CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 15

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rLAKE COUNry UDID*II i , F.XÂ, --le 2. 1O r glui I,-~--- EASTMAN'S CABIN coud i lm ayer Uer Saldit KUIIIiAT LEIST A YEAE bre. W.odlil Acquinted at Lemet à N'esr WIth Owner of *ungalow le »We lîh BSWas KilId-Lln ee te Mer Roter te Meetings «in the Unknewn" and Ara Taken toj Neu That He Contempluted HO* Deth and Mis Suicide. lit.Mich els. Ml. Jue i3-T he ftililu entrtained by lIrs. E-ditit M"y Woodili tovard ber stayer. "Lame4 »We'Easman, vere Inlcated In a lei- tm' sigued "Editit," parts of which ve. ouutd ID the. bungalow et the vanifor and suicide. Tb utallsive inle blira. Woediii'a bomdtlng. It seems te prove tbal "0e bad knavu the man at le .t a ywar. The letter centaine the foilow, la the aeed Immodeet wben Il i gluki mb the ground with bud- dig late h ie coud boid when ftoitte e m tain and talle te i srtb because il bas ne otber eCho, e.or la It brazen vheu it 1 Seseheaonte besoin of the beav- .013ne' arcbe dodme and, stnklug Itutu twlb blbaek iuftty. cesses te "*ky Absorbe àFloatlng Cloud." la the bumansceul Immedest fmn y arme Il cannet Si o teebo a stronger seul WMb absorbe ls osa as lhe bMue I« 'i bsr1 a*Satiag cloud? 1 tu »M feel myseif te be bold or vreuff tedrtftng b-yard Yena as dp*. 1 voffdamt tet syset fwreng te straisbt te yen omrrev. 1 1Werte evoir snd alwayesnoime bu s eni te love and trust and "Wb wbe iduacO e vs ould net alle. w. sremot ot Our arn IMM ban sd our livea belong te ieodm, Bailla, bo raies and la vry Urne of jour letter 1 yeasabsence vauld net obbtdv. fAni <le Wonder cornes te me 15.1 . did nme--.ould net- OAUIW)tWeIf Vs. Weve s àsanda." tbe ~ e You,tdis ay? Lmg ie1ý ý e. o botter, for every kwomtbsteemetetacry eut àb§O *th.e ormnlty et the crime «M fiat es me e obuger yonrs. I Am SaaUheee ay tram Yen. Seomber seas vys as yen 10usd me butasudaven It YOD P w &--s bma -a-----nythig- Mr heurt wauld btiI respect- * v'ees l taureM. Amre vnet ethe snée paper in te handerrit- Ia U fabtusu ap'ga.ed thest varda: 1*11. Dear-I cmot liv sfter î "W' rt@osat « bilas. With t5e thougbt o' ur partit ever lsr. me. 1 aumlaierabie. If ve 210Mt la the unkuavu, le'a con- linos the btastul tines vo speut Ifs., i am nl hYen la eV"r 1 lI ied Estmsn's ine reterr. in tesa Meetng "in te nnknovn- ia ~ thst lbe planned the deatit ai 1413811 J.ges y ard sud bimaeit. FASIUYTO MUT2,100 8MAIONT00OF WORK VOCI ' . NY.,Jonc lit-Notire vai posted in te Reminglon Typevrlel varks et Ilion titat beginntng .lîly 1 the establilihhment would be losed umtil turtiter notice. The typewriter works empiot 2.101 porsans aud te seekiy patrol ai about 30000. Solte Umt e ite coin îany aîîvtnt,6 .d teintraduce a labor baving mu& chiae. A sîrilie foliow.el, $Ur'FRAGETTESLAPSOFFICER Mfirtoenh Attompt te Se Asquitht Cave of Uproar In London. londob, lune 30.-Tii. thirteenfh Vàbp attempt eftIhe militant sîjitra. »#t0. te oblain accesa te Premier Am- ý qutb. rqeulted in exciting scpinen in! PidlUe« square und thte arrest of léffltbon 100wmn 7%o 2Ma nteverthy Incident was tie o net, after a great deai of toqme,,of a buxamn equestrian suCfra- 0* Wise tred ta penebrate the tordS toe take a meueage te the 18M .Pakmitrlislpped Police ln- -,v There are many things you will rieed for the Fourth' in the way of apparel and articles to add to the 'day's comfort. Tomorrow is your last opportunity to supply these needs before the big day arrives. Thc completeness of aur summer lines, which étuhace everythirit in apparel, hot wcather and vaca- tion necessities, to,1gether with our exceptionally. low price making form a logical icason for-1 your doing the bulk of your traling at the Globe. An Invitation to Visitors on Waullegan Day Those who plan on attendl4t the Waukegan Park Celebration art given a special Invitation to make the Globe their medurers durlne Tuesday and Wednesday. Our rest room on the 2nd floor is ever at your disposai. -rbe <tar spanqled harlter, O Iotq mail t wave, Oe the land of theo r andl the hom eof th(,brave. Gloves for the Fourth LISLE GLOVES. Women's SILK GLOVE&. Ail colora. two clast' isle gioves. Kayser bliack and white, two ciagp, make. bliak, whilt ay:r mak; as good a4 ma- a id coltr.126e8 pia per pair. 45 Cool Wash Dresses, 2.95 4'harining dressesý for w-arrn wea- ilîci w-r, beautifuili tailored of tcxcetptionallyý fi ne ijuality lingerie, ail favored colorg, enhbroidery pianel front, also triuînîed witlî val lace and tucks, other garnients m nade in the junîper style of French linon, haiidsoineiy cnt- ~ . leioideried, $00 I andl $600 vl WVA 8H DRESS ES AT $4.75. Haîîdsomie high class garments mille frorn the flnest quality lin- gerie and also French Linion, m-ieadcolore, 47 $7.50 valîyes at....47 WASH SUITS AT $1.98. Madie in a very înodjsh style of a splendid cjualit.y of wash poplin, stripes in desirable colons, coais 40 inehes long, were niade to selI for not les an $ai5.00, your choice............................1.98 1 Hanikerchiefs at 12c Wnone's fine embrxidereti hantikerchiefit, sealloiiped or hexititittcheil edge, 12 15c values t ....i c womens Vernis as 19C Fine mercerizei, -loi-neck, s leevelessw, some lace trimmet Misses' Vet. ai 10e Extr-a fine gauze, lom neck, sevlsSPIen- gsid 15v valutes for....I oc Dainty Muslin Petticoats A hargain thbat, îs imjs'ssîible to match, they are madie froîîî tine closelv ovnmuolin, onep style trinimed' Nvitli val lace, inserting and tuckm, another style bas basl ta iîdeemb- roiderv ruffles and tu(ks they usuallv bring $1.00) and $1.25, mpe< tai Urawers \Vo nuiitct's finel(- tanIS] t n itt;iîeis îith a wide ei iutîîîicr v ruffie* at tliti h1, otitxm grit values iat prie .........î...18c Corset Made -o! an excepionally g<tis îuality of nain- sou)k, timiteti with rows 14i insi'rti ni, beading anti hacv -islgcd1, 50c vaillies for'...29 WAUKEGAN,.........LLINOIS Tosmorrow You May Choose Any Trimmed Hat for 1.98 It liaî'd lv s*-tns real buit uc îare going tii iiake tIiis 51 ail- ling offei' jnst the soiîe.'ther,' aî'e kisolitel ' vn re8triv- tio s ; a Il ofounr h igliest clIams ci-fft tions anc inîclutdedin i the otTir, the v go at $.9 ls. Ie ail î i descriptions a o- unlicssîv ws îver.v liiîîtknîîws tiie' ligli> clîracter of oi,ir îillinerv, tIh'e rrettiess o! tIhe atyl tîhte catc tîseil in the conuQ big -s-Irttion tii chos se fri ni, clI? ".l ,9 0 Children's Summer Dres'Ses Luw ?ric-ed A lîanilsome coilestion o! 5h leýs, îniiîîdîng values up to *2.tK), mplendidiy madie o! chaitîuîay, ginighain and per- fl s~cale, plaini andl fîîîîy vol- os C jors, ail s 1izes, pict tth Uf * low ftigure o!f WAIst~I SIKIRTS 69c. Heîe is a big lot o! wa8h akirts that, fcaî't lie bouglît ortiinanily for less than $1.00 andi $1. -)0, tlîey are matie o! a good qtality wh'Ite LL liîun andi Iawn, rut full, otTereti t the loti price. .619 AIT l' OA'1'8$1.79. 'l'lise 4pl(-ii(id route are tiesîr- alile fuir aîîy nîtîner of' -siuntlmý e. i extra. wAlI îimile o! linontii in the ntural ulor, have large patch jaîk'santi tniitîîicd witli buttoîns, at $3.00..17 tlgiey aî' a decided bargain, specýia.1 offen.79 Let the eagle scream and the cannons roar, For libertii reigns from shore to shore. Hosiery Lowered in Price WOMENb MOSE. Merceriz- MISSES MOSE. Pink and Pd Uale, lace and embrolderi' bine ribbed.jasaes 6 to 9, the base. tan aaid biak. reslar ic< iaIeaiy 25C valueskn ht eaw. ail sites, f~ get 2lic for, gale pair ..........I7 prIce per pair.... 19C White Summer Waists, 95c Tule 1n e w e S t sunîinier st vies ettijie with the lutIi tv ol lar. tterm lîigli neviz, fronts lîealti- fully trinjîned in iiiany phaxsing tnianners w2it/ l)roi(Iered, t.lored froui yery fine quality or lin- gerie, values to $200, clînire 95C WVAISTS AT $1.98. Many beautiful styvles comprise tbimi lot of msîlendidly tailored waisit8, taterials Con- sist of! îiessaline silk, taffeta sîlk anti net, 19 il-aiitil.v triinîeîl, values to $4.00. ('lice. S'ILK %VAî8T $1.39. Handso)mely madle of anunus- îîally heamîitiful î îîality of Japanese siilk, Milite ouly, ft'uîitts tîiîîîîîieî with a wide baud of V,îielace, speiitil price ........... 13 il 11 libbms, Spedial, T4. 1sc No&. 60 and 80 pure talleta silk ribbon, ail popular col- ors, black anti white, a '20c pryrd ............15C Coliates. Talc Feyder Regular 25c size, Cashmere Bouquet or Voilet, spec-ial perna ...... .IL Neckwear, D.lîsb.Sagte. For this 4th of Jnly sale we have purcha8eti a inost attrac- tive selection of ne-w neckwr, beits, bags, purses andi fans, aînd have pricedt thetu very rewscnably. Women's Stylish Oxfords we'î'e offering much under value sorne, very nobby styles in women's oxfords for the>4th, they have sailor tics3; aIso pumps with on without ankie straps, tan, bronze andi cx blood, alilsiz- es, regulai $3.50 val- ne$, at pair 2,v» Mienu Oxfords Attractive ne-w styles that have bren selhing 'for $3.50, ail kintis o! leatiiers ineluding tan andi oxbiocti, for this sale per Pairn..........29 .,aOre-foot Sondels The ideal suminer shoe for children, being cool andi decidedaly conifort- able, ail solid lpather, sizes 10 t» 2, 1.9 8oc; sizes 5 t» 0 9 eTow C;sairsuposPerchasof $500 or over. Why* Not Take It Comfortable I& Easy on the 4th -1wz&70§M Wliethier you're going -iway or intend to stay ut. hoine ahaîînovk ln moule shadY spoît will a fford yoti a lot of conifort. We liave a splendid selection, rolne in ail voîors, alinil tîm prigces rMuge frOli $5.00 Goini Away. Did TouSay? Tlien a suit caise, trunk or traveling bag -yout'l nectI, andl noIhody lias got a better line tii show vou tIta nIwe. At $210 wc offer à Japanese Mailing - Suit Case, 24 incht steel trame, cloti, lind, leather handie and corners. Speciai fteril1O. Street Car Fgre l.famdad t. ail Ou.

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