In making clothes we aim to please. A satis- f ied customer means a steady customer. Others seli clothes, the tail or makes them. Let us help you select your new suit. FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Llbertyville il 1 1 L- PA"TINE Il ., 1 & 21F 1 . 1 L MOWERS need mowingý If so, call muine Philadelphia Lawn ie guaranteed to give perfect ;0 18 inch cut 57.00 RE COMING een doors are necessary toi be hot thfis sumer aud a NE STOVE ,your Comfort durîng th" -50 ovens 52.00 Extra Libertyville, IRI. jýofflld&31!b-«Oh bogue àhégr it te y*" do~ bi7m-âbe" it, vers . dLe éà ýo sera

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