CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 9

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ýAK COUNTrY INDEPEND.-ENT. AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN \'01. XVIJjN :. PART TWO LAKE (îOtNrFY INDEPEN'DENTI. VII'uiAY. .uiyi25,n1909. FOUR PAGES ~ :~Y:I IN ADVAN<'E. IIUNBOAT NASilVILLE TO STOP HURE PARK DAY, JULY [lUTH - ~ jment to Mon. George Edmund - %..tU5Ldin vYs r.* FuIUa lor Illinois Naval R e - serves Com mun icates Announcement to the SUN. Visit to Big City Park Opening Day is Pald in Compliment toCon- gressman George Ed. mund Foss. Only tUnited StatesGun- boat on Great Lakes Interrupts Flrst Cru- ise to Ilonor the City of Waukegan. iFcûm Wadittaday's SUN,) The gunboat Nashviîîe, whlch s the oniy war vesse[ on the great laites, wii spenit Juiy 5Mb at W aukegan, arriving ai about eight in 1the morning end stapping here the entire day. This announcementistaofficiai, a t cornes from Captain F.W. *Purdy of the Illinois Naval Re- Isrves, aho use the Nachvîlle as a training ship in 1the followtng terms: "Chicago, Mi., .iune 22 (The tele- grAm was sent late lent night- Spectal b 1the Sun-Incompil- TAX LOSS F-ACES COCNTY OF COOK Mi% Up With Stac Assors Pots etitible lilils il Peril Corporations Are In' Recelpt of Oupli. cate Notices Notifying Officiais ta Appear Before Each Board and Gve Information as ta Capital Stock. May Mean That Amy Concert, Can Go Inta Court and tart Endlinesa Litigation. Chicago, June 23.-,Many millions of dollars' worth of taxable property mc! - caî,c paylng revenue Itto Chicago and ( oolI( county thin year because of a dispute on jurisdlctlon between the ,'ottrily, ad the state hboards of asses- l'him dspîute invoives ail of the cap- ia stkof every corporation organ- litaituîîder the laws of the state of luI1 tiois. Just how xnuch ihis stock acto- aliy amotitts to noboity knows, but the tota bas been varlouzlY estlmated froi $50000,000 to $150000.000. 0f thîs amoont a very respectable figure ('oinps under the Jurisitiction of Cook The fight has grown out of the fart ihat the Illinois supremne court ln the Consoidcied Cosi case some months ago decidad that the legislature hait no rlght to exempt tha capital stock of Ilinois corporations. The stata board or equalization Immadiately itacideit that tis meant that i bcd authorlty to go about taxing this form of parsonci proiierty. The C'ook county board of assassors Immadiately came to the conclusion that it had the right to tax ail such ceosporat ions within the limita of the county. it wss dts3covered racentlv that every corporation ln Cook county had rae-slvedt duplicata notice-one troîn each boarit notifying its of- ficiais to apilear and give Information as to the amnount of Its capital1 stock.1 The board of asssors cailedIn At. torney John C. Richberg andt skeit for an opinion. Attorney Richberg salit that while endiesa complications prn- abiy would resuit, the CoolicountY1 boarit hai the power to tait such boies. The iawyer pointait out tbat If one boarit retirait in favor of the other, any corporation might take ils aasesa- ment loto court sand bring about endt. EijO iligatonMorever ifthegpres- Ftiofl w Il be assesait by tw bodies sodi1 ý!doubtI.ea t iifferent Valuations. si lar Fos&, the nashvilue wtt; @pendA nnouncemnent is Made July 5th at Wauitegan. arriving tht asvieWlAr about eighi a. m. htNsvleW lAr TheNathvl] "PUAOY."1 rive in Waukegan at ,shii which fireit the irAt A.M an Mke n ot ts te ntir -rican ide In the Bitai. .M.adM eA 41Aierca aror188itias, al . Ail-Day Stop Ilere. emsel, iraperiy i.eaking. alid la oui.ý -rmitt..l on helii'gîat laki-s beisus,ý la mbrueà fthe nsaà. l iti, .. ShiGreat Credit Due May- traling chili. l'hat it coiiii.a bejislagrt-atly pI ili, creit itfirat ftI Iiiîîr('.sitîo i ih-rg fot WVsti k egatilsandl serttitd t iitl a % ti itictk, iîairmiîîo ROberi J. Rrskiiie, sein ,tai i. aCuh ailes C, Watrt,îs. as- c tai 5cr r. tari. tr i h. t'a t k <0iti loig liai lnii iatio anti reri-it ttu. îtl or Buck, Postmaster Watrous and Robert J. Erskine for "Land- ing" the stop. Park Opening Day Now Mas Great Feature in Stop Break@ Cruille. rresence of Illinois fil.' stqiolîi (ite, asi1ie 1it Naval Reserves and liitalit' ai arit k egait .Juny 'ti br. eaks plits fi lite irieliltal "f' the T heir Vessel. i ix elwiîtiî %astttirdielbuclaiti ,;o lii, be aitMilwaukee. caler 'and il.' . ilttiiig laJ. tiairluit Vatkg It w itW as the Naihts e li-il ail â tria"tirti h ir,] Mtî ilwauikee,. p k ýfour ilîîîigili. i.0b bl 11,c ,lî îetiti' sîtlî t r i..' sixuii, o. 4 six îîouîîhff l .' tii-i cîttît 2 iotch'iksunte ttiniio ;r Thei.- titi ýli and Coint.l m iîarchine gitos Mitttieîî III ditie the teserces bere Witt Enliai for Trip Here. aîîd ciii alaît retalta batt. the lRe. Tfiîer- %itir .- riottri'xsfortlit, Nasht celvt tsbing akedtirliri Iii a aradte % tit tllyut.(ili cheu site rlii'. andtî deîîîîtsttatlontrî i hiîîîîr of tht e -attîl thl'i lie clii i'i' 1dî itOu airaittiiig slîtie of 21 guns tllait.cdi xirîtil ntii-i Tlht-te ciii Trie Naislh- (ýwlil l robslîly responi be a lieu.î itaitt o? diii sîtîli alrivefiit The Nashit-.lie s 220 feet long auit or six (,rîîîoissioneitlihre offiers anti ifeet iteain. She itrawa 12 feai of fout or six engineering offiers. COIBYS SANI(IS LOTEO Fort Wrh Robber Daring, Get EXCITIN(IiTIIEFT; (PromWdnsasSoun) STOLE SALOON DICE Fort% Oirlii Texan. Juno 22.-A loie highwaýýimail, weil dresgeit anti apitear- iog9 lite a iati of affairs, robbei tIhe U 'aggoîîer Haut soit Truist Company Three Soldiers Chased by Crowd 0r $8,10 ltu rrenry titisaftwm , When One Approprinted >rMort ih s business district. The Log CaileDUc r., br .-caîed. Tire rîîbbery wcs the mosit dcring lit Texan triiyear ('cahier Walter 1E King was'. lone ln the batkbalanc- ing the btuinieas of the day, when a wpli tres'.ed stranger wclkeit in.As the mlan approacched the window of the ciasiier'i; deat RKing lookedIntetr -the nitzitie o? a revolver, Next came haeoîeand for the nîoîîey ln slght. MNake caiove or a noise of any kint anti l'Il kili yoii," st-sa the grs- lng ing renienibers. The cashrier bauîted orthIe inoitey.1 aond, stitilng the roll of billis loto is pocket. the man backed out of the door utîder cover of hic pictol. As King tan tc, a teiejîhoriî e bsaSw the robber waiking town the sireet and mIogiing with the crowds witb ai ai o? unconcero. The piolice reacheit the scane tice minutes Inter but the stranger bcd tisappéared. SIIOULO IT BE GLEN ROCK? Roat commîcionars ara saidteto h filiiîg tlit ant eveoing up Baivitera street from the Dady achoni ibouse ln- te the city, with crochait tone front the convict quarries ai Joiet anit 00w the question arises whthar or not they abotîli stop on Baividere streat ait the lty linultsacnt work down to- wards toan aiong (flan Rock, on whlch street the oew town blgh sehool will ba but. Thev arealcreaciy haif wcy ln town. THESE MAY WED. T. H. Decker, North C'hicago, 30; Grtrute A. Brandt, 26. Ernest N. Dlbbie, Union Grove, 21; Margarat W. Hughes, 23, John Warriner Gibson, Chicago, 22; Bessie May Seamens, 19. Arch Barrow, legs] cge; Margaret Frank, legal cge. John W. Ashaiter. (hicago, 24; Vara Gibson, 21. SROY L. Motrnie, Grayslake, 29; Cota A. Walace, 29. Wiil A. Ray, Diantond L.ake, 22; Ethel NIl. Kredier, 18. A. E. Archîbalit, Hinstale, 24; Ethel MaRy Jasper, si, CHASED OUI 0F TOWN ON CAR Were Shaking Ose in Log Cabîn Sa- toon andt Ran Out Wth 'alores.' When chased tan int McCann Sa- loon and Reutned Dîce ta Owner. Were Then Pub on Car and Toid tb 'Git.' Larg5e Croad in Chase. (F'ront Watnesdays Sun.) An exciiing cîtase tof a block. afler i hr te .. li îlt , in w liteit bre poilce- mnansd a t'rîîîd of metuî oit part, ticiittcd as;t iiglît about seven ociock when itote of thi soutiers stoie the dire troîti a saloonî and moade off m ith thetti.The tbree iisd eittered the Liob CaintisalocîiontiuWasbington street andîlaskeil for tht-dire 10 shake fot the drintks, lit the îîîdst hf teF gaine', one of the soidiesi iockctedtheîbdit-s snt the three left 111esaloos Ote of the pro- prletors foiioweil iini and callei to1 the plilceman oii the- corner. Tbree polie starîrd the chase andtac rowd bond lit. Thie soldieîs tan down soutlî tentt -silrt-et and i tto tiîe Mui- Carnu saloon. The solier alit the dire vax point- ed out aiii, wuît-t grabbed by the pi- lice, lturîl bel thoem-to tbe owner The tbreî acere theti put on a car and toidteb slay otit it it lliey guIot t aida the cty limils. STORE STARIS 151H YEAR E. P. Bidinger Shoe Store Started Fourteen Years Ago Vesterday. Fourtecit yesrs ago yestertay, the E. P. Bidioget sihoe score first openeit ita itaors for business. Today the store siatted on Its ufteantb yccr of prosparity. WOen first. oîîened, the store wti5 lit the- caine location but occuplat a tenth o? the spana it duoes 00w. 'We tidn't have qolta as large a seiection of shoes at that time,' sait Mfr. Bidinger totay. I0 spaaklng of the. matter, "soit 1 often o oder now how we managait to gai siong In the Utle space we had." The Gunboat Nashville, Only War V essel ar th1e Great Laites, Whîch Cornes of Wauitegan Juiy Fifth Through Congresaman Fos&. Captaîn Purdy, Ilinais Naval Reserves, in Command. S------ I LAW TAKES $100 JOB FROM A FRENCH CHEF ifota Man Fined F«, Bîlnglng Culnary Ailist Fîu Londin New York, June 23 -Tha Importa- lion of Roîbert horrau. a French cher, toronicuiciFrentch ieacies for patrons of the Hlolel KEuh kerl.ockar, was helit by the E'nliait States district court t0 be a violaîlon tif the contract icbor iaw. A fine tif $ 1 uuoi.wcs impoait upon J ames B Regan, proprietor of the botli A waiking delegale or the American chefs' asoalýon oate thetcompiaint. Foreau wac det>ortcd some tIme agoý It was b rougbtt 11n10the teatimsony ihat Regaît bcd el'tteret loto à eootrcct withu Foreas, w a ltochef at the Cri- ltton testaurani ln iLondon, tu comae 10 New Yotrk an a salai y of mute titan $100 a we'k. Nelson Enocits Out Clifford. Okltahomta Cty, OkIa., June 23.--Bal- tling Nelson knocked out Jack Cli?- ford ln the ffth round of what was ta have been a twenty round bout. THE WORD "BANZAI." t Has 1111n Used ln JÉP&f"PP.m tihe Earlii.t Ailes. It la not nfrequant tui finit men sper- olating as to the orlglii of the 00w ta- mlliar "bancal." antd me beileve that a geners] Impression classas tiIs excel- lent ejacuiaîloo cîîîîîng the Inventions o? modern Jaitaît Quita recenotl n- iteed wa iteard a iesroed Japanese de- ciare that te lte l'rîîessor Toyamna s'as the orîglostor îîf the word as the Japanese enivl.aleit of "hurrah." But the trutit la triai 'hantai" belongs 10 a ver>. much remîtter dte, Histor>. shows thct Ir axa uaed certainly as long ago as the year 486 A. D.,, soi probabiy il wtt' not an innovation el-en then. ltu the "Chronicles o? la- pan,' s worb. publiabeit ln the year 820 A. D., It Is rîcteit that In the spring of 4863 A. Ul the Empaer Woke. rêemebee by posterity as 'Keozo, Tenno,' reîîaired 10 the park o? tha sumotar ihalsnd thara hait rayai by 'the ts'ldtng streams." HBis goaste warea sconeourse o? ministera sndoit oigh offichiais known et that apoch under the tilles o? Omi, Moraji soit Mtyakko. Wlien the ?east was Bt its helght the guests, 15e reait, "raiaad repentait crias o? banzal,' It ma>. ?airly be assumed that this formula o? gratulatioiu did oui originaeethen. but et any rate Irs unitoubteit use ln Japso more than foîtrteen centuries aga iteprivas any Meii savant of the creitit o? havlîîg lutrented It-Japau Mai,. Tac-On muy lait voyage 1 Saw waves a hnndred test hight Spr-I'v. been a nIlor forty yysr and neyer *emu 'cm over fort>. teet hisb. Tar-P'r's no001 But everythIng le hlighsr Dow than lit usuit ta b., mata1 -L4ondoili îLa -1- - 16Washlnton Streel Waukegan,Ùni J. I. SINYKIN, MANAGER HRossnblum's Entirs $9800 Stock at 53c o' Greatest Sale of High Grade Clothing, Shoes, Oxfordsllland Furnishings Fver Annnouced. Men's Furnishings Choice of att il R $1.50 andl $200 ftirtx a1 79c liclîîded are shirta matir e of fine igbi lit dark colora wlîlî plainîor pîîited bosoîtîs, ros or r-guise 'style, t'îiffa attarlîed or seliarate ritfs l. nsmach, The large-t ani lest collectioni stand- ard itiakes of ibirîs et%-t Alil Il R. NIns75v' Slîrt'i Ail I I1<. Mc Shiirt's, ai . .29c Ail i 11 , v i lî tandî tin l tfour-tin lati li. 25c Ait Il it ,' lx at ....5I e Ail H.I il le asdt i..aiý Ail Il R Faîii lit ii osp.e 111 ItNtal . ... ail ...s.....6 cI Ail wrt $2.o i ...89C AIl ILIl itFilireVe.,t', wort I i. ),at ......1.48 Ail IL W Meul's Ileacivi orli Shirts clark and l li iicolo.s 39 Ail R. SIetî,s 7Tir Oî etails andt .lacket.,iii bhuit, llacÂt aîîd bine '.111 pi .. .39C AIlil RMIiis$1.5ii Voi ' Palot ... .. ....îît 7c Men's Suits Nl'i 2 i o 'itsback, Ail IL R, N i i l $211 1111 Suts a ... .....15.98 Ail IL i R .. -fineail cool wor- sted Siiit-, wîirth $6.50,..9 1, H. R i. $12 liiSit Ail H1. R. M,-il". $8 liii$103.,98 Sulîx. i liiii'i ..- . .... H. R. SHOE. STOCK ~Al H. R, Men'a $2"25 Shoas anl IIOESF0 thrs, &Il atyl* Boy's Suits Boi -i Sîits nmade In doîuble bretateit two Piî e i e s wltlt fancy sîtif bieee ..FiIR prive $«1 .50 - n0w-....... .. ..... 19 Hý IL [ho's Saiis, hn plinîtou Knicrkerbotucer Ititts. H.R. pi ne $40 Otl <l$4.510. ChoItir .o i .......ý-2.48 By nePants. liul int lino '.sor.,hrl.. H. R. trI' 75C. Chtolce . . . 9 Men's I Doy's Underwear XIA"ir. R. Ribliýl ilitggai Shirt soit Drawars, wîxo, at . .... ... ... - . ..2 3 c Ahl H. R. $15fi 89cilO silts, at ...... ...89 Ail H . îo ' ' s w rth , , . ... . . .. .. C Ail IL R. 75v' ttoi iX l',< choice-......... ..... ......39C AlilH. RILMen'. hoes ..0 Ail H. Lmeusa AlilH. R. Mena Patent Leather Glm Mtai sand Tan Oxorits, $3560 Values . 9 Ail H. R.L Boy's Oxfords ln ox id and patetit lecîbers, .1 $11.325 vaines-, for ......2 1 AIl HR R. oycsSho-s, w'îrtb $2 ati l.......1.39 IllI a . adîeS' $3.00 and $3.5 ho- bi".choir e.. ..14 H. R. Men's Trousers T Rou a wrh$22,at..1.39 Ail Il. R. Mciis TrOsusers,.19 wrh$23.50, at ........ . 8 Ail Il. R. ien's Etra Fine Trous- ers. ln wrstadt, datÂt andt llght colora, wortb $4.00, ' 4 at ....................24 Alil H. R. Finte Tratusers ln black andtbitue serge, broati worsteda andt fancy sîrifies, worth $6.010, choIces-... 3.39 ~_Street Carfare returned to out of town customers upon purchase of $5.00 or more. SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE INDEPENDENT mmmý . 1 1 .

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