CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 14

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T4AXFICOU=TYIN T, IPRIDAY. TULY 2, 1909. aw asFUOD FORELO * ffhr~Electad Presidont met oUnvr M MIURES) fÀ Ls.t lty Ove r Whtch H4e Presided. ________ Cambrtdge. Ilasi., lune l0.-l1armer Preitdent Chartes MI. llot of Harvard bas be. en etpld pflpteeiso Tirero ii a stlipend connpcted vtti Io Chicago *o. t1 T t va s tsiedthtir Elot od wiii bê presented vtth a tund. the pro- scîtuaite, lvrasa. June 8.-TIna& rOw liortons or virîcirare snid 10 bave gr of tire Most eIquslate produrth of reacidn eat 500 on@ fla tirefineat garderie of Ametica Americari Association. Mil. ..3912 541:,'.vttle . Xî36 Bs)i lad. . .. 39 2 .542; K. C. . ..Il 35 47n1 Mina. ..17 34 521;8t. P...30 34 469 Col. ..37 .1,,514'ToI. ...80 39 435 Kansasa ('1) - R. H. E. Indianapolis ..............i1 4 0 KansasaCity ........... ...O0 3 1 Cheney asd Hawley; Svann antd Ritter. Mast. JAIIEs FtLlER LORD). SThomas W. L.awson, hecame today tirt bride of Janmes Fuller Lord of Chi Drearnwotd, lire Laveon eslaie npat this place, la aInta best tI lune. vilir tironsanda and lirousanda of rosebitair and tilter tieverlng plants, Therare- mony vas pprtorme inlutire beautiîtut garden. To4ya a eddlng la tire oulcame ot a meetliingoatireYoung couple ai tire On- venta6 FHunt club. at Lake Forest, 111. lElti bride andi bridcgroom are lovera of borne@, ad muci ofthtir ccurtislip vas carrlet on virile tirey verseout for rides. Lord lia maater or thé boenda o! tiré Onwentala club. DUSONIC PLAGUE IN AMOY On@ Hundred anid eventy-Severi D-athe tri a Fertrilgir. Amnoy,. irna. lune 30.-Aceordil tao oincal reports tirer-e have. bran 171 death rotthe be hair plagute ln Amoyyln tire last torrnlght. Native relpots shrow imnproveti bealth conditions ln tire larger Intertar tovos, but tire populatIons of!mre vi- iageo lpave ireen decimateti durlng tir-i WISE SAIS FOR PARIS 0«8a te Taie Depcsittlnn ef Witrieaea 0rI Panama Lbet Case. IÇev Yack, lune 2.-Bailing train tria Cty fur IPari t ta> as U1Intel Stales Dsrî Atiorriev llenry A Wise, vira la bainsl for th, Frenchr capfItal on a qiest conrnerîIct i tti tir sult for tîbet against the New York 'World anti tire itdia.napoi Newsslit vtith Ie feteral governient la tu. terealeti. Tire gaing atîroa to s goserriment PrOcecutor for thua district tllava lire oitinlg utf en order tn tire Enit.rI Statea ditrict couirt by the plil'airr Of tir0 World for tire exantnatton af Certin wvtneseos resldlng ln Parts. * Johnrson i Fghta RosToritght. Pittsbiirg. Jîîne 20-Jacli .ohT1Rso11 1 ecireduled la mes-t Tony Roasa hre te- niairt ln a six round bout. Ntitorial League. %V L pc, w. n Pr Pitta. ..*44 t14 7:,iPiil. ..27 io 471 Chl...317 2 627 St. 1,.. 4 4 4 U N. Y.. .'2 *22 597Braak. .20 37 35 L Cil . .Il 29 517 Boa. .1 42 20, Pttaburg H.Ril. E. PittShbtara................S914 () Chicago .. ...... *......... 1 7 2 Lelftetti and tlthain, Browin andl Pfetste r, and Ar( hi-r. Brooln R. il. E. NewvYork ....... ...........4 hIl 1 Brooklyn ...................2 7 RaymondaI Srlel; iliinler an] Bergeoi. Piliàdelpia-l. Til. FE Pirlatlpbla .............. 4 6 2 Boston ................... 3 6 2 SParka and DIoolti; NMtterri and Grs- Amerteari Longue. W. L. Pc.1 W. L. Pr. Del. ...43 20 6831N. Y-28 3t 47.5 Phil. ..4 25 5761Cb1 ..26 32 441 Bas. ..1 26 i74St. L. 22 39 36; Clev. - 31 29 57Wasah .21 38 35G7 Cirîàg- R. H. E. Si.Lotila.................. 2 4 0 Ciicapo....................1 6 ioweIt and it1iabam, and Crîger; Walsh anti Owens. Detroit R..- H. E. Detroit.................... 3 8 1. Ceveland.................. 2 8 0 Muthlin sudSchimidt; Younig and Eaeteriy. * Boston- R. H. E. Ptltladelphia............. 9 14 0 Bosien....... .. ........ n 5 41 Kratlse and Tlionasa; Ryaand iarcirelt. anti <riiigan. Ne* Yoný_ R. H. E. ~ Wsiiirto................3 6 Nev or'.... ... . ..h 4 4 «Jobag4.n and ietc; Warirop andi *.iuweeaoy. 1 ècti gan e- R. H. 0. Yw r-k................l i10 2 " h iion .............. 1 10 1 and E41ke and Biaakenaahl._ Mlwaukee- R. H. E. Mlwvaukee................ 4 9 1 Louisville................O0 5 n D)ouegierty and Hoatetter; Hagg snd Hughles. MlinnespOIa- R. Il. E Columbus................. 1 6 1 Minneapolis ..............O0 4 i! Geye.r and Sereck; Young and Block. Second gamte- R H. e. Columbusa................ 6 il 2 Minneapolis ............ .. 4 Il Goodvln and James; Oberlin anti Catea. and liock. st. Paul - R i. Toedo .....................îl I S.Paul .................. 3 Il j Owen andi Roitnsoni. and Abbtt; Kargar and l.eroy. andi Yeager andi Carlsch. iTiirtca rîn îngs.) Second gante R. 1l. F. St. Pault.................. 9 16 r, Toledoa..... ............. 8 16 2 Hiall andtiÇlIras ..andi Ypager; iMc- Surdy. W.rvt sud Owens, and Lid. (Ten lIntiga.) UNION OFFICIAIS INDICTED Grand Jurora Charge Consipracy to In- terface Wih Worimen. Chiîcago, Jane ,0.-Five memibers; of tire boardi af examinera ofthtie Chicago local of tbe Lathers' union. vere tn. dîcteti. The charge la constplracy to Interfere wittl workmen. Williamî Ssromtz aatd ire came to Chicavpa a ev veeka ago ftmCleve. laaid. W8'ien lie attemptei ta obtain emplayment ai hiI trade here ire de ciareti thaibevwa Informe iaunîtlire vouilt bave toi psy $50 before ire vautd be glis c a card viîciroulti entitte hlm to vank as a union ma». BALLOONISIS TOSSED IN AN AERIAL STURM hiro - M #ge to Cing te Basket;, Moutache Frozen. t.L Louis, lune 30. Wirpped by a atzxty mile gale tln s bsck slorm-ctoîid 10,000 fs-et above the aartir. Joha Bterry and M1. A. Heimarn., balloonlats. tîseti thraugir an experience of a lite. Uie. Berry andi Helmarin ascendpdnth ie Melba. At inies tire balloon was on a laev itir lie basket, la vain tire- pttcired off bag aflter bag of ballast Tbey pulled lire smergency valve. Tirtr earta tbumped viren rirey aaw tire gas escaîîlng. witb tire aides aftie bag collapslng, yet knew the>' were tnot descendlng. Berry climbeti alott on tire trail cordsanad tieti the appendix Bo tliat It would hold tire gag. -Finally the' bsg came down as a par scirîte. Heimano aprained bis anikîs in gettlng out of the basket at Rock- bill, ten tmiles tram St. Louis. Berry was unirurt. Berry salît: "Tire feeling of helng carried hielp-r tessly toward wbat appeared te bc certain destruction vwas one I hope. amver ta experience again. lly moustache vas coveret i vti tee. ifelmanna finir vas troat-covered. (Ouc 125 foot drag rope proirably tiid rauch tovard keeptng thre basket upright.i Five Scatded cri Terpedo Boat. San Francisco, June 3.-By an ex- plosion ln tire bolIer renia of tire Unit. "d States torpedo boat Huit, five amen, oo ,o! s in anot ezacteil o ur rive, were rcalied badiy. CenvIcteti Mari WallisOut et Court, Roanoke, Va.. -lune 30.-T. J. ry- sut. convicltm of conceallng whisky nat bearlng govemmient tampg. *vli- Pd nut of tire cotîrtrooxn na gdmtliila at large. Spalng Hie C1liara. Gettlng nd qof undýeainable caltera il a bard asa tak2lng care of politlcatiy, undai*becîtteens.> A tpro4paonv1' marn latave wba regarda inatune &a' vplniable a*sadevîseti au effective pua for irandItog obtreperaus andi peralot. sot convernatlonalists. He bas on bia desk a mmail aaras elott. Wit a visitor of fllieseant propenaitîe in annonnefd tha mU pick. o.p hiea dock..saLa tielra tm fTW throp ipinutesatptendan d reMaveablé colter. Thea limoea, irj', faid tIaq tire dock doeaIlis dut>'. The lbtsy nanai otartea sa ha hears tb. Sound. consulta bis vateir and tWess "1'tn rluhty u«Rm vyp wt bu Ae ble. ta diseuse ahat longer,"lire aya. "bot l'Y! j>l Ai-Mr= ag*m at. " i isuir iend RItnpiy intat keep it."-Hae,- ton Record. fLE NAUOCRClosed Monday -0f CouRe Take $5,MW la Raid es Post 0f lice ai LMud Ud tot Àwuy Il Stu Car TUEY WAKE THE TOWN MP ExrplcoinAwakes thre Entre Towni end Moni Arnied vîtirShotgsir.1,1 Rifle, amd Revolvers Gîve Chase ta te Flterg Bandita. Who Lacaped j Amid a Rate of Bulet--Orie of tire Desperadoe Belevd te Have Botte Wounded Ourrigq Fight. Lleand, .,Ii.June 30.-1)yrianitting tire sate 0 ithe postoffice. t4ree masked and beavîly srmed men stole "',000 ta maney and stampa andi escaped lntaa raîn of bullets tnaua automobile th ey brat! stolen t ram a nearby garage. The cracksmen broie Ito th ie pot onfce by prying off tire guard of a rear window. Tva oft tienaenteret ýI.vile a tirîrd aient! gua rd outzide. A tîesvy charge of dynamnite vas useti. andth ie 1 explosion, whlcb wrecked the building14 ai welt as the safe, arousedth ie entîre town. Armed ilwttbiotguns, rid1es andi re- volvers tire men of tire vtllage ran out1 o! thirîronrtes andi chasedth ie robbera wbo lîsti acraped togetirer the rnoney 1 andi atampa and taken ta tireir car. AR tbe pcsse approacbedithie robbera stood u n rithe tonneau.and fireti at the leadersq Thre airais ere answered i wth a vol- ley firet b1 tire vitlageru. Onue ot the safýbtoiserg wam board ta acream. an"d in bellëei-trubave bhem lit by a blàl d loi 1 I The. onoetaitbe vireel put on fullt apeeti. and vitin a few minutes theIi aouofrnendsnlste 4 igbt. l DIVORCE FOR MRS. TUCKER' Decree le Grarited Wlle of Rettred d United 8tatea Amny Officer. Chiîcago, June 30.-Mary Etliabîetht Logan Tuclier, daughter of thre laie Generai John A. Logan, has bsen, granre-d a decree of divorce trou,, Colonel William P. Tucker. Il. 8. A..i retlred. on thre groupda of deserti on. 1 bira. Tucker was given tire rigirt ta resurnie ber maiden naine. Tire heartnig requIred but a bt-tel' lime. litrs. Tucker, accompanted bhy ber mother. 1ira. John A. Logan, ap-, peared la court andtinvs uirered lute Prîvate ciraners. After a briet con. ference Jutige Diarnes announcedt ib ire was resdy ta decîde the case. FOURTH 0F JUL' DONTS. fluai beglo celebrating on Jîi>iy or 4- Jiit 5 la the da> 4 Don't explode a toy ptil 'y vnn mon, dfctonatlng canee ni btîilç r.irt- ridge- rint get(Otf 111 frwo'. Ing explosives*si ratnger thau o,nn;o 110 black powder Don*t set off any ilr*erra"k1era nitre titan two tInches ln Ieagthà and a qira-' ter o art Inch ln dianietA, or 1,rlredo viare thtan lires r7iartrqaoftan lîrch in Ihicknes l>on t discbarge frriwoî ýlns iback :,ards or alicys. Don't tint 8sibe or totinîidoes (n street car or rallroa.i irars. Don t set* off any explosv ist~tblin i obocs of a hos uitl. 'S TUJ NO!" 4 NSxt- Record el .pDgco Gomnes Thot ~'Are PNayed '0 ' The otd gold brick gamae, poPular in the îîîiddle west two decades tige, bas becri warked witbremarkable nue- cess, according to a rurrent police re- pocrt, ln New York City. Joseph Sat- low. jpeler ln Soventh atreet, whom the polic1e class as an expert In blis buisiniess, bas tbirty-four poinasoe brasa filings tea eprement s a ShIPay- nient of $5.100 by hM. W-rkiiîg the gamnelnthitie sanie old way. a Rtîssian peddler. who hai sold tgonds for ttie Jeweter. sbowed hlmt stue glittei'ring metal filings whtch ire said lie bad seraped tromna large gold brick tln the bands of two strangers. Tire jeweler assayed the lilinga and round theot, ta ie, pure gold. C'bildren, babies, yoting ivoiren frrnm the factories, and mothers loft yesi- terday ta spend two *weeks at the Gad's Hill eneamuiment on thre rortir shore, wblch began Ita warlt. The North Avenue Association bouse sent twenty boys, and Hult bouse sent 180 wotnen and eblidren. Mrs. Leila Mar- Uin of Gad'B HilConter ila uperin- leul~ent' or the encaa»pment. Mti," 3 Ilà Norton of Evansto,ý wtI hfaVe charge Orthtie evening ouQtiiï, icind the Suoday atç=rioûn -*ýVt for tire tiret tbreeweeks. North shore fi*ri« vWillt lkc 'iI- ior 11fl ttA titres afterward. BUT Saturday, Tuesday a nd' Wednesday We are wide open and wide awake with the greatest line of CLOJIIES, FURNISIIINOS and FINE SIIOES IEEVER IN LAKE COUNTY OtwGreat Special Prîce é ~ wiIl Continue. for the Three Days Copx ý 1 .b lu SPECIAL OFFERIP«YS on Men's Finest fQr Thýes. Three Da: Upwards to SPEECIAL OEFER INGS' on Young Men's SUIT$ The handsomnest ever brought to town --- all the latest colwrings and shapes and style. Our special 3 days' prices range (rm $495to $17. Special Tan and Oxford Sale. in Men 's and Women's Tan Oxfords for this Th.ree Days' Special' Offering at- $L95, $2.45, $2.95 and $3.95 worth upwards to $5 and $6. We fit the hard-to-fit in Shoes * SPECIAL SPESCIAL Men'stlogiery Offerings Men's Fancy Vest Sale 3 pairs men's lisie tbread 25c hose in bgck, tan,.5I, v- 150 patterns men's fine wash vestsal~ enders,. greens and blues, elegant values o elegant values for $2 and $2.50 1 for 19c. For 3 days' sale onîy, 3 pairs for only this Special 3 Days'1. 8 for.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale at . ................. We Ulve $ per temI. of our sales lu cash on Tuemday and Wednesday towarl UIcPk Fund, tryinq 1-W do our part to give Waukegan a park. y1 .Waul *1~ s C1 ,s Çreat Clothes and Shoe. Store. 121-123 N. Qepçe PA8 --i.-

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